HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 2THE GOD AlIONAL, liptal-Star Pewit atiwited, eledeelele Otitatio *titles fo tereateuea igViSYAL et Brit** wItielt the Nazis fOndlY hoPe will vomplete their onquest of Europe, the Briti$U Prime Minister threw down the ehitileap to Germane., - "We obeli no ternis, we Shall tolerate ea •parleys. We may seow • snerey-T-VisbttU none"ask none" Hitler', Mr. Churchill pointed out, has not 'et -been. vettlistood by a great $00,tion. NVith, will 'poWer the equal of le , e own. litany et the countries Male)), - *eve beceute victims of be Nazi terror "%see beea rottee from within before tbey Were-emittett frdm without But • Li* etrttiiili people, lie declared, are " good eeelth and in good heart.' • "N'eyer berere, in the last War or * teetve we bad in elute ieland an *tray eomptsrable in quality, in equili- , ment numbers -with that wheel/ ...tettleitteelteretteattietletteleteitiateette These eflicere end Men, a large propo- titai et- Whom bare time. through the lest war, have the strongest desire to attack and, got to cleae quarters with f the enera, veherever be may appear. . Should' the *Vatter come to Britain - there will be no pleeitt. leine down. by Itbe Pee*, no submis_sion before 'him, " Sta Nire have Seen,. "Ales, in other coentries. • •'"We. shall dermal every village, t every town .and ettery eity, The vast *ass Of Pindon,itself, fought etreetby etteet,oata-0,47811rdeyour. entire hostile army,- and we would rather see. London Leid in vitae and asttes than that it should • be tamely and abjectly' enslaved.'" ,"ArOund"' all," Mr. " Chureltill eon - tinned, "lies the power of the, noYal. Navy, 'with over 1,000 armed ships under the ‘white ensign, Patr011ing, the Seastellieettareetethieteis eapable ,ot transferring. its foece veryereatilly to tee pratection Or any Part of the . . • , British Empire wield). mei be threat?, • Which Ls extexible else oe keetiing ,open,-Oer • eommunieitiens with the New World, from whom, a$ the straggle. " deepens,- inerease in aid. wili *tine." Is it not remeteable that .after ten months- or uplintited teboat - and atr attack upon' Our equine -fee our tood reserves are bleier than • they •hyre ever, been, . ant .we erre substantia0 elager . tonnage ender _ our • own,. Ba,. aeatt front great numbets or foreign 8111p8 a Ottr eontrol, thane wethad sit the . 'United Statee• bald; the determinattott tr of the fOunes policies in lila hands during' his terat or office, would It not be the Part ot wisdom for a supposedly aelt-governine people to elter the system which, it The Uoultor'e fears of tile eettleg up of something like a kiastap aro Well" toraelek evitably gives the destinies, or the people into the hands we an absolute monarch for .rour years, perbare tor eight years? • -If the Prealdent of the I:tatted Statee holes deteretinatiee. of '. .the counters policies, including its foreign. Pollee*, in bit bands, where does ,the direction or those polieiet bY the Amerlean people come ine At a party convention eittete for 4 feva days . at Philatielphia er Chicago" it willett the people" have about as Much voice as they do at, say, Party conventions in Cenada? "' • The PetiPle of the Prated, Statesit tseeniseteeekelteve---aneoppoetenityete. Prove that they ilte in reality govere themselves,* smashing 4 tradition that hes heitlehera, le boedage foe more than centarY: EDITORM NOTES ......••••••••., • aterseal Petain's Faseist France, we are told; Freud), children are to be trainee from infancy on.' the lines used eta.zi ',Germany', That would be France's uttermose,degradation. * " , Tallting about the home guards to be formed, the iSa.illord Sage ,says , that if be is 'allowed chelee'ef weapotte he ealli ehoose a ,eleb. , He says het would enjoy ereekang a Nazi ekull. beginning of tbe !war?" ereet-ea nte.iirwii? of 4,•&7#144,', YeATA ago, "Kea, Coal with Coolidge." priit:etTs: ;;;;b7 y or ef the Presideetethould be .re-noinen' tiled tiees. It is a war of Peeples and of we may hear the welkin' ring to the causes," the Pr'ime Minister continued. RePublieall sh°.4,t'.41/"sevel Riii".4/he .core are vast rjtiimixts„.