HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-11, Page 5CAPITAL THEATRE `ir
NOW—Cary Granit old litiktioatht "lis Girl Fes'
Darryl F. &sonuek's production of
lMelee Westley—Dorothy Peterson Ernest 'fin
B e
Claude Allister and suck celebrated old stage tea as Weber .
Fields, Foy & O'Connor.
This, storxd:€e rho most glamorous of old
time celebrities is rated .as the best of all Zanuck successes.
1 6
TRIM. • FBI.: & SAT. --Double :Feature Program
Mary Carlisle. and Cla elite ')rl*aib
. typical • �r festival of
al .r>!b ocl�iung es
fast and furious fun"
Chas. Starrett & Iris' Meredith
Present a hard riidiingr knuckle.
ousting, tousled Westernyarn
gip$ � ...BR o � f the 'RANGE'
aonrin - woa �
Neale. and Ray billiarici ain "IItLNF"'a >t
Matinees • Wed. 'Sat. and Jo lidays at 3 p.m
Buy Your Stamps NOW at
the Box Offices . . .
Crewe Chrck $ic.essfiilIy' Cshks
Nth *eiivernry r
(Written for ,Poe $igaal°.tar) atter the very •extensive program; of
At the Morning serviee, to a centre
gation that filled the chaureit and porch,
Rev. 'Leonard Bartlett, a former pastor
now residing in Delmont, delivered an
inzspiring message 'ori "The Ch€tll'enge
of Christ to the Soul of Man." In a
brief, impreseive eereenrony .( catcilucted
Eby the present minister, Rev, 1,V,"• l''6
Newman, .the ehureli was rededicated
to the. warship and praise of'od.
The memory of the godly pieaeers
who made poSeih1e ,the erection of the
'church was not forgotten. Represent -
jag the third,gerieratiou,, Lorena +Oros«
ier•nnd Beatrice -Treleaven presented a
basket containing many ;beautiful dlows.
ors in memory a the charter M mber&
A. lovely masker tof vari-colored gladioli
:WAS' also . giv+en by the tleseeztdants of
the Blake family.'
The service of praise. °wa.s ledby a
ehoir eomPOSed of former . nIt n1bers.
Mrs; George Collinson. (Effie McWhin-
ney) acted as organist and :Mr. 'John
Menary; who htl been leader for many
years, • sang two selections which
showed he has lost none of hie talent
or vi or Nc�w eof%riu Al` he
of the Sunday school and Young Peo-
Ale's Union, were used for the reception
of the offering, which • was a most gen-
erous one.;'
An even larger number. of' friends.
gathered •for"the evening service. Scores
stood outdoors while many others un-
able to see or hear 'went their way.,
Rev. L. Bartlett conducted the sere
vice, assisted by Rev. C. Cle Tavenar of
Bluevale 'and• -Iter. + .;;'. Barnard••of
St.`IIelens. Praise was led by the
present choir, ably assisted by tie ,
westielt ,ti•Q.uartette. Mrs... G... Collin,
Son again acted• as organist and Mrs.
Wm. McDowell accompanied- , the
kitty years ago this sumrn"er ireetlou
WAS begin of the white frame church
on a corner oaf the 6ih eorrceseion of
Aslitleld about three miles east of the
Bine ,Waiter highway, The building of
the ehurelt continued on tlirougit the
fall and winter xttuuths and the fliurch
was formally opened and dedicated in
February, 1891, as the Crewe Methodist
ehureh, •
The high . tower that graced the
ettrirch gave it L commandinng• appear-
ance, but ..as the church was• in .,danger
of being blown about 'by every' wind of
nature rather than of doctrine it was
removed 60410 years ago.` In the early
years, annoyed perhaps by whisperings
of late. callers, a former 'minister per
sodded thea official boairajeto cut an axon -
Way is the wall facingthe pore's. One
of the .Main . features of the present
work was .,the closing in: of this affil-
One "'cannot enumerate all the tea;
.tures of..the work of renovatioli, but'
attention should be . 'drawn' to, the
splendid choice et the paper which en-
"liancaes the _,beaut of tneeetitterter.reelk:
3s ,af a type .that resemibles the tinted;
plaster finish' so becoming.to a ,Murch.
