HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-25, Page 3HURON COLiNTY FOREMOST wEEA.
(ND 74Besit. NO. 30
1. Rosiness Directory
ItUDItEtY 11014,11ES
W Barrister, Etc.
Ofilese---g- teUrt" House, cOoderiets
Telephone 015.
rtismsT 11..14E4
„Barrister and Solicitor —
Aan Life Building, Adelaide and Vic,
toria Strobes Toronto 2
TeWthone Elgin 0301.
I. D. HUSTON, H.V.iet •
•Fik BettIsb. Exchange .110$4
9 .0 dert eh,
110 .
'am Chartered. Aeceinttaits
7. DoVenite street. Stratford ,
Toronto 0510e: 302 Bar Street
LIVE 411.1vo4tw, AND IttENERA.L-
ALIC/TIONMit sr- tis
Telenhene 119
attesed-tu. Itnywbere --and
' every effort made to Alve satisfaction.
,ParMers' sale..notes ditscOunted.
A satisfactory, courteous service for
Varm, pxopertY or Household
ates Reasonable. '
s„Iiitt,e- House --Surgemi ...New York
e 'Ophthalmic and 'Aural; Hospital, as
alstant at Moorefield Erte-HanDital and
Golden SquareThroat' Hospital, Io*
don, 'England. °
. tans TESTED,144Selsi8
surmspilD -
.5$ Wathrloo Street S., Stratford..
Telephone $7. . •
Net visit Bedford "Hotel, Goderick,
Wednesday, September -25, from 2 It.*
till 5 p.m. "
' .••••••••••••tAs••••••••••
• 4
CElptOrItAcTOR AND' Ditt'01.4ESS
' ,Gosierleb, , -
Office honrti-10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 15
• and 7, to B p.m., Tuesday, .griday and
10 to .12 a.m. only on 'Weattesdey,
.Monday and Thursday ut Mitthell.
01. South St.
sin St,(RANCl3) CO.---garm and 'so -
;Med town properts,, insured;
- otheeno-vdmam Knox" Poesilident,
Isondeeboro ; W. R. .4.04bala, Vice -
President, •Selatiorth.; M. A's Reid,
Manager and Secretary -Treasurer; Sea-
• forth. • ''
Direetorti-Alex. Broadtoot, 'sea -
tooth.; Jtemitss Connolly, - Goderieli ;•
Ohris. Leonhardt, Bornholrar Alex.
Ata0trAgt IktAk; McGregor,
OUnton; ThironM074,Morlate Sealorth ;
Ungli, Alexander, iWattott;- Wm. Knox,
tontlesboro ; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth.
- Agents -E. A. Yeo, 13--.0stderieh4
James' "watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
RM. Brucefield it, F. MeKereher,
(R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas.- F. Hewitt, 'Kin-
-eardine' It 'tt• jarmuth UR 1 Born-
holm. , , .
Potter -holders ean make all Par -
motto and get their curds recelpted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin OUtt's
Grocery, Itingstott Street, ,Goderich, or
Reld's General. store, Bayfield.
sTRATForcui 60DEmott
• c0Abli LINES
Daily 7,30 am., 4.25 p.m.s-Leaves
Gedelsiths„ for Stratford, Toronto;
.13uffido, London, 'Detroit,
Tavistock and Woodstock. Depot' -
Bedford, British and Royal Hotel%
Phone hotels or 305 for information.
Throngs Attend
Funeral at Clinton
avid Cantelon, Voter= Produce
, Dealer, Former Warden
of Huron County
CLINTON, july most large-
ly attended funeral in the recollection'
of Clinton „residents was that of David
Cantelon,'noted protium dealer, bela
this (Sunday) afternoon.
Local and county Police were assisted
by metnbers of the lire -company in
regulating automobile traffic- at the
residence; Raglan -street, anik at all
intersections. as ,the more than
long line of ears inoved.slowly away to
the place of burial in Clinton Cemetery.
The funeral service was conducted by
A. Lane, of "Wes1ey4Wi1lii *United
chureli, .at the residence and graveside,
and the burial service of the Orange
Order was cOnducted by Joseph Carson,
-Ontario. Approximately 100 members
of Clinton and neighboring lodges sur-
rounded the, grave. •
The honorary pallbearers were:
George H. Elliott, ',Clinton, Wilmot
Haacke, Goderich township, .and A. E.
