The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-01, Page 1-Combining The Goderich Signai and The •Goderich Sta
Work Being Rushed
At Two Air Fields
Landing Fieltat Sky Eabor
iu Advanced .Stag-Butsy
,at ,Port Albert
With floofl1gbt Systenet %installed at
toth Sey Herber 'and PorteAlberentr-
Port% 'the 'Wort: of scraping', and level-
ling is Ptoteedtnet twentee-two hours a
clay, -aeven days •a wee1"
At Port Albert big serapere drawn'hY
--reverter eaterPillare-are at -work at-
the extreme* southwest .corner of the
field, on the Richardson farmMost
'of, the machinery which has been at
wore et Sky Harbor has salreittly been
all machinery will be melted •north.
Preparation ofthe landing -110d, at
SkY Harbor is en ita last stages. On
Tuesday an elevating grader; served.
,by eight trucks, Was engaged cutting
tope Soil off large area bordering
Meneee'tupg Park. , The e011 Was stripet
Ped and automatically loaded on to an
,• endless belt elevatieg loader anel then
into tracks "on the run." The trucks
when filled sped away' to epread their
loads on low spotseretarning across the
' landing fieid at a Speed of thiety miles
an luiur for another load. TO-Seraper
had to. etc%) et intervals toawaitthe
argittelea truelte.: Operators Itaid the
,big machine can „keep tweety, , trucks
Only a skeletoe crew of five men and
, a: foreman remein at 'Sky Harbor to
finleh grubbing operations, The, stumps
have Yet to be remove d over tvventy
actes,of'fortithr hese land. This await
arrival el proper machinery. Much of
, the timber has already been . cut Into
firewood stud., piled up, but much timber
• eta]. lies wherelt fell, The sale•of this
wood, about $00 cords, has.not.yet been
effected, it is 'Understood.- e '-
Werk in. Meneaetung -Park also is •xnuce work to, be done
in Meeesetung Park, where tees on a
runway eleardece were felled this Week
and where -.Instructions as to blither
Operations are awaited. • .
A, • wenten'e clothes -line, • ..especially
:With a,Monday morning's wash on it, is.
alweeS to be xespected,„ and so it was
• ,on lentlarmoreing when a ttee in the
Path of the' axe' gang, Which suatorted
one end Of a wase line, was left einlis-
thrbed. The axeetiel.ders out all a.rounil
at until tbe tree and its *Clothealine, alo.
t, the ,cottage ---the ,former Dr. '.ettuntee
eottexte-stood Out like et te ore there'll
'• In the clearing. • The present present occupant a thfreettage,
,e, "Windsoe lady, felt heartbroken about
ittall. • It was just terrible tet.mutilate
a bedetitul' -park even if there twee
war on She saidhowever that -When
he signed ,elettrattce eights -elm' stipu-
lated that a certain tree, a favorite, was
1,6 he left standing -for the stime being
andtthis- Wish as respeetede • t
eSetweeol4e were all over tVienesetufig
Park M. recent deyeespeeteigetreettoye
-r-tet Atte- feerin Iferglite tit was indicated
thatthese were to be Cut down and
would eyeetuelly be used to bear range
'lights. • " •
,Dolags ivort ,Albert
Contractors at Port Albeit are best'
• g,ating material and equipment on the
ground and this will be a busy spot fer
the next three Months. The fall wheat
en thetairport area was cut this: week,
opting grains will be left 'undieturbed
,until ripe, but cattle have been turned
into tbe root crops and have been Itav-
Mg a great pienic
Gravel pits are being prepared for big
Scale, operations and the 4tlf coneeetion
road, ever which the erushed grev,et
to be used for Paying the renetaye:will
• be hauled, has been graded and widened
"for heavy traffic. There le talk thee`
---thisee4tad4etteotheteloseds whiletgeatele
, haulnig- Is in progress, but this Is not
contlimed..41readytthe eontraetors have
built a checking °Mee' and Installed a
gasoline station along the 'route.
• THANK 3/01.1!
- A brief item in last week's Signet
Star, asking for copies the'ptevieus
week 'S issue of this paper, brought Un
Mediate and generous response. The
first 'copy was handed in 'ehortlyeafter
, the, papers went to the postoffice, .ancl
* they kept coming in on Friday and Set-
.* urdaY 'until a suffieleitt number were
received'. On Monday peydral eame by
mall from out subseribers,
We thank all who so promptly' re-
sponded to our request and particularly
the eubseribere at it clistence *Ito sent-
The following jelpils of Miss Eleanor
•Snider, A.T.C.M., were, ,succesaful 10
passing' the inidsunimer exa.ntinationa
of tlie TorOnto Oonservatdry of 11/(usic:
Grade VII piano --Verna (hon
ors) ; grade IV piano-Ti.pyllis
'jail (1st -class honors).