The menof the community, working
under the handicap of uncertain wea-
ther conditions, painted and rewired
thei,exterior. There was more thanrone
"lean -up day,," and all families Joined •
inc, _tile many "tasks, ` for like those ppf
olden thee "the people had a mind to
work" in this re -building of the local
Thi .rededication- services' (which'
marked the, fiftieth anniversary of re-
ligious activity in Crewe community_
were held on Sunday, Tune 30th, when,
the :church, was re -opened, for worship
quartette. which -aa 06111,400611,at
1114W0 141. Wi1liauaa, jO a and Alvin
Duw.)L and Maitland. Hew!.
iter. John A. Agnew at VtMptis*
*venue L'utted ant*, 'Loddon, was
the peeial speaker An delivered a
splendid andr on "The Need of.Iod-
1inees and Faith in Times such n
These." Mr. Agnew read a letter of
grcetiug from Rev. W. L. Mee of Top,
pert/ lie, Ontario, who like himself had
p>:eaehed his trial sermon, in Crewe
church before beiug aetepted as a can'
didato for the Ministry. Another who
sent greetings was Rev. Isaiah Kilpat-
rick, who taught *envoi a c •Orewo prior
to entering' the ministry.
Notwitixanding t'be Joy of tit'eser-
vices and the epleridor of the day, there
was a ,shadow of luternatioual affairs.
It was with much regret that many
;friends had to leave on: *3uuday night.
Because of new regulations those living
in the Unitett" States bad to 'cross the
border before 441,dinight, when the pass-
port law became ,efteetive.
Qn 'AtOtOay after Goll, friends gath-
ered from far and near for the jubilee
re -union and supper. In the church: a
varied program of voeal and musical.
selections:was giv'en",by visiting artists.
A second, group of former choir mein
bets, with Mrs. (Mitac) W. A. Oourtlee
(Frances Treleaven) at the organ; led
in 'the., singing of 'rho' Doxology auid
later san1a "When the Roll Is Called Up
_,,rider b .were joined mosi je irt-
ily:"by:' the audlen+ in the singing of
the ehorus,.
Interspersed in tile program was the
reading of letters front 'termer : min-
isters': and_trieuid'sr They were from
Montreal on the east to N'ietoria,
on. the west. These .reveal the lain-
euee of emigratio4. tolhe West of a
generation. ago,; many being from Sask.
atchewran.: Two of the oldest former
ministers, Rev. C. C. Keine, Seaforth,
and Rev..(. A: McICelvey, Victoria, B',0°,
were included in the senders of geed -
In, messages- µ. _-, A telegram was re-
ceived from. Mrs. D. H..Durnin (Fanny
Orayy)., of the W.Mas, zon ,School:,
This Company h in the. war to the full limit of -its resources. 'Until the I ritisb +
tlire is victorious, until the 'battle for m of nations and liberty of -
Deo es 'is iron, we have- pledged -all the vast manufacturing feecditaes of
our -Canadian and overseas;,rusted companies to the service of the Empire..."
e r t i
ami t
s o you . i
b�. rSm l
e ut a
sa a a
� Can di n in
p X
s iit4ution, one of the industrialresources of the Dominion.
AThe8,400 ,employeesit our, plants. as well as our wide-
spread'fdealer and service organization .from coast to coast
are t✓an an. The Company's shareholders include a large •
proportion of Canadian ' investors. No
yone individual,
familyor company has a, majoritycontrol of our" shares.
' For these reasons, aside from our deep feeling Of loyalty'
to the Empire and its 'high purposes, it is ,fitting that Ford
Motor Company of Canada, Limited should give. whole-
hearted support to the. national war effort.
From the very beginning this has been our courses Even ,
before war was declared, in co-operation with. officers -of •
-the Department of National, Defence, we laid in our plant.
the groundwork of military production: ° Since ~conflict -
became a . reality �weh�v .gtenwar orders p
overeverything else• More than ,fifty per cent of .our pro
duction is In vehicle's.for Military use and this percentage
iS increasing rapidly.
