HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-18, Page 1_ NINF/Milik:tittND YEAR- NO. 2/4 tritb mbining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Sia GOD R C ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1940 Y ENLISTMENTS FOR ‘‘C' CO. BUT NMI FOR MANY MORE Q Overflow Audience Sky Harbor More at Capital Theatre than Ralf Completed Reeoiptg for riveting $350 T Ottusda's rffort - °moony Drilling Two Nights Weelt.-Liot of Recruits Tliirty.three Men trent ooderleli and district haYe enlisted with 4'4" 00)3t- PanYclittren-Middlerlex ItegtMent, Since reerviitinifer the.unit began to Week* - age', 'Theft additionbrtug "0" COV.- PaliY to 4 ktrength of ever eighty, but lieut. B.E Twaniley, wile isin charge Of recruiting fOr the toinPni1Y, Stres008, • the' fact that there * room ter eiaventy ;Itiore Men, In the toMpany. Drills are held fOr two hours on Tueaday, and, ThursdaY everdngs, With Day, at 30e an Tbe, hour. , new yolanteera for "0" 0Mrt- Pany are WWtam It.„ Hayden, Lealie $4. Jervis,-Bruoe M BloOrofield Glen CI Lodge, John Brown. Citil ikr"Ander- son, Osborne. H.' Serrys Jackson L ;ferry, javirson B. Jerry, _ tvOoune11, William W. Reid, Joseph. *P. Andre, Eric.,at jelinaten, John W. Mugford, Harry Shackleton, rhiliP E. Carter, ,William R. Bell, Donald 11. MacKay, Daniel J. Itiehl, Clarence 0, • , ,Miller, Robert H. Wilion, Norval T. 'Anderson, Fred A. Bridle, CyrlI Robin- son, William l'Ireith, 'William. J. Biehl, Frank Pett, Harry B. Williams, Haiidd S: -Murray, iiiiarrit"L..-.Henry,'-ltiehard G. Parker, Walter 0, lioltZmani Floyd 104e. TO Attend, Officers' 'Training School Four young men from "0" Company lett on Monday for London, where they. • will take courses at an officers' training - school.iOne of them, Franklin Calder' , is takincou,se to finallfY as a •second lieutenant, while the remaining three, Arthur' Itirkey, Harvey McKin- non and Fred Whittinghani, are Jak- ing •eergeant's courses, The courses, willbe completed by August 2. - ' For Five young men from this distriet. Jellied the Royal. Canadian Regiment at London on Monday. They are: T. A. Listowel; Leonard Bowe, Kin-, eardinei. C.' L. Smith; R.R. 1, North Bruce; 'John. W. Sunderwood, Gode- rich; and Russel It. Rathwell, Trow- bridge. Twelve tradesmen also have gone to Zondonstroni this district dur- , the*.papt Week. • • „A Correction . The permanent recruiting staff estab- lished - here Under Capt. P. P. 04rqy acceptssapplieatioussonlyfor army and trades .service, not for air and, naval service as Was inadvertently -'stated last week. ' 4tZD ORON REPORT POTE-440LIGH1LY The marriage,ot Isabel 'Marie, daugh- ter of Mr. ,and MO. George GoIightly, of Monktoni to, Lieut. Sohn Pote, of the -Queen's York Rangers, son of Maier- erly of Goderich, Was solemnized re- cently at St. Chad's Anglican eliorch, -Toronto. • Rev. F, J. Nicholson of- ficiated. The bride were a frock Of blue lace With white accessories- and corsage of white roses. She was ae- ----tende,k1-by Miss Dorothy Farquhar, who wore ii.dusky Pink lace froek with blue accessories and ',matching, corsage, Lieut. Norman Bennett was the best -In view of the above thewomen's man. A reception followed .• at - the work cononittee'liave deelded to confine home' of the bride's sister, Mt Charles their work to one day a week, and it ' Taylor, and later Lieut. and Mrs, Pote was agreed ,that therooms would be left on a short trip to, 'Western Ontario. -lipen every Tuesday, from' 2 to 5 p.m., For ,travelling the bride wore .a blael4 until further notice from, Toronto. suit with white aceessories. The tollowhig letter has been re- cetved at a()uteri° Division Melidglaar- ter' trent Mrs. WaIhtee It. Campbell', national clialrelen. Of Weraen.'S War Work:. 