HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-01, Page 8AIM siasare NEWS OF AUBURN <AA, AUDURN, July 31,---311i Josepitiue Weir lo 'via -atlas Atli* Vhristine Robert - au* at 'Whitby. Miss Margaret Fergnson is vting friends in Sarnia. Rev. and Mr IL e WiLsou attended 'On Saturday the Joarriage of Mr. Wit, SOWS niece, MU* Elizebeth Eedyt- daug.lstar of M and Mrs. Lone ecty et St. Mary*, to James Brown. Witten% otheiated at the wedding. .1 sumeli Itaithby lutt.iIr WeAteril Vainada at PreSeat, purehasing a load of cattle. - Miso Martha, Adams, of Kitchener, ie visiting relatives here. _ Reid, Sheppardand Douald Rose pent the lattertpart of last week. visite ing Carl Zurbriag, of Liatowelt' Mrs. ',tills and Douglits„of California, and. Mrs. Stephenson, of Clinton, visited laet sikek with Mrs. C. A. Howson. Mr. and Mrs.. Onarles Scott enter- taine& eente' thirty friends and neign- bors recently in honor a Mr, and Mrs. Utichtter and fiatnily, o1 Kiteneuer. Ititee Phyllis Manning , of .IattideSboro , epent a few days: last week. with Joan SliePpard. • ' l!ttiss Hattie' Murray bas returned to Seaforth after a fortaight's vt with ---teVre-etndeMrsa.Edgar awson. The annual Bible .Society mee mg • will be held In Knox United church • -next Sunday everang at 7.30. • Wigitratre of TOrct4to will speak. Mies .alma alutela, of Toronto, is vieltiuglier mother, Mrs. lames. Muteb. Mr, and Mrs. Waal. Co,ates of Flint; Mtcht,, are visiting 'RI. and Mrs. \f alt Allen. Next Sunday moming 116v. Will. tTaylor, a Dorchester, will be the -speaker at linoi United church, At tile Baptist church next Sunday Refrigeration Service T. E. MciTittie 48 rioton St. atone 417W afteraotos, the Evangelistie Bind, ef Talbot street Itaptitit titurcis, `Isoncion. will Sing and pretteh. Mr. and Alm Wth, Vergusou returned to their bottle at Wiudeor after a, vieit with frienda here. They were accompanied by Mrs. Albert in ;of Goclerien, wbo will visit thena fer a 'CouPle of weeltS. ' Miss Margaret King is viSiting friends in Goderiell. LzaYLePDard Were, -tratterti vigiters-ou SaturdaYi ' • - .8 number frem here attended the 'MeWhinney 011ie at Goderieh en Taese day. • • , Somiefort ufle attemled't (milting in the baeemena of Knox Presbyterien enureh, on Tuesday afternoon, $then live quilte were, quilted. for the ,Ited Cress, „ A pot -luck* Supper, was served at the close of tlia Sheeing a, Young Collt.—Muctli 'inter- est centred around the local bliteltsmith. shop on Monday afternoon when Albert' CamPbell brought down a twelve -days old colt to nave itS two feont-feet shod: The grout legs were so weak that the aniinal 4 couldn't stand up, in so a special, slacie WittS put On. Extending from the shoe up the teebare two iron rods,. which Will support the leg. Pad, V,"1-s-Pnt-between-thet-re4-a-n414eg and cloth was wrapped around the irei rods and rest of the leg. The colt.was shod in a' trailer, and it I§ hoped that this kind of shoe may prove succesSfal in allowing the animal te walk. Red Cross Benefit. ---The -big nfght," sponsored last.1,Yednesilay evening by the Red k`ross, was:a tremendeus sue us'. The attendanee_ was huge The program was prbvided • by the Tuck !Sisters of Palmerston. This was sup- plemented by music by the Blyth band. Mr. Stanley Silatharpe, of Blyth, rend- -erect-twot -patrietie- songs. Mr.- Ray mond Itedmond was enairman-.for, „the evening. The concert was "amplified." Bingo and other games were played and a „dance was held with Arthur's orch- estra providing, the music., Refresh- ments were served at .the r'efreshment *booth. OVera.