HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-01, Page 7• , 14.. fl4M uyers A_ AUTO A.GENCIES AND' DEALES. 0.0pERICIE MOTORS,. ,Oontlia St Phone 83 roxti) ‘mmteruir LINCOLN-nregrn Salee and Service • • Used Cars GEORGE G. M.acEWAN 05 Victoria St , Phone 234 'CITFIVROLVP 85 OLDSMOBITIVI. Wes 'end Servke • 'General Repairs , McColl Frontenac Produ.cts Firestone Tires -McGEE- GARAGE_ DODGE & DESOTO Sales and Service . . ' 85 Hamilton St, Pliorte 695 'General Repairs to All Makes of Cars. ,SUN000 GAS AND OILS- rizestene Tires 'Willard .,Batteries; PLANTE'S GARAGE' GrILBERT PLANTill, Prop. VictOria St. ' Phone 013 'CHRYSLER,*: — PLYMOUTH Sale.% and Service General Repairs to All Makes: • •• AUTOMOBILE PARTS & ACCESSORIES CANAL) TIRE _CORPORATION _ Aesociate Store - Q. WHETSTONE, Mgr., Haninton St • • Phone 69W, TIRES, ' BATTERIES, ACOESSORIES- ramismsomoratirvvvaim7gagiarowrwma BAKERIES:•• e `IIEAXITY PARLORS BETTY'S BEAUTY SHOITE BETTY T11034A.S, Prott. Phone 840 lines of 64 Ea' ;in Ave. • Permanent Waving auc. Beauty szsulture THE GODERICH is ri jGNALSTAfl Business Director o • mottAxtrs & SONS Stan• ley St Phone 35 MILE, CREAM, ICE OREAJA Visit Our Mille Bar. , HARDWARE Wortura, Square • 1' Phone 283 SHERWIN s W1LDTWS AND 0. *. PAINTS; ENAMELS es ,VARNISHES enerai HardWere, Olis, Glaie, Aladdin Laitcp-Mii-nran''ralips- and Moires, ' ,Stiertes PliMihing and X-fva ileating . EVELYN LYMAN, p,rop. East. Side of Square ,Phone 60 • ra . Permanent Waving, Finger Waving, Facials,' Manicuring and Haircutting BEVERAGES G0i)ERICII BOTTLING WORKS CAMPBELL TWEEDIE, Prop, PictonsSt • PlisinesV39. Authorized BOttler 'of COCA-00LA. AND TWEEDIE'S POPULAR DItINKS BUILDING & GENERAL CONTRACTORS WILLIAM EDWARDS RAI. 1, Goderich Phone 931. -r -i RESIDENVIAL 6431Totavernok: -AMEIRATIONS AND REPAIRS, - HOUSE MOV1NO ANP HEAVY rRAMING jOliN JEFFERY Warren s Phone 577W GENER,AL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER - Every _Branch a OarpentersWork. ROEERT STAN"DISH .9 62 East St. „ _ss phone 36 .„ Carpentering, Alteratioiss and Repairs Cebinet. Work • • - 14 West St ,* * Phone.114 BREAD, PIE:S,_ .C.A 174, Mo. We Deliver', „ -CURRY'S. BAKERY • Phone 44- "FOR EVERY SPREAD USE CURRY'S BREAD" I MAPLE LEAF .B.A.SERY .247-: JACKSON &es/le:FORSTER 86 Square .Phone...460,i ii`ref,3h Bread; Pies, Bum, cake; 43aily -Also Groceries " 0 We Deliver . Send your donatick for the boys ° Overseas to tlie Red Cross limns i - the Public Library or to the Legion Roo*, )corr,ter of North St. _And, the ailuare:-•. • " FLOM 'FtED, SEEDS W.• :M.-MoLEAN 9 -Kingston St Phone' 30 We carry 'Complete line of FDOUR, FEB% 'BMWS A ,IN,D G1100=IES• • .Speciailzinge-Bulk Seeds, riower an ` Vegetable . Plants ' EQUNDRIPS -GODERICIE IRON -AND BRASS FOUNDRY Victoria St." *Phone 460W -GRAY IRON. CASTINGS, • BRASS and ALUMINUM CASTINGS Contractors,. • JObbere o.nd Foundry Engineers oriammihosaimmdalimiumillenr • FUEL DEALERS ° THE SAULTS, COAL CO..., ntelson St , Phone 75 Best Grades.of -" • pocoliontas, Hard; Soft and Cessna beal, Cole, Hard and Light ,WOod sesesExplusive Agents for . LEHIGH VALLEY'ANTHRACITE • :GENERAL MERCHANTS J. G. MONTGOMERY SALTPQRD • Phone .680 M GROIES.