HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-01, Page 3• e _ NIMITYeieFJOOLVO YEeT. ge. • GODERICH, ONTARIO-, THURSDAY, AUGUST:1st, 1940 HURON COLiNTY'S FoRsmosr WEEALY Business Pirctory LuoAL ,111141-4Y E. HOLMES . Earrititer, Rte. 011100-0ourt House, Goderich. 9:440140no eetweememe'e= CHAR•Tronto Aveopirma, gomaraaw' and MONTT:4UL. Ohartere4 Aeeountanta 77 Downie Stmt, Stratford Toronto 'Office: 802 Bay .8treet foolsomosimmonommiumromommisousimmor,itimpi tra00,NEUMNo rectuas GuNratx, oODERIQH, la lays ,Woolt 'AND GENERAL ATIOTIONEItilt • Teleehone 119 Sales....attended—to—aux-ve every effort, nuide to ,e'iv-e eatisfaction. . Fartaere',:- sale notes discounted. critbON M. GRANT, LICENSLD ,AUCTIONEHR FOR HURON COUNTY. A tatisfactorY," dourteous serVice ior Farni; Preperty or Household Sales, ' Bates Reasonable • smarammirmiarame 111EDWAL FORSTER,_,EYE,„ luta, 41, NOSE, THROAT Late !louse. Surgeon New York ' Ophthalmic and. . Aural Hospital, as:, aiataut at Iteoreeeld Eye Hospital and Golden ., Square, Throat Hospital, Lon - doe, England., - EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED • 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 2437: • . Next Visit Eetlford Hotel, Goderieh. Wednesday, •Septemhe.r 25, fx om 2 .p.m. •. intuqmsspiacinoNpia ci,HutoiltAlerron bnuotiis . THERAPIST ." • Goderieh, Phone 341 • .,• -.Office hours -10 to 1 a,n1, to 5 and 7 to.8 p.zn, Tuesday,- Friday and Griturday. 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday, iloneay and Thursday at 111itchell. _ • A. N. A.TRINSON '33.' South St. - INSURANCE. .aeDd" XIMI.f.A14 • VIRE' IN - ewe S•IJRANCE• CO.—Farm and iso- le.ted..town, property ins. ured; Offieere—Williem Knox, Presideet, -1.•on4eebome W. • B. Archibald, ''''Vice - .President,. 'efaueger Mid Secretary -Treasurer, Sea - Orth. Eroadfoot, Sea- . tooth; James. Connolly, Goderieh; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornhoini; Alex. Xeswung, Myth, kranir. 31cGozegiri Maim ; Mimes Malan; Segorth ; -- Hugh Alexander;Walton;Wnr.---ifan* Londesboro; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth.- , Agente—E.. A. Teo, R.R. I, Gederich; James Watt, Elyth; John E. Tepper, Rat 1, 13rueefie1e; R. F.. McKercher, RA. 4, DUbbba—Ohas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. 0.1Jannuth,, Bota, Policy -holders can, make all pay- . -mons and get' their eards redeiptecl at the Royal Bank, Clinton ; Ca1,1a Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street,.. Goderich, or fl Iteld's 'General Store, Bayfield.. • .STIZATFORD COACII.- LINES Daily 7.30 "amtP. 25 p.m.—Leaves Goderich for Steatford, . Toronto, Itanton, Ituffalii„ London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock.' ,Depots Bedford, British .and 'Royal Hotels. Phone hotels or 305 for hiformation. "A suceessfultrombone player, like a boxer, needs-perfect,breathing," saYs *a Writer. And a long reach —Wall Street •joUrnal. - • A new. bungalow was named' "The Ntitshell.", It bore its name only a fortnight, because the owner became exasperated by boys- Who llEd'nearly every day to ask; "Is the Colonel in?" Tit /tits, Overloading Charge were elaargul with vagrancy, and - pleaded not guilty. „ Reid alse wab FailstO i'llarge(1 with being foued in ebarge of -- oak a motor ear Witheat having a driver's :Town S0a10$ Not Big Enough tO Weigh Entire Outfit—Weekly Police Oourt .