• not9aiy, Republic,"' along with the Conquering . Wand, bet In eterY land, who erl' "WendellVillkie will Win." lut Aja. bity,e1 retheMber a_ cousin of my is theDemocratic slogan, father's 10 often -droppee in Cor Sure Winkle Wilt." Almost as conveicihs dee 'etaaieg dinner. Be , was banker as the Republican. war cry a some and a POMPons gentleman who , 8 looked. out from white whiskers, oer a wejl-fed stomach arid. Ate with ,, a emecentration test was Amazing:, After dinner he would- reach into his vest Pocket select cigar and then ,after biting end, off it . and lighting it . . . he. would dip in and bring one out for father. We used wenderfult,vhat a clever slogan willto sit and watth him smoke and •• be ••wul render u$ faithful Sett/lee ixt this CIGeltia Tide be called a eigar-smalie reverie. tualeit4 MIA ett ternoou — aud haviug teat ter, *a exeelteat exyo euse urs truly is iestelled in a tociang chair on the side verandah iiihaliog and evlialing •ou a tigar that an implemeet talesman left. "Wateiting the textoke eddying up in blue.grey magees . anti then gush - 1112 upt under the eaves to be Pelted bate nothiegness by the driving force of the rain . the idea Is sitJggested . "Why not write a eolnum - about 'cigars? ' Where and how they're 'made is for- eign to me. Cuba . . or Seine Strange,. far-off place. Wrapped by dusky, hrOwtesigineed men singing native stings as they rock back and tore' but eueuge Of that. Where's semeteine about a cigareirat ntekee men feel ireportaut It meat -be terowbaek to the days when all bankers amoiced stogies and the dasey gantblers with image thin cheroots and derbies stood inside -hotel. windows and watched the Parade of men and women go by. • • •, , , Have y4u ever noticed bow the amine of a agar lingers on. in a room? Walk into a room •aed notice that epse- tingling sensatien of tobacco, Savor, SIGN Carrot oa the u _ 1:111g OLLAPt• The liontlea Thee. Pulitiatela thettalt lowing teem its correepondent in Parise . • : - _ i*Wbitt how - tothis voeutaye" wipeout eskedn Warta the tender which was to take' us out from Bordeaux.. Tie 6anle question Mast haunt the rainee of 1111 whit lit4Ve. 1k4OW4- and loved Frence with her great tie& or Courage, intelligence, and pat-, riotisxn. No outsider has tee eight tti reerireination agalutit France in her 21011r of agoilte followieg a titaute struggle against, ,everwiteltaing Massec. of menand material. Before :settilte forth' the melencholy tale of, ithert- comings. bath the civil awl ealltliarY ettheres it IS the duty of any lair - minded oittiet rver to pay a heartfelt but wholly inadequate tribute to the PeoPle, :the real 'peoille Of France; The Wee wete reedy' to Oahe the people to suffet and -endure. But the tniptee$e leaeer- shiP Nieto liteklute The 'collapse . eente tem the top. Leek or foreaight, teak et iesponsibility, divided counsel, outmoded .military thittkitigt and, in one eases,. a total; inability to ilielerStaed what Nazi -Ger- many stands for and inteede-eall played their pert la :bringing 'Prallee to her *tree, 'Week after week ;meal failure ted, to material faibire ; material that niece eteristif would be *Ilowed ineepeseidome exittenee, Ttiey know better now—too late. Wee tuelt a tragedy eanuot obeeure tee -lama coolities tlie, Freud). people es 'Witole, though they thertioeivet 'admit that in part they are payiug for Years of itteitY and indlifereece to the manner or their governing. AlattY eivilians were brave beyond the asking. AN VIEW With the signing iof the Italian arm- istice Ftanee's humiliation is tomplete; her national existence Is 'given up in pawn to thetttesi dictators; her war Is over. And' tae whole- swift, appal- ling story, perhaps no aspect is Mote apt Palling than the utter collepse in -which telt end hag come.- , Sow tbe evelenee$ of this eollapte are pathetic, at who. a Cabinet 'Min- ister weo will ttot'eveit give his nem° ateuses the Braise , of violating a promise that they Would "uhdetstande the eurreeder. Some are bitter,' its when the Botdeaux ,government eash.