The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-27, Page 6•.011•1.
et Thirst
flN 7th• •
CAPIPOW: d'une 26. -Urs. Jolla Mae-
• Diaratid, ot Montreal, Mrs Joint ,011 -
lies and the Missies Rutile% of Brite -
ride. *Vent lest week with their niece,
Mrs. Tait 9ark, and Mr. Clark and
' tarkilY. .
Mr; Clarence 'AlcVlenagbant of White-
ehurele leadership training eonvener of
the London Conference, addressed the
YOuag people in the United ehUreh, on
Sunday .afternoon. • `
An illitstrated address by Workers of
the wae given in the Toltrt-
ship Hall on Tuesday night, showing
•1whixt *ad been done , for , the 'whalers
during.the last war and what needasto.
be done new for the 'tsoldiers-,ailring
• ssfileirsleistire-toursssitssitts.a..--*
work and eontrrbutious are solicited.
Congratula,tiorts are • extended , to
Donna Wisher, dlettY 'ireung, Charlie
Tyndall, 'Charlie Watson and liSora
`AlatePhee on their passing at the
Alany„of the, farmer* have eut much
of their 'isaY, bUt they are ;,held ui by
the heavy rains of the last' few 'days.
We hope to a change, a: there it; a
very heavy crop.'
. Scheele elese, on VridaY, and No. 1
plans a Neale at the Nike in the after-
noon. Those writing on entrance
examinations begin on Thursday, We
wish them every sueec9S. Misses; jean
Houston, Alma 14allowe and H. Boasts
haveall been re-engaged in their re-
speetive echoers,
union „prayer ,toeeting was held
in the Township Sall Tuesday evening
with Ttets,A. M. Boyle in charge. 4n -
other will 'AVST4ReSilay, July
3rd, in the United church with the
pastor in -charge. As this is a very
serious time, we feel it is•the -euty and
privilege of every citizen Of the cam-
*miltiitY to attend`and Wait helot* God,
natural as 7lieniduesellirr o4titsPeoang
-Le .Rochefoucaulds
VerflnitilIt ULU Xsrg� Powers over Persons and Property -To
Proceed with National Registration- -German WU Prisoners and
At.terited, Vie= in England to Be Transferred to This, Country
Recruiting 'Throughout Canada.. Proceedin at the Rate of KV
per P471-7,04 of Athlone Sworn in. SS Governor-General
(By I. A. Ilume, tSpecial Correspond -
4 exit)
OTTAWA, Jane 21.-OonSeription of
nanpoWer for Inime ilefenee only and
Materiel.. sterources
ada'a detente generally are now
the law 0. the land.
Actually,. the principle'ef the , exiabl-
iiig bill„ the Natioaal-Ileseiirees. Vebil-
lzation, Act, was appreved the,Cons-
mons by A vete of 202 to two. The
Commons' took from Tuesday,. afternoon
to Thursday to eonsider and
pass the bill whieb gives the GoVertr-
Merit `s(lietittortihip" powers. The Sen-
ate 'toe& ,only.' about two ,bottrO to pass
'the. bill, ,unanirtionslY, by midnight
ThurstlaY- *
The Karr of Athletic was sworn la at
noon Friday as Canada's new. Governs
or -General. and successor to the late
Lord Tweedemnix. .Extelleney'S
first- act was to give reyal assent
to the Mobililatiort bill. ' :The Bari is a
.brother Of Queen Mary and, thus is an
uncle , of ,King'Vetirge VI, ,•while his
Alice, is a . granddeitgliter of Queen
"The liiaillizatiear ,
:the mobilization bill gives .blanket,
(=nib)* powers to the GoiernMent to
, require "...persons to ',place themselyee,
their,services and their property at the
,disposal of the state. for the defence of
Canada..., Pressed in both„ lieuses. to
give details of how the JGovernment
intends to use ,the powers taken under
the bill, the ileverronent Pleaded in-
ability to dosses7at--this stage- _Likes
Wise appeals in both ,houses to Prime,.
Minister „ MackenZie King to form a
"trirly national" Government `Were
turned aside. ,A. further appeel for an
assarante. from Mr.. ltb, g that Parlia-
ment will be called into :Session fre-
olnentlY (hiring ttlie ensuing` mlonths
'bronglit only .the response from Mr.
