The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-27, Page 1eteleretereeseeceeND iNO. 26
To Ask Piaci)* of
Guards a‘t liar,bor
-TownOonnoillkinging ?Otter tii-
.113tention of Ottawa
- At the regular meeting of the Town
Connell On -Friday night, the quebtion
rof providing SuaSs ter the lettwerhoulte
aiMI .,other Plante ittethe harbor was
„InteodUeed by te letter from the 'Una
letelontitost. After a referenee to Vom.
niittee of the wheat, it Wats decided to
teettard the Iteitien'isietter.te the Ittibt
lie "Utilities CoMilliesiont In ,evlottie
charge the powerhoUee is, and to write
to the MiniSter of Mitleinal, Defence,
.at Ottesette aeking that minter:y.04y*
be placed at the harbor for the pretece
tion of the linpereant industries there.
1 24,111111Nia SILL'S"
..41.,,membera-ate.0 vment—otgoot
Depute Reeve Brown and efouniiiiint
• Baker.
• APPlieetions for blinding permits'
were received ae ;fellows: Oltas. 'Men,
re -roofing hone% St. Pattiektatetreett
Max Prenkelt warehouse and dwellieg
oil Albert street; Adam Gori, tteeetiling
dwelling with ,spOtent itioek" ehlegee,
Britannia road; Mrs. Ceravelle, sun
4.. request from the Are departmentt
'ter One pair of rubber boots tome sent
to the fire eonsmittee..• • _
Council egrantedst_permission etet the
'WOMB% hospital AuxillarY to liold
'tagdaySaturday, July Oth, ,pho Pro -
°tees. to be need for War and general
• Ptit•Pettes.• e • .
The request et Reg. MeGee for per:
mission to.pratall two new. type meter
• pimps in teat. of hls garage en
ton street, 'replacing the ,Old----vielble
onee was, geet to' the nubile works cone
_ Citumbell, well-tatowe paint-
er and ' decorator, 'bite dieeoveted a
ueve and elitelent paint -remover. , The
diseovery Was made quite aceitleuttillY
and Was -hetlititteuitiree and provoeativee
ItYttliam wee reteuching a large bight
way sign et the tteineet hotel. tlie other
bining The Goderich Signal and The Goderi
Ray Township Case
Not Yet Concluded
Long-drawn.ont Law:mit Over *
Drainage Scheme th4178.8
*NOVOls Om-0*W
Pour' till -days **4 *rt of a tittle
or County Co*.ti heve elresidet
been mistimed 'by the' now lamella
4v;floid, 'hay TOwnehip dra nage use in which
day k a pasturee °1(1'4be MaYttett,:' William Alexander and 0)00411
road. While he was stooped over, 444 ,f3ters art farnterteeate'ettelting reeovery
back to the partly -Painted sign, a Plat't of 'Wiley pall to the rPopeenaltip on a
tul eote sneaked • up and .„ with • one drainage scheme that never passed the
swoop ef tier tongue removed one letter engineering otoge. Although plaintiff
trona the eigu ',before she was shoved claim is onlye$500, the opts are fetid
away by ttiMarine BilLtt to have mounted to $1500, and :the end
But that was not All. Soma atter le Ilet yet,
lantOlt OLD SOY
To the Editoief The titletaileletar.
Deer 01r1 &z an *14 resident of the
'County of heron, I would like to ask
*she the good 'old AMMO- of Ilene%
dote not do e. little more towards help-
ing 'win the war. I sett where other
counties are buying taake. tuid pletta
then wItY ettaitt lIttrett '40 tlietilittatti
:You have the weitith to do it, • I3etter
far to spend your -owe Money than let
Hitler do it. Then why not buy a
pleuiet—yese, bur hallitatatteieu, and try
to 1ustop the hens. .
Also Why do not seine our military
men organize Illuren Itegimentl "Why
do our eming• Men Wtto want to help
Win the. War have to . go all over the
country to tied a regiment where. they
ean up to net!) Win the war?,
Everything depends on our winning
the war; nothing elee matters. „NOW Is
the thae to do it. It will soon he too
late. "
Bill 'wfte again oft giiktd,and the , Ow The eese Opened before judge J. L.,
advanced to theetsttaekt: its appetite for Killoran Itioderk:h on April lfitle and
paint whetted. Title' time 'the bovine, ceetinued the telloWing day before ad.
removed every ether letter In "Sunset'' journment woe. taken to June 24th.
almost as doff '0' • the Proverbial Thus 'it was resumed ontlytentley At.
twilietlereet 10:3tet'altriastiii day
eThe artist stood -aghast He didn't. Tuesday, and part Of "Wedneeday morn -
know whether to hie& or to curseebut Atte before further edjournraent was
his sense humor" won out,: taken to a date to be !fixed. sTWo Wit -
touched 111) 'the 'letters for" the third 'teases have yet to be heard --A.
Clete and stood :guard over his work Erskine, County Treasurer, and G. 0:
until the ow Was it gate -distance away. Itleltherson, X.C.; of Stratford.