- lers General de, Gentle for issuing a suro.roons to the sort of , resistance which contd. alone entitle any goverat meat of Franee to, the name. eome are fantastic, as teem Laval declares Abet Frente has "not lost, •rank as major power," thus seeking to exercise the overterovvIng trete that France -4 YonYou'llnatIee, ,too, hOssi, welders, will ,ellutereetea Wain moral resistance; sort the France ,of the oilichtist the politic-, ,et„trilLanCely,_,,P2ily,',.but_l_like the until at last the viaious eirele of defeat 'Wis., the atetty staffs and big business smell ,of a goodcigar," r, if they're' vtig-coltiPlettet`e teee - -mtarten leewsPaPettrtandt dipitimiteet- .1. ultrasophiaticated, they'll say "tbe odor tehett the war began Itraneewas of a good eigatte , , • still- in the :throes of Internal Political ' A. elear belegs. to tnitild What Auntdlt"atetneslocittuestaitidoon!more. a4hotgiiietrtitwas, Appleby always said. All her life she ea -meet a really' important man and. one had pized for the tlay when she could cianipi.riteciscotutto!wViboillanmat:tahvalliiiitsgtgian8eethaentifiarariliii,famyFortevnininehi. who would, keep her ett'nfort for the remainder. of her life. Then ;Tim her in suPPort. of Poland. The eight MeIlwale. tame . . with his shiny Inentha of-Moixttess' war.: that' drole de guerre, As the soldiers called it, traveller's case . checked tweed suit and his derby*.afl4l cigar lett the troops gruralgiug at their *- and , gold wateh-chain. .She was elete- activitta the generals ownfOrtablY the-MurPhY Emporium . • i and vlileed that their strategy—which had first thing the folks knew she 'was going ignored the Iesson'of Poland—was foOl- twitha"traveliing$.esthan9A:4a-PlvC4ant the o1itieians '4441y r" elalInshinyblaek taffeta and meek- 1- steei looking uncles with side -whiskers borelonga strong man, olobringlbe teades, to ocrudk 31.as down one her father and mother "deck -clucked" , and Aunt Appleby ateteleed into his Cabinet. as Minister teem all•tal with the one answer ofFinance—for thetlittle deputy for 'I kneel; by the smell of his cigar Parts had ehoWn tee much *1st= and .uuat he was a real gentleman:, Con!. .eburag6 to be Ignored. The to men arary to general propeety,ethey were "were never at :eaSe, with one another, and, When M. ateyeau.d'a straight pro - grant of work and sicrillee produced eomeelnevitable grumbling:, from the „selaslir.anie fainthearted, M. Daladier began preparing the ground for 'els ,remotaL A few days later the Nor- Wegian storm broke. M. Reenited was, uneasily , in thn Saddle, te be eayed for the mOM'iiit by theaCtieman on - sl -aught at Idaysate •.• On that dal- thewriter called on. M., Rep:teed and rice' ived yet -terther proof of . a clear -mindedness, Which, had it beenjotned to the ferocity of 'sent of a Cienienceau, would almost certainly, have ewehim the savior of his country. 1 found him greatly dis- turbed, and asked what was the matter. He tale -Metthat three orour days Were hello, With expert assistanee, gee -elite, the tonduet of the Freiteh operations in Noway and. had dis- covered extouglita eenvitiee elm that he zeouldno ,gi.Iter,rittala,Gehor41..04*144, as 'getterito7; summoned rather than Potting • a fellow a mile 'Married and , lived quite ea.ppily away with a gun. • • prince _Edward. Island his decided by plebiscite retain its Prehibition law, s, having by . dectsive. majority voted down A .Proposition for the sale Of -beer -and wine as beteragee. Ontarloitf•::arCd havng e glitaT,rs-leaelne treki Plight vote the same way in 'a plebiscite, your nostrils. �n the other hrtnitl, of but. teeTtees are not given an. op- a salesman gives you a cigar yeti" are portudity to express themselves in that !oo bust' concentrating on how te intoke . . • . withoet choeing, ancitreinein in ap- manner. too. • A.s a resttlt "trattelleig salesmen are held -in-Much higher esteem now. Ithati-torliler/T our -family; - Salesmen who ceme to sell farmers various articles are 'foolish to smoke eigere There's simply nothing quite as irritatinFartot-have ° tie sit .roxt a' p,ettrance as if. eon smoked