The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-07-04, Page JULY 4tk, Oda
Voluntary Registration o
'From. 2 p.m. to 0 p.m.,
J�ithQW,,TuIr 3,—IIolid.ay visitors
‘ineluded Mrs. It MXoung, )Sirs, dean
Viroltr!e and Phealle, Atisses Isabel and
1UaXoung, Toronto, with. 'Mrs, Es
Tuffera and adra. jareis aieBride; ge.
Xeltb, Young, Toronto, at hig Parents'
.home ; Mr -I -Tarry Mulford and family,
Toronto, with has parents.
Joan A, 'Youngasend 'Mids. Ruby
Xining attendba the Woollner remilen
aat, itciiene nMondey. • .
Hitreey Errington, Who has been
.ailing, spent a week at bottle, hut es -
'Waned to Me boat on'Thursclay,
Dore ee Webster of 1Goderich is visit-
letg her aunt, Mrs.. Robert neau,
• and amt1 thiewek• .
No. 1 school held their picnic on
Satarday afternoon, wtha loge at-
eeee,„______,„tertdanceeimptegenel time.
,MtssIS'allow•Ek gees o Loriro Valare'
. -.course in music at the "Western Uni-
ts 1
The eeserentent of the Lord's Supper
Was observed on Sunday last in the
•Presbyterian church, Rev. A. X, Boyle
--r ,ofMating, Next Sunda tile Rev. D.
iJ LIU1 of Exetet will. conduct ans
.niversary services at 11 a.m. and, 7.30
s as.m., Special !music is being prepered.
A union prayerseneetieg will be held
in -the -United churele on Wednesday
„night with, Rev. Os ..gazelvv"d
W.MeSs Meetings—The , W.M.S. met
at the home of Mrs. W.' T. ',Sallow's on
• 'Tuesday afterneon, the president pre-
siding. The Scripture lesson was read
by several member$,' followed be Pray -
sera. mfrs. Oakes read an article OU
,"The Glare tae !Common Life," and
airs; T. H. Wilson had the study book,
• -illoilng" Millions:" Ma's' A. Wilson
thanked the ISociety for •the flowers
sent to her home the past week. After
singing ."Take time to be 'hely," the
meetieg. elosed .with the Mizpala bene-
-diction. The hoetess and bet daughter,
Miss Alma, served. a dainty tee and a
social hou.r was enjoyed'.
1$111110PARTY11011, July 2. .1r. "arid
Mr. a. Winston and !family, Of Tor-
ortto, were (Sunday tailors at the hoMe$
of their relatives, Mrs. A. Foster; Mr.
and mrg. Robt Bogie and. Nye' Wm.
Bogie: ,
!Signaller ,Erueet Ralph, the King-
ston ,ItX1.C.S., second sort of Mr. and
Sirs. tartan. Ralph, (nee Olive Foster)*
Palmer,* !Sask., spent _the week -end, at
the home of his euitt, Mrs. A.'. Foster,
and visited relatives in the community.
Mr. and .,Mrs. Bert Bogie and Ruth'
Were visitors on !Sunday, with Mei and
Mrs. 1). MeKerteie, Port Albert. ,
Quite -a number of the school child-
ren are sielt-ine with the Measles. •
• School Pienic:—saa Thursday, June
27, tae Sheppa,rdton schooleheld a pies
isle at Bogie's teepleeebout laxly fesiem
the ecit-ool section attending. The after-
noon was spent Irt igaraes and xace,s,
tatt-.0.014.r.P.n, al_erecesvPaga,
W1010FIDIJ),, jai 2.—Miased Min- I
nie *ad Iairsie Sue% of Loudois, tweet
tlie-weakend with Mr, Rua Mr* j._iii.
!•TeDowell, awl Mr. and afne Elittin
Mr. awl Mrs. Reg, jereehig anti fam-
ily, of Wintleor, aPeut the week`eild
with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Walden and
other friends,
Misses Edna end Audrey Waleh, of
Hensel', were week•end gueets of Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. aValeh. •
Master John Sibthorpe of Illytat isi'
holidaying with Mr. anti, Mrs. J. beete-
Dowell. • I
- allee•Coline Clark of St. Catharines
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Marvin
Mrs. Spiegelb:erg of Torentd wa$ a
week -end guest at the home of MT. and
Mee. W. A. Campbell.
l' Mr. •and Mill, ThomUS Tunney and
glee Edith, of Niagara Valls, ,itneaMi,ss
Hazer Petts, of London, epent gond*"
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook.
'Aire. IL - Stonehouse and Donald
Stonehouse, of Goderiebs and, Mrs, Alice
Tyerman of Leamington elated re-
cently with grs. Bert Taylor.
