HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-25, Page 7.,AUTO AGENCIES AND' DEALERS GODERICIt MOTORS awr PREVET't AtoUtb. St Phelias 83 Ivantoulti rallosolif-itIPtixit ' Sales and SerViee Pled' earS ' • GEORGE G. 1VtacENVAN CHEVROLET 4 OLDSMOB1Ti1 Sales. and Servlce : General Repairs . McColl Frontentie Products Firestone Tires • McGEE'IL.GARA,0„, DODGE & DESOTO Stiles and Service 85 Ramiltoe St. ' Phone 695 General Remits to All Makes of Cars. ,SUN000 GAS. AND 01D8 Firestone . Tires Willard Batteries PLANTR'S- GARAGE GILBERT PLANTA Prop. Victoria. St. Phone 513 CHRYSLER; !PLYMOUTH SeleS and, Servicer . -.General Repairs to All Makes, BETTY'S BEAUTY- sitoPrg, BETTY TIIOA/A.S, PrOji. 64.Elgin Ave:. Phone 340 Permanent Waving and ali lines of • Beauty Culture DAINTEE • EVELYN IN Ea.st, Side of Square Permanent Waving FaClals, Manicuring LIM= WfskeliTtiop., , Phone 00 ,Ilinger :Waving, and Haircutting O. McMANUOrn SONO StatileY St Phone 85 Afir=4, &OW/4'10E CREAM Visit OUr Milk Bar. GODERICK-BOTTLING wings CAMPBELL TWXIEDIE, Prop. * Piton St • Phone 489 sa.uthorized Bottler of COC4-00LA. AND TWEEDIE'S POPULAR DRINKS . , W. X. ATOreSAIT 9,K1ngs1on St . Alone 450 We carry a complete line Of FLOU-at, WEED, It AND Speeltalieinge-Bulk Seeds, FloWer and 'Vegetable "Pants FOUNDRIEK* GODERICH IRON AND BRASS, " roviwyr Victoria St • Phone „MOW GRAY IRON. CASTINGS - • BRASS and ,ALUDIIINUM CASTINGS Contractors, jabbers and Foundry • Engineers (fAittcWORIMM square, • Phone la SHERWIN AND TAINTS, ENAMELS & ivAmosu.v.ip General Hardtrare, 011ie Glass, Aladdin Lamps, Coleman LAMPS and'StoVet, ,Stoveo, Plumbieg and Heating' - • ,.*ARXHOUSE • T. 34, TUBNE4 West St , „Phone 680 ROOMS "DelicioUS Media Temptipely Served." ROYAL INN• Hamilton, St " Phone 082 Stop. at -"Itoyal Ine.".when in •Goderich Exeellen't Accommodattou ,- Comfort- able ItOoms Moderate Batess Special' .Attention to Dining .Itoom • .Service .F. KELLY, MAL 'OANA,DiAN TIRE CORPOItATION -Aisociate Store o. wiluTst3, gr Hauditon St. Phone 69W TIRES, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES semeemeeeseessesseeseaseerseee . E. U. ,c1LEVELA1TD 14 West St 'Phone 114' • BREAD, 'PIES., BUNS, WitLIAll EDWARDS R.R. 1, Gederieh " _ Phone 931:r-2 _ RtistpuNTIAL coNnutralrION - A.U1I.FiRATI0NS AND itvgAnts HOUSE MOVING AND , HEA.VX FRAMING :jOHN JEFFERY , Warren -St ' • Phone 677W GENERAL CO'NTRACToit AND BUILDER. - Every BranCh of Carpenter Work. .Roszwr 62 EastSt Phone 309 GENERAL CO ACTOR 1311 WEE Carpentering, .Aiterations and Repairs Also Cebsiget Work ,Estimates Free _GENERAL recONSTRUCTISON REPAIRS; .A1/11,111RATIONS I -MOOR TIIE SAIILTS 00AL CO. , Nelson St _ Phone 75 Best Gradea of ' • Poconontes's Hard, Soft and Cannel Coal, Coke, Hard and Light -Wood Agente for - LEHIGH VALLEY .ANTERACITE J. G. MONTGOMERY ' .SALTFORD Phime' 680 GROCERIES L.--; MEA.TS - FRUITS-. VEGETABLES DR,Y GOODS -- gATIDFARE- dAs oth GIBSON'S RADIO SERVICE -koiitiear St -(at Edward Tail) • , Phone 616 * We are as near as your phone. REPAIRS AND .REVLACEMENTS VOR ALL MIKES - B•ERTRAM.' MONDAY- Widder St Phone 508 COMPLETE.' STOOIC OF PARTS CARRIED 90 Day Gtmrantee on All Repair Work. Established 10 Years; 7 SUNFiST BRANDS HITS *THE TOP We Specialize in • SUNKIST GRAMM SUNKIST L'EMONS SZNIC.COST GRAPEFRUIT • IWE:=DEIIEVE --ess SANDING. Haiti:Y*00D FLOORING CURRY'S BAICERY Phone 466 "FOR EVERY SPREAD .usE CURRY'S