• 60i,S TO GUELPH *
Thfl Oftieer,11. 'Webb, who has
patrolled No, 21 highway, Grantl Bend
' 'to Xineardine, for tvvo YeaXa, has been
tran'eferred to Guelph.
There Was conelderable commotion
on the tilurtni road, Just &IVA& the
town theitt, last Friday nightwhen
a chiclthe thief Vas canght almost•In
Menet. , • • —
The thief wait Seen coming eat of a.
fermer's driveway uearly four Miles
east, with' a suepieleuteloelting Potato
bag, over his sletuleer, and enter a
dtifleu?. The termer was ,eotifiee
anti gave Chase mitts own ear, !catching
up at the thief's own. house.' • ;
:There vas antareninent-and-teseutli
durieg- whicb the thief received e
heautifte Iehee fully
developed bad the eircuinference of a
'medium-sized grePefrilit The fail:tier
took his ehickenstatid-went hew-
locating the euliotitvia the blacledye
twine, but the eltielten-owner had no
desire to prosecute, feeling, that the
ends iaf justice-e-justiee of the pioneer
tYPe-had been 'tact. So everybody
called it a. dey.
STOCK SAX401V1,,Okt 0.114,RED
Alleged to Dam Sold Several Thousand
Dollars of Worthless Stoek
Charged with variotia brettehea of the
Security Frauds Act, Lawrence II.
Mitchell, of Toronto, and Garnet. H.
Thomas, 'of Ilanintoe, stock salesmen),
were ortesthd-by-ProvIncial pence at-
thetr respective aedrettet -lett :Satur-
day. 'They .were brought to Goderich
by Prbylecial Constable Thonaas• Old-
field and lodged in the ,OctuntY Jailwith-
out ball..
e The complainants in both cases • are
'people of Blythand tdistriet Who al-
legedlY heeded over gilt-edged seat-
itiee In payment for worthless stoat
several thousand dollars beinetnfolyed.
The contplaiets leading to •the arrests
had been under Myeetigation for some
,time. ,The aeCused-are said by pollee to
,be freelance salesmen. They will ftp -
.pear - before. 'Magistrate Mettles in.
Thursday's Weekly court.
teektneMontley *afternoon Mitchell and
Teemas. were admitted to hell, „Mitchell
producteg, .$2,000 cash ' taiittletTlennite
furnishing two s.ureties Or $1,250.
Joint Service at Ashfield Church on
• • Sunday °Morning Next •
.•The Summer School for young, people
_Of the PresbYterian ,:Church is full
, swing this •week at Mitten. Rev. E.
C.•- McCullagh, Brantfordt, the
,.dean, reports ate so large - an 'attend=
•a.nee-at the opening, but mans', are'com-
ing for part ,of the term, as; their
o as interfered with beeeese
of the war. te
Rey: 'William Weir, B.A., Benson, ls,
giving a fine course of lectures on the
Reformation• : Bey. John Fleek,- 11.A.,
London, suggesting ways for "Beading
the j3theettin tbe absence of Miss
.41.q-egale oriaPan, volie-lecteree, fae-
Y ar on missions (her inotber having
r eently-passed away), tha perk:41,4e
being used in a "teeny round labletille
cession." on the prcihlems Of Young
people. .
The mimic for all programs of the
week le eharge,of Professor CIiffitid
Clark, orgentst -teutTal Presbyterian
church, 4rantford. A large chelefrom
the ,SummertSchool will lead the wor-
ship •of praise in the Ashfield chime
•Sunday moreing, when the deira will
assist the minister; Rev; R. Ester, by
.delivering the sermon: This. in the an-
nual joint serVice with, the congregation
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the
sacrament Defile Lord's Supper will be
dispensed at the camp with the elders
rim .A.shfield church adsisting, and. In
the evening at 7 o'clock the open air
meeting for the members of the school,
their friends and the visiting congrega-
tions will be held. Au orcheetra will:
lead in tee service,•of song, using the
great hymns of the church and several
of the latest selections from the hymn
•books. De Ankle L, Budge, Harairtan,
tierk 0 the Synod, will have charge'
The "Camp 1Couneil!' suggest that
throughout the Presbytery this. be
called •"The' Metall Sunday,' In recog-
nition ef the Presbyterian young people,
anti that many will jobein oue or mote
Of‘the serviceS on the beautiful grounds.
The other- leadn
ers who have bee
very -busy are •Messre. Eel& (regis
trar) • Frank Tester„ Dundas and Peter
Red (sports), with, Mies_ Elsie Team -
Ore Ilanaiton (SpeCial evening pro
grams), tied Miss' Marion Patterson,
Brantford (ixtirse).
„ Pupils of Miss AlmaIldwell, A.T.(1„.
M., have passed Toronto ,Coeservetezy
of .Mesie examinations, as follows:
Plano --Grade .1thulte , • Geer;
Grade II, Doris Reid (let -class hion
Ors), Grade et, Lorraine Duetin thenorse. •Theory---Nerne .Alton (1st -class
honors); Jean Beshel (honors).
