HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-11, Page 8NEWS OF AUBURN .4.11311611110, Jul' 10. litsat Isobel !bees li visitirag relatives at Wi*d-' dima "Wen with 'Mr, and Mrs. John Me. 114110* sit 111Inaday were Mr. and Mrs. 111wooss Oarriek 'and Mr. and Mrs. lore, Shirley eud MaryMu, of eseeria. and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd hers peams,111 and Joel -41)f Qlintan, Hs. tett Mrs. John Robertson, of Goidaeleb, are *Jolting Was Susie Blair. Bellianing neat SwldaY, 4tay 14, the aercrileo i,p Knox Preabyteri,au, chard* w� a, is • .our of t Mme AC»e a 10 astrice will .eoubinue4 until fail, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Andersou of latdaww $ Saaday with lirs. Thos. f ioyle,. Mitis Marie ltaitbby wag auceestsful iu pluming her Toronto Camtaarvatory grade. 1 tamale examivat-ion, She is a pupil ''of MUM E1i2001 A[illst. Marguerite Rillougb iat to be con- gratulated upon 'bavin$ pawed its entrance examinatioans% ¥r And err Roy,'RarCr, Shirley, Maryliin anti Lenore, of Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. J, .J, 1Vilsaua Mr. Leonard Yungblut is relieving at pre(yenootpp�� at the C.P.R. station at St. Thoalg`�. _ Mr. anti Mrs. Cheat),T'ayler' .and 'fonrily, of St Helena, visited on. Sun- day with Mrs. John rerguson, Mr. and Mare• Roy Roberton. of De, twit ,visited recently with the former's paxenta, err. and Mrs. Wm. Roberton, The monthly meetiag of the We 's Institute' wilt be held in the k oresters' Hall next Tuesday afternoon. Mru.= E. 3: Haughton eeebrated herr BEFORE Asn Litutvoidable Acci- ' ent HAPPENS RE SURE ax '.Are Joao Pie- " ected BY INSI.IRAisTeg ainety-fottrtb btu at hem of bit daughter, Mrra. Chas. Asquith, on Neduestaity, Thome from .Suburn who attended tit stintorial »e:Vkul at Datissenou ee»tetery ion, Sunday were Mrs S. Roes ,meq■. W. Mr. and Mr. cif A T'f ' l Mr saes]'. Diarist tl Medd, Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Mr. cud. .swat, klaet►ie1 Phillips, Mr. Robert Pbillia and Mrs, \Via. 'Mcllwaiu. Mr.. Jim..Dsviidtiou, of Belleville, is visiting' Mr. and Mrs, Boware. Robert - Score 'Card' ' Pnvdeges J'or'Gode eb Horse Rate Meet:, .5th August, 19440. . Tenders for Score Card Privi. lege will he received by the lander- sighned up and until Monday; 22nd jj 4, GINN.. Secietaary. • 5th August, 1940. Applications for Booth privi- ; leges en a per foot basis will be received . up and until Monday. 22nd Ju at' 1 p.m. ••'•i�v'. O. GINN. °:Secreta Nomination Meeting Toyrizhi•p, of goderich' A meeting of the Electors will be held in Butt's gall, HQUaaesville ObN:.• fNDAY, .QTLY 1•5th . at 7.30 papa to nominate °a coun- cillor to ;lithe ;vacancy caused by the death of :Mr. H. C Cox. R. G. 'TIIOMPSON,': 27.8- ., • Cierlc soThe ° MicaFt iact J adie ►' Aid met in the The er�hyureyyh'b�, ,uu Thursday y tern�opn�,� with Mrs. C. A. llo Rsoof in charge. Mrs. A. Wainer led, in prayer. .Mrs. Earl Me- Faliglit invited the Ladies Aid to her set Two home ter the August meeting. ' quilts- were the% quilted. Master George Procter of Toronto is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs.Ralp:' Munro. Visiitors.., (today) Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Munro and Micas SusieBlair Were Mrs, CA W. McCrae, of Senit te. Marie, Ont., and Mr. and. Mrt. 