'In view of the preaent eituatiOn overates, and of the Uneertainty with regard to what will be the most urgent needtobe eovered, by the whole Bed Cross program in the launediate,future. and in order to :tarry on this depart- ment with the greatest efficiency and economy, .it ibi again necessary to revise our schedule of work.' , 44The urgent appeal for, suPplieg *stied May 23 has been 'met. Our warehouses in itugland are re. plenished With tremendous_q_aAn. • and -14Ofe are en route. We have only to plan for assist- ance to., great Britain, -since nothing -carthe,sent into Fantope.at the...moment, and for our responsibilities to our -0W0 troops here ana abreast. Every division and branch hag been working at top speed for the past We months. There are long montlor ahead, when all one's energies will be taxed to the; sitraosts It seen* to your committee, :therefore', that this is the opportune time to slow down, so that many things long ,eelayed eau De accomplished, and that other duties eau be ,eleared away, in Preparation for the 'autumn. •• 'It is therefore suggested that: 1. . All Work -rooms arrange 'holidays,' how- ever brief. 2.'. Mutt as little ordering of new' material as possible be done. 8. That all the materials on hand be 'used up for the ptirpose for Which they were intended. • "Refugee 101.0tlaing--Since European refugees ,,pannot be assisted . through the .1Canadianstleil 'Cress -SO-Ciety atpre- sent, and 'since large quantities a clothinghave been shipped to England for distribUtten, under the direetion of our overseas- committee, It has been decided: tofinish- up _clothing new in the Making,fbut for the future .to make • 'only such clothing as British, children, • evacuated to !Canadaunder the Gov- ernment schem4; May, require. • .This ineana the IOW PrObleM Should be care, ttilly considered' and -only clothing re, , quirea in the :area of ,eaela branch, he • made ulissueli clothing to be held in the .branettes for '-the present. *"Kiiitting.-4There should be no slow- ing down :lu knitted _ ,followfxig. ;articles are especially neces- sary in large quantities Soeks,,.. all 'tYPeaskot, .eapg, .and helMete; .gloves, -sea' boot ."Stirekings",,•'-aii*all the. needa of the Sailors,. Do not make. wristlets. • "AWord to All Housewives. -Be mire to111l every jarand haile }n your cupboards with jams :and preserves. • Help conserve 'our fruits and vegetablest fOr--rtSedIffs•seli '-munitieS. This, is a patriotic duty to be observed by all women." Sincerely yours,: • (signed) 'GLADYS E. CAMPBELL, • National Chairman Women's War Work Committee. (signed). ALICE HOWE, - Chairman,. Ontario Division • Women's War Work Committee. The nut instalment of time* was di* on Monday, and 1C-e11ector $441 atavNey reported 02,000 reeelved that day from ratepayer* who hati. net a1. ready made payment About.08,000 of this year's taxes had previously, been PAW, making Oka* paid of a total levYof *111,000. In 'addition $14,000 of arrear e hat been collected thla year. This ire a very satisfeetory showint and is indicative et healthir ilutuielal eenditione in the town. THE NEW BXNOTIES Improved Accoennodatten for terogigent- era of Court liouSe Park ..Seniewhitt •belated but nevertheless welcome, tweaty-tour 'handoome, eopi. $ortable and substantial beilehe0,.:bave made their appearance along the walks of Court House. Park and :Wive been °the tcubJeCt of much favorable 'comment thepart---efe-many-s-wliohave-smor than Once cursed 'the straiglitAaoked, narrow -seated, dela.pleated affairs on Whichi members of the municipal parks. committee rarely sat. TMs committee,Iike John Bull, maybe a trifle slow to move, but once they roll. into production ther 'mem businesS An overflew audience gathered at the Capital Theatre On Monday Algid for the aPeelal Proftraan arranged by ...the loyal Ilizertime Oitlaens' 100Mmittees in co-operation with the Capital Theatre managements tO Promote tile sale of „Canada's war savings starolai and eertiffeates. The special perforinanee Was given as a part of the nationsWide projeet of, th,e motion pletnre indtlatrY, with perforinenees la theatres through- out Canada. Mr.P J 111eirele conducted emu- mUnitY. singing While the andiente WaS assembling in the theatre. Patriotic and other songs were sung vigorously as the audience restemded to the leader. 4,14p.444heexkerilett,WoOnduOtior.-- -------- hisUwah"erlehile'arliedAa',pplirrttoc2vavjlaelif thexelliarlat .