HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 64 ni
KeeKay Hall was well 40101 vli
ItelraredaY evellillar, July 4th, the wee
aloe belee *public' meeting hold for the
ParPoile et lelinehing a drive in elude,
rich Stio, aid of the Canaille* TelLiO.A.
war minima fund. The purpose of tbe
esteeseites, vvtilelt begot immediately
OW the meeting, i, as Rev., D. 4,
Isitue, the ecting chairman, pointed out,
tee Wee fatale- to eoutinue the helP
being rendered to the men of 'tlits OA.
S.F. ley the 1".31.C.A.
'44o.yor IL 3. A. MaeBwan, (Welling
onsatine, aittriheteel tee leteuesa oZ
the drive lu Goderieh to the feet that
It was thought when the Citietehe War
Time Committee was forted some time
ago that. bode Would look after the
eollectitig for all the various er011l-
filiation* seeking public suPPert. Things
had not yet been worked out along
thoete linea, however, mad to it was de -
'dace to go ahead with the eemPaiglifil
'half of the 1C.31.0.A. Before turning
the meeting over to, Mr. Lane, Mayor
Mat4Ewatt, adrocatee all the tielP that
4 the'eletrens of the town mild glee to-
ward the war work of the Y.M.C.A.
The Local Organization
• Mr. Lane asiked Mr. Georges Schaefer,
. secretary of the V.M.O.A. organization
the wort that had so far been dote
here, Mr. ,Seltaefer presented the set-
up of OM organisation as follows.: Pre-
sident, Capt. tbe Rev. D. J, Lane; vice -
'President, O. N. Doweer ; secretary, G.
W. telusefer treasurer, A. E. tbseklee I
publieity ehainean, J. D. Thomas;
viral ` ehairnien, Hugh gill, Rev. G.
Haeelweod, W., liaaeke, and George
• Feagan, Warden of Huron; honorary
patrone Matters et, .1. A. Maelewen,
Warden Feagan.
regent ,elimeek Chanter, Mrs.
R. 3. 31e1ehken, regent Maple Leaf
••Chapter, I.O.D.E.; H. S. Turner, -Pre-
•tddent, ;Braila 100, Cartadiant, Legion;
Harvey Ereklue, preeleent Lions Club;
get. & 0„, (Weer, Rev. W. re Lithe,
Rev:0. L. Brown, Rev. A. 3:Milligan,
Re*. O. V. Nagle, Captain le. 'Farmer.:
The eaptaine for the twelve polling
subsdivisione of tile town are: No.
W. Hodge. 2, 3'. P. Huine ;• 3, J. 1pie; 'A. M. Robertson;• 5,' F. B.•
110).111 S, Jelin 8.- Platt; 9, .G. N.
Dowiker;,10, J. V. Fraser.; 11, J. W.
j.tedters, 12, ,Oliver Clark.
'Sege lecititeeer eeeds several letters
• from Godetich boys in the active bee -
vice, telling of the splendid facilities
Provided and of the entertainments ar-
ra4ged for them VY the -eV" in the
'various eities4in wkieh they were 141-
leted (luring the winter. -Letters from
lsiseomhe of the Canetilan*
CerPe,' Pte. Roast I'etutiugtou
of the Eases( &attn.** Regimeut, and
leapper les W. Bell of the Reeell Vete
adieu Eugiueer* were' reed.
Dicke litaidereed
A. motion wab made by H. M. Veil
and aiteoudee 1,y Fre** Clark endore-
Mg the 'committee whieh had been
eortatet and esivocating tbo.t the tams
Wen be carried on in this tilattriet with-
out delay The motion waS *dopted by
the rokeeting, . •
Mr. J. D. Thontate president of the
Citireess, War Thee Com/11140 in 'Godes
rich, expeeiteel Pleasure itx. joining
bend* watt the eity ot Strattordlll for-
warding the Ite4.04. week. Me,
Thoma. Praised , the group of Boy
Scout e who were present for the aseist-
*nee they had ,given Ids committee
when eallee upon ' to eh/tribute band -
bills soutto do vatione other jobs. Their
hep wa$ inealuables in Mr. Teoniate
ItIT. II. S. Turner, Preiddellt of the
local braneli of the Legion, stated that
an who bad served in .the last War
would remember the help given to teem'
by the "*IC," In the dugouts when tea
and eefietthMente were ereed, and
after the tiebtieg when the • soldiers
were baek in teelribillete, the "X" was
always on hand. Ile gave the Legion'e
hearty' endorsation of the drive.