. •- In 1931 the Toveatatip Bayunder
THE COUNTY *Mtg.-POLE the Municipal Drainage Act assessed
the .defendants and certain' ot their
or-TheeSigialtStart-- -se,- lands for moneyetepent-byethe., tempt:0,
• ' Sir,',Jrciday I reed viith surpris'e ation on a' drain known ait: the .tilex-
ander drain. • The pittintifte, Aleximder
that .the Council of. Riven- County,
and Stovettet, claim that the Procedure
neediug_a new flagpole, has eset .outt.toe was ellegaze lowered, tand impeoper,
buy an • a1 -1 -metal one. While I have ..gentrarY tethe Preeleions of the -Act.
every faith in the integrity and intent It elso. le claimed by' plaintiffs that in
1933 the eorporationewrongfelly placed
does of these' gentlemen with some of
mitt;e. . • t
`Western Canada - Flour Mllls, Co,
, wrote stating Oat they Intended to
paint their plant and: le/41'000U that,
to help in keeping their premise:3 dean,
the Connell lueludet the: road leading
to the Mill -among those,to ifre Stirtaeed
*with tar., !Referred to publie rke
- power to restrict !the $10W abroad,. of
("mit*. • ; •' !Canedian gold, t to -those in
The seerettarytef the localebratiah'. of
the Canadian Legion Wrote stating' that which -It MAY be most effective „securt
Major A. Jane bad been appointed; hig`tbings vital to the nation. , •
'. 'to met with the sOounellts comml, ttee eau" °n1$'' hoe a-Ptrin• -4Yf 'the
Cow:lea-4n this minor matter-ls exeept
'giving a melnentO 'to tb°s9r enlisting ttc'' tionei, for In this thy • have failed
the c.A.S.F. •• '-
tor they have (1,t ordered a Pro-
duct which eantlet Ma, tle in Hilton
seonlitY, !end (2) theveetieteeted a meter-
-4a' or' whlehetthe elements are largely
anfeat whlkhethe fabrication
will probably' be done by a subsidiary
of a eon -Canadian firm. • '
material would, in its exposed poeitioe
girt that the prepeeete
outlast Ontario -grown wood.; facts es-
tablished by our Dominion investlgat-
etrs euggest the opposite.
1 -shall not be surprised to hear that
your self-regpeeting Union Jack ,
wear ----away- quickly to shreds, so
ashamed will it be of the woefully
unpatriotic support with which. it is to
be Provided 10 your. worthy Connell; .
.Toronto, June 24. "
Cli colleetor's
*wheel I am acquainted, it does seem the tze.844enits ti* 'tax
t. roll. In April, eti934, it. is further
as though they have mifferedtet short elahned,, the corporation eaused
tee , , _
lapse of memory during the, Council ballot to trespaSs, ofsk 'Hameln -telex-
eession. They teem to fotget. (1) that ender% property and distrain his goods
they have been "given charge over a by 'advertising eleattette for sale by pub -
county *hien attleast three wood- lie. auction. ,
eiterkleg eompanies have in . recent There were. two .such sales at the
Years •been . forced to ask tot' tax ex- Alexander: farm. The tfirtite held . on
eniptions-int'order totetttvive; and (2) , April 27, 1933, 'retilizedt$100 and 11 is
that they htildeatticetet a. time when it claimed the :chattela- flold at a geese
tie assumed 'tlett eitleens of this country - -undervalue. At a second sale on ltlaY
Are striving by every Mean*. in :their 29,-1935, "further tchattels put t],t,p by
.auetionereallieel only $8, and On Italie
130. Alexander' Invelunterily •paid the
balance. He, claim his credit and
reputation were bleared.. •
•, The 'plaintiff ..Stewart, who paid
under -protest, claims $76.44. Alex-
ender's elaleit is for $97,64 and .4820
damages for Illegal and exeestive ens-
tres,s and sale Or goods. Both' plaintiff
. else . coste. •
Witnesses who have already testlfled
Are the two plaIntifits, kenneth .1tett
Iedee, Duncan Stewart, Alex. (teearer,
:touia Rader, James Morley; JAM Mc-
Gregotet,9eorge A. Glen and*, Owen
Geiger for :ptainttefe ter: _defendants
Veatilt 'etta-Yloe, Edmond Waiter, Davie
-Duchariite , eleueb," Reeve
George % Aleitittroni and Alfred
E. G. Thompson, Stratford, is eounsel
for plaintiffs; Frank Donnell* for de-
• „ Guar* for, Power Plant
The Council was advised alio that'at
. a meeting- of the tLegien a resolution:
was -adopted- asking' ,ttittet .the .-MoWn
COunell - place . pet -town power Plant
uuder a guard pending the plaelng :tyt
•-a perineuentteuard of the mititle.
Oointellior Ilueltinsseid there was
• .something wrong tibitulettils., The plant
• was -Meter the eonteol of .; the rehire
t Utilities • Commission, and that ..body
should be asked' to put on...the *nerd.
The (eolincillor, emphasized the Import -
awe", a *needing not ;only the power'
plant but thee other t importtents.,Plante
at the harbor and was seeonded-iti this
. by Reeve Teener:, •• .