-Which the inotienpicture industry had employed to raise money for Canada's war,effort. Ile stated that on looking over the audience atsembled before him he felt sure th,at the 0,000,000 obieetfte The ends of the new benches' are of of the Canadian theatres • would be eoncrete, and. the seats and backs are realized.. He urged each person tO, do of British Columbia fir. There is not his part in whatever way he could to a nail. in the -wonderful Saving aid his ,country, and mentioned AS one on tvrasers-:-.1?"dtzt Pegs being w1rde InsteatiiPss iwbiethpannryeb:dsdinmg e'tew. avnsisavWinogrs- Account of the clay sod formation. TA. made for thheirtTYotne"tyesna„nitt.°1'Wd'eston ship _extended a civic weleeme .to the duck. was Jp3peoessaryat, Sky, Harbor. United States visitors in the gathering.' • The Warren Paving.Co., contractors' Tint Nome Undo sad Tikes , Off from "'booted section To a Brantford Student -pilot WOWS a trosiovoinitry teSt Sight goes the iliatinetion of being the first flyer to laud and take off front the finished sec tion a Sky Harbor airport, new in eOurse of eonatruetion. Tide was done On. Welineaday, Withetit incident, • 'Sky Harbor to now sixty per opt.' ,eompleted, an ,offielel ef the eontraetore Said teat zdg1t ruit trees have been ripped out by the relate during the Paat week and about thirtyacrea of swamp cleared.. Practically all bInat alee ilea been 'felled, but -the grribbing has Yet to be done. ° Thia await* the delivery et meehaniscil stump -Pullers. -----ThUirOrHYdrtrandiSell-Teiepteine officials made final' arrangementwith the airport committee of the Cennty Connell for the ;burying of nearly a Mlle or pole lines and this Wok is JO begin at once. OPerittiOns at Port Albert At Port Albert u big elevating Wader, or dirt remover, 'delivered ZeSterdAY, this morning; comnienced 'eenstruetion of an Open ditch,'two-feet deep, around the trianguiar4haped. rtmways. ,ThIs is -necessary for drainage purposes on at • a cost of $8 each. Six are to be placed in the 'cemetery. The new beeches:are heavy alitl,are not supposed to be lugged around, as are the present ones, a great boon to the grass aua• the bark on: the trees of the most pieturs esque.park in Canada, so visitors say: • P.U. 'COMMISSION At the meeting Of the Public Utilltles Commission, -on Thursday night laSts. Mr. W. J.'llodge, local manager for the Bell Telephone Co., With several other officials of the •Company, waVStesent to take-up..with,...the;:.,Commission Vhe matter of the joint Use ot poles by the Hydro and the Bell Company under .an agrempent to Mapproved by the Board* of Transport Commissioners of Canada alid the Hydro-Electrie Power Com -1, mission of Ontario. After discussion of the, proposal it was laid •over. for consideration " Several applications fer'electric light-. Ing, -range and water 'heater service Were received .and A representative of the . Paterson_ Engineering OoniPanY was present and 'disettssetrwitb the Commission the.mat- ter of a neW:_eitiOriuttting plant., :This Was?laid-over for further Consider- ation. .'VAGUE--:-CASSAD'Y WAR EN THE StIPXS - :The United church at Caparose, Al- ,„,,,„_,..,„„„rk of a nob° Castle 't Chief Pestelethwalie and His Vonipany .berta, waithe scene 6ADona1nion Do 0 °Hun', irvu of a pretty wedding, in wbieh_the_prin- Still .another..,"castle" _on ,the banks - tipals were Anna Bernice, eldest datigh-' of the Maitland fell Prey to - chief ter a Mrs. S.'Cassady.And the late Mr. CassOdy, of Camrose, and George Clem: Postelethrites1.a/ZioelodtestazbeFinrig- ent, ,youngesir son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred do morning, a 2 x Vague, of Kingman, Alberta'. The cere- •levelled to the ground m jig time and mony was perfOrmecl by Rev-,..Dr,,M. S. Kerr. The ,bride's mother -is" a niece a Mrs. 3. Tiffin, "Brock street town. The bride Wa gien itt marriage by • her brother, Harry Cassady, and was attended by Mrs, Allan Ernst As matron of honor and her sister, Miss Doris Oassady, and Miss Karen. Sorenson . of Viking as bridesmaids. Mr, Harold . • Vague of Halkirk was his brother's best Man. Over a hundred guests were in attendanee. Atter a Month motoring. In the mountains Mr. and Mrs. Vague will make 'their home on the bridegroom'S. farm in the _Kingman distriet -,The bride, one of 'the- most popular young ladies of the