-- MEATS •-sFRUI--- TS VEGETABLES. - DRY GOODS -- , HARDWARE - GAS - 0114 • GROCERIES. & MEATS - DOMINION, STORES- LIMITED I (1 1 I k 1110111bL A reunion of former resjdent3 0.)$f announce the engagement of their only 8.'S, No. 10, (Grey township, was held. daughter, Iva. Margaret, of Loudon, to last vir,ceig and was successful event. Clarence Tel. Reid of London, iwond Zr ,10144- 44404 04044:4441r-tati oldest $)11 of Mr. and. Mriti. Robert Reid resident of IllueVale, fell aga,tast a door of-Iftgem/fater. • tstarriage will takil and received a scalp wound requiring place ILL the middle a Azgost, thirteen, stitches. , ]jr. and Mrs. IInglA F. lterry; Itruce- Mnr$ Prang, wife of Whit announce the engagentent meir Ruby, died at her home at Zurich niece, I4ayina MarielSinith, daugh- jyly 21st after long illness.st, She ter of Zr". J. ,Snaith and the late Mrs. was in her •sixty-niath year. Itesides-8rolthi of Fortuna, North Dakota, to .11er husband, she leaves a daughter, Gordon. Stoddart Elliott, only son a Nts. -J. 'Ctlad a son, Vimery, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. filliott; Brucelleld, both, of Xitchener. the marriage, to take Place in August' The death occurred at Wingham on Mr. and Mrs. John 'Ritchie, Walton,' July 18th(f Thomais Allini a native announm the engagement of their of Colborne' township. DeceaSed had daughter, Jean Isabel, to Walter 11 lived at Mitchell and .Mooregeld before Shortreed, ,on of Mr, and Mrs. 'Robert making hia honie at *Ingham four 11. Shortreed, the marriage tatakeplac years ago, Iiis wife predeceased him early in.„August.. and he is survived by one son, Clarence, of Wingham.- Rev. A. V. Allin „of Gmleriell is an %The marriage of Mildred Dix, dangl1- . ter ot Mr, and Mrs. J. ;Cowen, Fee: iloTgYis PARK HOUSE T. VI. 'TURNER • Wet St Pb.one 685 Awrstikorxivp noonta "Delicious Meals Tempthigly Served." ROYAL INN Hamilton -4t; .„ -Phone-684- , Stop it "Royal Inn" when in Goclerich. Excellent Aeeommodation Comfort able Rooms -"- Moderate Rates Special A.tteistion to Dining Room a Service \ L, F. KELLY; Mgr, EARL WESTBROOK 69 Ecuit`Et. , Phone 487 • •. GENERAL 'CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS, « AIII`ERATIONS, rwon• SANDING, •HARDWOOD. ri.,ocitazna DAIRIES 'BAXTER'S DAIRY Napier St. " 'Phone 104 MtW— CREAM — ' ,Speelalizing in WHI.PPING ()REAM KRISIXO CHOCOLATE DRINK -se GRA.PE, ORANGE and ORAPEPRUM . BISSET BROS:. Saltford Heights Creaniery Sanford Heights' • • • 'Phone 172W Manufacturers of • , SAMFORD HEIGHTS, CREAMERY WAVER AND ICE CREAM' HIGHEST' QUALITY siseeele-essafessheesees.seasseesesseesesteme. GODERIGH TOWN$ILIE 4rit0nTrap04 TOWNSIIIP,'Itily 20.- . Misses. Bertha McCullough and Doris cfoodwill o2 [London 'viiitited. lasts week with Mr. and Mrs. teym. •Fullee. Mr. Carl.‘sSovverke had the misfortune to lose a fine mate on. SoudaY. For the second time in three weeks, 'misfortune has visited Mr, Peter Young. During the electric storM on 'Thursday els "evening, his team a horses were killed air by lightning. •rhe, team were fully in- sured. Mr. Young is still in hospital 4, recuperating from his recent serimie aecfdent. • , . It was with regret that news of' the tragic death of Mr. Brogden Mac -Math was received early Wednesday of lest week. Mr., MatiViath