The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-08, Page 2THR CODE iCR SIGNALZTAR tilted by kiigneieSter rreeee Limited. West 4treet,•Goderiell, Ontierio ANGLOSAXRCIMit VS. Tktri ,Thei inteolatIonat 51tnaava.iu pretty welt resolvett iteelt info a con - 'Wet beteeeen AngloeSaxondoei and the' Mit et the wevid. With the collapse Franee, :Britain IS left tO light alone With. the .active backing 'of, the, British 4eutittions and' with aesistence and en- ireuragement from, the 'States. •Ierrityell againat her are Geireany and Italy, with most. ttg Europe in, their •grasp, and Jaya% whiett, thoagit not -actually .at war With -her is; openly playhtg the gate* with the E,uropeatt dictators; BuSSia sits en' the sideline grabbing , off whatever eb.e can, and • teertainly. net showiug any friendliness tet Britain., The small independent na- releeeeeeethem are afraid to do anything that would bring upon theet the heavy hand of the aggressors, or are, like the South American, COWL - tries, geographically detached from tile struggle. - . Looked' at this Way, it seems like a very one-sided cohtest, vtith the odds heavily against the AnglosSeXmis. But there is another way of looking at it. wehave said, South 'America is, for the ,preeent it least, out of the 'pie - are deg eleoutited pretty oftea Canada. 1,11RODILT,, ii.170411T st 11010 rot rma on tbs War THE litUN111:0 - Thc,‘ armistice terms. aeeeptelil 1 y Maretkal .retaie contain a •prOvit9Ralk N'Oghbor itiggius is`•4414.:with the about liaitleal wfugees that will be idea of going to the eity. 'Tire1 eff the reaa 'with widespread' horror, Article' fame ee pleas on getting a Sob as a 19 runs thus: The Preueb,VOverilment watehman at a factory. Accord- f to hand over. all German subjects le- '. Ing' t4.1.4"644f4Veallred a eVe.ekin?,,e all -the (Meted bY tile GetmeteGevereement who tarto.eleas °lee iietoe vehicl& t time .with. notti g..14 .tepai: 144 •labois '3•Fe14. rtaitg"-er F*.,'-iwit -"Vrs9.'3e , • . eitory." To appeeciate the full. the- erY aiie Wad a-helf peep/4e. Tee hale, bat more hard work,. -.a. the seasozw* graee- of this co ces,sion, we must 'recall WL stiPpoSe, le the extra: one thet eroWds Foil around in that enellesS ,cycle of seed- certain. factee Fiance made a treaty ii when the ear is ball. • lug, hareestinge choelag and back to with. Czeeho-Slovakia, end without any wanting broke it. Instead Of the aid The ,SstlaitOon,-bieelection is the %gest 6111°,7 ja•aet;eurinetgitinles;of , what It feit Zee , .s40,,hed promised her allY she helPed to- get the ' "claellety", to diemenaber her. territory. As a eon- , In Canada to be contested- by two binder 'out and stert intoa field equertee all. Czech§ and Germane oh - Women.' , And even then the men ere wheet. ,There wes a, slight breeee come ,-liexious to the Nazis in the Sudeten - net letting them have it to themselves. leg UP The exollew . e . just eneugh. 'to .land had to tee: Mane.' of then: found , r set the gOldete,orange 'of the wheat . refuge irk France. These men and' stalks moVing eadleesly in a hillowinee woraen are now tobe handed Over to. Ilitren las ' airesidy enlisted eaougla esa eveye motion, The Ituives' zipped, their pereecutors. ,,,,, Int 1803 Niirelebn meet in various branches of tlae acthe Into the leolden stalks .,,,, . whielsedlope Wanted 'Britain to expel the Frenele servittecoMake a' goadesized 'unit if they I*41down Aeati.Y on to the canvas .. . . exiles. What every Britoil feit about were ell together., The military auth- , Were' heisted up to.where a mechanical :that demand waS:well pat, by FoX: ; Mang -of -a -jig mothered them into a No man, / believe, is-eacere a lover of oeitieteAvoeld aroase local pateloilSitt by i bundle . . . and Veen Meted iten the peace than.