HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-11, Page 7GORERICH MOTORS ',$TAt`t ruy:tr ,004t1i, St. Phone 83 roarn jaTliatatr TArioraourratt aed flerviee ' Oars GEORGE O. •Ma0ZWAtt •vieteris. 'St.. itonie 234 .00ppowr olin$3,19Buis • Servide General *Pairs "s Vton,teilae Producte Firestone Tires ' 'MoGES 0,1ARA.GE '000,11-A & DRSCOIN ' .1hi1eteind fierviee • 35 tramTlten,St„ ',Phone "998 GenerilsSepairs to Ail Makes of Cars ""$13$000 940 A.N1) ,OXDS Viregtone TIre Wfllard Batter* ‘pwrligig GARAGE. • Othilav,t'ppOTE, Prop. Victoria St Phone 513 CH4X,c/OR PIANO 0.111, Sales and, Service • Geneiailtepaira to Ali Makes. I mania St. . 35 ne BETTY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ivryr,K, oREAA IOE CREAM visit -olitTitiiit 64 Elgl,n Ave. Phone 840 Pertnalieut Waving and all 'hies of Beauty OtiltUre A.Ut011(10)111LE PARTS ACCESSORIES da.NAD/AN TIRE COIll'OBATiON Associate Store cs 1,„O. .NfrtETST944. .13.imuton t. rhone 99W TIRES, "BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES gVa4114 14114N, PM, East Side of Semtre Phone 60 remanent 'Waving, ringer Wa,kinic# OaCials," Manicuring and Haircutting BEVERAGE GODERICK BOTTLING WORKS CAMPBELL TWEEDIE, Prop. 58 Mimi St., • Phone 489 Authorized Bottler of s gSOCA,00141 AND i*EEDIE'S roruttin tiramics•' • • 110 !OLEAN , *Ingeten t7 rhone 350 We carry', a eOmPlete 11.1.1(f of PDOIM, mak stvos ANO , GRooltax08 ,8143e10.1744-i–toulk nowsr and Vegetable giants VOU±416RIES ,G0DERiou IRON lavnj .BRAss .gotayDRY Victoria St. Phone ' GRAY IRON CASTINGS " maws and ALOMIDTIGTNE OAST*Gi contractors, Jobbers ' and roundrY Engineers 0 01Z OraTA. • iku a re Plume ',28$ au ERWIN - NIFILTAIAMA AND a v., rocom, IfasTAMICIA VASNISUSS Genera.' Hardware, 011ie Glee*, Aladdin UM*, Celseteett°IsimPel awl SboYee, SteY0S, gleSiShing and liesens ro* nxiosz - T. ¥. TURNER . West 8r. 'Phone 880 • . A rrow6gs:-.- "Delieious Meals TeMptinily Served." ROYAL,'INN 'Hamilton St. . • gleine (182 Stop at ilasYal.' Inn". When'. in doderleh .Excellent AemuunedatiOn Comforts Special 1.9tkletst, Moderate Rates Service ' 10r-IPY, 'Mgr. E.*17 CLEVELAND •14 Vire, .st. Ste. Phone 11,4. • BREAD,13iES, BLThtS, 0A.B118,_ ETC. We Deliver - &TREY'S .BAKERY Pitene 465 munia Etrwmaks 11,R. 1,•Goderich * Phone 931-r-2 , RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION- Al/TERATIONS AND REPAIRS ' HouSp MOVING ANX); MOT 7.4iFERY Warren. St. s. Phone' 577W GENERAL -CONTRAOT'oR 21Na ” BUILDER Every Branch of Carpenter Work. it • ' THE SAULTS 00AL 00. :Nelson St Phone' 75 Best Grades of Piseolsontass Hard, Soft and Cannel Coal, Coke,. Hard and 'Aga Wood Exclusive Agents for LizzaG4 vA4114py AmmiacrTia -ROBERT STA14DISE‘ 02 East St Phone 369 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND s BUILDER- - oarpentering; Alterations and Repairs -Also -Cabinet Work . 'Estimates' Free , EARL,. WESTP•ROOK 69 East Et. Phime GENERAL OONS-TRUCTION REPAIRS, , Al/PERATIONS, FLOOR" „. 