• Dxisting tendinous 'under 'whieh , truek-trallOr loads .are weig,Iled at the municipal stales were Under 'fire In last Thursdaes weekly Polite Court and AS a result of evidence brought out Magis- trate Making diAlidsgial two „charges of overlOading dating back to may, lath, against the Goderich „Manufaetttring Co., Limited. One Of the loads it questiOn was 1500 pounds Overweight' and the other 2300 poings, areco.rtling to the infor& anoxia. The maximum for eaeh',ivas ten, tons. The defence, eonducted by Frank Donnelly, 'brought out that the towa seales are too short to.accommo-s. date a truck -trailer load of -logs,at-one tmee-athe-tibi Power plant; is weighed seParatelY, as is, the trailer 'with its load ef logs, but the two .ere not detached. The tech- nical and In some respects theoretical claim ',was advanced that beeause. the •aPproaeh to the Platform -scales was lower than the platform]. by three inches the tendeney was to •throw part' of the weight of the truek on the trailer, or Vice versa, while 'the other was' being weighed. . ° Even 'Weiglimaster 'Walters • would not Swear that his weigh tickets were correct in -the ease-in--poiot. itatralls- -Missals by the Magistrate canieprom1jt- ,m2'...oaelib Reid .tend Wintifred Bellinger A Your Next Visit to TORONTO Try-. HOTEL:VVAVERLEY Located on WIde'spadina Ave. - at ,Dolteoe E.aity .Parking Facilities GonVenient to 'Higbykrax,s NI • Singe to1250. Rates Double" - $2.50 to 0.00 Four helicons $5.00 to sem Close to the Uniliersity, ,Pa rnent Buildings, Maple Leaf Gardens, Theatres, i-losAltals, Wholesale, Houses,_ and ,,-the--,-FaShionable • Retatl = Shopping District. A. 14, PowELL, Pugs:Caw , • ofmosommulullivviNvoi raigie • ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 Goderiek permit, and this, too, brought a not guilty plea, Crown Attorney Holmes asked for week's remand on all eixarees. bi Ifruik DolmellYs defence eounsels pr tested that Beid had a steady job in restaurant, 'working, Until after mid .night, and Urged that the hearing .b proeeeded with, contending that tb Crown had no chanee of sueceSS in t-u'os ing vagraney eharges. ts for the traf ge charge, it was true, Said the epunse that 'Reid had no permit, but the ca in whieli he and the woman.were foun early lathe moraing *xi a pliblie'stree 'Contained no gasoline, nor were tiler any keys. %here was no erivius, cowl sel said. . " • Subject Of Mich Talk "The activities of this pair have been the subject of •widespread.conurtent in this town," said Crown Attorney Holmes, "First they were found in a .1r/tele-and • • - • - • iglit -1E- .4 ear o]ra public highway. I could -go much further on this subject if I wished to.", , Mr. ThannellY—"I still eannot see where .an offence has been Committed." alagistrate Makins— "Perhaps we had better hold adeused one week *on general principles.' Vagrancy, like .,eanir- ify, covers a Multitude of sins." Beta Ayes allowed out on his own but the woman was .returned to jail uatil August 1st. - Oliver 'Goldthorpe, Bayfield, pleaded gailtY to having liquor in other than a private dwelling and paid .$19 and eosts. 'This disposed of, he was next charged with being in. charge of an automobile while in.toxieated. Hia ebunsel, Frank Donnelly, asked for and was. granted one week's adjournment. Goldthorpe was allowed his libertY on WS 'ban of $500: A. re.mand 11150 .was taken Oa- , a third /charge of intoxication, ' • Sam: Dodge, tharged.„ with murder,: was again'.remanded for one week. Harvey Beattie pleaded- guilty .:to drunken-driving kind was Sentenced to seVen .dAYs „ . Owen Sound Youth Pleads Guilty " Klippert,, . eighteen -year-old 'Owen 'Sound youth, at first •elected, trial by jury and then changed- his mina . , and pleaded. guilty to breaking arol entering BrIdge's , shoe repair shOp on Kingston street and stealing some liner; ,chandise. Ile was remanded in cus- tody one week for.Senterice• a' at •41r, : P1, STRICEte LIGHTING AT 008T" PUblie Utilities Ceeesnission Diekeixselng Inveatanent Of titaratilla Vo& n The Public Utilities Commission haa for sow time been considering the Imp/oven:tent of the system Of eblorin- „ ating the tawn water supply,. and at 0.; the regular meeting im ThursdaY night 1.1 last 'a letter trera the Provincial partment of Health was read advising 6 that en ,aUtomatie equipmeat for this e anirpoSe worlid he liteetIsary: The Com- inisaiOn has, decided. 