HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-25, Page 8NE S OF AUBURN -1111,1113ION, July 24rM and Mrl. amigo Roleerton are Nisitin Mr,e Ilheartoaert brother, Mr. Andrew abortuu, •of Mr. and Mre, 'Clarence Anderaon and IOW, of Toronto, were recent visitors 4r1th Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MeGee. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Miller and Marie. *I Windsor, vieited for a few days OW we with Mr. and M. Lloyd Miller. • Mr. Jaelp; Weir, a Toronto, is visitine Ithi father, 1)r. B. IC. 'Weir. V,itor t Wednesday with' Mr,' e&lex. Maelienele, were Mr. and Airs's Alex, Mael'enzie oMilwankee, Wits, ; Misses Ruby MeeKenzie and Jedia Gur- dock, of Grand 'Rephise Miele ; Aire. Xate Eva.ne, a Tawas, Allele, and Aiiss 47.14arrie. MacKeneie and Mrs. Doeald MaeKeneiv, ere et Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawsou ,seeet Sunday with Mr. :dal Mrs. L. eftigeration e-rvice Wt E MelTittie 48 St. Phone 417* BE SURE Nruee of Gait. O tMl r%tuuL Hier Nwrk" ACCOUipaUied bY Miee Bernice L'AVike011 Next Suudae July "R Rev. Dr. A, V. Brat* of gl'orouto will occupy the pulpit of line% Presbyterian ehurch, Mr. and Mi. Gordon sTarler and Marion antl MISS Jean Scott spent 'Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Miss Gwendolyn Robb, o Lochalah, , tin ie andmother, Aire...A. b. Dr. 11. C. Weir, Jae% an4 doreibbine attended* on_ Monday the funeral of Gem* Brunt, of Stratbroy. Mr • and MrS. Winer. Aiellwain are vieiting soul Aire. Richard J(hnston, 02 Bluevales Mr. and Mrsr Pereat Gibbs, of Debit;" weelt-eed with M. and Airs. fiat,* Mc tee., Mr. Ralph D. Munro attended a Masonic convention In Toronto la4 pieuo Watt unientel, Donald Itukal gave a reading nud Ma, Glenn Bairn: - by 'ems a eolo, Harold Reid gave the aophe "Witneasing for .ChrGeorge 1teitl1by eloeett the meetiug *Rh prayer. Batt Church l'idakreeT1* local Ilaptist Sunday eeltool along With the Clinton Baptist Sunday sehool' held their annual picnic on Saturday a Gederiele The tollewing were the win. leersf varieue races: Boys '4 to (I. Ronnie Carter, Grant ltaithby ; girla 4 to 0, uvelyu Raithby, Christine Cun- ningham; boys 0 to „8, Ronnie Carter, Tom Sheppard ; 'girls 0 to 8 June ,Beatile, Joan Killough; boye 8 to 10, rrom HerbPoceelt; girls 8 to 10. Shirley 11,610ertsott; Dolly Robert- , on boys 10 t�'2, George Robertson, Jack Ladd; girls 10 to 12, Maida rework, Emma Robertson; Earle 12 to 10, 1.cois Ferguson, Peerl Miller; young inen's race,. Norval pocoeh, Alex. Riley; Toting vvomen's reefs, Helen Kennedy, Audrey Orealis; three-legged late, Isobel Riley and Audrey Grealis, Doris. Clifford I ii:Ca:1-le ; i.elly-.. Mr, stied Mrs. Erneat Robertson. of. '3,teEllidlitt and !1)011Y Toredito''.cztllet14 on Miss Susie Bleb.' on i,.,isItTinitterr;vteell;r7 aeiesflooYid NvExe4regrasoam,rsIvIv , Tuesday. ' . •Mrs Peter Patterson, „Mr. and:Mrs., IsePPinglon, mrs. Fogartes. 1 Beadle and Atte am/Aire Eill7St ratttie- ' teresueur-ADtkr- ,a--r--T-zir- son ,atteliod on flAlionsda,3,' the' funeral-- Y4AR$ IN ZUSINBPS of Mrs. Wm. Brown, of Alorikton, Mr. Steorairt Fergusons of Totteuhain, , • Walker's Furniture Store at,Seafortit. sPeilt the week -end with his Irlrents, , is the scene a great activity this week. 