The Mayor observed that the, guards -
placed at the. :barber, at the beginning
of the' war were remelted On grounds of
econonty and in theold spirit of
eau% happen here."
' The matter was referred to commit-
tee of the , Whole,-
E. E. 'Cranettei• asked pernilseicei to
Widen the cement sidewalk- In front 04
his residence from the' house to the-
preeent sidewalk. leefetred to eetelic
works committee. • s
A letter from the -.Robert :Simpson
Co. eneloeeder theque for- a transient'
trader%litenee. This was referred 'to
the -special comfaittee. -
, A request from the, Carne company
for permission to nereet a sign in fieett
of their place of business on 'the Square
was peep - ttetethest publict-sevorkaeselmet
inittee.• ,
A letter" from the secretary ef the
, Ontario Municipal Association. advised.
the Council that the enema convention
Will be held in Toronto, AuguSt 27th, to
80th.Referred to speetal committee:
Miss Edith Taylor wrote thanking
'the Council, 'ort behalf of the Girl
Guitlesa the ..11uton-Pere1: division, for
the use of the fair - grounds for the
Guide rally . on June lath And. "for all
the thoughtful arrangemeetit -matte for
our comfort." -
.• The , director of the, Provineittl un-
employment departMetit wrote
• advising • the 'Council !gilt • careful
eterutiny should be• made of relief flats,
and particularly that .noneaa.tiirallzed
Italians and their dependents nolonger
receive Pro-It-M.4g relief; Referred to
epeeltil" committee •• , ."
A .memmetridunt• from the Attorney.
General Of Ontario with regard to 'pro-
• posed volunteer eivil guards also was
sent to the special committee,'
A letter from Engineer Archibald
with reference to tlee proposed Stanley
street sewer was sent ' to the Public
Works committee
Committee Reports
¶lhe finattee eommittee teotontended
. a tram .of $50 to the Citizen& War-
time Goininittee.toWards their Prelim-
, tnte,ry expenses, and suggested that for
any ,further assietanee they apply to
the committee itt elmege of the County
War and patriotic tend. "The Godet
eich Organ Companyeeethe etenneittee
reported, ttliave paid the Num. Of.$988.80
• tie interest in full on their bonlla loan
' to . Deeember31, 1039, and heVe
thanked the Ocounell for ite eo-opere-
tion in Putting their Town loan on a.
sound basis."
tote. piddle. Works Committee recom-
inonded that the !Mita. be granted
the use of the sketheg rink on Auguet
14th and 16th, for holding their bazaar
. end draw, on the same payment, and
• Conditions 48 last year; that to ttethin
ee taken on the reettest of Cyril Itob-
!lawn for,perzeision to ctit &W11 two
trees in snout of hS gaeolitte Servlee
tigtatiofl 0» Vletorla...street; turd that
' the Canadian • Tire Corporation, he
•s granted pertniesion 18 ereet a Wen sign
• oa titanilIton Street in front of their
atom when they have 'signed the noes -
eery bond of indemeity.
Thei:ipeelat eominittee reeommended
that It. A. Zimmernian granted
their. conetItueney and the nation at
An 'iron twig," one among many
donated to hospitalthroughout Can-
ada by:Cord !Nuffield, famed British
philanthropist, was received at Alex-
andra Hospital last week, The'instru-
ment will be held in readiness for use
in any ease of infantile, paralygis. . It,
is as, yet ,unpacked, pending the de-
cision of the 'Hospital Beard as .10
-where it is to be set hp
Move Recruits for
Elgin Regiment
Urn CaRed to London and
-Capt. P. 7, Carey NOW
in Marge Here
cupt, D. It. ma* 144 beeu euued to
ragiu Iftealtuout headquarterit at Lon-
don, and Capt. Philip Cerett Mimed*
hiee as reereitiug officer, for the Mena
111 elletriet.
Goderlelt hoot in the Elgin Itregiment
home on leave the .pat week halm
Itittdelieh wilt have a Patriotle service
on the Square On Monday •i)tornilig.
next, Dominion Day, through; the
• e
neittee; whieh. met ion tittednet4eY
this week =dee the .clutirmanehip of.
peesIdent. Thomas to disciiss the
situation. , This will .he„ in addition to
the ehildree'S Sports "which ,tire being
held. under the supervision of the Town
It "is Planned be have some form of
'music, poseibly .phonograph, attached
to a eniblie address eystene Bev: Gt. G.
Burton, of .101intoil, deliver an, ad-
dress on •Canada's 'War effort, and the
Town Connell Isendeavoring to obtain
leave for those Goderieti men note in
military eitinps throughout Ontario 111
order that they may be *home to re -
gave,. the gifts which the Council has
purchased, to them. •
. It -is hoped, eo . have the bend in
atteedatiee •et --- •
• It was .suggested at the Meeting of
the, War -time Conamittee that the ladies
• of the various patriotic bodies in town
arrange something for the 'evening, and
this ' feature will be peoeeeded With
viten. the leaders of these groups . eats
be interviewed. . • •
LteColt • O. Dunlop and Deputy
Reeve E. D. !Brown are -in charge of
the arrangements for the day.