„ I' am. . No one, Perhaps- . establishieg. a Huron regiment M wield' Ikbrietling stubble' . He lergetS those and I hope not to be Suspected. at this tbe men ee this eo'unte welled, esve etimes when the leorsea thankfully stop- time Of bearing Itardir upon art un- coMmon interests and find“the most 61)ea' arj4 1/e. ullthaed the honey pail of I fortimate and fellen gOzallY When I say gesessreeeeeeeempsse----------esatee,cad setiest swater froni the little maple rit,s-no 'one, perhaps, palitieally spealt- frIre-leranch'''. . ifd-iira-7-ek-Witilir .WIreFirre-svireVetrtiluirl-h ' e e ., 9 I until, the coolness of the 'Water eeemed the mouse of Bourbon; yet.X ant ready weert Russia and Germany to to soak' right Into his sun -warmed both to declare that for thet family, nay, Say nothing a Hungary an_d. 1,lgaicia,117,4eT;(-tseheen . a-vflilltilQATt,h,.'"thre$e:retQaStsefedelailindg fanriotn4g631Htliel3mrEathPerrillee se'h-QoufldIbbaet al abnladilIonief,' Bee Roumania is getting weir trimmed. I there was ,to see the barefooted bays of I should be ready to draw my sword Tiehling, first to one aggressive neige: I his ferally dodging the thistles as they dud 'go' to war rather than comply ,erlth bor, then. to •another, she has made ii „,,,bere,,egteid the long ten -sheaf stooks • of a :demand to withdraw from him' the 'f , t leer ,lack of. firmneest ''''---* I wouldn't itnhw what emotions hospitality to which he .itad treated. rieeels. of none In this speech Fox pointed out that has simply invited the attention of the gine: would h4ve at a scene like that, if refugees were thus treated ..a. few jackal nations which surround herbut wlege.,„4, eut my' wheat I was think- Governments might by agreement make Butperhaps she prefers 'to be taken it impossible for a man Who had -t o ieg of how it would be. stared in the .. .. barn . . . and.t.then flailing drums of a to pieces quietly, rather than to he -tsgparator_would takethe chubbey kere ate. North Ametlea is flInao,se entirere smashed oittright by -inv,ading armies. nejs and pour them into: the waiting in the .hantis oft ..” the United, ,Sa.tes and Canadaone actively sympathetic The little nations of Europe are h z tying bins., It Wati quite -ease to imagine the , ' to' • , . an upeentfortable,thne.of it. wheat rolling along to the elevator . . . the British cause ancletii,e.other fighting * - 0 e and, then iutothe mill . . . to come out _ he, white' sacks . . . and later to reach 4de"byeSide. with Britain. The contite We .are not at all impressed ith the ent:ef Australasia is Praetically entirely . . • Yi tete .hungry mouths oe men,women and advanged in support. of • the, un- .children in the form- of golden brown - Italian exile., in Browning's poem .de - British: Afriea ..iS lergelY la British empleymeat insurance measure,, that Point dru.sted bread. It 'mould help to ;make Canada unlikeethe European Centinent,' ,,,,, hand* t .4kekiee be -dominated, at present • the-contribtetions'of 'employers and em---- here dreixd faHmineeiaite luriting.• Per iv 'Ressia. and Japan, but -the veet ployees; amounting to -Tout or five haps my wheat may evep. find its . . • Otaixeie erdPire 14 PrePating" to throw Milli= dollars a MOntle can be used to across the ocean to. help 'feed wilhe ,off the bonds, in which she has been. help. finance the -war.. The insitrance, British and help them battle their faeS. What farmers fail to realize is that held, iid India., Arabia. and Turkey, if measure creates ne: „wealth; the four not ,entirely„ 'diveted. te_Britelita are or We Million -dollars will merely,. bel'tileir • Work Is important ! They, tOG, are fiottirig : and While the (tanker eertainly'enot --inelined -to: -favor the e,. . oeyerted frora one pocket to anothe e(of their- work Isnotlike that Of the 'aggressors., ....igoittinerttai Eltirope, of• and if it is putento the insurance fun1 soldier§ insthefrent lines . . .. the food votir,see IS, ter .the pressent under rite it cannot be paid 'to the GO-Verna:len ,tliey grow is an esseetial. . Farmers tail to recognize the ' fact in incolne or efeess profit taxes, or•used I i that all aroundrthera are greeter activ- ihumh of Britein's-enemies. So of the . Ave'eontiOnti':10 the Tar "zone .three---.- by emploYere. and employees to buy war ities and ,,`.`doings" than they realize. llortle-Amerieae-Aftiek and AustralaSia certifteates. 