Mr. Ilarvey Erskine, president of the
las -4Glub,..-alsorendorsed-4110-4.triva
on behalf of the Lions. Mr. Erskine
'revealed Via at the Leine' national
eonvention at Montreal the organize -
tion went on record to the effeet that
Lions elubs throughout Canada are to
support all War Work and drives
Mr. J., R. aoroor, of the Stratford
toldof the service • given to
soldiers., of the Perth *ell:lime in eitrat-
ford during the winter. The Y,M.C.A.
sponsored several wrestling bouts and
skslee entertainments for the leldiers
there ami at one „wrestling bout there
was an attendance of 525men in unis
form. e
Generai ,Secretary
woeked ee-Operet1 'the
ktista ‘1'." aud tit now, oats; iu Mee
different centre* at oft.34otehot. Oue of
ao groat *knit** of the
'taking tato sof opiate tor the /Soldiers,
end dering the wiltter malty hockey
lettgue* were +alewives], The Beaver
belleies; *Web the "I" eft up for
Velliatliett aioldiere (Vet *240,000 to build
and it is estimated that 00,000 will
be waled each leer as upkeep, for the
Although e ' did voueiderable
Iwo* in lie g to keep, the eoidiers
Ahmed and LIMQVW/li* times 'With a
few lueurlea during the ltet war, feW
knew *beet it* work. The T.M.C.A.
iuteuess to edvertiee itself 4 little kit
this time, etr: Hoskins s.sild,
43* 1411,01ki 10414441** -----
•31e, Iltekleg told of :the -uplifting
efteet welch the "Y" had en hits broken
oplrit:and shattered Morale In the litet
war. Ile would tonie out of the
streneheit, ditteseireged and dirty, but
uPell Ping intoa Y,3440.A." hutand
sinelug itangiS and hentes ht. felt reeve
Atte and his *Writ Tea% Mora' etalide
illg is314ble to (leteriotate when Men
are onigregated tegethee fpr leugtile
• periodos but always 'OM hearing the
. splendid- ereeeller*" .Witiels. the' "I!
brought te. Vratiee 'his morel strength
.were revived, and eo in thila` War he bi
Acting his utmost to surround the iteing
Mete who are corning opt of o /AIM'
good bc)Meet,0 with taetora theit will en-
able theta to held, to their ideale.-e,
Iii coneludieg the meetiptellev. D. j.
abeixing, general secretary of
the National Coma of the Y.M,C.A.
of - Canada, Who had ,emne from Tor -
vete, ,Was the principal' !speaker of; the
evening. 3er, Honking; a veteran of
the last war, was judge tbe Family
Court in Toronto before ,enteritig the„
serylets of the.T.M.O.A. • *
The AIM of the drive..b.eleg,Pelt. 't13".
the 44r, etereet Canada is .$1,038,0.00,.
:and the emit .10 almost in sight, Mr.
:lioskink stated. Although the. leM.0.-
A... delves ie -the lest one to be held
the aine :opi the drive tensest as
Much, as, the combined" total, of the
'Legion' and SaWation ArmY 'drives, the
"Y".. is, within a few thoutiand dollars
of its objective. .. •
"Cle :September 3rd last Year the
eqttipment of the 'it.M,C.A, acme! Care
:eclat was offered to Prime Minister Mac-
Kenzie King, and that cod money,"t Mr.
gOEllang atEit.)Ott .10.213"„ army Officers
baste since said that if' it bad not been
for the IC' _Swimming Pools: they be-
lieved that -diSiaifiei witutaltaiie broken
out, among the soldiers When they wait
Lane, on 'behalf of hie eetosnittee,
thanked all these who' had eentributed
toward tbe meeting in any way, ,
•-During-4h ,esseveningsmetten---Pletur
of the visit of the King and Queen to
this country a year ago, and picturee
describing the work of the Canadian
If.M.C.A. among soldiers at Jaime and
eversert% Were. .shovvn, Mr. Charles.
Mulder:Lewd. Mr.. ROO 'Hendetson
emelere(t several sPIenclid, vocal eum4
bens; asscompanied by Mrs. Meakine
The meeting was closed- with the sing -
Ing of "God Save the
(Ieteuiled fair late week')
DeakIftreD, Jule 4. Corns
Sett of Port Dover was a pea at the
rectory en Vridey.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Allen and 'family, tit
Toronto, Atit awl Mrs. Roberteee and
family, of Kiteheuer, awl Mr. and Mrs.