was very well known in the community, oftefi visiting 'at Union, and always taking real interest in any debating activitiee the young people. ' • s Only a small congregation was :pre- sent at ;Union ehurch on.". Sunday.' Bey. W, P. Lane Of Goderieh delivered a lithe Sermon on ."The•Restraints upon EVir," from the text, "Surely theyrath The tievernment has to live money to carry on the war. This , 'means more takei. • Now is the time OS pig • ht your „next winter's supply of coal before another tax is put on Orders entrusted to us *ill receive 'Prompt attention. We steek;-..- 4:p & Z1 Anthracite Coal -roaVdtirm . roui7ppii4 Pocahontas ittn '3:ACKET Dor-egio„ 09.0 % natilVitaNG. liKATING AND. 111AltinVAlte$.41tV Chas, C. Lee COATAYAILT) and HARDWARE STORE 'At iho .tarbor .Phonea—Storts' 22 Sunset 643' , House 112 SUN'KIST 1?,RANDS HITS THE TOP • We Specialize in - SUNKIST catawGgs SUNKIST DEMONS • • - . SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT mire DELIVER PHONE 461 • NORMANiS (Formerly East Side of Square • For P,iorapt Delivery. and Courteous, Service, Phone 164 or 165 • • GItOCITRIES, FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES - COOKED MEATS FRED. R. PRICE GBOCERY Nur' ,strie.... 6f...square_ _zee GROCEIRIES - VEGETABLES -- FRUITS_ Free Delivery Service' - EDWARD TAXI - Montreal st. Phone 616 Prompt Courteous Service Oar Storage Washing Simonizing milamoimismi.i.4.8##$••#.6.;.;#06...mmiammom. Of man shalt praise thee: the remainder of wrath Shalt thou respaiii" ^(Pialta 76 ;10) . - Mr. and Mrsiteg..Sowerby of Brant- ford spent the .week -end with Mr. and Mrs: Benson 'Sowqhy.. r, Mrs. Dave Elliott of the. Intl' conces- sion, _speet Sunday vvith Mrs. Mary. Pltillips: • Pienic ' at HarborParke-The joint Wattle • of Union Sunday School end Dramatic Club was held on. Thursday evening in Harbor ,Park,•Goderich, with close to One hundred persons present, Supper wag.laid oii a long table under the beautrful maple trees in •the park. After supper, the races were he'd, re- sultftig as ollows.: 'Girls 7 and under, June Sowerby, Wilda Wilson; boys 7 and under, Johnnie Falconer, Melville Harwood; girls 8-10, Maine Oke, Betty Beattie ; boys 8-10, 10harlie •Orr, Ronald ,Palcorier,; girls 1042, Maxine McAl- Isobel Fuller; boys 1042, Biily , • RADIO.SE4VICE • • GIBSON'S RADIO‘SERYICE • • • Nontre.aist.at Edward ,Taxi) • • Phone 016 We are as near' as your iphone. REP.AIRS AND REPLA.CEMENTS FOR A.111,0 MAKES ' BERTRA3Si PAY:' 7 Wide t St . Phone 598 COMPLIME ::-OrkoOK OF PART • 0.AltItIED 90 Day Gtutrantee ,on All Repair Werk. 'Established lo Years. meemaieemesesesseesse S 11111141.1111.11f • SERVICE STATIONS X PORTER'S HILL pfiRTDRIS 'IlkI414, July 30, -Every- one at Porter's Rill is rising early and gus, to Harold Zebu Keiierman, sun oworliug late. The hay er9 has; been the late Mr. and We. Jacob Kellerman, Daserwood, took place at the home 'of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Dr, Bisbee". After a. trip to Quebec; Mr. aud ¥r KeUe Maps walll make their hone at , Dash- woon. • Chapman -Taylor In a quiet weddingceremony per- formed by Rev. A. Laneat the Weeleys WiJiis Unithd ehurch manse, Clinton, Mary Alice, daug,Ister of Mrs. Fithel TitaTior and the -late MOrciffor, became tbe bride of Vrenk Reginald Chapman, *Gorrie, son of Absalom °bale man and the, late Mrs. Chapman, Lis; towel. The couple - reside at Gorrie, McEsvan-McDowell - The home of Mr. and MrS. Fred Inc - Dowell, :Clinton, was the scene on Sat- urday aftemoon_of the wedding a their daughter, Hazel Christina, to Frank Murray eicEwan, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Mit M ENV rray e en, .also of 01 e. ort.