'Not -only does the measare ' Their pleasures are simple but: COM- -,--* he :counte*4 ort .t,h4. Anglo-Saxon create tei wealth, It „will add to the fortable. Somehow, I don't really be-. non-prod,tettive expenditures of the • Ileve that dancing in. a, crowded, noisy *clef 'Alia *tn. the other two. the enemy . ' ballroOre, . . . Or, Sipping drink • and • . -countries are being Seriously ehal- . e coepeey through the creation of &large food in*e restaurant can compare 'with lenged. Naziismand" Tilseisie. are nevMalief Wthe civil servite engaged the Pleasure of sitting on your own. stetting *MAO* to death, end; Japan' in the administration. ofthe adt. veraridalf .on, a cluiet summer' evetting., is A hottee'at tcards that mak tuirible at * * .; There's 'noise around you . . . ,but a glorious medley Of sound that are any ' monieet. e ' : ' .t • 't . ' . , Six names are to be onthe ballot for neualle,„ called silent by writers.. . . ' yin* tee,, is on. the side of Anglo- . , I r, the Federal, by-election in SaSkatoen. the .squeaky ;rasp of the cricket • _Saxondome'fer With command of t,lee This is thecentest by which XiSs Agnes' the ' sound • of night lairds . .• . the seas and ,sttrterior indestfial resources "whoosh" of a hat's wings as it, batiks alacpimil hopes th get t4c1r. inte'Parlia- ereund . the ' house .. . . the distant :thlhiBritialt COMmoneve.altie 'of Nations meat. Besidee the regulai. Liberal and clanging of a cowbell . ; .: the soiled eend,tbee _eee,leteit,_ecLe:Statee_een fashion ,.4eenseeeseteemeaeuxeseeme--Abeee-eaesehe settie...WeeSscroPpiegegraesinsthe:Pasture, addititeeete Miss • Sitlephail, an.' bide ' ''' . the,..chirping of chickens in the , navies and'etrniles caPeble of dominate e' . . orchard Coops.' And while ,you druik : Mg' the world. . .' . Pendent 'Liberal, a war veteran hide..., in this '.glorioais compoeiteon of Tound, pendent, , and a: woman indePendebt. you can relax in stocking feet .' . . and ror the .;first time Miss MaePhall hes let your body sink -deep in a rocking - chair that may not -look as . 'Well as, an opponent Of het own' sex. The eat- glaring steel furniture , : . but. ie Cee• 6140144 $0 *web an4 fiat L.ei,yo has heed attow %/Ater. They pointed to Ger- eaany'e depleted. gold reservee ta the steady loee of,foreign aesete, Mr. Vrite Sternberg, aathor of "From Nazi Sources: Why Hitler Can't Wine", Write ing .1a `the May 27tle ieene of Tha Nees itepahlie tells how Nazi authorities have doe it. • Ilitier, wiltee Mr. Sternberg, has *eerie :Qtre-0900,4100,000 241rite reenees meat. Where did the Nazis get the 51411tor.117te?inbeFr..°44Tettlhayitletik7rlee!araeqsatv:urst 20,000,000 teal:at:11y employed teerkteins. stances. This, however, is the daY of Put the 2.0,90%000 today actually set!, :tdelnnerenaelti9p1114..CAa,1111atildr firwsht,oelnovdemCUinst", This Is 8,00%000 more than in 1932. 1es wage e than the 1:4000,000 did in Feet all the force of which they ' This is beaus taxes , hese been are c'apable, rementbering that the war inereased eharPly, because the mark le not oe etenede's creatioe, not of Bri- has' depreciated ,in value and, 'because teen's -creation, hut was coneeived - and living tots • are up tremendously. In". plotted in the -chancelleries of GerMan.Y. order to encourage farming the tar burden has been shitred largely, from raral lands to industrial workerie Thus solution of the problem is easy. The Nazis have 331dde 1011 ld-Se of Ger- many's labormarket. There le Virtual- ly no unemployment. 'Yet the men who work day. and night, in the nation'e War industries receive almost teething for their effort, ,Preduction, Is vast 'bat the Cost remains the same. Mr. leterrilieTellleVer owl -1g must eome. Hope of victory has inspired the nlaiitliciirs of German work- ers;- SO far a huge corps of Gestapo agents and terrorists troops, have kept opposition silent. As long as Germany wins Vietdries the people will work on, but explosion is inevitable, the Wri* arehes, when the war begins to drag and"German armies' are held back. -. __Watertown (LN.Y.) LOYAL CERMAN PE'OPLE • OF reader$ -undersitibd intr at- titude has been imaqr4117 unoallaended, It would, be muett wore piettaant if yve could sty thatc we sire safe on tiaie elde of the Atiautic from the terror whielt is, day aud sweeii)114 over the British Isles, But we are not -and though we, eliouid eeeape the phyoical danger, what would it Profit us g it we were to be subjugated instead? - We are keenly appreciative of the 1141, of AtWoodi 0* StiLi day at Mr. and' JI' John Yeagan'ri, Mr. 