StinclaY *being nalgaionarY 'Sunday in
the Sunday school, a opeelal. program
et solos,, deete;Instrumentals and read-
ings!- was; given,' Bev. H. Cs Wilson
took or iti$ text in the church serviee
the* worde of Proverbs 14;34—"Rights
.eousness exiateth the nation," -'
•A ratecesstul barn-raleine, was held
on Monday at the farm ef Mr. and Mrs.
-1-10Viteard7Cirlaibqr:77.—Pne My meet
were present and no aceidents hares
11 i an orange Poled during the raising. •
• laILE, July 2.—Mr. Stanley MeGrat-
ten, of London Military amp, aisited
.friencis and ilia parents, , Mr. and Kra*
"D. illeGrattens over the ,ereeleend.
• ' Miss Rath. oaritw.en., lima friend, of
Delhi, visited with her • parents; Mr.
an&Yrrs. Deve•Ca.ntwell, over the lioli-
Oti Sunday, a ...splendid a.ttendance evenings, . • -
days-- -• Mr. Geo; Jackson Of-Wingaara and
--leaseeRc,sa -McPhee is 'net -doing .
„ Was out •ta the 'afternoon. service
see. ' was takeii to ehange the hour • of
well as her many frieeds would like to at Grace United Church. A vote 'Mireini. Thomas Licks, on'ef the -Wes!. are
renevving acquaintance" •in this
Mr. Geo. atatledge, Who was injured eereice from afternoon 'to Morning, Tbe • - •
gr. John -Gear hee secured a. posi-
in •a -sear, collision Ire iGoderich on Sat- change carried and now the service
tloo in •Lendoes,, . •
urdity evening, was allowed to leave writ be at 9..30 in tbeemorning SAM-
The'senior scritariette, iressrs. Wm.
jrnesda7 evening' deer school' folitivaing
• Visitor$ atei eS Lockhart's over the
weekend were gr. and. ales. gelsin
and Mr. and a&re. Albert Stinson and
'granddaughter, Ann, of Dundalk.
and Ice Cream. After everalaite ' '7A setinnbeeefronvehereeittenried-.the
easereteenece, sense -reason, Snell eeunion. held at Meneset on Mon -
enjoyed a
the teacher, was •aslced to eome for- day" .
ward and on behalf of the woe she Congratulations:are extettded to Mr.
and Mrs. -Harry sexesetrong, who -quiet -
'wee ',presented with a manicure set and, '
ly 'celebrated. their twenty-fourth wed -
an address ,-Was geed by ,Mis$ Helen
presaing regret at the
ding anniversary on Saturday; June
seyeranee of their relations as teacher
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Carter were re -
and ImPlise, but wishing her happiness
wusert milled „in a J. weii_eh,osen giss Fern Plowman, of Morris town -
new position: Miss _cent visitors at Woodstock.
re -
and suecess in her
ess _ , ships- visitetl' her -sister, -Mrs. Fidgar
woJxl$• ". " Hewett. . •
COL.13ORNE TCFWNSITIP Mr. and 'Mrs. J. 74. lvielaowell, Miss
Jean iercl Gordon, Minnie and
Mr. and Mrs., Howard Baer Were at
Womisteck on Friday last attending
the funeral of their uncle, air. Ediaard
Baer, who was -in. his eighty-sixth year':
No. 8 schools held tee aneuee pienie•at
"'Herber: Park on Friday eveniag east,.
with a good a.ttendanee. A. good inn -
per, with ice• cream and gaaies teed
game for old and young Vver-e enjoyed.
glees Edyina Allin• is to lye eongratu-
Elsie !Snell, Mr, and. Mrs; Charles
•Ssaith and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. ElWin `guesits„ while br the evening friends 6,1" Victoria street United churCh and
Taylor and.seareany -attended the Brads from the Westfield • community ' were Sunday scliool held a Pictiie at Olen
fednrxdsra.Ptuivicrn.diEtcti.,y. A:0%7:1:1z is
ParkvisitttinGto the
ede.rr• present After a ebort program; and- Maitland orteDomitdon Day: There
home of his daughter, Mr. • Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. 4, E. Ford of •Comber
were week -end guests of gr. and Mrs.
W. compben. ,
'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell were
lated OR her. mark as teacher. We recent Brantford, guests ,.., .s.
understamt She is engaged fee the see-
ond term.e
`.Miss ,Edith Hardy spent a few days
last -week with her sister,*rs.
Goderich. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Inkster and
children,- of Toronto, spent • Suriday
witiegr. and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell.
Hilda Mueller eistertained at a pre-
aup(ial tea, The arble wits deceritted
lu pliik wild white, eautred with au
haltatloit itroOdhsir take and doll hel4e.
