The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-15, Page 5`,i O*AMY, A.15(1UST 1ttb, 114.0
our Service
-Instead of Cooking at .home, step into the
0:114DEN, uzsreurT
(hoar aerly Capital L atteeb)
for a light or a full. -course me .
. �a "�"o�. will pleasantly
surprised at the service, the quality of the food,
newly arranged end the
g, d interior. Only the freshest of fi is
fish, meats,' vegetables or other supplies
would liite . ourc pp are seared. We
customers to see our kitchen; it i1
�. p .cam
Under new manageiunent •
Frank. Lang, Prop, Phone Lone 272 Eat Side of Square
?41110144..'4,11110N,- r e . 14. ---Mr.
M•ra, Frank Biekie, Le Pale visited
Mrs, A, 11„ Peutlaud aud.,.family ou
Sunday. -
Mrs. Mmol II. rGuuld, 14.'N., Teroiw,
has returned to her peeitioxi after visit-
ing for three weeks with her parent ,
Mr. oand 7 �tMre. Henry Wilao()n,f, �j�' Q7� {y
Mr. and Mr`,. II. iopPer, Niiughain,
spent a day 1'aat week visitiang. M. and
Mrs. John Blake.
A. weekkent1 guest with Miss Bernice
Blake •'was her friend Miss lWariou
Sirupson, %Vingham.
Mr, and Mre. Fred. Preeter, Elden and
Croft, - Stratford, visited 31ir. and
..3Xr . TIJOSt. Park k ort Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs . .
,„Ti,raTaic Sava,ge,1114c,.
way, spent a . few days lately visiting
the former's sister, Mrs. 1.,. P..,Stingel.
Visitors with 'Mr. And Mrs. Heber
Et'dy recently were. Mrs. Ed
verrton, Miss Gertrude , . Gaul, Mil -
Swain and
Master' John fromSc
W. F. Nickel and lir. Gordon Manion,
• , Sequin Falls, Mrs
Stratford. red Miss M
iy ers�''ne Nick 7� -GNEWS-OF y ry �i14 and
'!! Eva, Verner returned to t
. � heir home
• BAYFXI1LD, A tig, 14,7 -Dr. E. P.
',Owls ` of Toronto ' is the guest of. Mrs, `
N. W. Woods." Mre; •Lewis, who' came •
last Week, spent a' couple of days with
Mrs. R, H. Middleton.. in Henson,.
►,� i
H n
1 J' ,
� s
iM. 4eM
, M.
MMTl�e. and two sons, John' a.nd4�.Bob,
of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and
, ,• Mrs. V,' '0. , uarry at their Thome
diudn "
Mr, and Mfrs: Harry' Baker and fakn-
ily, of London, spent the week -end t lth
former's Parents, Mr. olid
the _
some •cup and replica Was Mr. James
Cameron, with net score of.61 for 18
holes, : vitas., Mustard,. jr., had ,second
low net score, : 07. Phil Steveniswr won
first prize for low''gross`°,18 holes, "score
7; Bob Moser, low gross*, first e
holes ; Walter Mann and L. A. Stevens
tied for first low net on second 9 holes.
The club gave each a . Prize. Contest,
nts hast yah dtiy andreport- •-
the course la tine shape. On Saturday,
August 17th„ at 2 p.m. sharp, the Golf
Club; will hold a competition. for Amen D
;W. Baker. .•
Mx. and Mrs. M. O: r withegood prices donated b '
sit Stratford,with them
Mrs. A. B. Pen land and daughter
Margaret visited a few days last week
with the former's sister, Mrs. T. ld
, Brussels.
ami y Reunion,—Members... of the
Augustine -Davidson
families ,gathered
from long distances for, the first fatally
, reunion, which .took the form of,a pienle
at Harbor Park, IG�oderich, About sixty
dive were in attendance, coming from
Mora r -eat, ataehewan ibonslonr, Tali.
