HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-25, Page 1NINEITY-SECIOND "- Combining The Goderich Signal and The Godericli Star GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1940 _ FRUIT GROWERS IIAVE BIG DAY AT SLOANCREST FARM WEDNESDAY Annual Association Picnic Well Attended -Bed Cross Benefit - Itheeatingeits initial eucceee of last, Year, the Marep ,C01111tY GrONVerf3f Aeeociation =mei picnie; /ield on •Wechtestiair let beautiful and 'Spacious Sloancrest rem, two ivies 'south a portori,g uur Guderich toWneitip, at- traeted 'a gathering of Well over ttree „ hundred., people and establisted Itself as one 'of the county'e oetstanding yearly events. • • Inepeetion of the filoancrest prehard, the laegest apple °retard in Huron county, Mformative addressee On orchard. ctiltivatima atel sports for --YOungeand.,,old, -.!formed" •ttee,prograint - for 'the afternoon, while in the evening .an open-air lunch wits eerved on long tables placed on the cool front lawny after Which were speeehes by several eutstanding men of the county. Gaines Of chance, played at booths set up for . tier occasion, and dancing tta one of the .1o.rge unoccupied apple slieds were en- 30Yed in the evening; A refreshment letoth.'did rushing business as the . picnickers, tried to quench their thirst, stimulated by the -heat of the day. Procoads for Red Cross Mr. and, Mrs: D., A. Smith, owners of Sloaacrest Farm, ,who had generously given, the use of the estate to the Fruit, • Growers?..Associationforthe occasioa, extended -their to,rdial greetiuge to the gathering after the ' lunch, and ex- ptessed their pleasure at the large at- , tendauce. .1VIre, .Smith, who Is pre- sident of the Association, thanked the 'directors their wfveS and •otlier ladies' -who-110.d helped to. make, the pienic success. It was her wish, she said, to impress the cause of the .RedWross Society on the gathering and she asked the people to contribute as much AS. --libiiiiblFToWarit LW' ea-iii-O-VIVending at the booths, the peoceeds frotn which were to go to the Society., , J. P. -speitm.',„.4ec:rofary Alt the As- sociation, , as. chairman 'thannd---t - .Buron county- fruit , growers r at- tending -the and thee called upon Reeve Benson Itathwell Goderieh township. Reeve 'Rathevell extended_ hearty welcome to the ftuit growees. and •expressed assurance that the fruit grewn in Huron County ranks .among the best produced in the' Province. Mayor Kenneth 1 Waters of Clinton .extended. that; town's greetings And . touched on the subject of export trade during the war. He expressed his firm belief that by next .sunnier the ppper- tunify, will eome for the !Ontario frulte ,•growers to do cousiderable 'exporting te the ..0,1d tO, Onnites', seaSkett tor - three cheerstfr the Fruit Growers' Association of Heim): and received a ..:_leartr_re§ponde. ' Profeseor -Boit; Thompson, newly ap trointed Proitincial entomologist Sue HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, 1940 •' KNOX 13.8. PIONIO ltestc day's Outing at Bayikid En)011 hy. Large Number The annual .plettic of Knox church 8abbatt. school WAS bold yeeterelay, Jowett 'S •Geove, Baylield, and was oh- JoYed by- a large thimber ef the , boys autl girle \veil Ita older' Members of the eoegregation.. Arrangements weiai tlie hands of Rev,. D. 4. Lane and 'Mr. V. o. BeaCOm,,* etilierintentlimt .tet tee school,. wtth 'elate eble atsist- :tut& A. program tit race's wee carried. • etit, with ,tvinners as follaWs : Girls (taint yeare-Norroa Beattie, 'etyma. Beuford, .gatey Duquette! Bees under O Maetiou- akt, eta,lph. Smithers. •Jeck Rae.' • v ' • Girls 7.--ead 8 years --Mary Lae -Sanderson, Barbara Brennan. ." Boys '7 and 8 years-7-Areilieolicat.tie; Brownie MUne (tirIS: 9 win 10 yeavi-Betty 'Taylor, *Gertrude Beattie, Edith Witatert . Boys 0 and le years - Betts= Straughan, Jim Satinders, Ray Stod- dart, . • „. • Girls 11 awl' 12 years-e-Reth Pharis, Marjorie Williaint, Nina, Rosette. . • Boys 11 and 12 years -Jack Macdon.