The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-27, Page 3- • NINETY-SECOND YEAB. , „ HURON COLINTY FOREMOST -WV:ALT IBusiness Directory 11,VPIATY,1L II41IU!S 1". Allitrii41-ri 901)q,00it SO*, s Oudot* TyllohOne 111010(11443 it. ISTAISIN. CIF ' atttl',SalicitOr 0411e0444.0th 01&70.•!V 4"404410elk!' rialter,m, MO. "Biiiiisterfaind So tor ifitallaudinv fa!ti -t�ri 8treeti.t'T0.1*iftik ?WM, 1010 1 '-'4iiapaimimmimaawitatosso viairaiiNTA10/ 0111440401 1.41 HUISTON,I$Silau. 'bone !Tal Exebange *°(144,2„40‘.• aaiimaaiwapaasimasompiamiiiimmaamoolosomaiam:a. ILIGNTEITH and AitON100111, Oluutered 4cCoU»tfltI 77 pool)* Atreet; kit,* Ord' Toxontp," Oflice : 302 BaY :Street , ,AttOTIONEP1UN4 * IPLOMAS'011141)1t,Y, GOildtdir011, • AND 10/051.1444 •,4rCTIQ$10101 , -WelePlione 119 Saes , attended to anYlvliete . and. Aver/4.1fort made to :give satisfaction. •:•raraiere •11100 Aot,ct.o, EtDON- %1. 0,14(NT-i- • 14 AUYJIONEElvon Rua COUNTY A ..sa.ttgfectory, courteous •servige for :'rana,,•""Property. or Household • 'Rates Reasonable. • •' -MEDICAL J. R. VOUS, ,, EYE; EAR, N'OS10, Late • House' Surgeon Ne and Aural Howl itant at lloorelield *ye Hoaplth Square 1:),401kt 'DO,apltal? don, ' •-•'• • Inns TESTED; 'cluitssistis ,•! -SUPFIiIED 5341 ,Vaterloo , Street S„ ...Stratford. epbone 267. ihilt Bedford- Hotel,* Goderich, Wednesday, uly 240, from 2, p.ni, a York arnestenammeelles pigtieLEIA 11410T.1TIONEs PhAO—WR—IND DitlIOLIOSS *MAO - THERAPIST' - Groderich, PlioneJ.841, Ofilee .hours -;-•I0 to 12 a m., 2 to 5 'and 7 to 8:pm., Tuesday; Friday and Saturday: 10 to 12 fl in. only on Wednesthy, Monday and Thursday at Apteheit A.. N. .4TICINSON • • , 61 South St. Car Driver Not to Blame for Fatality Itteuttexs *of Religious !3ect Charged, witU Antizwar Statements • °I am of the opinion that tit,, young Man did all he eoilltl -be expeeted to do when eonfrented VIOL an emergs %toy," saraniarired Maaistrate Mali* in last Thareday's 'County Police Court as he dImlsse a recktees driving Charge 'laid under tte Criminal ,Code Against Craig dlemitton, ,tweatastbrees year-old truck ddvet, of near *tweed. dilemilton was the driver Of on auto- moblle „,,Whieb Strtiek •tand inflicted .fatal injuries upon Mrg. Basil StrUtits sergssir'YOUltir lernier'n--Wife'*ot-stear BruSSOIS, on the early morning Ot•.MAY 4tb. The accident took adage outside a :dente 'hall •theeeectledtsVasil Struthers,"tesnilea that lie an JAW. ewife had attended a dance at Ethel 1),a'tire night' in qUegtion. At its Cenclutiten 'that' went•ste their ear, parked in a field alongside the „dance halt, but So Soft was the. Artmln,c1 that • a blank4t fro% the eat, had th be used Under 4 rear wheel to get ttaetion to move the Machine. They shad proceeded one ;MI6 OW the journey home when the blanket waa missed and they turned around :oxitt-tirOvellacit-stn' the 'dance Opposite the parking lot Mi. Strutters said he swing his ear cross - .wise .0f ?the read, ha 'rear wheekistan the shoulder and its trent Wheels just clear of the black centrelinese' as to 'play the ear 'lights on the., $1;ot .where the -blanket was lYbag, Mrs. Struthers alighted, to get' the blanket and, was returning to her husband's Oar With it When the Hamilton ear suddenly etune from the•Weat overthe cres.3t of a' grade . _ , 41111111.111111111111M11111111111.11111111111 imenommimisosimemillaih INSURANCE socznoLdP muTwa, FIRE IN- SURANCE 0.0.--, Farm and „iso- ' Ittted town property .insitned. • Onicees-JW, Mitt= Knox, Possilisitt Londesboro; W. U. Asolithald„ • Vike-• rxestdent, ,80afortili ; M.