onto, Elora, Bras d'Or,' Blyth, Auburn,
Port Albert, Sheppardton, Goderich and
:u_rng'annon. After supper a program
of sports wits carried out. I
n" the Bayfield- business men's cup,
art and three t being the
Beaut y Ma er31 birthday of Mrs. Davidson, congratula»
Children returned to Toronto the end �' ?mop and.the (lolf Chub. Bvery- tions were extended
of the week after having visited Mrd body welcome, " tp her and all
Joined in singing HAPp Bi the G
Angus -
]u, ,Douruisatit
Tie desalt of Edith Ehcitly Bray
widow of the late *tweet. Couplanti,
oceurr vtt at the home: of lira, ttephe*.
Weller on .�ueadaiy afternoon, rafter
lengthy illa�tpai�, Mrra, Couplend was is
her aeveuty-third year, She was born
is Durham county, the ,daughter of
Joiiu Bray' and Mary Luxot, who -
mete to. this country fron►.. Engiasd,
Mrs, Coupland came here from bort
'] f pe to live with her slater,' Mra.
Weller, ten year, age,” after the death
of her liusbstnd, ,Six children. and one
g'randc ild lrredeeeased her. Mrs.
'Weller(, is tits Only aury i
q y lin .
1 . relative,
-f�i x' ' t" Weis, held t ;the
home, of Mrs. Weller on. Wednesday
•ev'eaaing, Rev D.. J. Lane o l t elating.
The remains Were borate to Port JI [opo
where interment irk . to take place? in
eicome cemetery : this (Thursday)
II J. MMR1t18
The . death occurred in the General'
1lospital, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba,
on Sunday, July 7th, of Edwin John
Morris, a ,: well-known and very highly
res»eeted resident of Austin, Manitoba,
at. thesage of seventy four years,• after
several months of ` illness fallowing a
,severe. , "
attack of Pitentmoxa<ia, . "Ted," as
he was ,familiarly ,known', was the,
third on of the late „Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph . Morris of .Colb'orne ,township
and went to the West nearly .qty years
n .. e -f ) .n.,n.uet srsfull� tAus,
tireddistriet until 1927", when -he re-
d to the town. In. 189$ he married
Margaret Agues, daughter of the late
MT. and Mrs. Anthony Allen of Dunlop,
who survives him .With two sons and.
one daughter; Joseph Allen, Benjamin
Edwin and Olive Grace' ' (Mrs.•
rahaani), also nine grandchildren,. all
of Austin, and; one brother, Joe, of"
Buffalo, N.Y. 'Deceased was a faithful':
member of the United church and had
'served • on the board of managers at,
Aust_ in for a number_ f years. .He.was-
aZ�o , member • of the Canadian •Order'
-of Foresters:
Hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs George Church Arrive .-The "anniv Among those y r ay4"
• rsar`�' ors ins B present was G rt.
United , Blyth, recently returned from
King. b._ _,a;ry services of • St. Andre s
England where , he a he, was.. a member of ..•
••cos. dost person Present
Mrs, , C1has. Tingy, whq ispe ut she Mr. Anderson was •paster of . the Ray- was Mrs. W, .1t,_'q'tathe
Past week visiting tier uncle. Mr. Johny rry ingest Nor
fie�.d Methodist'' Church :about{.- twenty eighth year, .and the youngest 'Norm;,
'Pease, and Mrs. Pease,' returned home years ago and many members of Ilia Jean: -Pentland, •iive,moniths old dau�it
Miss Robbins of Bryn Mawr, Pa,, is a church, Bayif1eld, were held on Sunday, Ern > "
• guest at• the home of bosses A, Mf and August -11th: Rev Eric Anderson ay, alio 0 1+l F and w
E. J, Stirling. LambeUh preached air both services.
to ill health. Theo est discharged wing
to Lorldon on Sunday:
Master Billy Speed has returned
Detroit with his parents after holid
ing with his gr'andparrnts, Mr. and M
Henry MdC'linehey; .
