HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-11, Page 1A ,•,. • 4 - ;Combining The Goderieh Signal and The Goderich Star NINETYse1el(10e0) YEAR. NO. 28 _OPERATIONS AT PORT ALBERT 'AIRPORT TO BEGIN NEXT WEE( SALVATION iilatv NOW - Tbe ladiee of the SalvatIon eleraY Home .Iseegue and Red Shield „auxil.. /AU went to littedelde•yeAlterdey for their annual pleMe. Gamefeend =Ceti were enjoyed ehrolighollt the day. The winnere werre Snail raee, Mrs. W. 'A. Betels; barnyard rave, Mrs. Perri* and Mrs. IL Fritzley; pig fallen:tette moe, Mts. sL MeAllieter; balloon race, Mrs,. peanut pie plate rate, Mrs. le Marehall; shoestlingIng race, Mrs. W. elitthell t• three-legged rat*, Mr. W. Mitchell and Marion Barre; peanut race Mrs. T. Kneeshew. and Mee IL tlettael. Bildingi and roma to Be Re- rooyed M Once—Work at 13,1w, Harbor Proc*init Clohttrectiolt,WOrit on the Port Albert, Overt- will be rommeneed net Tee t/4y; or .Wednesday by the contractor*, the Werrests, riving -10o. Limited,s fff • • TOroatesit Was eIttneeneed 'WA night s • '41.: repeeeentatiee 40 the tonseatier. lifitehinere Is being brought tzsen liaton, near ethistref Bordge Where an .41i1oart Wirt the last. Wages of COMPle-' Serepere, gradete and Other • „MI:aliment else Will he releaffed frora the 'Sky lleibor job from time to time and to be inteecheneed, as the Pre. ;pet*: of the .wOrle isu both fielde dlc- tates, between eons treetere. The, vanwaYalt-Tert'Whelit are to be paved, • 'Oros* Ptirehatied . • •• A •POrtion •og the Tort 'Albert site is. ...mow, being made ready for the start Arrangements for the, purchase of meet of the farms affecteil, have been tons- pleted end already ternees are being taken , down., Most of the buildinga, whicb have been Steen to the Urines% for their demolidon, as is the case 'with the •feeces, well be ressioeed forthwith. Removal of te'te etetPs'aleo. has facile. _ tated an early start and eten414 grain eroPs will not leterfere. With. progress. , Priee per stere peitl for the Ashfileld fames is repotted to• have been. $75, • with slight inerefoiee" tor , tenet acre- ages. There have been one or two latelles itt the property purehases both - at Port Albert and at Ore Harbor •and • these have yet to he smoothed out. • Work at See Herber • 'In eixteen does' time forte per eent. of levelling, grading seia 'toningof e the lie5leete ' landing- • field of Sky Harbor atresart bus been Completed and • the seine ' percentage of bush work' done. All of the heavy beak has been • cut ()owe at the north end' and a start . , was made yesterday on the Proctor oricliarct, Two more troeters arrived , at Sky Herber yesterday. . At Present 'there are eight maelsine operators at • -• .worir . and forty-five *en' employed at • elearing bush and orebaraseeetiones• ••In the last $We days tour; airplanes, Plleteel by students of the Hamilton Flying rehlli, have landed at Sky bore4one last iSaturday, One Tuesdae, morning and two Tuesday afternoon. • They were Making etest ' cross-country. flights. , They :came Own and took 'off on the as Yet untouched - sodded' sectioe • of the field. The fOreMat on the JO invited- them to use the sprecticallYfin- ished section of the new field for the lirst; time,but they feared it was too . poft'as yet. • ' •P• ELLIOTT :P1.0$1 Annual Family Gathering Held atiBay- * field on Saturday esese---es-Tee stelfftliss'aftliaarbiale eflheLtIllett family- was held * jo•wett's grove, Baye - field, on SatuelltY, S with ft large at- tendance. The day was ideal, sunny and, cool, and all enjoyed the refresh- ing lake breezes. After a program 9f sports for young and old, the gong sounded for the tenet • ,prepared by .the ladies, and while this was being 'enjoyed the • registratioxi • took place. This was followed by •the • eleetionsof ,officers, welch resulted as fellows Presidents J. T. Reid, London; Vicestraesident; Ted 'Center, Varna; seen ey, John E. Harniveil, Goderich; treasurer, etre. R. Thompeon;„ sports • committee; • Mrs, • Ientae McLean, Jim Cox, liaised Elliott, May Temps/Ai, Melvin Clark, • Peari • Meld, ,Bessie Cheter, Wilmer Reid, Mrs. M. Muir and Mrs. R. 'ThoMpson.; social tonsure- tees2S. .D. Daweenseles. Woods, Mrs. C; Wilson, Art Elliott,- Ted Chuter, deo. Clark, Mrs. EllesonsCox, Tom Elliott and Mrs. Mair. ••• . Mrs. Ismae McLean woh the prize for the largest family present,. and. Mrs. Margaret Reid for the oldest member present. • „ It was decided. to. hold the 1941 picnic at Harbor Park, ,Goderich; on, Saturday, June 3rd, • with dinner, at • 1 p.m. and supper at 0 p.m: After the, singing of the National Anthem the gathering dispersed. . BRITISH CHILDREN EXPECTED H. T. Edwards, atipe•rintendent of the Dhildren's lead Society, reports. that .