HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 7TIIPWO:r. gni 1114 10N. oot 'F. .4 O., • 46 4.41 10 • .10 IN It a., IL*. • 00. 41101110101 Goderich# and Istric "WHO'S WHO" Guide Business Directory • Buyers' A AIJTO AONCIE$ :214!T DEALERS= o9Dzition woraits STAN. PREVETT Soul st. Phone 83 VORD MERCURY. al e; anTreTvlirlinnt t$ lined Cara GEORGE mittotwAs 25 Victoria Phone 2$4 VHRVitOJT OLDSUOBILE Sftet:ar McColl••,Frontenael 'Products • MCGEE'S GARAOX DO1,G1-13 8 rmsoTo Sales and Service 86 Hamilton St Phone 095 Veneral Repairs to All Makes of Oars ,417$000 G.A18 AND OILS ifIrentone Tires ` Willard Battened' PLANTE'S GARAGE ,-,cs,mr,,sta PLANTE, Prop.. Victoria gt. * Phone 513 omixsTAR • ruitotas 'gales and -Service General Repairs to Ali Makes. AUTOMOBILE PARTS & KCCESSOlilES dizrOrAtr- Mrs CORPORATION Associate Store L. 0. winitilsa0Np. mgr. gampto.n.st. ''!'Phone 69W %/3114; B.A.'PrEADDS. A4XXE.SSQ101110 i. :4EAUTY PARLORS BETTY'S BEAUTY morn BETTY TIIOMAS,, tar00. Algin A.Ve. :Then, SO VerManent Waving Tan& *11 lines or Beauty Culture BAKERIES • pittiwTra:40vil , ,Av:svg"N LYIXAN„ Prop. East slac of Square • Phone 00 Permanent Waving, ringer, Waving. Facials, Manicnring and Haireutting BEVERAOES , E. tri CLEVELAND 14 -West St esllsowil,t, BEAD,PIES,' BtiNS, -aKES, •)i - ETO. We Deliver 1 „ 011/11tY'S BAKERY • f•"' Phone 406 "FOR hVERY SPREAD USE OUgitiriS BREAD moucausommoi_w04 CAMPBELL' TVVEEDrE, 1?r01). trii.Plgton t• Atone 489 AutUorized Bottler of -- 000/4.-0014A. AND • TWEEDIE'S POPULAR, paiNxs •1 MAPLE- LEAP %BAKERY 1st' JACKSON & A. FORSTER 80 Square ' Vlione'460.3' wee,igt Bread, Piesr-Ounto bait Deb' Also Geracerivc. ..We Deliver 11116. Send your donation for tbe boys Overseas to. the Rid Cross Rooms the'Public Library or to the Legion Rooms, corner of North and the Square. BUILDING & -GENERA.L- eONTRACTORS 0, McMAN100 & SONO Stanley St Phew) VS MILIC, CREAM, ICE OREAM Vott Our Mk Bar. IATILL/AVE EDNITARDO R R 1 Goderieh Phone 01-r-2 •••ii luDSIDENTIAI OONSTRUfYitiON AX/DORATIONS .401D, 1100$0 P HEAVY FRAMING- . • 301;14 JErPER1r,' Warren St •,‘ • .Phene S77W 97ENE1AJJ CQNTRAdTQR 'AND BUZDER„ Every Branch of Carpenter- Work., ROlikit STANDISH 62 East St i • Phone so • GENERAL CONTRACTOR „AND - BUILDER Carpenterlit • Alterations and Repalrii . -4186-Cabinet Work Estimate's 'Free.• • EARL WESTSROO 49 East Et. Phone 487 ) • g]?,NERAL coNsinutrarzoN 13s-PAIBA--Aungtamw .1s3r----"POM SANDING.- tzmowo9D impogaNG DAIRIES BAXTER'S DAIR• Y' Napier St, •PhOne .104 MAR. °SPecializing in. 'wituipixt4 'mum ICRIMNO"onocoLATIo DRINK, GRAPE; oRAN4114 and GR:AREFIC(11T - BOUT AitOs,„ Saliford .11eighisjIreame17 Sa1tf�rdRelghtS Phone 172W /fanufacturera of -6A1/1"FORD HolGulis REAM13rnt Blyrrou AD TOE CREAM, - HIGHEST QUALITY . N000lsois PORTER'S p6Birmys 3-nty ThursdaY^ the Ladies' 'Aid held their regular nieeting, about twenty being .,, present, Mrs. John. Harris preside& After some, business 'regarding the - furnishing of the parsonage,' onilting was proceeded wttb The hostesses, Harris and -Mrs. join" liar*, se ed a tasty lunch • t the Sunday morning service at Grace church Rev. Harold Currie spoke to a4 good congregation... About eighty noua,*FsEty & suutts 0 Klugaton Phone our We carry a comPlote Uue 'a nom, now, SEEDS ,AND GBOCERIES Speciang-Bulk Seeds, Flower and • Vegetable Planta GODERICHrtruNDONRAy"„., BEMS Victoria St „, Plume 400W - GRAY IRON CASTINGS BRASS. and 'ALUMINUM OAST/NOS Contractors., . Jobbers and , Foundry Engineers • 411111111111111111111111.11MAINI DEALERS ..THE SA0LTS COALCO. Nelson t. . -Phone' 76 , Best Grades. of Pocohontas, Hard, Soft