„ The •cereninny was performed by Rev. A. Lane, Afterwards the young apple - r. They will reside in Clinton, The, bride -one.day last week. atidifee. Reid Torrance: Were at left on a Motor trip to eastern points. MUry of the. sta, ff. of Ur. pent Sand Mrs. Stewart Stewart. Mrs. Fisher, London, 'stladayr•Herb Cox. • :Was a pso War member tlie Oliut�n Knitting Mill. vvilliamsmaik- , iii..,.‘0,ing.ratilulapattpi;i1Stweda,kk thd 1".-tca. Dies in Tuckersmith • . •• """ " After an illness of two months frinn • z„Viesishis6srts • asMer2.e,e4n1.-sa,1%terris.- IL heart trouble, W11114m Blaek died at ,cialersu, miss messes „else, . Agnes his •hcehe in frucker$Mith township, on 4.00146lie, all of Clinton; Mr. mid Mrs, :Lret, of ttSeharet. m1118,1! d°b $Y1 tie+ g.( rel?1' °::::11:crsecledel 'iirs n°4est 7: • °T. fa :11' .11IfFa„eir f:( )cvi of :Pt:: 1; et 4117 in.ti-'1,109n! titles .oreApsrellern4taitalvTe tiOckf.e.Smoujethit eaellecleel)0:.es- §4p3Intt8;s:(idseh. 7ss. seventy -One years ago and liVed in. the London, returning on •Stuiday .-ae- and townshie, all his life. He, «s survived „„eb,r'attnta,' 43Y- h6t-', s.i?terr-sIt•,;11f.es' . smite. • • - •. • • - by his wife and several *Sons and 'EnXigaralilnde4Mtsrs.AnnWi°1sgenneedAllan jt -.'if 11- e-n'sall' daughters -L. ' ' • The ladies of Grace enuren nod,' a -« bake sale itc.Bayfieldon Friday atter- ., , noen and realized. elat . a neat sum. - CITIES SERVICE STATION CRA1STSTO,N & HttroarN§ *tatzt,*_waterioiLSt. Phone 717 CITIES SERVICE' PRODUCTS • COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SIDOiCE -ROWE% 'SERVICE STATION 36 Bayfield Rd, •1 ' Pliene 688 • Frarae and „Wheel Alig,mitent 'Service. Machine Work -Acetylene Weldhig-- • Bleyelee-Tires-Batteries . CITIES SERVI011 PRODUCTS • Lawn' Mowers Sharpened/ 1111111111\ - very h.eavy and the grain is ready for cutting. Consequently many farmers rorce are entitled, to round trip tickets mmax.10111,01.• jely 1111: -Mr. and Ma num Kilpatrick spent the • wet wok visiting their eon and ditagbaer-in-lans Mr, aud Mr*. Palmer Kliplarlek Toronto, •Miee ',onetime Dora* id to 114 con- gratulated upon keens," pawned wit& immure from, grade 2 nate grade * Toronto itonservatory et agnate. Mee sausie tele -her Ls Mise Alma Howell of Goderieh. - Mie4 "Mitt% Slender 14 oleolideesasierate. the week -ten/ at tne Waite of ber par - eats, Ir. aud Mrs, W. 1'. Crosier. Mr. .A.bion Iittety,swho iauttudiug Summer Seltool in letudon, watt home for the week end. 