Previous,' to the eillreer hour Mho Red-
mond was preeented with. a bridieai
book whit% created mutat merriment,
sauce took the gueate, down the,
Of life with "their* iwel Pat," Gifta
from the suede were Showered tie the
britle-toshe. On Thurodar
June 20, the ladies Paeasantly atirprieed
Mise Redmond at a euchre party in St.
mares Hall, Linwood. As! the gueet
of honor entered theshall tbe wedding
mareli WtiS played, the bride was asked
to come ferward, and she was pre-
$ented with beatitiful electric table
Sellummer 4tucl Helen 'Kerley matie the fAdes' 16" are °ne 8°4 teur
daughters. The late William and Na -
presentation, •(Both, are former pupils
of nisa alearaond.) en 4. few wells Mania Baer, of .1(.1olborne toe/midi),
,ehosert words miss Redmond ,thaniiea svere brothere of th.e deceased.
14[XWAtIlit) BMW&
alie death ooeurreel. fru Wortareday"
Jame 2001. at hie isesideisee, 50V George
street, Woodstock, of Edweed Baer,
who Nowt bla early yeera ha Colborne
towitaidp and taluten. Mr, Baer, who
wee le Wm eightrelatit year, was a *oil
of the !Ate Davki and Savanna Baer
of Waterloo emelt!. Ire weut to Wood-
stock fifty eseare ago, but laid slave
lived tor live year in Alberta, and for
five yeara Witighant. lie Wilt$ ems
PloYed Woodatock with !the former
Kern Organ Company vied the Canada
Ftirniture Miesufacturere and later
with the Woodetoek Pipe Organ Cie,
On Chrietmae Day last year he and
Mrs. Baer celebrated tbeir sixty-second
4. lamp. The addrese was read by Bette' 'wei4UtIg 41114vers4rY° $11Vvivin b°'
,tbe frieuds for their landremembranee.
Casels were then played and lunch was
eereed. Friday afternoori. the' pupile
and Priecipal Dantzer of the school
,where the bride-to-be has been teaching
peeeented their dearly loved teachee'
V, a walnut end -table aad an electric
lamps Donald ,PreitIman read the ad-
dress anti Margeret Moelan and,
' • MRS. 011ealaliES MOORE` '
, The death of Margery Evelyn Hor-
tons areloved. wife of Charles 'Moore of
Goderiels, ecearred in Alexandra Hos-
pita On gotaley morning after .an
ness of six weeks' duration. Mrs.
Moore was removed' to the hoepit
three"e-week e ago, where her health
Marie ditteslier made the Presentation. steadllY .deellue& 'She waS her
Irge As** swift stook to Ammo *row as piliew 104,
ito to lour bast rim* itnetipoirtatim 1110 est 4410111
s rs
Williams & Son Granite
147 SC had* St. nem 9411,,
(coutinued from. page
,were present from Windsor, edileago
and Goderiele The bride -aud groom
left in the afternoon on a, trip to in -
elude Torolete, QUeeriston and Niagara
Falls, Foe going away the bride were
a pale green drese with litted White
sharkskin Ober, white hat and ames-
A trousetau' beri, was 'arranged, at,the thirtYadrst year., She Waa born in Cele
spacious Teem, • home ee eel. ens% borne townehiP, the daughter of Fforace
RaymondItedettoml, 'The hone Uarten, aild Sarah Tichbortte. Surviv-
was elaborately deceratect In a Pink ing beStiles her lutsbend are her Par.
and white eolor scheme. Baskets of exits, Isar" and Mrs* Horeee Hortott•
_eeonreeeeweddtng-eeeesssends.eeteepsere. -Imiateeetownsidires. foureesiateree !Aire .
graced the , reams throughout „ The
bridal ` trousseau was displayed by
Misi• Hilda guellar of Linwood 'sand
-LicourTo-Aiftkiffiit-74.7atbai:` "XlififfilY,
aPPoieted lace cloth eovered the dining,
table at willea Mrs. john Bochanan
and Mrs. Gus Kipethale peFeired tea, a
gilver tea service, sene of the- bride,,h
casion. The bride's wedding cake with Rev. R. O. Hazelwood. of Ben- The young eouple lett by motor on a
Wednesday afternoon,
elect's gifts, -being need for the oe- ighway, on
adorned the table, whieh was deeorated
7 miller .officiating, The Pallbearers were trip to the Thoiseand Ishii& and Eaet-
owii.tahr4peiebkiosteseodm,.swhitartxeansgtedreamienred•Letenre, aitinsvonim, erjawnkesiseayndan,T(th4eanutosespham000rteree: einreta0grntaayrio Points)
tricotiue snit with grey. felt
, !the bride travelling
eti•liped vases, Assisting with :the eery. Interment was in Colborne cemetery. . hat and striped silk blouse. On their
me were adieeea 'Jean -VieDewelle ieeturn .thee will reside et- taden,Ont.