King that be would not tie his hands
by giving any definite tindertaking, .bite
.premised. tiVconaider'the Matter.
The reservation is expressly set path
in the billAthat nO:e0hikription. of man-
power , may be invoked for overseas
s'ertiee; WO at pains„ more
thair AO, ;to. • reiterate ' hie termer
.pledge that his administration Will not
introduce any torapillsOry overseas ser-
vice measure. the same time, Mr.
• King stressed, voluntary enlistment for
overseas service will be continued and
Have your;pign ?tower sharpened ..on. the most modern
machine on the maiket.--it costs no more to have it done
the right way. Ali Work fini!ilted when proiiiied.
NEW LAWN MOWERS at picot that will surprise you.
We have a new. shipment Of Spades, Hoes, Rakes, Ylorks and
Clippers. Treat yourself to isOMS mew, en tools,
PHONE 2063'' Machinist
0 es
zAsT ST.
he voiced his ;confidence that adequate
nUmbers for this purpose will be avail-
able, In due course, Mr. in res
iinitelr, to tit hi* baud* by any de-
Anite preMise tO hOW often ratite-
.inent would be 0044 after -the elotie
et this session, Ile deviated with em-
phasis that he inteuds ttt riereise to
the full his prerogativee l'rime Mi
ister with, regard to the aPP0Mtnient
of ministers and the preroguiag, aU
journiuent oz 'CVO dissolution of
Justice Alinisterriest Lapointe and
Public. Works Minister 'P. J. A. Cardin
both delivered bblutssioned speechea hi
complete support of the eouscriptien
of manpower tor home defence. Mr.
Laponte Said he offered no apology for
marketl, more then 400,000 Men wilisSUpporting the lm; that he had kept
be on service in ,Canittla'S defence, • weal in refusiug to support eon,
-ProatnAt sW4tking;- the tenor -0-inteet 'seription for overseas Serviee, ,Sueh.
of ' the debate in the Commons was latter action was exPressly forbidden
aimed at assurances trona the in the bill. Mr. Cardin staid that, ''ivith
%al:eminent thet eenseriptioa of Ma.- Canada now facing such. a crisis, there
terial seUreeas-sindustry, financial Ins could be no hes' itation in approving
stittitioass, wealtlx-would •precede, or a,'policyler +conscription for home fle-
et least fully riteep,step with, eonscrip, fence.
a new
Nash Dealer to &rye Blyth
' Today, an outstanding new dealer in
Blyth joins our nation-wide organ-
ization to present to you the new
1040 Nash Cars.
Come alid see them. :But -not even. ••.-
the lively, power -packed 'hies can
, give you the. "feel' of the 1940 Nash, mi. It
4riert uSten-to siiencePirtle after toile
You've got to get, jig d - so fressof road-noiseosn' d wind whistle
,There's a new kind of engine up in front ' that' you seem to be 'floating on a cloud.
that acts like a thoroughbred stinging
under the spurThere's a wheel in Or do a little trickwith the rear seat,
your hand forArrow-Stritight steering; and -presto! -a double bed is ready
v- ' for those weekends in the woods.
gears at your fingertips for a quick
getaway. _
And youSseedn't slow dotes, relies you hit
the road that used to torture your old air.
You ,glide over ,the ruts and bumps •
without a quiver orsqueal in the new
Nash Arrow -Flight Ride!
There's a dial you turn (the Nash auto- .
matic Weather Eye), und cold weathi
er, smoky air, dust, dirt, insects, are . . . YeS-yoili ou• buy a new Nash On
banished from motoring forever. . the basis tha gives you more horse -
Just Tress that throttle a- littk harder-- - Power, more t oota;.'more car weight-
- .
and' you'll b () itfor your moneyYet the 1940 Nashurst into
, new range of .
eying performanico, ow hew. Emirth sells at new low prices..
Speed F("e'vvard° nut them's nil end t° .' tome on dOwsii" We guar'
the magic under your toe.' Give 'er. =tee to make you forget.
the gun. --and kt
that black beetle of a .. .
, any ear TotiseVer ciwied!
s .
eaeahead looms up andiaties to a pins
point behind, as you 4.00iri away oil RUSSELL DOUGHERTY
the unheatable,Ovairtakei : ..*ITH, on.
