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Combining The Goderich Signal and The
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Operations Going Ahead Rapidly,
at Port Albert—Oyer
100 at WO* ,
OTTAWA, Aug. 14.,.. -The award
ef two largo contracts totalling
ii7$5,140 In tonne/dim with the Ah.
••Namigation School at. Port Albert
was, announced by ',the Munitions
and Supply Department here tAala1/4.14
The W. 0. *email Contraethig
CoMpany, Hamilton, will construct
woad and stspbalt brick siding
$353,000, the work to be completed, -
by November.
The Johnson Bros. Col Ltd.,"
Brantford, will construct wood and
asphalt brick siding hangars and
kttildhigs at a cost of.$272,000, the
work to be completed by November. .
The Tope Construction Company,
Hamilton, has until October to tom;
plot. constructien of certain
woodeo buildings required for the
.ralementary Flying Training School
, Sky Harbor, Goderich. , The •
. Mope panto* is for
Work on the eouStructien of buildings
at Sky Hatter airport was eommenced,
e, this morning by the contractors, the
Tope Construction Co, Litaited, of
Hamilton: The advance 'guard of the
company, superintendent and foremen,
arrIved Tuesday night, their first job
being to arrange for lodging accomt
.Another in the series ot pairiotie
=Mee under County of Huron auePiees
will rite held at Exeter on linnclay
afternoon mete Prontiuent speakera
Will addreis the ' Meeting and , Mutfic
, be PrOvided by mateed bands. The
meeting is galled for 4l0 p.m. lit the
Exeter Fair grounds. •
ertnievey of 3,000 feet had' been graded
and one thousand feet Of this had been
excavated for the foundation, of the
, runway: Twenty trucks were bauling
.gravel-along-the4th eoncessiont -spread--
ling it along the graded runway. The
contractors, the Warren 'Paving CO.;
will commenee laying asphalt as some as
the Work of .laying the base is sufficient-
ly advanced. The Iefefeot paved run
ways have- a crown with a drop of
six -tenths of a foot from the eentre to
the edges. The building of tile and,
open- drains is proceeding apace with
, other Work.
joimson Bros., contractors /or Several
of the larger of the thtrtyttwo ;buildings
to be erected, have comineeeed the work
of Mitring and pouring concrete for
the foundations of one of the big hang-
aks, but with the etteeption Ofeform
building. it will be some days before
actual orpentering week begins..
Over one hundred men, all told, are
pow -Working •Port Albert. So. far
there has; been plenty of labor available.
Carpenters from as far as fifty miles
away have visited the airport, but
*elation. On. Wednes.day triick-driv-; have been told they will have to wait,
ers were being Sought' to commence the " Bente idea of the magnitude of the
:Tort Albert project is to be had when
it is known that 43e million feet of
dressed lumber will be used in the
,buildings. 'Seventy fiat cars of this
luniber' are expected to be unloaded at
MeGitee station to be trucked via Dun-
gannon. Ofie reason -for this, it is said,
is to ;escape the ,port Albeit hilt; oteer-
, wise•tt would be brought to Melia:et.
• But evee this IS not definitely decided,
The first of the lumber ts expected next
;aloud:eat The Painting sub -contract
alone ,calte for $8000 worth of paint.
The , force at Port Albert will be
greatly , increased when work on the
building superstructures commences
and the laying of the hot asphalt On
the runways begins, 'which is only a
matter of a few days. The purchase of
eight* tons of 'coal was made in IG6de-
rich. to be used in heeting tile
ous two-inch t top iiretadtig, for the run-
Goderich is already ..etiperienchig
mild boom as a result of this airport
a' keen demand for
'houses, with ecereelyany to be had.
,for modern homes. Rentshave already
. •
:work of hauling gravel to be used in the
: concrete foundations. Quite a number
were. hired.- Gravel Pltemelose to. the
scene of • , building also were being
' sought; t • ••
t Apart "from thie developmeet, things
have been at a standstill at Sky Harbor
for the past tveek. The boundaries of
the airport, on which Government sur-
veyors worked all last week, are still
"in the air." Reeised, Piens call for a
greater Area of Menesetung Park to be
incorporated„, but there . has been a
, Janda in proceedings for the eequisition
, of this land,„whieh is to Pkevides Clear,
• ance for the east -west runway. Arbi-
• tratioilmay have to he resorted to. - •
- It also aseetated that all or .part of
. the Allen 'bush of twenty acres or more
• will have to mite 401M called for
in revised plans. officials
t visited the airport on tPue8daY:
- Timber ,and firewood already cat on
the airport site,' neatly piled, has yet
to be removed, as have stumpstifithe
bush 'clearances 'Ott in the neetilweet
tomer of the held. '
. -Ateeree.4,41hertt.-=--e_s•
At -Port Albert the changing ,eceet
ds almost. kaleidoscopic. Last night one
omtributions Asked for Parcels
to Be Sent to-Soldiirs Overseas
••Goderich.beys serving with the troops'
In England say they appreciate the
toffee sent to themeeine parcels des-
patehed by the prerseas parcel coat-
anittee of tile Qitizeits' Wartime Cone-
' mittee and the •danadia:ii Legionmore,
possibly, than anything else. Fruit cake
also cane 'in for special •mention.