'to go ahead. with ” the purchase 'of such equipment.1, I, •Ja- „rePly to a counnunicatioa froze the 1004 Commission. with 'reform/co d to the eharges for street lights; the t Proviudial Hydro, Commission stated O that the' present Street lighting rates - are at coat," The reply will ,be turned over to.the ToWn. Council, %villa body discussed the Matter at a reeeat meet- . ing, ' , Another letter , froal the 'Provincial Commission stated that the Cost 'of mov- ing the Hydro ivies on harkor_hi OBITUARY MAIDS BIROGDENTMacMAIM " IsIewS of the death of James Brogden Meath by .drowning in the Maitland River came on Tuesday evening, July 23, as- a tragic shock. to all who knew Nelson , , • ' Fire, Accident and *Motor Car .t INSURANCE' Office :—Masonic Temple, ireet - • Street, Goderich I . Phone 230 GOpERICH —r• alm000./......•••••%•••• • „I. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance Office and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street • Phone 668 FOR SALE-1,110meg of all kinds, " choke building 10);s, busine,ss poCiprty and sever. good farms. Let A140 e4l, you som-e Teal bargains. Buy now AT THE CAPITAL THEATRE Prr Plynn and iliriarn Hopkins' in "VIRGINIA CITY" 6 MON. TUES. and WED.,-1)01.1DLR PEATURE John Garfield—Anne' Shiriey—' Joan Davis-rSpring Ellington— Claude. Rains and. Lee Patrick Jed ProUty and Chick Chandler -t eempelliegly hinnan drama aublher-tlegged Joan pep up fbatsed on a vlsniitzft Vrize, play a dolightful Jones Damily Wren - by *Maxwell` Alderson taro -'`-"Saturday'sf`Too *IR usy Children" to Work" THUR. ritt and f4AT., lames Cuenquerat pitrien-Georgelirent-Alan Hale & Jeffrey Lynn *ere eit MaSt4Piece inspire& by ithe stirring traditions' of a regiment of fighting men. FIGHTING 69th" CINING—Lorotta YOttnr In °The Doctor Takes it Wife" Ilfatinees SM. and Ifolldays at P.m. fr _ Mae -Math was4orn:., in %Agri. on .isleKelnber 20 1890.: He was t son of Dr. James J.lif-agYath and Ian ti-otlfrific-itekin. paged away wE he was a small. child. One broth Christepher, died at the Age of fl years. • After the death of his paren he was' adopted by 'his uncle and au Mr: and Mrs. Hugh alacalath, Toron and until the age of eighteen made h home with them there. Early In: t firSt ,Great- War, he -left .Cellegiate enlist in the Fifth University Compan of -the Princess Patricia's Canadi he IW On—. *Saturday, July 20, at Empresa er, ave. United. church parsonage, Liandon, ve Rev. J. A. Aknew performed the cere- ts; 11 to: is to _ VStitinaOli ninKint the MnnielPalitY ',would be required to pay oneshalf. • This also was referred to the Town Conneil, which has a pro- ject gal hand for the widening of the harbor bill read. * ' A report was received froM the towii auditor in connection with • the pros posed revision of the Water rates, and was laid over for consideration. Quotations were received on bonds tor .invest.men't of the local commis- sion's surplus.' fonds, aceou,nts Passed for „Raiment_ was $1,486.47, the p0w0r bill from the 11.E.1':O.-:for BizowisT—Emy The home of Mr. and Mrs'. Lorne Hedy, 1St. Marys* wasthe scene of a quiet weddiog-on iSattirday Mornino., 3111y 27, when; theirelder danghter, Helen Eliza- eth, wag •muted in marriage ' with James D. .Brown, younger , sell of 101' Brown: and the -late Dr.- Wilber Brown; Or 'iSt. Marys. Itek'. 'Hugh C. Wilson, of Auburn, uncle of the, bride, performed the ceremony. Mrs, W. A. Walden played, the wedding march from Lohengrin. __The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore her mother's .weddin gown. . of eggshell .Marquisette and' dully lace and .floor -length veil of coronet style trimmed -with matching lace. ''Sche carried a colonial bouquet of Rapture ..roses and blue cornflowers. Miss Alice Eedy, sister of the bride, as her attendant, wore, taffeta, printed in blue and !gold,' .and carried a noSegay of Johanna Hill roses End blue corn- tIowers;. eolnaial ,style. - Atter, 'the ceremony _the_ _welling, breakfast was served to the guests, members of the ifnmediate Later the bride and groom left for the North on a Short honeymOon trip, the bride travelling in a robin's egg •blue - flannel suit with. Fr h d MANY NEW PLANTS IN elt#NADA TO MANUFACIVRE WAR MATERIALS Prose' rat Plants Being Zxtentled to iaciBtate Production New Act `Provid. es Death Penalty tor Treason, Life Imprieonment for gond-degree Treachery—Government Announces Policy tor Handling This Year's Wheat Orop--10. Aberhart Not tikel to Get His Provincial Bea. (By J. A. 110mf, ,SpOela" CorreSpon lent) aatara.wa,,, 20,--aVanada'S war 0.