The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-20, Page 9100Ketr,i3et00K1 'June 18.,---Mrarid itufwel. 31.111. *nd family, of De- troit, visited on SoturdaY with the former'e sister, Mrs. IN. Theinnsinl, and other Dennybrook filendd. Mr. Dan Reuger,. Ur, and 14(rS. Will Renger and little datighter'of Clinten, *ere, ISUnday visitor$ At t11,4 hoMe Of Mr. IL Chaniney. Mrs. Iteuger 'was forahet4' MISS Dorothy Charaney of plstewel. , Mr.. and MrS. G.. A. MacLanglilln and daughter Joanne, of'Detroit, spent the weeleenc1 with her mother, Mrs. Ohavaney, and other frlendS. Mrs. Elizabeth 'Naylor visited last week with )51r. and Mrs. Wm. Ringlet'? 10th concession. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Craig or raiAuburn 131 se1.143°1$ "i°111 and Mrand MrE'rule 41° maint4inedt would greatut ly chOspitalization cost . s. . Cg end (Continued from page 3) Reeve "George McNeil, committee ehair. yowls women, in plowirtg at local plow man,ellIPIOuett iug matches this yeav and stext, se go whe quarterly report a Consteble A., to develop talent. Local competition (i's JeritilOP Vr4"' readIt Wt° the''91117 forme the first day"program of the ette received, luternational match. . Instructions of the, Department of Ex -Reeve William !Stewart brouglit 'Welfare TeePeeting taking 'frOva the felicitations of himself ad the fume relief lists the names Of unnaturalized in West wassetras Italians and other alien eneMiCS, was • * Medical InSpeetion of Children Inca reference' The* police committee report WWI Mrs. Albert Taylor addressed Connell on. beh.alf o Thtork ThZU4 and ficheol 4(1"ted*• Club, seeking to interest Council in be Amotion sponsorrm. by ReeveS Mc. half of medleal inspection of children Nall and Duncan. calls -for all feeS earned by Vonnty constables, to "W, 'turned 'over to the-Connty treasurer. it Was carried. In future yeers. • . • ' daueeter eelargatet were etnelay Reese Wilson, under inquiries, asked. visitors, at• the home of Mr. and MrS. if Traffie Officer NormotetsLever bed any -juriSdiction on township roads with respect to the pestering of cattle, And received a neeetive anewer. Iteeie Trewartha asked J.t.tbe taffl officer had any duties in urban vaunt. ciPalities, and received a negative ausweri save In the ease of weeperactitte with innnteipal or Provincial ofileei's. On account of the war situation. Council cancelled its annual picnic for this year, Dr.W ".„ 0,. Allow, X0.11., addressed Ceffnert eaking ee-olYeratieis of meeilierS 14.eradicating ragweed, a noxious weed and one of tbe. chief" essiseeeoe hay e-verseellesstraseprotelsedeeosoperatione C. 'Robinson. Women's Institute.-frhe 1St. Angus - tine WomeA'S Institute met on Wed- neaday at theliome of, Mrs.'011$ Kina- liau, With the president, Mrs. Moss, in charges The roll call, "Hints on .0ard- , ening," broxight ,Manx uSeful sugges- tions. 'Community sfnging wars erfs joYed. Current evenft were given by Donna Armstrong, It was decided to denote one pair, of 'blankets to be sent tb.rough the Dungannon 'Bed ' CrOstS Mrs. Gus Kinalien woe -appointed eons vener of the coramittee on war work. A report of the•distriet 'amnia' At St. thas-whesgivensby.sNoreens,Kinahan, and liars. Moss'. Readings were given. by Mary Carroll and Mrs. Moss, At- tendance, 16. • W.M.S. Meeting. --The Donnybrook W.M.S. held their June meeting on Thursday afternoon, witli members from Auburn, Crewe and Westfield pre- sent. The meeting was in charge Of the 'president, Mrs, R. igharaney, and. -after---thes-opening- hymn thesLord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Miss .3t. Jefferson read the-Scripthre lessors, after whlch Mise Albeit -reE in prayer. Solos were coritributed Mrs. Rivett of Crewe, 'Miss Winnie Campbell, of 'Westfield, Mrs. Plaetzer