9 MONTGGM,ERX SAtTlkiRD 'Pb.one 089' GROCERIES ..s`mEA.TS — FRUITS— "VEG ABLES's:- DRY GOODS 4. Oltr, , RAPE) $4.gyi CIBSO'N'S Ram spRiapz Montreal gt. (at EdwardTaxi) - Phone 107 or gle. . Wp..are as near ga.yonr phone. -REP S., sAiST13,.,.:..REPLACEMENt FOR 'ALT. mAxios Walter earrutbora, uZTuroberry washIP, died on MainditY St the lige **verity -OW yet. The death occurred recently at Zurieti ot joint, lriaxhird, in his sixtY- eighth year,. Peceased was not mar - tied, Mrs. Mary taIi widow of Jose& died at *Credit= ou Frh In„ her eiglity-seeond year'. Three dangh- ters survive, Mrs. JC. J.MelCague passed away ,at her home in Winghana on Friday. She is survived by her husband, four daughters aud two sous. truest Bodway, of the Xxeter nigh ISchoel start -has reolgued tO take POsition a teieber of mathematiesIU the Fetgee High School. . Apetriett Greene, A.T,C.M., who ba a been engaged in music teaching at Clinton for. several, years, .has gone to `igunro„ where She will assist in 'the pewit:let of a boy.'farm, • . Wililain,DeVereaux, member of one of the oldest pioneer families Of the Settfoeth diatriets died at his home: in, *thaf- tOvvu on July -1st, at the age Of eighty-one Years. TVs wife fierylves. Elisabeth, Amelia Lukes, - Wife. Qf William hp' of Clinton, died .Thurte day night - last at the WO:se of ber daughter,' Mrs. Fred 'Mersool, II,ullett towi1litp;in The:death Of Robert IV Scott, 12tb coeCeSsion of East .Wawariosit, occurred on, Friday in his alitYsiiinth,yearS SUr- viiing are his wife,formerly Charlotte ,M,Courney, twoJsens end two 41. allgbe tis. .BERTRAIVI MUNDAY. , 7 WOder . Phone 598 00MiLETE STOOK ',OF rAux,s 06.-4,4x:pro 90 Do- Guaiantee�n AihRepOlir, :Work. •Estiblished 10 Years. s•esmwsi.__.powiwwp.k.io-••••••••iarawmiwmm•s4 MAPLE LEAP BAKERY N. JACKSON & A.:FORSTER . 86 Square Phone 460J Fresh Bread, Pies, Buns, 'Oakes Daily - Also Groceries — We'Deliver Send 70h1tiQfl1 for the_ hoys Overseas to the Red Cross, ?Zoom ° L the -Publi.e. .Libra,fy Or to the Legion. ft00111Se Corner of North St. incl.. the Squire. A.R1,4. OW.• " CARLOW, July 9. --The farmers are very busy with the hay, Which IS a heavy crop. . The W.A. of Benmiller church Put oil their play, "His Women ,Folk," in the wowntimp ktait for the bettetit of the 'W',3,14. The. ettaractees were Well. 'chosen and—there was a fairly good audience to enjoy the Presentation. Communion service was held in the United church, at the 'nand- time of Service on Sunday. The pastor was irk. ,Charge and spoke on oWliat the Church • BAXTER'S DAIRY Napier St Phone 104 MILK REAM Specializin 'WENG0IOEAM KRINEItO 0110C0LA.TE DRINK GRAPE, ORANGE and GRAPEPR,UIT BISSET BROS. - _Creamery . _EDWARD TAXI Saltford Efeights Phone 172W • • l St. ' %Phone 616 Wranuraetnrerd Montrea- sAurronD us niOnTIS O1iAMER 131'01:apt, Courteous Service BVITDR, AND IOE , CREAM Car Storage ' Washing Simoniz'ing DO1VIINION! STORES LI,MITED 4001(1444. Quaker treatt.*tour.. 93 lbs, , - * 2411Se. . 65e WE Dp.Diviot 'ptut,i(At EARTs;iC iiproyil‘rs . 