and Cannel Coal, Coke, Hard and Light Wood Exclusive Agents for LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE GENERAL oitp,cwrs J.. G. MONTGOMERY Phone .080. •Git00101tIES - MEATS - FRUITS- VEGETABL1O8 - DRY- GOODS *, HARDWARE GAS 0.114 11111111001161.11111.0i.60.0111.10.11.111111.11100.4 GROCERIES .,& MA were out. His discourse was on "Faith" and Was listened to With'deep interest. , Mrs. Snider and daughter, from Saskatchewan, spent iSunday' with 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie! Cox. : Mr. Allen ,Bettleslias purchased a . horse from Mr. Geo, Elliott to replace the one he lost recently. Congratulations to our neW ToWn. ship 'Councillor, *rellas:',8tirling; who was elected by acclamation: mr.. and Mrs. John Torrance, (laugh. ter Mary and Miss Elva Elliott spent Sunday afternoon. with MF. and UM, `11 „ AIM Oovernment has to have mohei to Carry •oti the war. Obis means more taxes., 'Now ,$S the tin* to put in your next, !Outer's • Suppk of coat before another tax Is put on Orders • entrusted to us, . W311'ret* ;lye prinnpVattentlOn. We static:- • D & 11 Anthracite Coal, . "IPORDOOKS rourPoint Pocahontas „ RED JACKET DOMeStio Cos▪ t •70k-- PLIOMING0'. numusio AND DARDwARE-48:it Chas., C. Lee 00ALYARD and HARDWARE STORS At,the Harbor Sunset 643 Phones -Store 22 • /louse 1,12 DOMINION STORES LIMITED WORkSPECIAL • Quaber•-,Bread Flour 98- lbs. ....$2.49. * 24 nyl. ....65c WE DELIVER .P.TIONE "-EARILy ' .11 -As .., • i,„4,44'.* 4 'lel-. • Seaforth Toni Coosa luta adopted ist varies* IMPOrti, to 4100110 OWN W tax rate ot 44 millt for 110444he me aid last year. Lawrence filumsteel, 011utoa. hat ob. tabled It pOSItiOa. Oa the Stair Ot the NOW ilitzaburs High *boo!. Mrs. Iretry '45ehroeder, of Dashwood, died on julY 10th in her sixty-sixth 1 year, Iler husband and an 4401;40 son survive., Mrs. George Diek, or liensall, passed away On July 7th in her sixtieth year, ,She is survived by her husband, two sons and our daughters. Alice Turnbull, wife of d'olux Love, postmaster of Grand Bend, died on - Mond y In her seventninth Year -sides the hisband, three sons suiBee IIARDWARE �AEL wowaira Square •. ' Phone 283' ottravaN-liattuus AND CI 'V. PAINW, ENAMELS SG VARNISHES Oeneral Hardware, Oils, Wass, Auddin. Lamps, 'Coleman loamps and Stoves, Stoves, Plumbing and Heating ramorosiiiswomok- 1 A OTE ORE pun T. TURNER • West . Phone 095 ATT'EAPTIVE,ROQMS "Delicious Meals fe-mptingiy g!rved."' lt,01(4.1" Ilamilton St., - • Phone 882 Stop at "Royal inn" when in G-oderich P,xcelIent --Accomunxiation ComfOrt- ' able 'Itooms ;Moderate Rates Special ' Attention,- to Dining Room 'ger**, - L. V. ICEDLY,', 'Mgr. immilimmemer minsimminsimmionammila (Formerly MOMillah'S) Bait gide Of &plate For Prompt Delivery and ,tlourteous _ Service Phone 104 or 105 GRISOIDRIES, .11TtilITS AND VEGE-- ' TABLES - 0001tIeD MEATS r ni flED.Z. PRICE GROCERY North, Side of uare Phone 248- GR00EItIlfig --;VEGETARLES I FRUITS , , tree Deiivery • Service • TAXIS EDWARD TAXI • • Montreal St _Phope4140 Prompt Courteous Service Oar: Storage. Washing. Simonliing McGregor, Triekersthithi ' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties, son Alvin and km Welton,' visited, on Sunday with Ur.' and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, ,HUllett township. Mrs. Frank Picot IS not as well as her many friends would wish., Wedding bells are tinging. Injured in Accident -We are sorry to report a 'rather serious accident that befell lgr. Peter 1Coung in. the upsetting of a, 'load or bay. Both arms' were broken and Aome 003 fraetured.