'In:7 aii-e'srfg-; A-.7,17'1-in'pz1Is-On-Y-----'-afier-thifff,-fliTtIrytta'rgr'OrsileFegUnT " lielsrs; Amee and Itusseii Ford awl business on the main street of Seafortint 'exi,a 241.trwaret Ford of Meaford and "Mr. and Mrs, Walket . are retirin,,,-, Mr.., thtifiret Layeock of, BottVord, . Their son, John, Who has been engag:ti ' Saei . visited last week With Mr, and in the uedertaking business4 as welt r • : ' LIS' furniture; has enlistedr.ian, the it.C.A. ;jr,, Jereiniab Taylor. Visitors wifli liev. 1.T. C. "Wilson and F. and leaves for training camp this Mrs Wilson on .sui do.e were Mr. and week, tints necessitating the selling of Alre. Floyd Aildross f)f Oakland and , Mrs. ;Ronald Sutherland and Floyd, L of Calfax,. Sask. 4 • Mr. and irs. Wrn, Dobie and MieS, Eugene Dobie visited' on' Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. James Johnston, of Blue-. vale. • Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and 11.r_and fts. L'hatiertson of Gode- ricii;, Miss lt,uth Robertson Of London and Mrs. Keene' -of Windsor -visited' on Tuesday with Miss Susie Blair. Mr, and Mrs. Win, Ferguson, of ,Windsor,,.are visiting Mrs. John -Fergu- son. They were accompanied by...Miss Jsobe1RoUinson, who had been visiting Windsor relatives. • - Baptist young reoples-The_B.Y.Prit. anet 'Sundey night with Harold Reid iireharge. Frank Raithby led in prayer and-Iv4orman Yungblutt read the "'Scriti- Iure. Shirley and Einma Rctbertson sang a dime- and Marie Itaithby gave OgrifiRE Una.voiclable Mi- ent ilAPPENS BE SURE: You Are Fully Pro- ' teeted-•RY 1NSURANCp, 11. M. FORD.. erpsuranee and Real Estate $'ilaurnilton St. TeL 268i,, — • ffammomumiriiesmounspi Aramommi;imialmo.4 ' • `r the stock andsbieliness. -Their store is tele- of ,the most modern -in this part of the Province end the -stock is one of the ,most seleet. • 30x Tbe tiig Lynn B. slipped down the ways at Owen Sound. over the week-encl. The Sixty -foot, all -welded vessel ' was" built for tli•C. •SaBoone Dredging Ca. of Toronto. Before she clears for Tor - caste; cabineran extrede aecommodations will be built. When she goes into ser- vice for her Toronto owners, she will be used for -towing and dredging, work on the Great Lakeee • MUCH SIGNAL -ST DUNG.A.NNON 1117NitlANN.ON, July 21, - Miss Wilma Treleaven, Toronte, enjoying vavation with her parente, Mr. ttud Mrs. Ost Treleaveu, Gordon Maize and 1nuetiretrie are visiting this week With the latter'e grandmother, Mrs. John Petrie; %Ate rich. - Mrs. N. Id Whyard, Sea -forth,' has been visiting her friend, Miss Betty Elliott, for ton days. Miss Pea.ri Jones, Auburn, is em. ployed in the house °of Airs. B. trrawford, , Miss Betty Elliott is expecting ber brotiter, Mr, Wiirred glliou, Mrs. irt- liott, Jacqueline and Joan, ream rail- gary, and later AirS, Edgar Slhott„ who 4* visiting. at 1..tor'onto and Woodstock. Mr. and, Mrs. Lionel Seterssellaiirax, N.S., anti Mrs. Laura Dexter, dloderieln visited Mr. and mrs. Rola. Moore ou Ttiestlay11one1 wit° lias spent most or ins tete eadineette now an °Meer in tue navy