town of Canirose,, • ,.was nmeh feted before the wedding, four strangers to work sent looking for a no* home. The quartette,: by the -way, were not transients, but resid*ts ef Goderich, two of them married men,. matrimonially and temporarily in the "dog house." The Chief used a different technique on these men: He served .an ultima- tum, giving the occupants fifteenmin- utes in which to gather Up their furni- ture -a table, stool, bunks, blankets, cutlery'," dishes and tin cans ---also their, personal belongings, before the work of demolition was proceeded with. The Chief says he is deterMined to make it so hot for these gentr/ that they Will besharaedinto work' ita time when the country is crying for men. - • Picnics at Harbor Park Yestrday, 'Almost one hundred people ittenOed the annual, ,Straiightin- farailY' reunion, held at Harbor Park on' Wednesday afternoon. Games and races were eir Joyed during the early Part of the afters noon,"after whicbolunch was se3yea in the - • The results of the races were aS for - lows ; Girls 0-10 Tears, Mildred° Earqe- bar, Joyee Lampman: boys 0-10 years; Bobby Moore, Charles liawtherne ; girls 1044 years, Annie Ball, Mildred Farquhar; boys' 1044 years, 'DotigIas Farquhar, Billy NeWcombe and „Tea; stiAtighau • (tie); boys over 14 years, `jack Clegg, Lyman Sardine ; ladies throwing rolling pin, Mrs. Harry • liams; men throwing stone, Tom Jar- dine; lacking slipper, Mildred liar- quhar ; Coafrace, Mr. and'Mrs. Thomas. -Jardine; blindfold race, Mrs. Bob Jervis and Lyman Sardine; paper snowshoe race, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sardine; youngest child; Bobby' Allen, Peight- eionaisold son of Mr. and Mrs. P. lOodericii; coming greatest dis- ,tauce to attend, Mr. and Mrs; Alec Orson and family Of Dayton, *Ohio. Officers for next yease.,were elected after luneh. They are: President, Arthur •Straughan, Goderich township; secretary -L,...-.., WillianiStraughan 'Sturdy, Geiderielifartsh‘; sports eon- mittee, Mrs. Aldie Holmes, Clinton. Fireinen's Pierdc Ninety-four people enjoyed the second annual' Goderieh .firemen's pienie In Harbor Park. on Wednesday afternoon.' Games and 'races were enjoyed by . young and old, tinder the leadership of , 'Mrs. Mitch and -mrel.,;,--GoVier: - The results were as follows: Ifean race, Mrs. Geo. Beacom ' and Mrs..' Noble Young ; balloon race, Mrs, Noble 'YoUng; doll race, Mrs. J. Burrows and Mrs. Don, Bisset.; peanut race, ,.Mrs. Archie Johnston,• ball game, Mr& Har- old Murney and Vr. Fred Bridle': hunt- ing Partner, Miss M. Millian and Har- old Young ;eating tereal,,grs, Harold Murney and Cliarle5 B1sset4 driving • nail, Harvey Webster.; member serving the longest tette, Noble Young. The eehildren Were.bountifully Supplied vvith • peanuts, eanity, lee cream cones and pop. Supper was eerved in the pavilion' in the evening by the ileinhers of the lunch committee, gm, Noble Young, Mrs. Charles Beacom and Mrs. Charles Bissett Auburn ;..!lungli. Co ittee Mrs. HoWard, j.ML STIRLING ET...EbTED • .- .Tc; Council of Goderieh Township in nue of Litte-IL---0-„±Vox ° James=atirlingssiss:Ahe----nervirtem of the ''''Goderich Township. Council, elected by acclamation to fill -the vacancy" created by the recent death of Councillor Herbert C.. Cox. ,The nomination •nieeting „, was held at Hohnesville on Monday. evening, when, besides Mr...Stirling, Ex-Reeve.Haacke, Harold Montgomery, Prank Powell and George Sowerby were proposed. Ail but Mr. iStirling, however, withdrew. The pew councillor is Et well-known faiiner and fruit -grower oh the 4th hondession of the township. AT THE :iiiVATER1,1tONT The last seven days saw the heavieSt influx of, grain for any single week -in the-6.st ;menth, with' the-- arrival a three grain vessels The Kort Wildoc eame Won -Friday' evening from Fort William with 245,000 bus. of wheat ter' the elevator' and cleared, light, Saturday afernoon for Vert -William. The-Vandoc arrived early - Saturday morning from loft William with, 250,2OO'bus. of wheat and left again, light -that evening for Fort William. The A. A: Hudson camein on Tuesday morning from, Port William and Unloaded 10,408 busof oats, 752 busof wheat, 