Noreen. ' Kinaban, airs. Emmerson
,Rodger ' and • Mrs. - Walter Cook, all
friends of thei, 'st
Peter, Harrieme, (Phyllis) In G:oderieh:;
Mrs. 'Fred Herfee (Dove), Colhoree
towne4ip( and Harriet and Dora at
•lesjecrea,and----threeehrotherse-Benson of
Colborne township, Thomas, of Glide-.
rich, and Frank, of Exeter; The fun-
eral' took place) from. the home of Mr.
and Mese Horace Horton, Blue Water.
quiet but pretty wedding' took
place in the parlor of Elio% Preabyters
Ian church at noon ou Saturday last;
when Katherine Elsie, daughter of airs
, and Mrs Kenneth Bell, Ooclerich, be
eame the `briae , of 'Walter salratiklin,
pet, son of Ws. $oott and the late
mony was performed by Rev. D. X.
Laise. The bride wore gown. of dusty
fermi, the Alter and ii.netuary of St.
Peter's cbureit, Ooderide wide a liereir
riettiug for the weddlue Hasa Lu-
cille, wand da,ughter of Mr. and biros
Peter ItaeeNa
liter, pier tereet, And gr.
Jeeeph Milude, of Saralee *on
of Mr. and Mrs. Joeeeli ainedY; bath*
on *Saturday morniug, June 24)th,
Rev.Nagle otiaelitted. The weds
ding =este was played by Mise Martina
nusaeaa and the children's ehoir Ming
during the eeremonee Joeeph Isiodridon
of Toronto .sang beautifully litorewielt
laAve Marie" 'during the signing et the
r %••:, later. ,
saiveii in marriage by her father, the.
bride looked elearming owned In White
embroidered, 'chenille, moureellee de
eole; over vvhite satin, *mall
eovereti buttonfastenieg from a Peter
Pan neekliee down to the Wallets The
Igailidta-eittelidtailieeepttintesiefronte lot* -
.puffed sleeves Pointed •the wrists the
full Skirt extending., into it ehort trains
Her fin: • •# • tulle `veil was Ar-
ranged. •••a• Mary Queen of Seote-
balo. el dr:bouquet was ei, shower of
pink.Ta Ismael, roses and liliereofstite-
eallee. The matron of hailer, Mr. Cs .
Leman, .Toronto, was gowned In tur-
quoisem,ousseline de 'sole over taffeta, •
with full skirt embroidered at the hem-
line. 'Vise Teresa Biaecialer weir her
sister's, bridesmaid, wearing delicate
pink mou.sseline de sole over taffeta', *
styled the same as the matron of honor.
Bothcarried10Ololtial bouquets of blue
cornflowers, roses and • white earna-
tione. The bridegroom's man weir Ids •
teother; Mr. Francis Mundy of Petrol*.
The • ushers were Mr. O. Iatnnan, of
Toronto, and Mr. Harold O'Rae of
Sarnia. *
After the ceremony, The wedding',
breakfastvasServed Hotel' Sunset
to Over fifti•gaiaits, who were received
by Mrs. Buehler, mother of the bride
wearing a 'becoming gown of Davy sheer '
.with corsage eof • roses and white aye
cessorieee Mrs. Mundy, mother of the ,
bridegeoon4 was granted in navy (sheer. '
redingote style with white access-....Dries:and corsage Of 'rose. Lter the
prose triple sheer with white accessoriee
andstarried-a. bouquet erfsSweetheart
roses and fern. airs. John Pm*, as
matron of honor, wore air force blue
with white accessories and ca.rrieti pink
roses and fern, William It. Bela bro-
thee of the bride, was thein grooemen.
AT GLEN IYIA.ITLIVNIL- Before !the wedding the bride Was
• much feted by her friends., On Tim*
brideThe ladies ot .
Victoria Street Church 'Picnic on DO-, day, June 20t11, the ladles- efthe guilt'
Augustine and Auburn were afternoon ininien Day an Enjoyable Affair, ing elalb sanPriaed, her by gathering ut
• missy set-4170,ra. eereereon has been
re-engaged ase teacher of8.8. No, 6,
Eaet aarawa.noehs' • - • •
, Mr. Charles IScott has been awarded
the mali contraer- for R.R. Nties-2;-
Auburn, • He suceeede W11.4,im
Craig. , .
A large number from this vicinity: at-
tended the eireult garden parte-held
at Auburn United- church Imo Wednes-
social time, John Bachenan read an
address ,end presented tbe inide with *a
purse of moneys IOW Redmond. re-
plied, thanking :her friends foes, eheir
were •ever one hundred in attendenee.