on a eonvoy snip, ' Ilia par - (alas are Air. ane Aria, Ernest Sega**, -Nile. Ills rather is a Great lerar veteran. . . Miss 'Clara Skew, Stratford„ is hav- inga vacation wittc her- meitter, Alteee David Seiroul, rend the met , of tee Weeitewas viaited ey Attssees nithel Cese and 'Ahem, ' Rotainson, Tbroutb, jevti lierraner -1-tU1garieon, girls. Miss Daisy ite7aTi7P-dirolitii -iffilailiiiitireeaseseeTedn V1s4eti Mrs. Geo, lienultone ' ,Mr. and Mrs. W. Prerdekel and DoU'es 1s, Stratford,evisited Mr.' and Mrs. el. J. L. leedy on sunday. • We are geed to report ',Mr. Burton Reeien, tiolue, ;Ono Allot: .nis operation. Los illness of seven months nas been Iquite a trial. - Aid. and. ars. John Blake awl daugh- ter Bereice eejoyed a pleasant. ten day.s.' holiday in .ine Issurgitra - district, Visiting !Lev. A. NY. BroWn and Ar,. liXONVII at Brantford, and Mr. Brake s sister, Aira, Wnered .tionman, at Dalin- vine. seeigarit eatifr and °tiler antic:RS `of interest aiso were visited. truey were accompanied on their returnoy tneir nieces, ,--:-Wilia-an,d-....uella -,tionmaii,,,L Ails* Jean. totners, Toronto, and Mrs, Roy Bishop, Chicago, are visiting tneir ratner, Air, Tiios..etothers. A wedding ox interest tbok place in Gueilla recentlY, tnat a :Mess Thelma reruot toMr John Chilton, Airs. John Gramee,,Aahneld, wile is graailanoteer ot tee ,ornie, attended the 'wedding. re Canted Canino 'eve‘,..-:-' sTne WomentS sA.sreciation , or ..tee United enurch met on FrivaY in 'tile basement , of -the caereh. tvers. Ai. J. Reed., president, was . M tile,. ehair. 'The uevouonai exereisee and business werefollowed by a eeadiug ' by ,Alis' Melba Fowler, Ladies', Aid Afeetingdt The. topic vets given »y• ivtrs;,-.Artnur .1t6a-Ch. •Airsses cora. Culbert and Lorna Boach saeg a, duet The , attentialiee nunibered tmenty-one. ' The etetitioaal Antlaem ' closed tee meeting. A. ten -cent tea.was served by ,,Ms. Will sprout's ,group! Owing 'to War gonditions, it wee (m- elded to 'dispense, with lunch at ruture meetings, nniess for speeial occasitias. A (1(iiiet/Oil writ be taken insteade , leer 84t0 Aitileptone.-Miss Ssay Hall eeleorated ner 'eighty-fourth, birthday M d t the luntit'of Mrs W P.roPerlY Credited • , Husband (looking over household aceounts) : "What is this item of fifteen- shillinge for overhead expensesV'e r- Wife: "Ole thatts a new 'umbrella bought, dear. I left my old one on a bus'-Tit-BitS., TIVEarCROWN • ONTAItIO, Gteovrie Net 1 lbs. 1 • 07.00ES oiTAIttit.aitovitt CELERY .10 ugaDvonu* ' eaowi , 1, LETTUCE. -7,7-4:„..„,,,_ ..„,,:.,,,147,a:d.,1,_ orlARI.0 'Gs,- 0/72.1H L . * 3 cABBAGE ' lall:- CaLueourra sosovess GRAPEStrAs' * .tiiiiossa--NrookeTrm s . 1.000 , Doz.. 3c_ ou'ro.......40...2.0. "ORANG. ES Heaa bs• - PLLUS PRUNES • 70-80's ' allitSINS *Bulk CHICKEN Aylmer Boneless 23 0611NED IBM 16c., Shredded .WHEAT • '2 PYgs, 2 .ithErcligr :Clark's 2 INAVIIL„TISSUE 3 1 PEACHES Standa;d '4. 