- aide Bruce Macdonald, Brent Nelson, Girls 12' years and over-Betry Duquette, Irene Milne, elargaret-Iresets -Boys1.2 yeare and over -e -Billy ,alac- .13(lowttaa4td., jack 8, to. ddart, Peter Mac= Giris' three-legged rece - Mary Stratigliae and With Pharis, 2nd Una Macdonald and Marjorie Willianie, Ord" Marilyn Butler and Gretta Arbour. Boys' :ttree-legged race-Arehie Macr donald and Itilly Sanderson., Peter Maet Ewan and Bally Macdonald. Girls' shoe.. raeee-jeetty Duquette, Gertrudtelreattiee Irene Milne. • --Wheelitarro*tracete jackealacdonald and Jack Stoddart, Peter. MacEwan and Billy Macdonald, A.rchee.,Macdonald and Sack Erskine. - Soda ateult race-t-Arelale Macdena.ld,' Matyt Sanderson, Bobby Duquette.. kielt-thetsliPpere-Mre. G-Lage lis, Williame; Mrs. J. L. Mae- d'onald. : ' Litdie4' shoe raee-Mrs. Arbour, Mrs. Geo. Miterwen, Met J: L. • Iteeedenald. . Men's raceeeKtithi Parrish, Bill VarrIsh., - Bays' rabbit- raeee-Bill alacdonaide kk Macdoneld, Aretie. Macdonald. Girte tuttler 8 -Mary Lou Sanderson, ;Wilma Bonford!' ' AltIteugh the lted ("roes (work room* are Tueedays of tacit, week unite peir sox, I dean pilloweatee, timze-a perawat, rie ratite bouileeve ; awl le3e surgical 1r suis were att- lebed. arid iesireetett ready for ehipmeut, eeverai ratites Ita,ve , taraed, in their ecores procectis 12roni bralees benne held 41). t1101' .110111eS tite eutonter montas. The work v0110141; teJ:t 4 1.) ViaY geatetel theee ladies end hope tietz tate gout! woze. will coma:ate. • , his Is a Life on the':10.101% Wave Liona Sepia, of the ii.Oyal Canadian )44U . --IttlatiVtS" -1re" *144 sT.0-08EPII'S CONVENT SCHOOL OF ,FIUSIC:, Following. are the , results of the music examinations held at St Joseeh's Convent 'School at Music on June 22nd: • I t CM) e tweet, uarptist... et:wee - centia .(L.W. ' aim, asked the, fruit growers ha to first-clasi-litinerefliselaileleinet hesitate to call on him if at any time Lane. Gradet.I. senior; first-class hon they had trouble with bleeds in their ors-Uiss Luella Taylar, • orchard. ' . - • - - Piano -4- Grade 1 senior, tenors - : W. H. Porter, editor a The Farenefe Miss Barbaro. °att. ' Grade V junior, , Advocate Londen and J J 3" h t -class honors --Miss Mollie Bisset. . of toutiotri,, Domin,ion yru. it. mosiretoonr: AGrrsat,de III junToretfirst-clasir 'toners- speke ft feW brief words of. welcome. Gloria. Chisholm., Mary Ione Strachan, M.P. Cows from Ottawa. ,Donald Scott. Grade II junior, first- LeE. Cardiff, M.P. for North Huron class honors -James Reynolds, • Grade. wile' had ttavelled" from • Ottawa I junior, first-class honors -e -Catherine especially to Attend. the • picnic, con - Cutt.' . eluded the addresses: kr. 0 diff ar eon- Commendation • gratulathd -Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Smith upon he folloteing letter , bas been, re- Leying the foundation. of the pienic's ceived by .the Mother iSnperior, of St. ouccess by throwing open their grounds. Joseph's Convent, regarding the work Last year's picnic had impressed him heing done by the Convent •School of so mnch, Mr. Cardiff stated, that he . . ' , had made it a point to attend thit. year. - Western !Conservatory of Music, He was .of nee 'opinion that Huron had LondorteCnt, July 18, 1940. . little to worry about iti thetinatter oe Dear Mother Superior, -4 am taking tet es eonsumptioneottitseeeregeeleatt eete24_, the opportuitety .to cengratutate ypu as a drive is now under way to 'get. the Government to takesurplusfruit from the Ontario farmers and trig - tribute:, It In Western Canada, where is is badly needed. Mr. Cardiff gave. a few ef the highlights of .a Tempt triP io Halifax, whiciehe enjoyed along wlth fifty "other inem'bers of Parl'iament. The eight a '3,000 sailors .011 -parade near Halifax harbor was to hinfTine „ the most impressive spectacles he had .ever seen. Mr. Cardift - told of "being takento the harbor end shown In .det tail the harbor's defences against enemy pubma.rinee. He told" ale° of his im- pressions when talteu to sea aboard a. • naval vesser and shown how the ship's 'big gone operate In action.'Xii eqn- Chiding Mr Cardiff wished the-associa•- tion the greatest degree of enceess in ethe future. A short program of singing and datte- ing, given by several of the county's talented artistfi, -was enjoyed After the ------ -addresses.