The little children were entertained. bY
Mrs. Brown .and Mre. Ellwood in vari-
ous games, while those who
kind wishes .and generous. gift. On' ball had an exeitiug .game, with jun.e
Sunday' afternoon, after. a meeting • Of Baechler. and Loraine AIIm as eaptains.,
the 0.)e.0. at Liirsvood, ahaebride:elect Loraine's team were the winners, with
was Again 'entertainedakit the .home Of a score of 25 to 15. •
greased Mrs. F. irleGoese where some arab:tilers'-in -the races were its fel-
twenty-five members ehowed their PP- i•OW: • " •
preciation of Miss Betiesteilthful- s Mrs. las Adams' class of girls Noreen
ness to the society SY'.presenting her Webster, Chester. Fhiley ; Pealtoope's
with a acrecifixesanti.els-brides sprayer- elass, Gladye geLean-;-- Margaret
• .
book.. An addeeas was read, by Mildred
Kaehee ;eta, 'George. Sehtuniner made,
the presentation. At tbhe Sacred Heart
parish hall, St. Aurgustine, Monday
nighty •'Mies Redmond and Patrick
O'Malley were glissts of honor at a
-dances' :Arthur's eoreliestra of Whig -
James' elass, Xeyee Breekow; Norma.
Allinar, class, Helen McLean.; Jack eic-
Kinton'e class, Albert geguire; Ken.
Raid's class, James Adam; Miss Wor-
thy's class, Doris !Squire; Charles
eck 1
kheitor Itheonm,sehoa4c1r.pketseerntillangeybeenritgwrstoeh net
with'cards the ladies the club:served
lunch.. • • • . s • •
()n Friday night NITS', Bell Was host-
ess ;to the Womeu and girls of theeTays
lor's Corner school section, in which
Miss Bell h•ad been the teaette
several years. The ladies took advant-
age of the eceasion. pr,esent the bride-
to-be' vvirh ,beautiful s chair • end end
table, on behalf of the seethes. •The'
house Was; -decorated. With •beautiful
flowersefor the; sicca.sion and eirsseiaell
served refreshments at the close of the.
evening. ' •
Oet Saturday, Jane' 22nd, Mrse Bell
gave a trousseau tea in honor og, her
•deughter; and on Another evening 'Mrs.
Frank Wood was the, hostess at her
hom.e on South strect, whereMrs. Wood
and Mrs. Del:Woetbe tendered Miss
;Bell shower of -erystal 7e 'hint and
sflver: Phe large nuhiber present
eluded friends frem,Ooderich -township
with 'Mrs.
Mrs. Kenneth ateltay '�f the,
.groom, and. 'Mrse Ira- Oke the elerge-
titan The gifts Weres peeselifed on a
✓ ONV 5,0 ass, Harold 'Squire; single
-girle, AT and -over; Valier Craddock;
ham", supplied excellent • mnsic. The taalloon Evelyn Beeckeiv ; three -
address was nact to the young 'couple legged rice, boys, Jack- Westlake and
by 'Clarence Gibbings, *and . Wilfred Harold Squire; " three-legged eit'aee
Kinahan presented them with a gen- girls,- Loraine Allen and - *are'
erous .purse of money. Both replied Sehwantz; Married, men's race,,
Wil -
in: a pleasingetratttinerea' itet -Tuesday fred . Larder; 'married women's rade;
evening following 'the, ithearsal at Mrs. W. Wes rake; Idekieg slipper,
MeDowell, J. L. Menewelli• Me- Sacred Hearrehurch, a.' rehearsal fee. Varier -Craddock; shoe race, Loraine
Dowell and Meitlattalgenraa assisted in was served ,toethe wedding ' pitrty s:e wheelbarrbw race; jack Seas
the service of sone at the anniversary eftessienss. • Wentz, Bobbie Allen. A peanut scram-
I ,
•, -
young couple left onea :motor trier to . •
Weak Virginia and other United States
Oglaw. For going away the bride worts
Aron. printed sheer with White jacket,
and white fteeeseories. -0filheir -.return
they -will "reside at 128 Eisaeisstreet,
Semite Guests were present from*
Sarnia, Crinslachle, North Bay, rot
ttoron, xew Orleans, 'St. Thomas,
_Elora mid Gederiell.
The bride was a. teacher on the otoff
of Patriek's School, Sarnia, for, the
pest.theee years, and is a popular mow .
ber of the younger Bet. She Was the
'Vest of • 'honor at several ohowers 111
Sarnia and.received 'many pretty and
useful gifts. . " ' • '
though still not 'In very good condition.
Elmer laloore and Cecil. ,,Po4ock heve-
coherete 'foundation. under pare oficreife:
Rutleagele barn: , • .
BIG 4,0
Saturday Nite •
July 6 _
AND IIIS .g.V.V*03e4.11D
Balloon ',bailee , Spot, Dances
Novelty ,Nite Jitterbug Contest
Admissicine 3,0c Danchtg Free.