'Wilfred O'Donnell,, of London, Red (lime 1'J: Plana have been . made by, the tool Red Ciro a to dig - Pease with: the garden party proposed for July 24. Instead,they are Bolding a "Big Night,' that same evening, on the playground. There will be bingo and an open air dance. There will -also 'be a„booth, where "eats". can be bought,' and. tea; and eo>ee will be served. Itefreshxaerds will' be served at the booth. ° A program will be pro- vided revided •IV- a concert eonrPany. Anglican Ladies' GulId.—+phe: ;&ngai scan Ladies' Guild held their monthly &, :ingot g.,:;4311,030,11.4- Ston. Mrs. ;Gordon Taylor presided, and Mrs. R. M, Weekes led In prayer. Readings were given by Luella Joh Ston and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mrs; Alvin: I,etheriand invited the Guild to, her home for the August meeting. The roll call will be .answered with "the name . of the minister who baptized you." A vooa1' trio, ,Ramp Toll, Mary and Margaret Nesbit, rendered a,numy ber. It was decided to quilt two quilts; and give one to, the local Red Cross, and donate the other to the missionary bafe Mrs. Thoinae ;dame; <Mr`s. James Nicholson and Mrs. Alfred 1 'esbit' were ap ted •'to lea ' after th, quiltings• Mrs.. David Hamilton and Mrs. Alfred s a offered their' homes for the quiltings. .touch .was.served by the hostess. New white 'hate for the aUntit er r & yy'q,� 7 r It. •, !� �k Xing -- aeon _ 1�$ kiV ..i1' R aeon stmt,. Bedford li<l ;db. Garden party, himgabr , Mouda'Y. July 20th, os The Chord) 'women's GIid will hold theirannual garden party',Thursday, July 2th, on the victory grounds. Ad- mission. 815e, 28-9 Ay"'byake :sale under the auspiees of the T ��.I A,AA , et North Street United ehureh will be held un Seturrday, July 20th, at 9(� e s, ��.fJ(}� a.m., a>7r N%rnaan, rote acne, corner Iiatniltou Street and. the. Square.. 28-8, The regular meeting of the Goderieh Township Ioepital• Auxiliary will, be held at the home of . Miaa Amelia Me - Lean, Thursday, July ltith, at 2.45 pan. Han,. • B , :t Alexandra Hospital, Code- rh'b,'''on July 4tb, to Mr, and Mot. Chas. ell, 0.1t No. 1, ,Baydeid, a daughter. OKE.-•-aAt Alexandra ,Iospital, Godo rich, on July 400, to Mr. and Mrs. Ir'v'ine".Oke, it.R. ,No. • 1, , Goderich, ,a . SOn. SOW1R:BY.--At Alexandra .,Hospital,. Goderich, on 'July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Sowerrby, R;R, 2, Gede rich, a daughter. .0110 The . Signal Stix ,sells for $2 to any address fl.i Canada and is worth more. Look at your -•label; :will 'show the date up:to which ,your subscription is Paid. kttigiarso, Sett. Es anattsv t'slAria k lots 4160ettirti, vbs. Abp TOMATO JUICE BEANS?big AISMNSSte,► LARD sannyned OBD' CHEESE. o& a NEW CHEESE NEeThit' BLENDED EA 1/44b+ kfis�b. a� • a►raiaas u o■� • ED WHEAT2 for 15c .t3EDr<]ND'B'• Y xb. . QUICK DJNNER 23c OBSTER : c n 26c TOMATOES Iona Vig.23c,•.� SPECIAL Orkr.aE4 woonn JIL r" $ FACIAL .SOAP 3 cakes for . 13t. 1 EXTR' FOR xe won to '"All for 2.2C '$flCIAL OFFER! IVORY SOAP 'lergietakess ' $c tCTaa: Cann,to 1 sONELEVS` MARMALADE lox > °•&T PLUM JAMPeens . »� ° ' IV COLOUR • "4 SARDINES:- suowso PORK & ' BEANSAYLMER A CORN LAKEScu 2 RICE .,CRISPIES SHORTENING L t 2 iso 23 CORNFLAKE$10 I0c` ROBINH0000AT • c. k..9 JAMa e cora m,it > in 5t. 25 c 3 pkgs. 1 AMMONIA TUNA FISH ' 18c JUICE tti PEACHES x 3c NORTHERN TISSUE 3 Yon 2, c AS'QUPJ H.—In Goderieh, -on Tuesday, July ,0th, Mary Good, widow of the Wns 93rd !ear... DOUG`H'Ed `Y.• --In Oodelicho on Mon- day,• July S,, Louisa ,_,Georgina • Dougherty, in her SOtii year, H'Ai 'SON. --+In Goderich, on Sunday, A:diY.7th,; Daniel J. Harrison, in his 70th year. • .Y-.2 . ., 1 OQE,E. -+In Goderich, on� Monday, July 1st, Margery Evelyn Horton, wife of .Charles Moore, in her 3lst Year, re oD iJNANNON. DUNGAINlNQ N; 'July 10.