'Donnelly a nepiteW '4Of gr„, Feagan, Mr. and Mrs. „Stanley van, zitotte of Beruniller atria were visitore at FeagatVe. Mr. Ilat'old Pollock of 'Whitechureb, preached at Nile on Sunclarnight. Mr, Mcelenagitan took the other appoint, loontS, Loburn, Smities41111 and Bea. miller, and will take the service„ next difficulties that tite tragedy forced nPon Sunday night at Nifo. us bring ;to loyal German Canadian4.1, The fall.wheat and barley are all eat Many of them still have eiose ties of and threehing. is tb.e order of the day. klusbilf thetrfailteliand 'and the Vr. H. -Mathews was the first to thresh sentime ts which' arise from that fact Lavinia; rtl are net ;readily eradicated i nor should Mr. Merle -Kerr wears a broad Seatie. they be under lese dangerous eireme- k A little bey came to their home on, Saturday and looks as though Ite ba.d . cchne to stay. . 'Mr.. and Mrs. Mary Spragg Wior, ton .and Mr...; Jas. Spragg of Oiven Sound visited wtvith their ,Ister; Mrs. Walter Pettznan, and Mr.spettman, Have You Renewed Your Sitbstription? arid, Italy, with the dominatmg obieet of crushing all flattens that would not bow the knee to the . dictators' views of civilization. This is the challenge which Britain and her Dominions (with their own absolute power of ,self -govern - meet) accepted, This is the war which, ..with Canada's help in man power, sup- plies and undaunted courage, must be won, and will be Won if all that is worth ilyeeetgekeeleenerste vanish fropa this land 'which we cheerfully aecepted as our home. - , a newspaper now serving it S na- tionality throughout ‘the Dominion over half -a -century, we "feel that „ there ' should be no misunderstanding, among our people. If there are any" news- papers printed in the German language in Canada that are not dealing with the dra.stie realities of the war and that unequivocally, they are rendering a dis. service not only to the eatie,trY, but to the Vast maJority of th,e German people immoll**09919991919999199.919 CU fly, hiq. country for political ,reasons to ;) •whose loyalty, to Canadian institutions • CANADA. find an asylum anywhere. They could The follovVing aPpearedrae an editor- is not now, and neve; was, in question. ial areiCie le !`Der Nordwesten, ' -Ger- To„ give up men a this , description., --hunt -him from Vie face 'of the globe. therefore, would be the worst and man language newspaper- published- at basest act I aea.capeble of conceiving." Winuipeg,,in its issue of July e4th: What Fox, pictured as a dreacifel The registration of _all,. Canadians is nightmare is coming true. Witen the • a timely and right aetion on the part MAYOR, 110I/bE IN THE DOG-A.0'0SE •. The'inost startling event-ofthe week in Certada was the attempted defiance - by Mayor Howie of Montreal. Of the national registration net, followed by - the swift action of the Ottawa Govern- nC`minee shows unexpected strength it Ment in arresting and interniuthe looks like a pretty sure thing for Agnes. g Offender. ' Though she slipped in the last election, Mayor Houde Lssuedto Montreal the ex -Member, for Grey, usually nien.- • '' newspapermen ii signed. statement in which he declared that he would not conform .to the national registration - law and asked the peOple to follpw hi ,example.-- When, the matter came to. thenttention of. the Ottawa 'aethoritIes;: ter lse a former president_ of _the tainly a7 lot Inore' comfortable.