° -
- , • - -
Born. --,To Mr. anti' Mrs. Alvin. Snell; - - Then the children were 'seated 'in a
Mer weddhig Was solemnized at Sitered
large circle on the ground and. were
Heart- Reetsan 'Ca.tholic. cherch, St. •
Augustine, en Wednesday maritime
"eats," topped off' with two iee cream
cones •for each. •
Marie, niece of (Raymond R. 'Redmond, After the . picnic lunch horseshoes
East Wavaanosh, was unitedinmare were played by four ladies; Mrs. West-
riage, to 'William Patrick O'Malley of
. earvicaVeireieres't-iVIStiMiliya. oye-seajaaeinToaeaae,-e- ..spreety• suni e -waaeg -vett 1 dren,
on Friday: June e8th., I.940,' a baby
boy. Both doing w.ell. .• Congratula-
Cong,ratulatiene, are extended 'to gr.
"Rity Vincent Upon his success in pass-
ing all hie- exa,minetions at Roderich
Collegiate. -
Mr.- Kerr has corn eted bhe job of
gravelling the roads in this vicinity
The church was !healthfully decorated
. and has moved the crusher from' *r.
with baskete, of pink and. peonies,
Redmond's pit
while the guest pews were marked with
Mr. and ges; Norman Radford. were
Owen Sound. visitors recently. white tulle and Pink daisies. Miss
—Corigratelations are extended to Miss Mae, BedmandS •of St. Aligns-,
tine, cousin of 'the bride, presided at
Jean Campbell, who has received her
a... commercial the ergarr, and played the Lohengrin
diploma after taking
wedding March. l'hes.bride, who wes
given in marriage by her Uncle, looked
lovely in a gown of imported' white
silk net embroidered with, lover's•knots,
a draped bodice buttoned down the
litieke-seath small 'net -covered ,buttons
and a Sweetheart neckline, puffed,
sleeves and bouffant skirt evet sthite
corded taffeta with ahort white train.
She wore a• fingertip veil of Brussels
net, fallifig from a three -pointed net
halo. The v:ell was taught at theback
with •Sweeth,eart roses, and ehe'wore
single 'etraud, of pearl beads and car-
ried a bouquet of Ilriareliffe roses and
baby's breath • tied with ' white !settle.
Theeirklegmaid, Bridgetth
Iteg.N.,• 'of Sarnia, sister of the
bridegroom, wore floorsiength own
of heavenly blue sheer with svhite hat
end 'accessories and carried a' bouquet
of Talisman roses. Ambrose Ceibbings,
of Flolyrood, attended the bridegroom.
••The. whets everes.Wilfrea Kinahan, • of
let. Augustine, and CIarenee• Gibbings,
Holyrood. ,Rev. Father E. 'J. Me -
'Mabee, parleir priest, Performed the
ceremony and read the nuptial mass
vvith !Rev. rather Moraatts of Linwood,
present in .the sanetuare. 'During the
cereinony the Sacred Heart e heir sang
-twee Iremne- and -during the -effertor
Mies Mae Redimone, pang "Avia
Maria," with violin obligate 'by- liars
mond R ;Redmond. During. the sign-
ing 'Of the register -afreltedraond played
"I Love You -Truly." After the cere-
mony the •bride and groom greeted their
Many felende on the ehurch lawn. The
wedding party then reotored Gode-
rich, w‘here the weeding beeakfteet was:
sereed. at PeeleW's dining room Rev,
Fether Nielatithen acted ae teaseniacater,
and proposed the to.ast to the bride,
which was responded to by the ,geoom,
while Raymond Redinerel iirepeeed the
'Oast to the Inadal eouple• and wee te-
upended to by Thomae,.11arcourt, of
Toronto. Thomas O'Malley tben Pres
posed 0. toaat to thethost and Mr, Red -
John. MacKenzie, veteran caretaker
of the 'Court Mete and Harbor Parks,
leuffered• a painful scalp wound on
Monday morning whenehe was cut by
the sharp blade of a scythe. He re-
ceived thesent when he walked into the
scythe as it hung from a rafter in his
woodshed, Several • stitches were re-
quired to close the four -inch wound.
• ,
N. "Mac") MacDonald, well -
known figure in •Goderich sport circles,
has been accepted in the -Royal Can-
adian Engineers and is now in London
with thesregireent, `411ac" served-a
private in the last war. He applied for
homeguerd duty a short time ago, but
efailed-to_ pass- theemadical test,- Use
daunted, 'he applied at R.O.E. head,
euarters and -last Thursday passed the
teeclical test with fiying,colors. He
was home on leave over the week -end,
"Mac" is Married; and the father of
ter° children. •
• .
served by, the parents with plenty of
Jame 26th, et 9' o'clock, when Grace
lake aed Mrs. Squire, Mrs. Craig and,
Toronto, son of Peter O'Malley and the ales. J. Adam, the latter 'pair 'being
late Mrs' O'Malley of East Waw noel]
course at the Goderich-Collegiate Usti-
tute. •• •
Spiegelberg--Campbell.—One of the
season's loveliest Weddings was solem-
nized at 3 e'clock ,on Satureleyeatter-
;noon, -Juires-29th, -at theshorae of Mr.
and Mrs W. Albert Campbell, -East.