- ilk r., alit Mrs. Lorne . Woods, ..iDo na Jean and Mrs. J.'' Helm - visited Mr. and Mrs. graham MONee on- Sunday. Mr.• and Mrs. G. W. ,Collins and Mr. H.' Bailey of Ohatsworth° ., visited on -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce itec Arthur. M•rs. T. A. Otrvin, of Saskatoon, ac- companied. by 'Mr. • and Mrs. Fred An- dersen and sons, ,et Lucknow, .visited' Mrs.. Melvin • Reed on, Sunday .Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc' Kenz a and bro- ther-in-law, Mi. , Patterson,:,.sof Wing. ham, ,are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp. • , . . z `qtr. _and Mrs::,' Bert.L'Badm'an and children, of Essex, who are Spending a, vacation in this vicinity;; visited a few', days with :'friends M and relatives on• , the ,.Gth.. concession of West rWtawanosh, • . Mr. and Mrs. '.Phos.' Dickson, sr., on the 4th concession of Aehileld; have recently purchased the residence of Dr, H. A. S. Vokes, ` ,taking possession August 12th. ,The- Dickson farm will he taken ...oover 'by , their, son Melvin, • whose farm -71s one • of `those taken by 'the Port Albert airport. ° . . Visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. M. J. Robb later were. • their 'cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Edtvard Nolan, of ,Sasleatche- wan,. , and ;Mrs* and Muss Cecil : - Rol*, Ripley`. • �, Miss Dorothy 'bbher aunt, Mrs. A. k7. Milner1 London, ;a.•few days last week.__.' ... =• �yChild 'of -thew; ln- asyEth Doorn,,,charing t rnss, are visiting Mr, and. Mrs. W.. At Culbert. They are Douglas, Harry, Kenneth and Helen Van Dgorn. 731.r. and airs. Heber' Eeily spelt last Thursday' at ,Stratford°. Their eon Jack, who : accompanied the}u, is re- ,. inaiag for some. holidays at Milver- ton acrd Stratford.- • • Mr. Geo. Moore, who is engaged at clearing the land for the, God,erieb. air- ,port, gave himself a nasty cut on bis leg with the axe, which required. sever- al stitches. He is recuperating at his:. home.. and .expects in: a, few days to° resume hid, work ° ,Misses Frank ' indLily McLean, Lucknow, are home-, for the summer with their brother, Mr, -Thos. McLean. Born.—July 1st,'" to 'Mr. and *Ars. Bert-=iVhyatrd, ,S:eafortb, • at Sea f Orth t; Eto4iitai; a baby girt—Ro lr m tlier 'and babe are tieing fine, -- Miss Flora Durninwill be in Toronto fo the -next two. weeks observing jam- jnaking for Iced C9ros's work, This is a new enterprise the Government is undertaking, in order that women may have another way in which: to help out... with the war effort ' MemorialrService,-Tbe animal mem- (trial' service. at Dungannon !cemetery was 'held last Sunday afternoon., with probably net as, Targe an, .attendan'ce as in some other years. A; mixed choir led • the singing, With Mrs, Allan Reed as organist. The opening hymn4. announced by Rev.. W. Newman, was . • "Faith' of Our Fathers." The .Scrip- Lure was read by Rev. C. 1T. McDonald. ..Q, solo, "There": Ia NO Death," was given by Miss Ferxre Alton, aecompan- • led "`byre. Bruce :Me—Arthur, Mr. Newman led, in prayer. "0 God ° of Lovas' was the next hymn sung ^ Rev.' . A. A. Maloney,--: rector of 81 " Paul's Anglican church, delivered an impress sive- adds ss, The elosirng hymn, was "Abide with Me.'