HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 4444.0•444.114
111741000111`,V /OM OE MAGNISSIA. DENT,414 COMM
Woolloury's Shoats* (Tar, tlietile or Cocoanut Oil) - . ..
Wisodbeirei.,i Brilliantine Or Hair Woes ....... ....
• Value
BATIIING CAPS iieWlaite and Assorted Colors.. 25e---29e----39ees-49e
SWIMMING SANDALS Small, *ed. and 0,26 pair
PANAMA 'mum 4I0E CLEANER Won't Rub Off 6 -Oz. bottle0;ikle.
Campbeirs Drug Store
Phone 90, •Goilerich
• ,
rslihe tor T,SI nal4Star.
—Are we not te have anY bend
e'eneerts this:",-'SsuniMer? If our ovvrt
bend is disorganized. bands;
froui Outside towns be engaged tst:41.ve
voneert (gtee-,a, week' on the Square?
We ere not, doing Mueh,for our visiters,
And if we want to. Iteep up the' reputa-
tionGoderich. a$, a. Summer resort
Some entertainment must be prodded.
believe that Clinton is leaving a series
C'WeertS‘ hylianag-treriiiilith'erfeWne.s
ThO season is getting- on, and quick
etetion is called for.
Before You Insure
C ale der ation
One of the World's Great
Life Insurance Institutions.
Renowned for Strength,
Service and Security
Since 187I.
Tho if.eld day and pienie of the, Unveil
Vrnit iGrowers' Assoelation. te. be held
on Wedussilay eext, July 24t14. at
8,10anerest Runs, south of Porteee Jill!,
promises to be a essia day for the
whole dietrict. Mr. and Mrs.,
Smith, owners of the beautitql orchard
and farm property, invite all, whether
particularly interested in frnit-growing
or not, to bring their baskets andjoin
in the picnie. There will beldenty of
; entertainment, ineluding binge and
moving pictures, and concluding with a
dance. • ,
Ample accomanodation Will be pro-
vided in the way of parking grounds
pienic tebles„ eta.
AtiTGu0AN at/Inc u omit ps ..The Program:Will beein at .- O'clOck
. in the afternoon with ;in observation
-------- . trip through, the orchard, to be followed
Vo( Re Held at litintail ,August 6t1i1 bya, proeirun a sPorte. After the
' t'4) 26th ' ! Picnics lunet there will be musie and
. . ,
i'xile Sec0,14 annual chureh camps of I brief speeches. ,
4 •
the'Dlocese a Huron will open et itn There will be no admission fee, and
tail, -on Tuesslay, ,Angust-6.
, The first period Will be for' boys•and
giels from nine te fourteen' and will
run ntfl Thursdays Augnst , 15. Rey,
D. 3. Cornish, a Port Dover, swill be
-dean of the camp, and be as-
Graliem, Itev. John r a , .
Walter Jones and Bev. j. H. Geoghegan.
The second. period will be for. young
proceeds from' the' bingo and other
gamee will be shared witn the e e
Cross. ' '
Setaudaxy Eduiati.on 'Costs Thiron
ss'ieted-sby-Mrs.---Asesevesrealcler,e. ss. s...--,„es.$4,001),„Messisenelisaketsnate
IOV 011eqUes totalling '346,232.44 iave
Just gone out from the °Mee aA H.
Erskine, County Treasurer. They.
people -and-, will run from. Saturday,
August IT until the 26th the dean to be
Rev. Terence Finlay. Who Will be as-
sisted bss. Rev. John L. Duncan and
Revs J. A. Watton. These •unable to
attendfor'ten days may register for a
Week at either camp. Parties may also
'attend. for week -ends. •
Last yearthese camps were held for
represent County grents to eollegiate,
high and eolith:elation sehoces for the
education ,of pupils' residing "outside
the respective ,school areas. The Cost
of secondary education, has risen. over
one year ago, owing chiefly to the addi-
tion of manual and Mame econemic
courses to the earriculum. PayinentS
one week onlY, bUt thee' Were so success- made ,this year and last were as fol-
ful that it Was decided' to hold them' lowe;
,this yearorten days. The registrar
is Rev. Jelin „Graham,33Ytield, who
reports that registrations are being re-
eeived in e,veizsr .Those intending
to be _present in. Aeguse should register
• wit13,out further oray, it is POnted •Out.