Wievanosh, when their elaest 'daugh-
ter, Marjorie Amelia, Reg. N., beeeme
the bride of gr. Arthur Jul1ut4
,4eig, son of airs M. Spiegelberg and
the late' Mr. Spiegelberg of Toronto.
Rev. H. C. Wilems ofteelated atthe cere-
mony. The bride, who wee glee's in
:marriage by her father, was lovely in a
heavenly blue gown, featuring shirred
bodice, full puffed sleeves and bouffant
skirt.. "tHer vela was shoulder -length,
'falling from • resmall •whlte flower. eat
Her !flowers were Talisman roses, val.
ley lilies, baby's breatitaind tern. Miss
Jean. Campbela her sister, was brides,
iriakl gowned in duaty rose with a
"Make Jams and Jellies
with CERTO...
quicker... ifs easier
and SURE!"
.3 out of 4 Jam and Jelly
Champions use XERt0
Mrs. J. S. Wartiner of Bellmale, Ont.'
.--PrireWinner at Shannonville. and
Tweed" Pitts, says:- "It always Aeop‘ a °
bottle of Certo °rimy pantry shelf
I appreciate the confidence Certo gives
me in making prize-winning lams and
So quirk -So atiy—With Certo you
only lx)11 a minute IO OVO initiates
for jaina half.minute
to a minute for jelly.
Moro lam or krily—Irt this short boil 80
little juice boils away that you getup
tohalf again more jam or jelly.
lovely Tattoo nod Ctstear;.--Againeein
s4iti J this very short boil the aesh natural
MA re
taste colour main unchanged
and unspoiled. • „
itstuttisure—You'll always get good re,..
sults if yolviolldilt. the Certo -recipes
Cella it concentrated r* gr
PECTIN ...the natural felilfying
substance extracted from fruit.
tato *
corsage ofetoses:--baby'e .breatesand.
fere. Mr. Ildwatel !SPI..egelberg, brother
s "of the ermine, as beet man. The
wedding music was played; by Miss
Elaine Bkenferd. - The brides mother
was gowned in' navy ,figered sheer and
wore a corsage of mauve sweet peas
and fernarie groom's mother looked
. evelyin a gowneoferehliialibie:figuteti.
. . sheer with a e,cksage of mauve aiveet
peas and fern: After tee ceremony a
buffet luncheon was served by MiSa
Loteula Crozier, cousin of, the bride,
and Mis„seg.Annetta Stuart and Eileen
Taylor. gigs Witinitred Campbell,
cous'in of the .bride, -poured. tea4 The
looms were fatefully decorated in a
pink and white dolor scheme, the table
being ,emetred with, the weddings cake
and pink eaudlee and .reees, with pink
and white streamereaught at eaeli
earner and caught at the ceiling' with 4
white wedding -bell. The bridareouple'
left on it trip by motor, th4 Wide ehoos-
ing for travelling e navy sheer jacket
frock with white aceessories. They
will reside 14 Kitehener. Araong those
Present for the wedding were Mrs.
Robertson, Reg:N., Mr. and Mr. Ed-
ward elpiegelberg, Mrs. M. Spiegelberg,
Miss Olga Spiegelberg, Mr. WmeSpleg-
elberg, Mrs,, A. Born, of Tereinte; Mrs.
Barkley, Mre. Fitzgerald, of Dungan-
non ; Misses Loreela end Frances
Crozier, geeirs Clifford and Colin
Crozier, of Crewe.
'Ere -nuptial Events. ---M Gracned-
mond, who has been a teaeher at the
Linwood 'Separate School for the pot
leix years!. recently tendered her reeig-
nation and has siuee been the recipient
of many beautiful showers and gifts
prior to her maeriage. 'On Wednesday
evening, Jane , 19, at Linwood, Miss
Free Seek of 73 aetipes
for loots and Witte with
every, bottle of Coto. „
the winners; score 10-8. The same
geme was played by the inert during
the afternoon and evening. The picnic
eanxe to an end about 7 o'clock, all feel-
ing that they had had a real good day.