2 Tins 23c EVIIP. Malt A&P.. '3 ZZc *104PER Nripiaps pus Pk. lOc GINGER ALE .14Vgitir 3 r: 25c MAYONNAISE It7'23c DRESSING : Doz. PP Tins. • Us, Ib. • LARD Stuutyfield • lb, 'Op atticsie MILD cartsz- Ca3MCSE Chateau OIEESIC Chateau . SOAP SlialUGIIT 10 Barg 49* LVEXISUOY Seiltes 21C ROOS° 23C(Pirt 450 g. g. 80 lb. 23c 19c 17c ssc ittew quiet LOX NUKES 286'71219g 141.14 Pkg. Pkg. c 14 IIIIITSILET OM 3 elik6' 160 seilitIMMINT1111101111111.10141#101!1!!!!!!VVRIMPIPIIIntelti.EeirLriiir=rs, A at P Low Eve day Prices , TOMATO' JUICE A & P 17c Jou sHoRTENING., 25c JELLY 'Iowans 0 K Pkg. ,- -1/11101110 Sitifentla:24c 47c JIJICE F,4,--1)eappie a tx. 23,1,..g.: 16, .paTERInEt, T Quaker .2 pkge. 15c Royal Household Hour , 4gri .25c 2it-Z 85, 20, OATS ogiivio's , OATS Heather rim 16c menu vv CZUPSOINS :FOR TREE i_., 11VOIC,Y SOAP r 3 Laxie-25c _ . Cakes . .- laikt- 'lc - -- 3 'eat:- 13e ,. ... . . meurnialade--X4Ta, •Orange *„.32 -oz, 11_ .._. . . . , & Grapefruit Jaz 661 lgibby'S Beata •itt;;;„* .: 2 ',66:4•;1 Pink . Salmon • FANCY . '. ..' , 4.1 l' 1 .. . , . , . _ Meat Bulls Heditm. 0.214it- 25c It. 23c Ann . Page 24jr." 21c POaliklii-Mititer .. PICALICS. Aylmer Sweei Mixed 194r 18c lid.. . Grapefruit ': 50 -oz.• P22.,,, ... 20-bz. .4.rio. ' Unsweetened ,' Tin rioak. -., Tin 7"' ' ' . • '' ngilliriiiniiillitallninifilligligni11111!thillnilliglilenglinhing11101100111111151111111P 11111C'; . le ..-r'A * m . m • re SLICED eit,:1314SLiCED • . ANN PAGE:. WHITE • wuoLg_,WREAT CRACKED WHEAT 2 • 24 -oz. •VirraPPOd Loaves: TOmmooss IONA • 'lilt' 23c• 13-41i100 Pears 2 41,:. .270 Asparagus Tips. itt 16c MUSTARD i• LIBBY'S 1'30 c C Ithir LAKE S Kellogg's • Via" lie SALMON CLOVERLEAF 2O . PEAS *NO .4 Sieve. IONA 3124-g...asp 'PEAS; N; .4 SieVe.', ,A&P It.. 9c T",',T11,1;li!1::1!1;;Iii:Iril:!1:;:!Ili11211:1;1,11111111M11111111;11,1111111',111iiil:',1i:Iii11:!1151111M11111151;:111131i1111EINIPIWIli fi ag corr VIGOROUS & WINEV BOKAR •Agibe 3 MILD & MIAOW wczoat 141). 3 RICH & YVI.L.ROMEI) r 1.1b. nog e Ai SERV/Cr otalgliArlef) sToR A CA A C O. TO. oarden party, kringebridge. MontlitY, July «.%).th, • MOW PdPular than ever-BLACK- STONWS Nit iditialerdrilt, leRE:511 10Ir CREAM. Full pint bricks, 2 for 35e. A xeally ;delightful, delicioue .,dessert. We deliver. ••• Phone 240. . 30 I'll met you at the 1.0.D.E. Maple ..Leaf Cirapter bridgii' and dance- in the eloderich Pavilion, on Monday, July 29t11. Vlay briege, in the erternoon, dance in the evening. Eyerybody Warming to be in tne happY terong. Reserve Auguk Stlt for garden Party at ow. Lowv,vaiteti, unroll, read,' in aid if the Red Croas. Geed play, Orchestra. and platforne " 29 • The Wouten'A Inatitute-will,hold their pienie ott August ,at p.m" at Harbor Pare. A.lerge Attend-, tura: of members is hoped for. ;Bring your piente baskets. 4.group of summer hats, in the litteet, styles; price $1;00, MISS M. ,R, Mac - Kingston street, Bedford Bloeke 30x Urtitip 2rof the Arthur' Circle Anxil- iary hold •GsrltDEN TEA on the attraetive grounds .of the Misses 'Mae- Vlear's /wine, lifuelts etreet, Thursday eSterPoolle...) uli ,•figm 3 _f9Pan. Friend's' and visitors viteletinae:; Collectioe. •1n ease of inclement wea- ther the tee will be held in the Itoine. 011101110.0411, JULY Mt, For Results A Classified Ad ANg WeLit SAIA-1.---TilL ST. LAWRENCE, - Montreal street, south of VOIR: Library. 'Xhis property Will be ;sold cheap and on easy payntents. J. W. eltartriel. 