The program 01 sports for
•Dominion Daytivtilebetoteta on page 8.'
nothing hot the. highest praise or the
armet life. ..To a man they are *greed
that the food served is of prhne,quality,
and several boys,' even in the Short
Onto they have been with the lagIns,
are notieeably patio; on weight.
Over twenty young' men epPlied for
millitment he the Elgine dories tbe
Test eneeketandethirteenevrereetiveeptele
They are: O. X; faidden, Clintitn; II.
IL Thompson, ,Auburn; Itt" :MenarY,
Dungannon; It. Seharbaele Itiveredttle;
Robert' Elliott, Blyth ;7' Thomas lOole
-Blyth; Itt, J. Itidtratten, Goderieh ; N. K.
Kerr, Clinton; A. B. ElllOtt, helicon;
K. 0. 'William% •Goderiche V. keeletler
Blyth; R. J. MeNatti, 'Blyth; F. E.
Perdue, Brussels: .
The- Arta seven went , to London on
ellondaytte.aolii their regiment and118
latter six left on Weenegeays -
The name of Gordon Venstorte of
Goderich was Omitted froni-the list Of.
tthesileet gem) et.reeruttetto the lathe
Regiment publIshed in thie paper early
In lune. 'Gordon was one of the firgt
boys from town to offer bis services to
the Eights.
Iteeetuse a great minty
all About as boys will* the army
irmgland,--riser soemoittore tlet overeats
pareels• oommittee were riot *We t
send percale, tto Watley et' this week
as plannot. nottelli *sough _supplies
for ouLeItioed wed were banded at
the dub roolooe where Mrs.. D.
J. leinet sod ineethers were welting est
ittendey efterrieen to motive them.
It 'was loteei6ed to Publish another
-reminder end to postpone pereel day
'until ilaturdar afternoon, 'June 2sittb,
when the (*Monte* will Again meet
at the Legion rooms to Weleoute any
gifts that Pettit* what leave.
It is planned to ask the raerchautA
of town to compile nets of articles a
anitable *lee and **tare for shipping
and to keeP. them eXPosed. their
• The Goderieh Women's nospital
Auxiliary are holding a tag . day on
Saturday,- july 6; itt Aid- of Alexandra
Hospital and for War putposes.
house-to:house eanvitas will be made
and the co-operation of eitiereee Is earnt
estly desired to Make this effort A
secedes. ' . 26-7
license to sell refreshments froM his
Motor vehicle' upon, payment of $40
license, tee, and that N. M. MaeDenald
be greeted a 'junkyard license for hitt
place on Nelson street. With reference
to the coiamunielition from the. Town
of flurlingtoii iit the mattek -Of forming
home guard units, it was ,recommended
°that no sodenhe taken, as we eon -
eider the Dorainion Government Is tak-
ing eve of this matteit.".
--The -water,- light -and harbor, corn-
Mittee reported: "After due° consiclerte
teen of the cost of Street lighting lit the
Town of Goderieh, wirecontmenatthat
the Ittiblic Utilities Commission be re-'
questee to make a substantial eeettee
%toe in the. street lighting thargee."
The demetery and parks conimIttee
rec'ommended that the refinishing a
the lettering. on the war memorial In
etteirt House Park be left with the
chairman -of" this eominlethe, eml that
the roads he the cemetery be given an-
other coathig of road primer material.
The tire committee ,reolumended
that the La, France Fire Engine and
Voamite Company be asked to send on
approval a two -1.p. vertical Ilee siren.
Mayors' Federation
Mayor elaeEtvart spoke, at some
length regarding the meeting of the
Federation of Mayors, which he had. at -
'tended at Ottawa the previous week.
There was an attendance of About 1104
repreSeiting the Dominion from Ate
lanticeto Pacific, and It wag a fine meet -
well -worth 'attendtng, said .11145
!Wotsliip. Among those who spoke to
Ute gathering wag Mayor LaGnerdia
of New York, whose address showed
strong sympathy with the muse of the
Alties, as di& th0 spoehes of the
Mayorg of Pittsburgh, 'Se Louts and
Amarillo, Texas. Subjects discussed at
the gathering were housing, unemploy-
ment relief, eivie guards, etc.
The Mayor brought with hini a large
portfolio of reports from the meetbag,
which he invited till the members of
tire Cornwell ,t6 exaMine.
The !Cotinell then went Intotont-
mitteet •
rUltIERAL OF -0.71- mums
, FriendS and relatives from Goderich
and vicinityand trope distant pointe
were present at the funeral of the late
Benjamin jteettults, which took place
last Friday afternoon from the family.
home 011 Cambria road, Members of
Maitland Lodge, No. 88, A.r. &
marched be o body and carried the
many beautiful 'floral tributes from the
home-. -Rev, A. Ceteelder o elated at
the service. .
Itelatives and friends present from
aistanceaneluded Mr. and Mrs. Alt
feed Baxter, Windsor, Mr. R. Ge king
andeltlists Etoile Toronto
Harry James, Washington, D.C.; Mr.