7 (FOrirfer1-00Millgett)' East Side of Square For Prompt- Delivery and dourteous. Service Phone:194 or 105 GROOERIES, FRIJITS AND VEGE- TABLES — COOKED /MATS " FRED. it. PRICE ditockgy North Side of Square Phone 248 -GROCERIES VEGETABLES , • IiRUITS Free Delivery Service 'W'est St at Waterloo 'Se. " Phone 717 s SERVICE STATION' RAI4STON-4;,',Wre.M;NS.,;, CITIES SER:VICE PRODUCITO PC*PLETE AUTOMOTIVE, stuvIen - - ROQRE 'S SERVICE, STATION BOydield Rd.'s „ Phone 688 Frame ,and Wheel Alignment Service. Machine Work—Acetylene Welding-- BicyClei,Tires—Ilatterieis CaTtEs $1411VI0F1 P110011= Lawn MowerA Aharpetted wwwwwassaiimaimossioximirows The fiftieth anniversary.ef the wed - 'ding of Mr, and Mrs. Amen Shaw, of Dluevale,was celebrated on July 1st with a...family gathering at the home at their son, Prank !Shaw, Morris town- ship. , „ • Alfred,Mitchell pased away at Wing - barn on "Tiine 27th after ansillsieess-bt, fourteen Months.. He (was:, In his thirty. eighth year. Ile is .stirvieed by , his wife, formerly, ,Mary Bolt, of Dist Wavranoeis. * • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Totigh, of Olin - ten, announce, the eegagentent of their daughter, Margaret Isabel, to Mr. Joseph 1110/111len MeGillawee, of Norti.i Ansthope, sou of the late Mr, and Mrs.: James McGilittweeeof North' Easthope. The Marriage will take place on July At the ltgenoadvilie mass* urday last Arr. A. W. esesliget formed the marriage elerlealY Attu* 141beitheth. daughtor t Mr. X4litTriej*Iisi"IDolmageL". ,aigTerkeladt6" oit. *114 Mre, ,Austin Driliaage of MeiEliPloP. 'no Ineepullevg**--t see isfr65-71,11),:eXuntte n theekt6reide. groones farm neer Winthrop. Taylor, slaughter' ef Mr. Mid Mrs. MNIritgr. *leStir 31re. jolm I)eeves els° of %Won, was $01e/rolised bY Bei'. A. 11.O'Neil In St, Paul's Anglican ehttrelt, Clinton, on July 1St, Later the young essuele left for a trip down the tits laftwre441to Montreal. They will make' their home in Clintert. Carbert—ilteynelde A pretty wedding took Place In, 4t. joseph's R. C. elnirch, Clinton, on Julie 29t of Mr. w r.ellnedugiMArlies. OR.eg.eillY°L:1814hrfia,arluuglieetrt tovenslkip, became the bride of Cleorge Mtrbert," son of Um, Mien Carbert of flullett and the late George, Carbert. Rev, S, , McDonald' celebrated the nuptial maas. Afterwards Mrs- and Mrs. garbed left on -a Motor trip to Midland and other Ontario'Llsisiste. 'They reside in' Clinttni. MeOlutheas—McGregor At the United church Meese, Eg- mondville, on June 29th, Rev. A. W. Gardiner performed the marriage tote- m:11Y Uniting Anna Kathleen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Gregor, NipPen, and Thigar James Me- Olinehey, son of Mrs. Sarah MeClin- ehey and the late James MeClinchey, ilensall. The young cOuple will reside atyson_mwensall. mamoor, _ The_ marriage_ of Arletta Gertrude, daughter of Mre:Welper isad the late Jacob Walper, west of Dashwood, to Russell 3,1e4Kinnon, sou of Ore. Ivialisen and the slete, John A.Manson, of near Zurieli,-„Was -solemrd4e1 by Rev. E. Tuericheim. at the Zurieli Lutheran manse on June 29th. The .couple will reside on the groom'farm on the Goefienlisle Stanley townships . „ One of the. June Weddings was that of Miss Beverly Small, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DclwardiSmall, Whighana, to Charles Davidson, Sou of. Ur; and Mrs, Robert Da.vidsOn,.-Bruesele. The ceremony, was ,performed by Rey. Ar. Fowler- at the Bluevale manse ons' June 29th.