The Vietorla ifelpere-OIasi.,. Of Vie -
torte. street United church held its „ree,u-
lar monthly meeting at the hoine. of
Miss Hazel Ilawitiris, with the presi-
. dent Charges,. After the business part
a the'meeting a quilt waS quilted and*
gePresente01— Ivo ILIARRY FORD domited•by the class-afthe Oed Cross.
• Csederith . A dainty lunch was served. on the lawn.
o ta Cheese
j, A. Snider, Phone 242W
1940 , 1939,
Gaderich • 7,651.84 • S441815.29
NV -Ingham-- - -5,340.60 Al:, 0-
Sea.for .. 0,040.06 5,417.27
11.1reter • • 7,822.89 5,268:06
Clinton _ _3*,._105.,58 7,786.55
Hensel). 1,M.97 --/.740:10
'Wroxeteis . . .. 1,562.81 1,521.11
Blyth 1 25079 , -L481.81
Brussels 1,835.25 ..-1;441.11
Fordwieh 1,468.25• 1,491.12
Clifford •M.36- 426.90
St. Marys..
105.95• 1.81.02
• 825.67 4,336.01
2,3.56.65 2,816,14
'257.13 309.93
• 375.11 626.94
146.25 • 80.65
• 43,00 -48.85
47.69"_ 35.43
• ,232.44
- Goderich Orangemen took part in
the Twelfth. of July demonstration at
Harriston, where there was a large
gathering estimated to num.ber nearly
10,000. •Other lodges from, this district
which celebrated at Harriston. . were
those of Blyth, Londestroro,
:Varna,- Belgrave, Brussels, •Clinton,
Auburn, with many others from Huron.
Perth, • W'ellington . and •Waterloo
'counties. • '
This: is real sale, that really 'Saves you money. Customers that know
:values are remarking ,this fact—and buying. We have deposits made on
goods in this. Sale, to hold them until Christmas, when prices certainly won't
be the• •
See for yOurselft-and. 'compare our prices with. any in all Ontario.
Bed; 'chiffonier, vanity -Different grade covers, but
'dresser and bench, water -fall ,all have wood or chrome
fronts/. 11v041111t 'fill-4AV large =me, spring faled
tilting mirror, hard -Wood -
throughout,' Drawer and cusbi. !ns. .a."114 guaranteed
compartment space. Reg. springing.
$62.00 PRICES START 22,50
• STUDIO00IT011 in Velour.
Fancy wood anis, back,
spring ,ined ‘mattress and
cushions, walnut Chain; tO-
chafr in ,mullberry.
and cla,ir in, green—Reg.
$58:75. S pieces.
SAT -LE $46 00
SOY. PRICE, 49.00
1/2,, dozen to choose, from
New Tri -Light Floor 1..,ampsL.—Firi...
jshes old gold„ Royal gold, nu4ian,
and ivory and gold... Hand tai1or.e4T.
silk sha,des. . Special sale price a $185
Many styles, shades, some with, bas
light.. Beauty that saves the eyes.;
Values in Sir'ing-filled Mattresses
and Springs you won't duplicate for
„ -
years to come. ,
A jarke-price range to choose from-
• MIRRORS Our Baby Furniture prices
New,. designs in plate had will settle many 0. yourc
crystal glass. lents— gh, Chair — nos—
Folders and Prams' always
Pre-war prices on ill 'reasonable.
Folding Canvass Chairs, all styles--.
Some with foot rest and canopy.
Several grass rugs in odd sizes.
All wood chairs.; All steel chairs.
- $1.15
furnitUre.too nimeious to Asti.
seParately — Tables, smokers, table
lamps, 'coffee tables, table Mirrors,
Magazine-- ricks,- tea -44gens; 'halt .
trees*I-.;'— All reduced' in pri,ce — All
(1460 furniture.