Dr. _and Mrs. -Harvey Reid and t
children,: of Toronto,. -are at th
summer cottage in • the village.
Dr. C. ,Stogdill of Toronto is spendi
his vacation with his wife and fam
at their cottage, "The Hut:''
Mir. and Mrs. Norman Toms of D
,trout are visiting. the former's moth
,. Mrs. E, Toms..
-Mr. Sydney Castle 'of' Simcoe xs vis'
ing his mother, Mrs. U. Castle. •
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston a
small son, of Detroit, are holidayi
with the former's grandfather,. Richa
Weston. ,
Messrs. -Tommy Oasrtle,_. Stewart Stu
goon, Robhrt McLeod and Eugene Cas
left on Sunday for Tillsonburg, who
they, have secured work at the tobac
-fields. .
__Mr and _Mrs.__ W. _ Knox' of Toront
spent the week -end with Mr, and M
E. Sturgeon.
Mfr. " and. Mrs.: T, J.:' M�e0aun and s
'Tom and Mr. :' Campbell of- Sarni
were guests .at tiie Albion Hotel for,
few' days 'this week. "
Miss Helen Harvie. cif *gni, fs th
guest of ,Miss Betty Gairdner ehhis week
Miss .Heletf McMillan, : of the sta
of The `Toronto Daily Star, is visititt
her sister, Mrs, A. MIaeKenzie, at t
McMillan cottage..'
--. , v _anct--� rs rie`=An son and
.family of Lani�beth, 'are guests ,at the
manse or the month of August.
- Mr. Wilfred Herbert of South Porcu-
pine, who is visiting in Mitchell,' spent
a few -days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Parker.-- ir-s, Fnrker-; illy and
Bobby returned. to Mitchell with him
on Friday -to spend the- week -end.
Mr. and- Mrs. T. T. Muzzy of Tnseoh,"
Arizona, fare the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Maxwell this week. •
Golf Competition.•--�A golf competi-
tion for men was .held at the Bayfield
Goff and Country Club on S.aturday
for the Bank- of Commerce ; eup and
'prizes donated by Robinson's Food Shop
and the club: The winner of the hand -
former congregation' were .present. Mr.
to Anderson's father also preached many'
ay_ years:again what was known as the
rs. "one -eyed -church" in,Bayfield, and later
he was connected with one of the Olin
wo • ton congregations. The ',morning ser-'
sir: mon was purely evangelistie and •from
• the text "Believe in the Lord Jesus •
Christ and'thott• shalt be -Saved=" ' In:
tie the evening the theme was "The. High-
way of Life," and the preacher stressed
e- the fact that the safe- rule for life as
er welt, as for .highw•ay travel is "Keep to
the Right," 'A quartette of :gentlemen
from Dashwood assisted the choir and
the music added Bruch ; to the success:
nd of the ` services. "Large congregations
ng were present both morning and evening
e Ben iCoinfort and Emla, of St. Cath- o
co arises, visited over, the week -end with )D
Mrs.; rComfort's brothers, and sister-in;
0 Jew; Mrs sand Mrs.- Cecil • Blake and-,
., .
l 'CMI E; Aug: 13. ---Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Make. - ,
Mr, and Mi s. 'Isaiah Kilpatrick and gi
on' daughter, Margaret, who are holidaying. . Co
a at :Bruce Reach; tailed ' on friends in , . o
a the eomntunity on. onday. ' 11
Mr..and .Mrs. Victor Whitley. have t
•returned (roan 'a` trip'. to the Muskoka
district, during,which they •visited their L
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.,.and; Mrs c
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland..
Road Opening; Carnival.=the street
carnivals sponsored by the Dungannon.
branch Oldie Red Or'oss attd held here
on Friday evening was a successful
event. Activities were conducted on
the street within the area of the main
block 'of the village, which was roped
off for the oecasion, and. vehicular
traffic was detoured around 'the blocks
4n either side.. Aside from the patriotic
element, a feature of the"evening was
the ceremony which marked the "opens
ing" of the new road between G•oderich•
and . Luckniw, . the hardsurfacing -= of
which" has recently been completed.
