HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-04, Page 8PASS *NUTT
&DBt July *ma 3tm,
t"thol"o"t"slwok- end wrth
4. J. Robertson sued Mreand
liam tetraisgiutu.
Mr*. Guy Durham of fit. George was
1. week -end visitor with, her mether,
Nine John Ferguoon. On her returpi
she was aeompatded by MiSs Mae
Jferguion stud Bye e Phillips.
Mrs. 'Jim* Carter and Mi9s Sadie
Carter Vent.
weele*nd -with. Ai
and lire. Joe !Carter, Port Elgin- *
Mr. Stewart Ferguson, of Totten-
ham, 'abated over the iveekeend with hi§
Parente, Mr. sitetillre. J, ,Fergueoto
Mr. Jaek Weir of Toronte spent the
Week-old with basi father, Dr, B. Co,
Weir. • •
' Mr. Iteg., Asquith, Of Toronto, eit.
Herat Aequith, o South, 'Poreupine,
and- *tee. Mary Asquith of Fe gus
swat the • week -end With their, perea'te,.,
Mr. a*d Mr Chas. Aequitla.
Mr. And .11.1rs. W., IL •Sleeppardi Reid;
Joan and Tom spent the iavelgrend with
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Tor-
. onto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart, of Peru,
e Were week -end visitors with -Mr, and
Mrs. Harvey MeGee
Mr. And Mrs. Sharewood Wilson,
London, visited on Monclay_ntLyt.
—antrT Vireon. '
Mk* Mary and Jean Houston „left
this week to`lake a summer course in
mu sig at Toronto,
Miss Lile YungbluteR.N., of Hearst,
is visiting her father, Mr. .Geo."1.7ung-
Mut. - •
Mr. end Mtee Steve Medd and Dou-
g ald, of Woodatoek, 'hated ou Sundey
1 with Ur. Jame e Medd.
Mr. aud MM. MAR.. Allot and Ile auil
1 Betty Craig spent the week-ena visiting
vutle in Flint, Miele
Mr. and Mrs. Mae, IiiteNeil, ot TOr-
1 onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. ..stirtitit.
ere. and• mrs. Edgar letiVesOn and Ber-
el& vted oii. lrfonday with Mrs. Wm.
Sclater, of -Seefortle -Monday vvasethe
'occasion ot, Mre. Selater's ninetieth
CongrattalatiOns are doe to Aise:
Ruth Wilson, ,daughter of ,Itev. and
Mre. H. C. Wilson, who eucceserally
,loaSsed the eixth grade musie examin-
, ation. of the Toronto Conservatory with.
honors. Ruth is a. Pupil Of Alr. N. a
,COOk. Miss Vivian Straugharr also is
'. to be feliciteted„'' ' as she paseed eller
Ielites Ethel Washingtees, , of rjetent eaueie examination in htstory.
I IS visiting her parentay. ,and Mrs.,.
' J. 3. Washiugton. ••• •
Mrs. ' James Jackson, and Miss
Margaret Jackson, ' of Tonto,, spent
the week -end With Mr. and Mrs, James
Mrs : Keene a Stratford visited on
Sunday with' ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Miss Annie :McLeod a Toren -to and
Mr. and. MrS. Gordon Smith of Milver-
ton Nisite4 over the Week -end- with
the ladies' "nether, Mrs. John McLeod.
• .Mrs. °John Medd,of Goderich visited
friends here on Sunday. , .
e'eCoeumunion wa,s dispensed in Knox
Prep:Attlee' chureh Sunday morninr,.
Five new memhers.were received: lefur
ray and Isobel llollinson, -Roy Pa er and
Fred Yungialet:- Were ...received° into
membership on professioe of faith-, and
Mrs. Roy Deer was received, by cer-
tifietifeee --e• ,
There will be •-.'il0 :service in. Knox
'Preebyterien eller-Oil next -Sunday, July
7, owing to ' anniversary 'services at
Carlow, PreshYteriaii 'church. Next
Sunday evening the Anhui% L.O.L.
will parade to St. Marks Anglican
church for divine worship at 7.30 p.m.