• 'Walnut , Ideetliot-Colie -
DEM' used—re4ipholstereat in, good
$6045 sh4e.
One only Axminste Carpet -1944 pattern 9x101-41
start aS low as $54.00.
3 pieces.
These prices for 2 weeks only.—
Sale Ends July 21th
17 Montreal St. CralliStC011119S
Phone 399
OW* sad Young Itort's
Sport Suits
Popular Hopsack "Sport
Suits. Inerouter style with
-short sleeve Shirt and. two
button trim pockets, plain,
sbid with trousers to match.
.Blue, Sand, Beach and. Green
shades. Sizes small, meditun,
5 ,
:Phew:, 384 The Square
; Winners. in the evening tourneys 'of
the- e3oder1eh, liowliug *1.1.11.b.. tbe WA
." Week were f ,. .
. Friday-elst, P. Disset.,end W. Abell e
. 2ad, R. G. Santlerson. tind J. ISe.
slIse.kins; 3rd, Gee. Maellwan , and
I Stuart Robinson.
Mendasee-J. g. HiteltinS, and Earl
.Weduesdayessist, W. Doherty and Il.
WOod ; 2eid, .R. G. Sanderson and W
. i:, I- W.
In a mixed doubles on Tuesday even-
ing the" winners were: it; Miss Gladys
Shore and Mr. 3. E. IIncltins
Mrs. II. Murney and M. AI. 3. ;
3rd, Mrs,' 3, R. Wheeler and Mr. E.
Allison. A. special prize, a package a I
tea, was donated to the lady winners
by Mr. Dougherty of tratfdrd.
The men will play for the 11nrit
troPbY on Wednesday, July 31st...
— s
Jack Johnston skipped a winning
Goderich rink at Mitchell on Monday
night.. The other members of the team
were. Capt. J. Vickers, H. Sanderson,
and W. J. Biker. They won third‘plaee.
esTienctednrailSiLfii,yerA4tb-s:41146,1osymden,40troilielly, a.,.e0103,,._.
Campaign for Funds Ends Successfully r
the Maitland, Club. resulted in the fol.
„ 4, Theatre Performance ' lowing kbeing pitted for the first raiind :
During the regular performance at George jewier and J. II. Kinkead p.
the Capital :Theatre on Thursday even- Terry osisteipe- and Ted teente; Ray,:
in july 11, the Ahnieek Chapter,SI.O. Veen and Rey Hilton; lioward Pollock
D.E., held the• "draw" fOr which .tho and. Tom 'Pritchard; George Buchanan
and Dave Eassone, Dr. J. A. GrahaM-
raembers hab..been working diirin4. the
, 0 . and pr: N. V. Jackson.; A. IL Hockley
previous four weekS, s and J. A. Vanstone; W. A. Coulthurst
•The 04 Js LanestradiOufs- and C. Kemp; John Parson? and S.
ly thanked all these who lad generouS•••
-Catanach;- B. ' -jes Johnston and" Gus
ly contributed In making the under- ,y• ; II. 'W. Clarke and J. F. Gilles,
taking a• success., and expressed apprecis pie ; Boy Patterson and Stuart Henry,
Aden Of Mr. Sutherland's kindneie in, jr.; Judge T. Me Costello aud 0._ K.
granting the use of the theatre. -Mrs. Natel; Jaek Smith and F. 3. Curry;
Lane then introduced moor a. 3. A.
Vies -Elliott and Bob-Vrusee BrecesTene
MacEwen and his °capable little assist- nant and °I-1 C. Williams.,
nut, Mary Ann Arskine, who took over
the ireportent task of Makingthe draw, The resultS 'Of° the men's -Week-end
3stessMaeEsynneeseplairied to the andie •sweepstakee were: Ist net, George Jen-
enee the ,purposesclor.sViUlrtlie-underseilers'e2ndenete-Jsinleeseoetellos-ardenet
, - . Z., ., „ i 1
aking. had, been conductedenam.ely, the
-- Tom Pritelierd* 4th net Vic` Ellibtt •
local needs of the Chapter, butmore
'war -work; , including-, a .generouS Cens 5.-thelet,„ Ted Plante. s.
especially the necessity, of funds for
Th*14.1adys,_golters_ of the Maitland
tribution to the'Canadianenade Boling. .