.','Te cemetery looked. very nitre and many Bonn nonted ons ,the fmproired • condition from years' ago. Mr. • Bert Meath is. steadily improv- ing at Goderrich _I[oaprta1 since- his operation. We hope he .is 'well on the road to recovery, ° 'Mr. • and Mrs. Chester Duiarniniand faronily are e1Dected at the end of the week. andwith their Mother, Mrs. R. J. Durnin, will spend some `tune at their 'cottage at Colpoy's Bay. Bob Mdfiean,' son of Mrs. Wilfred eLearc, Gr'trlerieh,, r'ta speeding a while e tf Mr. and Mrs. Beit. Mole. `., i - M :E,--RHMX.N"NG .'i 1<'ORRT- typewriter itemette) p..ep tically new, $32.00—est weeSily monthly iklYiputs' desird.*eas > r 'l' writer rr,ibbous 715 suits, ,SIGNAL- 8MAltR Phone 71.. 2814 aeSALE. --1920 GRA -IAM -PAGE -clition sedan- good' eonclition, with good tires. Apply to WM. Bi1OWNLgg, Britannia, road,i Gcderieb» 28 S I3 . GF:l1►TLD 4-N'.S winter overeomuskrat lined a�t, >In s thr'eughputr otter eollarr and trim, siZe 38. Original coat $150,00, Win sell .l at $50. �. 0. D. Mae0JAI0, ",tr .�yleUcOW*n . Tourist Home,:C`oboU g Street. 28 NOR SA+Lk7. E ST. .W1iANCE, —'].' Mvntrresl street, south of 'Public, Library. This property will be sold cheap and on easy' Paymeuts, a. we aCrRA'IG 1111, 21tf, WATERFRONT, WHITE MODERN " furnished cottage; Water, sewer,. light. Or part., ES' H , Bennett St., Goderieh, '240 FOR SABLE. —' 1 FORD PANEL DE- I4IWE4RX trick,; eaaR�celien t• running shape:; .4 -year-old Jersey cow, , 'EB. tested, milking' well; ' 3—months—old� Jersey, heifer calf ; York sow, bred eight wee 'iugle horse light gon: °JAS WHITE',Oxford street. •-28 1SAL1 , 'GOOD 100 -AOR farm; clan lo in; good buildings; ;well=' fenced and good water supply, 'ROBERT MOl+FAT, R.R. No. 6, Luek- now, Ont. 27-9x Fon SALE 20-H,]P. gNGIN i4 with 20-H.P. boilers;* one -high pres- sure boiler; both George . White ; one 136 Bart -parr tractor ; • all in • good -working-•-.condit1Gf ,,� un L 0teel__ meter tank mounted on steel .trucks (proper of Hugh Chisholm) For 'information rapply JAS. 0113DSHOLM, R.R. No, o,. .Goilerich; hone. Carlow 2012: 26-S; BT. =ArAaYZ'1':a[E'"tiT-t?N .114IN door with *11 ruiodeern rouveulences. Call 'STG Aa • tfrAlt Phone 71. 28tf , /� �.,�t�•� (�'[}{,^(�_ O4- •a" 7T:�y RENT. —�' 4�.J�4i�1��.7.i1+: D oft :41z�' 7?'[iRNI$Lti 7l[a tat on ground door , near 4unset Motel. ,Apply 105 Elgin avenue,' Goderrieb. large veranda andbalcon Y, � mediate poaseaetion. M. 'W. govvitm St. Yiueent street. -28 P1(.781.410 NOTICE Decoration Jay will be held in the' Colborne cemetery, Sunday, July 23tb at 2 o'eloek if►,7gri, tl W Nf $4irJo0W8, Vlei•kk E Aea di> ' Released front Racks after Lolling Half Her Cargo— The o—The oiltanker Aeadialite of the Im. perial •Oil fleet, wJ:ieh went ashore on a rocky point near Tobermory' on June 2 th, Was ; refloated and was towed to Sarnia on_ Saturday last, She will be taken to .drydoclt at.Port Dg'Ihousle for further, repairs. The tanker lost approximately half of her cargo ' of 222,•000 barrels -of g _stiprin mer stays on thee.:;rock ledge. SUCTION 'BALE Of a good brlek resiaienee on Trafalgar street, Goderie1t, our SATURDAY, JuLY 2311i .&T Ltio Ey. This property la well located, has eF rooms, and bath' roam, and good fur aee, Large lawn and shade trees. Terms; 20 per cent. to ,be paid at time of sale, `balance in 30 clays, MR..aM'. WG 0L11GO3U E, proprietor,1'..OUND» ItY, 8C i5 N, Auctioneers. NOTICE I"8 OTICIa '1`p CtREI31TORSP NOTICE is hereby idveu to all Sine having away e1al ar ;*i. alaort tit estate of llerrbert,, Cox, late Of ilk Township of Goderiieh„1n►.the N,. of Huron, fara►er, alio died .0a eft: about the 8th of June, 1940, to sok. Sante' to the undersigned, duly Neri by, declaration, on or before July 1940, as on and after that date administrator erein • • will prroe `' • ra tor � snake distribution of the htsseta of tiros ma oststs baying regard only to •thew claims thea filed.. .:..]