Knox United c.huich held a sucCess-
fill strawberry festival on Wednesday
night, with a large ' attendance. The
door receipts Were about $]45 , The
MacDuft-CoppIand ' duo provided .-..the
,entertainment forthe evening.,
• Dondld Ross as visiting this week
with Mr. and Mrs. John West, of Wing-
" On Friday Morning, 'the pupils of
Auburn public- school presented their
teacheke .Miss Mabel Foster, with a
pair of firer* -book-endee •Ruth. Wil--.
on retie the address and Bill Craig
uuele the preSentation,::. Miss .Foster
has been teacher here for three years.
• Private 'William Sanylie, alio is with
the 11X.A.V. at St Thomas,' visited his
aunts, Mrs. 3. C. Clark _and Mrs. Wil-
liam Dodds, on Sunday.
The W.M.S. of Knox Unitecl -church,
met. on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
William efellwain in echarge and
Vivian Straughan at the Piano-, Mrs.
Jas. Roberton : led' in, Prayir. The
POINIMIn.111141.1•11•00.000M000 '10
'W. E. MeNittie
48 Pieton St. -Phone 417W
Ilavi just reieived from England
another shipment of C- hina.
Now 's ths 1e to. get started
en that Dinner Set you want --
sold by' the piece or any way you
' lovely gift pieces in
Vases -Cake Plates-CarelY Jars
-Lovely assortment of Ocld Cups
and Saucers from 25e up.
-Just pop in and have a look.
Tbe Home of English China
DOMIGWP II I C . -snOaTramie
GINGER ALE ItUIE014 3, 341-os.2.5c
contents nth.
AU fo'r 19c ”
• .
A & p
CAMAY ;OAP cage' 50
PEACHESs":"ARD Vilt 23t
'SALMON 1111Z 14c -
LARD, • 'lb' lc:
.5 ROSES -FLOUR- -74,-26c--
Cki$UP "L'irit. 12111411F
SOUPS TorM. Th;s15c
IVORY FLAKES': Large 21c
„VIGOROUS Os Maim( .
8. O'CLOCK14bi33c
sLicvsn Oa inq8ti6ni
ckictosn WREATI.
TOMATO JUICE A 4, 3 1'6 2.15,c
CK TEA "mule- 24C 1.4b. AT
S. PI% ir
100 31 -ox.
tAtIANAS Golden Eipe aibtg. 190
POTATOES . New white' 10 1.bo. 270
XaEld:ONS Oarifornia .... dozen 22o
CELERY IlEAETS Presli, Crisp, Native !„ 100
Large Luscious E.C.P0 - 0- ; Th.. 170
Luft', "Stowerdithip," woe taken by
Miee Sivila, The mettles
wae eloiett with proer by MN. Melt -
pecorietistio Setliteree-iDetkite threat'
eUilirein the ittetraal decorsttlou *eV-
viee at lehlia (*meters V34 *Imlay
afteruoon Wee larply etteittleti. The
service wae eoutletete4.1 in the elettreh ins
the ceinetery grountle the buildiug
was filled to capacity. Bee. A. M.
Boyle„ of KuOx Preebeterian ehurch,
had 'barge, awl Magid Reee Presided
at the (opal. Mr. Hervey *Mee ettng
4 solo. Mr. Itoele revoke from Hebrews
11e40Lon the eubleete ''ClarrY 4--)41." -
Red Cretis WOriroe-Some, fortY ladies
of title Community gathered at the eeta-
ctious farm borne of Mr. and Mre. Herb
Mogridge on FeirittY, where three (Plaits
were quilted for the Bed Oros.. These
quilts were donated by Mrs. Gormley
ThomP6on.„, Tea W1'4served by the
leastess and bee two daughtersears.
ThODIPSon and Mrs. Deft Marsh. A
hearty vote of thanks was extended to
Mts. Mogridge and Mrs. Thompeen.
The Rod ` -0.ross shipped to heed-
querters, Toronte, this week the fo1.
lowing a•rtieles : 18 bedjackets, 0 scarf,
1 helmet, 12 Pairs socks, 1 sweater, 8
tt blankets; also a bale of ;see.,
ond-hand 'clothing for 'refugee work.,
• Three , Soldier Sous.'= --The home or
Mr. and • Mrs. Win, J. Thompson was
the ecene .of a happy gathering on Sun-
day when their three soldier .soils ar-
of Carling Heights, Private Russell, of
the Barracks at London, and. Trooper
of Camp Borden. The climax
Of the ,oceasien was when Mr. aed Mrs.