0. 11100re and Wailes of Detroit,
have taken -cottages in 4teatettle !Grove
for the sotomso.
int.8 early training.' ' '
• vereeas the. CsteUedien II"
a' 01 am/
deify Making'
with CERTO
v rrr;
3 out of 4 Prizewinning Extierfs
- Use CERT° Regularly
ka S. shaatat of Oxford,
winner at OafattlExhibitiooj wsitescul hese ima
Certcolor strervolyeas good '
it grew' eissIt'ing
divIct pos. z.hore, taken severst
Prfteo et Teti's' exhibitiatis,_out,
-taw*** *wise Cat* POO.,kkAY•11
10 11 Oinaht '441.51ER .471111 Certo you
need boil only a minute to two minutes
.f for jinn". ill half-ininute to it minute
for jelly. .
MORE JAAi'Ae JELLY--Becau.se so
little juke can boil away in this
ethort times you get up to halt
-agaiet more jam or telly.
Bunk YAM on'd ClOtOUIC-In this*
e••„t's,shertetehoil the fresh natural, taste.
anal colour remain unspoiled and'
, unch,aaged. °•
e- Seek RESulies--If you iolloty the •
tested Certo recipes. exadle You
neves' nice tear tesults.
clettr6 content:watt FRVIT PECTIPI
0$0 natfe/a jellifykrtg substance extracted
31r. MVO. Iss Sada* and fauns',
oZ Laden are Ye -titles Mrs. Smith'e
=otters MI's. (Renate Vatter, for the
steel two week*. •
Miss Elva Dewar Of Toronto° is
*Pending the eumMer vateation with her
parents, 'Mr; arid Mrs. D. Dewar.
Mr. atid 3tra. Walter Gelersert of
Kitchener „Vent the week -end with
Mrs: O. A; Edwards, „
Mr. and SO. Oharlea Ferguson and
alien uon returnee to Sudinirr Mon-
day after spending the pest week With
,Mr. and Mrs. W. Vergueelle
Mrs. A. Di Barr of:Windsor and Miss
E. Howie of Toronto are the guests of
the 3lisses
Rev. and, Mrs. F. IL Paull of 'Wind-
sor were the votes of Mrs. N. W.
Woods over Thursday ttigkt.
'Miss A. L, Gower of Toronto is the
gueet, Mrs 3. 111,„ 'Howard.
Mrs. , A. G. iledgine, Mee Mabel
%Aetna and .Prot Lloyd Hodgins of
Toronto. and Mr. °eel' Hodgins of Los
Angeles„ California, are at their cot-
tage oft the Terrace for the summer.
dote were the guests of the fernier's
blether, Mrs, James Ferguson, over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ile and soh
Brian and eleettain, Wideombe of Wind-
sor &Pent, the week -end 'with Mr, and
Mrs. C. Widconibe.
Judge J. and Mrs. Stanbury of St.
Oatextrines and daughter, Mrs. Me -
Portland, and fewness of jeindoni are
egehelng ,a few Weeks at their cottage
'here. .
--efr. Will Cameron, of Detroit spent
last e week with ,bie sistere Misses
Elizabeth' and, Mildred Cameron. Mr.
Donald Camerokand daughter Ethel,,
of Detroit, also. were here for the
week -end. They all visited relatives
at laneaNine iSaturday. •
Mrs. S, rogeon and daughter, of
Essex, are at their cottage on the El-
liott -property, -
Mr. and Mrs. ,C, .Quarrie had as
, their guests over the Week -end Mr.
Robertson of Detroit and Mr. Wnai Mc-
Keon Of OfielPlii " '
Miss Nancy Orr of London was the
guest of Mee Doris Stevens over the
week -end., • es,
Mrs. Charles Burt and two children,
Mary Mien and Arthur, of Alliston;
Mrs. B. Cooper:, and daughter, Phyllis
Mary, of Toronto, ,tind• Miss Mary Ken,
ner of Stretford are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Orr 'at their cottage. "
Mrs. J. Btirsond of Toronto is visit -
(Notetbatted from pito 3)
eidee that inewaptital will be alloWed
fOr eviteuitted children tacit by 40ast.
*Wen eltions Meter the Governments
aponaoreil eclitme. (The Coneriona de-
cided. that, retteer thee that ouch, ebilds
rep, bt ealied "evaenecie or "refugees,"
Alley be alled "sliest thileren" Abe
suggestion ot this, dealgliation Nira* made
by Arthur Slaght, Parry Sound.) Some
membera thought the- aillowatuee uU in -
keine tax should be made in conueetion
with all &neat children; not only those
taken -through the Government. Mr.