- • Ordinary coffe4 served in. England
.te. usually not pleasing to Canadiapt
palates, as can bee,atte..§.ted by almost
any veteran of the last War,
Mrs. -Walter Neweomtie, eeeretary of
the overseas parcel committee, reports
hpatintg heard from mot of the lecal
Men in the forces abroad itud' all ex-
press' appreciation of the • efforts of
Goderich people to remember them.
Parcels were seat in jurte and again in
julY, to the six Goderich Men then
In England, Mrs. Newcombe repotts.
It is known that at least five more
mea are now overseas with the Essex
Scottlie alone and it ,is plaened to re-
member them' all next week.' This will
• necesei'tate even greater generosity tut
the part of Goderich people. Postage
payable tee the six parcels sent has
averaged more thee four dollars eadh
time, and With the number of parcels
now to be increased to eleven this:cost
will be nearly deubled. *
As numbers of these wishing to con-
• tribute have had difficulty in ,finding
the Legion rooms, the :committee have
arranged With Messrs. (leo'. Selia:efee,
Cleo. MaeVicar end 11-.."0. Dunlop to
permit citizens to leave contributions
of gpoda or money at these stores.
The parcel' eomniittee heldea brief
session On Monday night in -the alteenee
of Mrs. 1). J. Lane, the convener, and
decided to issue an Appeal for more.
coffee, in Itmall tins, or In pateet eon-
taipers, fruit cake baked In smelt tins
hi which it can be shipped., and other
items --which will keep sind. whiCh are
put up in . small tontainers. The
ettitens are reminded that 'lutist stores
have lists of ouitable gifts, to which
to refer when making purchases. These
lists were made- up • by the conuitiffie
aed the boys In England have reported
that the articles so far sent alr arrived
in. good condition and were most ae-
ceptabWe ' •
"Scotty" Doesn'tSleep So Soundly Now
.e0MEWatilitenIc EINGLANDs. Aug.
. 13. -Corporal . W. .131: •"Scotty" Ile
Dougall, fernier. Canadian heavyweight
wreetlieg charcipena from 6ioderidi,
et Ont., has gained the uteliallertged
tation of being •the lightest sleeper in
his unit, a breach of the Royal Can-
adian A.rmy Serviee Corps. Ills pals
elaim lie merely .dozes -with one .eye
open -and thereby hange.the tale, . •
This tale, just diedosed; reverts tatek
to those -stirring days when, the advance
guard of the, 1et Canadian Division. was
' making its' way backttotEnglahd eft& a
brief ineursiozr into •the tnterior of
• France with the Gennaps presshig, hard
behind. ,
Dahausted biter slays •and nights of
travel, "Scotty," with a group of other
key inertof the Divi$ional Supply
was ordered to a nap while the
unit halted in the eltelthr of a 'tree -
• flanked sunken road. A haystack in a
edarby field was what his, tired, aehirig
• body craved. • ,
Be twitted himself on top of the
etack, and was sound asleep within a
few minutee. When he awoke a feW
boure later there was a strange still-
ness about the area which before bad
been bustling with activity. .
., Whet madame of the farm greeted
'him with:440h, you steep? Frande, she
get, • pointing towards the west.
All, All Alone
eScotts" madea quiek reconnale-
'elute*: of the immediate Area, but his
mates were noWare in sight, Ile
gathered, up .111s belongings 'hurriedly
• and set off westward On foot, Ile had
gone only a few MiteS when his attent
tion was attraeted to a loot -flying Brit
'diet airplane, obviously in distrees. It
erashed a Matter of feet from where 'he
stood. ,
Rushing to themachine he found
I' New'Zealand airmen in the vvreek-
age, ball badly injured. He released
,them from their safety ibel,ts and ad-
mitastered first. 'aid. Lady Luck sea -
popped up in the form of a
British tunbulance heading towards the
coast. Tuside , were •• four wounded
Frenchnten. ••
MeDeugall, with the Injured fliers,
was bandied into the ambulance, vellich
sped them on to Angers 'Mid thence to
Denis. All • along, the route they
were harassed by eneine aireraft, zoom-
ing low with guns blazing and dropping
'busies iit random.
Safety 'at Last
•All Rhine the route "Sotty", ,searched
'and ineuired for some teace of his
unit, but to no awe'. At St: Denis, he
Was placed in charge of the Anabelance
as tile only 14.0.0. of the groutt and
Was ordered to proceed to 1St. ,.Nazaire.