BREAD" MAPLE LEAF BAKElit N. JACKSON &A. FORSTER 86 Square Phone 460.! Fresh Bread, Pies, Buns; Cakes. Daily - Also Groceries ' Vire,Deliver 4-0 4 Send your donation for the boys Overseas to the Red Cross Rooms the Public Library or to the Legion Rooms, corner of North St. and the Square, , • BAXTER'S DAIRY "Napier St Phone 104: MILK CREAM Specializing in WHIPPING CREAM , KitIMKO, CHOCOLATE DRINK. GRAPE,- ORANGE tind ,GRAPEMCIT BISSET-BROS. Saltiord, Heights Creamery .Saltford Heights • • Phone 172W , . Manufacturers of • SAIII‘FORD • JimonTo .:OREAMERI BUTTER -AND ICE -CREAM InGUEST QUALITY GODERICH TOW'NSHIP, july • Mr. and Mrs.. John Bleir and Miss Alma Jennings attended the funeral of the late Mr. 'D. Cantelon la Clinton on Sunday. - loss Esther MeIlvvo.in was home from London. for the Week -end. - We are pleased that Earl MeAllister was •able to leave the hospital and is now convalescing at the home of his sparents,. ' ' .We are ha.ppy to learn that Ur. Peter , . NORMAN'S • (Fornierly McMillan's) ' East Side of Square For Proriapt, Delivery. and Courteous Service Phone 164 or 105 GROOsittIES, FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLECOOKED lvt.EA.TS ERia R. P.R,Ict: GROCERY North Side of Square Phone 248 GROCERIES - VEGETAwze '0 FRUITS- Free PeWery Service CITIES ;SERVICE STATION, . ANSTON & HUT West St it Waterloo St . .'• Phone 717 isE,gyipo: PRODUCYrS,s, c0mp4Ter-Art-TomCOVii-sEnvidg May Prang, wife a William 8, Ruby, died at her hoe* et Ihtsbwoed ozi kiundaY, its her sixtieduth Year Eleven appileauta for the position of poetmaster .of Winghant were given a writ feu and oral* examination last,Week under eivil *tads* reguitttione. James Nelson, a well-knowa resident of Seaforth, died on July 16tli after an illness of three month% 1119 wits, .formerly Mies Margaret, Doak ot Varrt3, survives. ,ss Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Hallett townshlp, last week eelebrated the 8131Y -second anniverSary of their NiTa. ° fling. They were married at Blytb fuly 17th, 1878. , The Exeter Board a ,`,0 ducatton ba$ engaged W. R. Shaw, D.A., of Hawke stone, to 4111 the' vacaney ort 'the High School staff caused by the resignation of Ur. itodway, who goes to Fergus., Leonsjeffey died on J'uly 13th at Ids:home on the 'Blue Water highway south; of $t 3'oseple Ile Was, in ,his ,seventy-sixth -year, Be is survived by wife, One (laughteratutseven sous. TheiOrich family reunion was hew in JOwett's Grove, Bayfield, Wednesday of last Week; 'avitititearly-A25-' preeelit Tlie 1941outing will be 'held, in Harbor, Park, Goderich, on • the third Wednes- day of July; Jebel Stewart Dennis, an Qui resident of McKillop township near Walton, passed away on July 1.6th, at the age of seveety-nine years: wife prede- eeased bim, and six sons and three daughters survive, • Fre&Stattem eixteenlear-old Exeter bay, got his leg tangled. in the Spokes of a milk wagon,. and it was fractured. Be had his, foot resting ,on the wheel a the wagon, and when the horse etarteastbesboy'ssiegselippetisliet ROOPE'S SERVICE STATION 36 Bayfield Rd. .0 0 Phone 688 Frame and Wheel Alignmeet Ser;elee, Machine Works -Acetylene• Welding - Bicycles -Tires -Batteries ' 'CITIES SERVICE- PRODUCTS °- Lawn Mowers 'Sharpened 'Montreal pt. • •• Photse 610 Prompt Courteous;Service (jar Storage Washing ° Shnonizing Young, who was badly' injuredin allay- meeting of the north -end Goderleh Ing accident last weekis improving, Township branch, of the Red Cross although still confined to the imapital. Society Was held on Tuesday evening It was with regret that we learned at the home Of Mr, and Mrs. Roy of the death. of Mr. Leitch in Saltford Rundle. .The presiclent, Mr. Harold last week, Mr. Leitch:at one time lived Montgomery, presided. The canvassers , with Mr. 0. Tiebborne and later With reported the, receipt of $1.18.70 in the Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Fuller, and was -recent canvass of the vornmunity. Ways very well known. The tumoral was and means of raising furtber 'moneys heId'on.Sunday at Bond Ileasi. were. „discuSsed, Mr. Geo. Laithwaite intends holding a, danee at his honie In the near .futukes The•next meeting will be,,holcl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SoWerby. A combined pienieef 'Union Sunday School and Dramatic Club will be held In 'Harbor Park on Thursday of this week. .. Red 'cross Meeting.e-The regular The .Government hap to base Motley to carry onthewar. This- ., means more taxes, Now is tbe .thotte to put in your next vela:doe's, supidy of coal before another tax is put on. Orders entrtasteit to us Will retell(' prompt attention. We Stoelti- if*thiacite tea,l; ',FORD COKE Four -point Pocahontas RED JACKET Domestic 'Oda FOR - PLUMING, HEATING AND HARDWARE -TIM • BUY THE BEST -] There are good, average aid poor -clothes,- WE CARRi THE-sBE-ST O Dry Cleaning,Pressings Altering, Re- , • styling FRANK H. 'IVIARTIII . TAILOR, . Calk 317 West St. EU Union Church Notts. -The July 'meet- ing"of the W.M.S. washeld on Wednes- day afternoon at th'e home °Lairs. S.. B. Orr, with seven ladies present. The Meeting, the theme of which was "The Use of Our Time and 'talents," was cenducted by, Mrs. Wip, Fuller. The Seripture lesson (St Matthew s25 29) was read responsively. The leader offered. prayer. Mrs. G. Harwood read a "Message from Burette,"Short prayers were 'read by Mrs. .0. Orr, Mrs, G.. McIlwain„. end Mrs. A, Tich- borne. The meeting closed .with a ,hymn and the CorttS Prayer in -unison. A pot-baek supper was served at the close, of the niet1ng.00. Rer. W. P. Lane of iGoderich ocenpled the pulpit at Union on Sunday., and delivereda, fine sermfr on oni tbe text "The light of the beclY. Is the eye: it therefore' thine eye be .single, thy whale body., ehall be full of light" (St Matthew (422).4 her sister, Mrs. I. Treble, also at the horae of her nep.hew and rileVe; Mr. and Mrs. W. Treble, over the week -end. Miss Jennie Monist'. of „Goderich is .with her sister, Mrs.' Ilottle, Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Riptoul of Winghtun, who *ere recently married, called at >-the hobs° of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest on the way homefreak their honeymoon. The bride, Fern. Thom, is a daughter of Mr; and -Mrs. Wm. Thom', and her many friends extend congratulations to the young couple. , ' • ' , Many • farmers are, still eutting and hattlifig in hay, which owing to so much moisture is a. heavy crop. Wheat is almost ready for the sickle • and the noise of the binders will soon be heard. wonder how many have been look- ing for theletter "13" seen so plainly on the green oatleaves-a forecast that tho,Britieh will win,' as this letter Was on the oats in 191/.