• Mr, Wmelireigner, of Hamilton, Was
week-eml*guest with Mr. told Mrs. A.
triftytone boys, mostly from Western Ontario, last week Attended, the
t boys' tamp at tliee Meted Church Summer Sehoolgrounds north of
Goderich. Came directors shown in the picture are Principal Ilan of
Wingham High .School Ilene, Rev. A. W. Brown of"Dienteerd (r1ght),
Rev. R. G. Ilamlwood ef Renrailler and Rev. 11. Snell of Ethel (rear),
riFTy-9NE BOYS AT .„ •
Enjoy Out-of-door Life with a .Variety
-*-of Interests ° •
Camp lieemoealtbee for boys, ten to
twelve, .wast held- last -week-at-VA
United ;Church-, -,Sumixter -Camp, where
some litty-one boys attended, under the
etittable leadership of tee fonewing:
Rees 'IL Snell of Ethel, camp leader and
chief.; Rev. Gordon Ilaielweod of. Bent
miller., dean and new:idler ; Mr. Stan
principal of Wingleim High,
Sceool, .ittteeest•group leader; Rey. A.
Pioneer Family
1.00Years in Canada
Ce#vmary of MoVithinney Family
Obierved at MAO Park
on Tuesday
The 'hundredth ,anniversary of the
coming to 'Canada of joint Robert 111e-
Whinne.Y and his wife Isabella, ;Kirk-
patrick was 'Celebrated at Haeher Park
Teettilay 'afternoon, Witert the tienual
MeWhinney, family reunton was held.
Over 250 members of the elan, 'ta-
eluding the Meilivain and Joheston
branehes of •the faintly, were present
for the occasion.
3ohrt Robert MeWhieneY Waft born
At 'Saitittield,,Irelarid, nine Miles from
tetelearete ,on °heist:nett Day, 1$14,t the
Son Of Mr, and 'IOCWflflmWWhl
ney Ae a yeutif he learned the tree°
of linen weaver. A few years after his
marriage' to -Isabella Kirkpatrick, he
came •to Oanada, accompanied by els
wife and son Andrew, and settled in
thia vidnity Ile resided with this"
brother -le -law', Mr. :William Johesteit
Goderich toweship, for two iyea.rat
Two Fatalities and then the family moved to A.sefield
Last Week -en
•. ti%hel:t" thoeicesestibt,liaslidomae
which was known far and wide for its
kin.sdonSonsheospitalityand one (Ian* gm' or were
borntte thetcouple.--The-boys,.Andrette
Samuel, William, James's' 'Sohn,. David
and Richard, all established homes on
tee ,original, family ,properte- aeti- de-
Arobie Mason 'Westfield, and
Leroriader, -Hay,
the Vietunb
Archie Mason, ninethentyette-old, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter teleeon, of
Westfield, Was crushed to death in a
freak motor accident On the .4th On-
eession of Vast Waweeeish late. Sunday
;W. Brown of Brantferd, interest group night. . •
.leader; ttfet Harvey Beyans of Walton, GoTvhider,e!Asoeie.rtiseeteoewet'eenshnitleawealda•retreeseteg
intereet group leader; *Ralph 'Meehan
of 'Br.liss*-jand Ian" 'Maclean ef We-st • by,Villi°1111elittYerTnrianiligeLQffieoeclterr14tvheecat
r•'r ie
Monkton, eamp craft leaders; Sheldon
Iteeter of Benmiller, musical instruct_ Which Mason and Ctoyfer Were riding
:e(TunDmr*erW..all•tr. of 71. medical • sstwreurtv:da'feinunicepepodtta'w3lItTer-'k
• The boys froniwnereieele_wereoaude iyelladsotn-ve,wrabtutttreotivany octiirteactslythjen eitazrpti_Pui-
parts of the Province. .r
as. it landed. Badly cruseed, he' died
b6Y-trPl-Te'llnit4; sevenrs:31111 '4ralit'.almost immediatelY, before Dr, B. O.
fore; a eumber. from Blyth, Seafdrth,
Exeter, Woodham, Clinton, Thames-
IVeir, Auburn,. could 'reach. the scene.
Mileerthne e '
Pr. J. W. Shaw, county coroner, and there was Gee la
cided against holding an inquest
from Flint, Mi4lgan, ,., '
The Camp Program Charged with receives driving, Govier
b .
Every day front Monday to Saturday aPPeared berope Theroas Gundry, eat.,
there twee a full program. The Morn -
and was remanded until August le. Ball of $2,000 was prodded hY his
ing watch and the sunset services were
father and Earl Caldwell; East
*quiet andsa-ir9Pressive times. Wayvanoth ferment.; •
, The ' 'study 'hours with the ministers
Arelale Mason' Is Survived by bis par -
under the..trees, Were , alMOst ideal..etets, four brothersand two sisters,
The parables were taken by
Mae, Gordon, Kathleen, Elmer Albert-
Goreon Hazelwood in one large group, and, James. -1Ie, attended school and
and the. boys- were corrected. �f the
Idea that eveparapits,---tatt a ,e-ettgettled the United elitirce at 'Westfield.