Refugee -clogged roil& reduced progress
te the coast to a snail's pace. He
reached his destination, however, witlit
out further incident, only to ran into
a series of aiteraitle 'whllerwaiting 'to
be placed on „ a. tiansteirt. Ile Was
taken aboard a Ceeltitth destroyer. '
"Seotty" Was „given transportation
to the Canadian zone of concentration,
where he discovered his unit had art
rived the Previous day.
lite gave his pals a friendly earful
about, being "left to tilt in 0 Viol&
heyetaelee liut all that is now for-
gotten-exeept that "Scotty" has be
(tome the unitte "alarm eloek." Lte is
the Ifitet man about every morning, even
beating the bugler to reveille.
Wartime Citizens'
-•Cortufitittee Reports
,A.dditiOrie toMembersbip, and
„ SomeoOltangzoerves in A.
'The Citizens' 'Wartime Committee
was organized as se co-ordhleting and
assisting body to encourage and aestst
•all patriotic bodies in ilteconnnunity to
achieve their maximum ueefultiess, aid
net to be ,just another "organizatien,!"
stated J D. Thomas, president, at A
meeting held in the Legion elub ,roome
on Monday, night lat•
t The president, In reviewing the **zit
tof .the- committee to date, Termed peet
tticularltt totthet agate Made to 'Secure
the re-estebliehmeet oft the Huron
(Regimeet as part of the nontpermaitent
laetive militia' of Canada.
The last ,of several interviews -.with
dirigadier D. r. MacDonald, in com-
mand Of military districkNo. 1, London,
ireeelted from a- meeting Onvened
tMf. Thomas in Clinton, at which men,
from all,papti of the county were pre
sent, 'including county et:mm*111°re.
, Both Warden Geo, Feagatu and le E.
Niardiff, M.P. for North. Huron, attended
At the interview in 'London and the.,
„delegation was informed, that the Ot-
tavva Government had decided' not to
revive -arty ofthe-old militia 'regiments
disbanded during the reorganization of
the militia in 1930.
Asa result oe this meeting', however,
Lt. -Col. H. C. Dunlopwee offered and
Accepted the post of second in command
of, the -Middlesex-Hurons and im-
mediately took ever "his 'duties, Mr.
Thoma $ complimented Lt 'Col Dunlop
on his publie-spiriteeness in accepting
this post at considerable gemlike te
himself. - •
Mr. Thomas recalled that herb* its
.brie t existence theteitizens'' Wartime
Committee 1itd ergantzed two reernit-
ieg meetings, ;liedsecured a Eectultimg.
office' on the Square for ,the use or the.
Eight R,eginient ; had organized •a cele-
bration on Theirduton Day at which the
Town Mundt had -Presented mementees
to Goderich men thee -en. the army; had
!organizetl, with the Canadian. Legion, a
eommittee tosend parcels to 'men in
service overseas;• had assisted In the
organization of raechanies' clesees'
among the ladies of the toWn interestecl
In motors ; 'had sponsored and •provided
Speakers for a special perfelanance at
the Capital Theatre in the interests of
the sale of war savings certificates, and
had only last week, at the request of :a
number ' of the young women-- of the
town, organized aad•aceepted rektous-
ibility for eGoderieb Ladieet Retie :Cede
This latter ibody Will leeineto ehoot
untimethe suitervislotr Of Mete od EPPs of
clinton, one of the Outstanding rifle
sliOts of Canada. -
. The women% work ommittee, of th
Giale.rich Red eroits held a meeting o
Tuesday, .aelgust lath, when it was un-
animeititly dedded to wept the kind
offer of Bev. A. 0, and Mrs. Calder
and the wardens of St. Georges Ang11-:
call church .to use the rectory grounds
for a Red CrOea garden party. • The
*committees have arranged to hold a
bridge and. "000r ofl Thursday, August
29th, at 3 pap. •
Ladies are .astIted.to. klealY* make up
a, table Of 'bridge or r"000" for - this
afternoon, ' or bring Atone, friends and
have tea. ' , • ; e!.
This year the direetors of the Cane
aci..**;-,N.041,Qua), Exl4bitiou havotete
Signed the GraPlaie Arts Building to
the Canadian 'Red Cross. " At no cost
to • the .Red 'Crowe, outetanding * and
original decorations for ,„botla the, in-
terior and the exterior of the building
are being provided by a Toronto -Arne
The Commissioner. of Parks, who has
charge of the, flower beds, is planting
them in Red Cross designs. .
. The aim of the Bed (km will be to
explain to tee publie„, by demonstration
and display, the distribution of the
campaign • funds in 'both war -time and
peace -time activities. The, Public , is
'cordially invited to attend this exhibit,
to see the work and how it should be
Thursday, September 5th, has 'been.
set aside by the Exhibition as Red.