Deley pointed 'Wit however, the Gov -
eminent had elWees drawl the lirte, as
to lucerne tax exemption, as between'
chtldren, telly adoptee tied others just
livieg with taxpayers without being
formally adopted. The point 'may be
pressed 410tin
Mews and Resources Minister T. A.
Crerat, W,ho is in charge of tbe arrange-,
melds, told- , the Commons that 3nOrt
than live times as many Canadian
homes had' been offered than will be
required for the number ot childreu
the Britielx Clovernment hag ''yet in-
Acatee‘wel come QUt Ile' deprecated
the suggestion that anything 11140 100,-
000 Canadian homes will, be needed •
for such, 'children,. Just recently there
taro, beeu cabled reports that the
Beitieh. (fovermitent alley 'modify eta
earlier plans at. to the neetbers of
cbilerento, be event to Vaiteda, but,
officially, eit information en that point
has...yet been %leen In Parilaraent.
*--:(Intended for last ..Weeli).
Martin attended the school held for
judges at the 0.A.0., Guelpla; a week
Peoent . vrilb Mr.; and 1.frg.
Arthur Cook were Mrs, Allan Mac-
.tkuley-, Ripley; , Mrs. Alex: .0aMeron,
-Detroit; ;• Mrs. Aligns .Grabam and Mrs,
ArchieMaeTtityre, Itixdoss.
' sir, and Mrs. 'Gordon Jamieson and
familys-ande Mr. and-iefrit.-W.' Martin
.and tamllY attended a fatailY reuelon
:penile at Tees'Wetersee July,14. There.
were 160.eleetttendeetse.
Mr. 44. Wraith; • .14ingei:Oes, iment the
week -end With his Aster, Mrs. L. Stein.
SUP 'Catherine, MacDonald, Lech-
-9.vhg visitor With her,.
Oster, ()eland 'Iticharde.
Mr. joins. Marten hag, been -re-engeged.
to teaehet Ne I Gederieh, tette-
(laitended for hilt weela
Wiferril0140, July 9.---1110*
Taylor 14 vealthig at the home of leer
*mat, -111* Miami. Smell of Undo.
Mrs. 'Wm. Vettnersill and family, of
Leutietabore, were recent vistitorav at the
home of Mr. and Ira. Ale& MeDowell.
Mr. and Mrs, j. Vox- of tecottville,
Miehiau were gust* holt week at the
ileum) of 'Mr. awl 31r*. jelet Vineent
Mb* Lois Sisley, of uear Listowel,
holidaying at the home of her grand -
Mother, Mrs. 3. E. EMS.
341a* Ituth Wilson and Master John
Wiloon of Mob= ti
vialted with 3fr. an
Uwe R. Vlueent
Mrs. Allee Tyeneau of Lege/been,
apent led week at the home Of Mr,
and Mrs. W. 111. anti Mr. and
Mrs. Andereon.
• Ratienol RegiStriti011,
,.$1dional,„registration Will take Plaee
about August 14 and
four days to eteePlete. Eighteen ques-
tions will be aeked each ,citizen abtere
sixteen Years et age, penalty will
be proVitled 411. whe fail to register,
and, later, 'each eltizaan will have to
, .
carry' bis registration card At least
ore. registration offiee will be provided
for each pellhig eubeivision as cent
dueted for general election purposes.
Miteh'yoluntare• werks the elevernment
hopes, will cut the'eme regi,$tration,
-elihe -Foreign- Exchange-ControIRotird
has sent out instrueteses .te, banks that
no money can be made, available for
Penedities wishing to go -to the Vialted'
Stetes. pleasure -InirPeses 'nab%
Legitiniate trips to the States for °busi-
ness, health s or emergency reasons will
stili be Permitted'. •- Canadians have.
spent in the. past around 116 Million
dollars annually at; visitors to . the
States; it is hoped to keep the great
bulk of • this at hen* ' war -time.
"Canadians are 0 -.Wing *hat they can
titste remarked 001. -Ralston. "-
thing .they can de is not ' seek to go
to the States to spend their. menet' there
for ,pieastire
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Potter of *Sarnia
and Mi. and Mr% .4. Neabit of Auburn
treated On fiunfley with Iftra. ;LIZ Wilite
Meier*. 3feDowell, liellealit
• Dewell and Gereld were recent Ioeution
visitors. e
Vialtors at tile *WO of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Campbell on Suuday Were Mr.
Jasper Marten, Mr. wad • Mrs. 'Wm.