G. 11, Sault% Montreal, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Stowe, 'reroute; Captand tare.
W, P., Telford, Owen Sound; Mr. and
Mrs, James Parsons, Toronto.
4The ptalbearerswere sat Itt 'MeNab,
Lucknow; A., Baxter, Windsor ; Col.
IL a Dunlop, Dr. J. M. Graham, Adam
Barrow, W. P. 'Saunders, liforaee
Fletto and R. G. Sanderson, Goderieh.
The 'interment Was in Maitland eeme-
terye, •
• tIND,E1C75:0:O.R.'
WieTOR11i Hoivit-scHooL emu
Xhe dosing meeting ot Victoria
ltlome and ,Sehool, Club for the term
was held on Thursdatt afternoon.. d'une
.20t11, in the kindergarten. room of the
sehoot, ivith a good attendance. The,
president, Mee. W. ' Afttedonald, con-
ducted a short besiness session and it
was deelded to make a eontributien 01
two <loiters to the fund feat providing
boxes„ for -our men who' have gone overt
altig:---An interesting program of games
and 'contests was in charge, of Miss t_n•
Hume, Mr. R. StOireheuse and Mr. w.
Thomson, and was thoroughly enjoyed
,by all present. This wag followed' 631
an appetizing picnic' lunch ot sand-
Wiehes, eeke tted lee ereata which was
served by members of the executive,
and the meeting was brought to a
dose with the singing of the National
• Anthem..
1 1
County Constable Jentinge, actieg on
complaintsereelved, visited . the term
home in Itfullett townshipe of Adolf
rangred, a naturalized German, • and
seized a rifle and • shotgun. "It was re -
.ported that ---Iflatigked- was earryIngt one
or both- of these guns around in
vehicles he used, while at work in the,
fields. When war bioke out allots
of enemy countries, naturalized since
1929, were ordered to turn In all ere -
arms to .the pollee. Paiiered eonies In
this eategory and he has- been charged
under the Defence of Canada Regula-
tions „vvith failure to comply with the
order. He is on suramons, to appear
today. He told police be merely kept
a -gen bandy with which to shoot
groundhogs. , '
Business women of Ooderich met on.
Moeda*, June leth, and formed a Red
Cross unit under the women's Work
committee. Mts. H. C. Dunlop wel-
comed the ladies and gave: an inteeest-
make a. dectidon en to ,whett to donate.
Many people have assured the ,eomt
mite*. of their Intention to deplete
something, bet alneitre4tlY overlooked
tile first oPPortUnitY to do so.
.814th:dent castt has been heeded to
the treasurer to take care of the eost
of mailing- six -parcels. .tWhat is leek -
leg is feodetuffe and the small, articles
Whi'elt are etet *sued to troops but
which Were to make life more Pleasant
for 'sere -lug merle
.The committee,, which is a subcom-
mittee. a the Oitizeng' Wartime Coni-
mittee, * hopeful that this revel Will
meet -with. a generous espease.-* -
At Ilis Colborne TaWnshill IleMe, Ip
• Ills 89th Year
casauungoll 4110.
Gedgrielt wiii.
'ardor trialeliteety at bit wsi.
ao remelt 4et the arm*. la* 4* ON
rtlOst st Jabs 34X, et
year -o14 /MAW vdta
County 4611 cbarisi wig*
Kilpatrick, eteety-liviey *Me
The g.rime wo* *llasetly sassmitts4
Ira the 'Dodge- home, Qtve and *half
miles west ot Exeter, on Preivinciel
highway No. Nome time *Awes*
5 and * p.m., Thureday, dureeg it WSW
dri,likinfr bout. Police aerie *et
litilpettick woe killed Wittig WOW et
• axe in Dodge's besititte There wet*
netteretWititeetelt, 00 10 mvisleatrernt
and the Ceetton's ciiee *net et soroollt,
be wholly eleettMetaittlel.
Early Friday morning Dottie weat
lodged in 'County jail .ProvInciel
Constables MeCoe and Atutherford. It
WAS between Vend tt °Week Tridrry
afternoon whea awned was formallY
arraigned before Thom** Gundry, etre
charged with murder, and eeMendett
to jail until Thursday, *Tue. 21.
Iteeonstruteted, the story le 'that Zile
ick, the tlead-man,-and 'Thetoot- the --
:aecused, had been working together 0*
mali garpenteriii,g jobs. Xemt Thum -
day' afternoon they 'went to LOndoll'• ;'
tied purchased -a. quantity ot*Ine.