OrosseDay. .Special Work .has been:
...,planned -for this day and from 2 to 4
pare, daylight saving time, the executive
Of the Canadian deed Cross will receive
in the Red °roes building. ,
The latest tatormationtreceived
diates that thousands of • pairs of,
gloves, mittens and seamen's seeks will
be required for all .brattebet of our
Arnie& forces for the coming autumn
And winter: also all types of eePs and
'eeletett in great eumbere. Knitters
are therefore asked to concentrate on
these garments untilefurther notice, to
ln"stire, an adequate supply..
.e_sTlie_eneetingeincreased-ethe- inentitei
ship of the Oetninittee by aPPoleting the
presidents of the Women's liospital
Auxiliary' and the, Goderich Ladies'
Ride Club, Mrs. P. R. Redditt and Mrs
:Snider respectively, to the executive. D
E. Campbell eves gekell_to.eeteas eeere-
tary of the: committee during the illness
of Di'. J. M. Graham.
I D. D. Brown was appointed treasurer
•'In place of Capt. le P. 'Carey, whose
duties as recruiting officer prevent his
'filling the office., • ..
cOMposed . 3, 'D
Thomas, E. D. Brown and D. A..Clantp-
bell was appointed to interview elle
County Council, the Town Council, a.nd
the Councils of the Townships of Col-
bOrne and Asbfield, and to get in toucu.
with the appropriate officers of the De-
partmettt of Highways n Toronto with
a view to rainintizing the dangers which
might arise Out of antinfluxtof• strang-
Ors which maytbe expected in the dis-
triet .with the completion. of the air
trail -tinge fielde and the arrital of some
hundreds of' Air Etoree personnel.'
It was ppinthd Out that Women camp
followers:hue always been a. bane to
military camps, bringing with them
grave dangers. These dangers, it is
claimed, en be minimized if lforesigbt
and firmness are exercised. BoOtleggers
and other illicit trader,s of various sorts
are also'to be expected aad will, if the
advice of, the. committee IS accepted; be
rendered an harmless as possible.
.The annual picnic of the Eureka
class of Victoria- street United church
Was held at Harbor Park on Tuesday
• afternoon with over forty members at-
tending. The Monthly business meet-
ing was held in the pavilion early iht.
the afternoon, after which games were
conducted by Mite R. Good and Mrs. 3.
Mutch. The results were as follows:
Pile of stones, Mrs. E. Good; clothes-
pins 1L bottle, , Mee allutchings ; life.
savers and strews, Mrs, N. Young and
Mrs, Breen ; guessing contest, Mrs. C.
L. Brown; 'kicking the slipper, Mrs. P.
Barker; guessing names, Sire. 0.,..
13aechler ; spices in bottle, tars. W.
Gibbs.' Peenute, sackers .and • other
prizes were, given to the children who
attended with their mothers, , Lunch
was served in the pavilion by the ex-
ecutive late in the afternoon. The ex-
ecutive Is: President, Mrs3 n. mita ;
,vice-president,„ Mrs. It Wilson; treas-
urer, Mrs.- P. Barker ; secretary, Mrs.
Mr. H. R. Long has received werd of
the aceideutal death of his nephew,
II. Benson. Long, , an artillery gunner
in training at Brandon, Matte .as the
result .of a'fall. The young mail was
eighteen yeere of age and was the
son of Dr. J. 11. Long of Red Deer,
Alta., formerly of Itemailler, Ont.
Miss Nellie Colborne, wh.o has been
in (theme of the Ilanntee Ladies' iShop
Wittgliant /or, the -last six menthe,
has purchased lite business aud it -will
now be operated under the name of the
Colborne Ladies' Shop.
'George :Glenn bee the contraet for
eollecting mail from the. street letter
boxes in towe, ile makes hit fleet col-
lection today.
ViiallaAter Missing from
." Nephew's 'Bane Neatly Two DaYs,
• Walking' aimlessly along a sitietoad
one and a -quarter miles.east of Amber-
• Wililam Wallace, aged eighty-five,
Wtio had been missing for nearly two
days, was found by •Fenile Mclennan,
of. Lochalsh, who at first glance recog-
nized the teed gentleman;
Mr. Wallace, a. comparative * new -
Omer to Ashfield township, disappeared
last Monday night', about 0 o'clock,
tromtheltemeef aeftephewsLouisTaer-
„t-'2Ele eetieestelent Mae whom he has
been living for about a yea. On Mon-
day evening Me.* and Mrs. Taylor went
Walla.ce-with their four eleldren, When
they refitieed from the ileitis, nearing
9 o'clock, they found the children asleep
in their beds, but no sign of the aged
Man. A search was made flail night
and ,nextedeyelt_is_said„ but Police la
Goderich „Were not notified until mid-
afternoon on Tueeday, A search was
immediately instituted by the poliee,
but 11 ProVed unitiecessful. •
When*Mr, McLennan, driving a truck,
aceidentally come upon Mr. Wallace on
Wednesday afternoon, the old man Was
weak and tottery. He was unable to
tell Mr. McLennan where he had spent
the two nights he, hatt been missing,
but did say he lied nothing to eat in the
intereal. 'Re also said he Wanted to go
to Goderiele-had been wauting to do
So for some time, he geld'. ele Agreed
e had boom° confused in his ,ditec-
Iis. • -•- •
Mit '136:Mennen Tot& hint' in his truck
to eis nepeew's home, about eight miles
from Where be was found. -
t The str. Superior errived last Thure-
day •evenirtg from Fort William with
7000 bUS. Of wheat and 28,000 lelt.