'The farmers a this locality are busy eutting their fall wheat, while the women folk are picking raqberrieo, which aro an exeellent erop this year. :Ars. lieltry Vampbell, of 1)etrolt, and three daughters are spending a • couple a weeks with •her mother, Mre. j'obit lefenarr. • _ In the ,absencv of Bev. W. r• „man, who Will be away on big bolitlgYg,, Rev; W.. )3remner of Seaforth will he the speaker in Crewe United churcb. next 'S'utiday. SPECtif,4 ItAILWAY 4, SOLDIERS Aecording to 1L statement by the De - Pertinent of National Defence, person-nel of the ',Canadian Active ,Service have had to leave the hay •unillushed to cut tali wheat and early oats. Tho women folk are picking berrieS, along with their many houseliOld duties: so we have no unen$Qloyed ii these parts, On Sunday • morning Rev. It Curry spoke to a well-filled (Antra. Eaen Sunday. a few more pews • are filled. It is encouraging to see tne empty pews filled- up, - r -Audrey *Flarrisoo had her tonsils 'nut last week. SIL Peter ,Young Was .able to be brought -home from the iGod.erich Hos- pital last Monday, with boat 'arms. in. .easta but tbankful to be•,able to wail noted; thotigh be eannef nee ide bends. The 'old saying,. Trouble neirer come singly, stems,. true, as during Thura- day eight's electrie storms*. young's `team of horses were killed by ligntning as they took Shelter .under a large elm' en the railways for the price a one- way. fare by Obtaining forms from their commanding atEner. They are also en- titled to any excursion'fares in, effect for eivilians. • .• u Salad Gal „ Mistress -Did you mail ,my letter Maryl------I-t--snass3uo8ts1mpertant-7ou knoVv. , • Maid -Yes, ma'ams1 414 Mistress -Then' why did you bring back tne three eents 1 gave you for the stanip? • ' • . Maid -I didn't ha,ve to use it. 1 juet slipped. the letter in the Isekswhile no one was looking. TildoolfT 10 -YOUL„sit EAKfAST TAILORS , . BUY THE !BEST There are good, average and poor elothes: 4 - • - WE OARRY THE BEST . Dry idbaning, 'Pressing, Altering, R styling' ' . FRANK ll. MARTIN TAILOR West St- Cell 317 . , -Ticlibornec 'Ronald Fuller 1 girls 12-14, , , Edna •Somersall, 'Lillian Beattie ;•• bOs.,1 1 12-14, Chester :Beattie, Gordon 01111.- ston; young. ladies, DMZ: Somersall, Bernice 3:Allston : young men, Gerald I Orr, Maurice Nicifwells: married wo- men, Mrs. Eimer Graham, .1!ars. Harvey Fuller ; married • pen,' ,Garilt4v. X)ris 'Graham. Johnston. ,After the ra. s, -a short business meeting was conducted, and if .waS decided to hold an Ice creinn social in Augost.• .....„--.,... Jagging, Dragging PainsintheBa�k • Many women nave to do their cent hoMework, and the constant bend- ing over, Iifting, making beat, ..finfooikingp ironing, sowing, eo nett* *try to.,, perform their honeehold antic% puts a heavy strain on the hack fUld kidneys,•anctif there were no kidney weakness the be,* wottla etrong and well, • Doanie Kidney VDU help to giro relief to weak, baekoehe, kidney ont. tering WOMMI, DotnAt Kidney Pills are put ” au oblong grey box with our work 4 "Mtpie UM" oft Ow wrapper.. Don't otekopt subtatitot4. Bs Otte owl got c(tioo,o,o." Olio V, *Unit Co. 1,444 Toot* Othitt . St. HELENS , ST. HELENS, July 30. -Miss Jean haieneen nursing in 'Barrie, waS a 'week -end 'Visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs: Henry Draisey and Alvin Draisey and Wayne Turner of, London, were recent seeitors with Mr. T. B. Taylor. • • • • The. home • of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ptirdon was the ;teens of a pienstuit gathering 'when friends and neighbors of the 9th `concession honored,thene. upon their recent Marriage. During. the eveeing ML and sirs. rurdon were Presented With On occasional chair and a mantel cloeir. Miss Margaret. McPherson is spend. Ing- a holiday with her grandraether; Mrs. MeParline, at Jamestown. • Community Pienie.