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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 8
NE"QO•�+ F AUBURN 24, Is ewe of were weather,, imitable iit'taimod*tk w '~Bill be matte. Steuley Mtttiaitl, ,lids of Mr^ crud e has Bernie, 'Lawson ie. vieltiag Mar. gigMrs. L. G. lcrt* , of Galt. Mr. **d Mrs. 115.1 ititithay, Bill ,arid Write slit the latter part of last week Yisit.iug Mar. Clinton Lauslug, of Mho Helen Robertson i .. vacattpanieg at Wir e t le the Muskoka district. Doris liegni ht. le vistiting her coll- ets, Lott literguttoo, of Clinton, • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Papuan, of Sime, mut hist week with the late tors brother, Mr. Lloyd Miller, and Mrs. Miller. Mx. radon Stops; of Toronto, visited'i last geek with t►is parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. $ttollts. Sun- day X'. d11+f a received word of Sun- dity et the death of her brother-in-law, Writ. J. Rome of ,Winnipeg, Mr. Ross dim B t txd It Winnipeg.g Was Mary �up� and Shappa rd' ave attending thle week .the United Church .Summer School near Goderich.: They are delegates from the Weal `btitaaa Mesal#, who initiated reeeetly, 'X -Pa(„ welt tu t&udon on Monday for hie ric Maelleeen, of Bowmanville, is medical exaruivatioa viiitiug hie gr*ntipiereute, Mr. and Mre> Rev. If, C. Wilson eoudueted the Alfred Aiquith, church -of the air°p over elKNX Ibis Mr. 1'erey Yuugblut, ouglee find -Wedue ay) - luoreiee, elissei, Mary Bar*. hof �'O� i}aykitinyd, �epeut�]t7he v eek and Joint .aud. Zeta Munro sang i duet, aeeora- ri nth Mr. euughlu 's par ute,, r. anti rs. John' uuglilut. On ,his return he was ry�accompu ledy,, by lidos gmopther. ,l' Mr. Eugene ..+rte, of - Ottawa 'Wm. l itiug his' parent$, Mr. and Mrs. Wiu Dobie, Miss Mattie . Murrax,R of See.forth is. vIsitiug Mr. and Mr's. Edgar :�awson. Mr. Robert :'rest, tellerr in the local. banlespent the weekend at Niagara Mr. and Mrs'. Nicholson, of Wingham, visited en ;Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Mrs. P. Ross is 'vaisitiug Me, and. Mrs. Richard McWhinney, .of Crewe. Mr. GordonMiller,�f , .Windsor, is visiting his brothere Mr: Lloyd Miller, andMrs. hiller. Mrs. Alice Tyeranan: of; Leamington:. visited lest week: with Mr. • and Mrs. are sorry to report Andeeson. ` �re t .terse Wetha , Robert Medd, .who has been confined to bed for .the last two years, was re - Moved to Goderich Hospital en Suniiay. The 'X,11,57, of Knox United church. held a marshmallow roast on.Tuesday night' at the flats on Earl Wightman's farm. Don't forget the aBig'Ni h«t»••the Iced g' ekes sic ra ne is+ holdm a• th plae grounds on Wednesday evening,. July BEFORE An Unavoidable A.cci- ent H %P1'ENS BE SURE You: Aire Fully Pro- tected lif INSURANCE' n s Insurance a d ,�Rea�t>R. tate eL: •t T. ikota- -� ..2 w Ss�ittil S Score Card Privileges For Goderich Horse Race Meet, 5th' August, 1940. Tenders for Score Card Privi- lege will be received by the under- signed up andeuntil Monday, 22nd July.ette 7_p m. • O.. GtNN. Secretary. Ba.QlFaliR Privileges Applications for RoothPrivil- egeswill