- A. . Reid, Manager •ankSecietary-Treasttrer, Sea- • fOrth. Directors...41ex. .Broadfoot, a- - forth ;. James- oh; • Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm ; • Aler. liegmfug, BtlYtb-; XraniE McGregor; Olinf?oa;. Thom& Oiloyian, Seaforth; laugh Alexander, Witltonr.Wm, Knox, Lontlesbore ; W. R. Archibald, Settforth. Agents—E. A. /go, B.R.-Goderieh ,James , Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, lt.R. 1, Brocefield; R. F. MoKercher, ILR. I, Dublin; Chas. P. Hewitt; Ian; cardine ; Jarrnath, R.R, 1, Boni- ' holm. . , • •• . • Policy -holders can make all pay- ments.and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin tiutthi Grocery, •Kiiigston Street, Goderich, or Reid's General 8tora-hayfield. r STRAMMito aoriERICH 00A.Ort LINES Maly 1,40 a4n. Aiis p.m.—Leaves- °aerial for 'Stratford, • Toronto Maiiiiiton Buffalo, London, Detroit', Tavistock and 'Woodstock. Depots • Bedford, ttritish and Royal Hotels. Moho, hotels or 305 , for infonnation. • •s • • I' colood.,:: the. start to break tint ea diftez,Unts'llortilof'419 1410 -fi sont 'evidinee that the' bloodinloaded up • ,idailinpiritics. Just when you think 7011 a rid ef nT,c0, another erops, ap_ to take ita *4'14000 I':4?.nr 108°,4 • - 4.11 7.01 nay -do. will not atop More coming: I • Why,....!tot ttiaesthats old, reliable, blood ' purifying medicine liurdoat ,.....41,Ood Bitters a chance -to banish.the boil?',Theosan.ds have used it for. pal:poop during tic peat le years. •Tate 13.13.1i and get rid oithe • .blood ant the boils too. - • • _4” AU it 241birg Co., IAA, Toronto. am. daseutaameammesss lama, ASKING, FOR 111011Z0 - FOR REFITOER ORILD0114 Applieations are 'being Medved bY th.e Huron (fountt! Childrente Aid fieeletY frean Peet)* Whe are witling to take refugee children who are com- ing to (lanada from England. - In many eases the hoMea of these Children heve already been destroyed. The children range in age front 5 to 14J and Several aPlgicants fer,glris have. already ,been reeelved, but homes are enay needed for boys. Every home will be inspected before. theehildria are placed. This is to pie - vent their getting WO40$49$ where they Might be overworked • or. other- wise deprived of the privileges of cbild- liood. The homes Meat be free; that Peelde Who ateept Children ,will he coas tributing to the war effort of the -1-Enip1rera5itorpersonls-to-lie-paid-lor taking one sar more ler dieh period of Mae as circumstances InaY warrant, Huron County Can he relied upon to do its full'daty itt:thiti direction. Application$ for 'children should be addressed to Mr. H. 'I', Edwards, Superintendent of Children's * Aid ;Society, Gederiet, - 'Remember the words of our Saviour, "Suffer little children to come Unti, me. aimommilimmiiirommuramoisiramolimirmie L W. Craigie pauRom said REAL ESTATE -Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 Goderleb Nelson Hill The, Accident. and Motor' Car INSURANCE , Mee ;—iteitionie-Temple, Weet Street Goderich • Phone 230 • aotremt,ll and ran her down. Mr. Struthers said there 'vests plenty Of roomon the road to pass and that his wife was on the Shettlder-of-the road--When-strucks , Couaty Traffic Meer Norman Lever, "'relit:attar 'Constable P. E. McCoy and: Coroner • Dr. Iticlunond of 'Ethel „gave teehnical evidence for the Crown, 1)e - fence Counsel John Murray Of Strat- ford waved for dismissal, ,but Magis- trate. &Eakins eald the charge Was tan serious. to be 'disposed. of without hear- ing Accused: •, , s his testimony, at- tributed the, fatality partially to the; fact