* many „Huron 'county People haveSee- pressed willingneree to take children trent Great Britain into their henteS. It WAS expected that soMe of the children already arriving in this Country 'would be sent to Huron thls Week, but the arrangements were Altered atel it is not known novewheil, sany of the "war guests" Will arrive here.' ' • • • rowntr-JoxesioroN vrAlegifwitaii-united,thurehr-0 ten, was the scene of a quiet but Pretty wedding on Seteritayeenly, oath, when. /table Ovelyn Johnston, youngest daUgleter - of res. Michael Ohler and the lute Edward C.: Joiteston of Go"de- riele WAS united in marriage to Albert George eidersoe Evilest ' relented seven interments in June. re - Snyder and the side .George rowels Of s J. W. Monteith, Town auditor, nToroonbtrtieIveiloovItAnedoloeyweiptz esitarteeedt1 Ported that hade sent vertheadall notices to all ratepayers ***re as iti gown turquois,blee made' In arrears '34 taxes et the 3°t11'. AP41. length gOw redingote style, with white . aeceseoriese and . many cues the statements of amounts Owing were disputed. '-These anda corsage of Token roses and sweet cases -8h -pease erlifessAnnte. .Cose. of Exeter,- as -4-41143: -elattre4 11P' The -advbrfeti; •Norte either by,. gulag for the amounts or brideemaid wore dusky rose wive Aeeessories••aue .corsage „ee.-Breteeisffe making the necessary corrections on, roses. - Mr. Arthur Doak et Goderich 'thee booksakesse*,,,,,'"issise, was referred t° thee wee- greonasman, Atter the cc -lemony '"44441''' the young cOuPleleff on'a short motor A Petition:for a bituminous sidesvale trip. Ontheir returntheysemeresideeeel the , north side of St. Da. vid's•etteet, in Goeericee • . • between Cambria•• road. and Victoria • street, was sent to the public Works -connittee. Elgin avenue, .011 !SaturdAY.,• when their B3IreeNesein' steeesetxi, s youngest daughter; Eleanor Marie, bes_ gstripirepliaciartiowneseotor ,eopgedmitfsr.ofmorstibolualunidedis street; Grahant legile, Albert , Mere,. Bruce came -the bride of Bernard Theodore 'lestrreota;r•elt. B. Naegele, gollthestreet, Double, eee. of lees awl. tare. s T Vaughan, - Sleases street. Doohic; Stratford. cereniony--;ma•. ethom'as Sandy applied for esPeemit foe. a new dwelling house at 'tee corner of performed at 'high noon by.•110. asee.e.e.oeth etseereo regheaeeseae. 'Calder, et. recede of '•Geoggees •elsurph. The hewe wasdecorated beautifully• An! application frolal*44 sUCHardy• ceremony, teols piece under an arch of and the for Portnissiets extend . the concrete walk from els house. acrose the .boule- with rosesanddelphinium Wird to the edge of the roadway, was evergreens and orange hiommis. To referred to the public works committee. the strains' of lliendelSsohn's Weddlng •Geo; Johnston's aPplication, for per- March- played by. Brent Nelson, eousle• et the bride, the 'bride entered the ne,, mission. to change the- espeipmeet at his -*give= with her father, who gave her _premises "en Kingston street teen:the 13f-velY gowned ' . resent de* ear vis, equipment to elec marriage. She leeke4 its tric competoe, • eqillemeite Was eeet_ to - in pressed rosesheerwithCorestge-ef . the .etime commit*. , See • Token roses, large white picture. hat The local, Council oft Women Wide and white accessories.-' „Miss Lola, isrei- requesting that conditions at a certain • son - was bee:eleteee bridesmaid; -piece esgareiee•whreeman'sseeinpion.to gowlied, ii,141‘4•414$ ".tit.ir,04 sheer,. with 'had been Made' be investigated and the corsage .01: Itoe Hill roses, and white neeessaosspa, taken to remove,_the. 'accesD iories. Gordon inthle Stritt-Leause of adverse criticism.. -Tar was ford, brother et . the 'briaegroom, was refereed to the special„ emoitttee....e -befiesneee 'After tieeeeeemeere-Ohniev :• s • seoniiiiliteevReports was Served at the Park House, which The finance ,emaraittee reported' was 'decorated attractively With Pink. that the -Sterling' Appraisal Co. had, and white flowers. • The guests were .bees engaged to make an apptow of received by the bridee meteeessmeettly theeitedueerialePlaisteelrestheetoiate..