- Looking at the leaf fif the stinshine, the •letter is plain- ly seen. *The death ofiSusanna Catherine Hea- man, widow of the late Albert Edward Johnson, Exeter, occurred on July,17th at the home of her son-in-law, N. R. Dorrance, McKillop township, where she'had lived .the last tea years. She was in her seventy-second year. ' 'William Johns, of Exeter, cited on July in his. seventy-fourth year. He farmed most of his life in Usbortte township, but for the last twelve years had lived with his daughters Mrs. Roy Webber. in Exeter. His wife pre- deceased WM and 'besides the daughter he leaves's. sons Clarence, in Uslaorne.. -- The leittit 'Elizabeth Rill, Widow of Charles Baker, .101hatens "occurred on july 17, -iii her seventy-sixth year. Mrs. Baker wes born* in. 'Hullett and 'after her Marriage, lived in Voderich, town- -ship for twenty-five years, afterwards retiring to Clinton. Iler husband died six years ago. Deceased had a fall two months, ago resulting in •a broken hip, and this hastened her Oath. . Registrars for Huron-Pertb The registrar for Huron -Perth in the national registration project is K. M. McLean, be Seafoith, andthe assistant registrar is -Elmore .. A. .Harness, Exeter. : • . • _Engagement Announced_ Rev, E. P. and Mrs. Chandlers a Toronto, announce the engagement of their da.ughter, Helen Mabel, to Robert Norman Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. 2Williffin-AT4kalidelsolt Hensalls -t riage to , take Place in St. Andrew's United church, Kippen, on August 3rd. Clark-Templetnan At St Paul's Anglican ehureh, Wing - ham, on Saturday, .July /3tn, Marion, Elizabeth, daughter. of Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Templeman,Wingimm, whs united In marriage to Edgar Clark, son of Mrs. Annie- Clark, Chesley. The eeremony. iwnaws pienr.gila for7m. edh:y.R..ev. E. 0. , g Galla. jher,, 0 0000 Tneyroung couple willresideat Chesley. O Grenier-Denomme St. Peter's church, Drysdale, was the scene on Saturday, July 13thsof the marriage of Emma -Jane. daughter of and,Mrs. Edward Denomme, DM's` dale, to Roland Grenier, .on of Mr. and Mrs. William Grenier, Zurich. The sceremony-was- performed-lee-Ress- Mortis, The reside itashwood. Deyeil-flialsokstait The marriage of Edna jeep, daugh- ter of M. and Uric Mark Jebriatou, Ifolyrood, to Perey Deyell, eou mr. and ?Ur& Jame :s Deyell, Wing- hani, wee, solemnises, at the Nitiloss manse 1w Rev. O. YoUng- The young eettple will make their home Hoy -Saint As _the United church pa,rsonage, Etbel, on Wednesday, July 17th, Rev, II. Snell united, in marriage Betts' Saint, daughter of Mr. owl Mrs, R. Saint, ami George Hoy, eon o W. noy, mum,* 'and the late Mrs. IloY. After a trip to Niagara Falls and other points, Mr. and Afro. Hoy will reside le WinglsaM. Fano House Burned in Grey Tovvnehlp On Saturday /Went, Jnly 13th, fire of undetermined Origin consumed the farm house of Bert Heibein, about two miles northeast of iEthelon the 5th couceselou of Grey totimship. sThe ily'Were all away from home at the time. - Despite some insurance oil house .a.na seontentfl-q19.