Tbenopsen'e • daughter, Mrs. Meek
Armstrong, and Mr. Arinstroug, of East
lerawauosh, arrived. Sunday was Mr.
and Mrs. Armstrong's twentieth wed -
(ling anniversary. Their son, Jiblin, of
'West Wawanosh, also was present. Mr.,
and Mrs. Thorapson are to be honored
for having three eons .fighting fet our
noble British. pause.
eleeissieesie Sclutef, of London, is the
guest of Mrs. 3. F, Thomson. '
Miss. Ireee Doweattii,le. vieltiug• with,
her ,aunt, Mrs. R. G. 'Scott, Bobcaygeon.
Mr. Bruce Orr, Of. Toronto, spent
the week -end at his home on South
street. .
Mr. W. C. Stiael of Bracebridge;
was among the holiday Visitors in
;VAi8s, Betty Leroy, qf' Collin ood, is
a guest with her cousin, Miss Marjorie
Maofie.' ' • - • • -
Bert Huekins of the It.C.A.F. train-
•ing school, Galt, was home over th'e
'Mr. and Mrs. G., rcalnith, of Brant
.hfogri'idd,ay.were visitors town for the.
' Miss Vine eLeitton, of 1)etrpit, is
visiting her .sister Mrs. Win. Tait
Keay§ street , •
Mr. and Mts. Alex. Smith leave this
.aftehi00.11 for St lobo, N.p,„-fer_ three
,weeks', holidays.
Mi. and, Mrs. jos. Agar of Guelph
visited over the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs, J: W. Petrie. -
Mr. W. K. Thomson left on Monday
.for 'Kingston to continue his course at
%Teen's University. .
;Miss Eilleee O'Brien, who teaches
at 'Brantford, is spending the vactitien
af her honie there. • ,
Miss Lucille Lassaline, teacher at
Wellaed, is vaca.tionnig at her home in
Goderreh township, • • '
Mr. and Mee.F J. Creittle and Miss
,Margaret -Le- -itelefe4E4leintforde--evere,
holiday visitors in town. •• • .
Mr. and Mrs.. jeR. Wheeler anotored
to Bohcaygeon end, visited relatives
there over the week -end.
Miss Betty Leroy of Collbagwood
visiting with Mr. and ,MTS. A. *Macfie;
Victoria street, this week. •
"Mr. and Mrs. D. M. O'Brien visited
relativeTorento and 'Stratford,
over the holiday week -end. •
and Mrs. J.. S. Henderson, Of
Detroit, are spending thesummer at
their hoine kee Wellington street.
Mrs. Bert Moelamis, after a 'visit
with her relatives here, left this week
te rejoin her ;husband at OshliVa.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. 33eyes, of Strat-
ford, sPent"•the weeir-eed at the home
of Mrs. J. V.erhomas, Elgin avenue.
Mr. .and Mrs. '2Hilten, Schuyler, ot
'Kitchener,' were weekeent-guestte'Vith,
Mrs. L Maskell and letes. F. Allen,
Mr. aed Mrs. John We Pettie, late of
AShfielel,haVe* enovecl to • town and
taken up residence ongere!tegate street..
Miss Jaue M. Well $. Rage
•London motored up fo spend the
holiday with Mrs. C. A. Wells, Baytield
road. • • • • ,
Keith. Saunders Of Toronto spent the
week -end with. his parents, Dir, ane
Mrs. • Charles E. Saunders., Wooing
Ilundrede have rotted Itipp'slferb
Tablets Sin idea laxative. All herbs,
sso drugs, not hebit-forming, 25e box.
'Sold by CAMPBELL'S DRUG ST(tiltle
New white bets for the smUmer
season. MISS M. It. 1140VIOAlt, King-
etini street, Bedford Block, 20x
The Signal -Star sells for $2 to any
address ha Canada awl is WOrth more.
Look at soUr label; it will show the
date up to whiell your subscription le
The "Draw"' cendueted by the
Ahnteek Chapter, 1.03/11., will be held
at the •Capital Theatre during the regu-
lar prograin On, 113,UiSdaY OVe),C1101,eiti1Y
The V.R.O.W. is for voluntary
vice. By tilling in .the fovea' eaPplied
YOU will.have done 'et/thing irrevoeable.