Erwin, Bayfield, Vast county wardens.;
Edward""Floody, sr., Edward Ftoody,
jr., Toronto; Col. II, T. Rance, G. D.
.McTaggart and J. P. Sheppard, Clinten.
active pallbearers,: W. S. R. Holmes,
N. W. Trewartha, Wiuiam Walker,.
.Mervyn Hanley, W: 11. Itellyar,
Falconer, Edward Morrison and
T. A.,Sutter. FlOwer-hearers---were:-.1r.
.J. Sehoenhals, •Jaraes Turner, Thomas
Deeves, Perey Liv.eamapre, .Norman
Your 1Zwit Visit to
Try ,-
'Located' on Wide Spadini Ave.
• at College St. *
Easy parking Facilities
• Comisenient to Hiihwaye
• •
„Single. S21550to
0 to55240
le -
. NO to Nom, OM to OA
Close to the University,
Pa rl i atm e nt Buildings,
MaPie Leaf Gardens,
Th eat hes,. Hospitels,
Wholesale •Houses,' And
the • Fashionable ,Retail
• ph o'ppi im District,.
Mr. and Mrssret Mortimer Bezkau of
Witchener, formerly of Vroclerieb, en.
•nolutee the marriage of their daughter,
Mildred, of Clinton, te Mr. Flank. Me-
'•Cullough ,of Holmesville, son a Mrs.
Lillian McCullough of Regina, Sa14:9
and the late G. E. McCullough. The
marriage took, place at the parsonage
of Central United church, 'Stratford,
O1 June -Rh, Rev, David, Wren of
• lavermore, iiercy Glidden, . •Lloyd
Stewart, Eddie Elliott, Orval Lobb and
James Elliott.
,Friends were In attenaance from
Mgan <centres, Toronto, London,'
Orillia, Goderleh 'and other plans.
- • Activelo the Last
Ur. „ Cantelon died - stuldenlY on
Thursda,y morning while supervising,
the loading of hogs- at the C,N.It, -stock
,yards. Death followed a• heart attack:
bis ninety-third year, he was 'web -
ably the oldest stock dealer * active
,businests in Canada. ,
exporter of apples, . Mr.. 'Cantelon had
often been referred to as "Apple Ring"
Cantelon. • Be was,a son of David
Cantelon and Mary Ann Cook Cantelon,
pioneers of Goderich township, and was
born 1n that township in November,
1847. s His wife, the former Annie
Cantelon, vvhom,he tnarried in the early
70's, died twelve years:ago.
Ile served the Mown. of Clinton as
councillor, reeve and mayor and. was
*Warden of Ilaron 'County in 1914. Ile
was an enthusitiStie Orangeman, a
member of Murphy 1.40.11-, 710, Clinton:
-The Twefftli of July cerebration this
year was the that but one that he had
been unable to .attend 'since he • joined
the order at0 twenty-one years of age.
He had not been feeling well ..on the
morning of ' the 12th and decided to
remain at 'imme.
Ile was staunghly • Conservative in
;politics and was a member of the
United church, formerly Methodist.
There survive ,one son, •William, in
.A.1b-eia; tivo7dalighteiVAliss Dolly, at
Orillia. •,
. W. Criigie I
Gt �w Aurti)Tin-olile-rtitie-i-
-PhIme 24 , Ogderich
Nelson Hill
Fire, Accident and Meter' Car
OffiCei--Masonic-Temple, Weet
Street, Gederich
Phone 230 GODERICil
A. pretty 'Wedding took place at the
'.home of Mr.,: and Mrs. William H.-
Jewell, t %Thorne township, on Satur:-
day %morning, when their daughter,
• EffieM., was united in marriage to T.
Franklin Yeo, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eldred Yee of (Goderich towns'hip. The
home, prettily: decorated- With seasonal
flowers;, Presented a lovely setting for
the ceremony. The bride was daintily
gowned in silk net over white satin
•with a Shoulder-Ieegth veil. -She car-
ried a bouquet of red roses and gypso-
philia. The hridesmaid, Miss Bernice
Hoggarth, cousin of the bride, w‘prean
orelsid ?Mk—net over taffeta, She car
Tied a bouquet of pink roses apcl wore te
garland of pink sweet peas her hair.