$300 was cleared. The Red 'Cross quilt waswon by lE•lirani Lindsay. . His Very -Own Madam: • "You must have a good appetite! . You have eaten a whole pie!" • Kitchen -door Visitor: -"Yo, Madam, ttnatt.ia..ole 1 have in the world which call iny ettn."-- nChristiant-Adeheatet- - • ALBERT THE °ODER:ICH SIGNAL PORT ,AT;BET$M, July 30.—l4ro..Itlel, son Graham haid her Onslis removed lnjGoderielA nilespita recently. We hope that she will' be much improved in health in the 'future.' Miss Oara.Willis has secured a posi- . tion in Guelph for a short time., We extend our 'sincere syropatlw ,to Mrs. James Young in the death a lair mother, Mrs. Jackson, at 'Ripley, Whie4 °centred on July 24. The -funeral. took AticelstJtritialt-Irmas :home Of bek • daughter„ Mrs. Hotlgins, at Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Pervy 'Graham. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crawford attendedthe funeral. Church $ervzecs,4ev W Newman, We.' Newman 'and „family *are letiving this, week to spend, their vacation at St. CatharineS. They will be away for 'the month of August and In the absence of tie pastor there will be three SuPPlY ministers. Tile first Sunday in August the service will be taken by. Bev. W. A, Bremner a Seakorth. Oa August llth tlie service will be taken by Bev. O. p. ,Taylor of "Wheatley. .On August 18t1i tli.gervice will be taken by Bev. W. ,J, Taylor of Rochester, Tnere will be no ervnte op the 25tIa. A good attendance at these servicee is requested. . Presentation --A very pleasant event 00 p ace in e ort er b(Q0 house last Saturday, When a dance •was held in honor of Mr. and:Mrs., Dave Martin, .who eelebrated' their twents-afth anniversary. Relatives and •friends from enetroit, London, Aubtu!nand surrOunding (district gath- ered -to, do honor to the Couple, Daneing was held from 8 to 12 o'clecir, Monk's orchestra from Goderieh cap - plying the muslc. The happy conlYie were the recipients of a large number of pieces of silverware and a purse of -money, For the occasion Mrs, ,Martin wore her-wedding-gottirt RefreshmentS were served and •the, feted couple thanked their relatives and friends in a few well-chosen words and a happy evening was brought to a dose. Then there is the chap who was knocked oft or vagrancy and sent to jail. When he got there the warder told hina to strip and have a bath.. "'What?" he said. "Get into that there water!', • . • • ,, 'Yes," the warder said: "Burney" you don't 'art need a bath! How long is It sinceEyou had, one?" Well the chap said, .."I'Ve never been arrested before." Hive' Yon Renetted Seco - This mid Mat You've seen those fish IWO, Or sbail flies, that °nee in while Swarm iii0Und ligitted places but disappear almost as quickly as they eeme.. It seems that dowu in the Lake ,rte distriet they are much more of a •liest than they are here. Down that 1V4310 vve are told, the dead flies can he gathered up by the bushel, and the invasion lasts not Just a „few hours, 1121.4*WeSc_Xte Ar;ther$0111M. ,Balto last, week hatiTquite anurtliA0 on the pest , According to The Eehe It Spends from two to three years in the lake mud, preparing',for a brief exist- ence of $ix hours a Ia winged beauty. It can't bite, as its mouth.is, sealed shut when it emerges from the larvae. stage. It 'doesn't Sing nor do •much of any ; - thing ,but deposit its eggs In the water and then, seek to comtait guielde against the nearest light. Lake 'sailors tell of seeing the surtaee covered for area of several miles in length and two or three lanndrea yards in width with their dead bodies... No one, ean foretell the ... Briefs •Softball—Civie 'Holiday, at 10 a.M,, lateknow vs. MaeDonald Electries itt Victoria Park, Tickete 10e, This will b an interesting way to start your holiday. ; . 