* ' Red Cross Meet,Ing.:-,0n, Monday evening the tiled Cross held theft month- ly meeting in the basement of Grace church. About forty -live Were present. Mts. A. Betties presided. Business for thb toming month was 'planned. . The ladies engaged in roiling bandages, handkerchiefs were 'handed out to be hemmed, and yarn for sweaters and socks was given out. -Some socks were brought in and k dozen Sheets. The Prograni committee' decided to have_ a social evening with prograni and lunch. The meeting closed 'with the Lord's Prayer. • COLBORNE TOWNSHIP' -RADIO-StIRVICE tIve. - i4rb4e7, O. Ne.,nlingeirt. 0f Seeforth, died en iStinday atter an illness Of two weeks. Ile was twentreight years of ages.Vbe funeral took place to where &Ceased was born and lived or some.years, , death of :Mary Catharine Me. iShirray, wife of Peter Murray, occur: red at her home in Hay township on ‘wrttly 5th in her Sixty-ninth year. Be- sides the bereaved husband, two. sons and four daughters survive. Miss Nino Depew, formerly of the staff of Clinton Collegiate Institute, Who spent the last two years studying izi Paris,•France, bas returned to Cane ado, and ' has been engaged to tach --oftern-Iti%ntr---1 the3trat Toy Collegiate Institute, • • - ifl• clagghter of The engagerneutiik annouwa tit ,EvelyBeatrice, y est Cox and the late I1.1101114Zot Goderieb township, to Murray Swart Vi.sher. son Of Mrs, V.141iLer. WI the late Murray ° Fisher of London, the wed- ding to take place quietly thrs month. . Duncan McKenzie, a former resident of .the St. Helens district, died "July 3rd at Viringbam, -wbere be had lived the last four' and a -half years. He . was n his seyeuty-third,year, He Is survived by a sister, Mlss Annie ?&c - Kenzie, and a brother, Donald, both of Wingham. ifictomr lie late B. N./Douglas, Merchant of ake, .oecurred _suddenly on 'Wednes- day , of last week at 'the home of her cussows R1WIO SERVICE Montreal Ot. (at Edward Twit') Phone107 or 616 . We are as near as ioUr phone. REPA*S * AND ityPriii041pNp, - Fon AZti7STAXES BERiRAM MONDAY 7 'Mader St Phone 698 COMPLETE STOdit PART'S 90 Day atutrantei on All Repair Work. , Established 10 Years. - iiminnommoimisamommumimmommiar. 8 receive diretdebass toaeltiang fruit ere- staxuling athletes while at the mum time eallellac * Plesulasit thanses-Iliairions At the Lutheran church personale Deshwood, tbe naarrlage of Mother Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Mary Martel* and the bite Peter liartisee, of • Dasliwood, to William Vlifford Saloon, Sou of Mr, and Mrs, 'Cheater Itialmou of 'Zurich, • waa solesanized *err, Theodore Luft. Mr. and Um, €4alasoa mwle611. wart* At the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Z. 'rough, Olint011. on 1113fiturilay last, the marriage or their daughter, Margaret babel, to Joseph Meli'lltitteilrectillawee, on of the late lir. and Mrs. Anne* lieGillawee of ,North Eatitthopc• was ?so, iemniSed by Rev. Andrew (Lane. Afterwards. the wedding dinaer ' was served to fifty guests in the school- room of WetIeY-Willis 'eltureh. The happy couple left, for. a Short motor trip before. settling in their new bona*. MAPEIiIctsTG • (titendedt for laat week) , 1,4A.MKING, 1X -Mr. pad Mrs. Eldon Twamley and thlidren, of Ohatham, are spending the holidays at seat IMMO a , . 114' 411111,11i Kr. sad Mirie aremes, JWtIi Mc est Mr. Cliirer4 Ilareek Ra*Uto011ettea, Mr. *mg Chstlion, Mr. Irving linsaes, 404110 Jai Hotter. CARLOW •Aarftews..... OA/PLOW, July it -Mimes and -Lola Robertson, ofTiau s� spend!