- - - • - - Address on Orchard Control' . The 'inspection of the Sloancrest apple orchard, which took place the first thing in the afternoon, as fol lowed, by an address by Professor J. 1,?i. lloWitt of Guelph Agricultural College, who spoke on the proper methods of orchard Spraying, Insect eorttrol, and eontrol of fungus diseases. 'Prof. Ilowittllso answered several questione concerning the neture aridetintrol of ' varieue 'fruit diseases. ,Technieolored moving picture, showing the way in which insects are studied for 'eiperi- mental purposete were shown in large empty fruit shed, with 'Mayor Gordon Blair of Burlington, who had taken the pictures, giving a running commentary. Various fruit -destroying insects were shown in the larva and moth stages and the methods of deter-, mining the development of worms in eomparison with the wea.ther and the procesOof trapping the toddling moth by a bait -pall wore demonstrated. Pic- tures taken by Mr. Blahs at last year's. picnic were shown, 'much to the •de- light and amusement of the audienee, who would recognize first one and thee another companion. The races, held under large t obi trees on the Slenuerest side lawn, were Super. liked by the) direetors of the Association and youhg and old heartily joined In on the success of youpupil, Miss r Lane, in. her recent test in the highest% vocal examination which the University , of Western -Ontario offers at the present time. The report or tile examiners on Miss 'Lane's ',work was most encouraging. Besides dis- playing a' fine platform presence 444 personality, 0 the detail of ,Iter work and the carefulness of her training as evinced by her performance, Is a delight to us and 'should be post grati- fying to you, her tehehere The, Uni- versity authorities interested in musie are most grateful for the help you have given and the good work you are doing. We exteed to 37011 every good wish for Your Continued good health and' success in pink' work, whieh you, richly deserve. • -Very sincerely, 14.A1tV1X, ROBB. " A BUSYNESS ORME When the ,dust ji. en the counter and he tobweb's-on the glaelf, there's no one in the store but your own dis- heartened self, and your stock Is getting shelf -worn, and everything looks stale, and bills enough are Coming In to inake a/ hanker pale; *oh then's the time •a fellow 'is feelin' kind • V blue, afid puzzled with the th.ought of the proper thingto do. In such a situation but one rentedy applies --if you want to get the customers, you've got to Advertise! the • fun. The results were as:follows: Children. 3,5 years, Mary Tyndall, Marilyn Waters; girls' .5-8 years, Rita 'Chisholm, Barbara Middleton; boys 5-8 years, Patti Armstead, Keunettt Harris; .girls 8-12 seam, Harriet Free:dint Nola Tyndall; boys 8-12 years, David Troute, Donald Itliadletoe ; open raee, Dorothy ,Ginn, Ittith Middleton •, men's open race, Lorne Tyndall, Bob Archibald.; boys' and girls'? three-legged raee, Arthemise Latealine and Benson SoWerby, Dorothy 'Ginn and Lorne Porter ; eating biscuit and blowing tip balloon, 13111„Xenry and Bob Iterris ; throwing rolling pin, Lorraine Last saline, Mrs. Gordon Maerlierson ; grace- ful walking, Mrs. IIerb Lamprey, Miss leljddleton. Itandeoine prizes were pre- sented to the winners In the sports by Professor Hewitt and Mayor Goon Blair after the Infect. 4 .10P- iliONT IOW (left to right) -M J, Bowman (BruSeeist, Geoettleleall (ltvtit); 11. E. Turner (Gotierieht, A. • Ersidee (County 'Treasurer), Geoege a Feagan (warden; (rebottle' Township), eV', :W. -(Chunty Clerk), ' N. W. *Trewarthe (Clintott), Francis Duncan (Morris), George Armstrong (Hay); • eECOND ROW-ete, R. Patteremr-(eounte-Thigineertt Shines Leiper, Mullett), .1t, Redmond -(Ee Wawanaslit. e Percy Passmore (il.eborne), Gilbert Vrayne (Ashfiel(1), Thomas Weir .(Flowick), Ite Douglas Brown (Gocle- - rich), Alouzo McCann. (Stephen); S. H: Whitmore STneltersinithe, Roland Grain .(Turnberry). THIRD ROW -George 11. (Insheetei County Home, Clinton), Ben Ratb.well (Goderich ToWheltip), Thoe: Webster (W. Wawanosh), N. It:t Dereattee (tvleKilloP ), Roe Rate t Steltheni, Pred• Watson. (Staniee) Uarry ' • Keys (Grey), Alex, McDonald (4.ehlield), George.' James j(laretither or Court House), -FOURTH ROW -R. Et Shaddielt *(11ensall), 13,. W. Tnekey. er'eteter), R. S.. Hetherington. KC, (yVingham), „NV: Gamble (Ilowick); T. C., Wilson. (Grey): . Holmesville Man II Drowned in. Maitland- - THE W.