We are now engaged in supplying approximately 35,000
motorized vehicles of marry types; of which -10,000 are for
the Canadian .government and 2.5,000 for other Empire
We are constructing at our own expense a $700,000
plant d ft en to prob r de catties for theThnilding
Universal machine gun carriers of which we have under-
;- taken to deliver fifty a week to the Canadian government
as 'soon as .production., can be started. This addition will •
also enable us to increase production of other, types of
militar-'y vehicles. Our affiliated companies with plants in
South Africa, :Australia, - New Zealand, ' India, and Malaya'.
'are similarly engaged,in Empire' service.
Beyond' our manufacturing . facilities . we have been for.
tunately able to contribute skilled man -power. From our
Canadian and overseas .organization,. engineers . and men
with special training in transport and other lines' are
rendering valuable service.
Major adjustments in our busines,s7have .been necessary
'through loss of export trade andbecause of domestic taxa -••-
tion. We have made these -adjustments -cheerfully. 0 U *oioie --
concern now is the successful prosecution of this war so
that people * f all nations may again be able to work in;
freedom and peace.
PRESIDi rr .
Statement in Parliament by the Hon. C. D. Hower. Minister of Munitions• and Supply ,
• the president of the Canadian ,Company has shown perhaps as keen a desire to assist in Canada's war effort as anyc: tizen o _,
..�.,.• F p f,
this Dominion has done. His corporation since the outbreak of the war has done andis doing very to ortant work for Canada's
.war effort, in the way of building motor: train 0rrs and Uniwersah:carriers. The c'anyy.has placed .itself entirely in the hands.
., of the government as to the terms of the contract which it has had.
"A contract, providing for a fixed price aslow as we could find any basis.for asking, was worked out; an overriding provision
was inserted that the books of the Company would be audited and if the stipulated price produced a profit more than a s„sry low •
-percentage indeed; that prance would be scaled down accordingly. In; other -words,, the work -o€ -the Ford Motor Company. of Canada,
t3! arc
h to, assist in +Canada s war effort ha
its attittidetowar the war, and its• ability
ve been so far as I have been able to observe,
di Jllryltil
Senator Raoul Da�ndurand Government..Leaderdin the Senate '
Statement in Senate�,l�y
"Ford Motor Company of Canada is doing its utmost to,,serve the interests of the country, the War Supply Board and the Govern. •
Ment." • ` ....a '
Statement .in the Senate,by . Rt Hon. Arthur Meighen, Conservative Leader in the senate'
"They (Ford dealers in Canada) are numbered in the hundreds. And the number of employees of these dealers is very large: The
ramifications are tremendous.1 or all the purposes concerning us, the Coi apany is a Canadian concern, and I can add to the aSSure
ance given by the honourable leader of the House my own feeling that there are no better Canadians than those artihe head of
the Ford Motor Companiof Canada anathroughout that Company's"organization. They: will assist us to tite utnyiost in our' wax
Women's Auxiliary Motor Srrvice
Early in the, war the Ford Motor ,Coznipany . of
Canada, Limited organized free training courses
°, far •*omen in the care and operation of motor
vehicles for possible war service. 284 such classes_
have•bee'n wonductted, with an enrollment of 7343.
The number who have completed the eight week
course is '3,473, with 2,6$6 now under instruction
and 1,214 entailed in new classes about to start.
All instruction and equipment has been furnished
by Ford dealers and the Company without charge.
Typos of Motorixid,Vehiclett for.
Military Use Being Made
by ford Motor Company' of Ca•
Th .. Company is 'engaged' in
3 a OOmatorxzcd vehicles for Canadian
srtid overs
se*s governments. They include light two -wheel
drive tacks, knowsas 8aewt., which are used for
carrying light stores, personnel or wireless sets,
1.1'cwt. units, used• to tfaiiipOIt heavier loads,
personnel, ss xntksak, gun tractors, water tank
carriers, etc.;. 30 -ever, "four-wheel drive, used as
load carriers; three -ton, four and six wheels, for
heavy loads, for workshops, for wrecking equip•
anent, etc.; fourrwheel drive gun tractors used to
haul artillery, *s Well as ambulances and regular
passenger cars and station wagons specially fitted
and painted for army 'purposes. Present schedule,
of deliveries of these military vehicles constitutes
. more than. %u per cent of the Coanpsiny's produc.
non. The plant: it working day and night.