JAnd remember, even the lowest ,
price Nash has an engine that is econ-
omy champiOn in its class! t)
don of manpower.. Icing Ile* re' 'Two 1140.0eliers OPPose Hill
iterating that the Government intended Two rueliee 'Llberalts-Ligueri La -
to use the Powers taken as, the develop- eombe, Laval -Two Mountains, and
Mg situation May .demand, Ile re- ,4,ee .Laeroix,...Quebeellontatoreneyss.
marked that 'Canadian forrieert; Must sbught have- Canada's War policy
produce all they are capable of Pro" Oinked to ' "free, voiutitery and metier -
merit has no intention of shifting large 4:siteled" 441111}trte*ffrollisTerr.litT8t1.141e4In ettalle4mY denrot‘WI)e{1
clueing and added that •the Govern-
41100 to new tasks. He stated he isst4ess. w°:*sesd illordll'eautte'`virallads 7ibutedn '401118:t1"44,
numbers of men from their, present ,
couldnottelt Piet When. the first class enkler the Oovernment. forced se divi.
of men will be mobiliZed. Sion„ .which resulted bt. the 202, to tWe
To Rave National Registration vete ..inentioned earlier, tech -
Announcing the mobilization bill, Air. Siwalik,' the shstesWas ea •eustitiment
Kin g indicated also that the Govera- of the ,Speaker's soiling 'the amendinent
'priredicr ifirifireefirpossible* .Oassarsoeseeleseetuatirsitsivaersoirst
with .a "national registration. of Can- prinelple of the. bill with its eompul-
adee-liitilipOwers. 'A' new department isory- featorei,,espeeially,-aS- to man-
Governmenreir National War Ser- power forlibine defenee. •
vices,. Under a separate minister, will Earlier the C.C.F. group Proposed an
be termed. Additional 'ministers in the ,tireetulnient that tonicription. of Man-
GovernMent. will, be announced shortly; power be preceded by ,eonserip-
Caimeitin troop units are now stationed tem 'of material reseurees, through na-
iwNevvfoundiand and to. iceland, in ad- tienalization of induetry'' and finance:
dition to Bermuda. Tile fall of Frances; Thie amendnient was „ raed. out Of
Mr. King affirmed, but strengthens
Canada s determination to .carry on tue
war at Britain's; side. , Due precautions
will be taken With regard guarding
the„ Freosh 'islomds or St. Pierre and
Miquelon, •Alr, King promiSod. -
isecoluse Of the. otreious danger fac-
tors, in sieve or the expeeted attacks
on England, libig announced the.
comedian .Government has aceeded to
the request .of. tee'British Government
to, intuit numbers of German war
prisoners and interned aliens E%ng-
land to Oe' teranoterred to Canada tor
leaceinent in 'liner:Meat espips , here.
111 audition, .nam.uers ot British eiliids
reit are to be evacuated to Canada--;
• initial number 'of 10,000" has been
though not 4,)incieliy.
ready tr group. Of 400, fans -a, boys'
School insBritiiin,le believed to be. on
the way here,
tweeii diiiuUtiu1 of Ferlifireent and
votiug irt general eleetion Was
dropped from the order paper. Mr.
Xing Outdo however, Unit the Govern
meat's. present intention ia tt proeeett,
at thio session, with .legialation for tt,
national seheMe f iniemPloYment li
sureties. It is underetood riew tbat
all the Province's have given their eou-
*exit to such a measure being passed.
Parlianseut. .
Itevenne Alinister Iiv,Iey has been
nanied ehairaian of the ComttionS Rotas
mittee to examine the Defence of Can-
ada Regulations. Witnesses 'Will be
called by the contMittee,
;A Message WaS read from King
George expreSaing his thanks for the
loyal birthday greeting seritsksuis by,
Parliament a week ago.
The Government ba authorised the
jeseance of $10,000,000 of non-intereet-
bearing certificates_to persons,' ;wile
wish: to loan the PoveranuMt Pena
for War 'pal:Wes .without *Ott?* exist
intemst return on it.:
The ibudget mill he :the •hig feature
this email)); week. It will call ror ;the
raising, by taxation and borxertinsw of
nearly ene bDliou dollars for War ex-
penditures and for $4p0,0(10,900, :for
ordiaarY• governmental eXpefidituretria
the Current flical Year. 'no taxo will
'brbsg the war closet lioineto every'.