Rev. 11. 'Hazelwood, of Benmiller„
performed the eeremony, and Miss.
Margaret4Lason; of Goderleh, Was the
pianist. A delightful, wedding- break-
fast at wh'elt we uresent several re-
latives an int ate- friends, of the
assail. -
. p. J. 1?):4,1V
. Real Estate„nnei• Insurance
ce. and Residence:
11 Trafelga.r Street
Pliene ' 063
FOR SALE---kHolisea of all kinds,
elnaiee building , lots, business
property and sever... good farms
`Me. iSt..•.)w you- Wratie -real
°,-bargeinss_ nitY ,now.
Now° Ilathhentt in "R10"-adde4 attraetien-"Call ,
.Messenger." •
1WhilwAY attfi 'farttaSy in their most fa'seinating form again, come
Ithe.,,screen lifaxrieleber's new and- amazing anlimarted (lateen
attraction. Peatuiring the voices '
roairing rooted 'notion . . lifted out of history's page into
, the !living breathing present. A s•ereett nutstespietie.
ip IVA klYnneeirtilritim 11001tins-Itatidelph Scott -Alan Hale and
*fink McHugh
Conling-"SattIrtlitett Children" with Anne Shirley
Matinets Wed. Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
bride and_groom, was served by three
co-U.-Ple departed likthe afternoon on an
Sunday's Patriotic 1 LITTLE Kuutua.
Rally at 'Clinton KNows ITS PRIENDO I
Live Oatheing under County*
Auspices Pledges Devotion
to, 'Britain's. Pause
WINOITA31, July 21.--2-Wingliam's
population swelled to mere than 7,500
as the 'town 'played host today to 5,000
patriotic eitimas of Heron &witty.
Veterans o the first Great War front
all parts of the eounty marched irt line
with Wingltant'S 09t1x BatterY1 n.C.A.
of tile NA-t.A.Itt., 110 strong, under
Major Gorg1.3 W. Howson. Bands in
attendance were from BlYth, Clinton,
Brussels and Luckhow,, in addition to
the,Wingitam hand.
Warden George Feagan welconied the
gathering and explained. that Huron.
County Council lit voting $27,00,0 to the -
war„ effort Was, backing this with „ the
111.414Revnin. -e4
• • (0.-4,0;t1tlaglier, of st. Pu].'0
Anglican elturch, -Winghom, peke on
'eternal Seeurity and especially warned
tbe Huron county gather& to be on
the lookout for fifth colu ists. "We
must be'ou guard within," he deelared,
"as • well as without".
nor',. W. A. Beecroft, of the Ilnited
church, urged the kindling of a patri-
Otte spirit *his address on "War Ser-
vices." •
- Details of the Britisn .ehild guest
scheme were outlined by Mrs. M. Chaf-
fee, 'of-the-flit:iron County Children's
AJUSerelety. An appear was made 13Y
the speaker for those who take these
gttests to use deep understanding with.,
the children and to encourage them to
write home; eo, that their 'feelings in
being safe in Canada May help to -en-
courage those fighting in ,Britain's home
_front '• .
• Hitler's Threats
Major .1% T. Boivanan, ' of London
spoke on "The 'War as I 'See ItHe
ulgerliglisteners to be prepare or
--whatever inarcome.--15Direrthings mar
come now that Hitler_has inade his
threats, and perhaps freed what' he
eallA his conscience for the next step,
which may mean bombing of helpless
wOmen and children of,Britain or per
haps the use of polion gas. -Might IS
notright," declared. Major Bowman,
"but Might is right, when used in de-
fence of the weak. We must do alibi
our power toshelp Britarn to- fight this
great battle for clemecraci;" •
Major Beattie, 'of • London, spoke
prieny on MO splendid enlistment from
Huron cotitity and praised the veterans
a the erst Great War for their .spirit
-in this, One. •
motion of Reeve R. g. Hethering-
ton, K.C.,•ef `Whigham, and Reeve nay.i.:
mond Redmond, of East"Vrawanosh, the'
assemblage went on record 'pledging
'continued lo,yalty and devotion to King
and Empire.. -•.:The `resolution made
mention. Of •-th...,present .tritietif tzne
pointing out `41-t,Will-take all the cour,
age, tenacity, inveativenesss and skill
of which we are possessed to bring
victory over a -repress fi;ve."