- The remaining developments involv- big an expenditure of another 00,900,- 000, inelude two,major explosive .planta, a large sbell-fIlling plaut, and some .thirty-two other explosives, and tion undertakings, moStof which are now in produetion. . Total orders'Splaeed for -shells' and for the.ereatioit of shelionaouracturing facilities In Canada now Ifinenut to, around $57,000,000. Of this.stvar about $12,000,009 -covers the east of equiPmen and extenSionS to plants, In the past three montitafortigna.,ntetto 'have been -.let to thirty-eight arms, while about sixty eompanies are erx- Maelibie is going' fall steam ahead Defenee Minister J. L. Ralston State this week. The response to recruits] _ has been . even beyond 'expeetation, Co Ralston .added. "Every .appeal td th pliblic baS been met; there bas bee no, holding back ; sonletinies the Publi has taken on itself and Carried ou what' really VAS only a suggestion. Men called out under the Mobilizatio azIlL.-bc:aunderscanvasa-lay-stitestal .the Orst- -dug. being single men _fro. twenty-one to twenty-two, COL Balsto indicated. • „ Prime Nthaister ging assured Con Serv,ative .Leader R. B. Hanson tha regulations cOlvering „the calling out o men wider the National Resources Mob ilization Bill will be tabled before th session concluded. Jr.„ Hanson urged strongly that an .opportunity be given 'the Commonsjto have a full dres4 debate on the pro gress of the Government's war_program •Alefore the leSsion_cleses. necessare, in the public intereat, a secret session of the Conimons should be held, Mr: Hanson stressed. Mr. King said the ministers would 'give a review sof the Gevernment's pregram, but hemader no comment on the secret session', idea. Mr. Hanson reiterated, his earlier re- quest that Parliament be adjourrie to a definite date, and not pror#,gued. King .likevityie-made. -reply this suggestion. Prime Mitaater King,;,.. in quite .a lengthy statement on Monday; declared that Hitler's vague proposals for peace answered "themselves. Mr.. Ding de- clarea that Canada is proud to range • herself on -,Britain's Side to carry on the War to a successful conclusion. Rapid Expansion of War Industries , Indostrial War Production in Canada 15 being: rapidifexpanded these (lays, according„to announeements„made by Munitions and-Slipply Minister, 'Mar - mice Howe. A week ago there was an aunmaneement of Immediate censtruci. tion of .$11,000,000 plant for the manufacture of ellen/feats for explosive purposes.-- • -Th-1S-- week,11r-.---"Howo-Tui= flounced immediate •construction• of twelve Alore plants; costing apprOxim- ately another $19,000,000, for the mann, facture of munitions Of Various types. The larg,est of these plants will be 1•3” 51 11 n t enc , organ le located in, Weatern5.,Cana4a, where na- blbuse and white_accessorles. Upon ctural gas can be used instead of Ain their mturn, the young couple erican coke, and where existin.. faci1- 119,t.TOXOPtotic /ties are being extended tO produce a .large tonnage of ammonia and 8ranIOn- LithrtllitraM--WOrittillaligo"-kiLlg7K-Wirt plant to produceTithe chemiCal used in making smoke screens, an important gaged in mamifa.eturing shells, eases 'and their components. The total aUtomotive orders Comprise Some 30,009 Wits costing, with speeial bodies, wheels' aud tires, about $07,000,- 000, and shortly orders will be plaeed for another 14000 units, , Already 10,009 units havebeen.delivered, the work on another 10,000 is well, ,advanced, and work has begun on the 1(5,000 