'Ale.; Ranson's Proposals -
le .derelopett that on Monday Con
serviitiveLUader .ilanoou uomitted to
Alr,,Koig three propOsals: Declaralson
or the:existence ef it national emerg-
eneY; of all the nianpower
and other material resources of Canada
for the ald-...7rog,liritain, and for the de-
tenee ot the Donduion; reorganization.
;-'thesitIovernmeisrseys'thesinstusions ert
some;of the ..heSt men in ,the country
tomferm a truly natientti Government,.
Mr. Hanson, on Tuesday; after ihe bill
was announced, ,reiterated these points.
--Mr. Ilanseir,Was critiesil of the
lom of "a party goverrunent" asking
such oidaterial powers. The Goveras
meat rehreientees but lifty-fOur per
For.tuation of a nagensal Government -
not i. 'Union Gevernment-7wou1d elec
trify Canada, and the United
,states. ,He urged. 111%. King to, take
Such action and cited the step taken
by President Boosevelt in including
prominent atepueligans---Messrs Stim-
son- and ainox-in his Government Ne
Government had ever asked Parliament
for "such blank cheque powers," Mr.
.rianson, emphasized. lie deprecated
.the fact that the' Government had not
submitted the detailed measures tol
Parliament onmanpower, and other
conseriptive proposals Lor the examin-
atioli and . approval of the Commons.
Canada Is Still a '°democracy, he re-
marked, and he asked the Prime Min
titer to give assurencesthat iParliament
would be called at Intervale In the en-
siling months for purposessOf_eonsultos
thin and the added support Parliament
could give iwsco-ouerating With the
Government in. action, !taken under the
mobilization . bill and generally, in the.
conduct of Canada's war effort. Such
a request, he maintained, is the simple
right 'which should be accorded,
'democracy; to the people's representa-
tives; MrsHailsoli asked else that -pro-
vision be made for publication in the
Canada Gazette and in other ways as
well. ef 1I. regulations passed and ac-
tions' taken by the Government under
the emergency *powers given it. •
• Premier Refuses to Tie Ith(llands
PORT ALPE#T,. Jnne q4. AR*. W.
°J.. ane. Mrs..;Tripor and daughters, of
,porchester,' were Sat their cettageliere
,onsit,Sam int4a,
Toronto, brought.. a earloa to his
cottage, , • • ..
Mr. and Mrs. Galloway, of Flint, oSs;sesosoisom!'"I,
Midi, are -Visiting With Alr, and Mrs. '-
Walter Tigert.
• M.r. and Mrs,. Neil &loam and 1.0011 141141/4.101.
daughter • and Mrs. Hoy and family, ef
.order and then, when the Speaker's .- Goderleh, visited with friends here on
Mils Barr' and •PlIPBS are baling a
school_Penic on Fridays afternoon at
Mr.';Artliiii Stewart's. •
Quite a .number- of farmers hare
connive/peed' haying. -There is a tine
lot of hay if ,be saved in -good
shape. • • •
914,r *PERT, xquo ,R.
Reed iCeorgianied, Air. and TMiia. ;Roy
Alton, of 43eltnSte When they spent last
Sunday *biting ' pelsAtiviS . at .Arthur.
„Ars. 4I d Crawford and. baby
04,44ter sifeAd thI& week visiting
volth,TelPg.ves 'negineardine. • -
Mr. and • *es .44aM: iSeliaefer of
Kitchener vlajted histi:Week at thehtene
af,lktrs, jAe. Igegenge.' -
Over fertY!ladies'attended' the Red
4Jross qullttng In the,sbasenient ,of. the
Anglican elibreh on Tuesday
. of last' Weeks when. aIre -.MAUS were
with her nephew' and Mere, Mr. mos
Stevenson, 40 tences,siou of
:The ,s5Sl4ield-ratriotie. Aseoelesesnwill „,
sPoneor a WOW evening hi the.
Scheollouse this FritlayeY'e0*.g.,:whert
eoeeert, whisbe liel& to Pe foRowed
by dancing ,to a-goo&orehetitre.
qxureti 'Workers' Mreets-A*he &Opt
'Meeting Of ,the .W.M.S. and NstAk. 0 the
United ehureh. was heldslelsTliaredity
'afternoon at the; honie• of
r sem, woe 'twenty. ladieSPVient, 004 .