'boy pet "if, Was "6. rettenlYtettore. With- The funeralwee:hetet-if:rent, the home
out any meaning." of tite parents On Wednesday afternoon,
Needless to say, the tports and titellitl
irking .eerlociswere hugely enjoyed,
titottgh the heat was rather trying.
Mrs. Thorneloe with her helpers was at,
ber '
presieent of the kitelien. Her wonder-
ful meals pleased the pale* of the
-bet-tela' Atteir: counSellors.- -
• Some of the Visitor
sOn the Wednesday afternoon a good-
ly number of Visitors came to the tamp.
We noticed Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Wal-
liCeet Mr„ anti Mts. B. Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hain, of Itlytht Mrs. Itut-
ledge and daughter Dorothy; of Sault
Ste. Marie ;•Mr t and Mrs. Bert Tasker,
Mrs, eturrasf. Mrs. Stodkitillt of-Elytif;
Mrs. Macguire, of Belgraye ; Rev. W. J.
Watt,ofToronto; Rev. Vet A. Beecroft,
Of Wingbaixt. , _
Around, the. Camp -fire, ,•
. Tile camp -fire gathering each :nigett.
,weether on the beach or on. the eainpItt,
Was not the least entertainieg arid pope -
lar -feature of the, camp., :Ceder the
leedereelp"-4,Ultee. it tSitellttlietfunny
Songs slice , as "There's a hole In the
bOttont 'Of the sed," "Old Iliacd'onata
had a farm;" and "Hain •and Eggs,"
went.: over with "great gutto. Stunts
were put on by various groups, display-
ing censiderable dramatic anti
ingenuity. The Camp 'raper., by Mr.
Brown twas always mucb enjoyee and
oidlY: &leered.
• One or two ef, thetsmaller lads were
ontesielt for a day, but that nostalgift
or off. ' The exeitement of geed
ports,the caMtefire 'fun, the dining
able variety, and the tuck shop sweet
eats somehowgot them.
• Looking had •
A: boy from. Bianfieord, the second
ay he wits theret Yves askingees teader
ho brotiglif 1im to this • Go-dettleh
amp: "Can, We,- When WO gee honitet
tel meet 41 the! boys In our Explorer
roup, get each one to.put oside weekly
oney to come to gang) next year I
ish they could all be here and enjoy it
s we seven are doing.", • •
The camp clo.sed, on Saturday morn:.
g withgteat :cheer -a -for the leaders
nd the camp mother; Mrs. Thorneioe;
scendants ot these sous still occupy tee
old homesteads. The daughter, Mts.
Margaret, Knight, resided on a farra
short distance ftem • the family
"Three sisters of the original Mrs.
*Tobin MeWhiseey,came to this country
about the •saMe time as she did. They
were Mrs. Samuel •MCIletain (Marg-
aret), Mrs. .Johnston (Mary),
and Mrs. .
,.of whom little is now
Those 'attending the reunion were
descendants • Of Isabella, Mary and
telargaret.efeteepeerielt or relattvea,isy
marriage, and they attended froin such
scattered 'points as Sault Ste. Marie,
BlueYale, Wiegiaana, Enibro,
Dungamion, Galt, Anburn, • Seaforth,
Goderice, and. Colborne township. Mrs.
George McLeod et Sault Ste. Marie
came the farthest to attend.
• The -Sports
Races and games were held in the
afternoon, winners being, as follows:
Boys atid girls 5 years, elle under,
Georgie Teoinpson, Lois "Attkle; girls 8
years and under, Marie .Johnston,
Wilma 'Watson.; boys 8 yeitre and under,
Bob Mole, Irving Elliott; 'girls 11 Years,'
and under, Marie Johnston, .Betty
Sowerbyt boys 11 years ,and. under
Charles Johnston; Alvin McGee; gtris 1
XeaTS- end- uedeiettelitie Wateon. Hele
n- active inilitia be established anti ie
In tIic' delegiltion' leaf' '.eveitt to Lon
don to interview Brigatilet-Generalt
Dentaldwe'nOicieOt IGeoretilitagr4velealegtatLetpseetrtie,
Reeve E. le Brown; J, D. Thomas, 1). E.