—The annual eon). - tenuity picnic Was held at Kineardine. 'with a large attendance. The follow - lug were the ilret prize 'winners in the epor0; 4'.'hi1dren tender 3;' Murrie*. kiiaunt thildren 5.:8, Billie, Webb; girls 042, Margaret ,Illuet bee's .111,512, jtoy Bannister; single ladies, Ifererteillue ; single "men, slioins Iteynard ; merried. ladies, `Mrs. Oortion Meritersont Sintrs lied men, Niungo balloon race, Mrs. MeKe112le Webb; kicking tlie slipper, nelen Blue; throwing the bells Slairley Dannister. Joy is not in things, it is in Wagner. 04 0, A I • THE hiEW WITOLrWHIVAT ;WEAL CONTAIN THE PRECIOUS, In the wheat, germ is found the well. known Vitiumn Bt. This vitamin is vital to .the norMal development of children, as welt as to adultsin malkinig Cubs, the wheat germ is)tetained, .together with iht precious mineraltand vitamin. 46 itou'll want your youngsters to eat this wholesome energy food Ofteeror ubs are ;whole wheat -the bran, miswrote, and precious vitamins. • Your ehildren won't have to be coaxed. Mellow malt, Mended with the whole wheat, gives Cubs a flavor thnt really tempts appetites. "rhpy're crisps crunchy, toasted a golden brown. „ ' 4 producit of The Canadian Shredded ',Wheat Company Limited , ThE SPOON -SIZE READY TO EAT CEREAL . • Agonizing mems day or niglit, for aieted with that uwful' *Su ease, wem,a,ora1tsrhertm. eenmionlis _ • rebe intense burning, iteldnv owl itivocia47 it gITh or wh the port i *tried tol ot *id lamest To ge& to, eimuy. AO *lir* Barr to have 1.116111Ood tria,,,°nee -of a. **buggy,reJiabl modioine,, obeilf,,00 Burdock• Blend BOter*,`,10Y01 ariring, the past! 60 years has 'soot** Imola seesaw I ..e*relioving„suil.diettaintisbyite.i)10011- Th,. T. 30,dva • _ 11,1 II • - NO ADVANet IN PRICES., Large ,foreign granite stock to ebooS4'from. A peetea ve*.r., bring no to your home. Free traneportation to our 01.110e. . . illiams &Son Granite Works Patiick St. Pinkie 1955; STRATFORD. • , • _ Will do practically all of your housework if you will give it a chancel -Washing; Ironhig, Cooking, Dusting, Lighting and Refrigeration. Wiring and all branches of electric work given Personal attention. West Street FRANK McARTHIJR Phone 82 , LAWN. mowEgs ..snAgpmgo Have your Lawn Mower shavened on the mod modern -machine' On the market It ..costs no more to have it done the right way. ,All work lirdohed when- premised.. NEW LAWN 1VIOWERS at prices that will .aurprise you. GARDEN TOOLS ;IWO have a new,shipment of Spades, noes, Rakes, Forks and, Clippers. Treit youracit to some new garden toOls. Geo. W. Stokes PHONE ,20e4 Machinist EAST ST.' The Summer lAron't 1st forever; enjoy it wale' you for dessort, or Take.RoMe Sundaes. Ice Cream ia refreshing; it's khealthy food and it ix clump. It saveg cooking ; take our advice and try it. You wifl lie pleasantly surprised. Made fresh every day at WO HO Blackstone a_ TUE BROADWAY or GoDE1tI(11.- MO WE DELIVER PROS*