** part or Volto1J wt Mrs. Gordon Kaaba. and Mu Dorothy 1,111** is visiting her grandsothet Mr, emelt 'rhozepeoe, Tortelat, Is ri vialtlas fends hart. Mr. Hooker, teacherfros 'X and a mamba or the Oration, •occuPted the, sited puiPit on Sunday and spoke I* the terests of temperanceedmeatiee. The need is 'very great, as so 30**Y of ttsis young, !mid older people too, are gobtg down before this tyrant, alcohol, Rev, Gordon Hazelwood. Md char or the boys' 04tMro at the summer 0004 Dunlop, laist week. Maater Donald Young, Detroit, 'visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Oordon Toting, last week, ' Miss „Ann Walter is with her ‘brother, Mr. W. W. Walter, and Mos. Walter. torerr--xell,and,-w0S-30041, 'Malt Soon- be quite` recovered.. Our antipathy extended to *IWO Edith and Elizabeth Horton sand (m, thers In the sudden death or their sister'. Afro, Garin, auttou, at Oa home last week. Mr. and Mrs.' T. Wilson Were at Parkhill on 'Sunday and Mae and John returned home with them Utter a week% holiday with their nude. Gordon NiacPhee, Vordiee M. Clark and, 'W. Z. Clark have filled their silos with clover. They dad' it quite aatis- factory and less work thatr corn. Mr. Arnold Allan, who some weeks ago- waskicked bY horae at the gravel Pit. is 'still in the heapitai, but we lope he may soon. be able to 1* home. ' , The heavy, downpour of rain. on Thursday again flattened Youth. wheat --their-rottage'rct-Port-A)be •;-." • 24r. and Mrs.:Will Andrew and little daughter LoUlso spent Sunday " after- noon with and George Andrew; inicknow. It•ev. and Mrs. Campbell Ta•vener of Bluevale visited old friends in the eommunity bit Week. Mrs. Thos, Anderson returned borne Saturday froth. Muskoka, where she had. spent an enjoyable week. Very pleasant evening was spent last Friday night at the ehurch vrhen a number from Hackett's, Zion and our own eongregation here gathered togeth- er in honor of Rev. and Mrs, Campbell Tavener Bluevale,. who were back ong theitt.old-frienclafor. a visit- A - program was.giyeu including 4 talk by Mr. Taveheii which, everyone en,loYe*- .After this a soCial hour was Spent daughter, 'Mrs. Alfred Heard Stanley' ovtr in the hall, playing games And, 4' township, in. her seventy-see4nd year. eonteot% atter Nvit-to4 luneh was served. She is survived by two daughter. Alr4 Bertha Bell, of lentail, is a qlister., Wheu,. attempted to release a- ethe l&;.1 lo hayfork had b6°Leonard 6-eentangledt , 91 hit concession of Howick,' unfortunately took 'hold of the wrong rope; with the result that-the-tyd middlefingers of his Tett hand weredrawn into , the pulley and SO badly mangled that it was faun(' necessary to amputate J3otb. at the. first Mot, , • . One . of .:Exeter's oldest citizens, Stephen J. Hogarth,, died on ennday night, in his eighty-fourth year. He WAS a resident of Stephen township until his retirement - to Ozteter twenty years agO, He is survived by hiS wife, two sons, 'Vidor, of eiceter, and Gifford of Wisconsin ; and tWerdaughterS,'Itra, E. Carter, -or Prospect Hill, and Mrs. R. 13auiva,,, v*tor., wmf6iti tr. Peahen -a lifelong re- sident of the 'Exeter dinriet, died on July 4th in his eighty-seventh Year. A native of Stephen‘township, he lived _there until. he . retired twenty-seven. years ago to Iguter, Where he served onthe 'ellknietr-aliCitiatd70 'Education. He is survived by,hia wife,. two sons and .three .daughters. In October last he and Mts. Penhal.e.'„cele- hrated their diamond wedding annivers- ary. - Machine Work -Acetylene Welding- Clinton Hoikey Player • • Bicieles-Tires-patterlei . :Chosen for O.A.C. 'Vamp .0ancs suRnaiLoltgroormS Fraser Thompson, a .member of the VICE STATIONS • an*, agRAIONIVIATIO ,CRANSTOX. iten.1.1.TCVN:i4 West St. at waterloo St. . Phone 717 _CITIES SERVICE PROD17.4YTS tiOVIPLETE'AIITOMOTrillniElth .