Zttani*at. E.C. Senaa111it
W. A. itirer.iuev. Met. Jessie
brou ht; the reetla4s of tiff slit*
ohurther is L*S.ld.•
A woo luteretithijr feature "et tlui.
stteruv'ua area Lia peeteatattea of
lwwtskts to three xreeioWe radiad,
'r lu' A. te*t tit tint Crewe command/7,
m naely, Sleadazre* Robert Tretaaren,
tej hen Weller and John l ry. (Jit
,the last nam it in of note that she
has been a.constant attending at the
taervieeip for the full lifetime e( the
eicurch; '1'o three worthy pioneer.
white roses were given, Sift arrs. Bober
Armstr•ozag, Besse Orgy and Abraham.
r: ult*rt. Aresietiug to the ireueutatlou
were four clamming tittle 1 dieree u
(uran, Fdnai :weir' Gwendolyn Tre-
kavtn anti Norma ,ierwood-
gltfn ;•TdBartlett itt his capable and
Witty manner brought itbe program to
a close. Reminiscences delighted his
hearers=: as he .told; of former fellow-
ships and all felt the insplratioxt of
his presence on theses special da»sr'r,
Th4t, 6uPPer was served in "the old
ehureh .sheds,,, whxeh had been traus-
formed into places • of beauty by au
enthusiastic eomralttee:' ' The ladies
provided such an abundance of .good
food of all sorts • that, • even those who
waited 'until the last table dined scan
teously,: Th,e grounds and buildings
were well. decorated, withal flags and
evergreens and the seating aeeomniodas
much to the enjoyment and ' comfort of
the folks,
!l o st eeia,l. appeal; was :made for; con-
tribu.tons, but ,mention. ought to be
made of "the material 'benefits. Before
any labor was begun the community
was • canvassed and. $100 subseribed.
On Sunday the ,offerings were nearly
$00, as were the receipts from .the
sujieivza µobi about 00 . was re-
eeiiyed from :visiting friends and mem-
bers .of the •eoznniunity. It is with a
sense of gratitude that the officials of
the ehureh record all., - eeounts paid,
le.ving a good ;balance in the treasury.
! -In reviewing the 'Work of God in the
distriet "tl'iere; are limey things. to call
forth praise ° and ` thanksgiving. One
thought of .regret also enters, that we
are not able to present a more complete
record .of these who bore the care and
support of the ,church through days of
joy and gladness, shadow and sorrow,..
and the Poor 'and. food ' years. No one
"ean estimate the good that bas been`.
done, nor can 'we forecast the future.
For�the sake of the young life growing
up•"in°:,the • community,- ;ai] families
-should- eontioneeehe -ser' oe f tlils'"part
of the.Churehi .of Jesus Christ,' who is
o'urH'ead and Leader in all Food works.
The renovation, was a:work .of faith
and, wetrust the heartiness with .which
•the, spxa:il' group of twenty,-fiivo :families
entered ,upon their' task may bed. as
inspiration to other small Church com-
i nunities to undertake similar ventures
in beautifying the house or God in their
midst .
Some few 'names, are `recorded, but
there are many more ecxually worthy of
-honorable -mention whose` names if, not
recorded • here will, we trust," be found
in 'that record of the Kingdom where'
the deeds of all are known: •
Pte. Carl •Blorfm,lield, of the R.C.R.,
-was home from Oamrp Borden for the
week -end.. ....
Mr. and lers H. Preston Strang, °'of
Toronto; Bre visiting their sister; '?hiss
M:albl• a�rtranr_
lkl'ra.-��a�i_-�es.__Ft=I4'i-=sri1espeased-'qua :.
Raymond, of Detroit, are guests of Miss
Jean Lawson.