Campbell atid L. E. Cardiff, M.P. It was
explained to the .Goderichites that the
npueWlsormylltit4ratYinin-seg IWInaclso)er tilye:ine°111its-
early stages ancetthat. a Huron County
regiment niight well be a 'possibility,:
but that the Department of Defence
had the final say in the matter:
Spokesmen said that Mum- ComitY
folk have an intehte civic pride awl
resent neighboring counties,. such as
Perth and Elgin, 4raiding Huron for
recruits. .:
It ' was pointedout that while Huron
County had already supplied nearly a
regiment for active service In this war,
for 'whet no direct credit will be,given
on the eecord, there still: were ,between
four ahd six • thousand men- in • the
equnty who Willecimieettntler-theenew
mobilization plan, and a Huron' regi-
ment in the N.P.A.M. could easily be
recruited. -
The delegation twas given Ito pro-
mises. It is understood that a truce
County delegation went to Ottawa, re-
cently on the seine mission, the proposi-
tion being made that the northernpartof Huron be 'Merged with Druce •for
military purposes. With Middleiet al-
ready Invading from the, south; it was
felt that Huron was in danger otpess-
ing out of ithe it:Mary pleture ititto-
Evetybedy Skiesid Help is Previoling
Fan* ter Child Welfare Work
The 4Godertelt Lion* Club will hold
its auttual carnival at the West etreet
kkatlug rink i4 Wedneeday, Auguttt
14th, and Itritheet Angtotel6th, with the
Ohiect of, procuring funds to enable
the eltitfr to carry on, its service work
for the coming year. ituring the 1st
Year the club smut over Palo on aril). -
pled ehildren and child welfare work
in this vicinity„ and gave $314to dif.-
ferent War service organizations, hi
addition to Chrietratts baskets, the, doll
parade and Sand* mluor •seryipesi •
The Lions. Club , will entleaver to
carry on its' regular services and in.
crease its war serviee efforts during the
coming year. Tees' good work deservet,
the generous supPort of the coniMunitY,
aA4---,3179,rY.049-§b9mk.1:lasne--4,„-f418)14if „et
tickets foe the valuable 1)4e/est:Ito be
given away each night, as....lellows:
Prizes Wednesday Night •
8 -piece • Chesterfield suite, valued
t $210,
1. One suit clothesentadeeto measure
2. One walnut glass -door bookcase.
3., One walnut ceffee table, with glaze
tray. ".
4. Folding,camera.
5. Walrfet liPholetered • chair.
0. Silver cream and sugar and tray.
7. Hand -carved salad set. '
8. All -wool inotor rug. .
Ilose reel and 50 feet hose.
. Died* Iron. • t-
-Meter; bieyele for lucky child,
Prizes Itridar Night
Westinghouse 0 cu -ft. eleotric refriger-
le' One exit clothet, 'Made to measure:"
2. One metal bridge set and chairs.'
3. .One walnut glass -top coffee table,
4. Folding camera.
5, One ,waletit Upholstered
6. Pyrex Casserole in silver stand.
7.- Aeroplane clock.
8, Sete model table lamp.
9. Hose reelietal 50.feet eeee.
10. One large ham.
.0.ettl:. bicycle fete lueky ehIld.
Propose 4egimenf
or Huron County
Deputation to .LOnclou ,PTbaents
ease" and Promised "
"We received • a very' ntee reception
tied our request was proMised due eon-
eideeitime't .wae all' that a epokeenten
ttwoul(l say for the delegation. from
Godertch thei- 'wept to London on Tues-
day -to ask that a distinctive Huron
COluitY unit- of the - nen-permanent'
with interment -In ''.thation • Cemetery,. jOhnston; boys 14. years Atte under,.
Blyth. -$ervices. Were conducted by Bert* Douglaerty,t;Sonny, Moore; girls'
Rev. H. C. Wilson,: of •Westfield United three-legged race, ;Marie Watson and
church. Beloit Johnston; Jews' three-legged
rt-Douglierty endeRtnoette
Lynton Davies and Nis Co -Pilot
Sink -Their First German Submarine
Pilot ()Meer Lynton Davies IL&.W.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Davies of
Port Colborne (the latter formerly
Miss Deatrice Harrison of Gederieli)
has bagged his first Gelatin Il -boat. A
letter recently.recerved by his parents
'told how he and 41.nother• Canadian,.
Pilot °Meer Wooll PeterlIorough,
Bank a submarine off the coast -of Sot.;
land on aline 27th.
rit Officers Wooll and DavieIv
6m patrol south' of the raroe Almada
Within the Aretic Circle when Pilot
(Meer Davies tightNt the tanning
tower of ,the submarine. Ile watt*tit
the bomb,•pontrols At th6 time, with
Pilot Offieer Wooll flying the ship.° He
pointed the ittbmarine out to Weell
when ittv was *bone a Mile Off their
i'ttarboard bow. They- made it shallow
dive and as they were above4the 'sub-
marine It sighted them and made a
dive. The Cenaditine, however, re-
kastel their four 100 -pound bombs a5
their •target -dived and two of them
Jude direct hits. Rusty oil appeared
on the surfaee of the water as the
airmen eireled back Over the spot,
Pilot Ottleers Davies and Wooll left
Canada together on July 14th last
year and they have been buddies
through their training In Englina and
are now eopilots attached to the same
unit of the 114. 1I' on patrol duty.
They alternate in flying the Blip and,
handlingb the bom. controls.