}abed at Goderieh t Inge 2511, 1040. R.O. HAYS, Goderieb., Ontario, 20•#i Solicitor for the Adrnin1etrrator. , Rubber Goode, (Sundries, ote., mellm postpaid 9ri..plain, sealed wrapper, 80% less bean .retail. Write for mail order catalogue, NOV-Rt1BBIIR. 00,,. De t, x1.10 Box t1, Hanilitord, Ont. WANTED. --TO BUT OLD HO'R?SES. and 'dead cattle ., must be suitable ,fora� ink feed •removo.:• prorefttly.: FRED GILBERT, ` R.R. 2,• Bayfield Phone 908 r 22, Clinton. Calls paid for. „ 18-tf. .►�i, wanted;to act as A'g'ents:. Must he convincing talkers'to; clearly _explain, advantages our Household necessities 'known as; "FAMIIJEX . PRODUCTS of- fer to buyers. Already selling in im- mense quantities. Door' to door can- vassing neeeessary'to show. articles ,and take orders for .same. Unusually od4 commission. Unlimited earnings poi' '`aible...Everybody buys .on 'sight. For E -E CATALOGUE AND DETAILS FA l ILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal._ 28.33 ars irestono Four 21 Y n or . Ores have been s at dm 'winning cars this- •Indiarnap Siteedwas. For yeatrs a Pike* in the doting. h: " c1 , w Paoli b. death. ilAO, moms d 290 siesit roai►CC : Tracor- ux : •.ori by AAb, JaaM��*v. w on ! •yno - , YTt. THiOM;AIS A. HOU,GHERTY and family wish to thank their mane friends and neighbors • for the kindness shown thein.., in their recent sad ,'bereavennent. R >ASyaeoial; th anks are iterrtoRe v: alone”^and Rev. Mr. Hannagan' .of Lueknow, and to those who sent tfloral tributes: 28 VPOiJIIJD' IJIgl+7 T'O. TA�R�: 'TlUIS o`pportupity of blanking all ` q�ho assisted, in any way to make the Salva- tion .Army campaign a success. Espec- ially would 1 like to thank the local. eommit'tee ` and The Signal•Star for their hearty co-operation.• Wee have realized the sum of $177500• for Gode rich, Kincardine' and vielnity. KANH- LEEN FARMER, Captain of the 'Salvation 'Army. 28 Z" ,ibis great record of, `.achievement, no longer`eaft. there ; be any questioti..tof which _tire _. s safest -One tire . zatui_only —one —las the exelusxve _safety'' features demanded by race drivers-•Fif estone-the tire that has been tested on •the speedway • for your safety on the highway! Let us past Firestone' Champion agree thatthey are the serest and •• most dependable tires you • lriave . eyet hast. , Drive in today. If. 3AN'E, Colborne St, Phone 454 REG: McGEE, Hamilton • St, Phone 695 Run waeation something 'fcdding G English' Chi open stock of English C Vases — (Take Sherbets G and Pottery. - oftenort't take long For we always have W to show ;your for and Showers—in Minter ..Sets—all erful colfettlon and Saueers es . Crystal Candy Jars GIFT 'STORE t Cilia the Sd11 Q Clino A!s- War : Savings Stan ps and Certificates AT YOUR FAVORITE Sponsored by the Cana;1ian Motion Picture P'io►noers ENJOY A FINE EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT. AND AID (- CANADA'S WAR EF`FORn. 1.40 CHARGE ton ADMISSION. You get ,a IR E Ticket . with a mittiruum t WO 2 c CANADIAN WAR SAVING STAMPS! These Stamps remain YOUR property n investment in , 'an 'a':aand its future! :111 expenses"in connection with ` these performances' are being borne by the Motion Picture, industry! SPECIAL PEAFOR AliCES ARE sumo mut