About forty friends and neighborre
of Miss Mabel Johneton, popular young
1bl:1de-tie-be, gathered. at the home of
her mother, Mrs. M. Neter? and tend-
ered her miscellaneous shower in
honor ofher emning-inarriage toatia"
Albert Powell. Tile bride -to -he was
taken entirely by .surprise as her
'nephew, Mester. Freddie Moss, and
little Arleen. Fisher entered the dining -
room with IL large pink and „white
basket of beautiful gifts. John-
ston !thanked her friends In, pleasing
manner. • The evening was spent in
games much enjoyed by all, after which -
II deliebitineb., and the
party broke up after the singing of
",Tor She's a jolly Good Fellow."
wagon drawirby two little girls, Louise
Ginn and. Loraine Hickg, from the secs
.tion in which, Misg Bell *taught The
br .-teshe.tenderedslterestaanksins, 11
thosen words. "
Beautifully decorated -with, garden t The growth of what is excellent is
flowers, delphiniumsepeeriles, rieses and 4W. •
• The Signal Star .eus-..toi,St-to any
address 1» Canada and le Worth, more.
'aitte up to which your siihseription is
paid. ". • •
• The Women's Association of Victoria
street aheited church met at the home
of MrsMichael. Mrs. Phillips took
eherge of the devotional period, and
ss aa offered by Mrs. Brown.
Readinge erege given by airs. Malian,
Mrs. Brown and 'Mrs. I3aechler. The.
president asked for more support from
the W.A. workers for the Red Cross
-work:, gra. gilliau closed • the meet-
ing with prayer. The bazaar work
was' Put on display and A_Jaiutiher _of
articlee sold. efre. Michael and her
assoelate hostess served lunch and a
,social half-hour was spent. • • .
Mr. J.0.'Thomas of tOwh was one
of the speakers at a meetitee at Hen-
sel' on Tuesday night at which a citi-
zens"' wartime committee was formed,
with De. A. R. Campbell as president.
To be always thiliking about your
menners Is not the way 'to make them
goat' ; the very perfection of mautterse
is•eot to- think about yoursele—What--
mood( responded. ,The party returned
to Mr. Redmond's beautiful eccamtry
home, where a oriel time wag enjoyed.
The gift to the best Irian Was it leather
billfold,' to- tite brideernaht -a Party
Parse cevered with eceetine. The eouple
left anild 14clieere, keel eongratelations
for *a motor trip. -taeNovrt Scotia. ,On
their, return ,they wili resitle at 1500
itathuret street, TorontoGuests pre-
seet were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Taereps
son, Mr. and ,'Nfrs. Russell 'Thompe,on,
of Carsonville, both sisters of
the bride; laurel' • Thompson, nephew
of the bride,' aisle of -Careetiville; give
Elizabeth Coln.% ,-aunt of the bride,
froni ,Bad Axe, Mich.; Mr, John Collin,
AT -
Special demonstrator in charge. „You are invited to come in and
see howhigh class doughnuts are made. Never touched by human
.hands. • FREE -SAMPLES. ' ° •
. .
‘00118III, of. the bride, Caire, Miele; Peter
O'Malley; Mrand greThomas
lee, Jean gereowell, Mt. and Mr-. IT.
areGoe, Mr. and Sire. J. Iltiehanan, all
of East latawanosh ; gleeJwel1Iluller,
• Ridgetown ; Mrs. Edith Grieve, of
London; Mies lillda Mueller, of Lin.
wood; Mr. keel Mrs, Thomas Hareourt
and on Lamle Harcourt, lamina Trov,
of ',reroute; Mee John liedinotel, of
• Auguetine ; 'Mr. and Mrs. John Chi*
holm, of Getlerieli ; Mr. and Mrs, John
Gibbiuge, of Wingiram; and Aire.
eamoel Johnston and giseLttella
Johnston, Mr. and etre Earl Wight -
man, of West Wawanoeh ; Mrs and 111ra.
. John IIeltron, of Blyth.
CORN,- AuxER GOLDEN BANTAM 16 -oz. 3 Tn." 2
oLzi611" SIntir 3 n's
No Alum 16 oz
F & 0 SOAP ....0 bars ,25c , IVORY . SOAP ...2/15400
FlIiltia CASTILE . .bar 5e' CIIIPSO ........,, 190,--20c.
1C-YDOL ..--..-. -..--;-1Oc,:-.41e IVORY - iNOW
ALNUTS — 8 -oz, 19e',
O.K. Braid .., 6 -for 25c
,CEBTO ...... Bottle 25c
Eecillomr Ib. Box 25e
S —AiWEL 14b. prints
.3 tins. 25c
'CANDY ctrange and Lemon
Slices, ...... 2 14.25c
PEANCTSASalted . .2 lbs. 25o
21/2's Tin 9c
ORANGES ,Large Sunkist
Lns. 25e
LR. TIN 47e
d6zen, 351)
— .......... — 7 lbs. 25e
CAUOTS Local Lge
Bunches — 2 for 19e
!BEETS Local Large
Bunches — : .2 for 1
BANANAS Pim Ripe '
. .., ... ..'. ... , . . . . —1 lbs. 25c