41 Reserve Aagust 4tb for garden party at Geo. Laithwaite's, Buret' road, in aid of the Red Cross. Good play, orehestra 41114 tom.•- A giouif sumoaer hats, in the latest styles; priee L 00 MISS M, :R. Mac - VICAR, Kingston • street, Bedford Block. 30x Grouchy? Irritable? Xou eatet help it if 'yoar liver is sluggish. Try Igipp'ws Herb Tablets, Sold bY OAMPitilLLIS DRUG 'STOItEn. By attending the patriotic entertain- ment at Georg.V Laithivaite's, "Maple Leaf Varna,' on 'MOndaY next, you Win decide it was the end of a perfect day." There Will be a play, "Safety follOwed by a dance to good' date of their eOluing. It Seems ,to . music on a fine platform' • pend on the weather. Eventlien it is TA' Ladies' Aid of Zion church and not so Much the heat but the hunaldtty lthe Red C„ross of Taylor's Corner will tbet governs ethem., - They have beea known to aPpear As 'early as May and as late as the middle of August, and -the lil&-g-71-0usualyrrnisse en about three 'Weeks. • The AmherStburg 'paper has another Paragraph that will find an eeho here: It is from The Eases correspondent in one of the waterside villages of Essex eounty :• . • °There eught to be some kind ofgood conduct law imposed here "outside of the one which' the weed 'Inspector looks after. The human form is all right to display if it. IS one of a shapely young lady. No one objects to that, but when -bigt-fat men go-arountitthetstreets--of this lovely village Sundays wearing only a girdle -which is just tight en!ouga . . to make their, stomachs protrude sa disgusting way, someone besides ,the weed Inspector ehould take a hand In putting, the law"governing good conduct in force in such a public place as this Is getting to be." . I:low Would itdo to enact a law that 'everybathing beach should include ni its equipment a' full-length mirror? If these nude fattiee should get one glimpse of themselves, that ought .to be etioUgh. 1'%aet.'"' BREAD 11 n 11 11t .:1"%111.... sip i;'"' 111 111 , Holiday- . IStore Flours' STORE CLOSED ' ALL DAT ---CIViC Ito MONDAY, AVG. 5th. OLD CHEESE Iv CHAIIMEATcanai. .-CLOVER_ HONEY 1111111.10CKTAIL,Me .;SPAGHETTI JELLY' POWDERS .2.C11111SIIEVIIITZr. CHOC. RIPPLE '51c6iIlaik's CLARKS SOUPS .A134' CORNER .B4F. ITACHESLA' &C414)ice SalitiON iancY i:1111.g GINcER ALE reit°ErF 33131,7: ZSc umE,-ificKEyY.1.1407. ChM_ ,Itt_125, PEANUT BUTTERp-ANIE 11-4L 13c 24:. 21c MAYONNAISE a. itgf.. Iv- 24c PORK & BEANS AYLMER Tir 8c • n --And The Port tlgin,.:Thne8 tells this one:. •• , . iix-year-old Jean Giugrich, '• daugliter of .*Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oingrich of Port Elgin tot,in an . inured male- geld -A* ch (wild 'canary) flatterinsabout ber lawn abOut eight weekago, and while nursing ft along she caged it out- sideseher home. Three weeks later, , the -family netied another 'canary, ;less Llaudily-colored-and-obtiously a feinale, outside .the caged can- 'doralelle,„ attempting to get into the cage with her male. the female was easily eapt-hred and itt present the• two eanafies , are en- joying a happily married life in - their intitaalt'ea.ge otitelde- the • ,Glagrieh. home,- prOving, beyond a , doubt. tifit'the female is more • faithful thanathe male. • Change that Werd "gaitlif,ue to, "per- *- • - if you ddn't know the words of that popular pat.rtotie song, "There'll Al- weys Be- an England," Clip this out and memorize it ,• I .give you a toast, lattice adh gentlemen, 1 give -you -a- todSt; ladies and thig fair land we love so well In dignity and freedom dwell, Tho'' worlds: nray •thange and goawry While there is still one voice to dry. • (01:torus)1 There'll always be an. England 1Vhile