27,940 bus, of barley and 20,420 busof feed at the elevator., She took on 300 tons ot salt and eleared Wednesday afternoon for Port William. The str. SOlkirk arrived from Wal- liceburg with a cargo of sugar on Tues- day everting and cleared on 1Vednesday for Fort 'William. • , The,pasSenger beat -Georgian was in on Friday evening and again on Sun- day morning on her regular run. She had a passenger list of -eighty on the upboUnd trip on Sunday. • ' 1 The big, attraction in yachts was the luxtrious Delphine, but there - were several other handsome little craft in during the week, including the Dories, , Mr. Charles aleakins sang "There Will Always 1* an England" and "Land of Hope, and Glory'," the hudtence join- .ing ha the chorus. „MrS. ,Meakina ac- temPauledoGestureat the poitantoysdo, te; ' . Mr. J.- D. -Thomas, president of the Citizens' Committee, tendered the "cow- thittee's° thanks ;to Mr. 'Sutherland and the personnel of the theatre for placing -ibe-anditallitio,-at the disposal ofthe conunittee and expressed "gratification and "' appreciatiOn for the tangible, gesture..of loyalty." which the people (1-A1110r:by-their attendatee, -He also, extendedthanks to ioi.Dtinlop, and the members -of his sub -Committee, who organized the: gathering. „ Mr.' D. a Campbell brought applause Vein the audience When he declared hat the Empire would win . the war in spite of what 440efeatists* might say. Mrs 10alliPben 1VVIlt On .to ,"e• -plain how Money 'might 130 invested profitably in , war savings sten:1W and certlEcates. Many citizens. of Goderich, he said, had taken -the- thildien's:money from their penny bank and put it in War savingS certificates, Which •iitiseVen' and a -halt year. might --, Abe education. • Patriotic and Preittairle "Phe purchasing' of stamps is your' Clipper, Uestless IT, B+minyPII, and Mistermac. opPortunity fo give -the Otoiadian sold- iers half a chartee to Meet the Germans on an:equal tooting. By buying the stamps you are being both ...patriotie -and- putting:7yotnc-rtihhe-y--in---a--Sotmd" Investment,' Mr. "Campbell col/chided. Paramount News and a cartoon "short" along with the feature picture, "Wife, Husband and Friend," rounded, out the prpgram, which concluded with the -singing of the National Anthem. Receipts for the: eveningwere An as $350, one-third Over the quota seelor this theatre. ON A deaation of $00 was reeeited at the Cagltal liteatre on Monday sight at tha pestorassace jives there in oat - Meth* with the national witr wrists eitsaPilin,iu eturn for wields the donor, a Goderich lady who wishes her ranee to be • tteknoWn, etthed 014 two tereaty-dive-eent stamps. the poles o ealarleake to the performance. - The revert for the generous donation, as Om by the lady, le that Shia had • 014oetio4' to twrog,the pieturos oisowx en Ilanday, ast wet originally itleaMed. and to *Xmas. her appreciation of the ,chairge tO Monday she gave the Moue71 .which to her mind wa at Privilege. for the Port Albeit field; have installed - a big gasoline shovel at the Dungannon gravel pit, . which ,is to , supply the croshed gravel for the more than two miles of paved- runways, . 150 feet ' in :tchtrrittituraePowararte,nrtihTilaliwbaeyl n, gwhere bt Li l o f fa: - operations started today Were 6it the Richardsen farm at the Atitith-Weet . not • be,-, in full swinguntil remaining ,AeldS,of hay, and grain* crops are .re-- gw:t traioasdv:teeihili.n. we. II. puhu emi c).p ed.. .ohrmaa swp. a i ibn e eay on d- ri nac svhte ceti :beUeddi::a. h4ne. , , section of -' the iftear-Opeliititins will. office on the McKenzie- farm on the 4th concession,- past which the', crashed HE "THREW IT A rizox" .„ . . 