that iStrutters' 400 werd.pointed acroas ,the ° road, sthe 'heants 'blocking Ala' view ibeyoads He said he did not see Mris Struthers tipttl• he had broken through the light beams , and that she was in the act of crossing the road .wheir'ite-Came upon, her. "'lie :a,Werrea • his ear Suddenly to ,iniss -on woman, but she stepped back tmmediately, itt the, ear'ssPitiV. If ,hirs. Struthers had kept going On ter -Course ,alie-trottld be' alive today, -witness *• "The situation was a most unusual one, but this young *an cannot be behl, tor the it€31_,C1,0 the Salvation Army to blame,'" the 'Bench Observed. sea: :the-TX:0.A: -war servces also received a generous response. here would be further appeals, said. the speaker.. Each of these services was a necessity for the scomfort and well -be hag.: of the•men in active service •and they • m.ust be keptsup. Mr., Thema& 'urgesi fetaiation of home guard units In everts corantunity. Rev. • pr. Hurford ,Seaforth spoke tan ;the 'subject -sof flEVaettatted Childs :en.,al'iblessiaag • It that the is 'a Canada tor etilciren- to take refugein, far removed 'from the Huron Loyally Acopts 001147 R!,117 st Olintort`Declam IhillilhaltaltinutteleVivicatothryin ,999.9•94..09.919,901......99.4199 J. RYAN Real JEstate. and Disuraice' Office and lieeidelide: II -Trafalgar Street ' _ Phone. ' 004% . Pdh SALE-0°118es of all kinds, 'choice . lOti, • business PreirertY and seivr,..; good farms.. lit. me s''..Aw ,you some 'real bargains. Buy now. REV.L J. AUDI DUD 9,94,91.999.9.9,1 eraser Pastor id WOO* stoat Met eolist (sow VaItesi) *urehbs Gatiorielt TORONTO, jnite Santee' 'Uwe Alibi, 88, died today at hit how here* bringing to it dome St Mialletrit that extended over tintela of fstatarW andsthrouth, $1Xtyseight yeart. Xr 1)eapite r,aia *high sOnthisted ainteet brain power In Canada., _ ,AIIm, thou ti he bad %ft retired fret* all day, there WAS a large attendance "Tintst everY eneettragement be given the *dive ministry ior seine Years, on :SttflaP4YtattiQte%too' zjilni4Yatbetilide otheses,fas:s7ts:11 mani4allnati,:bat4° Pprx.43doirt eblte°441*- U1:117:4411rehl:Cri (IC"' 4441.1411 - 111 on tor the eater/option of the Weide atadstatte Bev. Dr. C. . S , • Warden of Huron Conutys It bad been 'eremite of our own pOpUlittion 'which atets Aute• wsts bern In tisraeonsbe„, planned to he'd the meeting in the malty eome to us by Way of refit/ft, Devonshire, England, and etune withs (Minton park, but instead itWas '11*04 children Irola the -Britifth blot and hiatantliy to Me ettunttY at the Age of 'uptown; the -bandittand twin ntilized that the Governntent benrife&A0 414447 . $even, The talnily'settledsneits as a covered platform for the speaker% en. not In thelr „energy and deternibut- manville. Mr. Alain • graduated from wblle airtplitiers carried •the addreseee tion to 'lead the people Itt Whatever • Victoria. College sorbet( it wag at co. to people sitting in their -Cara or stand- eaerifices, .labors and trial* ulay' be bour$,and entered t11_, Mcciodist:pliu- ing under umbrellas or lather wee steceeSary to achieve *letery sand attain Jetty. 1i ISW._Eight years later Le isitelter; LQILUWJ, Ont., _ - The Ortoptitere IdIttig:tlanrChrig:171;-brg:tf:0711,Wat7;g0P41 George Veagan, Warden of Harm, potable Mr. Chttretill as our reward." Ht$ 'Charges_ took ltbn to Many parts was the chairman, and ,atter "0 Cant This resolution was greeted by the of ',..4)0,*110' A04'111040 LOndon, Cen- ada" had been Plated by the Seafortli gathering *Intl:warty approval. tralla, Staniteratintrg,- *Brintatds, „Godes Highland Band *v. A. H. °Weil of , xill saide.4 soli; Poitlitli, Vllnton, Wyornlng and Gluten spoke 'briefly in introduction of •Theut..cei .stewart of the mot, ,tetua4or. tisatss, :.suiserouutitieu .wute It. E. Pooley of !Exeter, Legion zone R /molt evoke briefly Aud, expressos year's 41O be served at Xiewafd Park 'Lentil' Security." Mr. Pooley stressed ilis.))