barley for the elevator and cleared on
Friday • afternobn for, Fort William
after taking on a cargo of salt. ”
' The 'Strleenera came in early Sat-
urday- morning from port William -ante
loaded 127 tons of, salt, clearini at 10
o'clock in tlie Met:Meg for Montreal.
str. A. A.' 'Hudson arrived feom
Fort- William -on -Saturday afternecea
with 414e6 bus,, (4, feed, 20,431 bus e of
dais 'and 16,890 bus: of 'wheat for the
elevator and 30,897 bus. of 'wheat or
the millShe leared; light, for Pelee
Island on Sunday morning.
The OetAdoc came be on Sunday
-afternoon -from -Deltalft With 2588o
bus of corn for the elevator and dearer.'
at Mouday noon for Toledo; • •
The A.,..A. Hudson arrlied haek from
Pelee island on. Wednesday evening
with 8,000 bus. of Ontario wheat and
cleared for Fort Whlilani early Thur -
day morning after taking On salt.
„ „
The engagement is annOturced of
Muriel Margaret, . daughter oft- Mre.
Witson aryl the late John T., Wilson of
l'oronto, ti),111r. Murray S. Rerhiglaan,
I3.A. Se., • son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. N.
leer/tetra it ;. "Of ''IllitigettiirtfOrneettV of
Colborne tewnship. The marriage will
take Nate September 6th in Dovercourt
road„ ,Pre$byterien eTiub, Toronto..
• Mr. and Mrs. Williena • Youngs,
Embro, annmetce the engagement of
their younger daughter, Margery A., to
jaekson, only son of Dr. and
Mrs. J. E. Jaekton, Itenbro. The, .mar -
risme will take place the latter part of
August. •
The temperatures for the past week
and forthe eorreeponding week lett
year, as officially recorded, were as
1044) 1930
' Max. Min, Max. Min.
Thurs., Aug 8 ....78 Si 67
Fri., Aug. 9 -4.83 50 75 OS
tSat., Aug. 10 -.80 04 75 04
khni., Aug. 11 . 6,7 44 58
Mon., Aug la $2 70 83 438
1iefi.0 Aug 13 00 75 68
Wed., A.ug, 14 07 70 08
Many Enlistments
in "C" Company
Men to Return from Thames
Valley Camp on
• Satiodar
The pet week has seen a nigh of en-
llatioteutoin '"0" ciontletny, Heron-Mid-
dleeex N.P.A.Me headquArtere at • the
=aeries here. NO fewer thee 'seventy
YOUeg men from Goderich, Clinton, teed
the surrounding district have applied
for enlistment in the past seven days In
order to beat the August 15th deadline
for volunteer hon2' e defence eerviee.
Men betweenethe Itgest of twenty-one
ansi fotty-dlie, Inelusive, are henceforth
liable_to, be drafted Or thirty days*
training. to.
•The nuniber of Men,volunteering this
week- more than doubled -the • number
recruited ireany, Previous week. Fifty-
nine of the volueteers ate from. Gode-
rich and :district and eleven from Clin-
ton and district. These enlistments
would well the ranks of Company
to approximately 185 men, thirty-five
more than the number the company was
instructed to recruit. -
The new recrufts, all of them subject
to a medicaleXamination are: Godet
riebettOtt Adams,. W. V. Barlow, E.
Breckenridge, C. S. Carter, X. 0. Cutt,
Cute D. A. Doak, 11. Drennan,
E. It. burst, O. H. Edward; O. V.
Elliott,' L. E. Elliott,,O.0-Gardner, J.
Vitt Gibson, 4..114' Gevier; D. H. Graham*
IV/ Green, 'It: L. :Hall, R. Tt,Ileitryt 0.
Lowery, W. It staaereay, H. C. Mate
Pbee, X. K. MeDeugall, R. A. Meddi J.
H. 'Murphy, W. •C. Needham, ,' C. A'.
Osmond, Ws N. Plante, H. W.
A. R. Purdy, W. F. Riley, W. W. TOSS,
J. T. Reattly, W. G. Seger, A. J. Shore,
3.11. Taylor, W. I. Westbrook, W. E.
Westbrook, C. S. Worsen, F. E. Young;
G. N. Elyidge, G. E. Weston, A. O.
WorselleH. E. Worse'', W. johnston,
J. B. Garrick; M. Bloomfield, J. Videan;
B. Boyes, G. McManus, D. Bissett, 3.
Sproul, II. G.!*1.11nrney, J; F. Johnston,
E. 0, Anstay, W. G. D�ak, R. G.
Truss, W. A, gamines, H. A. Robb.