Officer Davies reeently 'celebrated bis
twenty-411-st birthdays'.
YOUNG BOY FATALLY. by; girls' ,shoe raee, Johnston,
-INJURED NEAR ZURICH Bernice Johnston ; jockey 1:,ace, Gordon
• and Marie -Watson, Billy and Helen
Ninetyeeteeld-Leroy readerof MX 1Johnston.; lailieta".• walking race ,_ Lois
--,' ,
Dashwood, died in St Iroseph's Hos- Moore, Beth -.McPhee ; inerts neeespaper
.pital, London, on Sunday from injuries race, 'Eldon Johnston, Sonny More ;
he received Saturday when' he 'Weslathes nall-diying, "Belle Mole, Rachel
struck htea car drven by Elmer Klopp
Canipbell; lathes' throwing elethespin,
of Zurich. He was the only Son of Beatrice Johnston, MariWatson;
mr. end Mrs. Milan Ra.der, men's balloon contest Charles John-
ston, Gideon Rattle; ladies' kicking the
The by suffered head hijuries. Wit-.
nesses said he had been cycling out the Slipper, .1.1rs. Thomas liemptore Helen
leneway of . Floyd Wein on •the 14th on;Men's .•wheelb•arrow racee
(lea Boit Wilson and Harry Beatty, Bert
concession of Bay, when.. he coin tee car and was hurled Dougherty and Gordon Watsen.
.with Ieloptes ear. He , struck the left A group picture Of. the family was
front fender of ,
'been after the raei were run off,
against tee windshield:
after which wesa s
t, eort musical pro
Dr. 'at_ J. tA.ddisee, of Zerich, had gram .given by some, of the family s
him moved to the London hospital,, leading,.musicians. -• A delightful supper
but he failed to show any improvement
was eery-ea:1_1n the payillop.. - After
end tiled shortly before teteelock the
afternoon slipper a sketch of thetfarolly history,
; .
DrAwrltten by iirs. Richard McWhinney
. . rt. Rontledge, chief coroner, of Dungannon, president of the reunion,
was called at London and- ordered an was .thad by Bert mcWhinney,,also of"
autopsyThe /*
. mates were then tattee Dungannen. The sketch paid tribute
to the Hoffman funeral home, Dash- to the pioneers who firet settled Canada,
wood,. where arrangements for an in.
gust were made. "laying Tour very important pillars • to
• -
the. nationthe Ho
, me , the 'Church, the
A public funeral service was held at School and natioeally-minded Men and
ilay the family reOdenee, 14th tconcessien women, all very i'mportant for •their
tovveshiP, Wednesday afternoon material,, spiritual and moral velue,"
Intermeet was in Zurich Lutheran
cemeterythe well worded sketch read. Addresses
. .
. .
Traffic 'Officer Norinan Levee, of Olin- weregiven by the MessrsGideon
etuttle, Lifeknow, and-Tecnnas elePheet•,
, inieetigated the'accident, Nilo.
Officers ,Re-elected °
Wg.S. UnanintonSlY '&Pided to return
the same slate officers for next year,.
Local •Unit Leaves Friday Alornhig for They are: Honorary pre -idents, Mr.
• tvve Weeks' natal:mg. Riehard McWhinnett, Nile, Mrs. Maria
• "0" 'OoMpariy, Heron -Middlesex Regi- IticWhinney, , Colborne township, and
ment, will leave on Friday morning, for Mrs, I:Dougherty, Seaforth ; president,
cemp at London to. undergo two 'weeks' Mrs. Richard McWhinney, Dungannon:
intensive training, with a strength a 'vice-president, Mrs. Alex. Bogie; Colt
fifty.five men,' The unit will be coin- borne; secretary, Miss Marjorie Mc -
posed of four officers, ten-N.0.0es, and Whinney, Dungelmon ; treasurer, High
forty-ene privates. McWhinney, R.R. 10 Port Albert ; his-
. Young men applying at. the armories torical. committee convener, R. Me -
here: for acceptance in the C.A.S.P. are Whinney; ItA, 1, Dungannon.; program
committee.,eonvener, Mrs, Bertha
In Lortilon to take their medical tests Whinney, Dungannon ; sports obi:omits
and receive inforination tie to what tee convener, Lorne Johnstort, Port.
branches of the service are still Open. Albert; refreshment committee. eon-
Almosttall of the active malts in West.- vend-, Mrs. Alex. Bogie, It.n. 8, Goat --
ern Ontario haVe recruited up to full • rich; reception. eonunittee conVener,
strength and several. of the thirteen Mrs, David‘johnston, Port Albertis;„
young men who aPPlied here during the
past week -have not-- Yet been placed,' . 'THE :WEATHER
The thirteen are: jira Durnin, Goder, The mercury soared to a new high
rich; james Ward, RJR,. 1,. or . --the year)-last-Thnrsday.,,,,,when' if
Cedric (Green, It.11,. 1, tiolyrood ; Gordon registered an uncoMfortable 910
Itincardlne; Gordon Duncan, Fahrenheit.- Second high was on Mon-
Xincardine s;- Thomas MeWhinney, NM- day when 89° was recorded. • Low for
gannon ; Walter Small, Rineardine; the week was 61'1, registered en Sunday
Verne liiIcT)ougall, 13:hien-dine; Fred Morning.. •
Lueknow ; Garnet Pree, Sea: • "The temperatureS for the weeit pate
forth ; 'Wilfred Upper, Listowel; and for the corresponding Week last.