be received up and un- til Monday, July 22nd , at 7 pm, Minimum charge of $10.00 plus $1.00 foot frontage for all booths over 10 feet, longest side : to be measured. Positions allotted according to applications 'receiv- ed: Soft -drinks said ice create; coenl5 cents. a•aes, to be ;,od for c Q. +61I1�1N Secretary. partied by Mies 3, ivian, Strdughatt. Mr. .Win, Thompson received word this week of the death of his eouasin, Wm. J. Gormley. of Pickering. The leeeased was venty venitre old• He died -suddenly while sitting on lila verandah. A Volt* foot Euglaaiud; Friends here were thrilled to hear the voice of Kenneth Scott over the air on Monday night. Kenneth is one of our boys, serving overseas!. He spoke over a ';program: conning 4dii .. by frown Atilder. shot, England. Prt byierl ►'f «14f.S he W,1t1.S. of Knox.eebyterian- church met 'I'hurs day afternoon in 'the church basement,: with Mrs. Johann Houston in eharge. Mr Edgar Lawsonofferedthe open- ing a ang brayer. Readings were given by Mrs. Houston' and Bertha ; „Wagner, Mrs. F. Roes gave the chapter from the study book. Miss` Beryl` Wilson gave the topic} "Margaret Strang Savage of -Dixonville." Mrs. Wesley Bradnock sang 'a solo, and Mrs., James Woods dismissed the meeting with prayer. Lunch waas served by the hostesses, r Mrs.. Williams Dobie, Mrs, Robert Scott and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. r' n l meeting of the Institute was held in the hall on Tuesday afternoon With Mrs. Lawson in chargee.' Mrs.. Woods:' led in- Prayer. • Betty Asquith ,gave a piano . inlbtruinental. Miss ' Margaret Ferguson favored with a solo, and Mrs. Gordon Taylor read a letter from Miss Helen Waterer, of Leeds, Eng- land. Vivian, Straughan sang a solo, Mi ..Dorothy Wilson . gave the , topic, "The New Curriculum." It was del eided to have "children's; day"• at the August meeting.'Mrs. .S, 0. 'Wilson was appointed to ,register all nurses:` Lunch was then served by the hostesges, Mrs. Santee Woods,Margaret aretKing ands Miss 'Viola Thompson.' ' ,C.G.T.T ---A niiversaree—A special ser- vice Was held in Kmiec United church Sunday evening in conna tion with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the`' found- ing . of the Dominion ' C;G.i.T. Miss Helen Marsh, president of the local C.G.I.T. was in,.cl*ar e. A choir con- , g i in ' fmembers the tI, l• s st g p ofC. Tom, ed in the; service of praise, with Miss ,Dorothy 'Anderson', presiding. ' at the - organ. . Mr . 1I.. n re r - orga . ra C. Wilso otic ed p ay,; ere, and } the eripture wase -read by , Heen Marsh, Theguest speaker wag Garden parKy, K1ttgebxidge, MontitiY. July .tit, Hata !"hunch 'V 'omen's Guild will hold their ya�mq,iva . the text), �aTyitureciuy, July snits',-.on3, tike itectory grotoads. Ail"- miseioxi . 2.8-9 Smart ,and stylish summer .hats at greatly xedueed prices for Friday anti Saturday. MISSM. It. MacVI''Alt, Megaton .street, Bedford Dioeh. 20x'` A hake oale 'antler the at ,ices of the W.A. of North streets' United ehureh will be held on Saturday, July 20th, at 1030 a.m. in Normans grocery store, corner Hamilton Street and, the Square. 