Ie your eerviee is. aceepted, yeu will be
paid for work done, melees you stipu-
late that you ale not 'Want Payment
A, hike Sale will 'be held -in D. M,
O'Brien's store On iSateedrty, July 13th,
under the ausPiees. er the W.A. of Vic-
toria' street United church. 47
The 'W,M.S. •of North street United
ehurcnevill meet on Mouday, July 8th,
to -&-leesioe -T1use1seettetal/telakettl%41.10.
for, meinhere or the baby betel and
their mothers, Miss I. Sharman 'will
eildresS the mothers,and the baby band
Will ,present a :program. If weather
Permits, the oaeeting will be held On
the parsonage lawn, if not, in the
church- • •
, •
Dad you ever see eigh-elase 11,etig1i-
nuts made without 'being, touched by
iminan hande? °erne hi anO see it doue
by a demonstrator -on Saturday, July
(ith, at the 1,1o.st street 13akery.
A -Atil,R_pA7st NIO-4T CRASH
Two Cars COMe'Together and Several
• Persone Injured • i"
A motor accident eu. the intersection
of Victoria street tine Gloucester Ter-
• .• .• • • • .
race,, jest, pppogrte the County •jail, at
7.55 Sato:clay evening, was responsible
for the removal of several persons to
Alexandra Hospital. only 'a short dis-
tance away, It was the 'may highway
accideut in this loefilitY at the holicley
aeeek-end. ,
All but one Of ,tlie.iejured, were dis-
chagged frem lioepital the same night
.er onlaunday, after heatieeuts, Caused
•by flying glass,' had been aressed.
Meeteege .1tatleege, of Nile, remained in
the hospital until Tuesday. Besides
head injuries, he • had severalbroken
ribs, an injured Atm and, setfefeci from
shock His wife ancl his daughter in
law, Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge, treceived at-
tention• froni-Dr. W. • FSGallovee Wilmer
Rutledge; driver of the ear, woe un-
injured, ,• as vere his two ehildren,.
Verlia and Jimmy. -
• George Richards, of Fordwich, own-
er arid driver of the second automobile,
also- was injured and, taken to hospital
for treatment of a heed eat Which re-
° quired eight atitehes to Close, and an
injueed leg, He -wag attended by
3 M lereeeara; elle two companions,.
Alex. Merchant and Gordon ToPliam,
both of PordWieli; were not -here The
.Perdwieh party, were oastheir waY home
and the Rutledge family' Were emning
to town When the -collision: oecurred.
The drivers aPperenely confused as.
driving,. a front ,,wheel -of either car'
locked -after the eellision, swinging
both vehicles around into a 'resound-,
ing crash' that' could be heard for
blocks.. !Constable Michael Koppeclee
who resides just, opposite the point of
linpaet, was immediately op the job
and Sergeant A. C. Ross arrived ehort-
ly after and inveetigated, the adeldent.
Bath cars were heavily daniagedethe
Richards ear, an, old model,. "beyond.
rGarnet ("Ind") Itathiesdn,'ILC.A.33%
aircraftsinan, who is ot present eta
Wined in Toreento, was liome, over .the
week end • -
Mr. and MTS. Archie Miele and Miss
Marjoriee Maefie *spent the toildey
week -end at Wasegitqleaeli and, poi-.
lingtvvood, ,
Ahlan Bowman retureed to Goderiebt
on Tuesday after visiting relatives and
trieods in Mohtteal and distriet. the
met' week.' •
Mrs. Aquilla 0. Galloway, of Balti-
more, Maryland, Is epeading the sum-
mer with. her mother, Mrs.'
Bayteld road. • , • '
Mr. and Mrs. lora4eer .1tobertson and
their .daeghtere, 'Nano: and Lois, of
Toronto, spent a few' days with their
relatives here the past weelg.
Mrs. D. Mellwaitt has returued from
a visit with relatives at Detroit. She
also atten&rthe funeral of her eousin,
Mrs. Jack Stuart, at Windsor.
Pte. Ilarla.nd Tremblay, of the Royal
Canadian Regiment, stationed at pre:'
sent at Camp Borden, ,Wafa home with
hi mOther and brotliere for the 'week-
end. . .