21ti ATEIR,FRONT, WI'.11.1 NIOX)E14N furnished Cottage. Water, sewer*, light. Or part. CHARLES •1119A.LE, Bennett St., Goderiche, 24tr _ `Mr SUPER/11;11ST • SF,; VICE, station, exceptionally well located, in the town or Gedericin now doing very nice baslueSs. APPrY LW); 322, Seaforth, 30x. FOR SALE. -EXTENSION. TABLE, Oak; also 3 high-baek leather -seated chairs 4,1ral one arm chair to ,intitch tablet practically,. new; will aell for $42;00. LAiNel, Duneennon JO • - OR SALE. , , VROLF,T Master Sixp' 111 perfect conditioa; also all my household trirniture. ,Can be -Seeri 'It any (-homy Apply- Al PERCY McOOY, 52 Elgin avenue. 30 FOR , NO OUR- 111,1ER, use tor the following eetieles ror i'estertheasslialf,-- price at the white cottage on Waterloo street, opposite the High School. 14 - TO ONSISI1 seo you Inc interested phone 361, or. call At the house before Augdst lst. The rt cles are, -Bede $4; 'mattress, -$2; Summer, School *of .s4pr ngs, $2 ;'dresser, $8; wash stead, ' $3 ; an English seat-antliple, $1; extea- sloe-- table; $0-rchttirS, $1-seaeh; buffet, VT' bed, mettreSS and sprlug, all for $5; large ice bo, $0; two plate grill, small coal oil Stove and clothes horse, $1 each ; storm perch complete, $10; 1940 a Success • ' NOTes-- ,'`of an. Insiiiiing • Week at the 'United. Ob.uroh Camp Groinds Another session of ' the Goderich Summer School, has passed into history, and it will long be renierabered by •those who were privileged to attend. " -at was a good sehool and ineY be elassed with those of the bestealthough not so large in numbers as some previous Schools, 'there being only about sixty campers. To the fun of the week, to its inspire- tiOn; to the influence which it leaves, every'niember 'of the eamp.milde con- tribution. The „staff worked in har- mony of purpose. all offering freely of their best for the comet& good. The school was under the capable direction •of the President, 'Rev. C., E. Beacom, of 'Grand 'Bend - Rev. F. 'A. Gilbert of Walton, 'dean, wad,: Clarence AfeCien- agha.a, Whitechurch, business manager. rAmong the courses offered vvere Bible study, led by Dr. C. V. McLean of London; missions, under Dr. H. 1L Irish -of Tavigtock; several ; method courses, such- as Young People's Inter - ester Helps for Sunday School Tea.chers, Leadership Training, Our Wild Flow-• ers, under, the leadership of Rev. G. We Wylie, of Oakdale, Rev. P. A. 'Gilbert, Miss Eva .Clark, of Dresden, and Bev. 0. Weir, of Sarnia. Much Of the sac - cess of the school was dile to the • splendid leadership given in recreation and ninSie appreciation by.Alisses Ruby Rutherford; Arthur, • and Evelyn' Stephens, •Gorrie. ,, • . (The 'of the. high -lights . of the school was the Fridey evening concert, which Is -open to the public, The program was under the direction of Rev. •ci. Weir, acting as chairman. Many interesting skits were presented, , these- being inter- spersed wdtlf musical'rerumbers, The readiegetifeallesearonliiiPeifsbyether-ted and -assoelate editor, Pauline Johnston and Kaye Sleminon, was. much enjoyed by all. ' • • Saturday evening was the evening set aside for the granting