terning to the Dodge home thee part
took of an evening meet ItrePared by
Mrs, Dodge, 'around" 5 o'clock, after
which Mrs. Dodge and her tour ehlide
ten 'left to Visittnetehbore, across the
After a very brief illnees Mr. Allan'
Wilson pasted' away 'oil !Saturday morn-
ing, June 22n41, at his home on, 'the
8th coneeselen ot Colborne' township,
in his eighty-ninth year. Untilthe
day before his death Mr.. Wilson ear -
tied on his.usual' chores around his
Mr. Wilson Was ibOrn at Buthergleiri•
lug talk on Red Cress. weeteek. f -4-'_leteq.1 ,Bcotiand, tuid In 1.872 eame to Canada
.-we*,.., Jotatd-frfan-3sir.' R. Iv.- nani -vw-gbA7 and . for settle years worked es •a ear-
dent,„who , regretted being • unableto-water At Toronto t then moving to
be present, stating, "Ir -wish to extend Muskoka ea.' te pioneer. femme , He re -
teethe business women a Goderieh my, .roaineet -ill . that distrigt _ *until 1912,
personal congratulations for this moot -when he came to Colborne teittilahip.
helpful -and, splendid "contribution of, He amtlos. Wilson retired from farm -
time and effort in our Empire's muse." ing in 4020 and had 'since made' their
The officers elected' were:. President, home at "Bideta-wee,"- where Mr. Wil -
Mrs. J. Lee; 1stvice-president, Mee E.
Hume; 2fid vice-president, Miss A.
tatewee ,secretary, .s Miss T. Delaney;
treasurer, Miss M. Lane. '
The Business Women plan to work
one Week and hold A bridge to raise
fOudS the following week. On .Monday
thefirst,hldge was held at,the -Perk-
House and, proved very etueeeesful,
The .Red 'Cross Soolety 01 Toronto
are sponsoring a war emergency course
.in nutrition at theAgrieultural 0*11
• Guelph, •during the Semite eofte4ttly.
The Goderteh brantle isteortueate of in.
, sons and 'five daughters, 'all: _twhom
lla-0114 obtained *kir'. It1171riaItc`re weret-preeent tatetheetten:etal.t. tSome
who has tensentedeto-taite this course, tiiiie before his death he, expressed the
and on- completion of same, will form wish that "when -the time conies 3U.Y
lasses.: in tGoderich and endeavor. to eldest
''sian wjal tteeempany MY beloved
assik the ladies a this community to Wife to the eemetteryand my six other
conserve and use food to the best ems -
--; sons will bear my remains to the lest
sible.adventage.* * .* ,,,, resting place." These wishes Were ful-
'• filled. The funeral service- at the home
of t
At a meeting he women's work On Monday afternoon was conducted by
committee held on Tuesday _ of
-- - th e 1- Rev. R. Ge Ilazelwocid, and tbe inter-
week, it was decided to -ask a number meta 'was in Colborne cemetery.
of ladies ' to't , volunteer's to hold two ,Sfra. Wrists and famil,y 'wish to con -
tables of bridge or "500" in their homes vey theirthanksAnd, appreciation to
during the months of July and ;August, their many fetienes of years ago and of
instead of the weekly Friday afternoon later -years, from a distance and near,
brridige.fheirues o
Twenty-six,afadrIbis!es'pteppurpose present *t: for their many beautiful noral 'tributes
and kind words ,Of sympathy In thel .
Prizes are to be awarded theend of bereavement. -
Aegust. - Information May he obtaleed-
regardhig rules fee games by phoning HELPING TO .Nvist tRE WAR
"500" Mrs. Mooney „ gave ' a compr,e- -
14b1ic I school: pupils of Goderich
hensive report regarding the bridge
the:ewe:tea ni$moe _lieepea have heard the eall of Finance MiniSter
'e-brn i!led% -since the commencement of It alSIOn foriassiStaneelte Canatia.'s war
these. parties Jaeuary 31st.effortand have. responded magnifieentlr
* , * • .
• The women's work 'Commietee are
:grateful to the 'Asirgeld Patriotic So-
ciety for .their generous- don:Alert cif
quilts 'tor refugees. andtwo, new
blankets: - •
Donations of rnateriat or money tor
refugee and War work are very ac-
eePtable, as the ;need for Red' Cross
Tee Exeter Board -of Edueation has
engag'ea Mies Marten tSnell,13 A
gold, nie,dalist 18 eliteetee, at the Unit` Of Toronto, to bead the •Latin
department. ot Exeter High !School.
MiseeSnell," whose home is in Londes-
;bete-A.10;AS:- a 'granddaughter of Mr.
Giles Jenkins, „ Goderich
The ,sunmen of Alexandra Hospital,
decorated profugely with orange blos-
soms and pink and White ettrnations
and roses, Was the scene of a wedding
anniversary on Wednesday afternoon.
The bride and groom of thirty-three'
yettet were Mr. and Aires -Z. 0, ("1(3am")
Stewart. Mr, Stewart: who 18
tare -
taker of the Itublie XAbrary, sustained
an Injury last winter in a fall on the
lee and has sinee been confined to the
hoipital. Little 'Lois CatapbC11, who
makes hee Unit. with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart, poured tea at a, lunch, Willa
was, served to the many callers
throughout the afternoons
" 414 hi' 'red 4- Mood
It is :otatett. that Mrs. :Dodge re-
turned home Shortly atter 9 oteleele to
, be -eonfronted by a grueseMe
The body of leilpetrieirt-was lying tes
the living -room ficeti in a pool a blOodt
Her. husbandwas in • his tedr00100
kneeling' at the bedside as thOtostik la
Prayer, but really In a armlet* teapot;
Tae Newnan did net lbegert acOngnit'
'to the story ehe told thepolice, but fiet
withher ehildren to the -home 01.
neighbor, whonfebe asked to look atter
the 'Children •while she !too* Ithe
fa*niIy --
ear to go to Lnean to see her trethers.The woman said nothing to the neigh-
bor about what she had Just seen, but
the neighbor was areiused by her e-*
Cited .actions and Staring eyes. Atter
she had ,lefts'a van was „put- in' for
son paSsed his remaining years, with
the comforts of good, health, and the
pleasueet 01 eneuer friendships. .