28-9 'dry a Kipp 'tonight for constipation. Ripp's Herb Tablets at 25e box. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. � -29 I'll meet you et the '1.fi lel•. Maple Leaf Chapter bridge and dance in the Goderich Pavilion, on, Monday, .Ju 1.P 29th.. 'flay bridge in the afternoon, dance in the evening. Everyliody is planning to be in the happy throng. •Sattford died Cross,Society will meet at .the home of Mrs. Harry Williams on. July th .ti 2 Pen. • Forms tor graduate and.: practical nurses for . servile ,enrolment may be obtained at Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, or from+Mre. W. Newcombe, New- gate street. Reserve August 5th for garden party at Geo. Laithweitc's, Huron road, in, aid ofhe-R AJ} eos . ,,rGo lay orehestr-ae; and platform.., .: 29 Group 2 of the Arthur Circle Auxil- iary: will hold a !GAfI?)N TEA on the Attractive grounds 'Of the Misses .Mac-' Vicar's hem%, Hincks street,, Thursday afternoon, July 125t., teeny 3 to 6 p.m. Friends and visitors welcome. Silver collection. In case of .inclement 'wea- ther the ea-tlter'thetea will be held. 'n the home. LIPTON'S TEA .t ORANGE-. 42G PEKOE, pyoib • New Arrivals Ot Ontario Grown Fr•,nits'aid V'eSe- tale —Blueberries, Rasoberries, • Red' Cur rats, Olac berries,'Cherries, Tomatoes, Cucumbers NATIVE HOT ROUSE TOMATOES Nit ` ONTARIO` - CUCU:M E ONTARIO NEW CROP LE UC ONTARIO . HARD 1 tD, FRESH, GREEN CABBAG CALIFOILNIA MAESESEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Each CALIF•ORNIA VALENCIA, Oranges a 9c /SHORTENING, 7 /+ MES.TIC., r - 2 `al.iOr 25c sUmD lyrie 1� PASTIIY• FLO1111. 24. 51c TIGER CbHOE IIAlizargM�yON , 15t sig 27c POs' & BEANS zzh. VC QUAKER' Cot SAKES Z pkg.:15' IONA ORANGE and GRArtJIT JC I Fs Y t azo 22c „.:Salted -Or Uilaiced min= rage white While -Wkeat r Cracked Wheat PEANUT B1JTTI TOMATOES IoN^ TEA, aientireriniii.�:. MAYONNAISE .:M DRESSING...mom. GINGER IV in is 3flU 4 LIME IIICKEY rzr3 3aa°tarx'0`x. ' JAIN Zona • Strawberry, Co O rbc Pectin :•?Rr 1 PEACllEA&P choice 2 i5ozrn 2 ILIJEBE�RIES . ����•I SOAP CHIPS JELLY POWDEII " TOMATO JUICE �n>; CLEANSER Babbitts POR SAIX. 1929 GB-MIAAU-1%0E eedau in good eontliti©ta, with good tire*, Apply to WM, 1UtOW'NLBE, JSritannia road, tioderieb, 3 BORN . 1t_NtjESIC.—. At Alexandre •Hospital,. •Goderieb, oil July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank `Helesic, Goderich,a daughter. WILSON. --At . Alexandra' Hospital, Goderich, on July 16th, to, Mx, and Mrs. D. Wilson, Elgin avenue, Gode-- ' rick , 'a son, ' • DIED 'eteWHI NEY. 1u As., township. Tuesday, July'l.6th,, 1940, .Eliza 'Wet- S n,,,wife ,of Richard McWhinney, sr., in her ?8th "Year. 4ii,ss .Alberta ItarJ ehmonc,. of Blyth, who gave a 'Well prepared address on the ;significance of "Canadian- Girl's"' and "In :Training, The ' choir rendered an :° anthem,• add ` a mrlua tette-' Vivian, Straughen, Betty .and Ila; Craig :and, Mary Nesbitt --rendered a selection, Itev; H. 0. "'Nilsen pronounced the benediction: SMX.