Miller and babe, Of ;Cioderigh.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker of Toronto
were recent viaet4rtS et the home of Mr.
and Ore. Emmerson. Roeeere
Mime Dorothy and Norma, Nethery
of Hatallten are 'Flatting :with 40. and
Mrs. Fred 3. Cook ane ether frionda.
• B.N.4. Act '.1i6014.
. ., ...
AI -
Mr. King 'remora(' to the 'COmmens
on Thursday- that he Pritish. Parlia-4
ment has aPPrOIT 4 ' the lletessarY
aMenclinat to thee) tithes( North Anter -
lea Act plating uneniPloYment Maur-,
slip, with an increase . ill salalii. M.s ing ber metherv-,Mrs. W. D. Stevenson, epaueeereeniolfreItheWithOitin. throen111Pri4arviliteatmiTeat!
two entrance pupils passed their e5FAT4,1- this week at.their cottage ,here.„,, Aetually, it took the Britiab Commend
Ina:time wite first-clateis honors. ' Amongst ' those who are odeuraing only,, sixteen minutes ,to approve the
0=014' 61.4--03loo' rks' Astrtetill'nlede645tlike ,arlun'elil_ra_ri and Mrs. Pemberton and familY, Mrsse also disposed of it with promPt des -
their cottages in the village are:. Prof. eeteedinente while the 'House. of Lords
ofe-the..tormer's brother-in-law,seettes-tegesston -awe' -Mr. . 4.-- Rolfe, Mrs; Ate spestofies „swee bers-wile•lie-introdtzted
David Huston, in emote* on 'esuesdae. Ashten 'and 'fainilyi ' Mrs. , Temp/man soon. The Ontario Government • hoe
afternoon. ' and ems Mrs. •W's Cotton and Mrat aunounetts intention of-ttaking. oft
Master Donald Cowan Of BlytiCia
skelidaYing' at the home of his ,unele,
saryin' mopowo.
A number from this vicinity attendee
the memorial service at Brandon eeme-
teIWItelgritte;Vie'Stindifyee -
Mr. W. H. Cempbell is visiting it the
time of Ills son, Mr, Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. ,,GOrdon, Smith and
'ar ea. 7,114.
ot .40wit
ha sod Worlootanablw
Cunningham Pryde
14,1i•ETER ' 84.8101tlen
rhone Teeisdayok StitUrdey
who knew her, and her death at au
earlY age is a great loss to. her hus-
band, relents end fetollY. ill addition
to het bereaved huthand ,she leftvess
her Parente( tour sisters and threa,
breeters. ger three btothers and threat
itrothers-kebses Vele the body to ite last
resting place Colborne cemetery on
Wedneedar afternoons 3rd,
M the presence of a large
aumber Of 'eeletivets neighbors,
'and friends. Itev.. (4., Hazelwood cen.
eluded the funeral aervice,, Tee,flower-
bea.rere were her eight cousins. A,Pc0-
fuslon of flowers was eent to the
homes ' The deepest symPathy
is extended to all bereaved ones. Thoae.
here trent:1e distariceeettending the
funerel were from, 'Llatevtels names,-
ville, Stratford, Eiteter, Beeeliville and,
(antettded for last week)
DOZeklebeltOOK, July 9. -7 -Mr. and
home -
babe, wet. :xnetteletemieresh.; 3. L. on
11)1(11: rv?.b33:(iSeir:Ilstst,:eY±: av(171c,toalbushosn4Yo'neh.are Plia"%k4;
Mlss'Ma.bel atom= of ateeerieb Miss 011ie • Jefferson, RA., of
•Niagar,a, Falls, is speeding her vaeation,
visited on Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. gataig
Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Daub of Brant-
ford. and Miss Ade ietaelthouse of Blyth
eyere.'guesessort ISentllay_ at the home of
Air. and Mrs. Win, MeDewell. •
Word was received on 18;164,44' of
the death of . Mr. Fred' MePhereon 'ot
elamiltkee, formerly 131v:tie...wee was
quite zeal known in this 'district
10, and Mrs, .Norman MCDowell and
ttaildien.visited on ' Sunday with., Mrs
and Mrs, Harold iStaxibUry of Auburn.
Congratulations are - 'eadended \ to
Phyllis Cook and Bettie Taylor, Who, re-
;Deetroallivw43(;:41:1.--e-w**414*7; eeelilitetrivedh°°.:1:eeetin‘4 14131.1tirthrittaY1)72;illueli•
ors, and Ralph Rodger, Arnold. Pool;
and toOtOtWr. 140ittiet• "9740' else, were
'suecesefill-in:Pasiliiik -their entrance,
Mr; and.14-ra:lason Ellis, and tamely,
Mr. and
on Sunday' at the.'
home Mr,, and Mrs. ;storman .Rad-
ford. ., • - .