- egownedellredelPitturn blue vith'-foafIceeonimenaritieli was that lot 269, redingote with White accessories. Mese gorner of South' street, and .Elgin Doub1es-mother-0 the .bridegroom, wore avenue, be sold' fo 'Thomas 'Sandy for a blue sheer gownwith white access- -seee. • • 'cities. Later Mr. and 'Mrs: Double left ReeoMmendations ofthe .public on d trip to the alusketka Lakes dike works+ -committee were; ThatReg. Me - trice The- lnede'evere for ,Lakes a Gee be Oven permission to replace the greytaleseed suit, With blue a•eceesois :present visible gaPaliee 'Purple • ,on les. On their return they will reside ..reamiltsul.street In front of his garage at 12 Perth *street, Stratford. The with two new-type.aneter pumps; that .groom .is'eteiterober of the stelt Of Tee E. E. Cranston be given perestission to Beacon -Herald. widens and 'connect the sidewalk from On the Previous Wednesday afters this , house on Montreal street to the noon and evening lvti.s. Nelson enter- Town-sidelelk ; that the Robert (Singe' tained at 4 trousseau tea in honor of Ben Co.' Ltd. be refused permission to her t daughter. Miss -Arlene 'Rouse erect,. a proposed Ion overhanging. the opened the 'door and the guests were sidewalk in front:of their Store on the .receiv,ed. by Mrs. Nelson, the bride -to; Square, as it is too•large. be and Mrs, S. Double of Stratford, The special committee reported rer, mother of tbe bridegrOone. Tee rooms eemmendin,g that the -Robert ?Simpson were takeefully decorated with a pro- Co. Ted. be granted a translent-trader's etsion.estpinkandswhiteseummee liceaSe-nPOe'PaYlnenti:Ler -the- feeofers. seTeoseshowity the.trousseau and $100; that the matter, of. obtaining an gifts were Misses Leola: and Lorraine Inventory, .of all band , equipment be "Nelsen, Louise Double and Mrs. 'cliff left with Ahe 'el:fain:flan and, the ban4 Double:. .Tea :Was •-poured - by Mese' leader to have prepared and ',presented Walker of Stretford, grandmother Of to the .',Oonticil.; that the Alexandra the 'bridegroom, and Mrs. 0.• J. Gib- Hospital Board be 'advised that it is bons at A pretty table covered with 'a everted that a number of indigent pa- lace dote and centred ;with a silver dente are 'kept in, the hospital Iortor basket silled. Witli pink roses. and orange than necessary, and that the Hospital blossofne, and eream candles in silver Beare be requested to look into ' the ,holders. Those assisting in°, •the tea matter. • • , room were Mrs. Fred Rouse, Mrs. Earl the platter of the letter' dated Allis* Mrs. Fred Bridle, Misses leaver June leth 'from G. D. Conant, Attorney- Judk arid Limy Harrison. Little Misses. 'General of Ontario; with reference 40 Itoaemerie 'Chisholm. and Helen Bridle the forming- of a volunteer civil guard, also assisted in looking after the we recommend that no action be ta'ke4, guests. des. Fred Reuse also. enter. as we eousider this is a. Federal met- tained foie the bildestobe at An even- ter." •• , ing party ,at which her friends pre- ,"We have a report front the Chief of Stated her. with te miscellaneous show- Police on the condition '.'of the relief- er. tee and Mrs. A. Gori entertained .gardene and find them all to be in goad at a dinner party at which members eondition with the exception of two." of the W.A. of St, George's cluirch.pre+. The water)/ light and harbor COM- kieuted the bride-to-be with miseellime- Vittee recommended' ,that tee, mutter bus gifts. _,Mrs.' 0 4..,_Ottkong was Ofeerovaing_new'eanitary conveniences lioefeeesif an afternoon tea and cup at the bathing •beach be laid over for and saucer shower. • ••another-Ye0, -wee provision s has been- __ made in this year' estimates. - The fire eeramittee recommended that one pair of rubber boots be ordered for tee fleebrigade as requested. Reduction in Rites? Reeve Turner asked about the ,pros- peet of a reduction in water rates, pointing out teat the Utilities Commie - Bien had a eurplus, "This Money be- longs to the ustonier:," he said, "and should be turned back to Mein." Mayor efaelawanssaid there vas not a large slurping in the water depart- ment, thollgir there Was a eoraldettble 0116 111 the electric department, by rea- son of good management in that de- partment Ciiarges (in the 'eleetrie department) •were fixed by the Pro- vincial- Hydro people ; they might pos- sibly do the sante fie before lit remitting chargesfor one or two mouths, . Conn. Iluceins recalled the proiniee of the Hydro people to sees] engineers here to make a survey. ° The ,,Mayor said one had been hero,. and two or three were expected in the near future., . _ The Herber Read Propoeition • Conn. 