Leine Jetmoton preolded. ;The *dn.- .
,threswas read by Mro...10. lAteRenzie,
,reflowesi, by prayer by Mo.; H. Leaner.
Miss Belia Green of .C4odelielt,retal the .
rityer of peace' sir lehrgitter, of stho.
dy hook tWaf)read by'.'.._Mra. Lednor.
During' the ibusineSe,- 4.eriOnss tit",rantes"
reents-were made by, the Women's As- -
4SATelatibir torttessitttlfiliitrsas*,-.
party. The meeting e Ofted.--witss , • -
-beetln,. and prayer, _atter wlielL.luneht:„.„
'Woe served -by the bootees.
ruling was appealed, the House. voted
182 to 18 tthat She 'Speaker's ruling be
-Upheld,' • - -
Later, the 'Social 'Credit 'group sub.
Mitted an amendment that financing of
the war be orrice out throtigh, the
Bank ,..of Canada. :This was defeated,
on g standing vote, by 147. to 17. "
Thew another „amendment.. proposed
by the C.C.F.. group, that Parliament,
daring the .war, siseuld not prorogue or
adjourn for a period longer than ninety
'days, was declared • lest *Rhone any
forma Vote bebsg called.. • ° ' •
Senator -Meighen in Character
' Senator Xeithen made a slashing at-
tack on the:Mobilization bili, complain -
Ing that "its narrow inconsistency ,had
been -Made to fit the :policysof the der ,
Plate the contortions Of the tragic petit"
Ile held the bill to be and
preposterous" In that,. while the iiGov-
ernwpat claims there areenough Volun-
teers for overseas Service; Canatlia.ns.
are not Wining to volunteer for home
service in adequate saimibers. ,
lieighen 'Iurther. characterized
the bill as "a :flagrant defiance of Pars
liament" in t, that: Parliament 'should
have had submitted to it all the Sete -
guards andsznechanista of the selection
of men, ane of appeals. It virtos an
affront to Parliament, he averred, for
the, Government to ask lerfrucir blank
cheque 'powers. Wbie protesting
against the bill and wareing the goiintry
that too _much had been left' te,:the'
Government, instead Of ;being passed..
on by Parliament, Mr. Aleighen said he.
tempttto 'Mend it, because that would
,onean delay. "I Would -rather -have this
bill than. nothing," lir. Meighen
'"and 1,seill support the Government in
any measure, however vieorowe for
furtherWar effort." He felt,. too, that
donsqlption should have been invoked
for overseas service, because Canada's
first line of defencelies in Britain.
There was no formal.diviSion on the
bill in the Senate after assurances by
'Senator s Raoul ,Dandilrand„ Govern-
ment leader there, that the Government
would exercise the powers givetrit with
wisdom and tactand as the develoPing,
emergency required: . •
EvaImseal &hi Taxa,
Why Don't
*Ant Trot. Now?
. t19.5.9G1Inoes.v.Yoletertit OM:
*vitkAIJsmikso the hoPentiii
t 1
t I
quilted.. A. lunch was servedat the
dose of .the meeting, .
Congratulitions to Air. and •Mrs'
Elmer •Graham on .their recent
rlage. The -bride, who emes from
Goderich ',township, is heartily *61,
coined to the community.