of certificates to, students completing the required Work. At the dedication service; which took on on ay a • .. . AndrevVa; where she ana her brother elocirrey are staying this summer: M.r. and Airs. Thos. Weggins Also were pre- sent' for the dnit, Miss Hall, who 18 afflicted winu ;Wildness, .is an: ardent. worker for the, Red' OroSs and 101143 complete, perfect. soeks- without any help. We congratulate her ii13on.' her 'goodly _age anti , appreciate her wiiiine- eirrSsemeser-Wetrittriletrosedettleye • r Tne Lave lurs. i4..-inewuinuey.-The death occurred at her home, concession 1-,=Aes1isielti, on Tuesday, J nip -10th, of Eliza' Wats-on, wi.te. of Richard 44:- ',Wainn6y, in her seventy-eighth year. McWhinney failed to 'rally after an attack of inguenea ever ayoir age; and in Oetober suttered a 'Paralytic stroke. One of A replay of eleten, she Was a daughter a' tfie late William Watson and Mary Consina, the former being. a 'native- et 13anirshire, Scotland, She is survived by her husband, r to whctm she was married forty years ago, .and by live sisteess Mrs. Martha Hunter, • 4 S of Lueknow Mre. dessi Spiung• ofea= forth, Mrs. -1sti1ella 'Brown of Gales- burg, Illinois,, Mrs. (Dr.teAlex. 'McKay (Eleanor)„ Bottineau, N.oetti Detireta, >La, Marion IrWin, Vvingham, and 'two brothers, 1.)r. Alex. Watson, Galesburg, Illiuois,_ and William J. Watson-, -cons ceseioe 1, West' Wawanosh. She wae very highly esteemed by all who knew her, and was a member of Erskine Pres- bytertaa church. The -funeral took place' on Priday afternoons Rev. C. H. MacdonAld officiating: The Pallbearers were Alex. Wagon, William Watson, Ilarry- 'Watson; John McKnight; Harold Sprinag and Allan Watson. The Inter-. Meat was in Dungannon eetmetery. 110W TO IltkiPAItt 4.° . . BORDEAUX MIXTUAZ ,• Bordeaux miiturei although prima- rily a fungicide,. Is used also as a, on - trot for many speciee of .11ea beetlee and eome leaf hoppers. 1It is practic- ally alvvays used tta the basic liquid when spraying fer the Colorado potato beetle, since it is the Standard remedy for many important potato diseares. 11 Is made by mixing tol)iier-lithate (iggiestone), hydrated linae and water tOgether in the following proportions: copper sulphate (finely ground) four pounds; hydrated lime, six pounds, and water, forty , gallons. • The method issimplified greedy- if finely ground copper sulphate and hy- drated lime are used. , After the spray tank has been filled vvith water, the engine is ' started and the correct _amount of _finely. ground ..coMer5111 phate gradually added. With the agitator rtuaning, the line powder •will be thoroughly disSolVed in five minutes. In the Meantime the hydrated lime is • placed in a large pail and slowly stirred With a stick while 'sufficient ewathr is added to All the container. =After thoroughly mixing; 'the liquid is rhen added gradually to the now dissolved copper sulphate in the spray tank, while the engine and agitator continue to run. This peoceeding Is eepeated tw'o or three • times until all the hydrated lime, with the exception of the insoluble.foreign, Matter in the boi. tom of the pail, has been carried over into the spray