Ur.. and Mrs. S. IL Madfatli and
daughter*pent 'the week -end visiting
with Mr. '11.1e1don. ititteMatt at Thorol
continuhig ton to Niagara. before their
return. . •
Mr. and Atte, Ge G. Me:Clardy had
as Their guests this 'week, their son,
'Rev. George Gordon Ifellardy, ot
Mobile, Mae and, their niece, Mies
Lillian ,Maettonald, of Montreal.
rte. William Duckworth, of MC
VS** 'Scottish Regiment, woe in Gode-
rich to visit hie parents on $unday.
_He was imable to remain in town for
the presentation .eeremeny on Monday.
Mite .An Milne and Mr. and Mrs.
.E. Tulloele or Tomtit°, and Mr,
ixaccy Duguld„ of Dranden„ Manitoba,
Were weekend visitors at the home nf
Mr. and .Mte. J. It Milne, Ilrnee *yea,
Guests at the home a ConneMer and
Mrs. Iluckins over the holiday were
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Ifuckhis, jr., Of Haman- I
ton; Mr. Bert ilUckins, of the Aircraft
'Sqieteels Galt, and Mrs. Manderson, of
,Miss Kate Seundere and. Mr. Stewart
Walton, of Toreeto, and Mr. and Mrs. -
W.° le -Charele je.;70--wOonottr,--- wete
week -end guests with' Mr. and Mrs. C.
IK: Saunders., • ' -
• Mrs. Ada Walters and Mrs. Walter
Hern have had as theirguests this
week their niece, Mrs. Webster Hallo.,
way of Kansas Cityy_lialseouri, and her
friend, Miss, MAO, Kirk of Toronto,
formerly of Copper Cliff. ;
Guests at the home of Mr: arid Mrs.
'thrta Pennington the past week were
•Mrs. Alice Don age 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth 'Pennington of Wingham, ' Pte.
RoAsieennington, of the Essex. Scottish
'Regiment, .was home ,from Camp:Bor-
den for the weelaend. '
Rev.- W. P. and Mrs. L.eise were at
Embro over the week -end for the tin-
toial reuelon • and Caledonien eelebree:
time • Mr. Lane was minister of lenoe
•churele leinbro, for several years and.
he had charge •or the services .of that.
ehureh .both morning and evening on
Sunday. • '
Commander, John Knight, of the
„Canadian Naval; iService, and 'Mrs.
Knight were with their trim& in. Gode-
rich for several, '"deyet the past week.
After six months spent at Kingston,
Where Mr. Knight was engaged in in-
'etrtietiertal worketheiewere en 'route to
their home at Vietoria,11k.
Mrs: Emily Werd 'or Grand Rapids,
Mich., has returned to heir' home after
visiting her sister, Mre. S. Knuckle, for
a monththe was aceompanied on her
return by her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, Ee L. Knapp, and their
daughter Marilyn leionne Knapp, all of
Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Peter Ward,
of rort. Huron, .ifich. ' ..
Mr. and Mrs, ",`, Dave ThDrapson and
Miss June, .Ralph and Ross MeiCreath
were here from Froronto for the holiday
and joined, other, membere of the Me-
Creath •elan at the hem° Of Mr. and
'etre. Harry MeOreath, where a reunion
was held in bohor •of Mrs. W. Me-
Creath. Though, in her eighty-ninth
year, Mrs. MeOtentli /le Wonderfully
active and, many 'old f 'elide bare been
glad to weleoine ' her. , •
For Results -A Classified Ad
',SPON,SIDLE for any debte incurred
lit MY name by naY daughter, Winnifred
Leggett. ItliltiCIAT i.LDGGETT.,
• LOS'I`,---ek 1937 FORD V. HUB OAP,
— colored red end gray, ;between
Goeeetee. •and Baylieki, SundaY night,
on Blue Water highway. Vtlitier(PleaSe
'return to 'SIGNAL -MAIL Reward.
Montreal street, smith, of Publie
Library. Tide propertY will be sold
cheap and on easy payments. 'el., W.
'OR/AIGIE. 23.a'
furnished cottage, ,Water, sewer,
light. Or 'Part. CHARLES HEALE,
Bennett Se, Goderich, 24tt
iSl`t /0041ORE
lavra ; clay loam; good' buildings;
Well fenced and good water supply.