'lucking, referring to the letter from Mr. cit. K. •Virurtele in last weelee eignali.Star, Raid s(ane metaberg of the Council had (lobe quite a bit of work on the roaa, project, Whin he consid. ' very eseential one. Therlopeell Action Wanted in Harbor Road Matter Railway Boaril. Afraked, for Reply to Towles ()rowing Application , The hathor • road 'project received some 'atteution at the meeting Or the Town ,Coueeil on Friday night lase and some sof. the members, showed boa- tienee over the, slew, progress 'being made in the matter. The Clair was,in- structed to ask the ,Doininien Railway Board for Its decision on •the'Towe's application for permission to creekt the treeke in, the eonstrection of the proposed new road. All the members were prefseat. , The tax collector reported *payittent neetasleee$51,teenteesincluds$1;18e.57 of arreara,- Total .eolleetions for the !first eix months of the year weree42,-• 077,17, an increase of $7,101.07 over collections for the setae period lest year. ., • • The sexton of Maitland Cemetery DOUBLE -NELSON A-prettY wedding took *ace at the home of Ile and Mee G. Nelson, Capt. Vickers Horne for a Holiday after a Winter on the Atlantic Coast 4 Ortittain lack Viekers, ekipper of the ,,season in. the far North. EXIs c,revrineluded two Goderich beeei Bill McInnes and Angles Griihani, Retuning to fresh water as soon as lee conditions', permitted, Captaln Viekers. resumed his igteat Lakes run and last week,. near Tobamory, Went to the aid of' hie fellow-tovvneman, 'Captain, Earl Jenkin, on the stranded Acadialite. HiS last oJob before going en vaeation, WAS to lighten the Acadia - lite of about 5,000 barrels of gasoline, ,that Reid's powerful towing tug, ef Sarnia, might pull the distressed boat off the rocks. 'rho teree vesselfs pros ceetled•to fSernia, tile Aeadialite listing badly, . the port railing almost 'eve/. with tee water. Itoyalite of the Imperial Oil 'fleet,- is epending weli-earnea two weeks* holiday with Mee Viekers-•• at thele home on, •Cohourg street. The mouth, of July, on first thought, inlay "appear to be LIU 111OPPOrtUtte Woe for it marine eaptale to take a. Vapation, but t'aPrain yseiters has. just completed Orton menthe' continuoite ieervite on , tresh and sett Water and, haw had many use usual eeperiencee during one of the most hectic petiods in. the world% lestory. Leaving Sarnia. last'Nevember after a summer on •theeGreat Lakes; Captain Viekers took his Itoyalite down the St, Lawrence to the A.tlantics 'Where all sivinter the veesel WAS engaged, in valets al trade and in harbor bunkering off NOVA Scotia. Obvionely, he le not als 'Owed to give any detalle of his Job, but he serviced warship% big AM,1 envie inereeentmen awl other craft, even whaling vowels, one a bie Nor - We're* boat With it crew of 400 that had jilet completed it highly tnecereful Further titan to say the lose On the Acittlialite WAS ..U,Ot As heavy sts first reported and that Captain Jenkin's beet met its misfertutte in a "tough epOt," Captain Viekers retused to elaborate. Ile* took much the same attitude on his 8alt water experiences, it all being just another., page in the book in the life of a skipper. UZD OROSs REPORT I The eesPollee to the call for fifty ladle* to hold 4bridie or 4500" eartlea in their borate during. the Summer Months east met with great emcee:ie. Severe' . ladies have already- beld egeteris and the- women's work cuinmlt- tee are ,Valettft to ,all* lndLvhluala a* steelier le teas teMeliter, as funds, sx. urgently neededetosterry on the Work of the Goderite'llsee Crewe branch, . , Goderieh Shocked by , PC. McCoy's Death Popular Offloer ROOOYOrilig from Vbege. wh*L P.1.4 COnaell • $uddeuly ' Death cell** , very/ weaselly Wedneedee afternoon at 4 oselocit tO Pere, K Maeloy, Provincial and high County constable at Goderielt ter Mere titan tsevee, years, When be *Ur- ' Ienittets are •reqUeStedeto aahere to fetes!' a:heart attatei while sitting uP the directions when maldeg 40eice , • bed, talleleg 'es "visitOr. - bad heels Army-Iitelude Wes, 10 to 12 With estelrieg good ptogresafeeowerd resseverY leflgtls from top Of etlfteo tinder heel- from,telfisOld fever, with Which be was statement 14", AriXimum 16'e taken down tee) weeks ago. ele WAS Air Foree---Not mere thee if' front tots• et euft tasA on ail in his f°14Y4Ptirtli Ale" 44 11118 *was very loosely. ys, 'death Mune as a distinet- shock to hls aseeciateseettedestritedesseeete.-onlessili Goeerich and lieseen ceuetr, but also in , • • pollee and mart ceireles in many Places In Ontario, Where • he was intimately known atel held in high regard. °treatable' MeCoy, bon• at Ifadoe, Ont., Joined the II, rovincial tome in' 102410 Belleville, end had served,itt it continuously, wite the "exception of nine months, up- to the time of his *death. He was stationed Various* at Belleville,,Helleyleurre and at Kiteh- erier, ibeforrebeing assigned te Gedereelt and 'Hutt* county in UM; . -Many tributes have, been pele to the confstable"et worth as, a police of - epee and citizen. Ineeeetor William Oliver,ef Kitehenere 111S -4 -immediate insog7rlar hildesint.maei..t;iiighedererpiegvtLisaalloarnids. e• °nut), constables. ' Inspector Oliver, deeply grieved, .stated the