—DESTRABLV HOUSE' with double garage on Nelson street. ,A.Pply on premises, It. R. DURN :N. 29x WIESTIVI LD, July 16. --Mrs. J. E. -Ellis visited- on Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Mary Griffin.of of Wingham. Guests :on -Sunday At the home of Mr. end Mrs. Maurice =Bosnian "'were Mr. and MTS. ' Neal'•Robb of, Stratford i Messrs ' Orval iltobb and ,,.,I'aek "Bosman of St. +Marys; •eere Gordone: Bosman and Mr.. aeghorn . of Bluevale, Mrs. Brooks and: Mrs. Tester FaIconer of .Teeswater. Mr..and ;Mrs..: Bert Vincent of Bel - grave visited ion, Thursday With Mr.: and Mee- Wm. 'McDowell. ss J. liy11is Codi isite , la week - with her : cousins, •Misses Elsie and Annie Cook of . 'graver, Mrs. Walter Mason spent Thursday With. her mother, ;Mee. OIow of White - .church ' , .. *Mr. and ars. Stanley ,Sibthorpe and. children, and . M>}ssp ,Ada Stackhouse of Blyth were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc)owell. Mr. • and ;Mrs.: Wm. MoVittie and falaiily were Ripley visitors on Sundae. MasterFkBobby' and Ronald Jenning of 'Windsor'' anti Garth Mcolinchey of Auburn. are holidaying with their grand- parents,' Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Walden Mr.' John Gear • of Waterloo .spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and iMrs. 'Wesley Kechnie, of near Blyth, ''visited on tSundaye..with Mr. and . Mrs. Walter. Cook.' Mr. Nand Mrs. Itceettrd 'Campbell and ,fain ly .were .guests. on.'Sunday at. the_ home of .Mr,. and Mrs.:.A. E. Johnston,_' Wey,s�t;awanoeh. • Mr. and Mrs. `'+Oharles : Smith and son,, 'G•orden` were -week-end ,guests. at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Brook's and Miss . `Irene, of: Toronto, visited • last Week witli 'Mr..',and'1'l rs. Bos- naana Mr. and Mrs. Joe •Killough and Mise Mabel, of ' Dungaenon, ,Miss Eva Ki14 lough, of Toronto, and Master Jimmy; Kelly, of Walton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and +Mr"s. Wm..14MeTOowell and Mr. and ;mfrs, Alva McDowell. Mr, anda- Mrs. Donald, Clark and Mr, Colin Clark of Ottawa are guests at the home of the former's mister,: Mrs. Mer- vin' McDowell. ` _ M Mr. and ,Mrs. Bobs, Good and Miss Norma, of IGtoderiehe Mr. and Mrs. Wellington, ; -Good ' and . Master Kay Stewart, of ,Auburn,' were guests ori Sunday at the home of. -Me. and 'Mrs. Douglas-01170bell, Mr. and Mrs. ,Henry Mathers and Mr. and Mrs. 1"haris "Mathers of Lueknow visited on Sunday at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Mari Wightmen. Mrs, Geo. McKay kind -family °and SAL.NaET.LAW/14140A Montreal street, south of Public Library. This property will be sold cheap aiul on easy payments. J. W. CARAft,,IE, 21t2 ATERPRONT, WITH MODERN yr furnished eottitge, _ Ws•ter, sewer,' light. Or ptirt, . on:mos 11BALE, Bennett Stiede isl :, tt: SALE. • . GOOD 104 -,RARE farm; 'clay loaM; good -b iildiniits well e ,fenced and good water eupplee 01 `. rr F.AT, -Jt.11.. No. 0, Luck- now, O ., _ _ - 27-9x Ry 'SALE. 240 ' .A.'CRES,, WELL drained; good play' loam; good. building; wired for hydro. Water in ]muse and barn. , .,Bathroom; hardwood floors. - ,Across, from sehool; next main road, Hydro 114 miles distant, . , Lot }i6,:N.227,coneesslon,10, 1j'est 'Wtr *�nyy}}sll,-tytronele(tettY." JOHN, WOOSTER, Lucknow, ' R.1t. 2. 