,Clinton -, A. A. Wheeler, . 0. M.
Neilans, W. T. Murch, A. britley,
N. Perdue, P. H. Murphy, W. R. Glen, Je
A. Murch, O. A. Rozell, G. D. Cardwell,
W. A. Aiken: „ •
The unit or "C" Company .under
contras at Thames. Valley 'camp will
have completed its training by Friday
and the men will return to their homes
on Saturday, the Godetiell Members
arriving on the .QN.R. neon, train: A
field day 18 seheduled to he held et the
eantp on Friday, 'with the various tona-s
panieseteneamped there •'competing •for
honors. • "0" Company has several
termer Collegiate track men among its
•per onnel,altd-Aboalt
°Wu with the other units. .
Recruiting for the Kent Regiment,
ait.s.F., at Whighant,' under Captain
,P. F. Carey, is progressing' favorably,
several men having left on Tuesday for
Londeitttele undergo- t their physical
, . AEI,
Vire Chief George BegeOna was. iu
bed at the week end aed is now hopping
about On one leg -with the aid of a
Niue as 'a result ,of & strange aCeident
last ealdey edmo*,the Vire Met be..
Came tangled up in a Mower whlle
gutting roadside weetike
It waif a beautiful August Morning
perfect harvest weather--ead. the
elongated 'George wee eeated-tim pne
of his favorite *Pots,. Aboard the seat
ef the mower, rein* in heed driving
his belifted teant of dapper greYs.The
laird$ wore 'Singh* and the ,eliek of the
lower was elude to hhn. Be didn't
have e eare-,in the world., .
Altof * each -kit soniethWg haPPene4.
George's long leftleg had untolliteioutlY
been ailevred to dangle Over the outside
of the txtoWees . left wheel. An im-
provised elle protruding cotter -pin
which vim on. the .e.ndof the shaft
grabbed George's trouser leg and wound
it round and round his leg, filo a-
teurniquet The . otter -pin, really • a
Ave -ince .Spike, -cut through. the Fire
callers sock •Ancl dug deeply into the
ilesh of his Instep with each revolu-
tion, itelicttng a painful andS'eutitti
'wound. • -
' '''Of course GeOrge.waSpniled from his
sea4 all fours spread,butthe Otter -
Plitt held liralitiorttener. His trusty
horses, however, beetled, his eoMmand
until a felloye:woremae, Fred Johnston;
came to his aid'vvith a Jaelkkeite aud
ent .thiM loose from bis predicament.
He 'ead to he assisted into a, tar, driven
home anti • a doctor called He was
ordered to bed: • ' • '
It can readily be imagined, as tile
'victim of this strange' Accident says,
that if his horses had Tun away . he
_would have been . seriously Uttered if
not killed.,
Themes C, Wilson Takes Reeve's Plate
Vacated by IL A. Keys •
Inthe municipal by-election for the
Township • of Grey, 461 on Tuesday;
Thomas C. Wilson, former deputy reeve,
was etectedtto the reevetttip to succeed
H. A. Keys, , resigned.
Alex, Alexander Istee' new deputy
reeve, andthe councillors ;elected are
Wilson,•471,5; John 'McNabb; 207 ; Lesite
:neezdoragsyet71Weeyno,3,:n. Machan.
The Vote /or the reeveshiP Was: T. C.
• There was an overliovt gathering in
the storeroom of Mt Goderich bathing
-house' on -Monday • evening to see' the
moving pictures exhibited by - Robert
Henry, one. of . the town's - leading
amateur moving picture photographers.
hetebeneh tea- and -chairs-
lined the walls 'and gazed into the
darkened room` from open doorways.
The pictures received favorable com-
ment on all sides, many declariegthat
they had 'levee seen technicolored pic-
tures of-such-beauty,andeoemitaral as
the twentylninute colored reel shown.
Among the 'colored pictures Were scenes
itt the harbor, including children sweep-
ing down the slide' and swimmers 'in.
•action between the piers. Shouts of
recognition would go up from varions
.parts of the assemblage' as familiar
faces were observed. "-Pictures of the
photographer's father shoveling snow
on Good Friday were in vivid contrast
to the warm steamer night. The pic-
tures ran' for over an hour and- fifty
minutes. • If •the deniand rfor another
showing is great enough, Mr. Henry has
expressed.his willingness to show the
pictures again at the bathing house. •
Men Brought from Toronto and
Charged with the r Theft
Over one hundred Chickens were
stolen in, Usborne township on, Monday
• afternoon a,nd .nigett of this week, and
two men, George Swadron and Alex.
eLeverine, of unknown address, were
arrested hi. Toronto yesterday and
brought • to Goderich, by Constables
'Jennings and Rutherford., .