&TEEFRONT Eight 11/ore from istriet . .Life Brogden 1,41,/ith •,,,t Considerable quantity of .Americaa ▪ Ciailvid by River '011.---:---4Cnc":tn:heu4p8a;Det welleetiVtniTeed ITive1s0setstla144.rilra.trilulgr Tueiday EVening • nere wttri this gta,lit as cargo.. ,e gettetteee, sasktitioc 'arrived from, 1Te first drowning fatality of the . Duluth.. with 'rtrzten0 bus. of corn late season in this district occurred in the Thursday. elle elearece lig*nt tor Fete ... . . River maitiand, 4. verster,s, bridge,. ,, 'eseiiiitiam on . Yenitioay 'ilnuournitae. ornTinhil perior came 1 ii n ay m near Helmesville, on Tuesday eveniug, from gore Wiltiam with MO bits. ox the viceim being J. iikageett Macelatie wtteat, 20,300 bus., 0% oats,. :31,150 04... weil-anoWn apiarist -or -illdimesvale. of teed and 7,200.- Oust „of - eye for the Mr. alacelatt watt his wile an4 , eievIttor and 20,000 pus, a wheat for neignoor, vrorden atock, had gene to Inc mill. •ete cleared for Fart tne river tor a dip arter the clays William on Monday meenieg. • Tne Wore. it Was • aubut 7.8o 0 C1OCK When_ Hastings came''m from Green Bay, eiremecalatee was seen to be netrouotee. Wis.",- on Monday afternoon With 5e,400 !tie metterroratery, pat tureiv, up his •bus. of corn and lett Tfreseity,morning .4.4444. 4-utC1..9•3449P4qt, • _41rt toe, .Geteen..eateet :The Fore swani to -hill 11ssi5L11UC(, tki'f tet arriVett leone ott •.his enortetet Macmatn. went down in day afternoon With 253,000 bus: of 001!n* a1/011D'twe ty eeet el water. Mac: and eletereit on -Wediestiat evening fOr Matti was -sitting at the water's edge Toledo. The torn 'caegees were .dis- at me time. • • • .cnarged the elevator. .- _Aneanuan. was immediately giyen end, Tae Edmonton arrived Wednesday nettginitirs and -uthiis trom bet -Ind -efidetaatired"to Ricate the potty. :on 124 tons of salt here, clearing this In response to a request received.. ar, (Thursday) morning for the lower tiloGoderich •Town elate Flee Chief lakes. George Beacom and Fireman ottn.Hog- The passenger boat Georgian was in garth Went to .the scene -with-dragging on its regular Friday,.,eVening equipment. secured at the harber, atm and sunaay morning. auctue 10.30 e'ciocit the body was re- covered some lifty feet ;rem Where it tad geed down. . • Mr. Macelatn, rorty -five years of age and a veteran of tne last Ware. was highly regarded in tue district, His Wffe.was fornierly Miss Pearl.Alalallum •Point -Fortune, (inc. ,,There are no cuildren: • ' . Dr. J. W. Sheyv, Clinton; chief coronet for the County of Huron, who ineestigatedthe fatality, gave' the cause et death ' as drowning, thus setting at rest reports that the man had .suffered greent . . johuyir gave it Its ilis opinion that elacMaile a non•-swirunter, had vvaded into a • deep hole. • A Dangerous Spot . Dr. Shaw also brands the 'scene of the fatality, a favorite Jfiertie place, as "a dangerous' Spot at which to go swimMing and will recommend that the river bank be fenced off at thie point and warning pigmy pasted. This is the third drowning fatality to occur there withinrecent years. There have also. been Several near drowning& . Mr. .MieMath's bode was taken to an 'undertaking 'establishment at Clin- ton and arrangements were made for the funeral, whieh takes place this afternoon at Toronto, Where deceased resided _for itehinuber years before coming to,Hohnesville. Mr. S. lt.*Mitc- Math of Goderich, who Is a cousin -of 'deceased, with his dadghters Helen and Esther, left this morning, with relatives and friends at Ltolmesville, to attend the funeral.. WILL BE CEDAR ,FLAG -POLE, County Council Conipaittee Turns Down Steel Proposal A cedar flag -pole, and not a 'steer one as. had practically been decided, will continue proudly to fly tte Union jaek In Court 'House Phrk. The property emetnittee of the Comity Cotincil has listened to the Nett that twee' ittduetry should be patronized by the 1180 of the country's natural 'resources. But per- haps it was the eeonomical argument that decided tiaelssue., A 10 -foot