From the tient of Mr, •Wiletnes re-
moval ett.eluskoka,eto. the laSt, he had.
taken a keen Interest and an active'
part in • the development and Welfare,
--of The teoniniihtity 1» which -18 Ilyeet
In his younger years, .ve.hon, energy was
required, he gave )1, and in later years
he ,gave what be had. He lived a
nappy life, ,accepting .eheerfally -what
lifebrought 10 him.
He is survived by his wife, seven
. For the -first week since' the settle-
ment of the seamen's strike, there Were
no arrivals of grain vessels at this
'port this week. With the wester too
Chilly. for :swimming,there has been
little activity at the harbor during the
The .tanker Imperoyal came In from
Sarnia- with a shipment' iof oil early
Wedneeday morning, and eleared again
for tSarnia at 10.80 the same morning.
The passenger boat 'Georgian made
its first call of the season- here bri
lirednesday. anorningl. This was a
charter trip and not it *Mt of the regu-
lar schedule, which "wilt begin *next
week.' There were 173 passengers on
board the 'Georgia& yesterday.
On. Monday morning the , yacht Pen-
guin, 'udtinned by three/Sarnia ;young
men, broke .down three Mlles outside
the breakwaters. A heavy sea was
runnieg at th4e time end tt thiek tog
!huttg over the 'entire lake, so that ,no
'one from Shore' could see the plight oe'
the party.They east anchor and re-
eigned themselves to A' lime watt until
such time as the fog isliould lift 'and
Someone should see them from shore.
Forteitately "Retitle" MtieDonals1 was
returning to the harbor In his fishing
boat, after 'taking in his nets; anti
.passed within a few yards of tlie
Stalled boat. When he learned of the
Sarnians' predicament IteddY !aid them-
e roisi •and towed them to the baba.
The Vielit, 1 new in "Snug Harbor"
Undergoing rePaits•
County Onstable Ferguson at Neetere
Mrs.. Ferguson took the, * the
!absence of terliusbAnd; *he' 'WAS out
onother brishreess, It WOO eatigtablek.
rerglisorr who notified ` IC/Oust/AleMe-
Coy, 'Who with ''Constable Rutherford,
went hastily- to the seer* ,or the trime.
Situlteetrushet1 ••
Kilpatrick had been dead some
hours, Dr. Weekes, teroner, ,said when
be arrived • shortly after. The Males
skull had been crushed lir by the blo*
of -a blunt instrument.. There- was only
one ,wound. Further than that police
refused to relate., '
It has been stated,' however, that
Dodge disclaimed any knowletige tit
what had happened during thereireniag,
hours. The living -room showed elgsos
of a struggle: ,Friririture was disar-
ranged and knocked over and pictures
had fallen from ,the walls,: Outside
in the yard it was Stated that a -blood-
stained axe was found; It had been
Whied, with a tag, .but.'much ;blood re,i,!,
malited on it. The .report also was
that, there were blood stains . On, •
Dodge's hands and areng, but zone ixar
his clothes.
Friday morning Inspector
Wil -
Ilam Oliver of Provincial pollee dietrlet
headquarters, Kitchener, was called
and with Constable McCoy a thOrougit •
Investigation of the. eitcumetaeces sure
roundingetheeerime was made at
eter. ,The house- -wag -photitgraphot '
inside and (nit and measurements.
• Mrs. William Genie:, was at Cleve-
land, Ohio, last week attendhig the
annual commencement of the State
High School, at valid( her eldest son,
William, was a graduate.r. Tire young
man, viato 'Was president, of tire gradu-
ating class, was also 0110501 AS valedle-
torian. 1118 ambition Is to Work IIiI
way through college and he is now
taking a summer eotiree. 110 Ss mar-,
rled autt hag two children.
by Durehase of war bonds -and war say-,
ings eereificatei. . Pupils a vietbria made. Ae'eoroner's jury was empan..•
school have •thus Placed $310 at the eiled and, viewed,the remains, adjourn -
disposal 01t18 Finance Minister, and ing sine, die. It bac riot beenedeelded
Central school: has -contributed to the 'whether the inquest will he
amount of $815 & vlarge portion of Before the Justice 01 the Peace -1
these amounts has been taken from the Dodge displayed the customary.�to1id.'
pupils' Penny Rank; deposits which ity. of -his race, He never ilinchel
have been .aceem-alating for, years e when the thee -tat was read to him, or
. • • • whee he was led away to jail.