. On Monday afternoon the two pen,
•travellingin a truck, are alleged-to-haee
raided the farm of HeBeeters, Ilsborne,
and carried away. twenty-six chickens:
They allegedly were seen in, the act of
stealing these chickens and are since
said to have been identified by the eye-
witnesses... The same night seventy-
five chickens were stolen from the'farm
of G. Miner, Usborne township, Alleged-
ly by the same men, who will appear
before Magistrate Makins today. "
Bev. 0. L. Brown a.nd family .have
returned after a four weeks' 'vacation,
during which they 'cashed many parts or
Ontario, and on Sunday next ¥r
Brown will conduct the union services
of the Victoria street and North street
United Church congregation. The
morning service will be held at Victoria
street and the evening service at North
Street. This arrangement will be cou-
tinge& tor four- weekS. • Rev- 1V,. 13'
Lane, Who conducted the united 'services
the last four weeks, 'Will' now have a
four weeks' vacation, ••
A visitor from Ohio gives The Signal
Star some information whieh may' be
of Value to Canadians legally residing
he the 'United tates who may be eon-
teMplating n visit to Canada. He states
that the cards %sued to such •persons
prior to July bat latt have' been can-
celled and tire now valueless, except
that they MaY be exchanged for a ree
entry permit now issued by the
authorities. Applieants for sach per
nets. should provide theinselves with
seven Unmounted pasiport'photogra.pbs
21/e inches squere:
The lire brigade was called out twice
on Sunday, each thne to extinguish a
graes fire. The first fire was lir- a
ffeld adjoining the property of Joseph
Clark, Regent street, and the second
broke out next to the ' home -of the
MiSses Lewis, Norfolk etreet.
An announcement from Montreal of
ehangee bit the teaehing stefe of Loyola
,College includes the name of Thomas
O'Keefe, Goderich, among those ap-
pointed to the staff. Mr. 'O'Keefe is the
son of Mr. Con. O'Keefe, Asidield town-
ship. •
Vargaret Watson and Xiss
Kitty Sale spent several daywith ;Ntr.
and Mrs, Ned Sale at Pembroke.
Lions Carnival
Lure Gotherbw
Night—Detroit Gin
Wins Ka* IMse
Over , one thousand people arad tato
tile 'West "street risk on Wolin/WV'
evening to attend the Goderich,Lioas
annual feral:fa], held 14 41,14 Of
crippled ehildren and ebI14 w
Vartells games were open to those
, who, wishedto try their luck mod at the
, same time contribute to a worthy' ettUae.
The moot popular game was the "seven,
over and under," which dld a rusitjng
business throughout - the evening and
was still in operation long after the
other games *had Closed doWe.,
freehment both was patronized freely.
The draw for a bicycle Was made
front the. volorfully detorated main
booth, shortly after 10 o'clook, byeight.
Year-old Madeline Currie, donghter ef
Mr. and Mrs, Harold R.' Currie of De.• *
trait. The winner was Silly, aander.
son, son of Mr. and Mrs., George Sander.
son, of town. .The young missy who
made the draw coulksearcely hide her
grief and disappointment at not having
drawn her own nape for the bicycle,
but site received more than etaettient
consolation' when she was announced
the winner tetthe main draw for the
three-Pleee Chesterfield suite. -
Madeline, who is visiting with her
tmele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 14 R.
Price, Waterloo street, was gonna asleep
when her •name was anneseteed from
the main stand and was not toldof
her good .fortune until: the next mere -
ink. The tittle' girl Was both greatly
surprised and delighted when the good
news VAS brought her, and once more
she has, visions of a beautiful bieleie of
her own: t•
The Main Draw _t,*
Miss Si lEalman made the draw-toltt
the Main prizes, assisted' by President
A. if .Erskine of the LionalOinb. The
wieners were- • as follows • 3 -Piece, .
oChesterfield suite -tickets, No. - 1700,
'Madeline Currie,. Detroit; suit of
clothes -ticket No. 373ett 3. F. M.
Geoegh, New Toronto; bOeitcalle--Net '
27e0, Chas. Leckie, Goderich; eoffee
'table -No: 4420, 11. Bogie, Goderich;
, folding_ camera -No. • ioaq, lite
Goderich; odeasional chaare-No. 4421,
Mrs, G. M. *Watson, Goderich; silver
cream and spear and . tray sett -No, ,
1426, Donald B. MaeAdatn, Goderich;
da.lad set -No. 9274, W., IrMaitgomeryi
SM. I'Vestmount, Fort 'William;
rug -
No. 1577,1e. Rouse, Gederiele ; bogs and
reel-,-LNo. 286,, W. A. Craig, Goderich;
electric iron -No. 9243, G., •B. Saner; .