!Viesszightitt,tt4ebIttivar:eSgPalftot rtu4txP4,44,44t; 4enutsvaneingHak&n". 8.1!4t,•4 )1..e" eonantander, whose •Subject was until fls the 7leed: 44 unreinItting vigli4nee 011 unfavorteble weather coadttlons, $11.-7,ivAni'W814,0$ his wife - are live the Part of alrloy,a1 atizeas. to prevent made an 'appealrfor redrafts: • '"We 18°11 `Itient:SOMitts C. G. Alas. (re - sabotage. Ailectuate defense' ineastires need lien, goo4 sTi4e, tired) ,the *Val Canadian ,WavYt• Were urged. • s euss. , goo and A. Es Y. Itt. aald 7. U. V. ' Rev. G. G. Barton et qintoii, a Great took art in tbe Toronto, and two daughters, Mrs. F._11.' -War veterans spoke. on. *the object it -hese eCiountlin,•wiughtipt, Exeter,. 711n-rner:trad-MrST-Cirrl East; -et TerOnto;;r, m War Effort." He said -that when a ,sealeith; Dashwood and ,Rtutisels, , on the Part of the IGovernment also siinatien Crated a.nd td he. ace'17:411,00u,Yer.; C. C. of 'St, Louis, liar( beeoues a 'soldier Ite• ceases to be a producer and war effort en the pari oron o of the civilian populatien Is required s to provide hint •with toed. The army Must be 'fed. •'War effort Is requiredis „ionide. to equip the soldier, . Thesarmy must u la • , Avsiatkts have 'guns and ,ammunition. These • supplies must be ever ging forward, Attendance Cu*tailed by Wax--- for without them tthe army cannot • 0i4 3:41#it tight. "We in OUT generation did our . )14 1 part.' The greater number of- us have Strong passed the: tiraw for active service and , It is •for the young • men of today to (By qa,o. of the 910 Heys) take up thestoteh 'and hold it high,":. -'4,' ••", ••.un,e 2?„...,41,/te 43:;i3,00, the kerdeclared: • ST. litILEISCS ST, HELENS, June 24s's-Mrs, •Jas. MO.:aria,* of Jamestown was a week- end visitor with'' ter daughter; Mrs. Gordon' McPherson. • , „ This' .week's .stipment to the Red sCrosS inetatted two pair .of Socks, tour; dozen 'khaki handkerchiefs, • three: blankets 'and` a ,stattutitysef leather and felts • .„ , Miss Dorothy: Aitken of IllatitateS Mr. and Mrs.* Carvin .1lobineon of Port Burwell, Mrs: Robert :MeQuillin oaf " or Serilees" Was tte subjeet„on -Picnic Of the Miro Old Boys' r..---- -• Zurich were among those who attended • tion of Toron1-o bwaheiedely dTdhre:1:6:1'iceh'ill:k4e7 of the '11:bas sta: !IISS'eldt...°1:11;w1":4:AN:g1.1): 4:eada:4111g;allaf47.i,8411:oti' tbe Gederieli Citizen's!. Wartime Committee, :Canadian NationarEttibition greundit,' '"&"“"' asssss, . -generous•Supportietvan response to 7 - the legion appeal' for fads tor war representation of the ''eld•tniies 'merles BrueelleIds were recent guests .of Service. 'An objective of for the hers Present. The uncertainty of our and Mrs. - Robinson -Woods and ,'Mr. county was 'almost *doubled. Appeals held of OPeratides,e owing, to ?the War, and Mts. Lorne Woods.- • • Kinnand' 41,ehOvab Witnesses" Four members'. the Watch Tower Bible .Society, known as •Vehovali,Wit-: nesses," „who were arrested the .previ- ops 'Saturday on Oar*. Or making. statementa prejudicial to the prosecas tion ..of the • war, 'were remamied or - two weeks. - They . were Mr. and Mrs, Charles Q. 'Bebson and 'Mr. and Mrs. John Bayeave, all of Toronto.