' No Service will be held in the United
church nett4lunday oxj tieelnint of the"
-Special serviees to be ;the CreiVe
church, 'where .the cong.regation will
zdeleWsite'thi fiftieth anniversary of, the
building of the Church. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kowa* It and son
Temelyi of Detroit, Spent last week -end,
at their" home here. , Tommy WAll
niain here for part of epe..sttm.m6r holi-
days. • Susan sthambere of 'Buffalo,
who had been with her sister,
Mrs. Jas. Stevenson, of Goderich, Who
rece.otly passed away, , spent a. few day6
,Mr. King said he felt that, with183
or . more Liberals elected last •111areli;
the Goverment is, today, a national
tGovernraent. .1le hoped to announce
soon new members of the Government
Whose appointment would -give added
contidehee in the administration:. He
said he would, not ttake in any xl6W:
men who favored conscription for over-
seas service nor men who would not
aceord him tuU loyalt3r as. Prime_ Min-
ister. Ile pietured it asa source of
conifort to have Parliament -in -session
-not Physically, became of the added
strain of himself and ministers having
to meet Parlittnient dallyssind be
added he would no5 wish for any long
period to elapse -witheut having the
opportunity bothof consulting Parlia-
ment and of telling Parliament the
Government's views. Ho refused, de -
Ilk, 2940 Defray myth Lowyette saa ceig 000 i'f1?75 delivered a yr &wet 3toodard eier4toteat Ara hams
ic Antowt-PAst Geirsb" ibo mow 111.Tese Gloss, Seoled Ne litodlight4 Mkt CoosiiiC1th tiphoittny
thiedand IfIl**kir, The "ratherFe conditiowd oirsystes., north Speed Forward, White Sidosefeat Tiro
otiri Wheeigkiolde ore *tired' eilnot Owe WOO dealer* tee contirtent.wide seroke.
db. •
Bilious Attacks
Liver Complaint
tilionimees is just another- iiamd
for a doggedor sluggish liver. It
is a very coil:most toroplehislbat tan
be quickly remedied by tasting
the flow of bile. This softens to
ISOUMillatea nit" the risme ard
!carried out of the sptette and the
liyer and Wm& an ialltraft and
minsitnos tartaIttae Pflialaithao.
imfl enliven, tho 11. Diet' Open. 4
ing. up wiry oik by causing' to,
fres ow of 'bile asid. 4,41.0s eltanaing
tlis liver of the dogging hnpur1tis
They are mat and (I/iv to Woo.
Do not gr4po, woalteat or oldie&
rito t. *Ow* C 24114. to** OA,
Canada's Armed Forces, Growing
Air Minister Power, -who Is acting
Minister of Defence, informed the Com-
mons that ;Canada now iza a total of
113,093 men under arms : Overseas in
the tat Division, 20,08'1; arniy In Can
ada, 04,654; navy, 7',256 ; and air torces
15594, .„Iiincruitment of 030,000 more
men hb.e been authorized, .he salt?, for
the 3rd Division alul'-the rifle battalions
of it 4th Division. In additioa, to this
number, the Minister state, about
46,000 more men 'will ,be required for
iterviee in corps reinforcements, forest-
ry and railway tonstruction tompanies,
veterans' home guard, ete„ Voluntary
reeruititig has been proceeding at the
rate of 800 per day „sweetly •and this
will be stepped up. sits
As rekards 'the mobilization of man-
power, Mr. Powersindieated that,. in
due coarse, all able -bodied -men .under
fortyleve years of age will be enrolled.
for • et Moot three months' training to
prepare them' for any emergency which
may arise. The threefold task Of the
Defence Department the Minister pic-
tured. as 'beirtg the enlistinent of re-
eruits for the C.A.IS.P.; :further train-
ing for the non permanent active
militia and for the home guards; and
the training of men to be tailed up
under -the mobilization hill
It has been announced that there
will be nineteeninfantry reserve cornl.
panic% for the .veterans home gatirde.
These Will he en it ixtrt-time basis for
emergeeey purposes. As indicated
earlier, there will he tv(telve,companies
of 300 men each for the home guards
themselves. , These inert will be on
full tithe and receive the pay of regular
members of the aAeis.E. _
To Government is talang 'stria
steps to siie that members of the de
fence forces in Uniform. shalt not cross
the boundary into the Milted States.
Such *action by uniformed soldiers COW
StittitkS a violation of the neutrality
of the States.
- - Policy for Labor
Oovernmen5 has approved, by
order4n-eouneil, a broad policy for the
relations of labor during wartime, The
right of labor to organize is elearlY
set forth. At the same time the lin-
portanee M avoiding strikes, lockouts
and other labor troubles, in the, Inter -
of speeding up vital war produe-
tion, is stressed.
Mr. King amtouneed that the tOovern-
meld 110.4 dropped its earlier proposal
to have it Commons- eaminittee study
post-war and rehabilitation problems.
The emergepos.of War is so great now,
Ile pointed out, that smelt problems
must be left over for future considera-
tion.. Likewise a proposed amendment
to the tiections Act to shorten tip the
present period of fortplive days be.
removed promptly and ..efficlisotti.
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