Gordon Kritzer, Listowel and Verne. Year, as &Wittily reeorded, were as
Gooding, Listowel.• Tradesmen and follows: • -
tYPIsts are still in demand and five men'
1940 1039;
from this district Went to London for fp.14fax. Min.. Max; Min,
trade and typing tests this week. They Thurs., July 25 -.91 72 , 05
are: %%owes P. Pinnagan, July 20,„,...,80 on. '88 71
Paisler; George ‘Sehmid,4 and Earl Sat., July 27 .70 (IS 82 05
&rguson, both of Walkerton, Charles Sun., July 28 .4.„.84 61. 76 63
Weilwood, Wingham; Lorne 0. Weber, Mon., July 29 (99 73 .11 (15
Cargill. Tues., July $5 71. -74 ,05"
Var.' Itoyee of Waikerton applied Wed., July 31 70 64 58
as. a signaller and James Brown,- and
14, W. Moore, both of 1{.1t. I, Port Al.
belt. made enquiries regardiag the,
navy at riondon.
nd an extra for the two girls who now being sent to district headquarters
ssisthd her, •
Boys at the Canip
Dili Moise, Dawson Golding, Don
outhcott, Dort Britnell, Neil, Johnson,
Oss Pereont, Harvey Cover, Exeter;
ohn 'Sibthorpe, Ivan. 111111born,. ( 13111
ohnson, Earl Ilam, Lloyd Tasker, noss
asker, Paul Watson, Howardetteallace,
Meet eStockill, Billy Murray, Myth;
ee,Seott, Beverly Lefteie ROSS Peat%
Ob McCormick, Ray Roberts, Ebner
essecar, Bob Rountree, Brantford;
ugh 'Taylor, Torouto • Donald ttaddy,
tank Fingland, 43111 'seleOlinchte It'll
ern, David Sperling, Clinton e Beiattle'
vage Denald Munn, Billy Munn,
lin Maekenzie, Dolitad Mackenzie,
aforth; Oeorge Poreman,
enneth, , Woodham ;‘, Mac W1180,11,
'Wilson, Carlow; 'Harry 'Wight -
an, tA,UbUrn; Caltie Allard, Jas.
alker, Ithanietiville; Jaek OOok, Mil
reortiJack 'Eedy, Dungannon; DOtig-
May, Eeeter; „ David Lawoole
olmesvillet Earl Ilam, Clintoli;
wyn reiagan, Nile; &Imes Hall,
Ingham; Herbert,. Pocock, Clinton ;
try Bremner, Clarence Ward, llob
eMner, ;tick Cardiff, Ethel.
Mrs. L. G. Wttrnoek hse .returned
inn an enjoyolie visit to. Tinitahs.
Ittr. Wm. ‘) of Wingham le visit-
ing at theholaie of WS son Bert this
Something new in building material
has been used by John Jeffrey, local
Jmildinecontrottori, in onstructing a
new front' on the W. Eaten Co. torder
office .on the south stile 'of the Square.
This new material et 'called entasonite"
°and it formed from compressed paper.
f`Maeonite" is said- to be *superior to
wood in its durability, pliabilitY and
ability to take a beautiful, smooth
finish. • •
The new front .coesttected by Me
Jeffrey improves. the appearatteeterthe
-eider office orte.huetired per cent, The
*hate is painted in queen's blue With
white and black' triiineinge .
to the W
Largest Crowd et the IWO*
Harbor Lud Beat*
on Sunday
, The` largest crowd of the seas**
thronged the harbor find beach 04
Sunday to get a 'respite from the he
wave, which enveloped this part of the
country during the past Week. The
beach, piers and adjacent waters bgul
Coney Island appearance, 'so dense was
the 'throng. People also Ilned the top,
of ihe lake .bank 111 thelr autentobilee,
'Content to sit there with the 'cooling
breezes $Weepieg UP On them from. tbo
lakeeetEvenelate in•-thetteettingt-theletet---
weee 4111 many who were reluetaut to
leave the waterfront for the heat . ot
their homes. ,
Week -day aftereoons arid evenings'
also saw nuany people at the beat''.
Bert afacleonglata pleasure boat wait
kept alttiost constantly busy, Particul-
arly on Sunday, what many of the non.
bathers took this pleasant means of
The, water ,telliperatut4e, reached st
high of eedet on Friday afternoon. It
held close to this mark until Wednesday
of this week when a tool north wind -7_
sent it -dipping down to Tat off ther
'beach 'Medi 70't between the piers.