ANGLEits GETirliG REAmt TIris 'morning Dodge was remanded
help la more urgent mow than at any ...,
worfd. The black bass seasatt opens on Sat- for one week by Magistrate Making,
previous tune in the history of the
urday, June 20t11, and continues to his wife, four ch'ildren, andsix other
October 1eyth. Indianerela.tves woe in eottit. .
Land Added to ,Comity Dome
iNthich Now. Includes 120 Acres--
, Carrying out instructione elven at
the •recent session of .Cotintyy
the County Home committee on Mon-
day Purebased fifty acres of land irct-
mediately adjoining the present farm
on the north from Herbert Gibbings
for $2,000. • The land has been under
option for some time and brings to
120 the acreage of the County -owned
farm. resgeseloti Will be taken On
November Ise
Two more Shorthorn tows and one
calf, were Plitehased from A. A. Bragg,
St, Marys. This brings the purebred
herd up to thirteen. • .
David XaY, noilerleh, Was awarded
thecontract for painting the baro and
other outbuildings. The color Seheme
is red 'with white trim;
-A new hayrake Was purehaeed.
The police eommittee of County
Connell, which met on Tuesday, de-
eided to plaee publie llability Insurance
oe eonetablest automobiles. •
The engagement Is announced of
Dorcatliy Elizabeth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. t•ittilliain Watson, of Colborne
township, to Elwyn Chester Maumee,
(third eon of Mr. Erheet Pfrimmer and
the late Mrs. "IP/rime:ler, Benmiller. The
weddingtwill take plaee in July.
Mr. and Mts. Geo. W. Veagan, itiver
VieW Farm, Bete:diner', glinoUnce the
-engagement of their daughter, Mon
Laverne, to Kenneth 3, Reid, Son of
Mr. and Mrs. JaMe8 Iteld, Raylleld
road, IGederieh. The wedding IS to
take place eerie* InaltalY.
'The temperatures for the pastweek
and for the orresponding week last
yeer,mi oftieltilly rettordedS, were tlq
follows: •
• „ 4940 1930° :
, Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., June 20 ..63 43 11' 01.
Fri., June 4 ....02 45 13 51
Sat, June 22, ....64 45 81, 60
Sun., jime 23 f0 tree rt5
Moue June 24....70 50e, 12 tet
Tuve, ;tine 23 ....437 51 74 . 49
Wtel., June 26 40 •03• .00
ork on Construction' Contract at
Sky Harbor Making Good Progress
Construction 'wok on Sky Harbor
Airport, *Which got luniet.itay_aLi......toon
on Tuesday, is already ProgN.gsing..
rapidly. In one and it-intit days two
powerful - Diesel taterpillars, „trailing
big serape's, had' cleaned off almost
°nee thousand feet of the torthwest-
soetheatt runway and betake& Of
trees had been felled in the twenty -
acre •bush at the north end, o11. what
was originally the Fleming property.
the taterpillar soaping equipment,
which deans oft the lilttletgPots and
automatically loads and dumps it Into
the hollows, nine cubic earth at; a time,
is being worked sliteen bourg a flay.,
The bushmen, In timber,
are at present working one ehift of
eight hours.
More Equipment Coming
A representative of -the contractoes,
tlie Sandy Contraeting and 'Maehine
Works, eale last night that two. potver
ebuildozers," for grub -fang Ind pulling
out roots` and stumps, would arrive
today, and two big graders, to be 'need
ouI't.he runway;, would be at the air-
port by iSaturday. Teto giant "Slieeptet
foot°, loiters are' ekheduled for ttext
Ave.* to apply the 'finishing touches.
The runeveyee which are to be etop •
tatted by July 314, will then be
seeded down. with est and gragg eeed,
'which lute been found tot be an adniirt
able eombinatien for sod ',runways.
The Senn
axe Is tO- be heard over wide *re* ,
of the-beeek.alfitniaple bush ,Whielt
to be tut doivn north. .of the northerly
apex of the triangular" system of rua
ways. All thebig timber of this bus*,
Was eut two years age and only trees
of small diameter anti *underbrush re-
main. Trees are being stripped et
their linibe as fast as thee are felled
tend" the trunks platted in neat OM
eventually to be''sawn for drewoodt
To Cut' Down Bush and Ottltsord
All told, eixty acres of letek and
ereliardt lit to be tat down, but *1 piret
sent the 'week is eonlIned to the etleeat
Mg bush at the north ,end. Work ot
tearing down the former !Fleming Vara
and outbuildings oleo Is: 18 progreto.
The houee, located in the beilding area
of the airport, is to be left stending at
the toquest'of the tlovetninent.
Although the ream -aye Dreher malt
be ready by 4nly 3181 the contraet does
not call for completion of removal a
trees, buildings and the hinds% of lbit
property until Menet Wet.
When the work gathers full monies-
turatthere will be twelve skilted-povrete
machine operators on the loie Weedier
trout 4 a.m. to 8 ,p.m. Thom already,
here etitte thee tutve, never worked to
a field too level as fiky DattorAtt ovat
6 well drained, the boaity valet; 01u.
but itv dark not having setardst