Avlehinet , Two pounds of calcium arsenate are • added, when the, mixture is *ready to apply, 'Where email hand sprayers are used, the method of preparing Bor- deaux mixture is 'exactly the same ex- eept that the agitation of the liquid in the ,epraYer will have to be itione by means of a ilat stick in the absence of an engine and mechattieal agitator. pidtiires, ete., • 30 mirrors,. etc. - NOTICE . r JINN -pee stortide BRK HOUSE, newly decorated. . Garage. R. ti HAW, K.C., Goderieh RENT.----PURNISIIND OR UN- PURNISIIE1 flat.on groand door ; near 1Sunset Hotel, ApPly 1.(Vt avenue, Goderich; • 27tf TO REINT.-SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE r 1:etilaialetge povsesreasnb idoan and. Wb.alg011IctE LIT 41,72; St Vincent Street. emeneetes eiaere: eesimereererresemesolememaree‘ • FAN* .S2q4E FAIVAI FOR, SALE. 145 ACRES, 114 miles south of ;Varna : good farm. building, land in good s,tate of cultiva- tion; crop and hay ; excellent dairy farm t. running water ; part lots 1.3 and 14, coneessioiS 7, Stauley Township. ApPly • to PRANK WEEE,ES, 31.1r: 1, Varna, -29- ereree:a..moilamieeeeree, .4-1••••=-7 - • " •VVANTE0.. GEtr,',TS liTANTED.--elr 'YOU ARE -,---sintezeetedrins,STE4,1)Y. CASH PRO- -' PITS -if you oroaltililte7itirttesteaseeeps, 'profitable Worle , tile "niost pola, lar line oi By NEOESSP `LES at prertmt on the market; inquire TO- DAY -.without obligation : .PAAIILEX„ 570 St. ;Clement, Montreal. - • 30.35. ITITmTT _ AucTiop, OT11.04.•- - The Capital lunch business having been purchased by me, I hereby notify all persons having any elaims againet it to present their accounts on or before A.ugust 15th, 1940, for paYment • •PRANK LANG. , • Dated' at G,oderich-, this 24th. July, ..1940: • 30-1 4;giskriiiiiiimairstraissams, • • CARD Or THANKS MRS PER0Y4re0ftY. WISHES .TO eXtend her sincere thank s to all Who were so kind in heir -recent sad bereevement.. -40 • . BORN DRENNANs-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, 011 July 22ncl, to Mr, and Mrs. Thosej, Drennan, Jr.; Ra No. 7, .Lucknow, a- daughter. ' EGENER.---On• Oriday, July 12, 1940, at the Private Patients"Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, 'to Mers and MrseDonald MacEwa,n Egener, a ,• son.- ' ' GODDARD.-At Ale$andra ;Hospital, Goderiele on July • 23rd, to 1r add Mrs, Robert Goddard, Gotlerichi a daughter. , •-! • HETASIC.-At - Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, 'on 'July 18th, to 'stir, ,and Mrs. Steve iHeresi4, Godeiich, a daughter. ji0FINSTON.-fart • Alexandra ,Hospital, -Goderiche erestIttlY,19,ths„..to,mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnston Goderfeh, a _ YOUNG. At Alexandra Hospital, ..Goderiele, on July 20111, to Mr. and x AUCTION ALL impoittult ty hOutW.fUriMno.N ato'llings and..effeetse owned by au,:c,tion sale f best the late RS. W. L. ow,r, Goderieb,. br • D.14:111xUlt,,..