, Vessel, Arrivals of the Week
The str.' Saskadoc- arrived ;from
Chicago on-Monday'morning with 240.- "
-bus. of corn .and cleared, light,
early Tuesdarinorning for, Toledo TO
'take on goal,. The Wahcontla came in
. on Wednesday evening frora For
liaxn with 90;000', bus, , of Screenings,
barley and eats. 'Sliee'cleared, light„
this (Thursday) morning for Fort Wilt
-Ham. -fleth eargoes were for the
elevator., The ,Bricoldoc arrived this
nottninge'from Fort William with
103,000 hut, , of wheat for the elevator
'tine 85,000' bus. or Wheat for the mill.
he •Patesengefebeettgeerglan Westin"'
on •• Sunday morning with 15,0 Tess -
engem. •••
'lathes 'which cailedthere this week •
inducted' the 'Mavis, Mar Tim, Byron:,
and '
• The tanker Imperoyal came in. from -
Sarnia on Tuesday evening with, ou
for the lietterial Oil tanks andleft for
Sarnia again' on.Vednesday,
'Fish Catches
It Is surprising the number Of
amateur Anglers who are visiting Oode.
tech thee suntmer in quest of channel
catfish, which,- whenproperly +Cooked,.
is a fish: tielicaleY:, par exeellence,-they
Good icatches Of two- dozen, •
weighing up to atte pounds each, are
being thaile,te: the dive- motith. These
fishernien are touring' Lake Buren's:
shore from .Sarniae north tto Toberitore
for these fish; 'Which usually are thrown ,
ketteto-thet-water by local anglers.
The biggest ;black bliss ,caught this
(Skipper") XeDenaltt - It measured
nineteen' 'Indies and weighed
-poends, tt tette • •- •
„ Pickerel liteigneeetee _to it Stratford
man.. Ile caught 'one measuring 30
tnehes• and "weighing. -pounds, ac-
cording to, Bert tlee.Donaldt who ' is •
about the most eoneetvative„ and Most
trutlifel disciple, of Isaac Walton be-
tween tbe Atlatttie.ane the Pecifie.
Local -fishing, h6Vveyer,. in at it low
ebb at the present time. The com-
mercial men have about given it uP as
hopelesseuntil autumn.Oely •tulibees
are being caught. Yesterday between
200, .1 and. 300 pounds of trout "awl
whitefise, were ,brought Into 13eyfield.
This is eonsidered• e good eateh Wit}i.
prices' eeldera•so high. •
brAirjoTAL BEGIsnanoif
Goderieh SchoOl TeaChers Offer Their
Services for the Work
' On page2 of this issue of The 'Signal- .
Star ist an official announcement of the
national registration to fbe held this
It is .the desire of the..Goveruniene
that services in connection with this
registration be given trOluntaelly as far .
Is pessible, •and we nederstand that in
Gotlerich the echool, teacherl are pre,
pared to give the1 ! services freely' at;
registrers: Itseould not be diffieult to
organize, ' safe of school teacher
registrare to etwer the whole districts'.
Teachers have the training desirable
for sucheetork„ and as they are now on
-vacation nearly all of them would, nit
doubt be willing to serve without re.
muneration in. this •netIonelt ..enciert
taking,' ,
, .
Gray's Mighty Midway is coming to '
'Victoria Park, August let to 10th, with
its rides,' thrills and fun galore. Thy
exhibit the only rocket ride in Canada,
considered by the Safety League* one
of' the fastest and safest rides. Open
every evening, with a'Special, thildren'a
matinee daily.. .
National Registration 104
• On August 19, 20, end 21 t reat aretty'tof Canadian people -all
. those, mate or female, over the age of sixteen -will :neve out to the
points of registration and 911 in the cardg eontaining-a number of
-,Why isIthis registration taking piece?' This country is at war;
It mast "put forth the utmost possible effort to accomplish its purpose. ,
That purpose Is the defeat of the enemy.
In order to do this it must marshal the, full forees of the nation
all the human, moral, Material and spiritual for of ,Canada.
" There can •bo no slacklegt ,.We need, more planet, tanket ant,
munition. To produce them, we neeil inofe men, women, .roatoriala„
money. The nation Must produce' more, (tend less, and -to be trunk
• about it -pay more taxes.
4'Then it is necessary that our young men should be trained for
home defence. 'They vinl be ealled up at an early date for e brief
period of intensive aniiita,ry training.
Vest, We are at war. ItegiStration means „simply, organiaation for
greater effort -for victory. .Register early. 'TO analver the quotioaa
takes only a few minutes' work if you go prepared to tracwar. It4ta4
the tteettiants already Published in. tibia Paper and know Om .aitawerio
Sou have to make before you go to regiater. Where to *AO mot
give their all you will not hesitate in doing pow: part;