„ :*00PE'S SERVICE STA.TION. 30'itailleld- Rd, " ' Phone 4388 • • ,Frame and Wheel Alignment- vs•ervice.. , cOrat;Xtom woWNisrur, July 16. -- Mr. Arnold Allin,*,who is in floderich Hospital, is improving. Mr. and,Mrs. Will Clayton and son ,Tack, of Putnam, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Adams, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Luo Mrs. .1. Treble. Mt. and Mrs. llarold Iliekman and family,' of Toronto, are visiting with relativeS here. •Master leek elayto0, Of Putnam, Is spending his holidays with his grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Treble, - The recent heavy rains have done muclt good, although haying has .been delayed. Seme of- the farmers have' not finished elating yet. , Y4A.and Mrs. Murray no* and two children, Of Wile, were recent visitors Lavin). Mowers Sharpened Clinton Lions hockey feam, is the win. tier of a two (weeks! stay at -the Ontario -TAILORS • SUMMER -OLOTIIES Order nOW,:anct tarelour clothes ready for the hot days. ' 14g1t weight Worsteds and Tropitals ' In all -shades, - -- Al;tering; tepairiug and 'pressing eMee. ..}:'J34.NK R Bf.4).R.Till • , • West St. • Call 317 sisiimilosiiisitsowommoom...soiramowomassamostssomos Athletic OomMiSsion: summer tamp at, Lake Couchichingi 'commencing July' 14th The 0.A.)0. camp: la maintained for the benefit a young men. interested .4 es,...,..,....,,,c,,,..rtf!"...i,e„.itoriordl.famelisiwc.40:11fghicousiprinotifirli.w.„ g ... . - letettoot,so.itriutscibuikt ashes macaw. ' 115. septic), actult20.. .14..Protpriptaba„ *skims. Sootb �lo,I . Whirls. 36o ttist WUe proves it orilkiolyst Yoir *Wild tvd&Y for 0.0,D. PRIAM rri ,• with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardy: • Mr: John Million had the misfortune to have nine cows killed by lightning, ot Monday afternoon. The animals were standing, under a tree. .SIIEPPAIWTON •SHEPOARIVON; July and Mrs. J. Brindley and 'Lloyd visited re- cently at 1Seaforth with the lady's bro- ther, Mr. D. Nixon. Ube' Mary Gordon of tcodirich is visiting at the,home Of MrS, A. Gordon.... Miss Isabel Pollock "spent a few days with , Miss Dorothy Wilson of "Auburn. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. ,Sillib of Goderich spentSunday . with, Mr. and Mr',,aaivek.,$. mg), Miss Myrtle MeIntYre of Goderich and Miss Margaret Dixon of -near Dungannon ' spent ,the week -end t the We are siirry to say Mrs. ThOs, home of ars. rpnock.,,• Dougherty is a Patient -in Clovierich Hospital. We hope ,phe will 8001) be home again. * Miss Mabel Foster is. spending a. teda,,ys visiting friends at St, Cath- arine. . a , AMMO Zuly 15. -;-.Mrs. Scott Mackenzie or montreo.,in visiting with her brother, Mr, 'Donald MacLean. Bey. 4; O. IthotieS and. Mrs. Rhodes of Toronto were goats last week of the latter's mother, lArS. M. O. Mae. kenzie. . Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Minna and Miss Mae Boyd of Toronto SPeot the Week.' end With Mr. Charles Boyd-. The July luPetlbg Of the W.M.S. Watt held on 'Wednesday at the home a MISS Marion Mackenzie. Mrs Seott Mackenzie of. Montreal .was the guest 'Speaker. •- Ile that , won't be counseled caul be lielped.-dtenjtohin Franklin. WHEN USING WILSON'S FLY PADS \I PE.AD DIPECTIONS CAPE, ULLA' AND/ FOLLOW THEM/ - EXACTL.,' ; jEaelx pad - kill flies all day ami every dey for three weeks.. . 3 pa& la each paiket. 10 paffirs PER PACKET - er Druggist:4 Craters, Cenerelf Seer, WHY, PAY MORE? *ftsviu,soll sodoco...thanw., cesm; • liolotob0040001 Cry_fot.