of Auburn and Mrs. H. Jefferson of Donnybrook, and a duet by Misses Ila and Betty Craig of Auburn.. Mrs. Crozier of Crewe gave an interesting report of 'the Conference branch meet - hag' and Mrs. Wm.. McDowell read. a letter from Ur* Longley, a missionary in China qh.o was formerly a West- field 'girl. Miss +Rebecca. Thompson closed the meeting and a sdcial time followed. Mr. - Woods .and Mrs. Me - Spoke larleify; thanking tne Donny- brook ladies. There Were over sixty present. • • .,COnsteible.Feett • It developed In the tilscusSiou on the police report that there Were loOpholeS in the Obunty, police bylaw. .by Which 'Constables still collected fees .tet cers tiiihr''CI'SCS;,. Although .1t wa4 the idea when tbe ,force was reorganized .W0 the fee system would be entirely ittate,d., • • _ "IL opinion the Police are alisin cahoots on this fee ,business,", said *eve,.MeNall, who, promised that the bylarw, swould .be amended to stop' ahnSeS. s • Orr motion, Wfteereft--Wa.t-sonS'And ,Armstrong, the 'Agri -Cultural coMmitteo. will attend the Provincial !piciwing A letter of condolence Was ordered sent to Mrs. Jamets33owman, Brussels, whose hesba.nd, -former M.P. .ane Warden, died recently, The Children's.' iShelter committee was ;empoweree to aid the Department of Welfare 111 baneling the war refugee prOblem, but 1.4 to consult the Warden's committee, which has eltarge of Speed. siniePetriotie-mottees. - - Ask Place for. Flying Oflicer Roberts - At -tee seutseteof- yritlay Morning's -session !it -•wast-aztouneed, therewasa , possibility that 'Flying 0 ii cer J. M. !Roberts, County Clerk en leave of absence, would be diSclutrged erten. the B,.0,A,FS on stectrant of his health., In 'vie* of the iprominent part that Mr. Robots had played • in securing two airports for Huron 'County, the Warden considered it would' be "a. 4'10 gesture Legislative Committee The legislative committee reported, "no action'on the proposal. 'to have dogs from Utnited States banned, so as to prevent a recurrence of the rabies epidemic Of last' Year, The eommittee eavored unemployment Insurance as embodied in a Prince. Edward County resolution. Another resolution.' from the same countywas endorsed7acha fosdo..gith existing regulations govern- ing -Indigent patientiss--,ThesCommittee- •con:sidered a •tnird pro'posal of the Same County, that farmers pay, • With an affidavit the gas tax on gasoline used for farm purposes, as infea,Sible and one that might lead to abuses. •'No ,action". was reported on la Wentworth County resolution protest - lug -Waist eompulsory pasteurization ,ra • The committee coneurred'ha a rest:du-, don, 'respecting. the appointraoit of a "hospital Officer" to inquire into the, status' of indigent patients, and also supported another Elgin. County resolu- tion. to,require the- county in which a crib* is Committed-triParthe-eostssof trial --hen, a 'change of • venue • is granted. .11 also • sipported.slidensing bread peddlers from outside a county peddling their wares. . • A. Howick township resolutiOn pros testing a cutin the Provineial road Subsidy Was supported.** Report 011 Comity litome George, H. Elliott, inspector of ,the 'County Home, gave rep* on Thursday morning. luis Elliett saki he had beeen. 