steel pole would have cost $G,90... As It Is, it 40 -foot cedar pole extensien Will be splieed to, the 40 foot butt that re- mained standing after a storni Islet spring hade snapped the pole in tyke This It is eipected, Will cost not more than' $50. Quite a difference! A tender to erect it 00 -foot steel tower with a 17 -foot base and it 24J -foot pole atop, at it eost of $110, was ptomptly :loved aside as involving .an unsightly structure. It would' look somewhat !Ikea windmill and oecUPy much vain - able The job now s to locate it 40,f4t cedar pole with an 84ilet:butt and it,te- inet top, and Beeves Browe, Leiper, Wateon and Webster, who coin - peso the conthaittee, are on the leokotit. *•ItINTOUL-THOM The Marriage of -Mabel Fere, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William _Thom, . Auburn, to Robert. Gibson Itintoel„ son at Mr. and Xxs..-W..11. "Rieteul; of Winghant, took place at the Presbyterian- manse In Winghara un Saturday,. July 16th.. Rev. ,Kenneth Maclean officiated. The bride wore Royal Navy crash With White acces- sories. She was.attendedeby her cousin, Miss Janet Craig, of Whitecturch, whose gown was poudre blue s.heer with whitea-accessories. t-tRobett ..of Wieghana , Was the groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Rantoul left ott a motoetrip t� Toronto and other Ontario ,pointe -They Will reside in Winghatn. lifacDONALD-WILLIS • A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse on Tuesday even- ing, when Rosella Willis eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. (3. V. -Willis, South Street, and .Normen MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ma.cDtmald, „Warren street, were united in marriage. Ianhde bwrhiditee,WwasitPhrewtthilltYetavnit eacindi!lanccaevsY- series, and carried a heautifol bouquet of Regal lilies,: delphiniums, sweet peas and babes breath. Mrs; George South, - gate, of, Torontora eousiir.of the was bridesmaid, wearing a wine Swiss - dot' dress with: white accessories, and carrying 11 torsage of 'Sweet peas and baby's , hreatir. The groomsmaii was Raymond Dreratien. thedericle Rev: D. J. Lane performed the eereintipy. The bride's parents and other ,close friends were In. attendance., ° ' The happy couple held a. small recep- tion Itt the bride's hinnetafter the' wed- ding. They will resittheirt Goaerieh. ATTENTION MARRIED MEM Major R. ,11. Beattie, recruiting of. iIcer • for Military.. distriet No, 1' at London. Ont., writes would appreciate it if4you would give some publieity to the feet that it is necessary for nattreled men applying -for enlistment in the C.A.S.1.. to bring with them their nitteriage certificate and birth certificates tor their children. "Considerabledelay and vinconven- ience is being caused by men presenting theilatelves for enlistnientlat Vecrtilting oft eve without .these.documents." • TIIE WEATItElt . The temperatures for 'the pest week end for the corresponding week last (eitivo,at:t ,ollicially reetiroded, were 48 tynwfd - 1940 . 1939 'inure., July .78 5.5 , 58 'i'i., July 19.......4; 00 TO 58 sat., July 20 85 70 83 Sun., ,July 21 82 08 84 . Mon., July 22 4 60 81 rue.,,july 23 89 11 78 Wed., July 24 84) 57 55 07 59 , IVIany 471ditions to Strength -of "0"....Conipany at Local Armories - • s v Recruiting fol. the vartoee 'branches of the e.A.,sx. at the armories has been moxe active this week; while applica- does for the non -permanent CO- of the Iluron-Middiesei Regiment have Mien coining in at Vie iaine steady Pa4e. as previously. kAight district eoang men liave peen accepted tor the' Royal Canaolan Regiment within. the feet tew (Jaye, 'ewe •ort theme 'George ,,iiiis- iveLter of -Wintecuurch ante It. N. V. ▪ onnston of lelytn, joined the unit oit Weataesdete witae, tee treinaihites• .six, :Leven* Culeerie Gederielie Jzlarvey,W. cnbeet, RA: 0, Goderich ; e.'nomete aleWitinney, Dungannon; A.