Pte. Harry, Bloomfield, of the Elgin
, Regiment, was home from, London for
the week -end. •
Mr. Carter and son and Mrs. •Goebel,
of Chicago, were recent visitors with
Mrs- Thos: Young, South street,
Mrs. M. IC McQuarrie arrived from
Toronto last week and will be do town
. and •vicinity for the summer.
Mr. Ray ' La'wrence, of London, 3s
enjoying ;a two• Weeks' vacation with.
his Pwrcnleearen. ts,. Mr'. , and,. ,lrs. , Frank'
-Lieut. H Re Downie, of the Q:O_R.,
Camp iBo rdon, .was a guest of his pari
eats, Mr. and ,Mrs. D. ;11 Downie, for
•the. week -end. •
.1414 and Mrs. truest Rouse ' of Nor"
with are spending a week', :holidays
with the latter's parents, Mr. and firs,
Ts Bell," Huron road.' ' •
Mr, and Mrs: S ° •.7r Wart are spend-
ing the summer with their son Herbert'
• at "Brockville: Mr. Norman Warf is
'With theSohn Inglis Co. .at Toronto,.
Misses Margaret Mason, Alma Sal-
lows, Bernice Hogarth, ,dean Robertson
and Isabelle " Waidie ape " attending
summer school: at Western University,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence and Phy1�
lis, aceompanied by Mr• and 'Mrs, D.
Wolfe d. F, tfo, w
week-endan'signorsredato1 StraNiagara.rd-op-theerey
Lake and the `Falls:'
Mrs. D. • Il„ Faust, -of -Detroit," fns.
Navin and 1316S Pa•trieta-341111,,of Dan-
bury; Iowa, are spending some.,time in
town. Mir: los. T. Lynn of Detroit'was
here with them for a .few days. •
Mrs. .A. J., Sehumaker, of Buffalo,
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Thos. Young. "-MISS: -Grace 'Goebel, &:
Winnipeg, also was a,..reeent guest df
Mrs: Young.
Miss Mabel. Bloomfield, dietitian Of
the MemiOrial Hospital", T3lisonburg,
vias home fora three -weeks' vaeation.
'Miss June I3loomiieid went back with
her to spend ,a aveek's holidays.
Mrs. Mary Henry, B.N., who was at
Oshawa tailingcare' of her sister' who
had suffered- a broken hip, hats returned
to town and will be at her home with
Mr. and Mrs. ''6W". it Pinder. hon
Gurley, of 1'.oridon, is spezxding
holidays with his grandparents, Air.
and 'Mrs. W. 'Grindrod. ilia parents;
31r." .and Mrs. Cecil 4 Arley, were here
for the Denelnlon Day week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Downing of Toronto
visited the . latter's parent% Mr; and
Mrs. John S. Platt, who returned with l
them tor a week's visit. 'Moo all were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Platt
at Port Colborne.
Congratulations are extended to
'Cathleen Holmes, of Tay=lor's Corner,
whir-was...suae tui in" passing, with
honors the grade 111 plaint examination:
of the Toronto Conservatory of Music.
, leathleext ' is a ;pupil. of Mrs. Bert Bores
of Clinton. „
Visitors over the saee1.em1 at- the
home of Mise :Bella Green rirere ,Mrs.
Dell ,Sherrit and Mrs. Tee'llette Trtrzal(oto, I.
et Detroit . ':lift. and Mira, (arleet JtteI
sen and two daughters, of Windeor ;
Mr. and Mr:. David Lennie, of +Strd-
bury-, ata�I AfiL. ttor ttic. Krhirl nl,, 'tib'
t‘ .. m.I ,.:A A'
Reg .9i to 6.50
Sires 12 to 50
Voiles Sheers-. Slu'b'
and Crepes
ucluded are some .
Sheers. n .
Your "choice at
Reg, $6.95 to $10.95"
Sizes for Misses -lea acid
1j'2 sizes.,
Your Chpice Each .
me rican
Mostly • dark grounds. Sizes'a
11 to 52. Smart styles and
quality cloths.
Your thou leach