-.1114:, I. Most people feu to recoviiiizilio sgrismoseaS of a bad back. Tho ititeuei twitches,' sma twintii) are bad *out and cause greet forkeet,, but k of ti* uail the es** of it all la the Ordered kidneys trying out a war* 1 lig *m010, the burl. .A. _peke Se the book isptie Warp* tory fat help. Go to their aselatanee. (let a toe of :boa's Miner PM& ' reaseity, for beekeel* sisel alek are pot op aa .bloag grey bet wl_tk oarOa& 114pla Lodi* o* if*. • au Wm. GetliDoealk" ' tte., 144 itetterei, feeil a -.14.EgBigor, IMERTAK Lloyd Locke of Beechville. is Spending holi- days With,: his ,uncle and aunt, Mr.. and Mrs. I', -*Horton. Miss Evelyn Bogie- hail the -mis- fortune, .when coming Otte' from: the house on Sunday, . to , and, sprain her ankle. • &Aga Lautenslayer, Marie Goldie and Mr. iffWer „Diatonic*, all of Torontk.•were-VISitora At the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Horton On Sunday. Miss 14a17 Jane kitzpatrick •and her sister, Miss Margaret, Ann, of Detroit, were also at this :home on Sun- day,:MisS Margaret. AnnT remaining- for anextended ,Vlsit. , On Sunday ',the service at Lee -burn ehurth was takaa, -by Mr. Rooker ,of, Toronto, speakingon tempeignee. It was A TOY thoughtful address. Rer.• 6., Elazetwood;:was-with the boys' camp at the Summer School.' grounds. • AO. and Mrs. Will Falconer, 'Amt. enge:_:.(1 Kathleen, of Olinton, and nursein-tirg at. Kitchener, evisited the formers sister here on •Sun., day. Death of Dim G. IL Clutton -On Tuesday last, 'Slily: 9th, .our • burg was saddened by the -death or mrs, OE B. Clutton of ',Stratford; who. had Come ,•to visit her sisters here, and. passed away to the Great Beyond % atter a 4.alid some spring grain. - 'People Who Aril* ItO0 Mach COget4** said ,the teacher, "set What Is knorni, as toffee heart, and men Vriztv/turoltes too mucli-taitaiiler'rebiiecTO 'heart"' - The, Oldest .pupil waved. his 'band. frantically. "Well, what is - if, flerheit?" the teacher .Asked. . "Please, miss, if a boy; eat" a let o- .sweets, Will he get a. sweetheart v orry ai NOr1011$ S • Worry Virer btliintest or housoH • ditto; ridam--sheek the inane vomit for Seastue fabliek, tes44•* vut. **04;11,44, *4411104:4fe hitO tiotettfoir it*Ity;:the ,deioixot toi.oeiorattligiot:. • Ittoraturo are ‘11. .eoiaueiter to tho iiggrscatiorkutisesr, and they on thew sYstano • lfyonsrethl ,4d:woriffiriWf ueoth and Sem'Pilia help., pot leo ott, yooz Thy 11. body etrengthoing•foe Ow wunatial eleo.iests srteiL austAinkuich'144* .41 I I e 4 • Ity Worry About Housework? Let electricity do it by„isbie(Me. of the latest 'MOdels Washing btaclii,nes or Vacuum Cleaners'. An electric coffee percolator, towitkiron, or floor polisher is: always acceptahle. • Folmateg • furnished OW wiring al afl. work Ithiehecl by thne agreed .ugoit.' •NicAitTilUit West, Street Phone 82 AWN MOWERSSHARPENED. Have your -Lawn Mower sharpened on tie moat mOdonl Machine on the market. It cOatis no more to lave- it done the right way. All wOrk finished' when promised. NEW LAWN MOWERS at prices that win -sunrise you GARDEN TOOLS , We have a new shipment of Spades, Hoes, Rakes, Forks and Clippers. Treat yourself to some new garden tools. • Geo. W. Stokes PHONE 206/ !ffackinist • EA4T 'ST. • Gives new lifesto your ldtchenZt'* easy to -keep dein and it lasts a lifetime, .Diffetent colors said patterns. Mattresses, Beds, Odd Chairs, for any room in the ho'use, ICE CREAM The best on the continent -jklacle eiroary day on our own premises, sold in bulk, in 'bricks or In individual oupettet with individual spoonsTry it moo, you,will use no other, 1.11. iiackstOne 4'TIIB IMO WAY OP GODERICH" rh We Deliver 410111,110