'A • proud Goderich father, of Irish descent, is ',more than ever convinced that,wit and' humor are hereditary and is quite worldof his eight-year-old son after an incident last Monday merlin, Ile tells this one: - • The butcher bey had just delivered the m100' meal supply of fresh meat, 'Placing, it on-theT-table. at Willett- the boy "waS . eating -his breakfast. The _family cat, Scenting the- meat, 'was clawing, --at the tablecloth, and, was promptly :reported by --the ladtohis father. "Throw it a piece and it will keep AujeA".._ the, father acVsed_fronJ1,1e, back yard.' , - With that the eat Was seenhurtling through the air, out thekitchen door,' with angry raeoW accompaniment, "The lad surely threw it a piece,' the father chuckled. • NO SALARY* CHANGES Public School Hoard: Turns Down Teachers' Requests for Increases The Ptiblie School Board has set its face against any Salary- litereaSei in -wartime, and at a special meeting on Thursday afternoon last it declined to' accede to the request of several mein, bers of the teaching. staff, expressed in. letters to the board, asking special eon - sideration 62 their cages- in the matter of salary. • .- A resolution was passed that, "Owing to the war and the present •nncoertain times and sehool eonditions," no change be made in salaries Mr, 'A. W. Anderton, music instructor, alsowas re-engaged for 'another year, at the same'salary as last year. Tenders for Coal were received, those accepted being the tender of Iltiekins & Seabrook for forty tons of anthracite' egg coal for Central school, at $14,50 per ton, and that of C. 0. Leefor fifty tons of Red jacket 'steam coal for. Vic- toria sehool at $8 a ton. Principal Statehouse. reported the number ef pupils enrolled at Victoria sehool In 'June as 331; average attend- ance, 300, or 93 per eent. Penny bank deposits; $100.08. For the year the average attendance was 91.44 per emit average noniber of.days lost per pupil, 47, Penny Bank deposits or the year amounted to, $1,234. • liVOOLLCOMRE, HOUSE SOLD -"The-Woolleombe residence On. Tra- falgar ,street was sold at auction on 'Saturday, the , Purchaser being Mrs. Frank Johnston. , rixoR or muiairrzx Judge Clumiest's Report to. Snorter . Clad' in Watts- 'VOW Coe In a ' SON -word report judgment Jni;t, tuade to the Supreme Court, hr. whichreferene , e Was Made, te Beam Late •••■•••••%4IPIMP Largo Aneadomme POW Ikon** kir kawisillig Miss •Mow Clams/root all wean el bera t orlasimOse• t I wail Se doeoapad silksr bat halaWle iow-advoislatrators ot tiso le*, 12: In attestant* is WV* =Oa* 101__ funeral servloe, et P. Mew, Mo. Tindal constable, witielt was NM Milt tbe fangir Nome oa avow Friday aftersoos. The lords, sot held prior to the reiereral eff t� mins to, the 0.N& etationi, whims they were eenveyed to ensohenfeed for burial. Vlore'. bouquets and Wreathe mar - rounded the Casket in Met protnoion, istr/king manifestation of the haillh regard in which the deceased wsa that -41* J34141".--.01%"' late William Henry Watts, of. Clinton, nowen were meet's -J. Lea the 00004,' `of" Unroll, Provincial Police, 0a0atit was of sound ,Inind anddid* not lack testamentary capacity, as clatmed- b his son, Frederiej K Watts, plaintiff, when the father made his will leaving the family residence to a daughter, Mrs. MInnIe Oadmore, also Of ClintOn. In 'a previous will the late Wllhiam 'Watts had left the property to the son Frederick, who -soright to upset the .second Will. • . • • The 'coots of the aetion 'else, are assessed against Frederick K. Watts. Other children, were parties to the lawsuit, Willett hasbeenIn the Huron 'courts- for many months. s Wililam Henry Watts, the . testator" was an pnglishman who. came to Can- ada in 1i1 late forties. He was care- taker, of 'a•Olinton school and father of five children, of whoin three reside in Clinton,. The ',dispute, however, was between one brother, Frederick, and one sister, 'Minnie, ; Mrs. Watts died in 1088. Mr. Watts died in May, 1038. Wft-eflifeWife's death7ffe-lived-atirles with three children, ' • The evidence Is, reviewed at great. length and is of a personarnature. The report, 'of course,,, awaits approval-- of the Supreme Court. ENGAGEMENT 'ANNOUNCED %, Mrs...Robert 3. nine, Hamilton, an- nounces the engagement of her daugh- ter, !Wary Olivia, to Mr. Themes O. I. son Of Mr. A. _S.- Winlow, North Vancouver, the marriageto take Plate- quietly at. St. Matthias' church, Terontos early, in "August, Ur. -iVinlow was formerly on the ,stakt Bank in Goderieh.