The program, : which was •presided over
by Heber 3; L. Eedy, president of : the
Dungannon 'Red :Cross 'organization,.
onsistes of community singing led •by
J• F. Gillespie, and patriotic songs. by
Charles Meakins, 'both of Goderiela.
George Feagan, Warden of Huron'
C, unty, extended congratulations t o
ungaenon. upon its excellent record: of
Fred Cross- activities and spoke of: the
21 -mile stretch of new road' as one of
the. best .in the Province, of Ontario,
`vinn�g praise to Roy Patterson, . Huron
unty Engineer, for :the thoroughness
f the work. rOthex addresses were do-'.
'vered'• by ;Roland Grain, representing
he County Road Commission, 'Charles`
"-teakins, and- Mr. Murdie, of Lixcknow,
: E. Cardiff„ M.P. for North Huron, •
ongratulated the County of Huron
Edwin • 'Whitley, • u
he Mr. and'Mrs. �Stanle ._ Fines amd 1 tt1 . - ca
,iraglrtely-Suzanne, . of 'Toronto are a
'i'hcta .. AGEART
A . brili1t. P
the Itirepire.
•The a
lug, Art, • •
fek�d this year.
. REDCittls�r' Inez.
pleust 'iit. wink, .how howyou can .
hsip.Then+'n be
hh h ,of ft'".
VENOUS wilt 1,6 shown
at the IhchThatioa. Man*
o showyou how
war soppliss will �w►' Is,
itairritoMIS W '+
AUG. SEPT.6y; c i-
23 ?77� 7
Aon. its economy in building such
aas, which, -heS id t -completes: -at
bout one-half the bolt of those. built
the Department of Highways. Miss
obel Feagan, daughter sof Huron.
unty's Popular Warden, cut the rib"-
on and the ,road was declared "open."
Dancing was enflioyed to =-the music
ovided by the Arthur orehestra__and
refreshment. booths and games of
ngo were. :well :Patronized. The Blyth
nd furnished -excellent .music, during
e earlier part of the' evening, giving
elk services' free. to the Red Cross.
e total proceeds amoun=ted, tp 'about
holidaying"at ;the home of the Blake ' by
others. .
Miss Bernice Durnin is .home from . t o
London, where she was taking • a b
summer course in music. -
.Mrs. ' Aubrey Biggins, Jack and pr
Bobby. or Detroit, are holidaying with' th
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs; ,John lyi
Menary. Ea
-Crops in this district are a success th
this year. Some farmers are through . th
cutting and are hauling in, while others Th
are still cutting their winter's supply 827
of grain.
`Cold' drawer
COURRLE' CORNERS Some years ago,.• •a. bold.' talkative
• young man boarded a train in New
COU.RiRIij ,.OQRNERS, Aug. 13.-.-- Orleans, and to "a fellow passenger of
Mr. and f•Mrs. John Parrish and grand- quiet, modest demeanor began to talk
.son, D b
onald, spent a couple;. of days
Mast week with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
.Lobb at Pinkerton:*
Mr. and Mrs. • Albert Helm and Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Ritchie, and two child-.
ren, of. Zion, were Sunday visitors with •
=MIT. and Mrs. John -Little,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and fam-
ily, of `gingham, visited . recently with
:1 Ir. and Mrs. Lorne Parrish.
Mr. Frani .;Drennan' . is ,working f"
Mr: Wm. Johnston of Ainberley.
Mr.: and Mrs; ,Claude .Haughton an.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Baxter and babe,
of Toronto, and •%Xr. Albert;McQuoid, of
Luc1�-smow, were .Sunday "visitors with
Mr. and Mrs,, Jas. Little,; Lorna Little;
who spent the past month in Toronto,
returned home with them. Mrs. Baxter
and babe are -remaining for a' while.