'balance. , The ConunoxiS passed the Treachery Act with practical unanimity, it pro: vides the death penalty, for _first clegrft treason and life imprisonment for see.: ond-degree treachery; WAS g011nraITY felt that the Isafety tof the state in war time demon ed drastie Punish/rant be jun/a:7111%ns aTreheb,einD:fteimgeehtenoedf up with ;regard to having firearms and in otlier ways. • - .Coraervative Convention' Before - 1941 . In ealicus' thikweek, the ConservatiVe opposition group . decided. that AO na- tional convention of the party, to thoose - a new. permanent leader in Successioil to Hon. Dr; R. J. Manion, Who resigned in 'May Ittet; will be held before the autumn of 194i at the earliest.. In. the meantithe, the grourt,asked.aon. R. 4. mulsoh to carry on` as, house leader for, another session at least. it is gen- erally ..aqeed, lboth inside and outside the House, that .Mr. 'kianson has done well as opposition leadet_bilhe session now drawing to a close. ' The Government's wheat policy for the ensuing year was announced, The: -guaranteed priee-a-70 centsper.bor'shel- at Fort- William, and at Montreal Eastern fariners, is continued. • Be- cause of the large carryoyer frau last year and the Ihnited elevator steifoge. spate available for this -ear's crop ay' • .rannts gemeare to be made; to allow, farmers something for staling, this -Year's crop on their farms. A new domestic processing tax of 15 teets per bushel, to be borne by Millers„ and bak,,, pqeerers----tsaa,-, hem-x.1a -Thi S -tat .eStimaied to. realize about .$20,000,0002' will be handed to the Wheat Board 'to part of naval strategy. Work has cut any losses it may have wirier. the ,, mony uniting in marriage ,EvelynLcommencecl on a plant- for the manufac- 70-eent-per-bushel guarantee, It is not Beatrice youngest daughter- of Mrs.- ture of bomb s and another for the expected that the price of bread will Coxand the late Mr, 11, C.%Coa of chemicals required for gas masks. An be increased .. . . . Goderich -township, ' and 'Murray other plant will produce Mail thous- Labor Conditions Good _ . . ,Stewart Fisher; Plipl., R, son of Mrs, ands of special glass and -fire control - The Labor Department reports that Fisher- and the late Murray Fisher of inatruments. The capacity of the Bren there were no strikes or lockouts. in riage a turquaise blue brocaded sheer London. The bride .chose for her mar-, gun plant at Toronto and of two gun 1 Canad h an o une. The two Light Infantry, with which he serve until the end of, the war. Upon his r turn, to Canada, he attended the 0 Lark) Agricultural Otilege, thxelp learning the art of an apiarist. At th time of his death, and for many yea previous, he was on .the Huron Count plants producing anti:tarcraft •barrels last occasions on. which' such a 'favor- . a• ,dress with bolero, Her accessories . and fleld guns is being doubled. able labor situation existed were in e- were in the sarae tone and she yore firms' producing machine tools are January, 11930; and in March 1039 'corsageof !Sweetheart roses. Mr. and expandin,e• their Production. The auto- , rs. AllaTa Carswelr-weie -the attend—motive plants Erre-being eipanded to e ants. After the cererg mony a 'quiet re-, permit production , of 200., trucks daily cephon was held at tab. home of the and great- production of universal of such satisfactory labor conditiens y bride's mother for the immediate re- carriers. - - throughout the Dominion. • Naturally, the -necessary speed-1111.ln Canadian industry, for war anirposes, can best be proraoted bk continuatiori inspection staff. 