Golf clap were', hosts to the Mitchell
broke bomber which the Daugh.ters of, Ladies' Club on Tuesday at an invite-
thesEmpire presented to the ItAI-4.F. tion affair held :here. Twelve ladies
at "'Ottawa on July 13, in the Presence from each Club coinpeted, Lunch was
of Their Excellencies the eGovernors
served in the dining -room ° of the Matt -
General Of Canada Earl a Athlone and, .
club,. house after the games.
11.101 • the PrineesS Alice, who made laInd
the presentation. - The bomber is to be - ' ' ' IICINTATL LADIES VISIT --
used by our fighting forces overseas. .
' I' ' - voivraws- rasTialuTp
Special prices for week 20th to
• • 150 Tablets - - 19e
300 Tablets- ...... $1.39
White Cross Toilet
3`Roils 2.5e
27t1 July taplusive
swim caps - • • • 15e "P.
Sun Glasses uP n
Drinking Cups .1, doz. le11t
Oillette Blue MAO
5 Blades with- one free %le
10 Blades with, two free - . 50e
5010%--. 90e $1.05
Insulin Syringes, Needles
'11:7"."Mt"Is V
SPetiall ... .4 •ealtes for '25e
' • AViiite 'Shoe Polish
25e '
Palmolive Shaving
• Cream . 290
Ingram's Shaving ,
Creani 35e
'Colgate's Slureing
• Cream 24,e
Dr: West's. Tooth
Brush, regular 50e
for 29e
• Writing Pad and
Picg. EnvelpPes
Films, Developing,
Adhesive Plaster
Wet Proof.
•wx2li yds. ....10e
, "X5 YAIS. 45e-
Vx5 yds...........
1147,4 yds.. .... 400
'--2"x5 Yds.
Latex Baby Pants
with rolled edge.
• Coty's Peri; Perfnme -
One drachm 50e
150 bottle ilalo
•Shampoo with Giant
Size Colgate's Ribbon
Tooth Paste, ... 40e
„Ant Traps
Quickly destroy the
. whole -colony--
AT;T#E, pRuegToit*
90. • ?hooe 40'
On behalf of the committee Mr. vcaa
Ewan .publicly • thanked Misses Mary
and Martina Hussey., Theresa- Delaney
and Maisie Murdoch for. valuable assist-
ance "given the Chapter during the
The ten lucky numbers were then
drawn, after which lir. ' Mac -Evan
_thanked his small ' assistant in the
name of the committee and 'presented
her with e box of eaudY and a con-
tribution ,in war stamps, after . which
he explained the .purpose and importe1 by stating '"What • I should like to
finee of the. purchase- Of-wweekamps,Ipessess when I am. sixty." As.silver,
and* spoke of the theatre night to be , Collection for lunch was voted for the
held in, 1200 A)pnitletesesinAtitung- the'
BedcrQss, , , - ' ',
Capital; Theatre, on July 15, Mrs. Jae.' Little; one -of the guests,
to assist in raising money for Canada's 1entertained with two humorous read-
-war effort. • . , ings, and Mrs. O'Connor gave .a pleas -
The cominittee in charge of the, draw, ing solo. Other nutobers were a duet
under the convenership of Mrs. Lin by Mrs. J. Moody and Mrs. C. Johnston
If.no,,. are to be congratulated on the and a solo lee Mrs. Reg. -Tufford. The ° ears COnveyed ..the ladies to Goderich
-!necess:',:.-of Aheir,I.undertakingi-z--,-..7,--, -roienseeswerees2deeoratelleltheeinall....
Prescntation to Mrs. 'Reg. TOffordp Wh�
„ Gohw te'liinetirdino -
The July meeting of the.. Women's
Institute was held, in elaeKey Hall
on Thursday, july 4th, and was a
partimlarly -happy -one,- the, logmbers
having . as their guests a number ef
ladles from the Kintail branch. Mrs.