A reception is being 'held in. Para-
mount hall. tonight for. Mr. •and Mrs,
Alex. (Rust) Parrish, Who ,were mar-
.it Kincardine last Saturday.. We
extend congratulations 'to Mr. arid" Mrs.
a out the long •• journey, on' which he
had embarked. -
' I itin-boun C ear through to Louis-
ville," he exclaimed. "I know I shall
he very tired by the tune I get 'there:"
"Oh,ci-hopeiiot," replied his compan-
"Yes, X am .sure I will.•be,'' insisted
the young traveller, "and I am sure you
would be too, if you took ,su_ch�,.a-long
_the. way, where are you
MAFEKING, Aug. 13:—Miss Gay
Rodgers, who spent the past few weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard KliPatrick.
returned, te her home in Elora last
Miss: Willa. iloffintin, of Dunnville;
holidaying with relatives in the- burg.
Mr: and Mrs. Prank •Savege 02 Ridge-
vvre‘t apent Monday afternoon 'at the
home of Mr. and "Mrs. L Kilpatrick.
Mr.' and Mrs. •10haries Pearee,
Ifolmesville, and, Mr. and Mrd. Fred
Anderson and Oha.rlie, of Zion; visited
oh Sunday with Mr.: and kra. 'nog.
Mo.. ;and lefrs. Isaiah Kilpatriek and
Margaret, of Bruce Beaph, visited rela-
tives here on Sunday.
The wiener roast hold at Mr. Eldon
Tw'amley's tettage -at Pore Albert last
Friday evening was ninth enjoyed.
Miss jean Letourneau Of Detroit is
visiting her friend, MiSs Verna \Kil-
'brace—BO, I'M seared I just. 'got
a letter from a man telling Me he
would slink me if 1 didn't stay iway
from 'Iris daughter. "
Ciaretioe--- Weil, all you have to do
is to stay away frau his daughter.
Itorace--Yeah, but he didn't Sigh his;
The speaker was 10abert-E; Peary.
reouguseiilitzm, Aug. 13.—Little
Charlotte Elizabeth Addison of Halley -
bury ',has been spending the past two
Weeks with ;her. grandpareilts, Mr,. and
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha.
MisS Trewartha of Tor-
onto was .a.• weekend gtiesf with her
Mr, and Mrs: Chita. Pearce .Visited
last week with. 3/Irs. Pearce's Parents,
Ur. and MeS.- ThOs.- Andersen; Mate,
Friends of Mrs. Harry Cudmore are
pleitied to kno* that she is now con-
valeseing In., her home after a reeeet
operation in Clinton Ilospitat.:‘.
Miss Esther. MadItith, Who corns,
pleted a summer course -at ,,Lension, is
• holidaying- for the remainder of the
Season with her aunt, Mrs. 3'. B. Mae-
_The_monthly meeting of the WM.&
and W.A. will be held this afternoon at
the horde of Miss, tS. Atheson: Miss
sineerest: emigratulatfons' aid warm
,14440er .of their many „friends on. the
niversary celehrated last week. To
Convey. their esteenV- menibers_of,..the.
lei lily and a basket of roses.
BlIllsTMIALEIR, Aug. 13. --Mr. Eric
Gardner. of Kitchener' spent last week
Mrs. Walters and Lloyd visited last
week with Mrs. Les, jerels at Holmes;
• Alm- Chas. Kerr Of Exeter was- the
guest of her son, b1r. Courtiand Kerr,,
and .Mrs. Kerr last Week, '‘
news of the death, of his nephew, son
of •Dr. Benson Long, in the West. He
was in the. 'army, and his death .was
Mr. and Mrs. R. Long attended a
g en wedding anniversary at W. J.
called on friends in the village on
_knees began to knock as he stood
before -his boss.- He ( (in thin, shaky
,voice) -1 calme to ask yoU, if you eolil.c.1
.• Boss (bootning)-s-alhis Isn't pay-day.
Go baek to work, and don't wotry. I've
Managed' to raise if every week so,tar,
havenft I?