tete Mr. lie, Ooy wouil•be a heed' MAU to replete.. He had a Olendid record -,in the Pro- - sender force and ,was itt line for pro- Metiertsbeeause of tills.' !He had Made a good 100 ot the "reorganization ot EuroesteMety's pollee system and set: a Web standard for bis inen. Grown Attorney D. E. ,Helm•es; with witsfm the „late Constable' McCoy eras Capt. Carey Reads Recruiting Staff Applioatione to Be Received for AU Branches of Beroioe * Recruiting for the. Elgin Itegfixteise was •brottget bea close here last Friday. The strength of theennitsreeruitealLerom this dietrict, is three officers and "goventyseve, other tanks. A. )3',„ ('Bud") Sturdy, who 'bolds, the 'rank of llentellant in the eon-Orman- leuron-.Midelesex',.Iteginients. has been -accepted in the Elgin Regiment. He lett today (Teltradey) at noon for London. It is believed he wall _hold hie reek of lieutenant in the Elgitia. The last *en to be aecepted fat the Digins before eeetulting elosta were: 3. T. McGraw, GOalegeh; `0.; He Case, Seiforth; C. P. Meelichael, • Clinton, and T. A. Weller, Listowel. • Permanent Recruiting Staff 'I A' peemeneet recruiting 'staff has been,. established, here -to, aeeept ap- plications may branch of the service s-arpsy, navy or air force. The stiff is composed ,ot' ,Oaptaix P. ,,Caren • recruiting-Ofiser; Pte. Carl Anderson, clerk; itod Sgt. !George Curren,. assists ant recruldrig **facer. •Teissetaff will act for Huron and Deere (*unties and the western part. et Perth. Tradesmen and mechaniet who are offering their serviees, to the, Vat industries aIeo will be looked after by this tele. Several loeal trafieemee, have already applied ;here and have been to London to undergo trade and medieal tete. Six men - from the district. 'lave been .aeceptedebt the 004 Canadian Itegis •neesisteeturierstht*Peeteesetits*nti-jsesefe. C. . L. Johnston 'entle Ise 'Goodwin of Kincardine, are • now Webs, that regi- ment.. •The remaining tour will leave soon to join the regiment. They are eeitelessrtletseeel;eLeenardeRowee ineardine ; 0.1,. ,Sralte, KR. 1; North leruee,•• and John W. ,Suntlerwood, Gederich, ' P. Nelson of London, aecomcany quartermaster sergeant, and. Tte. Wit- jiam Reels .Goderich, as clerk; beim been added to the staff of "0" Com- pany, Huron -Middlesex Regiment, • which Is at present being bropght to estre.ngth of • 120 men. They will join Lieut. B. E. Twamien.inf3tructor, and Sgt: George Ourrell, assistant instruct- or on the staff. • - ,NEARLY 60 REGISTER Loral Women Express Willen. geese to, Engage in -National Service, , Forty-two Goderich women appeared . on Monday for the velontary ,registra- tem conducted -ley- the- localebratieheef *the National Cs -Outten of Woinen. The registration took ,place at tee bande steed in Court 'Reese Perk under the' suPervisiese of Miso Gertrude, Wilkes.. °,Miss Wilkes was as•sisted by Mrs. A. E. Hockley, Miss jou Groves, arise' Irene Fellow, ;Miss Margaret Sanderson, Mises Margeret Watson, Miss Mary, Buchan- an mid Mee. •Jack, Hughes.. . Added to the -seventeen women who registered here at an earlier date, Monday'S list brings almost six,ty the /rumba. of 'wetness vvho have voluntarily registered for national Service in 018 ItOWYa. ManY of' those regiseekirig Iron - day signified their intention of, taking, a refugee; :child,. if called upon to do The registration." papere have been 'sent be Miss e. Sharnsau, eeetetary of the tool Council otelromete. to the secretary of the 'National Council _at Ottawa, where they. will be stibmitted to the Dominion Government. •-•"c . • -4, s . • AT. THE WATERFRONT _The A.4.11ndsonsarrived from Fort. Willeifireeh Tuesday morning Witli 122,000 bus. of grstin tor * the elevator end 0,000 bus: of grain for the mill. She took on a'lead of salt and, cleared that afternoon for Fort William. The passenger shit) Georgiae was in on its regular tails on. Friday ,everthig and -Sunday morning. There were seventy-two passengers" on board on Sunday'se trip, , should Rho* where it stood with re- gard to this. The Mayor said the Town's request for permission to 'Chess the, 0.14.11.. traeks, WaS. still beton,. the Railway Board. ' 'A motion was passed instruetleg the Clerk to Naito' the Railway Boiled re- questing attion. Bylaw No. 12, authorizing the eale of 4 lot on rpouth street to T. Sandy, *AS passed, and the Council then weet into ceniznittee. • . auditor's report for 1039 shows , a ease 'balance in the water depereinent of ,f70472.47,, Loess of. income over expenditure for 1939 'WAS. 44,030:544 In the electrie department there was a ease balance at December alst last of $17,884.78, in adeition to bonds of $4e,000. Exeerot ineome ever ex. , penditure for 1039 was $2,125.) 