- MC:Michaele Clinton; Harold G. Vater - son, uoderich„ and Leonard W. •Fistieee Rate e, Clinton, are leaving, this •4tintreteetteeetfteleeetentefort-ithe ett, ()ikon, aealiTiStaitat-bY€731.4iWtgeaiir George Currell. e - , Twelve men of various trades have applied eere within the past week and have pee* sent to „London , to undergo traoe and Medical tests. • Two young men Weo enquired here' regarding .the navy were directed, to, make enquiries at 'London and another* was sent tthere to establish himself in artilllery or machine-gun service. Still another young man, wishing to join, a 'special branch of the service, hasebeee., sent to .the 24th Field Ambulance Corps, Kitchener. Eighteen Godeeich and thirteen Clin- ton young melt- have joined 'Ir. -Com- pany.- during the week. These frcini Goderiph and district • are; Robert 4. McManus, Jeseph D. O'Brien, Donald C. Johnston, etichard Pals.ereltobert -a-Se-Well, Morels Matillati, Albert Si. Powell, Douglas la. Finlay, -Joseph Lester,CorneliusM. Baechler, Jame E. Naftel, George W. iliggitt, William: H. „McInnes, Norman Bowler, Maurice E. Hicks, John NreIcKinnon, Harold le Sterling, and Anthony Visser. The thirteen from Clinton 'and dis-• teict are: George D. 'Ward, Robert II. Cook, Earl J. Reynolds, Gordon M. Lawson, George/. Walker, Harold W. Crittenden,. Gorden G. note Joseph • David B. Kennedy, Lorne. J. -Brown, Louis W. lloy, Stanley IL Ken- nedy and Harvey Ceoper.. • 'Dit 11. Macklin has replaced Dr. J. M. Graham, who 18 ill, On the medical staff at the armories: ELECTED D.D.Gat II. B. M. Tichborne of Maitland Lodge District Deputy for South Huron ' At the meeting of tire Masonie Gratel Lodge, teld last week at Toronto, 11. B. M. Tichborne of Maitland Lodge, Gottericht: wee eleeted distrfet deputy grand Master for South Huron. . • • Mr. Tichborne hese? had a ills- tinget.hed. career in Masonry. elle is a past master of Maitland Lodge„ hav- ing heldthe office in 1923, is past grand superinteerent of Huton district No 0, Roya Art Masons, and past president Of it Masters' Associa.tion 8 on district', ' i embers of Maitland Lodge attending 'Grand Lodge were 11. C. Dunlop, W. Bisset, C. eq. Robertson, A. L., Cole and J. Vrooman. " • Dr. R. C. Redmond of 'W'ingham was elected D.D.G.M, for North Iluroneand George IL Jefferson, principakof ithe arly with, -regard to , offensive odors Clinton Public Sebool, was trippointed emainating from the damp,' The judg- to the Grand 'Lodge board of general Arviter Gederieh. toad viclnitee the past week is able:bodied Seaman Lipner Seggiese of the Royal Venallian Navy. Mr. Segus$, with a two weeks' leave' of aleterice front elle navy,' travelled here from Halifax. to. visit with his sister, Mrs. Alvie Thompsen, St David's. ,..stfeet, and his parents, Mr. anderiirs, euest 8egues, of Nile, Mr, -Segues was accompanied by his wife, the trip being in ttie form of- a -honeymoon tor .the 00uPle, AS Ur. Segues Was -unable totobtateteot lengthy leave-wheu raarrie last Deeerehey. Big and brawny'' anti the picture err tealtie eltereegues :is living protee 01 the, statement that ttlere, is no life to eq al the sallor'et He bas been sailing s ce was 'haw], beginning his careerAas a deckitand en a 'tireat Lakes. vessel in. 1019.. In 1923 lie joined 411e 'Canatltan. navy llelifax and- after a year's 'service he was promoted te the rank:. of pettte ellteer, ea attach he served until le33,, when lie took his (lie- -.c urge'lraW'''-'1"Tir'corlipletbagetten years- Of eerviete in, the navy te was presented, .With two good. *duet striee. tile ;war . broke out laet Septette- ":''Segiess rejoined the navy its 'a to Ottriee Ilord-oorgrao74. 21111,wdril Horbor--Prosilio ixt Airport Work Goaeriele Mud Huron (*mite( latilttlatt contraetore have beett furulabed with plans ilea epeeideations for proposing builtliege at Sky 'holier eirport, timik estimated cost whieh is *7,000. Tear derS lire to be exiled for tbis work roribeVitit, the airport eonusiittee of t.ha ttounty 4totineil toe item iteforated. buildiugs at the itort bort airPort :ire to be built this year. The (;!s,timate4,1 voet theee 4,70%000 awl tenders have beett malted for as at $1,:y Ilarhor, hut lova contritetore sr* eald not to be figuring on. the work, $ee 9thiewit Authorities Cin Vrid‘ly hta iltetutiifiett eoint hoeed Warden...George Iteev* J..11*OWinall, etairmart or, the War -- dents- committee, and Deputy Roo* Gilbert Feayne ()X the airport committee of tlie County Catutell,Arisited Ottawa to see what +could be about havnig M. ranWatte at Sky Harbor Inuelteur- faced and permanent top epplitel to highway Dunlop to Port .tkieekt, on which- there will be Veyy /wave tzetitie with the Infildiug of the airPorte. 