- - Saskatoon Women's Liberal Associa- Neighbor Etiggins is toyieg with the g ' tion ; so the Liberal vote will be split idea of teedinthe coentry and its bright,'sunshiny summer days . . for three ways, and unless the Conservative the dank darkness of a. warehouse at night. He's. wagering on trying to sleep int the *daytime when alt about him .men and WOMOR 'are about their daily ,work; . . And in. a .small city home he'll try' to 'sleep with the heat and the noise and the dirt of the city in r the. summer -time. Well, be that asit .may . I wouldn't trade life in the country for all that any City. could •offer me . . . whiCh-I--th1Ik4sn t raueh. • - A REMARKABLE RECORD • scribed his life as a fugitive he said: That second time they hunted' me, Fmehill-to plitinefrom shore tossea, And AA -stela; h-Ounding-far and witlee Hetbloodimatids theaugh the country- : • e. Breathed hot initistant on my 'trace. ' . • To day as country after country falls under the ,shadow of the.Gestapo, the whole 0,ontineet is in- dangee- of be- coming a -prison whence no, than ' cart escape: Aestria had less then half of Italy: in, her hands, Hitler has more tha.n half of Europe. When we reeall the great French tradition of hospital- ity and- the welcome France has given to political exiles in the post war dis- turbances this clause is a melancholY illngtration of the moral, collapse of the men who speak for her to -day. Illvery Czech, ;German, Italian, Pole, Spaniard Who has trusted France iSlu danger.--Minchester Guardian: •ages to land on her feet. WHY 31110LAND SHIPYARDS GOT' , NO CONTRACTS (Barrie Examiner) 12 what he said was aeeording tothe -faets, Mayor Oliver EL Smith, Midland, did the public a real serviee when he • Mr. B. tapOinte, Minister of- Justice, revealed to thp Council of that town, thie-eattithde of an Atuerigan-libria capitalist, who ';recently acquired the Midland Sbipbuilding Company. Altiyor Staitir told his Couneil that wheh the eepitalist visited the property a few weeks ago he stated 'that he had. no intention of accepting Contracts on the basis offend by the, DePartment ef National Defeat*. -.Ile waseneftesat e- fied with the margin, of profit' whieh 'mild be possible. 'Be *and his - as- eociatee were out to make Money and. big•niouey, and if they could not ,oper- ate it, the yards would not operate." -"Some ra6rithe ego it was stated -and we have never seen theestatement de- nied -that the cempany veltieb now owes the Midland 'Shipyards demanded $100,000 more per vessel than the Gov- ernment was paying another eoniPanY for the same type of boat, The Gov- ernment quite properly refused to be held up eh this fashion., Had this company keethwIlling to take the same price as others, it is stated that a con- tract for four shipe was available for • the,Ntidland yards. e. Midland Couneil gave ;notice that" effective January 1, 1941, Midland Ship- building Company wortld no longer haVe a Axed assesenient, but would. pay all municipal( taxes/ ' If the facts are as placed before Mid- land Council by Mayor. Sniffle' no time shoultlebellosletyetilSederal Govern- • molt iji expropriating MIS plant for wer services without , thought of profit --provided the plants, aeW Operating are not equal to supplying the Governe ment's repirements for thistypes of vessel. 'Reasonable persons wilt recogs seize in this reported attitude of one of the country's big business men, a per• .. nicions and potentially dangercas weaporfogainst the successful contsuct of the wareeffOrt, -Canada bad enough of war profjteers in the fast war, there is no reason why they shotila, be encouraged now. If necessary 'let the, Government operate, tbolr01151neescs. . promptly issued an order tinder „whieh the Mayor' of the largest aty in tae Dominion was dealt with in the same manner as any ordinary citizen would be in similar eircurastances. , hive shown any favoritism or any weakness in the Mattel would have been to iraperil the ivilOte effort ot Ova Government to provide for the safety Of „the. 