IL B. Tichborne, preSident, presided.
Members responded to the eoll all
-1. ARTHUR; CHIQ.LE ,rxeme
• The July -meeting of 'the Arthur
Circle of Knox church took the form
of A picnic held en Wednesday at Ben -
miller,. one the picturesque- wooded
grounds overlooking the river. in the
afternoon the ladies and Children en-
joyed several .games, A three-legged
race for the children' ediised- --much
daughter, with Don MacEwan and Jim
Milne as winners, While'the ladles en-
joyed a. potato race with,, Mrs. Reg.
Tuffoid atS' 'winner and a bean and
straw race With Mrs. Arnold McConnell
.as winner. Gathering around e •small
campfire the 'ladies did justice- to the
'evening Meal, which - 'was in picnic
.style, it'fter which the president, Mrs.
Harold' Rivers, conducted the businesse
,After .the children enjoyed, e treasure
hunt with Catherine Cutt as winner,
• A list of the prizes and lut:ky winners
.1st,..1.00 lbs. granulated sugar—Mrs.
Clare.Baechler ticket No. 1150, 2,n5,
Pure wool blanket—Mrs. Verne Willis,
ticket NO. -1294. ardi TVirehty 'gallons
beautiful -garden bouquets brought by
fternoon tea was: served.
Mrs. Dalton of Kintail moved a vote
of thanks to thes Goderich bean& for
the pleasant a fiern-oWirthairfilitl en-
joyed. • . ,
gaseline—Mr. Edwin Dean, ticket No. ' On Monday afternoon° about thirty.
1099. 4th, Pure wool blanket—Miss members of the Institute met at Mac-
lielen Maelilwan, ticket„Vo. 1378, 5th, Icy Hall and quilted four quilts for
Electric iron—Mr. Bert Harris, Ita. 2, the Red Cross. A pleasant feature of
Bay -field, ticket No. 1776: 6111, Ham— this gathering was the presentation of,
Mrs. Joe Craig, ticket Noe' 745. 7th, a silver cake plate to Mrs. Reg. Tuf-
Hame-Mrss W.- 3. Davison, Lucknow-, ford, a valued member, who is leaving
ticket No. 1131. 6th, Hain—Mrs . j..W. „Galeria: to take up residence, at -Km-
Craigie, ticket Nos...1.061... 9t11, . Hants—, eardine. °Mrs. Girvin Young read an
Mrs. Fry, ticket No. 945. 10th, Ham— address while Mrs. Chester Johnston
Mis. Harold Turner, ticket NO.:1433. - n” elliL
will be in. : the
NATIVEOF GODERICH form of a picnic 'at Harbor Park.
jang..:17.ing.: OAR AOCIPITT
Mrs. Edna'Graitain Preston: of 'CleVe-
atiie of, Goderich was
(Intended for last week)
' Thefunerat of the -late Joseph Court- I
killed on Sunday, June pth, when her ney took place July 6th from his 'honk
autoinobile collided with . another ear to St, jolephrs ehurcle. Kingsbridge,
ten miles north of 'Munroe, Mich. Mrslaid was Iffrgely attended: Mr. Court-
Prestonswas returning to bet home at •ney waS In his 8iX1r-sixtir year, and le
Cleveland after a visit to her Sisters, survived by his wife, three sons, Leo, •
Mrs. J. J. Sterner of Windsor and Mrslired and Joe,' and four 'daughters;
Lindenfield of London. She Is sur- lin, Walter Judge . ('sFarie), of Jack..
vived by two sons living at Cleveland. soft, 'M ., ' e, nurses -4n -
Mrs. Preston was a daughter of the training 'in St, Joseph's bOspital, Tor
late Mr. and Sirs. ,r4d. 'Graham, old- onto, and Vivian, at present at home;
time residents of East street, Goder10., also by three sister, , . Mrs. 3. Bowler
For the last fifteen years she had been and Marsis. of 'Saginaw, Mich., and Mrs.
a dealer in antiques at Cleveland. The Frank Owens, of Fosters, Mich., and
and everyone. repotted most- enjoy
'able time.