A littpetfor France
Smpattii, for the comIttleee2p_rpstees
extended wedding trip; from w,hicirthey
are expected to return at the end of
this week:- The bride's travelling cos-
tume was a ",mistebiue" ensemble with
burgundy aeeesgories and a silver fox
fur, • the grooM's gift. Mr. and-, Mrs.
Yeo will reside In Goderich. township.
Bride -elect Honored
• Miss Effie M. jeitell, whose marriage
:to 'T. Franklin Yeo, Goderich township,
took -plaee ,Sa.turclay morning, was.
the recipient of two pre -nuptial showers
• In Goderich last week. Miss Bernice
Hoggarth gave a miscellaneous' shower
and Miss Margaret Mason a kitchen.
shower in honor of the bride-to-be.
' On Wechiesday afternoon last week,
the ' bride'S• Mother, Mrs. William
Jeweils entertained over thirty friends
of the bride at a tea at her -home in
Colborne town -Ship. -
Over eighty ehildren were guests et
the local 'Salvation -Army corpa at the
Army's annual picnic, held at Harbor
Park on Thursday afternoon last. The
weather Ivens' ideal as the children
frolicked over the green lawn of the
park, enjoying races and novelty games.
The rate results were as follows• :
Primary, Bobby Bell, Jean Warner;
Captain Bragg's Class, June Lynch,
Josephine Littlechild ; Mr. Haldane's
class, Gordon Crawford, ten Mullibs;
Laverne Fisher's class. Phyllis Car-
rick,. Marjorie4•Baxter-;-• Fred- Jewell's
class, David o'Llarriek, Bobby 'Carrick ;
Bible class, Glady8 'Selling, Nora
Willis;- jelly -bean -race, boys, Bobby
Bell; girls, Evelyn 'Sproule soda bis-
cuit race, iNdra Willis ; baetZwards and
fOrwards race, Lieut. H. MeLean, Clin-
ton, and Miss BettY Vernier, Toronto ;
gumdrop nee, Phyllis:Carrick. •
An enjoyable .box limch was eaten
In thetpavilion in the evening. • Captain
• K4 Farmer, corps officer, was in eharge
of the gathering', assisted by Laverne
Visher, Y.P.S.M., and Violet Larder, -
treasurer. •
Bilious Attacks
Liver Complaint
Biliousnoss itts-justs another naind
,!or a clogged or sluggish *tier, It
is a very eonneen eoreplaint, but eto,„.
I be quiekly remedied by etimitlating
:the flow of bile. This mottos the
I asourantatta ratio, the poisons, arti
!tattled out of the eyetts am the
liver im41 are relury'ed aria
itiimid ,
I Vilbnritii lAtilakv*.PflqsiekPIt
Ana eidi'ven. the sluggish liver, ppert.
ing up every 'theme', by, •eatttung a.
free flow of 'bile an.d thus cleansing
;the liver of the clogging impurities.
14 They are mall and tato to Ulm.
flo not grip, "'Won or siaalla.
7-xfubitrak �o., to, ioki4c4
Ingratitude is (I thing often found
ming bursai. belugs, hut seldom 410
umb animals fail to show their
gratduluess for a kinduess: Sueit
the ease with a small black. squirrel
recently befrhientla eby MrS,.. John Vick -
and her larailY,itot4Conolltg street,
as' it lay in the direst straits in which.
a lively -squirrel CouldAnd
bereft of the use of one of its limbs.
The squirrel ovas brought to the
Vickers homeby a neighboring small
boy who bail discovered it IYing 1.110/(1
a tree, from which it, had apparently
fallen, with one of its front legs almost
torn trent Its hotly. Reallsilv she
could do little, in the way of binding, up
the broken ' limb, Mrs. .3/Jokers sent
her Son 'Donald with the squirrel ,to
Dr.j. -W`. Wallace, the nearest
phisician. Wallace immediately
amputated * the leg , and ' bound the
wouil1.--M-74E-nex ew ays
Vickers fed' the animal and watchetl
it to see that the "wound should heal
properly. 'When.. she set tile souirrttl
free it showed no inclination to leave,
but bounded around ' the lawn and
verandah of the house on its three legs
in great glee. ' Now the squirrel is an
almost eonstant cempanion of Mrs.