Jelly Theo
NOW 2' the time when vre,�erving
away to i good ,snarl'. Jana of jam
Melly trade from 4 anadiaxegriewu fruits
are seen cooling on kitchen tables to be
etor_etl, away for winter, - Once in a
white !a batela of jelly just refuses to
rpt or is thick, gummy ani tough, or
having set to .a perfect eor .steucy, is
cloudy or too dark.
Jelly failures are hot necessary. The
eonsumer section, marketing service,
Dominion 1)epartwegt: of grieult
uft'era'rtdviee to prevent sueh troll
Caere in selecting fruit is. iiuliorta
a mixture of. slightly under -ripe
fully rips fruit gives best flavor
consisteney. i..xlttle. added acid.; sti ne
times its necessary. ELemon'' joie
connaonly •used,, allowing cote,, to
on one .
PQ to n �etiri of Hou. -acid Trait, but
one .cup of 'rhubarb cooed with ten
cups non-acid fruit .gives 'excellent • ro-
1KieM Se Welsh has refuse! t1
two "ream' holiday 4c Ysiat tbzk.
Miss Idxx Joists t Wistarias wide
gets a petty froth Toronto at Ltgtatheai e
isaud I'oiut,
Mr. Carnet Ilathiewwe of the R.C,A.r.
raals'rtt tt�e week -end at .his hoarse lee
Miss *resole Matale on, has returned
from tamp 3irI,waebi, ire she was
a henclicraft'' leader.
• M. and Mrs. IL ufoxd of Wiu°d,�,�r,
',,Malted with . Mr. and Mrs. �''. Nivius
for a few days last week,
eser 1 Garnet Matha on.. 'Ar t to
troutvita � atai.tioneri`at Tor
nA�ty] ■ omAto, w►yah s ftntue (,oyv��er} t(h4, wepek t u{d.
ansI Mr. akeai�l Mr . 1rn, $ .1'ra.ig an fa.
and ,vi ltd frientda in Londou ani yaaily
r .ladle during tape week.
4 • 'Miss Clive, Robertson, of Ilaniilton,
bl+e- is; spending holidays with her smother,
Mrs. J. ,t�, 'Robertson,
Mrs. Elo,ine Pont visited with her,
.mother e,nd brothers last week -end, re,
turning to Toronto on Monday.
Mrs. Sid Bisset ,and daughter, Iia, of
Atwood, are guest with Mr. and Mrs.
Ilarry Barker, Iiincks 'street.
• Miss Audrey Pulling, of Detroit, is
spending holidays With her grantdpart-
J•.F • - 1
, ,A.M
T�l�y {��)I]�J ��y[�f�/� /► o 'Symonds.
,Mrs. Glias. Breckove, Jr, spent a few
,days Ist Week' in London at the home
of Mr.and Mrs. Fraser McTavish.
Mrs..,0.,„ R, , itobertson, of Montreal,
!d; spent sa. "wee:111.1".
k ''sittat
Hcy l acpphearson, County • Registrar,
the Mx.s and• 3fr `Harm Cult ,of Brant-
a ford re'eentlY visited with Mrs. Cuff's
mot'1xex,"Mrs:.C. A. Wells, Bayfield road'...
gilt Jilt Thorneloe and Bill Hill. trainees
Pe at . the R.O.,A.k'. air training sehool',
Ty Gait, were home. over Saturday night.
to ` Mr. and Mrs. P W. Currie,. Brit:Le
as : nia.rood, .:are. spending a vacation. with
id ' Mr. ' and Mrs. Harold Currie at Ronde -la
e Park.
When fruit contains too little pectin
the eommereially prepared pectin may
be added, in which caSe the dhectiOnS
given by the manufacturers shoula
followed exactlY.