ROBERT MOFFAT, 11 fl No. 0, Lucle-
now, Out. 27-9x
with 2,0-1I.P. 'boilers; one high pres-
sure boiler; both George White; one
18-36 Ilart-parr tractor; all in ' good
working tonolition ; One steel Water
•tank mounted on steel trucks (property
of Huge 'Chisholm). For information
apply • JAS. CHISHOLM, R.R. No. 0;
Godericli. .Phone Carlow 2012. • 26-8
_ .
"4"-- and Mr. and Mrs. ;Whiner Rutledge
wish to thank those who, so kindly gave
assistance in the ear accident in Gode-
rich on. Saturday evening in getting
them -to the hospital for treatment, and.
also these who loaned their ears for
.2„-1/2 Miles west ;Of Iiiiagilow,"."and-100
acres $.% miles west of laicknow.
Buildings and land in good ceildition.
Drilled wellon both. farms. Apply to
ALEX. •STANLEY, B.R. 3, Lucknow.
Ationoig 'SALE
Of a •good belek residence on Teafaigar
street, Goderiele on„
ISATUatDAY,.. JULy 13th ,AT 1.30 lelte.
This property is well located, has
rooms, and .betlt room, and good fern
bee. t„t Large twee and.eehitee treea.
Terms 2� peiecente *elle pald at time,
of sale, 'intlaece in 30 day's. MR: F.
WOOLDC.OMBle, Proprietor, T. GUND-
RY Auctioneere.
o WONT, U113TA1R
*,.1,1110111114, with eviirY eonventiade
4tIsTAIMMIAJC, Moue 71. *OM
tOra general houeework; family of
two; good home with modern vonven-
ieeeem, Write BOX 37, SIGNAL -MAR
or eitil Signal -State 011We. 27x
" home. •,Speeisil care for ease
" for general leeusework; at once.
MRS. A. C. HUNTER, corner -Victoria,
end Welton. streets. -27
houeoWork. Apply MIS. PADSER,
8 Arthur street., 27x
" and Oead cattle: must be suitable
for , mink feed; remOved promptly.
,FIRED GILBERT, RA: 2, Bayfiebt
Pbene 008 r 22, Clinton. , Calle paid
tor. 18-ue
v .
ikon »iolder for Grey Iron Foond-
ry. Good wages, steady work,
WATER_ eL MANUFAmpax,xp co.,
muff? aterigorontr,_
• ATOR.:.,Mildmay make preferred.
State price and condition: JAS. (MIS
HOLM, R.R. No. 0, ..toderich, Carlow
'ladies wanted., Must be -convincing
rP -
talkers to clearly explehi advauteges
our household tem -sallies' known as
FAMILEX PRODUCTS offer .:to buy-
ers. .'Already •sellmg , in iraMense
.quantittes--- Door. to -door eanetteSinie
necessary to slew .articles and take
orders for , same. GOOD COMMIS-.
SION. ' Unlimitedi earnings pessible.
Friends, neighbore, *anyone will be glad
to order.. FOR FREE OATA.LOGlael
AND DETAILS write: FA31ILEX, 570
St.'01ement; Montreal. . • 27-32
•'We eannot always' -oblige, but we
•can alWays.apeak
BEFORE An -11•Inavoidable cei
BE SURE You Are kully Pro-
11. M. 1V1 FORD
Insuiant% and Real Estate
3 Hamilton St, TeL 268w
flat on ground floor;
near 'Sunset Hotel. Apply 105 Biala
avenue, Gederieb. 2Tif
tjio II131N'T.----110I1511 ON NOWA%
street; oak 'floors, furnace, fun
basement; fireplace in living -room; all
modern conveniences. W. F. SJATIND-
ERS, Goderich Organ Co, -2re
NOTICE TO amorous
NOTICE is hereby given to all per.
•sort$ havli3g any claim again* the,
estate . of Herbert Cox, late of
Township of Gotlerieh in tile County
of Huron, farmer, who died. eri Ote
saabin°uet:totilethe8tubadoters4ilignmsed,111944111Y, t°verseillnett
by declaration, on or before July lath,'
1240e as on and after that date the.
administrator ' herebi will Proeeed to -
make distribution of the assets of the.
said eState having regard only to the,
Dated at Goderick June 25th, 1940
. Godenah, Ontario,
esee„„ olicitor fort,lie Administrator.,
I • k
A portion of the Steatford Boys"'
Band will play „ during the evenhig
'tterviee at Victeria church on Sunday
1M , , ,
Daily 7.30 am., 4.25 pen. --Leaves.
tioderich for • 'Stratford., Toronto,
ilamiltOn, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Bedford, . British and Royal. Hotels.