- Mid:IN GORRIE CASE • County of Huron Charged with Negli- gence by Defence Counsel The County of Huron has been form- ally served with notice of ,negligenee by Campbell :Grant, 'counsel for Lorne Jardine, -charged with manslaughter in connection with a motor accident on a County bridge near Gorrie on July 7th, in which two were killed and four in- jured: This notice, of course,' is a ,formality, but it -is Indicative of the 'trend the defence is to take. The bridge was partially wrecked and rend- ered- unlit for nse by the accident: It is now 'leder repair. • KNOX CHURCH W.M.S. • Knox Church W.M.S. auxiliary held the July- meeting at the home of the • Misses- macVicar, Ilincks street. • It was an outdoor meeting, for :Which the members gathered in the lovely garden. Over seventy were in attendance, of Whom nineteen were Home Helpers. mrs. A. H. Erskine'Ei 'group -had charge of the program, which was kesented by the president, Mrs. D. 3. Lane- .A. most helpful address was given .by Mrs. T. Wardlaw Taylor, whose subject was "God's care and help for those who trusted irt ,Ilim itt the Old Testament" • Miss Margaret Reddite gave -a brief paper on "Ottrrent Events." The /30th Psalm was read by Mrs. .A. a Erskine and prayers were offered by Miss Ann MeDonald, Mrs. D. S. Lane and Mrs. 3. H. ,Barnett; • At . a prettily arranged tea table, 'Mrs. J. IL Barnett and Mrs. C. A. Reid • poured tea, and a social lhour ' was enjoyed when refreshments wereserved by the members of Mrs. iErskine's • group. RIMED INACTION • A ,eahle on *iidaY alineulleed that' PiIt Olheer Mandan* Hewittliad.--been killed while fighting In the E.A.r. The young soldier -11a41 beeitattending school in England for about three years and en- listed on the outbreak of war *the R.A.F. He was an outstanding. ex- ample of the men who compose the -Britl$11--armv„-as,,lie-liad..sueceeagilsin- liringing down eleven enemy machines °before being killed himself, one of these being while on his first fiight. His par--_ ents, both of whom served in the last. war, live in New Brunswick. He wa..t a nephew of Mrs. Ellis of Goderich, whose husband, Rod Ellis, is the route sales Manager of the Imperial Oil Co. They came to 1Gederich from Exeter a few months ago. Police, root 3.00 of the 0inadtait Legion, JO/44nd Lodge, and and the Court Ilotate otaff, After the *Orrice, which via to* ducted by Bey, A. C. -Oa/der ot George?S ...Anglican church, the casket was borne through 4 guard of horn; eonipesed of Provincial .and County polite, Members of Post 104 tont -Mew hei:V.: of .*.he Masonic Lodge, to ta* hearae; : "As squadron of polleemen to, charge Of Provincial Pollee Inspectors W. ().. Oliver of Kitchener and 0, jorda.n of Londonlell into line behind. The police in order were: ROO Can- adian Mounted Police Officers Xittrow atutRamsay of 'Sarnia; PrOyintial Oone .• 'stables' .01dfield• of . LiStowel, Bother - ford -Goderich, .of Galt, Me- Oetrick„ Cook , and Whitesides et ,Kitehen' er , Douglas of Stratford, Wright ofFergus, lilaele Fiestiertait. Sibert of Traffie Officerii ()Or . lender -of ',Mitchell and ,LeVer-ift 4011.1is' ton; and ConstableS 'Snell and ,Ourrite. of Seaforth and Norey'of Exeter. Thor war veterans 'and' members of •Die Masonie ,ilaalge followed ttke ainv:OfOoers- Webb of -clorierieli .4, - Taylor of ,Minton rade on. their motor- cycles " ahead of the • 'cortege; „which • moved along Elgin. avenue; down 'Caine bria road to 'East Street and thence. V) the railway station. • The 'pallbearerS were Captain P. F. 'Carey • of the MiddleSeviluren Regi- m1nt, Major A. R. Sane, and County Constables _Arthur Jennings, ' job* Ferguson' William 'Gardiner and jOhn, ..Stewarts _ :Constables J.---0allander-anor. T. W., Oldfield accOnspaniea the res mains to Carapbellferd, where Inter-; sinentloalt Place on SinaciaY. , • -Provieciat• '0Onstalde Oldfield re- turned to Goderieh on Monday, and he .. win temporarily ell the Vacancy here caused by Mr. XeCey's 'death. . Burial At Camphillford • Campbeliford, 'July Conatable Percy Mcceoyt, who died at Goderich by, Wednesday, was buried here yesterday.. PrOftelar POIteetronnolioiningfeentivr paid final tribute at „a.