'country -In war time, and, Canada . is fortunate in having at the head of the Department of Justice .a Manof stick titrOngth Of wilt as Mr., Lapante • wine at Ithe same tithe Commarkds the respeet' and emifiilehee of his compatriots la the Province Of Quebec; - This is not the first time Mr: LaPdhite has shown, the stuff of which he IS Made. Last year, :When Premier Dnpieseie," of Quebec attempted ee ar- ray his PrOvince 'againse the rest of Canatlae the Minister of Justice and his ), Colleagues from Qtiebee in the 'Federal Government challenged hint at thtpolis, with the result that XL • tmplessiss ,Government. was turned out of office by the vote4of the loyal people of Queliec. • As for Iloude, little sympathy wilt be wasted 'Upon him, Ile is a peren- nial troubleernakete his chief *purpooe life, apparently, being to keel) hini- self in the publie, en. Ito will havO • an opporttatity:to present 145 case for release frete etimilnetnent; in the mean,. tittle he is Where he an realize that ' even the ,Makor of Montreal la ncot above the law. • •rtairoggit, NOTES Illehard Wilhelm, millionaire. glue •Manufacturer, died a feee days ago let • New Yerki State. Ho made lite fOrtuue ttleli-to-ltivene3s. * * * It lig announced thitt• „the Clanildiate •eenente will be iitkett ¥066 2M IVO. What *int elettions, national regift. • tratlen, and the MOO4oedlote, no0a0 * AWAITING AN' OVVORTUNITY • teheeley Enter„prise). • n It may• seem now that wo' have no •Aids, with France giving ttP the fight, but we Igo to think •that there are Millions of people in conquered Europe who are our friends, and that some day they may *rim and ;strike a power- fIrd, blow in our rause, which is alSO their eau*, of the Dominion 'Government. Under the dynatitie gaidence, of the, newly- a-Pleeinted Xniater, of War Setyleee,_ -the-Honorable games G. Gardiner, the task- is- likely to be complete(' with speed and efildiency. While the prim- ary object iS not to draft men into mili- tary Setvice, it Will esoetttin In a. Very thorough Manner who is fitted for suck and who is hot ; and it will. also reveal whet ceetribetions* Canadian i is dieiduals -qui make to the war that Canada, together, with the Empire and., sits other Domielons, is waging- against thetyrannical forces of 'Hitler and MusSolini,,now seeking to destroy- every bred of liberty and freedoM enjoyed by the free. clemocracteefeeethe world. This national registeatimi is`coipulsQry and any evasion is punishable' by severe Pertalty. , But even if that wee not.the case, we believe our people of all reces Nvoule Limply with itreadily. In doing this, however, letead ohe delude himeelf with the thought that .leis responsibil- ities .are over. As fox •-ea we :this country are concerned, •,they are , only commencing fox„all of is. The views expressed be Der' Nord 'weseen from• -week to Week onotexag *gerate- the seriousness, of the sitgatiou t ha teeenf ronts euseese„-„We-,-,-belleve' -our . A NATION IN"^SIAVIERY . . . ' The democtatic world bus been wait- , - big for seven jeate now for Germany to collapse economically. -Financial ex- perts in Paris, London and New York ,couldeaot,econeeive __hew --Hitler, could , - c ji1torTie ,Signal-atar;--The' sketch of lir. iGeorge_ [Rutledge, the honored ninetieeeven-year-old pioneer of West Wawanosh, as given in The Signal - Star of August let,enterested me great- ly, for his period' anteddtes my earliest boyhood recollections. , His chureh eonnection goes back to &drys ot Thee-Maithindmierelon of the old M. E. church, which, united with oeher bodies to form the Methodist Church in 188.4, Accoeding to the minutes of the qea.rtekly° -conference of the Maitland circuit held in the Good Templars •Manchester, April, 1867, Rev. M. Dim - hack being the minister in charge. and Wm. Symington of toung's`schoolhouse recording steward, George,Rutledge and • William Elliott .