there's 5 country Ieae, Wnerever there's a cottage small Beside a'field of grain. There'll always bean:England While there's a -busy street,, Wherelter 'there's a turning wheel, A ndllion marching feet :,Red, white 'and blue, t • What does it mean to you? ' • Surely yOu're .prod,. shout it aloud, Britons awake. •• . The Enipire teo—we an depend on you. Freedom remainse!stheee are the chains nothing Can break. There'll always be an England„) And ,Englend shall be free,. If Epglandtmeafts as much to you . • ' As England means to me. , 'Of -.course, there are some people to Whom ,Seotland paeans a ldt more than England, and for their Sake someone, has added to tile forgoing verses the. followingt'• .There wilr always be an England AS long as Scotland stands, . For it's due to dear old :Scotland , Tbat England's wealth expands. mils CHEESE m. CHATEAU' CHEESE Yj 11 MEAT BALLS Healuntl's „ 2' 4tiz 25c TOMATOES igNA, 2 24J 23c BEANS— PURITAN - 28Ar 25c BREAD PURITAN BROWN 111,/,7*llc PICKLES Aylmer rfisiviZS •• 19.77:` •PURE JAM Eittwsbrgges,32,7-::. 39d SHRIMP FANCY ° 544741z• ISc BLUR TEA Special Bleaci lett'. 47c pluNEs 70 80's 2 MC I5c. SMOKED BONELESS PORK Our r1 idly neighbor Englana We always will defend, * We'll .help' her fight her battles, lier broken ships we'll mend. And when the war Is over,•- And vietory has been won, We'll sing '.of England's glory And the wonders she has dOne. 'Wouldn't it be niee to (be In the POsition 0± some, of .,our' wealthy .phil- anthropists, and startconstruction20 swimming pool In Palmerston for ,the young folks? Maybe, after the Ivar our service 017.ganizations will be in a Posie 7 tion to earmark money for this PurPOse. It's about all we lack, --Palmerston Observer. Well, no towii hag everything; and Palmerston young folks ean, always • tome; to. Goderieh a/id have a dip in • Lake Huron.' A&P ()EPEE VZGO*OUS Vi1141tIt ar • uni*mrimow Otiock wit own* reutpoonan Red Circk Vot • It matters not how 'long we 11e btit how -4E', l3Mley. meet at the laome,of Alts. W. Haaeke en • Wedn.esclay, August 7th, at 2 p.m. The aesistant hostesses will be Mrs. P. o • geti-alUftr-2V11-Olniee;'-'111-e--f eall.will be answered by the Scriptural use of the word !Voy." More work ou the refugee quilt. will be done at this meeting. IROODAT , 1 For Results A ClastMed Ad •14 _ FOfl (S. A. LSE. UU1S0ON 00UPE, 1,10); cheap for cash sale. APPIY E. G. SMITH, Das,t street. 31x Z1 8T 14W1ENC14, Montreal, street, wrath Of , PUblic Library. This property will be sold Chow, igr4oney ja ORA,IGIE; • 21tf WATERFR°NT,. WITH MODERN "•. furnished eottaget Water, sewer, light. Or part._ • OHARLBS B.ennett, St., Goderiele, ••24tf amesssemetassms •sseeseas • Noneu • The 'Capital lunch business having been purchased:by me, I hereby notify all person e having any elaims against ft to present their accounts on or before August 15th, 1940, for payment PRANK Dated at Goderich, this. 24th„July, 1940. 391 malliNnom, WS still a hit. It's the talk of the town. Blackstone% Nu Freezer Fresh Ice Cream, Phone' 240' for delivery. For fresh salted nuts of all kinds,. trY Blackstone's. • • The Signal Star, sells for $2 to any address in Canada wad is worth -more. Look at 'our label,; it will show the date np, to which /our subscription Is paid. - ' • • AumoN-. 'SALE A:WT][01N: SAT.m. Of household furniture,' property of M. Robert E. Durnin, will be held at his home, Nelson St. Goclericla , n WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th, • --tat 1.30 Ana. "• All the contents of the home to be disposed of. ,‘ No reserve. - WANTED MAN WAINTED.