\;,rG S1friA:Yu,sr3:2,:d1J, S•eToin3;te,n- a9iniidg-IFRXeacheeer day at.1.30 p.m., ; • - at the warerooms, liantilton street,. (.oderich, They, include fine mahogany, walnut And oak. furniture,, oriental.rugs Ailatolians , pictures r some espeeials 1Y 'good one), marble Statuefrom Ital ' y,. china etched French cryetal. glttss, porchfurniture, IN,ordbeinaer •player pian,o and ,55 records,. , pendfather's, clock, mantel,' 'clocks, chimes, dining-, room_ set, 11-pteces, floor mirior„ bed; room furniture, brass and iron. flxe- plttce fittings, large ice box, lei.tchen utensils and nunierous other •eeticles. (There Are at -least -500 Jeers.) Terms,Caster T.:GUN. DRY&SOANue, , wieers. Xote :Most of the articles sVlli be ready - for inspectioia, at the warerooms on July -.net, . 30 ' 140(1ICE TO CREDITORS, • . NOTICE is hereby given. to air per - Sons having any claim against the &tate of Eliza McWhinney, late of the .Township of Ashfield in the 'Comity of Huron, married woman, who died on or about the' 16th -of July, 1940, to Send the same to the -undersigned, duly -rifled by declaration, -On or.`befOre August .17111, 1940, -as- on and. after • „that date the.Executor herein will pro- ceed to make distribution of the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claim's then filed. ' esseliatedeeftectederich, July 25th, 1940. • Goderfch, Ontario. . 30-2 •Solicitor for the Executor. drintogiellaMiataiimisima Mrs. Frank Young,eGoderich, a ,SOn. - • • DIED SICGILL.-At Guelph, on Saturday, The bravest -81014 in all tills world July 20th, Susannah Marie Carney, Is a man fighting against odds.-:-.,Frenk-- wife, of Peter MOGIII., the form of, a torch -lighting service, 'all students received eqdiffi. • .0n Sunday rimming, the ieloSing day of Summer School, communion of the ;Lord's Supper -was condutted by the -President and the dean. Theenorning worship sereice wasin charge- of the Christian ..feilowships convener Of Lon don Conferenee Y.P. Union, Miss Eva Clark, assisted by several of the ettzim- ete.- The closing address of the sehoel was given by the president, iteviall E. ---BeecOine who.•chose-as hie' subject, "What do you herer ,This week, July 22nd r to 27th, the junior boys' eamp is occupying the" grounds, to bet followed: by the Beau Sejour leadership camp; promoted by the Ontario Religious Education Coun- cil. This ca,nap will continue .to August 5th. - • The Baptist T.P.rUnions 01 Gue/Ph: Oxford and Brant- will oeeupy the grounds from Augtist 5th to 12111 ; and two .girls' camps, senior and junior, will have the remainder ,of AuguSt-.- Ti.;vo *ups are coining foe' the Labor ,Day'weekl-ged, which will conclude the program for this Aason. •MARRIED 'ArIDDX.FrIX)X-1-01EMEN1e--On Sat- . urdays July 20111, 1940, by Rev. Canon, Appleyard, at Hamilton, Ont., Jean Clement, daughter of John Clethent,_ *late of Pollolcsilields, Glasgow, .Seot- land, to Charles George laddleton of Clinton, Olt- • P-UBL iTICE, To the Citizerie of the Town of God,erich Monday, August 5th, .1940 • having been Axed. /by Bylaw as • CIVIC ILOLthAY All citizens are 'requested to govern theinselkes accordingly. ° 1V1apir.. L,, Town C1erlt.4 arden Party at Kingsbridg ST. JOSEPH'S ciitn,cw GROUNDS MONDAY, JULY 29 SUP,PAT 6 p.m.._ AIMISSION 35o; oifirlinstr 25c Followed by a Concert and Booths on the .Lawn AfterWards Roy MeNenZie's Orchestra will play for a DAhCE IN KINGSBRIDGE_ HALL ° DON1 A9400 IT. ADMISSION 25o . street,