Auburn 41isitelidr's ouria4r1114rdviCainlilliatt the
home of Mi. and. Mrs. waiter 000k: .
'TlieC senior quartette,. Messrs. • Win.
McDowell,. • Alya.„..,M_ eDoeewell, *4.4 NE42,,,
aecieetlaitlaiet .Henry,
panted. by Mee Wee-Matitwells:assisted •
in the program -at tbe garden party at
-Pine River, on'Mlearedee: utglate,. ssee.
. Mr. ' anti. Mrs. W. Campbell and
mias Wineltred were guests on Sunday
at the :home of Mr. ane Aim., prank
TaMblyn; fif,Bullett tOWriship.,
-Mrs; Jason _pills and child-,
Meter, lira* X.A.."1/ari. and daughterss relief 411'1 Iteillessof twst eersOne- be-
• ....
efreile. AikeIditiA and fierrelltertlirs. cause of the tnaproved'empleYMent situ -
O. 13, eimpesen and son, Mr. and Mrs.
(Intenett for last Week) . W. Robinsim and faimily, Mrs: • G. S.
scuBmArniErro.Ni &Lair. "and Aticin•Son .and daughters, London 1. Mrs.
Mrs. "Wm. NYilson of Midland 'Visited 13, Bauer and' family, Nitaterloo• mrs.
MI6-47kt, Churchill, ,Mrs. Cree
Mrs, , Thos. Bogie.,
sisveis,ilienseeterite,teoteteeeetseeso-;ts -4,--:"EPeter---7auttlianghters;rifikra'rford4
lou.. and lees.
Anderson ,and,,, son Clinton; Mrs. Wm. - Greig and fandly,.
.3"weirthry,i-trofs:, os
,Aerriehte„r.visit!d, on Stinday of jamis- stirrintr_word was
Evis:iltreesd: '17taelladdae yr 7wtithdt.iirs,irtbeti. .rClitteitvbof711beilhicashtb,71tgewideir auto 1_14,1/Sertciirnrieinirdgu"lii
Mr. mid 'Mrs etobt. Resing, IShirley 8411.1t 'Ste; !stark WSPI:t'al Monday,
f s
thnt the July Sth. Although „Mr. Stirling had
and Kenne, owindsor, pe
-Weeksene with the forther'sbrother,' notsbeen.in.g•Scid,heeltbs death came
. as e ehoelt, to many.. )1(e ,vtee Ixere
Mr. F. Rising.. " •
;Itb-rV'' Wattba:. with a of tuttel'-riihilenieb,htfetr:ellrintirStZlItt
boys front Merlin is camping thie week at the 'Boundary Beach. tied which Marked the hundredth ens
The tommunite extenda sYmPathy to niVerearY, of -the emigration of the
Stirling family.,Iroin , FOr-
Mr, %lhos, pougherts, and familyCarnoustie
the li
fiti. . The' deceased, who
lossof a sister, MisSLouiateresScoan
se Dougherty.
viraiihe eidefitt eon ef the 1,ate Rebecea
The fermiers of the distriet are all a born
busy hintying., It Is a tamper prop thig and William etirling;eva
year; . , tin the old Riding homestead hi the
lefts I'steiell McMillan as an ,ettacks
'et Plentisye wish lier a epok to Pleatterd, Web.; *here gq inane from'
teceverees -this district' settled-, in 1. s - He took
•up land and farmed, until' he retiree*
and .y.o.oved, into Pi:Orford.- -Be was
married to MU* Jennie Beacom, daugh-
- ter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. James
(Intended for lett week.) „, . Beacom, Goderich tovvnehip, who pres
IOLA' Jule O. -Mies :Enema •Snell, deceased him In IOW. ,Surviving are
Toronto, is`visiting with lier father and 4tuol),(1.47,0u#111„tikt
daughters, 44utiby,(Mrs.aaee(Mrs...H11to
.her Suite, gfa. T. Nixon. , •
We ere glad to report that Mrs: Rest! , Odalinagelheste:rie, ,altlineriltOttriu)de, (Bmarys. Cintyo.'warAd
Briazikaught), predeceased himein 1924.
,He is also survived be eight sisters and
fur -brothers,). A. of Geeerich town-
ehip, Williain of Halt, Alta, Jobe
aux!- :George of Pickfor Mich.', Mari
Imes, Donald Me.tenzie;',.MisSes A. me
and of Bayfield, . Jessie (Mes,
Loree) of Nanton, Alta., tuella (Mr8.