one after • every meal, to concentrate on what he An: edho front the Chicaeo conventiew saYing. * • • "Wet -7,:,7-*---t''''''''taitteeltitt:tiatftWeetteMetettvaillettteeffebe known,' Whose deeds will never be sectirded. ,oThis 1$ a war of tee unknown. warrior. But let .111 strive, Without failing • in faith or ,in duty, and the dirk curt* of Hitler will be li'fied from per Age." • 'TS TES minim. STATES GOMIndi. BY TRADITION?' , we 'Write the Itemoeratie conven- tion, at 'Chicago het not Tit eltosen a Candidate for the pTesidential election, 10Vember, but it ia abundantly manifest that the only telteteele to Mr. .1teicieerelt's re -nomination: is the feel- -bag .4galust-i-thir& erxn. oete- veleta beyond 'question the outstanding Man int the public life tif• the Hatted States. /he Republicans thought so little or the presidential VI:abet-in their party that they turned down all the men Who up to .a fete menthe age had been recegnized a; the patty lead- , . ets and chose as their •eandleabt former Demoera.t who Is utterly' with- out expertettee as a legislator ot public *drainistiator. There.. are no doubt good. men, In the Denteciatie partY, other than ill.r..400sevelt,, available foe nomination, but to Oanadiane, net teestOmed to•teeing mee With exwrience pUblie life, valued for that very, 'txperience, it $tieras ,strange that any' *tan eltielid be laid on the shelf simple because of it etotont which. tlisbcomtt -experience, and the intimate enevaledge et affairs which -Must eonie to,..one who holds thet °fate of president for even one term.' The Bolitott, Monitor, liberatqatudea in moilteitings, opposes Mr. Itooseeelt's ne.noruination and states its belief that 'ea fundameetal eoiteept of self-0*cm- . ment le involved." To our meldit is not self-government that ties the people of the United tatates • to a tradition eetablithedGeer -a hundred. Teem age. In tbelr Werelte) of this tradition the people of the 'Vetted Stetea,lasteld-af - governing literaseliee, are allowing • themselves to be geretned by the deed heed Of the Peat. • letitting that no Irian, is hulisPertaable, The Monter argues: "We atereonvineed gait the governMent of the '11-nited ineleding ite foreign potter, tit* and ahoule be beyond aetermituttext by One Man. We believe, , the baffle direetioii ef polley ten And, Will be net by the American, people .° The Wolter is Afraid feel * third tet* trotild &eel* late * &mod for "Pier. aortal rule If the President of the „fiffr. T L. ;fascinated 1)y thesmoke rings -he 'was • tsoc...profideOWORb101-:, . *, . ' • • We never knew why father disliked Expectations of this year's Western' him. He just didn't' seem to like any.: wheat erop are so big that the Can.- thing about him.- In later years as. adieu fitain authorities are worrying heel! of A household of tny own, the fitaerittion came at to why father dis- about what theav will do with it. With himThat, was a condescending a large earry-over, still in tee couetry, attitude he had in -handing the cigar and some important outlets plugged up, over, just 0 much as te say.. It Is fearedthat present storage facit4 "well, Yee don't very, often get a cigar, so try tins one." , - • ides will not be ,suflleient to accom- modate the /flood of golden gra* that PRord,EX-OOT,TNTY win twee 'souring' froni the prairies ' OONSTATILE J. PEASE in a few• months. • However, Canada • , -----e- - • • . Former County Constable '.J. Pease of will still be considerably better off than the conntries of continentalEurope Bayffeld Tinli writes regarding • proeeedlegs. which are t threa.teited' With fel:nine ii Jul -eat: 7--- -----7 — --- ---- the contingleintert Whatever else May "Editor The Signal.star' . . • - ' . t t.h. Inpoting ilt offtfen:Atthoen:Reev:: 'Il,a*PP:nbe'to,,,,__,..7,_,E, niet,,,..odY:ii,htticli.din..:setaair....v!. towit:ea.ottrinsa„evaSsirkin:rpmeatthdimitstn°01,:seetr7t In a claini nine commission would bay the equipment Ile. vy vate" News, that "the. policy of 'diseontinuing Which wouldbe of no use to me, and if sPorts, and other' events, which . have they' would, it Would help Me fuiancial- le. ' been enn• ual affairs ter years, because . 