Phone hotels' or 305 for information',
eltubber Goods, •Sundries, -etes mailed
posteald In plain, Sealed Wrapper.
80% less than retail, Write for man, ,
order catalogue. NOV-RUBBP,R. *CO.,
Dept D-10. Boe 91, Hamilton, Ont
• 21-28
,rionnn*on Meeting
_Town.ship of Goderi.94
A° meeting of the Efectorii-Will
be field in ,
Butt's Hall, gOlmesville
. ON .
at• 7,30, p.m., to nominate a cooti-
e cillor to fill the vacancy caused
by the death -of Mr-Ilie 0._
WINDSOR, Ont., june •29.-4'At the
outbreak 'of wer' I assured the Can-
adian Government that Ford •Motor
Company- of Canada, Limited, Would
make all its facilities available for the
production of essential war eupplies.
We have done that. ...Last night 1 re,
affirmed the Feed position in Canada. Izi.
a telegram to Hon. C. D. Howe, Min-
leter of Munitione and SuPPlY," sad
Wallace R. Campbell„ president of the
Canadian Ford. organization.
"All the facilities, -resources, ,•man-
power and equipment of the Canadian -
Ford Company and the' oversea e af-
filleted_ Ford companiee, in. Aqietralia,
New Zealand, South Africa, India and
Malaya are now -making, and have
been -making, every possible contribu-
tion to the defence of the British Eine
pire and the successful prosecution of
the wa:r.," said. /Are Camp'bell.
Mr, Campbell also revealed that the
()anadian plant is being rapidlyloo. led
for the -production of Universal: ma-
chine gen•carriere. These will. be SuP-
plied to the Canadian -Governinent at
the 'rate of fifty a Week when, produc-
tion •gets into full swing.'
"At this tittle I believe,the Canadian
People are -interestedin knowing ,the
extent' of Ford military' produetion,"
said Mr. Campbell, , and he .listed the
Various -types' of equipaient.z.noW being
xu4nUtactured in the Canadlith Ford
"Ford engineers in, the Windsor plant
haveeoldriboted SiilaStatitialty to the
design of the army type vehicles. We
hive equipped our plant with the ad-
".detion0.1 tools and diet; 'necessary .for
the pkVatietion of these vehicles and
We have installed iamb anode' maellin-
ery. We have more tban 7,000 -men at
Work in our plant," Mr. Canipbell said.
"War orders take priority over all
other production in our plaat," said
Mr. Campbell.
As an indication of thedispatch 'avid;
which war orders are handled by the
Canadian' Ford tOmpany, Mr. Camli-
bell revealed that on May. 1 a cable
was .received 'from aneovereeas EmPire
eountrY Inquiring how long it ',would
take to ship them 0,000 trucks for milt.
tary use. The immedliftereply was a
start would .be Made in three weeks.
,The cotapany undertook to build and
stext shipping tho'se trueks at the rate
of 106 a day, the first 100 units to be
delivered within three,:weelcs and an
other 160 each day thereafter..
"Thedoctor sery fond of chh1d
ren."' • - ese
,"Itatheri Why*, before het/spanks his
son he always . gives him an etutese
thetie," •
• He (after prolieetti) : oSfe, it multi.
Millionaire? Hors% dear, 1 have sear�.
ly one million.*
She (sweetie?) a "Weil, dear, VII try
to be vert ofttoodola!"
Mrs.' Adam God entettained her W.
A. elase or girls at ia miskellaueoue
ehower at ,lier home, Britantlia road,
honoring IMPS Lenore Nelson, bride -
elect. The' rooms were, ptettily deeor-
ated with orenge blossom% roses aod
peeniete vvhile a miniature bride' in Port
simdee of pale pink and bridal *ell,
made it pretty setting for the tea table.
A delightful evening of gamee Wit8 ar.
ranged hy Stif4g Marjorie Calder. After-
wards MIPS, 1Fe1son roeived a large
decorated basket:filled with miseellan.
eoum gifts. Mrs. r.altfier assisted Mrs.