—FOR 800 FAMILY Rawleigh route. • Permanent if if you're a hustler. • Write Rawleigh's, Dept. Key no LJL 123 A 'Montreal, Canada, •• -31 EN' AND W.OM.EN WAN2X1).—A FEW' S01.1.00L TEACHERS M.ALE OR FEMALE. to make $25.00 'weekly, selling our PAMII/EX PR0D.I.14,111S which are-aettfarbousehold necessities, gaaranteedt quality--; -wanted' inevery home. Write: FA.MILEX EltODUMS .00., rap_pt. Clement, Montreal, 31 - ANTE D. —: IN STRATFORD, nSeittember ist, or earlier, a maid for general housework; must , be, poi -cook; no children. One young aild active in eharch work preferred. State age and experience.* BOX 39, SIGNAL- ST.Alt 81tf, WAINTED.,-,-MA0B114d ST— LA.TIIE, planer, shaper, miller, horliontal. Bud verticaLlioring mill bands, Mainten- ance tool -room• Ry fitt• ers, heavy. floor • Terms, Cash.. .SON, i•mgbaolia_ee(iixeletertetedy.tseemployment eet, -31 • ' A.uctioneers.tr'rates Apply OTIS-FENSOM EetwveeToR, 00., Victoria Ave -N., IlantiltOn.' .31x • CLEARING AUCTION SALE CLEAIRING •AUCTION SALE._ Of a splendid lot, of household garniture and effects'. ••. • We are baStrticted by MRS. P. ¥- �Y bassellsbyepublle-tauctionalitebei home, Dlgin ave., Goarieh, on •• SATURDAY, AUGUST 10tb, . • At 1.30 . All the contents of same, including: Chesterfield-. and twb chairs, - .all in Mdendld condition.; 'occasionalchair, walnut' end table, mohair -covered otto, man, 'Rogers radio, standard, Short wave and pollee band, and automatic' tuning . (a ser/ superior xnachine) ; chairsrgatesteg DOW:letephone -tabre and chair, 2 desk lights, spinet desk,' office chair,office. • cupboard, Walnut dining -room suite (table, 'chairs with leather -seats, buffet and china eabinet), 'china 'and glassware, eedar-lined Ward- robe, ,walnut tiregsing fable and beneb, 2 'walnut -finished heds, sagless springs and Spring mattress' , 2 pair goose feather pillows, Wilton rug, 6X9 ; hall bench and halt tree, Broadloom rPg, 3' Oongoleum rugs, hallrugs and mats, walnut chiffonier, Eleetrolex (new), Singer sewing. machine, • drop -head; silent coffee -maker, Beattie electric washer, 2. tubs and bench a fishing tackle, Rip- nasitun outfit—punching bag and‘grame, raising machine, chest expander, bar bells, dumbbells, Sandow exerciser, etc.; wieker dog basket and harness, kitchen 'furnishingg, floor polisher, garden hose, garlenttoolg, /feW lawn mower, sealers, cutlery, and numerous other articles: Everything must be disposed of, as Mrs: McCoy is leaving ,Gederieh. Terms: Cash. • , T„GUNDRY & SON, • 31-2 'Auctioneers. OlintAirr OVOOLEL • Mr. and Mrs. William Healy were in Toronto last week attending the fun- eral of Mrllealy's sigter, Mrs: Julia O'Toole, whose death occurred int St. Michael's Hospital on July 20th after at month's illnese, The general took place from Holy Name ebureb 1rs O'Toote is survived by three daughters, Mrs: Jas, Fox,:ikiti, Al. gill end Mrs. Agnes Lemoine; all'of Toronto; and two bro-, • titers, Thomas, of. Toronto, and William, of Goderich. • • "Why • are yonsuddenly -taking Preneh lessons?". "Well, we've adopted a' Vrenth baby and we're'eager to know what he says when he begins to talk." • SMALL ACREAGE close to Town of Ocalericht,' with buildings. Send cleseription and price to 1.30X 38, SIGNIALiSTAR, Goclerieb. 31x A N T D. -e -A .,'SMALL ' APART-, --MENTy-ortwo-comfortable -rooms';"- Must be neated. Possession required early in September.. _ A. W. ANDM: TON, Goderieh. -31 : • rp animaliumeimminalw c, CARDS OF. TIIANJiS R. DON. gpstow wisiNES To' ' advise the people of Goclerich and digtriet that he is' closing his veterinary _practice oa August 3rd and extends 10 thein Jlis stneere tlitinks:tot-gheir cos, opeiation and the kindness shown dur- ing his stay here. . • 31x MR. McWIffill/sTEY, SR., WIWES - tO thank those who, were so kind and sympathetic to him during his ,re- cent' bereavement, especially the nurses Snd those who sent flowers. 