'Another point_ is 1 have 110 phealeal er the war, is a nttstaken oneattatterbag disability, mid,' as '1 was appointed for the last, itar the people were Urged to one year he a part-time constable and carry on—business as usual" was, the vapapos.ninatmet agkritedtou'rourtszlnentelniooantbsmeadfineateri motto—and not to let the war .disturb examination, 1 refused for the reason' too . much their everyday life: The- that I was the. OnIteitite that was teed Present War, is somewhat nearer --but a .reedieal Inspection will be needed. Were -the eeneteblet now on duty ex - do we not adinite the Eiltish people . . amined (before for their ttoical tietermthey were re-engagedtinatioa to allow. I will answer this, N'o. „ A$ ter as the war to interfere as Mile as Possible three months' salary .they • claim. to • With their besiness, or even with their have Oyen Ine, I do not see it in the eportea It wilt be tune eneegh to pull. saatia.t. eealtrghtti,r'alki.11eacerataattel_.7s.%.74.8art. ., . down the 'curtains when the 'Nazis get etre& Italie' and I finished, out tile yea -r; control, of Canada---whiele please God, .41 Was a,,I0oinaty constable for over - . will never. bet, , . eleven ears'', and when. the County Council- called,' Int -all polke badges 1 11(."Valadlei; goie overthe• evidence with him, and Announced, his deeisiou whereupen M. Dalteller utterly refusesi to agree to the c.hatige, saying that he would resign and. provoke pOlitical crisis. The. matter had been Placed before, ateiabineet meeting., ,the „do foreiMay tteattd-eafter• heettarge- nient ministers reraciined undecided. 4- Iteynaud. was thielting of resignation, but few hours later mine the eiernaen general offensive. The President of the Itepublie-44410 upon him to re- main at his poet' and enlarge his Cab- inet, whie.h he did Ity, the inetusien M.M. Math*, atid Ybarnegaray. But M. ,Diattdiet wee still raising difficulties about the removal of Omelet. • M- any *mud decided. that it Would eerheps cause more harm than good to mate such change at such a critieal hoer. ; — The break-throUgh*oxi the Meuse, te- ;reeling the inadequacy -of.the Fiend' military ,,.proarations, was Gamelin's death-warearte teynaud 'called, in eV , -General eygand and entrusted 'Rim' 1.veth the well-nigh :impossible tisk of . stepping the rdt at ottee. That was fair enough.: - Bet he-eleo -ealled'in the eighty -four-year-old' ". Merahat retitle, and a fresh and most grievous joint -in ehe Freitelr armor lay topen. Marshal Petain had 'rightly won a great reputat tion" In the last War. ' But that was over twenty Yettra ago. Now he was old and tire, yet stubborn, none too frlendly. to tim Britise, and, above all, steeped in a military tiadition of the past He had been, launehed a figueehead to breast the seas of suceess- ful resistanae; ' be remained to.' cern,- Maud a wreeked` hull' on the bitter waters ,of defeat„ Nevertheless, for a time .things teemed -to go ibetter, ; the' Weygand syaterci. of defence in deipth slelyed the enemy advattce and exacted a heavy toll • Gradually, Vowevere. the weight of, numfbeis and meterial, aboveteli material, began to tell,. Tanks, artil; lery, machine -gins tantiet be handed over in the Middle of a hot engagemeat. The result was that the same rate day sifter day had to light *eta sleep - ' ••was not requested to turn mink In, but; The friendly Brantford ftpositor re. mist as. soon as there is a salary at - marks: "That Mr. Mile did. not go tached the Old. Pal system •comes in. less, nerve -racked, an ever -dwindling farther and admit. members Of other] r pot in many. an hour and over 1000 but 'glorious (band, 'while -fresh troops parties directly as minister a is, imfor- miles. on my tat driving the, year of by the hundred thousand were held tunate, but it IS, nevertheless, consitent1 1930 and this .came out of the t.409. idle behind. the lines." . With the Liberal leader's* repeated baa ceased' to be a power of any ,kind. And some—in the form of sudden flood of stories of treachery, defeatism and,inertia