Gorl. '
Roadway to the Harbor ,
T" --P'"`
oderich, July 3rd, 1940.
• May 1 call your attention to a Matter of importanceto the Town.
A roadway to the considerable amOunt of land on the north side
of the harbor has been receiving the attention °Lour Commit for the
.past -two years and has been 'talked' of. for many 'years back. The
Mayor beaded a large delegation to Ottawa • and asked the 'Govern-
. went to build this road two years ago. Miring the winter of .1938-9,,,
right-of-way was secured by the Town and a considerable amount
of clearing Was done by Town labor to open this road. No 'progress
has been made since,* Permission to cross the C.N.R. rail connection
with the harbor Should be only a routine matter, if Properly handled.
The Federal Government, owners of the land on and between, the
river breakwater and the north pier, Would almost certainIrgiie, the
` Town a long-term lease of the land. Estinia,tes of cost of asuit-
• able road run between $10,000 and;$3,000. $34,000 is reliably istim-
atedqo do 'sufficient to let the project' justify further expenditures
. as development requires. *
The Salt Company badly needs more land at -the deck to store
coal and, this requires more labor and improves the general employ,-
- ment prospects of the company over, coal brought in by rail. There
Is no more suitable land available on the south Side of the harbor and
war conditions could shut. industry down in Goderich for lack of
coal. 'During the past year the Salt Company was able. to lend
several hundred tons of coal to the Mill to keep it ttperating due to
The writer was able to interest an important outside concern .
hi building a, warehouse or elevator here for the distribution in this
distriet of boat loads of a farni, commodity to the advantage, of the
community and without:interfering vvith any local business. This con '
cern approached the Mayor over a year ago but has mit yet received a
definite answer,as to whether thetnetessary access to the northside
of the harbor would be provided. This construction would benefit
the Town and Increase business here generally and has no objection- .
able characteristics,. ft will go elsewhere unless a road is built, soon,
-The 'Dominion' Road Machinery Co...1,td. can assist the welfare
of its employees and the Town through its facilities for repair work
on boats Vvhich might minter here, but without access to this fleet ,
by road it tannot compete with' other ports, and OAS was indicated
by the petition for a roadway signed by the master and chief engin-
eer of every ship (15) Web lay here last Winter and, Presented. to
Town Cowell recently. ' , •
The Elevator, its employees and shareholders, require and make
a great effortto secure as large a winter fleet as possible because
of the grain to be Lelevated. Last year the Council was Persuaded
to provide questionable fire protection outside the, Town limits for
these boats at a eostiif $2060.00. 'This coidd be better provided by
a roadway vvhieh would enable a pumper to reach the boats.
• it 18 a.plain fact, that a roadway is. of major importance to the
beats wintering here, to the Elevator, the Good Roads and the Salt
, Company, together with their employees, to tho merthantS, and to
an outside concern Who would build here. t believe that a majority
of Council and of the townspeople can see that it would benefit the
.Town. • -• -
° No new industry hag. come to Goderich in twenty years. There
have been and are Invades for Use if thi land on the north ?Side
obfettohreeluct:::1745:yeettbre:llandg avaiiivisatsblesp:ncititheietts:37:1:041d:i:t
Board of Trade at the Iast anrival meeting without•result.
vyin all citizens please express their °Pinions?
iGoderieh must g0 baeloVartla forwarils Nothing seajuiS
• Vours truly,
Thbe:oirlee "tlhce
interested have all had to locate elsewhere. The mattei has 'been
Copy;vf the petition to Me Mayor and Members of the Town effinleil,
dated April 1.8th, 1040: •
"We respectfully petition the Towirkof Goderich to tomplett, a road
ptor.othstrie .gnorliihosfridtine rooft tabs thhaorbourtiv. Thir cos, min'th6earsopinintioonii
ii viewtheamtehser
winter, fleet to provide tontact with thetoont% for fire protection, and
fe provide stem for eeonotrdcal 'repairs and malitterumee work.
Our experience. especially on those ships which were tied up it title
north side of .the harbor, this' past:winter has been most unsatis.
factory due Pt lookof proper transportation facilities, and,,' unless
this roadway is tompleted by this fall, we will have to 'give eon.
sideration to the routing of our boats to other portswhere better
• tatilities are provide."