• Victim of a heart attack, Jane Bell, widow of the late John R. Tiabhithi, died .suddenly at Seeforth on July 3g4, 'at the age of seventy-eight years. Sur- viving are one emi, Arnold, of Listowel, and two daughters, Mrs, Jessie Flat, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Milton Chesney, Of Toronto. ' Tuerkheini—Haberer • . A- wedding of interest took place in St, Peters Lutheran church, Zurich, on June 27th, when 'Seise Isenera Kathleen Haberer;lisT.C:M., daughter ef Ur. and Mrs. Edward 'laborer, Zurich, becem.e the bride of John Mark,Tuerkheim, son of Rev. 'E. and Mrs. Tuerkisebn, also of Zurich. The ceremony. was perfumed hy-thelsridegroont's father. The young • couple' le -ft on • trip: to...Northern On. ta They sWilrresWesinsZtileC--ss - Whiteferd—Ilerdinan. . The Marriage of Eula Mary, young -est daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. John Herd- man, Elimville, to John Whiteford, son of John Whiteford and the late Mrs. Whiteford, St. Marys, ,was solemnized et* pital, is at seassqt St ewther. lim Tilme.Put Mir SR Awry to revert that Kr. ISO.* 311 set te. geed healtk. Jar wisest tosebtr. NW An** berr, Feet ANeeers zs whoa/ mad wes the recipient it mai- boor •C *MI QC Averegkee se a feedis eft tram the 000mosaitr. .aiir sorry to lose Wes OCT, bitt wiek "we MU Iambs of herpteee• ia ifeasee. field Patriotic iSoeletys wilt hold its , tepid; monthly meeting at thetaionse. of the President, 310; John Bennett, next Tuesday afternoon.: A full at- tendance of the ladies ig requested, * Mrs .' John Quaid spent a couple of days 'last weekend, at the home of her ,sister, ,Mra. Robert Durnin, Durtgans. non. Their sister, Miss Grace Praw- ford, a teacher in cagary, 14 at present' visiting With Mrs. Iltirnin. Mrs Ernest (3,rawferdi who taught the past year at Paisley and twas holiday: ing with his parents, left Sunday to. take a -summer Course forAves Weeks -a t Toronto . Jack- and jimmy Grahams 'have been. sick the pastsweek with the measles. Miss Margaret Crawford .had her tonsils removed In Gederieh, 'Respite). last Friday__ ' . The deatlesoecurred in ‹lodetich nos, pita, ',Monday night of Miss Louisa Dougherty. The aged lady was re-, moved to the hospital by ambulance on :Satrirde'y. --Iredneitin'y niter-11On Ironi-ter late residence, the home of her brother, Mr. The/Inas Dougherty. We extend sthe sympathy. of the community to ' the bereaved ones, . Miss Irene Graham returned home , Thursdayevening from Kincardine by Rev. William Mair at 'the home of Beach, where she had spent it week the bride's Patents on June 29th. The holidaying. - couple will reside at Ingersoll. , Sacrament was observed in the sly 9.—Sitov„ Harold Cearele, the new pastor of era. eb.u.reb, *poke to a large .conareirattloa. ounday morningUe was delkiktid ° at' the number who cies* out 930 O'clock early, bet everyone teeemea pleased to heve the afternoon to rest. The Sunda' oehool also wait larger than 11 bad. been. We trust it will eontinise ae. Don't forget the, Bed 'Cross Wetting in the baSeiment of the church July at '8 o'eloek p„ut. All are weleorae. The Elliott -reunion was held in BAY - field Saturday with 100 present and 1411Y goa-tbiele----reporteitr-A numer remained over for Sunday. Mr. and ItEN. Peter Harrison halts, Moved to (iloderich, where the former has secured work at Baeciders mill. We wish them' the best ot *mem. Mr. and Mrs;narry'Powell *pent the week -end ,st namilton. Harry halt treated the family to it new Okie Tichborne also, is sporting a VW,' n"Weet`were Pleased to see Mrs. WeSton out to church, on Sunday after her long' . illnmerse2stis;:i 61,,Iroitne, Hillsgreen, 'Vent Sunday with. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart , ANOTHER"ALG"OUP The, Algoma Central Steel Oa,. has added another' ship to its large lake tteet with the purehase of the 305 -foot freighter John Boland from the Boland and Cornelius. t$1111}Ping Buffalo. When she begins service for her new owners, her name "Mader Canadian , `.regi*Stry'viiirTe-the-Ai0WaY, and she will be under the ,conintand of cot. James Sykes., formerly saSteter of the Algorail. With a tarrying eaPaeity of 0,900 ions, she will be one of the largest Canadian earriers on the lakes.. . 'Tis the mind :that makes rich. • When met. end -frome1 get past 'alaia. tlybiettlitilY.Ind activity, ftptsAY InstAVe4i • to dootilok and their gektiond 0* the ;irate. titthi Onlaxeseee mid ollsaarts Peen harder .to shake off that formerly, ,and,' her and pier% 'evidences of a , broadest begin to appear. MOW Is the timo-Wfien AM; who " wish to maintain their •healthand vigor, and retain their energy m- iaowed should take sr course of ifilbtut's Health and Nerve Pills. They brace up and invigorate the system, and help stali off the deur*- . tude of advancing yosrs.`4. l',*11nFe Oa, Ltd., TM OBI 'auppvi.Eg oTHES Order now and have pour Clothes ready • . for the hot ,dayS7 Light weight Worsteds and Troptcals in - Altering, repairing:and pressing eryiee. PRANI{ i IVIAUTIN - TAILOR West St. Call 3 Stands For and What,Meraber,shlp in .1 It Keane." Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey • Fisher we're Mr: and Mrs. 'Willing And , Harland, of. Li:anion; Miselsfery Helen Schaeffer, Goderich, and Mrs. Ruth, ThampSori, •Detroit Mrs: Thompson remain with her daughter for some' weeks, s. • „ Mr. Frani °lark and Mrs. John ,Goderich, ,yislted with 1Virs... Victor Young and family on (1Sunday. Mr—and- Mrs G. F. Brenkman. and ,Mrs.Lillitin Stoker of Cleveland visited „With their sister-in-law, Mrs, Wm. The Delaware &Ilutison Hard Coal Coal Oat is eoneelettnecis'does not clinker apd:hisiery low itt ash. FORD CORti. A Co4e that is very popular' and Very: high in bcat units. , 1744e— • s Our fourpointed' tredfed-POcAllONTAS, This grade Of Coal hag beearne very popular. USE— The Ited 'jacket DomesticCoal - tor YQUe range,' beater; furnace or boiler. Calt in Oki yard, $840 per ten, or $835 delivered In Goderleb; irott,. nrAmitilo Axi) udionvcar,..-Tmc COALYARD and, IIAR4WARE STORE At the Harbor Phones—Store 22 House 112 Gauleyrover the -week -end. Our congratulations to Mrs. Itebert Bean, ,sr, who celebrated her eighty- seventh birthday on gundai, when members of her family visited her at her -home. , N'ative of Colborne Passes —'Word came on %Monday tbat bfr Edward (Ted) Morris, hacl. pass'ed awaY• in Portage la Prattle Hospital early that morning. Mr. Morris, it Son of the. late *Ur. and Mre. Joseph,alorris, was born on the faros now occupied by MeMartus, Colborne township. He leaves fa; 'mourn his passing his widow, tormerlY Miss Mary .Allan, tWo sans and, one daughter and three grand- thildren. . Church Anniv,ersary.—Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian church on 'Sunday, with Rev. 13. 0. Hill of Exeter as speeial speaker.. In the nkorning he chose as his subject oraith," and recalled Xing .George's elos.illg—eseesage at Christmas', 'Put your hand in God' S hand and go for. _ward." In the evening the pastor Was In charge and Mr. Hill took as hi g text part ofltess 1:8 --- 'The Lord who was, which is, and is to come." The choir: was assisted at Ibe Morning service by a quartette of ladiA from Hensel), wbo gave several seieeticals, and 'Miss josephine Weir of Auburri Tsang two so1o4 at the evening service dine expression, The church was beauti- fully deeorated with roses; orange blos- soms and plants. , There were large congregations at both serviees, Pfrinnuer—Watson.---,A pretty suns - mer wedding took place on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wtttson, -Carlow, 'yr h - their only daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth, ,'beeame the bride of ,Eiwyn 'Chester Pfrimmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. PfrinunerS Betimiller. The eereniony was *per- formed by 'Rev. It. O. Iliteelweed bade° .an akar of tells, roses and orange bleasonne. ll'os the etraihe et the Bridal Mores from iLolietigen, played by Mr. 'Sheldon .Baxter, the iheitle entered the drawing -room on the' Arm of her Other; She woresa white sheer crepe dress, floor length, vvith it Slight train. Her short veil wag held in place with white crepe turban, and she carried a bouquet of Token roses and fern. The groora's eister, Mio Grace Pfrini. mer, WAS' bridesmaid'. She wore a tur- quoise taffeta 'dress, floor length, with bolera, large White hat, and carried a bouquet of Briareliff roses ane fern, Mr. 'Charles Wateon, brother of the britle, was groomsman, rhe bride's - Mother received in a 'blue erepe and lace dress,'with hat sand IteceS- goriest aner-eorsage wits -pink -sweet peas and Briarcliff. roses. Mrs.' Pfrim- mer 'Wore a white ferepe dress, with. white hat and accesSories, and her cor- sege "wits mauve sweet peas and Token ' roses. The bride and groom left on a motor tri, the )bride travellbig in a jacket dress of printed silk in shades of, grey and wine, sseithewhite hat and tteeessories. They will reside in Ben.. • Whi'teRoseMotor Oil is a natu- ral first choice! Hetes why: This uniqu! motor oil "cleins as it bricates" — removes carbon, dirt and gummy substances; More- over, its fine, yet extra -strong film is kind to engines.; „keeps them youthful, full of life and • energy. WithWhiteRose you can ",factually feel the difference". Remember, White RoselVfotor Oil is "the PICK of them all". Moors Romance Th� live* of many rOug POOPlat are made Wearable by the bromic:1*g out of. pimples on the hoop . -The trouble is not tio Much 1Phyli- eel. pain, but it is the ment4 suffer - g "ch vory *shamed to, • lug caused by 40 figurement of the Nos oft*, moms tue sat . go out 'J11,4,01444. , The quiekest w..got rid of, pimples is to fit, the ge"111 hoilth by thotosk clew** a the blood of its its tits. ; 13nrdoek Blood liters ikometio skad pot** the blced— Got rid 'Of 1 Igo 0i4 Oeto MOTOR OIL MADE ay THE MAKER'S or ME MOUS WHITE ANADIAN OIL compANIE