(my • father) Were hmoeg those named as stewards. I have, also, copy of the minutes of the Maitland circuit for the years 1$7.5 and 1877 written by George Rutledge, asrecording steward,The ehief preach.: ing places of the eircuit at that time were Oliver's., (irterwards Ebenezer.), Manchester, Bali's and Benntiller. • Few men in the United Church have a record of offiCial atanding that goeS.; bakele.eo far as that of Mr. Rutledge. • JOHN ELLIOTT. London. Ont. •csintemurAt •(Mancliester JGuardian) ' Mr. Churchill has had a ,,unique ex- perience. l''or six year .he has been warning ministers of our „danger in vain, fie has lived day and night with this haunting and brooding fear. Ile hag seen the evil force that he dreaded gathering strength 10 -lluroPe. Ile has found himself at. last called 'upon to lead the nation when the storm • has burst on our shores. This expert.. once seems to many to have affected his character and bearingin the past • he has been known as a brilliant orator, • a dashing politician, a man ready for adventure and fond of excitement. 'Po - day he has a- depth, a kind of Glad- iitoolan depth, in.his speeeltes that see, geste the outlook ef a Male who is living in seirit with the hopee and tragedies of history. The nation, faced •witli SddittiOdS that tlemitede all its faitiz and all Its courage, 11 fortunate id Ilading as its spokesman a matt vrho5ct great natural glfta diScipline has thus ral,ed to a higher and more ,solemn Porrer. 'WILE ° NILE, Aug.. tfelen Keena, from 'Seleringville, is spending a` couple ,of weeks with Mr, and Mrs., Lammers. 'Mr. and „Mrs. Donnelly ,o4, -Toronto and the lattei's sister, Miss Ha.11. and .91199919911111Y pAY LE YOU USE LESS SURER RESULTS EASY OPENINC; TIN - CANNOT SPILL 11 IVIinexd's, the tainoue rubbing ment, sworn ,foe of muscular and joint sbreness, `stiffness' and pain. , Use it gefiereusly.' greaseteas, hai no unpleasant odor, dries quickly. Uselt • for dandruff and al4n, disorders, 3004 Get a bottle at yo' iirtnor,j4V- • - today. Keep it.hendy on your . bathroom Shelf. .- 12/5t DOUBLE -ACTING BAKING POWDER WHEN YOU REGISTER YOU GET THIS CERTIFICATE National Registration is a plan to Mobilize and direct our , human. resouices — to assist:Canada in the present crisis. When you regis- ter you will receive a certificate, convenient for card case or f.ocket—tangible, evidence that you have complied with govern- ment regulations. It is not only a tec6rd for the GOveitiment; it is also for your protection. As such, you will be required to carry this card with- you at all iimes. Its presentation can be demanded at. any time by the proper authorities. ...... .. . .. , . resi g ...... . ........ ........ • . ... . .... . . .. . .. ...... . ... .. . ... . ... . ......... . .............. ,.„ . ......... ,„- .. );,,vozoti, ....... .... . .......... . . .......... .......... ons .. ..eiste,reci uncf .... . ...... . ... ....... of, "uotreln . . . ... • . „ .. ..... • ... . exItictrzed .......... . .... ..... *2 . ***"..! ..... • . ." 7,• EVERYONE CAN HELP —To keep the cost -of this registration at a ininiintun the Goverpment is asking the .0S -operation of all public -minded citizens in the work of tegiS- tpation. You can help by gettin,g in toiieh with your local registiation officials and offering your., services. WHERE TO areisTER, Registration offices are being 'set up by electoral districti in the same manner as in the last Dominion election. Registrants are required to register in the regular polling sub, &visions of their own constituencies, lint should a registrant be in some other province Of district out of the regular pollit% subdivision on Registration Days, he or,she may register at Any registration office convenient, upon satisfactory explanation to the local deputy registrar. Registration Dates August 19qi 20qi 21st 111011.4iltee for $01teltegiStrelkitiOMI '141i1ere to register wilt make any pale or fetnahe Married or single over the age of 16 years, lighle to a (me not eicr0diog Two hundred dollars; Or to itnPrisooment for a term not exeeeding Three months, or to 4oth such fine and imprisow ment,-and moreover to a &ether penalty not exceeding Ten dollars for eaclit day, 'after .the day upon which Ile should have registered, during lathith be shalt continue to be unreghtered. Published under the, authority of 11011. Peat G. GAIIDINER Minister of National War SeryflI lcoa. ••••,