'rite deputation, introdoeed tat Eleten 'Cardiff, M.).*., and W. IL Golding, 31 waited on Ur. J, direeter Of Civil Aviation and. had a tordial weep. t4g1. Ite3r -aii:46-aliray--.Viie-ouraged: was Pointed out that olleo the paving plant was Installed at, Port Albert the time would be opPortune for the pating of beth the tighway and the runevitese Jy Llorbor, Suet an Operetta:4y wotild mean 4 big saving in money rind might not 'beeeireeent 4gaitt4. etatele eurfece,runWays JSkY Herber would ,ghte the airport•more permaneney and eliminate the dust nuisauce. it 'also ,Wehid Makes the airport available to iaturon'e Patriotic Action The deputation was. told that netlling enattliad been ,determinea - as to the. cleesilicafion Site 'Herbal.. At peat sent wa$ groupeti ▪ e(3" elass with other eleraentar,y training• -airport% and legion- eearnan. gun -layer, second class. this -called for sod runways. Mr. Wil - The destroyer on which, he was -sta- tioned considerable mine -sweeping along the coast and..in,Alid. about Hali- fax harborees well as convoy duty. .As shipwright he was aboard- H.M.S. AsSetibithie when it captured a German merehant this spring. In the eourse of \his career, ,Mr. Seguss has been In„ almost every country in the world and has. been .mixed up in two revolutions and one inaier war.,.. while in the Royal Cane, adian Naval Reserve. In the naval reserve, atte, •Segtis$ expIttiuee a sailor servespart-of the -year, with -the Can- adian navy and ,for the rest of the. year is allowed to serve in any capacity chooses as a seameu. He was with Gonzales in the Central :Araeriean revolution' and with Presideut, Gerada Machado in 1933, when that worthy lieteCuba,eedutingteatr -3S.e.v-olatjan with. eoe gave bigh,praise te.Heron.teninte • ler ete Patriotic act ineproVidiug the Sky Ilaroor site, one of few inunielpatet ities to take such action and Stated that censideeetion Watt fortheeteing be - Cause of that angle,- He fetid 1e would take up Huron's 'request with the teetniCar branelt. The paving of ttigtsvile 21, Duni%) to* Pete -Albert), :le, a gou.vse, 'Provincial - Patter,. hut -Ottawa is prepared to eh:- , operate with. Huron County askbag tke Oefaeit, Department zot ,Higlewaye to tbett1.0 enee.tie at emergency 'war measure. it is likely tbat "ti deputation will go to Toronto VIM soon to press this inaater, •„ • mead -line for 1J:enders „ The plans ane specifications 44 Hatbox' buildings were sent to Poet - master William. BiSset and. on' inquire half • of the Cuban treaserreitelas '3F--:._Wl.'yIPP2taIhltt-th'eY'rha/&*b°egkeottteee-ttee' aimose dontinteausly trine% on loan, to possession.- Mr. Seguee was in China in 1931 serving as 'a guard at a ware- Yar3bus c°11tfact°rt '""1311°8 close ” . . Aaturday of this week and neceestitilY, house in the international settlement local. tendere must leave, Goderiett on. Friday noon to reach •Ottatwa in time. Contractors are burning midnight oil .beat the dead -line. Not' only .loeal builders but large contractors from Brantford, Hamilton, Toronto and New. ,Liskeard have rte,41' visits to 'Goderielt in the last few daps with a view to tendering on the Work. Tie Pert Albert plans and specifica- tions were net sent te,Goderich, as were thoee of Sky e Harbor. It Is ettrrent4 reported in 'building circles that Hill, Clark and Francis,. tiraited, of New Liskeard, *large builders wide -mantle facturers With branches all'Over North- gone of Shanghai, wheu the Sapanese, used the Z0110 to land troops, tanks, guns and other military • equimnent. This was of course against interna- tional law and -there were some critical moments, Mr., Segus recalls, when it. leaked as if British, American and Preneh warships,elying outside the harbor, would go into action against, the Japanese fleet, which was covering the landing of the army.e Mr, Seguss kne,w, all the men who were drowned or killed when the; de- stroyer •Fraser Sank oft the coast of North - worked alongside oneeoe teem. on „mine e;t1 Ontario, *hare landed. ethe