-- special service held under the direction -of •Madoe Masonic lodge. Itev. T. R. Aanit of Christ church conducted the •service. Interment was ie Campbellford AnglI- cnn cemetery. Among - police offieere ate' tending the funeral were Senior Stift . Inspector W. C.'Killing, Inspector F., Gardner of l3ellevilIo and Inspector ; Oliver of Kitchener, • HURON'S FIRST WAR ,GUESTS ° Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper'of Clinton, With their daughter-in-law; Mrs, W. C. .Cooper, and her. three .children, Eliza beth,,aged seven, Peter, aged four, and Janet, aged two, war guests from EngF land, lunched in „„Goderich on Sunday and -spent: part, -of ..the,_.tlay. here, , Mrst W. C. Cooper, whose husband remained in England, is taking a cottage at Bay- field for the , remainder of the Season. Mrs Cooper, it woman with a charm, - Ing personality , and three beautiful ehildren, took . the. war ViiloSophically and in typical' English fashion, She and her children were among,the °first to be evacuated from their home four- teen mires south :Of London. She does riot think the German bombers -can penetrate the balloon -barrage defences of' the big city and the Industrial areas More than one had ,come to grief' en the aerial cables: For tbat reason the Marksmanship of the Germans had so tar been very .poor, because invading Planes had been .kept .a.t high altitude, ,Another comment of Mrs. Cooper's was that the laying- do -Mt of -arms by France ha.dcome both' asa surprise and a shook to British people, just is much as it did to, Canadians. • , Mrs. Cooper was here ten ykrs. ago as a brides Iter husband, •Willis 'Cooper, Clinton -born, is an importer's buyer and remained in England to carry on business as usual. ,He is a graduate of T'oronto University Mid of au Al Country college. • WORKING FOR THE SOLDIERS' 4 FLOATING 'PALA° ei • Big Vatehirtesirinporto lPhine.iP'wir:ilrida il-)YDodge A.,p object which attracted, consider -- able attention at the JAarba last Fridar was the 202 -foot yacht Delphine, owned by Mrs.' Dodge-Dillman, teernierly • the wife of the late Horace G. Dedge,auto- mobile martufaeturer.' The Yacht; a witite,.._s_three-ileeked,..__•xlies.eltpovvered craft, Made other yaehts and launehert in the harbor look very diminutive. • Many people who, wandered "down to the harbor on.rriday e'v••ening mistook her for the Georgian, which ealled here that evening, so well did the Delphi)* rival the passenger boat in size, ,The ship, besides being palatially' turniahed, was well prepared for 407 disaater, with 'four' motor launcliee swinging froin the davits and four large lifeboats lashed to .the tipper dec.. She was fitted with it retractable land- ing platform, , for the taking onand off of passengers from launches while , at Sea, and was complete with wire - Only ;our passengers, including WO- .Dodge-Dillman, were on board. The ship hatta crew of sixty4our, including the captain and his officers, tngineera„ stewards, . Wireless operator, galley crewe, engine trew and deckhands. Delphine arrived here oxi Thum day evening from Ohleago and eleared early Saturday morning for Detroit-. She last visited this port five years ago. • PATRIOTIC RALLY AT WINGIIA111 patriotic 'rally, under the sPonsor- sliip of the CountCouncil, will be held at Wingham. on 'Sunday next. It is expected that -five bands will be pre. sent to parade with ,the veterans of. the istriet The veterans of Goderich areinvited to meet at tile Town Halt, Winghain, at •2. ieelock sharp._ _ Dress -berets and medals. All veterans are 'urged te attend, littGiSTRAILS FOR istOttnit HURON Major E. A. Corbett, of rordwic . and Major II. C. ItaeLean, of Wing - ham; have been appointed registrar* f'or the electoral district of IIurmt North In connection with the national registration to be carried out next month. Red -Shield 11.Vomen'f; *Auxiliary members attached to the Go derich faIvation Army Corps have been making their needles _ tly, with the resuIF that already they have made generous con tributions of eoutftlry for the treops, Captains X. Farmer and 1. Diagg are the officers in charge DAVID -CANT.ELO'N 1)EAD David Cantelon,- .of Clinton, know* far and wideas. a buyer and shipper e.)t livet-Itock and fornieriY as the "APPle of nuron,"- diekt.tbis morning at the age.aninety-threo yeitrs ite we* active:4110.0st to the last.