Too 'Much water added cooking
,fritit makes unsatisfaetery as
juice must be cooked 4 long time to
evaPorate erkess water, 44d VAS extra
boiling destroys some pectin, • darken,
color and spoils' flaxes, --be-a-bteT'ItrefilialY the:" When two separate: droPs form on
edge of the spoon and run together
eSugar erystals.USuallyeare the res
of 'too much added sugar, overli
frnit, or over cooking of syrup, redecing. the proportion of julee
sugar. :Occasionally erystals form,
in grepe jelly, from the. tartaric ric
contained in. the grapes. TO -bvercem
this the•trained Juice should be a
ploowueiedatoo;:elnedavotynegr.artrilltpt ferinelp-citaarteefulb,ley.
Cloudy, •jellY is not well: strained.
Pleavy Canto4 prune', or flannel, or
our thicknesseS of cheesecloth, make
Mould • or ferment May appeail in
"Ate of large sligar eontent of jelly if
ars are . not theroughly sterilized.
hey shoirld be boiled ,for tweney Mins
tes and r.etarived from the water with
oured on Awhile jelly is het, bat this
bi•eak 'away from the edges as the,
ongs Just as needed. ter -
A thin coating or parafew may be
rtnd another layer Muat be
dded to seal perfectly. A piece .Of
trieg laid -aeross the jar betWeen 'these
ive layers reakes ft easier' to remove
he wax when opening for use. A
aPer cover over all keeps the surface
eau. ondseidiin'preventing spoilage.
"Weeping" jelly is sometimes seen..
his means that'syrtip appears arouncP
ge place too vvarm or too daMP
oisture may collect and cause '"weep -
g," If this, condition iS cliscoVered
fore any actual spoilage begins, an -
her layer of wax may• be poured over,
king care to, rotate the gloss slightly
that WAX MO' be well up aroUnd the
With eare In fcillowing these' points
rfeet Jay should 'result_ „Further
formation is contained Publication
5, !Vents,' J'ellies and Pickles,'!•Which
af be -Obtained frinn the Publicity
The Wrong Letter '
ones reeeived two letter's. One was
ra his friend jack Smith, asking
to ploy in a Cricket match. The
er was an levitation from his em-
yer, whose name was also Smith, po
ad the. clay,at his home. -
ow Jones tiad long admired froin
r his employer's daughter,
te note of acceptance, While -to
friend he sent a brief ..SeraWl.
few „hohrs later Jones was sur -
cid to see Jack Smith burst into his
m exclaiming, "Why; aren't you
acceptiiig my invitation."
hen the guv'nor got the scrawl.
nded for, you!" Anes gasped.
Dear Smith, --I've something better
a -fa
•A little boy seeing two puppies play.
ing together Aid to ' hig mother,
"Mother, l ' wish were tivo little
His mother said: "Why de yOu Want
"So I can play together," replied the°
little fellow.
kr, and Mrs'. SteVe Canuaby ,an
Miss Jane Wells and Miss Page, o
London, motored .home to spend th
week -end with their Mother, Mrs. Ce
The ,Milses Maty and ,Nora &Reit'
returned on Saturday' to ibeir home' g
tWo .weekg at the Park House: •
'Spr. It, W. BelVof the 7th Field Co.
Petawawa, sPent the .week -end With
Bell and their tWo Sons.
Rev. Jas. MCCandlish, V.SJS.R., of
Mrs. Edward Nolan, her daughter,
were guests at the British Exchange
.Mrs. Clifford William of Birming-
hOM, Mich., with her three little. daugh-
ters, Mary, Elizabeth -and Edith; are
rguriedasts:of-.31rs. George, W1.1.11:tnts at -her •
Ernest visited -relatives in Seaford
the past 'week; returning -t6- tOwa en
Mrs. Thomas Kneeshave 'and son.
Mr... Reg: Pisher has been rppointed
prin,cipal of the Continuation School
at Sefern Bridge,. Ont., attd.wiltasSume:
-1114-41-uties4liefe--.-iif-ThTbeedifitig tit -
fall term. .
acid Mrs. Roy Pex and fairillY, of
Beechville, and Mt. and Mrs. Bert
,Webb and son, of • Woodstock, were
recent:guests with Mrs. L. Dexter.