in high- places coupled'with disillusion and despair In. the ranese.... . are terrifying. '- • The stories may be exaggerated; the Moral collapse itself is obvious and un- aretieblet How far it may extend through themassof the Vrench people we do not know; for the Vretich people are. now eut .oft..teora the eivilired World behind the,. wells of militereote- ettpationt tensorshiP and fite-,teitid. elite ritessitals Of their ewe leaders.. How far it was unavoidable under the ham- mer biows of the blitzkrieg it is not for . then who •did not ,feel: them to Baty. But the fact is that in her extremitY France bend liereelf suddenly under a government Without . cerreietione with no hational will to resistatteei with no , policyebut to. -surrender everything as quickly as possible in the illusory hope of saving+ something out of a wreck which the atom* matte • only more erretrievable.. e • The . Bolshevists ' Made their, bitter peace at Brest -Litovsk in 1918 in order. to free themselves for new beginnings; the Paella Betnibile made its!peace at Compiegne only. teat, 'fragments migh"tCompiegne 'submission be permitted to cling to some prerogatives out of `'a past which they , had tailed to defend. 'Like that Of Napeleeneeeliande Ai the republic's career ended not simply in a defeat but in a `tsetere tee peat!" and it has as -little chanee ,of revival as had the Grande Armee. If France herself ,revives it will not be the France of theeetlifictaxis and eatliamelitar*tie, the precrastinators and half -measure men; ,the partly Pro -Hitler aristocrats and partly protStalinist agitators,' the eynics and the recalcitrants ane the disillusioned. Whol!'steP by step guided her to this disaster., . There will be no revival unless France 'dada' herself agate ase nation, capable of reepending affirmation that he would; not tolerate, much- less form, a national govern- ment". Is Canada, then, that fax cm the road to Naziism? --Stratford Beaeonaerald. The B.-11. should label its jokes. The first Move towards' a Nazi or. :Fasciat government isto, abolish parties, or ll parties but One. The British system Of parliamentary government, to which Urging, rightly or Wrongly, contistently adheres, is ,the antithesis of Naziism. The people Voted lege than four itiontht ago agahlst "natiOn- ar, government, and Mr. King, rightly or wron'ilYt believes that they were sincere in voting that way'. Does The Beacen.lierati know of ally Nazi or raseist tountry in which issues are decided by a vote of the peoplei'" WOrtlifte it like glass -teethe brighter the glitter, the more easily broken. teen& Streit "The Council eould grant- eie) to other eonstables whose salaries, were $1000 and over, and becanee I ask them to teste a. smell anemia et' equipment they bring in the excuse of ,giving three montete ealaty axle a Phisical disainlity 115s 15 taken 'twelve years to find titt$ out?' ' BELFAST nvinrAsT,„ an,ly IWe are sorry to hear that Mrs. Zoe Lawson has gone back to Toronto for treatment. We hope to hear good news =soon. Miss Hilda Twamier, near Nt afailigf has been engaged to teette in the Del-, fast school. . Miss Dorothy. 'Wilkins, of Paisley, Is visiting With her sister, Mrs. Bert Altort. Miss Ina CaraPhell hits One to eittelpe to take a smuttier mutter. ' Mr. and Mrs. eepertee Trifle elid Jam - II spent Sueeity in Ustnoter. The logrontiAt* anniversary of elotreh Will be b. served next 8iitidaY, July 2.1. teetirleett tit 11. cm, and 1.4() Meanwhile, on -,.the home front an atmosphere ef fer,.eonfusion, and de- featistrt began to -close in. ' It.started fest where it ehould have come last.' among certain members of the Cabinet,' -officials, ahd many who by birth, or eireumstaace Wed it to their ecnintry to set an exemple. And while the politidal defetttists Wetapered away each others' merit', the peOple Were !kelt in comfortabte ignotence of events, so that the •firtel eewa of an impending .capitulation galt them no time for reaetion other than stupefied, griefs in the Cabinet ..,itself 31 Iteratted and that great-hearted tighter, M. Georges Mandel, the Minister of, the