29 O KOMP.—SOLID BUICK IIOVBE, ▪ newly decorated. f.y ,i+14,1��� "d�}xAlyt�Ve-y- . �,aaritge3 11-• 11AXtS, li,.t ,, t,loderith. s29tf, 0 KENT: — .A►1ARTMENT ON MAIC' floor with. ell-noderee) conveniences. 0s;ll BIG1,SALTeSTAR, Phoue 71. 28tf RENT.,FU1tNIS'1IED Olt `UN- U'BNISH'bi1:° AO en pound floor; near Sunset Rotele "Apply 105 Elgin avenue, God srieli. 27tf 1 1"T. SEV -ROAM HOUSE , large vrerenda and ''balcony, hn- Mediate, posseeston, M. W. HOWELL* St. Vincent street. -28 TO RIM HOUSE ON NVWGA' street; oak floors, furnace, $011 .size ,.. n- l tH i xoom sat l n ee in 1. ori ba • rete t xt' R. g ,. Modern a nv p ees... W. F: Sh.UND.; a�;Od+e o mien . {RS,'Gedericlt Organ Co. . 20 flM smAz :: aM ,pan' 'SA,• -,45 ASS, 114 ▪ miles south of 'Varna;ood 'farin buildings, land in good State of cultiva- tion ; crop and hay; 'excellent dairy ,aria; running 'water ; part lots 13 and 14, oonoeessi n 7, 'Stanley Towns hip Apply oto • FRANK wpErxs, Bit. 1, ( -20 �<TI►G�: I • will not be responsible for. any debts incurred in my name by my son Benson h'ritzley. 29x MRS.' H. P,RUTZLEY. GST. -- MUCK .' `1fRE, HEAVY duty diamond; on rim; . new ; on highway, between. Goderich and Guelph.. , Leave at SIGNAL -SPAR OreeiOE _and. receive rewards 29a do eh wer' ' ets r o>� r>t e s a. ie Go r. L u _.,: on,'S'unday ,At the home of eer. `and"Mrs. b rt Campbell. ,• �'l e. ...�}"Soo," . ° r. YY.' Armstrong, of the- .Soo, �[ m g, is , °visiting his eousins, : Messrs. Jack - and :Bob Armstrong. Miss Noreen' McKay 'of Goderich: is spending .the week with Baer friend, Miss • J. -tin Campbell.. • " ' More 'Westfield -news on pages 5 and, 6' 0OUtEtR E„S 0ORN'+.1.. ,•July 16. --esti. Robt. Boak;spent a weekend in'Toronto recently: ' ` n• MisSiGrace+Courtenay,;nurse-In,-train= Sing skit -St `Jiteepb's R0 pitaleToronto, is' *ending her vaeation. at her home ' ,here. Mr. ` and Mrs.d John Little spent the week=end with, Mr. and Mrs, Aibeet VM ANT1 D.e OSi'r'ION' AIS 1IOUSE�- KEEPER, by a middle-aged widow. Town or country.Can tale 'full. charge. apply THE' ,:,S1GfNAL,-STAJL ° 29k ALE'SM+rN WANED. * SGFIX INTO. a good' -paying business, selling BM= DAY NtOOESSITIOS from door to door in, your district: Make your ewA.. pay envelope. and cash in on the ,prddts , with our Profit wilding Sales Plan. Let• ustell you more about it. PAWL= 00, +$70 St, ,Clement, Montreal. 19.34 Helm of Zion. Pte; !Harold Armstrong and Pte. Tom Harper, both .of London; spent part -of Ttliu lwee e ,p the home of. Mr. David Miss d �oxothy ate son ofLiieknow s. 'as -been, visiting'+ewitbi; Mr.'