Vickers as she goes about lier house-
hold duties and will allow itself to
be fed and fondled by any Member of
the family, showing no inclination to
return to the wild life It led previous
afar `it*E4-egffiat 'Frei:ten freedom may
be restored' wasacontained in the pledge.
COMmendation was expressed for the
Work of. the Government and a strong
suggestion was made that petty Politics
be put aside, Conservation campaigns
were urged airti the evacuation of Eng-
lish ehildren to , • Canada roundly
praised, with an- assurance of the
willingness of Huron eminty dawns to
'co-operate. •
We fight forthe destruction of 'Nazi-
ism and Fascisra. ,Our victory will be
such as to create a new order in Europe
which. will establish. permanent peace,
prosperity and progress for all the races
of mankind to render it impossible for
any unscrupulous monster to arisefrom
the gutter and- threaten with extinction
-the- highest Jena of eiviiization
so far developed among men. We can-
•not,-- we must _net, WO` dare': not fail,"
the pledge declared.
• • oBriruA4y
The death of Susanna Marie Carney,
wife of Peter MeGill, who resided near
ShepPardton fora -nninher of years,
occurred' in a Guelph hospital on Sat-
tirday morning, following a five months'
illness. Deceased was born in:Weston,
Ont.,. and as young girl moved with
her parents to a farm near` Sheppard -
ton. After her marriage to Peter MC--
• Gill she lived, in Western Canada for a
number "ofr years. and-refirined-ept
seven years, ago to reside at Aston.
Surviving, besides her husband, is a
'bro thItich a rds at -Sheppard ten? The
remains were brought,here•on ,Satufday
evening, via CNA,- and the funerat
'service was held on Monday 'moroing
at 'St. Peter'a• church, where requiem
• high mass • was sun v by Rev. C.
Nagles ,The pallbearers were Benhon,
Josephstendt-Itatry Chisholm.
Interment was in Colborne R. C. ceme-
A. D. LEITCH • .
The death of Arehibald Dougal
Leitch, in his eighty-first year, occurred
.the home of Mrs. Williatia•Fiarrison,
&littera, on Friday Morning last. Mr.
-Leitch had 'been in poor health for the
last 'two months. spending part of that
time in Alexandra Hospital.. Ite was
born in the township of Vaughan and in
his earlier days he farmed but later
wag engaged lu railway work., Ile
moved to Goderich eight•years ago and
bad lived with his neph.ew, Mr. A.rehle
Haddon, Nelsen street, during most of
that time. He was a former member
of theltineardine Orange Lodge. 'Sur.,
viving is a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Liske
(Clara); .ofsliradford,-, two sons, Wil-
liam og Toronto and Joseph of Rin-
eardine, and -.sister, Mrs. Harry
li,teyers .(MarY) of Detroit. A, funeral
service wal, held tit Wheeler's funeral
parlor on ,Saturday evening, ,Itev.
J. Laue ollielating. The remains were
taken. en Sunday to Ilona Head, where
a service was held in Sf. aohuls Aikg•II-
an drivel" and .interment. was made itt
St. joseph's cemetery, Dotal Ileads
(From The Campbellferd Herald,
Jely 18) ,
The funeral of the late Provincial
ConStable Perc,y E. McCoy was con.
• • • I in Christ church, Campbellford,
Stole 200 and
Didn't Know- It
Makes Restitution and Receives
Suspended Senteme-Doings
in Weekly Court
"Liquor is the eause okell thitt an'a
:troubles o L 111 Daneey, N.01
Counsel for ,Williamt' ,Shepparil, told
.MagiStrate bonal4 smith in weekly
POlice,Court last ThursdaY. " Sheppard,
a well-connected, young- quisinese, nun
of Chantal* was • up for sentenee' for'
stealing $200 eaSle-from .the Itrenuer
House, Grand Bend, at whieh be best
been vaeationing. A week previous be
bad pleaded guilty to the eharge.