'In 1922 he was ma ried to Miss Pearl MeCtillum, Bas Ilawkeehury, 'Ontario. • Mr. ' Ma Cala tfi possessed a personalit which won for him a host of qriend r- latives. Mr.. and :Ur's. Fisher left for a All told,„plant expansionnow under -During consideration by the .Com - t Motor trip, the bride donning a navy way or completed in !Canada, and fin-. mons btinkfng and commerce committee blue jacket enseMbie with touches of anced in . whole or In part by the ,Bri- of the private bill to charter an Alberta . - y white and white accessories. They wPI •trsh and " Canadian Governments; Government Provincial' hank, Hon. s reside at 802 laufferin_avenue, London.' arpountS to $80`,000,Q00, coveriag fifty Solon LowsAlberto Treasurer,, admitted wherever he went, many of _whom_re,„ --marked 111 Sincerity:, upon learning his death, that they had lost the hes e MiSses . Graham, S. Hill arid friend they had. No man could her been a. worthier neighbor or a true friend or mine. highly. characterize( by generosity and kindness. Ile at tended' church faithfully living' an loving his religion. or many years 13 was a Member of .Parkdale-Tresbytertan Church, Toronto, and Was on the board ,of managers there. He also taugh Sunday school for several years A the tune of his passing, he was a 13301)1• ber of Wesley-WilliS United chlirch, Clinton. Mr. Maellath was SO ardently .patrioticthat he was an Inspiration to those with ,whom hm e came in. contact. It was very tittiagthatthe village 'flag should- be -IOWA at halt -mast to mark his passing and that in. ,rforonto. the Union •Jack should be draped over the casket of one who had ,served it well. Also In recognition Of his war services, 11--Uniar J'ack-Wil&-prekeiited"TIS'IE tribute by the ..!Silver Cross," W.onien of the Dritish Empire. - Left to mourn his absence is ,his wife, to whom goes the sincerest sympathy of friends and neighborss-Many of whom expressed- their sorrow by the beauti- ful floral tributes whieh they sent. On 'Wednesday• evening a Service., largely attended by friends and neigh- bors, was held at his late residence in Hohnesville. Rev. Andrew Lane, min- ister of We'sley-Willis United church; CliintOno. eendlleted the servieeassisted by Itev. Harold Wilding., ' United. Church. The following Morning the certege Went by motor to Toronto,' where a ,service was lipid at floss , Craig'a Funeral Home. Rev. Mr, Lane was in charge, with Rev. Dr.-RocheSt('r (editor of The Presbyterian 91tecord awl a family friend of long standing) giving the address am' Rev.' ME' Wilding , assisting. The •, pa ieaters WPM MeSsr.g. W. il. K . ly, John Maelleth, Thomas Geggie, B. C. Downs, David Scott:, and Jas. b. johnston. Those aecompanying the remains to Toronto Wer.4'besidea XV& Mac -Math, Mr. ;S:', It. MaeMatii and Miss IRSther MadMath, Goderiehe l‘lise Maelktath, Lou- don; Mrs. .(1e04 Xtellwain and Mr. Pert Trewartlit4 Clederich township: And Mr. Nelsmi r,Trewartlia, (5111M 1118 of the deceesed. The last rest'. • ing-placeis nrest Lawn. Mausoleum I'Vortil Torontd, , - , Or more Erms: The estimated prooduc- that the • .Nberhart Social- Credit Gov - f RED CROSS RECEIPTS FOR JULY tion orthese plants will run well over eminent wants the right tormake loans t • Red CTIs Bridge' Club $ 53.00 $400,000,900 annually. • and issue currenci as a' bank, getting 40" , Sight Is the moot woo**• the sense* - no one diets:too 1 that Altateaextt. ja 0P1'14 4:4 .:ijutliitury'subtjheetorn tuon7oGrit, X4elgthiplidetutimataill!f licNoOtr.nuneingslonnOWS itlid‘ id SO, hot it -IS. so. 34(40 paw' amir by ..F T kilistr ___,. OPTOWIMIRT. Wedliesthq !WL totimow°8471111 currency from the mune pleee other banks get it. F. P. Vareoe, tomtit.' for the.Justice Department, informed the emninit'teelhat-the hill. Mader, discos** is unconstitutional, in that it proP000d to give the Alberta Government begs- lative powers in the banking iteld which have been. denied' P-roVineial pram, merits under the 'British North Am- erica Act, The zed Point -at IOU% Xr- liareoe said, .1.1 that Parliament cannbit name the Members._ of' the exeetitiVal council of Alberta,the =Waters of the dovernment— as directors of Pro- . !vincial bank It would have to he done ' by the shareholderS of any bank set up. Mr. arcoe told Arthur 'Slaght, Parry Sound; he knew of xio Provincial,bank with the.powers sought by the Alberta *Government. - The- eipeetation is the cominittee turn do the VII. --Mr.; Hepburn ilmisnaily gala pranuor, loon= 04 Ontario, With Attorney-Oeueral Conant and Labot Minister Hipel, were here this week to work out steps , of elOser .eo-operation between Dominion .defence „authorities over ,civic guard problems. Incident- ally, Hepburn' displayed =erica discretion ni ,his comments an the war and the Doniinfon Governmient Congress, watietbheenTtireard4da athrieerl, xi'LltuatbOr. Ployment,InSuratice Bill as '44 *coder- fullY good sEart," most of the repre- selita_ti,onccsoonntiuthuaetc;),Mo'nbelifttegr:-tol7 ,Pec,41 • "W/NN/N6- NEW FRIENPS EVERY 174Y" Wil RosE ' MOTOR OIL • CAterierfielq .6)e- t*OMPA`171Er.'"' L I M ITED r I E. Taylor •22.40• , I Red Cross .Priends' W.C.F.r. Goderieh Twp.,_Nerth End 118.75 d I Benmiller r aiu el Mrs. A. Fisher, Penni-ilia -, ...„,...- , Red' '('ross ,Aid, Eric Holnits,. I treasurer . 4.03 t I Saltford Hospitdi Auxiliary. 10.55 t Pledges 57.00 - ' • $.3,%4b NEW BRIDGE IN ASHFIELD The Ont a rio 13epartinent ef Highways is planning the Construction of a neW bridge on,the. Blue Water highway Over tbe Eighteen Mile River, about two miles south' of Amberley. It -is ex- peeted that tenders will be Caned early in August. A -couple of weeks ago a titrgelittek-strtick•-one-of the suspension rods of- the old bridge and the floor - dropped down. Traffic is now, detoured about three mileS,. and a work trew on ,the site preparing the graund---for the new strueture. GETS OIL 11401 At Winghain on Friday last ilharles Noel, of Tillsenbtirg, was eonvieted of dangerous driving and senteneed by, Magistrate J. A. Maltiria to thirty 'days hi Jail and to pay $2.5 and costs or a additional . --thirty aliSrsrirlie-failS to the tine. l‘t,001 WflS. driver of a ear which -overturned on The Teeswater- Wing,ham section of Nt. 4 highway on June lgth, resulting in fatal injuries to John Rettinger of Pormisa. , •'TAX ARREARS ItiViDUCEI) Arrears of taxeS owing in. ,Huion Counts?' municipalities, other thau towns, are away doWn, as revealed by the list of properties just offered for sale by County Treasurer A. Erskine.. There are only forty-eight parcels of land, involving ,about $3000 Arre4r8, 011 the list, ahont half that of last year. This is taken as an indication of prosperous tinies aniong the, farmers. _ "You wantinelto lend you two, 8,141 - lugs so that you can Jot to the (Anemic?' Vhy. 1 never go to the cinema loyeelf." "tilbeh lend me four 'shillings and I 9 ' mill take yeti,9 Perliner 0 - ' ••_„,„, :•-•" * \\\ AA ft ''04,04 AA A A AAAANA N,VO,Vv‘no, • A A‘A•A•:^z,1^14,,,'s,^,.., - g i'e' ,00.. /04 , awia, S. . , *N • .".• - • • :1744 44'1.A,111,%, •40._ .••••• 0144.11i" 10210.104:4 •• • TillS 'YEAR ...IN THE ROCKIES 10. ' TT'S a svan's . that the whole family J" can Nejoyi jasper, hi 'the heart of tile Canadian Rockies, offers golf. . on an,18-hole ehampionskip • course where smooth' undulating fairways AO an-, viting „preens tempt every shot. And there's so'nule,li else! Trout flash in tunabling Monotain streams; there's swimming, hiking, motor and saddle trips' • to the Colurribia 'afield, Maligne Lake, Mt. Edith ST n v JAS7Alcli CANADIAN NATIONAL • Cavell, and other renowned beauty spots. netc,in the 'world's greatest alpirta playground, you'll dis- cover jasper Park Lod&r,e, with its individual log bungalows-riti distinctive hospitality and pleasing social life. Rates :are itoderate—frord $8 a fleeti including. weals. Rounding out it perfect holiday is your trip West by the air-conditioned Continental Litnited---au experience in itself. Your local Akeur VUglairy \furnish You. Patt ticidars as to fares, limas, etc.. Ask for descriptive bookleta' and particulats of 4fted, 4k11t,"7! send Westward Ilo All -Expense Across Canada Tour. , Use Canadian National Express Afoncy Orders for "I7T4C.""f 1"%id" safety and convenience. Por speed, dependability 6 stsiCerrismikot Natiotosi re hs FOr . Avhsva