, H. Wallis) of :TYA.rey, Sask., Charlotte
(Mrs., Hugh Mebane)). Of Port Elgin,
"Rebeesa (Mrs. johnstoe). ot'St. Igeacet
Atieliesitne. ;Sadie Ottra. Orawferd>, .of•
Picfkford, Miele This Is the firat.deatti
in the family since that of et sister,
Susan, who died -in 802.
11 1,
ation. This seem -will eitt Use Federal
lier home here, . •
Miss Margaret Je,fferson spending
this week with relativeS at Moffat .
Mr. and .Mrs, Clarence .elinera and
seliteeloeleillieyd-ofeLondon -were re-- •
cent visitors at tbe home of the form,.
er's uncle; Mr. J. Robinson,
B. Chamdey anci sense ElWins
Graham, Steart and Gorden', spent
-Sunday with Pte. Herman ChamneYs
Camp Borden., •• •
Mrs.. Jefferson, St, unit' ales Irene
7Yeffe'rson went to OWOJI•Sound onSkems
day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon
'jeffees•oe bee:we leaving be boat to ,
:Visit with Mr. and elre” jee jelfersell
at, Kenora:
„relief load, afg Of eanne; the:Stead" ren, 44:Settforth, were week -end visitors,
lly improving condons with regard to at the 'hem° ef Mrs. 3, E• 33`1118'
employment with, Canadian industry _ YouPg:PeelOeieetrrThe met
.becitsolostit eietifiretuie.ff,,,wiethigeastitsitse ,seee-Neednesdayeevetengewithestweety
AtePheei who has been erttleally ill in.
„the, Goderieh lemeiltals has so much
prov;ed that she 15 able to be out' and
isetaeing with her tiuii 15 Oodetich.
• Mr. and, Mrs. ' Albert Thayneand
children, .of Tor:mute, are eleitieg her
permits, Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Mr. ' *m. 'Watson is laid. up with Ill-
ness, We hope for a 'speedy recovers'.
Richard ifervithinney is trying
to ,ntake life more pleasant and work
easier by inetalling, hydro and an eleee
tric porde
Mrs. Harry 'Ryan, of Megaton, is
visiting her sinter, ''111:8; 'D. uorbee.
city, • •
Justice -Minister Lapointe indicated
conaideration is being given to the
banning of the, Canadian 'Youth Coles;
greas assail, illegal organization. • • '-
Fiend* Liner fit Canadian Hands
Parliament heard vvith. satisfaction
that the ..French merchant. liner
Pasteur, of .30,060. tons, is safely. inAlie•
hands of the Canadian navy at Halifax.
Atter a conference hero between uni-
versity authorities and the Defence
Department, it was announced that the
universities' Will drop all their inter.,
collegiate sports for the duration of the
War. !Special steps will be taken by
the universities to eipand their peace -
bine officers' training eourses? to give
the Military training as prescribed
under theMebiliza,tion Bill,
• ,•Arsonnel.-of•the Allied -Supplies Ltd,,
under the ehairinatiship -Of ran.
Charles Dunning, to handle the muni-
tions and explosives production ordered,
by the British Government -in Canada,
was announced this vyeek. .
From British eitrietement sourees,
it came's:tut this week .that 6,70.0 Gets
man prisoners and enemy aliens have
been or are being Sent to Canada for
internment here. . •
Mr. Xing told the Coitimons that four
Canadian destroyers, ineludink the
Fraser, which was lost ,recently, are
now serving in European waters with
the British na,vy. • .. .
A: British-produoed motion pieture,
49th dealing with Canada, is
to ,be comPleted shortly. Raymond
Massey, suited Canadian stage and
movie actor, will play the lead es a
Canadian fe.rtner. Elizabeth Bergner,
Anton Walbrook and Leslie Howard
rilso..are sepposed, to befit the produc-
tion, 'which Will 60 shot this Ammer.
11:4011141 IOC) P
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Grattan% ROOPO
SUMO) Station MOM Xd
COMPARISON in filen,' r;cp
five present, The.Meeting• was led by
Mildred Thornton, With , Wentifred
Campbell et the plate. The ,Sertpture.
lessen wee. read be Jean McDowell.
Peayes by Rev. 11. O. •Wilson -followed.
A reaeing, "Life's Book;" was, given by
Fern MeDoWell, and a solo by Rev. H.
O. Westin, - accompanied by -Vivian,
Straughan. The topic, "interesting
People," was ereseuteeby Misi 'Mae
Wightmae of Blyth.• `2",,TIse meeting
dosed 'with the Mistiah.beisedictien.