PO# friend of several of 'the men' and liad. sFrweeanttclengredceuatts,lyi.aitateallw.a,.s an intim, ate %Albert_ building job; widat calla for an It . is tigee,_ Tears since Seguss expenditure of $700,000.. It is expected that the first ouilding was home end this . Is the first time materiai will be placed on the ground Mrs. Seguss, a Halifai girl, has been west. in Itei, lite. Seguss was made both at Port Albert and Sky Harbor as early: as next week. • 4- a an honorary member of Post 109, -Can- early Legion, Goderich. at a meeting At Sky. Harbor it is now ,expected completed by the Sandy Construction, that ground constraction, work will be of the Legion last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Seguss will leave town and Machinery Co. by the end of this this (Thursday) everting for Halifax. — „ week. '-That is, 'grading of the landing field will be dpne and most of the G• t d * machinery Moved to, Port .Albert. Shea-rilow. n Case and a generel clean-up of the clearances in will remain undone. On Tuesday the bueh• men moved into' No Damages' Allowed--Conts Mthreeetung Park, the remeval Of trees quirieg only a few day No Assesed against 11- amintreounreeeMetit Of the dispositioneef the. of Goderich timber and firewood has yet been Made. In a County Court judgnaent handed HER, 89th BIRTRDAV down on Saturday, 'Judge T. M. Cos- t)n. ran e Sky Harbor only-fap removal work - „ , mrs. J. Elgin Tont Ikhaemhered by tell°. grants an injunction to John C. Many.Friends On the.Occasion. Sheard.own, plaintiff, to restrain the On Saturday, Julte 20111, 'one of the Town of Goderieh from operating and townts oldest end roost.), respected yes!- , to the dents,Mr. john Elgin Toro, celebrate(' maintaining .a Unruh adjacent her eighty-ninth birthday at her treble - Sheardown Properq on the eAsterly yi. on maul Street. &ter eL111Or011, MIMI • Outskirts •of the toWn known --as the jean Tom otNew Yo, Dr. 24417 Tom Park and „MarWood Survey. DamageS of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Arehie are denied Ur. Sheardown, who asked Tem and their son Stanley, also of for $1,000. The costs of 'trial, which Toronto, were all preeent for the gala took piece May, are assessed against occasion. Priends called .thiring the the corporatiott. day to offer congratulations and good Reviewing tine evidence at length, Ills wishes, and greetings front many absent Honor reaches the conelusion that the relatives and friends were received. premises were not properly looked after Mrs. Tom was born 'near '11gmond- over it Period of years and that, the att “,Castrartiont," the beautiful plaintiff had a real gr• ie'v'ance, particul- farra home. of.her father, tames Mat- son, In 1851. Some years later when. Mr. .Dickeon vtas made Itegistrar of 'Huron the family moved, to Goderich, Which hale been Mrs. Tom's home ever sinee, and wheee her long tuld useful life has eounteditor much in the fent- taunristY; Tom e'XijOYS' Mremarkably good heattle and still retainher keeu mind. and clear mentery. Sinee her hus- band's death in 1030 She 1144 ,n*nt the winters ift Toronto, but is itivroja eager to return to her home in tlodkerich when sttmtner ,eomes. Again, and hot *ay frienda unite in hoping that *am will celebrate her ninetieth, birthday hots rtXt nummet purposes. COPIES OF JUIX 18 WANTED Several topiee of last week'g issue (July 18) of The •Signal -Star are ealied for, and subseribers who still hp.vostheir copies on hand " would ' oblige us by sending them in: They will be .1)aid for at the regular price. , MAW HOLIDAY Mayor Ma.eklwan has issued a pro. clamation naming Monday, Aligust ,5t1i, as civic holiday for'Goderich. moat calls the dttmp, as it was operated . over it period of years, "a very definite nuisanee," "Surely the plaintiff is not asking too emelt when he ateks that this ntlisanee be stopped," the judginent states. "X do not believe, however, that daniages ean peoperly be given. It iS.true thee there is evitlehee before the court that the vrtlue of the plaintiff's property ie eonsiderably reducedby reason of the .operation of the 4001P, but there Is no evidence, that any sale was frustrated by reason of the nuisance +complained of."