'reeltorideneeta '• oigIvARY M um oeutoks MeDONAW After fuer swathe *peat ia Jaert- Andre Moveltal, (Naliklm) Me. Doneld paused ewey at noes on Mon, dsy. Deeestred west bora twit*.y..00 Years Age Gesteriele *Image, steer Porter's Hill, tbe daughter' of Williams Maeltertaid wad Jiteutette Welker, She had Itret Ooderleift for the hest eight Vero, remidlag Neliffew tereet. Miss MseDonald .vres: *Wide**, with Netter street 'Visited elnerib. There are' no Sargivilig relaters* • Tibet weal talreie Neer this (Thursday) . afterstooe fro* deceased** home -ore Nebo*, .etreet to IlfaitleAd ee*Setere. EPHRAIM DOMING - Word ha* been received by relatives at Bros)** Of the death et Medteitte Hat, Alberta, Of Elehraita •Downing4 Dionxiliceon .Ot t _jkt.11,rialle;t4the late Sr. ' AiSpoge44 __Mr;ed. John o porn in Gotlerich and later tne line:mai Of the toxuny to Bruits** be leaned three irkii-eg 'eaRth 'eit eetrie "4444 the printing trade with the late W. a today In the death Of kW° 43Orrle dirk- yeear;fit 940Thbee* went to kW* forert:u CaUltaillYa :1Trharaterit°h"tbeell''w(l'erTselerleirint7atini"natred74.14 and, for the seet twenty years he use • - These killed were ids latellie, eith- ..eeewe, He j,4 survived iv bis wife,._ seventeen, a Genie. been eollnefted with The Medicine Ilat -teen, of Oortie, and Bette" )dwardes bmtoethsrrfettvialitt"md:01114RteroLeatr,°IinbYd two 431°.T4rrree$ twinertrYte7erereraZie?t°111:1**41** 'sisters - Elizabeth' - Wad* Hattie, of .111ra EleaNtai 'suffering i severe l'arer'' ttlies4Et" ' ' ' *'Fatoir7WIS et]: aaltrutir NV:eirill'ightltanigillaoalk°1"*. -- -- *mew- - eie=eseetesee'esie' ' • ' suffering it broken. leg and. not* -0:711net-idi—teatity4eotar7Datenu,letlivIltiaTartrrAsolnoxt-Inac-cirilsa,:it:114Nsciaant:rtribarteol:40°4intr-mstotheullevir;tet'Ltk 4rgbileos.. . Hospital on e Suedes,. otter a brief ill- Lee._ „seises. seseefaee 444, foreheads, 20.9- . . -A carpenter and builder hui.lder Nrebae,e;r71.1ra;vrTivenii-two, ouroli... itleadli'e'f'on Xr• r'th-elllaar thIlirtebaloinirveYdeethreGte ,(iificlIe-e ' rerenee' believed to ielt• eseeiVbanertsligfi'sssort'lleuselitillelloo. "de was born ,in Stanley township on .InlY - jexeeers Resesesed or osse tees3riltwa '13rtelluS8:37-a9Sabe'Sueati!etped:ed:feininiriiiigvme.gno4ttnttyhi7;heG'e4eeatre4lis.esverdi;tahhtt' . pedtee'llideuiregyelineetvohaeseest7graou'rese77 ' 0, i t taken0be.e. is taIntoanrsitt:Tet. Lorne- Desiardine, 212, i Of Mel, Is Survived bie.a daughter, lere. 'Earl He was, ado released Vil .1,411 *or . 60Mfo7dBieluwaritaiehlillo:;aananbadi.ett.ahhiarr.owiliox4FmErbitiai400ritii ,:,,,,e.e457,700. tole io, iviiee ..,t.lie .a.s.e.,eiden` ., t, ., op. masessease esre eam.newsen and Mrs. &feted about 12.00 this •moritIng- Ward- = closest fouch *daily, said ; ' "I have. iuTrhaete4unrn:eero4:.tr6-t°(:d4aam-,t. L--""$ce 011'11W0Alcine on. :.tiliwat4'1-iiantetteepeWeLlaaiddinthela,"Ildtiebeea, w:oarstruilte:dance,trielit never known a moreecenscientious be' Nelson street,' Rev. A. C.* Calder of- . ggested efficient *filter. Not only Wes he eons: Aciating, The Callhorers were -George and •usedsrare taet in dealing Witethe James. Gallagher, 'George Westbrook eeteutiouse but he was most' capable. BLiatytfitlee,l.d-Ge:eenveryT.ebb.u,te „S. 341711,. ail, 79" Da and John, oreeeee. 14teeniees was in. About three 'Yeile.e south 'Of. Gorrie halite. Dessistelitte agreed and .tale -Bev* arealliintsto sthridgee seda011.0,*4 • bee Patric'le lil'era---'—n; . Ashlield 'tolivnqd-P bpariegibtlrgiatle7nehellea:daMI:nid:eanteiPPhg:b' brg't4:tt'k.::::::141111110411"* . par4004, lookuvz ,• . dtread,vefloiting6natr aloolderh"st;Peeteda.433-APPg tzeoh..tb.eing , -.farmer, _died this (Thurettae) enereiegeero-m . it ,linfl, -eke- asseeene- lover tone - at .-Athle.yxZd!_eAr r0i714,toari,au ilh4ls4 beSO:Tti, farther on. „ , . , . ilk - ----e; times to come to test some thirty feet , siaer'e E'eelseenare‘s, .,s0e, OntfxXid the :11Ps' The ear etraeiaktilY *reeked, IVith tia*" ring lase veriday in a *Idol ' eendtwe death this morning. Deceased was. born, nes tees rrli)etge °31:uffeitsgaixnat=lre tolriftlet•i*ert":,truest . tee be* eget ,i0td.., Int. - . • and had declined steadily until his , in- Asedielktewleshile the sort of 'Wile •'lan Moran an, rr01:1rePt Irish 'the easeenetanse ancestry.He spent paiengntosriss, tlele,d , heland Ashfield; accumulatinga host of00;eTraaeoreermroditrox friendswho.wmmobrnhopass.ao. -• Coandue.40ywneso,tnoftiptaliliiIV.Grlorldllonerr•DeOalellilmoter.,., sdaughtenaltitsr7oves - 'Kale --"ClrenoT, accident, - • Surviving, }bestdes, his wife,sesereesesseeineaseneseese _stseeteme, eseeeoretese- Lon* arra Madre, en liesearee, ebeff044 with ihopmehuthter th -01600ities With the ileatloo of *IWO Betty Ekilehritill 110$01, 'Mit at it* bridge, oi a voanty root aogoo *oeth" GOrrie late last diatertioY nights The reuox *ix 'Orl* ted ball ID .04, 40.40010.0, Provided by his father, *lin* peOds,r4114• . WING/1AM, July 7 An'eltrir aermonIiii-slerreerefeeseste *- P11,iale''' Constable ige007 served with the 21st Battalion: its the firsts great War and was severely wounded. His wound e eaused him much 'sufferhig fro* time to time and he was aslittee, nuderlhe Weather when called on els left --police assignment, the • alleged •murder of James Kiipetrice by, Samitel Dodge.: Indian, on June 20 lest Pea- pite his filnese Mr: *McCoy completed his -investigation, affected the arrest, made his reports and had everything 111 readiness for ',the, prelbehlerteral ,•wisen stricken with typhoicl fever two weeks ego. 'A few, minutes before his death • he had related to Bel. '011ablegs, of 0Ibitons •his visitor, how well he aste.iLwen.t.a,tilsys.etIseewouldsheeersemdeAe . Modest to as.degrees Constable. Mc- Coy seldom., spoke of himself or ot his exploits in police or war service. Hie hile°brie8izedwehrieghillynnativgalannadb1:101111311egetianond of rifles, ghotguris, revolvers arid -fish- ily tackle. He °knew intimately the -woods and -streams of Eastern Ontario,. especially in Haliburton and nefghbor- ing eoutitie's, *Isere he •bented. and. fished as a boy and. youngsmin, and since he joined the Provincial pollee" force he spent holide.ye in the great outdoors elose to the scenes of his boy- hood days. His ambition was to be. trensteried some flay to a hinterland post. ' • Prior to the* remains being shipped to Campbellfora Friday .the 2.30 • afternoon lo.N.n, train for burial, ..ser- _eke- will:be-heleseatstile-familyseornes Elgin avenue by 'Bev. C., Calder. •Faneral erraegements this, afternoon. are not yet completed- " • ' The late Mr. MeCoy is survived by his widow, formerly Gene .Ackerman of Cauipbellforci. and a son, Frank Moran, both of AO- c two sisters, mrs.. tSarah 3),,t0,, _Medical 'attention was given De, Glynn of ef Itidgetevr11' "d Mrs' °' (YC'141- •IYW: orrtterlir';,°Atnd°4)DrrtlwleW.IlitineLValte-Ildt nor Of, Detroit ;- and three brotherst Ethel: _ Re*. W. T. Moran ofrItidgetown, John, heId oConsiderable diffietiltY was 'exPerl- of Detroit and Jowl% a. Windsor. The ,eneed removing the eassesseees hese funeral will be sn. Saturday.moree Jrno*see7tutellutrilge flKaininigisYhrild7lete'wth VI* st: hthaeTmbeae'arasbolredtthiineega:-IogfaIrdaag6It°1.11ttellhtle.tran: W Itein g tty Wqui.711T; hMigollranina. ssenwtieirml be tilnwgillbYbeReinv. 'esP4uwtitiree.8 :were badly lae4"iattitie and st. Joseph's cemetery. • • MRS. SUCCESSIVI4 TAG DAY The sleet. of Mary Good,' widow of Slim 4 $142 *Collected for Viremetere -e--e.... WM. ASQUITH , • thelate NV liani Asquith, iii her ninety-. Hospital, Auxiliary on,-SatUrtlay , third year, took place at Alexandra The minim' tag day of the 'Wemeree Hospital early Tuesday morning. De- Hospital Auxiliary, held last Saturday, ceased was 'bon in Perth, county, the realized the sum of $142: ,Proceeds of daughter of the late Air. and Mrs. Wil- the tag day' will go toward projects la . liant -Good; but spent almost her entire aid set_thes_hosnitaleands: theeveareetort life em this Vicinity. - She resided *et' of the Auxiliary. Meg. le Relteddite Auburn until seven years egos at weire president_ ,oe the Hospital Anxilieres. , time site moved to eterimilliketo live was in charge of the day. ' - • with her niece Miss Char/ate Good. Two 'Captains presided over eiteti 4 eheshad been' in failing- health for the the titer ,wards of . the town and one last four ,years. Olt _Friday_ last .she :over. Sanford. Bright young , ladies , . was removed to the hospital:' A sister, did the 'legging," the, most successful. Mrs. John Mullett, resides at Perth, belly Betty Jean MeNee in St. David's . A SPLENDID REO,ORD 'North Dakota. The' remaine rested at wee/. Following are the names of the Wheeler's funeraeparlor' until teis, eaptains find "taggere" in the'verious- Three of Cornish, Family in, . Active Service -Three in Last _War The Odenish family, whose "parental home- Is in, ejsborne township hear Exeter, is again doing its eatt in Can wires war effort. Three sons ef Mrs. Cornelis and the late John Cornish are 111 aetive service; Cyril with the Mr Force, at present stationed stt St. Thomag; Ewalt ordnance teehnieian with the 11.0.0.C., London, and JartseS, with -tee Transport London. These young "men are emulating the example ef„ three elder brothers in