- „ The - request for an adjournment'eante fronet L;Cohen, Labor lawyer . of Toronto.. • Accused were allowed to go on bail of $115 each, a man giving his :name as• scene of strife, a emmtry which 11. Miller stepping ferWarti-. With at there is 5» abundance stfloodsforibeir ,marked cheque for $600. - • ••• They Are Seven' . It was an unuaual stghtswhen Seven Indian's named Dockstater, altbrothers, sustenance, clothing .tor their comfort, and kind hearts to cherish them." • 'Resolution Adopted ' . The following 'restitution was pre - 'Were lined urs to face charges of tbeft ,sented• bY Deputy Reeve Douglas of tools, valued at VIO, from the Gode- Brown of Goderich and Reeve J. H. rich Manufacturing IV°. The accused 'Scott of Sea.forth, both os whom: spoke were named Martin, Adam, Theodore, strougly SupPort of Isaac, Gordon, George and Arthur. All are husky men, the eldest not muck orer thhty. Their white-haired fatter from •the Oneida reserve, twertty miles west of London, was among the s,peetators. ',Crown Attorney Holmes explained that there had been trouble over a timber -cutting' contraCt in Stan- ley township and that be wished to look , further, intos•the matter before proceeding. The sevens accused, who had notiteen taken lute custody,. were :allowed- to go on their own bail to appear .one week hence, Hoboes under Investigation We have had no return on the lingerprints• of these men which were forwarded to Ottawa and .1 do not want them turned loose until favorable -returns are reeelved, „ Just- now tile Federal fingerprint bureau is over- whelmed. with work," said the Crownl Atterney when Harola Titt, George Porter1-.1sadore Sthmay, lienry Ba steAd, Robert 'Derrick, Robert Matter and Michael ISengale appeared for sen- tence op vagrancy pharges:- 'they were sent back to jail, ,some for the third, week. 'Ulysses 'lately, an old also charged .witir vagranessswas told_ to be,on,his way. He said he was en route to Matheson, , in Northern On- tario, via Tobermory, Manitoulin Is- tand, Sudbury and North Bay. s Harold Luca% Grey township youth, pleatte,d guilty to the theft of a battery which he had borrowed and which he then falsely told the owner had been stolen from hint.. Lucas agreed .with the . Magistrate that the idea had not worked out •,farorablYt for tint. Ile was, given another chance. Wilfrid' Champion, accuse(' of the theft of it keg of beerfrout the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, was again remanded. All told there were tont-sin eases listed, the longest list In many a day, but a great many had to be adjourned tor lack of tixne and for other reasons. 4 - — WHEN USING WILSON'S FLY PADS td) DIPP:CrIONS 1PIF Ako rJ C.,A4e THEM 1 rr k, • •".: PA pia will kill tiles all day tti4 every *lay for three weeks. . 3, goat _la *el* packet. • 10 CMS PER' PActivr Dragstits, Croettra, 44merort Steiett. 'FINNY PAY VORgt WM WILSON 1ILY PAD CON, Havallos; Oms, • "We the people of the County of -Huron meeting in ,Ctbaton; in this most tateful. mement in the' history of the world, first of all solemnly realm onr faith' in 'God, our loy,aity the -Crown, ou;r fidelity to the British Empire and Verts-general regret was expressed.. •our unshakable confidence iil ultimite when. the news of the dealt ta:tsMrs, victory,. the :triumph of righteousness Robert .,Holmes was reeeived.Ths and the destruction flitlerisra; and Holmes was a' life mentller of the A•ki. .we ' dedicate ourselves anew to the sociatiori. Her. late „husband was a supreme task of winning the war, Man- past president, and viiits