"Ile didn't know what he Was doing.
doesneven remember taking :tile
money. Ile aoesn't remember being in
.London, where he spent the money en
uor and Where, he 'was arrested,"
ad,1ed Mr. Dancer,' "Ite was be
tuldled."- 44 „,
Letters from Rent County • Crown
Attorney, the treasurer of the tounty,
Chatham's chief' -constable and others
attesting to • aecused's character were
produced, as was one to the effect that
Sheppard Was on call with the It.0.4.1%,
• Restitution had been made ,and ceUrt
eosts paid,. the .-court was *famed.
Suspended sentence Was accordingly
ps„ranted, °
The money was: stolen from
Purses in bedrooms and `frena` the Cash
egister of, the liotel
•,,,Uxeter Attirder Charge
'What'the dater asked 'Sam Dodge
In loud, At* voiee when told he was
remanded on•a murder charge to July
.25th. The Magistrate,' repeated and
the Indian said, "-Thank. you." .
A bench warrant was ordered issued
fdr the arrest of , Kenneth ...Hamilton
when -he ialleci to. answer 'a false pre-,
tences charge. s'
AecuSed baying served a week in jail
2er-414**g-while intoxicatedisa-Charge
great Attrah.ersat frienas frentiarsantt. of fatitugjo.,tilinAo' thetWsPtoof *an
near attended theservige„ which was
•conducted by Rev. T. S. Gault. -
The deceased talker Was hOrn
Madoc and Was the sen of sthe late
Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy. Be passed
away-at-Goderich, on Thursday ,after
a two weeks,' illness with typhoid' fever.
Highly regarded in ins profession, hav-
ing been stationed i Goderich for the
.past eight years, he bad served in both
Eastern, and Western Ontario for the,
past ,sixteen years Be was a veteran
of the Great War in Nail& he suffered
severe shrapnel woutals. Ile' was also
a member of theMasenic Order.„
Surviving are his. sorro-Wingkolte;
who was formerly :Miss Gertrude
1-Genej Ackerman, three bretherS, Bert
•and Isaac, 42 Madoe township, and Wil-
liam, of itldorado, and 'lour sisters,
Mrs. S.. Fox, Belleville, Mrs. ' Allan
Madoe; -Mrs. Geolte Ilfirnside,
Hazzard's 'Corners., Madoe township,
Mrs. Clhas..DoUghty, Coeper:,
The pallbearers were Members of
Masonic Lodge No. 48: Lloyd ,Blue,
Richard Bonney James Watson Arthur
,Pigden,- Percy -Gunn and Vernon Reid.
Honorary pallbearers were- Sergt. Sid-
, e
Noble, Kitchener; Constables Harold
Black, FleSherton; Jack * Callendar,
Mitchell; David/ • Adair, Belleville;
Thos. Old5eld, Listowel. Bearers of
the many beautiful floral tributes were
Messrs. Alex. MacDonald, A. T. Linton,
E. Behate W. Bedore, G. Jarvis and
Thos. Pritehard. •
Among other members of the Pro-
vincial police and military forces pre -
Sent and taking part in the procession
were Staff Inspector W. Killing, Tor-
onto; R. M. Lockwood, Rickman,
• of the R.C.M.P.; PrOvincial Constables
E. Seabert, Guelph; L. Mennfe, Co--
bourg ; D. Nt. Carruthers, :Campbell-
ferd ; J. Rogers Havelock ; A. Dymond.,
Madde ; R. Sylvester'Peterboroug,h; 11.
• Caldwell, Belleville; H: McClure, Peter-
borough`; Lieut. Per Gray, of thelf.
• andP.. Reg.
In charge of the Masoravrervice-. at
the graveside were Major E T Naylor,
pf Madoc Lodge, and R.W. Bro,
G. West. '
accident against Clifford' Thernton,
Grey . township farmhand, vies with-
drawn:' The court. Was told :Thornton
had made arrangententa to pay for a
cow be had killed on the road.