the last . war, R. H., whole now manager of Cernish Eros.' business in Goderich, was overseas ,during Most of the war, -enlisting In 1914s° Ile is now active in the Canadian Legion and attended the. national Legion convention held 're- cently at Montreal. John Cornish went overseas ;with the lelst, and Dia served with the Mission fort,ep (then allied with Greet Britain). " James Reginald." Oiteapbell, /tit. sa, Goderich, hes enlisted with the Perth Regiment. •" • Ilerbeil. Moody, (aoderich bey who joined the R.O.A.P, twe sveeks ago, has been- transferred from Toroato to 'lieginea Sask. Ills parents, Jr. and ,Mrs. joeePh Moody, Market street, 'Were in Toronto to bids hint farewell when he left last •tveek for his hew :t4urpt'etir°11.'11;1Inagn IlinakgNiteftvse" '61:r4rertlehli9oisp8Itli from injuries: reCeived when he wag ,struek by en autemoblie on highway 11, last week. Ile as elettek down by the ear while hitch -beefy hope from (lame •Bordenessugtaining eerlops head WOUMIS and a fraetured arm. truexpectciii previure on our columns .„ ItAs crowded out sever*, new keine, including it report of htst 'ItsursdaY night's' meeting to promot,e the A. drive,, and a number ef elletree rette (Thlirsday) afternoon, 'when'they were- wards; St. George's -captains, Mis. C. removed to Deiamiller• United church Beattie and Mrs: el. IL Wigle; taggerigh for the .funeral Service,conducted by Ruth Nicol, Pauline eohnstort, Irene Rev. It. 'G. Hazelwood. -Interment was Pellow,, Itoberta Sisimettoeellelen in Bali's centetery* - • • ee dean Eleanor leacrevah .Jeanette MUT.* •• tin ancl.Audtey Dewker. St. Aedrew"*-- IseesieN mu -puke ,captains, Mrs. E. Campbell. and Attlie , After an illness of only a week, Mrs. .014/ro• Reynolds; tagger$, Dotottor Ellen Ceittonof Stratford passed away MiteDonald, iShirley Merwiele Helm" on TUOS(Itly 'at 010 home 'Of her. sisters,- Holmes, Mary Herne, Margery' Gilled - Misses Edith and Elizabeth Horton, on Pie, Betty Campbell, Madeline Vickers, • the Trine water'. highway, Colborne Betty Duquette. St, David's --captain,, tosvnehip. 'She had come frosts Strat- Mrs. F. R. Itedditt aUd Aire A. D. Mo ford to attend the funeral of her niece; Lean; taggers, Lulu ,Bentairibs, Verna Ws. aeries Moore, beat* ill, and "Miller, 'Evelyn Wesel', Dorothy Ntuns- gradually weakened.. She v iii r by, Lucille. Patterson, Betty Jean Mek- See, Helen 'toward, efery WiltiOlL.- St. Patriekeeeeeetaina Mrs. Jelin Murieort •and''llife-W. P. Lane; taggeres MT* Worthy,. Ilelen tkihearclowe, Verna Plante, .Maellie Patten. , ,Saltfordes-, Olsten, Mrs. It. X. Welters taggenr, Mary and Betty Bisset: severtty-sevettlt year.*.• Asdaughtee of the late Mr. net Mee. Sohn Horton, iie vvas born in Goderieh township, hear Ceititon, but .haa ifred in tee- Strattord district ,the last forty years. Her iruhVartd, Gavin (*utters died in 1920, and of recent years shehad Made her home with her 8040, Williem Clut- toti, itt Stratford. Two sons and two, daughters survive: William and Alex.. of 'Stratford ; Miss Editli, a missionary in India, and Mrs. 11. Rowe, of Ellice townenip; AlsO two "SistOto already mentioitedi and three brothers, 'leery Hellen, of Aslifield; Ilillarr•Horton, Exeter, and. Levees Horton, of Col; borne tOwnshies Mrs. Cluttoe was devoted worker in the 'Ontario street Baptigt ehtirehs Stratford. The remains. were, taken to Stratford and the fun, eral will take, plate teem Friday afternoon. THE 'WEATHER The temperatures for tee past week and for the. cortespondby week last year, as ,oilicially reeorded, -were ae follow$ Max. 'Min. Max. Min. Thurs., july 4 ....Oa .47 8,1 03 Fri., euly lef0 Sat , sfsde so ets e ORANGEMEN TO IIARRIVITON Sem,' July7 ...API' 03) . 11 Goderleh Orengenten, with their At* Mon, ',Tilly, 8 04 go and, artlin band, will go to iSanietert Twee, eui-e- ie.,* ee , 00 toraerrow to take part la Oro Wor July, 10 44,1* rip5, (S1 1s7- of July Cementite/elm tiller". A SUCCkSSF.1.114 TM, Despite 'the sudden e‘thi on ,Wednes- daSt afternoon a ettecessful tea. WWII held by 3.0sees sSefella 11111, Marr Gealium and Elizabeth Taylor at the • MOO- of eles. 4.-1L Teeter, Caletionte 'Terraee, for „the benefit of the Red Close Garden; ilowers were sold and a musiol iehtertainment as Provided for the guests. The preeerstis'attleiliited to $2.3.52, • .ar MUSIC EXAMINATIONS ' ilksults of Toronto Vonservatory OF Music pianoforte examinatiette are ea - Amassed as follows.: Grade IlIselritsts class, • honors, Barbara Milicr*Uhltit,. Grade It1rat-ielaM5 bottom :nett* Marelonalii, Sid* iletftedonted (even). Grader le-FirSteelaiss honore, Dv:aorta Bogie, emote,. Plebe" rIlowese. Tette- sr: Jean A.. Long, A.T.C.M.