Interior, were Putting up a etruggle tor eontinued resiStanee, but 31 Bey - nand had unfittingly loaded the dice against himself. And the new Petairt Cabinet seemed to neglect The ebanee of cutting ite own threat and that of the cottntre with It, retain, oeltde. luded Into the belief that a nice, honor. able **M. -e6blid be made between soldier*, overlooked Ifitleets deelared *In ef annibiletirig Fame& Ile ane his advitere kept up their pitiful belief saon and unbl uolesik illoriirssofet * to a utlostal natiosal tisemOur. No kraorielta eau say mit things iu score, for tbere Is Ito American who has # right to foel anyildsc but humil- ity lu face ot Irranee's trial. But Am- erleans can look at this moral eollapoe in whicli tbe trial ended and uuder- ttaue from it, perhapa, something 'of the tlepthe -Or their owu morel unpre- perednes$ for the world in which they now And themselves ls1ng. Have we the inner conviction, the confidence la our institutions and the ability to work them despite all their faults, the com- mon ideal, the unity or purpose, which conld have saved us In ouch an extrema.- ity from a similar fate? If not we had better get them, for they will be needed. --New Ifite Herald Tvibutie. MB. IIANSON'ff LAtfifiN (Toronto .tar) All political leaders have their lapses. There is not one but has said things; ta a moment Of irritation which 'he heti later hed cause to repeat. Tbe usually urbane Mr. Ilaniion, House leader of the -Conservatives at Ottawa, usee an exeressioe the other dayeeeted it twice in the space of a few minutes—whieli, if • he were *cerapaigieng asta itarty leader, would hardly gain him favor in Western , Ontario. etr. Mason was tice, dressing the %louse of Commona when Goldiogr Qt Micron Perth, bust. ruptod, with, secording to ihmiard, tgo following result: Mt\ Golding: "Don't forget—JP Mr. Ilan:ton: "Will the hoemember from the brushwood couutrY Plea** ' keep quiet for a little weile."' A minute or so tater, atr. Golding *pia laterruptee when MrBait** was attacking !dr. Gardiner, itud flee, sard records tbe eichauge as follows: Mr. Golding: "Don't forget that Is' had four brothers put out of action in the last war." Mr. Ilauson: "I wish the ho11. Ines*. ber from the brushwood country would /-,e4 qulet.", it is true that the district from which Mr. Golding comes, one of the iineat Ceitario, WaS in the early days know. as the Queen's Bush. That term, le fact, covered territory froxu Goderleb right up to Georgian Bay, and in even earlier times was applied generally te uncleared lands atilt in the Crown's ?Possession. But Mr. 'Hanson would bay° a *hard time explaining "teeth. wood eountry" referenceS te an Cull- encet at, for example, Searortle Theae fine Western Ontario counties, are Ile C0141trY" now " The greatest thing a man" can do for his Heavenly 'Father AS to be kind to some of eis oleer ehildrea.-tHenry Drunamona, iPerfectea after years of re- search and thousands °finites of gruelling-roadiest4White Rose ' Motor Oil Is not -just another' motor oil. It Is a different motor oil. Vi(thite - -Rose cleans as it lubricates,— keeps motors young Cub' down repair bus; Try it to. day And see why White Rose is "the PIC} °Mem all",; Madeikyitkiosahrs otthe famcvisVIIIITE ROSE gasoline: , . CANADIAN Orl_ COMPANIES. LIN1ITED ..=.•t•rn •••.• Iezt April 3tk TE nope foo soon to begin to - provid.e funds for.- paying yout neCessarily, increased income tax when it falls 'due next 1A:kril. Here' is a practical plaxi An 'INCOME TAX Savings ACCOUld Open ,immediately at the Bankiecalsavings account just for income tax purposes, and deposit each *teek,, each fortnight ot each month enough of \ your income to accumulate by next -April the full amount • of your tax. By faithfully following this • plan you will be fully prepared and will avoid embarrasiment. , f['he Bank of Montreal is: grid to offer this special service Ed .make it somewhat easier for ,you to meet your tax obligation to help our countty. „ • BANK OF MONTREAL ES 11.3 1311ED 1817 Goderich Bratiat: A. A. N/COL, Manager 41Cte DANWHERE SMALL A±OtIS ARIt twiticovo