-1,085savill be, a beau one Ilelbein. ,Franie 'Strettett. Dies at Brussels . Stretton,' well-Imown busiaess man, a Brussels, died on Sunday night, in hie seventy-firet Year. Ile had been in poor health for some time.. Hewes na.tive se Brussels and,..earulueted a jewelry business there for many years. He .is survived by his -wife, formerly Annie aleQuarrie of Grey townsliiP, one son, Herbert, of Camp 13/Orden, and a brother, Willta.m, the West. Reeve Keys May Be, Road Superintendent Iteeve H. Boys or Grey tosenshrp bas been recommended by his council to fill the vacant position of township road superintendent. If the mem- mendatlore is approved by the Pro-. vincial Government, there mey be a general, scramble milting the *remaining members of the council for the offices of reeve and.deptity reeve. ing. • A visitor in our burg on Wednesday of last week was 'Mrs. D. A. ereSherry of Regina, Sask. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.: Peter McManus and. 'two, children arid 'Mrs. Hamilton Mc- Manue, from R.R. 1, Stratford. These visitors used to reside on the fern' now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie, and their friends were glad see them ,back again, Mr. john Hunter leaves on Monday for .Montreal, to take a course at the school for air service. W.M.S. IVIeeting.—The Women's Mis- sionary Society held their July meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jas. Horton on Wednesday,'July 17th. with O Mrs. T. Hunter presiding and Mrs. W. Sailaws at the piano. After ettsging the Biblereading was led by Mrs. _Andrew Bogle. It was deeided to send far a new stuclY book, „Mts Sallows gave .ft splendid. paper on ""Christian Stewardship., The meeting closed 'withs singings and a ,rentatillg.tim Lord's„ Prayer. The members present were eleven; visitors, three. A dainty lunek was served by ..the hostess, as O sistect by Mrs. Allan Schram, and a social time owaS spent- july 23. --Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer . and datighter Betty Ann, of Toronto, called on their eunts, the Misses Horton, on Saturday' even- COALYARD and HARDWARE STORE At the Harbor Phones -Store 22 intSet 843 House 112 COLI3ORNETOyitNSHIP, july 23. Miss Edwitia, Allin of Goderieh is visit- ing •at the home of Mr, and Mrs. HoWard reagart this week. 's Mrand ltdra,, Kenneth Ilazelitt end 'Wise Doria Iflfl of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. 33rookS of Paris were weeksend visitors at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Hugh mu. " Mrs. Ada Stewart of Nile visited with tEMVIllarailt BENMIIHIJDR, Maly- 23:-.41rs, Wil- liam Hill of ,Goderieh is visiting in the week with Miss afaedel. Mrs and Mrs, it. 3...Moore and family and Mr. Ken. pisher motored to Straf. fordville on -Sunday and spent the day with Mrs.' Moore % parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wisson. O Reit. 4.. G. !1ia2elwood is attending the jUnior boys' camp at the Summer Selma grounds this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. .31emillan. of Oode'. rich, visited on 'Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs., S. Vaustotie. , A reception ,was tendered Mr, ,anti strA. Pfrinfiner on Menday,night, whea a number gathered and presenteii them with an electric percolator, a mirrorrand a _magazine rak. Mr. and Mrs. Pfrininter thanked the people for the gifts. Lunch was then setved by the ladies. Mr. Vel. (t1, -*hay is working at 3iontreat, was home at the ‘ieektnat Exeter Raises Over $1,000 on Theatre,' Night - • Exeter dia itself proud in thssele of war stanips and Certificates. in connec- tion With the, nation-wide. effort of the motion, picture °industry on July Ifith, Two showings were :necessary to .acs comaaiciate the 'large auntber who at- tended at Leavitt's „theatre, and the - magnificent sum •of g1;093.25 was S in- veSted in. Canada's war effort -Patemnt-Seott In a 'quiet but Pretty ceremeity cent ducted on, Wednestley, July 17th, at the home Of the bride's parents, Grace, Youngeat dituOter of Mt. and Mrs. Iona H. Scott, -Sea,forth, became the •bride of negingd IL Paterson, B.A., MY& SWIM at Marvin KcLls vlaitia; his ems* 3thviotiektultkierti.w:a::ItWIlisedYnetsibtib' holWaylug with her I/Witt! recently with Mr. J. Mr. and Jre, Witt, Gorier. 