31x • J'Ong` to. DokTIRON AktrD -.family wish to express their thanks to all those who showed kindness in any way, during .their recent sad bereavement. -81 FOUND FOU$10.--SiLLWAT4 SIJAI 00 MONEY .Sguctre. Owner nieY have Emmet on proving property and paying tor thie ad, f182. -31, :440+SZ" Eua LosT.—atALL sz 00(NTA.IN; MG money, between Square and Huron road. Pinder please ,,leaye itt SlIGNAlleSTAIR and receive reward. 'w =81x NTV.--- APARTMENT OVIllt Agnew -Surpass Shoe „ Storejlr W IiPlR,Phone 43. 31tf TO N --SOLID BUICK HOUSE, newly decorated. Garage. R. 0. 1:1,4X1S, KO., Godericli • • 20t.t• TO- ReNT.—SEVEN-litOOM 'HOUSE 1 - .baleeny, mediate posseasion, lg. W. BOWELL, St Vincent street •-28-• FARO FOR SUE ae iritAaeae FOR sAr.--145 .ACRBS, ly2; •"I•" Miles south Of Varna; good farm. buildings, land In good state of_ cultiva- _tion crop and nay, ; excellent dalrY farm; running water; part lots 13 and 14, e(gleeSSitel Staley Towirship. Apply to FRANK WEERItS, E.E. 1, -Varna'. AA. &TOE TO 43E/E0IT0RS. IsTOTIOB is hereby given, to all Per- sons having any claim, against the estate of Eliza ageWhniney, late of. the. Township of Ashneld in the County of Huron; ultirriett womairs, who- died on or about the 16th of July, 19400 to - send the same to the,•undersigned; duly t. Verified by declaration, on or 'before Atiguet 17th, 1940, as cni and after that date tne Executor herein will pro- ceed to make distribution,of .,the assets of the said estate 'having regard Only to the claims' then 'filed. Dated at Goderich, daily 25th', 1940. • R. C. HAYS, , Goderieh, Ontaricat 30-2 §Olicitor for the ,Eiecutor,, 7 130E14' PRITZLEY.--At. Alexandra 'Hospital,' Goderich, on August 1st, to Mr.. and__ HILL. --;At. Alexandra Hospital; Gode. rich, on July -20th, to Mr. and Mrs, , Russell Hill, Benmiller, a daughtert, "JEWEI.Z.—At t Alexandra Hospftal, • Gotlerien, on July 27th, to Mr. and 'Mrd. Gordon Jewell R.R.' No. 6, •-•Goderieb, a Son. MOHRING.—At ' Alexandra tfosPitala GOderich„ on July, 28th, to Mr, and Mr. Bert Mohring, Goderich, a son. ClimitCH NOTES'. Rev. D. J. Lane, Mrs. and MSs Madeleine Lane leave today to spend the remainder of the 'month at 'their Suinmer Ninie at Port Elgin, and the services ef Knox church fog the next four weeks will be conducted as fol- lows Sunday, Anglia, 4, by Rev. W. Weir of Heiman; A-ugust 11. by Rev. Dr, IL H. Turner of Ingersoll ; August 18 and 25, by Rev. Dr. T. Wardlavr Taylor of town. ' • • .••• titf:1 -PUBLIC NOTICE To the Citizens of the Town Of Goderich ,IVIonday, August 5th, 1940 having been fixed by BAD.* as liOLIDAY- A-11 citizens are requested to govern themselves aecoriiingly, L. L. ,KNOX, Town Clerk. lYfaegWAN, Mayor. ,,,,,0010061.0010.06116,0,WW,100,,66 ANNUAL GODERICH RACE MEET CIVIC FLOLIDAY Monday, August FreshFruit and Vegetables Golden. Ripe BANANAS 3 lbs. 23o -ORANGES °California Val, 252's ....246 dos. POTATOES New Ontario 10 lbs. rte 'CABBAGE- iroc;„ Yresho Green . — 2 for lo A &P SELF•SERVICE FOOD STORMS •Av AM, OPERATED DE lift GREAT NM' ANTIC M40 "Aortic•VII to L211. 1,1 ONE Person out of VTR Will get Siek or Hurt this year PROTErit, VOICIESEir BY AC4ADEN1 AND SICKNESS INSURANCE •A. M. FORD insursure mitt RAW WI& listunilten St. Ter. .218w 6 Rojaes start at 1 30 p'6„ 0 3 STAIC,F#.15 2028 $600 2•14, • S600 Bettis' g Privileges. General Admission P. •W. Johnston, President. 5th • 3.year-o1d Pace $600 *020 Trot Class • $400 Oc. Soldiers in Unifora-Admitted Free Oswald 'Ginn, • Secretary • E. R Wigle, Treasurer