Agaitilrriday Night
The carnival will be repeated on Fri -
,day night of this week, when the...main-
ator. There will also be ten eonsolate
tion -prizes, and again a bicycle wffilbe
given away free to some lucky boy Or
' 'Aecording to Go.L. IdaigOns, chair -
Man of the tGodericht Collegtate DSO- '
tete Bloa,rdstiNe school will open. on
September 3rd, ' the first Tueaday after "
• Labor Day, according to law. No meet..
ing of the Board has 'been held to clise:,
cussthe announcement from Toronto of '
a delay in the beginning of the fall
teriti, and . the. thairmaa belietee no,
meeting is requited. 4
Neitherhas there been any meeting
o.f. the Public 'School Board to discuss
the date of -Opening Of the local publid f
schools "-
Kitchener -Waterloo
Operate Sky
Flying Club to
rbor TrainiiniSchool
00' 'sae'
As armouneed by ThelSignal-Ster lase
week; ,Sky Ilarbor elementary training
flying school IS to be operated by a
'estivate companyettbeyteivelanseewho us
a grout) are kniiWn as a "Flying Club."
.Efforts were begun towardeethe formationof a local club, but this plan has
heeeteabandoned, end the Sky Harbor
,school will be conducted- by the
,Kitchefier-Waterloo Flylng Club:
Col. D. G. Joy, of 'Ottawa., inspector of
avlation, was in Goderich on Sat-
Urday Afternoon last. Ile flew here vie
London, picking up Flying Officer 3. Mt
Roberts at London and aliglititig on the
newly -finished Sky Herber landing
field, • - •
Early in the afteehoOn Col. joy.lnd
Plying Officer Roberts' were in con-
-Sultatien with the County, Connell air-
port committee, composed of Warden
Deegan. Reeves Turner and, McDonald
and W60 Reeve' Frayne. Later tbe
visitors Met with a score of business
men, but no inforenatiOn was 'givenout
save that an effort would .be made to
form a local flying dub to operate Sky
Harbor, but that the matter was very
much "In the air," It was explained
that the Ititehenettreatetloo and other
(lying clubs Were prepared and 'anxious
to take over Sky Harbor, bit it was
preferable that a 'Huron county cow.,
,pany do so if one could be tante&
On. Monday inerning it was an-
nounced that the projected visit of. a
Department of Defertee Okla' t� Gode-
rieh to eeplain further the details of
the operation -of a flying club had been
eaneelled. No reason was given. •
It was made plain that the Depart-
ment id Defeeee would eompletely
equip the airport and its 'buildings,
shops, ete., .and pay all running er.
ponses for one month before .handing
over the airport. •
The Prate Of the 'Flying Club
The Financial Poet of 'last week give
an insight into the workings, of the
schenie; It /tee's:
Probably uneme /in all the WOrld is
the thrifty and businesslike plan
adopted here of using civilians te do the
major pert of the training.
The eleinentary flying training
tehoolie-e-Where the mtedent first learn',
dy---are all rate indirectly by the
flying clubs of. Canada which have been
turning out thousands of 'Civilian pilots
for years,' -have. been -popularizing
private 'flying and,. generally, Making
"end e meet by means of a rather.shoe; .
string subsidy frota,the Government
To handle this .trainhee the tying .
dubs have formed private ' eompanies,
each with working •cepital of
mum of $35,000. The Geyernntent pro.
vides the students, the •airplanes- and
the .flying field, the, private compepy,
'1116.—Thstriloto-rs—inarnteiltinte---.%41,. the
;machines .and the admhaistratien.
The besie on whieh theee-torttpanieif
are paid la SO much per pilot trained.
And this price isbeing worked out as in *
80 many other Canadian war eontraetae.
target priee.
The new Canadian air mixdsteyehae
establiShed,a. Uniform. sYStem at ac-
ceunting for all, and, their books are
under enstaitt official inspection.
The ,colitraet provitite that they are
to • be allowed- to pay five per Out
ditideade on their preeerred shares. It
after some months, of operatiegtlt is
found this figure 18 too high, seventy-
five per cent of the extra profit goesi
.back to the Goverment, the,: other
twenty-five' per centof the extra ,gots
back to the company as A bout% for •
efficient, loW-cost operation. The con-
traets 'be reWritten front time to
time in the light of sueb..experienee, •
The Same general , type, of Arrange-
ment has been made With, eommercial
dying eompanies, for the operation of
the air observeret sehools.
It is believed that using civilian
facilitiee this way, the Government vein
get the job done teeter 'and cheaper
than it eould do it Very important,
this method dreetically reduces the
angina of governmental machinery re
quirked to adMinister the scheme. It
also prevents the ereation of aerniee of
Squadron leaders or other advaneed eir
forte rank e wkich wetild have almott
tnevitably resulted from trying to ate
tract enough Naspetent flyers into the
plan's teething met adeelidetrative
And ettremely ismortant: It Ore*
the people who hare made Oaaallout
Aviation a real Mare in the, tvittlnirillo.