1r .thomme, Yrouue Asultasy, a( Mr. A. Chalienger , Mr. and Mrs. B. stuDebonsa Donald Stonehourie Goderiek viilbsd with. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. • Mr. and Mrs. ,George'Srown et cont were weekend guests of Mr. had MeorraN 0411auxtuttebeiril.xetTuberay bowevrare ae-kr. tlisa Winulfred Campbell, Master Harvey Wightmait SAWL gyuliSitoel Bnolyiiive oMaemOilliutehheioywaeelatittboia being held at the Godericb. Onrassor 'Sekfi"sis gltru°1tiltu, W5'11' son. and Vaster Jetta Wilson, Auburn, visited for a few days last Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Earl 'Wightman. Zr, and 111r8ePat O'MalleSe Toronto; were week-enci,visitors,with Reeve Rare ntOnd Itaiwar; aise'llaiSs Annie Mai Bell, 11.N,, of Cla.resholue Alta. The A.uburn XXX. held their Jot week's meeting on, the river battle in Mr. Earl Wightman'Es bush. A eoehil time waS spent and ell report a pieties ant evening, eldest son of Mrs, Patereon and tbet late joint D. Peterson, Of Rodney, Ord; Rev. Hugh jack officiated. Atter tbe. Vidding luneheon Mr. and Mrs. Paters son left on a nietor ttep to the Mari- timelProvinces. On their retern, they will reside at _Brampton. ' Painful bus Bad Blood 'the. Cause• J., 'When boils start to break out on' different parts 01 the body it is aril evidence that the blood, is Ioaded up wi.th itopuritieo. ;Ju5t when you think you,a0 raj of one another e.rops up to takelot, plaee and prolong your misery. the Uncial; axLdpoUtiCi33g iou, • play do wilinot di" Innte Why not give that old, reliable,' "bleed, vurifiing mialtine- 'Oarlock Blood Bitters * eh:Mee to 1)044 :botlat Thousand* .have vied it fat 1: -thisilurpooe'd 'uriti0A3 port 0:$4UL : Take 103,R; 04 got 440:4 taa 1*4 Wood and the boils to. Th. T. irubnrn Oa, '.1t,41.. 'Tomato. OMJ 'mode h# the workers of hte fo/ifog'sdirOsearsothrits* IllumuCANADIAN Oil: CONIPAN•ICS.,,..LINItTED. romimpow. Why Worry About Housework? Let electricity doit by using one of the latest models of Wasitin Machines or Vacuum Cleaners. - • An electric coffee percolator, toaster, iron, or floor polisher always acceptable. furnished& on Fir -14 and 'all-WOrk* finished 'by Inne agreed upon. Have your Lawn Mower sharpened on the most modern. machine on the market,: It costs no more to, have it done ,the right w‘y. All wok flnished when promised. NEW LAWN. MOWERS at prices that will surprise you. GAlt.13EN TOOLS . We have a new, shipment of SpadeS, Roes, Rakes,Forksand t, Clippers. Treat yourself to some new garden teas. Gives new life to your kitchenit'S easy to'keep clean and it lasts a lifetinie. Different colors and. patterns. . Mattresses, Beds, Odd Chairs, for any recnn ui tb.e bouse The best on the continent — Made every day on our own premises, sold in bulk, in bricks or in individual cipettes with individual spoons, Try it once, you will use no other. W. 1111.'w Blackstone : BROADWAY OF GODERItaI" We Deliver Plume 140