. vaned... Mar Lorne Fairish: • Lorna Little is visiting with friends at Wasaga Beach and Toronto.. `T • A Red Cross tea, tinder the auspices otF tiib Kintail Women's Institute, was,• held at the home of Mrand,Mrs. Wil-. fred' Farrish last:Thursday afternoon, Despite the bid weather 'there was a :good attendance, , The Kintail Women's Institute is planning the holding of a 'community picnic at the home of Mr." and Mrs. John MacKay, Kintail,"• in. the near future..Everyyoneis invited to attend 'and - bring lunch. .A. good afternoon's sport isaltpromised. Mr, a Mrs. Olaude Haughton of Toronto spent their vacation recently MOVIE kE0 • Ask for a derima►strataaa Photograph* iu lt;s►tur4 ur for Silly or Mode Camerae. Movie � � ,aeras' lel as IoW )ts $16.50 . See theist at the fitetdla. .11ENDELSO HENDERSON P11010 STUDIO Phone 01 " Goderielk..Ont. '.outipp - OF THANP 1i TSE R THIS O1'PoortmIT3 of thankixag:,,All, those who were..So 's m athet c to us during our recent, ,;-, bereavement; especially Lr. A. H.. Taylor, and those who epee Sowers. 4 and loaned cars, MR'S. EARL Mc-- 1LW11N and ROSS 'HARiitl'SON: 29x. �r1�ra . oaks.: F00BN Jim Ma. AND- '"' Mrs. 'Horace Horton and- wish nd wish to thank those who were so kind in their -bereavement ; especially Rev. 'G. ;11'azelemed• and those who loaned their ' cars and sent dowers, _. 29x. THE RED 'SHIELD WOMEN'S, Auxiliary of the' Salvation Army la Goderich are pleased to acknowledge the receipt u $18,'25 f roan the- friends : •o V. the Western' Canada -, Flour Mills ' 0a., Ltd. I i S OF .'. E LATE. 1iEkL.A.'.� F Mrs. Mary Asquith wish to thank all:the-friends for their kindness to her during her last ellinees. Special.. t nks GR are tendered Rev°. R. awl. . ha. wood and the choir of, the Beniniller United c hareh for thelovely s eryice a t i ' her funeral..:. We ale) wish t o thank ' 1 rehose e : who loaned cars, also, those ' who sent flowersei th,:special thanks to. the.' Benmeller Nurseries for the lovely Gasket p%ce:of ,'dowers. It is a kind _ tress ;:which .will never be forgotten. MISSES C4IARLOTTbi GOOD, .Niece, Ind MR. NELSON McLAR'.i`Y, Nephew of 'the late Mrs. Mary L29. with ' Mr. itnd Mrs. Jas. tittle..; .We extend sympathy' to Mrs. Joe Clow40.147 qy and1t And Mrs. F•.. Moran and family in the deaths of Mre • Courtenay4and Mr. Moran. _•- To business that we love we: -rise betime, and go to it with delight;--- Shakespeare. yyam��yy.�� y}Ark* COF F qq 11��,y, ,ABI#V�yLKAR .,a y.,.,rrrr• •••• lie 37c S O'Cy�q�y .R: .y.. a . r r, a . lb. - 33c 1tl CI11i4 IZ , r r� r • r ♦ lb. i FOR SALE 4933 TERR,f PLANE SEDAN In excellent Mechanical Condition Buy a Used Car and avoid new 'tames. .. PHONE 533-54 Just the Gift for that Wedding ---,Shower or Birthday one of the lovely. Plower Pictures— Landscape or a ip arttstite ally framed itt the moderate prices of ' 250---150e---450 .area $1.0O up Von just can't beat t tri k"or a picture is a thing of batty and a Joy forever. Come in and see them. Fr SMITH'S. ART ti,1GIET, STORE' T ST, PHONE 198 Prominent be ^ Present to Discuss' War SSO bids Parade at2 o'clock—Vetera s, . Bojr' „ S :outs, 99th WinghasnBattery— Also Fi a Banat Ali,1 -• —� is t , • n, r t + tlit ic Citizens "a .'- Farr case of rain Meeting will be held in the W xnghatn Arena. Seating. arccomadatian Chill. be provided. �r ma�yy,, yy , CS•gd.)' .deo. C. Fea an,Warden G0110. tiAVE THE l'c.111,4 0001410104101% 11141111001110111110010111111"1011111010