Masters Vletee. and Cecil Cempliell
visited -last Week' with 'their grandisar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.' A. E. Johnston of
West • Wawanosh.
' Experience, the gee -at -est of all tea,c1x-
.erss is in duty bound sto - -.Speak anoi *
`spread -her, wisdoin,--Jolin „liersent
Rbolides. '
Prime Minister's 'Offer to Opiosition
In announeing the Cabinet reorgan-
ization, Mr Kln 11s-tee:over 250 prom-
inent Canadian businessmen, iedustrialites baukers, lawyers, •ellartered ite
emmtteits, engineers, etc., wee are now
working for the, Governmeet, as ex-
Perts,-en speelal wee work. The prime.
Minister invited Opposite:1n Leader
Hanson and non. Grote Stirling, Valet
ILO., one-time Meister of National Thu
fence, to alt in as 'assoelate ,members
ot the war' tommittee ,Of the Cabinet,
or, failing that, to attend Weekly eon.
•ferencesewith the War 'committee, If
the •asscielate, meraberebip suggestion
were accepted, Mr. Xing said,- he would
consider asking' the leaders of the 0.0.
F. aud ;Social Oredlt groups else to act
In a similar capaeltY. -
Mr. Hanson and Mr. 'Stirlingrejected
both suggestioes. To sit as assoeiate
• members of the war sonuthittee, they
held, would involve respoxisibility with.
Idlart)61;*err-'ejeeTtelltd ovvn.thkleYg:o6uAntit
would be given: "eonfidentittl" infortna-
tion Which would hamper theni in dig-
tharging their' duties. as constructive
, critics of the Government. Mr. Cold
well, aoting 00 h leader; and Sohn
Blaekmore, 'Soeliel Credit leader! took
a shriller position. •
Mr, Xing expressed regret that-13°th
ideas were turned down by Opposition
leadere. Ile indicated, however, be
• would continue to inform Mr. Hanson,
,on ocettaion, contidentially, of govern-
(entensled foe last week) A,
• ladEBUIM 41111— 9.-10.--aid-3irs-
James Horton and son Ted,. and Mrs.
Rod Bogie attended the rotteF -picnic
on July 1st near Dublin.
Mass .Ruth Itiliew and Miis jeee
Hunter; from Toronto, are home for
the holidays.
•_ Mr. Jobe, .Hunter Was home from
Guelph on Sunday. • •
Obituaryeerehe people of this vicin-
ity were shocked and deeply grieted. on
Monday, July est, on learning of the
death' of Margery Evelyn Eiortonetivife
of Mr. Charles Moore„,of ,Listowel,
Whish occurred that morning at the
Ctoderieh „Hospital. itire. Moore had
been ill for -seven weeks, having 'Under..
gonea serious operation; and when
thext"was eope of 'recovery she suffered
It relapse and in spite of all that
Medical skill could do she passed away
to the Great BeYond. ...She WAS born at
Leeburn and had 'lived here anti in
Goderich all her life except for two
years after her marriage when she
lived at Listowel. She was the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. XiOraee
Horton., Thronghout her life she re -
tabled a warm interest la all ennobling
work arid she was an insiiratton to all
Cheek Discharges
From :the Bowels
, • Slimmer Pla is one of the tvo
• inz to cheek the -.unnatural "dits •
It has been on the market for the
past entiejw"Yanelstra4 sttlriedsrerawhY Meedieernftuwitht
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' =Meal matters, vvhieli he felt' ;should be-
:eouveyed to lein as ,Opposition leaders.
He remarked that the 'attitude taken
by the .Opposition leaders altowee the
Government 'weld not eope to share
its resPonsibility without iirst having
an aPPea/ to the people. This was
takee to mean lac would. not move
• toward national government without an
election. - He thanked Mr. Hansen for
Itis helpful ettitude this session.
J. R. Wheeler
ingiroa!thtleauta"tenriatthg . Get t • mi;
riteee :f
t apes:14
eor:buyinul, Cemetery
AU work guaranteed.
Clinton Ontario
.Successor to Ball & Zapte
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Ambulance Service
Phone 120
FLOYD Mi ‘LODOE; Direekr.
• runeral Director and Embalmer
All calin Prentptly , attended to
day or night
Phones: Stork 33$. Itea,, 3861;17.
Heaton Street, GoderIch
Dignified, but not Expensitte
TusratAta Host
24 hour krona Car Servite
17 Montreal St. Phone 399