Permanent Waves
$1.50 and up
• Alt Permanent' Mayes reduced
for.balanee of July
(Next Capital Theatre)
Wegt St. Phone 12
Large foreign granite stock to choose from A postea . will .briug -
us to youn: home l Freee transportation to can* office.
Williams & Son Granite Works
• 147 St. Patrick St. .Phone 1955; STRATFORD
, funeral 'service was conducted by Bev.
E. Lindsay Williams, also a native of
Goderiele who is rector of Holy Zpi,rit
Episcopal Phurch, ,Cleveland. , . •
-- -A- ls!- trio, .Eileen- -Bogie, Marjorie1 bearers _were Frank' JobnonW11
Gillespie and-13etty„ Smith, sang In fred Parrish, Philip .1logan.- James M.
the Garden' at the evening service of I Bowlers Michael Bowler and Joseph
,Knox -church last Sunday, giving the' Courtney, a eousin.
eongregation, Much pleasure, • • .
one brother, Miehaelsof Kintall. Those
from 'a distance attendieg the funeral
,were Mrs. J'e Bowler, and Bernard
Owens, a cousin front P111, Mith. TO.
all we extend bur sympathy. The inter-
ment was in St. Joseph's temethrY,
Rev. Father Quigley officiating. Pall -
The, two United 'Church cOngrega-
tIons will combine their serviees for
the holiday season. For four weeks,
commencing next 1:4unday, ,Ret i W, P.
Lane will. have 'charge, tile morning Pipers Dam, on Friday evening last,
service being.held in the Nerth .street mi.& held it surprise birthday.party for
ehurch and the evening service at Vie- him. The everting was spent in games
toria, street.
Young friends of Pte. Ilarold Melir-
ing, to the number of, about fifteen; met
at the home of Xrs T: Whiteman,
The death of Mrs. James 0"GradY,
_mother of Mrs. D. M. O'Brien , St.
David's street, °emir -red itt Mratilird the girls and boy, with 3 lovely -fan -
on Wednesday morning. Jain pen, and Mr. and ,Mrs.- James
Greenway gave him a pocket Bible.
THE WEATHER " ' Harold thanked them all Cor the -gifts
•*The temperatures for the past week as well us for the social evening,.
and for the corresponding week of last
and singing, after which lunch WaS
served by Mrs. 'Whiteman. Before the,
gathering dispersed Mr. Ed. Lithgow
pre8ented Pte. Mohring, on behalf of
year, as officially recorded; were as &NT ow-1)unit IN troWN
• • , Mr. Frank 'Simmons, an eid.time re -
follows : .1039 ident of GollerAch now living in Tor -
max. min, max. min. onto, was in town over the week-eng
,1;rhit.i.rsiu' '3;1111.2 i!... ......... . 14 1,,,,1 . 2 '',,,'elinietewh'bng'ia,fettluaa'an,,tyartuwiliftt171-t-twheo years
silullyy 134 4.,6073 ,.47 8074 6065 1 nagowo. wThhoenrte haerek nv:tirry, but
hlei v ifil 01 go iilide, • rea
moll., atily, . Ge3 number with whom be could talk over
rtio.t juts, 70 a 00 .47 old times and Wean the boys and girls
Wet, July 17 ,. eci• and older people of the 80's, •Ile had
Ibeen in 44oderieh several times sinee
noily men owe the -grandeur of their the family left, but his last visit pre.
to their tremendous, dietie1leiel:-1 vious to this time was twenty -live years
nurgeon, t ago,
• This great tire has the qualities
that have 'thade Goodyear tires
„- „fananus.for-long,.
mileage centre -traction non-skid
tread; extra tyvin protector cord piles under the tread and new
Supertvviseeod for btovvent protection!' Marathon is a big
mileage tire, packed with nioneyhsaving value. It carries the full '
Goodyear guarantee. 'Yet its cost is surprisingly Drive in
for service today.'
, 1
Thal Tube Is the Heart of Any Tire
For toP service from new tires, be hire
to equip titan with new, low.cost
Goodyear tubes.
°or:Kingston and Vi*ritt Stn.,