Ur. R. H. Gaats, Dominion &Otis -
Ottawa, 'were In_towit last week --on
an, and B. C. Macpherson, both Oft
131101,SS. Ur. Coats is the brother of .
CAM i ...� _ ..,
moo ole nee co last ea* ger w
MAL MIir Ate.Zee
Let Sad elt awls awiyl .
( b Primo each iio�:
l mow Were O_}
every T. Thetas. Int
First two fry seri
DROP -WNW 1141
M I)NI H A. g y m�
SUNDAY, AtfGuyy zf
L.41h .M.
the' late County Registrar 'Willi**
J."' A. Gregory, M.P. for the Bettie.,
fords, Saskatchewan; end a former
strident „of Goderich Collegiate Insti-
tute, made a brief visit to town last
'in. town at the week -end looking into
at MexieSetung Park, 4..'gretre part 'Or
whielt is being- taken int4 the enia,rged
Sky rlarbor airport. , VAlith Taylor returned on
Thursday last from attending, the GreY
and Brum Divisional Girl Guides CaMP
at Vail's Point, in the Owen SOtrad
• Mrs. A. B. Vait and daughters, the
Misses WEargaret'and Elizabeth Vail, a
Washington, D.C4 spent several days
in town visiting Mts. Vairs mother,
Mrs. J.. Volboree, St. Patrick's street. "
-)Phey"- -are tit -a -motor- trip 'through" Oh -
Edwin' Dean, son of xr.'nnd
L. Dean, East atreet, hag , been trans-
ferred from Brantferd, where he half
been•employed for the.Past Ave Mouths
as teller in the Bank of Commerce, to P.
'the Kingston bran4it of the bank.
slew duties, '
.Mr. T. StanleY Skinner, otiptitigi
Mo., who came to Gosierich with ,
his family as the result of cOrresponcl-
exiee with the Board of Trade, wa$
delighted with "Pat's Cabins," where he
stayed during. his'visit in toWn. Before
proeeedlne, .on. his tripi Mr. Skinner
called at the Board of Trade bureauto
express his appreciation.
lars. Peril 0/142Coy left early in the
week 'for the hotne Of her parents at .
Campbeliford. She expressed deep
.regret ih leaving Goderich„ where she
and her husband, the lately deceased
Provincial *Meer, had found themselVeS
so haPPI1Y Sitirated- Mrs. McCoy said '
.she wotild not soeri forget the kindness
ef the Goderich people in her- bereaVe-'
Walter Buchailaa,- and...Mr.:ant Mrs.
Abbot:VP-right; air of Toronto, spent
the weekLend with iSfrs: Bone.
. 3fr. and Mrs. FOreler, who' ha -4 been
visiting for •the last seven weeks 'wait.,
Modern'Aaughtar: "Daddy, I've come
Fond Father: "What is it this time?"
Daughter: "I've been kissed.P
'Father "Oh, • dear --how many
Daughter: "Daddy" _etune to con -
,o grin
.._Qur Prices for .week 16th to 23rd August inclusiv.e
t•psv;,-4300'10,to .
oil1 sloiii,mi'citt
s keepIfyo _Avi 0
: yi oo u tIFIx : °fir ine;
Seanstosight... 4 71
'Gillette Blue •Itla
5 blades with one tree'
10 blades. with two, free
Summer Ileatlarltes.-.
promo Seltzer ..,
Mita Seltzer ..139e -511e
New Assortment Nail '
Files 15e
Ply -Coils, 5 for' 10e
Fly kiwatter4 10e
2 Cacti 25e
from ths Leaden Nay Mai!, Not available for,ttri.tich !slog or U.S.A.*
Relieves. Sunburn .
15e 54e 86e 1.10
Stops 1Perstpiration
Arrid 39e --59e
Odorno 350-60e
360 pint
.. ?tont 1 Phone 29 : Phones. - Phone 41