a mentber of 'fully accepting whatever buideus the Parliament for SIX years and surveyor war may place upon us as Our bounden' of the Toronto 'ea-atoms:for Many years. duty rind service • Forty years ago the Huron 01(1 Boys' To this end, be it further reSelved 4ssociation, 'organized three months s that this great gathering*Of free and before, . was getting ready for its fitst loyal people ge on' record as tune. big excursion to Goderich ; and it; was servedly approving thb war policy of eome exeursion—twelve- coaehes fall of our Gererament, urging them. to baste,n Iluroniteg, young -and old; With the by all meatts at their pommand the 480...Highlanders Band and six Eigh ereatittg of the machinery necessary to land pipers headed by Captain John iinpleroont their plans, that they be iSlatter and "Little „Witlie," six feet asked to take hitniediate steres to have seven inches 'tall.. The Gotletich eiti- manufactured in ,this country those. seas gave us a right royal reception. ;things tvbich We do:not now make but There are 'only a few, plus left now— which ate egsential for the successful E.' J. B. Duncan, Toznaity 'Soola,' 3. A. prosecution of the wars and that all, Melaren, E. bloody,' W. F. Cantelons- national oceupationa be Subordinated • and we are still carrying pn; with the Ito Allis object, making use of the. best help,of two thousand others. ' , Ben Webb, Clinton. old boy, spoke' of ,beinrits- the SoUthsAtriealt-Wilk, with General Otter Clinton old boy, witen •he was elected' the arst hoperary presi- dent. Three West End • druggists, Ws F. -Caatelen, R. D. Greer and Buis Brown, made handsome donations to the prize list. Thanks, gentlemen. . • • • The Swift Canadian Co: „presented the AsSoeiation 'with twenty -pound itam, for which they have our sineere tbtanks. . • • had olTeet of 4 "lug gretten-unt. Purdon Mettainht. — 'Peter's .ber of our people .'away,- and seriously ehurchs Lacknotes-Was the scene of an affecting our usual attendaace. The interesting event at men on Saturday, usual games and races were run off witIrMititary precision, and all enjoyed themse,lves: - • - ..Some of thoSe present 'teere the toi- let:Ong.; Dr: J. G. Ferguson, and Mrs: lerguson,'Iir. jaclasiti, Dr, and "Via. a 17.J3elden, Dr. and...Mrs. H. J.. 40,4*,„ Messrs. 'J. A. McLaren, E. Floody, D. D. ;Wilson-, H. I. Morrish, Robert. 'Lapel's "K. StanburY,' L. Ken- nedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wickens, Mr. and 'Mks. JohiesafOon, afr: and Mrs. 31. Scarlett, Mr. and Ws.* Geo, Thom- son, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. 'SPriaks, Mrs. itrevin, Mrs. )).-ThonipSon; and Mrs. E. J.' B. Dunean, Mr. and Mts. J.. Dickson, Mr. and 'Mrs. 7..E. Hanna; Mr. and tits. Geo. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Mauthe, Mr.. H. C; Sloan, Mr. W H. Ferguson, Mr. Ben Webb, Misses Gladys Hunter, Annie Hainilton, M. Proctor Mettle Barr; Mary Elriek, Mary McClure, L. Ifotherman, lievack, and many others whose names copidn't . be ob- tained. NOTES •-• when the rector; Rev, A. As Maloney, united In marriage 'Mildred Anna Aft: ,Quipin; youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mks. Wililani McQuililia, and Wililani Robert Pardon, youngest sett 'Of Mr. and Mks._ Jas? O. Pu.rddli;boti 'of West Wow:attest.'The bride looked levelssin a street -length towit of forget - me -net blue sheer withwhite telt hit and. White ateeSseriess isue :earth& bouquet of butterfly roses, inargierites • and -.fern. She WOS Attended by ter, 'sister, afisg Beatrice MeQuillin, gasped In dove *Os° sheer and wearing a cors, sage-lioaquet of roses and ',Orange -blos- soms. Mr. tiarriS'Pl10011, was his br0- I ammumprimimmiewarimmowir;somemiesvamoommoiiiimin ,•••••4 - , therte attettlitatts The ettreaette7 ,witnessed by the imniedtate the blid.ttisetrAPIet wIio bride's Inane; 'where a linieheon was erved by Ors; ilked 341- Quillin and MIA,. Dorothy Aitken oit hluevale. • Later the bride donned tor _ . travelling a printed sheer sown 44' matching green coat and -amid alsowere of confetti the voupleleft oti a motor trip to Windsor and otter Whitt. their return they TOW on ther groom's • farm DA OWICe$0104 9, West' Watranosh. to the The oklest inhabitant had just tele- brated his birthdaY, and reporter_ from 4 local newspaper wa.a. sent re interview him, • "Anilt.tell vie, what would You do if you could have your•tiatte• „all, over again?" • , There was a long silenee, oldest inhabitant gmeftre#, to be, In tbought. "I think I ,Woalt1 part my hair in tbet „middle," he rePlied. Dr., J. G. Ferguson makea On ideal president. Ile L n prominent • official of the Health Department of the On- tario Government, and stands high In the •rnedical profession. IL M. Jackson, the ever popular ex - presidents has not lost.any of his old- time push and pep, as evidettettd by it' work • -on the donation committee.. •Ourseld !friend 3 A. MeLaren don- ate(' ten •pounds of' coffee,' and ' it. was real good. Western Canada Flour Mills gave their usual donation, four bags Of flour. W. J. Jones Co, of Settforth, donated ladies' wearing ,apparel. radwin, formerly The Illyth Sttandard, told of the old dayilnBlyth, with Pat Kelly atal Chas, Hamilton, big boosters. •W. II. Ferguson told of the old days in Stinstine, when W. Clegg tvas cletk, and Isaac Itegerson ran the sa.wmill. Bolt Leiper spOke of the days In Itullett wlaen tis father was eleeted reeve and, the late Bob 'Perris, i -vas councillor, 10011:TIIE SLEEPERS (Port Erie TimmIteview) It has been suggested that if all the folkg. twbo sleep lie shard' were 'laId end to end tity would* y'i* biore,cobt, tortablo. 1 01,0E Gives new life to your kitchen. It's easy, t� keep clean and it lasts alifetime. Different colors and patterns. FURNITURE 1194ttress_es; Zedi, Oda. Chairs, for any ro9min,the,h0iise, ICE: CREAM The best on the eentinent — made every 'day on ,our Own premkes, sold in bulk, _in bricks or itt individual cupettes with individual Ispoons. Try it (Moe, you will uie no other. lackstone "THE BROADVirAY. 017 00,DE•RICH" • We Deliver Phone 240 tr and Jelly CEIZTO oick, Easy, Lire Results 3.0ut (if 4 Jam and Joni f.• Chaniptoto u;ek CERTO writes. Mrs. G. H. McLachlan of Maghetawan„ Ont., Prizewinner at Magne'tawan Fair have ban using Coto for 4 numh'er of yeari and would not think of ,toin8 any whet. method for making my Piire-ummiittgiams atirt CERT() Ls eoneentroteg( FRIIIT PECTIN the natural jellifying stfbitonbe extrat.ed from fruit. - S�ves Time—EitOivy • Wzth Certo you give only a one to two -minute full, rolling boil or jam ....for natural taste land colour remain u0. jelly only a lialf-tnitnite to spoiled in the Fruit, whereat long. , a admit& boiling affects both taste and colour. x.N7 .71.k :o1.• "WM or izzzczsza=1 RTO 1, fir ca .4 to 4 'I, ta •00.5 14111 14. Better Taste an Coicsur.Bccame of the bort boil the fresh More Jam or Jelly— , so Hutt inice has time to boil sway that you get up 'to half again more jam or jelly from sm emit, *moon T '1 Sure Results Follow the recipes given free with tetto and you con be sure of lovely jams arid jelly. 64