"Jeliovah's' Witnesses"
Six "so-called `Iehovalfo Witnesses"
were again rensintled, this time to July
25th. `The cash bell of $500 pf Mr. and
Mrs. Charles '33ebsoti and Mr; and Ursa
John Raycove was renewed. That of
William Benibridge and W. G. Biotin
was loWerea to, $800, but accused were
No thoughtful patest 1004141
to remain In dont* * stse/te dnr
Ir than nootaieter Om*
witotther him cladotte *re car ate
not• free front defective vision
That. queetiou is too *Portan
their t
o eir wettare to be nnfiltsts.,
*he your *Oar
Or. Kingetett at. Oa TIN &pm*
- Wealth
F. T. Ar strong
Weinodso at Lvielcowtv
unableio pt----WbreeltITWI-Virere-returned--
to ' •
"I suppose you are going to tell me
you are going to Join the army," tow
mented Magistrate ,Smith when Richard
Powers appeared.ebarged with. drunk.
en-ariving. •
"I was on my way to London te- Join.
up- when. I was. 'stopped by Constable
Lever," promptly answered PoWerS,
Hullett-townshiP Man, •
The traftle oftleer eaid, that Powers'
ear .W -a4 "all ever the -read"' and that ai
accident Was narrowly averted. .
The ,sentence was seven days 'Nati
another, week adaed eotirt oosta are
not paid within ReVen, days.
Mr • and Mrs. WM, M. Moore an
nounce the marriage of their eldeet
daughter, Clare nine, to Walter Max
Johnson, ,Q111Y son ,of • Mr, and Mrs.
m. -jolitlico-reileb."—It'he-cere:-
,limi:*0.s-nerrort*d ity -Itett, 'D.
Lane, ,of 'Knox Preditytetlan church,
exi Saturday, July 20, 1040.
--Buglers J. Earl. Goden
and Jack -Sutton sounded the Last
Post at thgraveside in connection with
the military honors accorded the de-
ceased. •
-Interment was made in Monit PUats-
ant cemetery. •• '•
.:.An ,eighteen-year-ord Owen Soun
youth is in jail here and a fourteen -
year -old Godertch youth is on bail on
1r Charge `Of --braking---bild -entering,
Bridge's shoe repair shop, en Kingston
street some time,bionday night. -They
-were taken- Into- eustotlY Vs -Sergeant
Ross Tuesday morning after the In-
cident had been reported, Ie. Bridge
' having' found his , door open, when he
came to business, 'lie 'believes the key
a the door was' stolen' sometime on
Monday and remembered that -the ac-
cused ladshad been around his place
that day. •Nothing of any value was
taken. The youths wilI appear before
Magistrate Making on. Thursday.
Rai." Fares.
ally 26-27 .
$ 6.10
• Hamilton $ 4.35
Owen Sound $ 0,25
• Peter'boro $ 640
Schreiber . $20.10
Sraitit Pont' $8.45
il4many intermediate volute.'
For train service, limits ete.
Consult Agent-Proenre Dodger.
V. E. SMITH, Uptown Agent
Canadian Pacific
A group of members of the Federal,
inule a visit to Halifax at
the Week -end, impeded ,-- the .harbor
facilities, and went abOard-a destroyer
for a short trip 'on the Atlantic. Among
the group Were the twesniembera front
Huron, L. E. Cardiff and W.- Golding.
* When you let us write yossr:auto. •
inebilr and fire i'xnranee,- you not
rt. stssoal
you get the quiCk seryice‘ provi- ded by
• - • .
1/13,aird *Pilot offices in otlhter Ontsuio
places, and by Iridot automobile claims
service In the -United States.,
Writing; selected risks in"— Automobile, Toe, Plate Glass, nur
Public Lzabilzty, and other gene.riil insurance. Bead Office, Toronto.
. ,
nr0 MEET the needs of.a nation itt arms, to fulfil •
their finicti9n as financial servants of the public,
• Canada's haulm stand iron equipped and ready.
With‘ample funds avtulable, they are prepared,
as itt peace tirne, "to provide money required for
vital business needs.
With a Planed and skilled staff„ they are ready to
offer practical help in handling transactions rendered
more complicated by , Foreign Exchange Control
and other "war regulations".
To further the present plata of the *Government, tmmtla'e
banks are ea& to net as voluntary %dew/fonts tor War
'Savings ,Certifleates and Stamps. ,
A flexible banking system, geared to meet new problems as
they arise, is national asset intimesef Itonitsfacilitaie
the nallores intim&
.111160 Wel? Savinot Cerlifleates et**, month. Ther1101*Yotikty iheinortAnsmot.
#, 41..E.liOlitarttitoneget