'confined to his home through' illness. (baring winter months, but had kept in touch by telephone. He said that seeding had been he*sup for four weeks on some Parts of the '!county farm as hegave thecroe acres 'age of g•raia, roots, pasture, etc., also .an inventory of livesfoa, horses, swine and sheep. There, are. ninety-three ins mates at present In tfiellome. Reeve H. A. Keys,. Connell's repre- sentative on the criminal audit •board, Asked the 1Counci1's Wishe S" on the. quess tIon ofehatingsthe --Crewn :Attorney cominnte his fees to a straight salary. Reeves Bowman, Trewartha, Turner .and Treasurer Erskine reviewed -the situation, urging caution for the reason that the Provincial 'Government: •had not been. sympathetic to previods pro- posals of the same nature. No action was taken. " The Comity Home comniittee, in its report,* recommended that its members attend the annualsconvention' of super- intendents and matrons. The new Cdunts, Home bylaw, consolidated and amended, was. read. • It increases the number ow the committee from .three to five, clarifies the duties of the in- speeter and the tie up betWeen.bina and the treasnrer respecting the adminis- tration ef-the hind's ofsinoiates.' also -recommended- the purchase -of _jiff:flys odes of land north of the •CounfY farm frotn R. W. Gib- bing's-for,. $2,000, the County to take ,poSsession "November, ist. • The County is at present renting land across .the road. It is,estimated the land pur- chased will pay fOr itself in ten years. The report was redolited in its en- tirety.. s' Dr: A. Moir's Offer Dr. Alexander Moir, Addressed. Coun- cil offering -his private hoghltal, located near Henn% for 'the sheltering .of war 'refugee children. The gratuitous -offer, for one year, WAS accorapanted by the Doctor's promise to give his oWn reedi- •eal services free for the same -period. Tile offer was referred to the Child - rents Aid !Societe, whieb is to pass it along to -the Ontario Department of • Welfaress.IL*T 1fldwards, 0 AJS In spectae, gave•COuncil a confidential re' port of the part Ontario is to play re- specting the talOng care of children to fare at Queen's Park to ,learn why be sent here from Britain* and Pranee. •Iluron County -10hildren's Aldsaoclety .. Pollee Matters • had been given tbe lowest rating; earn - Provincial ronsfablessrJmeow, ing the smallest grant: • Ile said he asked to addresee'Couficil on fifth teasi told that the set-up in Huron was eollunn activities and solherSive:satter; Out...of date, that only twoschildren's ancea' in Huron emnity, asked, all and shelters in all Western Ontario Were sundry to Investigate rumor s and, If Pow niaintained by counties, • ;that *satisfied In their own minds thatthert others bad been rented and were earn - was some foundation, to report at once Ing a revenue. On -the other hand, he to the pollee. Ile Asked that all Britishers keep. their ears to the ground andstheir eyesswide open at this time. • lie also answered several questions put by reeves respecting law enforcement. It was the polies, of the Provincial pellee, he said, to interfere with Muni - tette police only- when necessary'. It also was the policy to co-operate to the fullest extent. ‘' The County Police eommittee reconi- 1111)'WO Fares mended that .Toseph fOralg a war tvet- service worker whe commeneed 'her KINGSBRIDGE,- !June it -We are glad to hear from Detroit that Jerry Vogt is home front th.e hospital and on tee road to recovery. Jerry was rushed by ambulance to Detroit Oiteo- pathie Hospital and operated; on for an acute attaek of appendicitis. Jerry is the son of Mrs, and Mrs. Peter C. Vogt of Ardmore Drive, Detroit, hes inoteer being ehe former 'Miss Annie Sullivan of Itieobridge. • ,• • Cigarettes are elwaYs* Acceptable tei) the boys overseas. Put a few packages In the bale being sent bss the Legion. • - Rub in Minard's Liniment generalist% and feel the relief steal over the aching muscles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains,,aches and stiffness, sprained - ankles, twisted limbs-lVlinard's" has - been famous for over ea -MVP Good - for dandruff awl skin disorders, tow Get a bottle today; keep it handy. Olve 16011111 NOIANT PO YOUR 11111AKFAST ip rho ~I foe an takarials aewaafrolViteasela Xi 1st the diet ie otenimilbr yeagnielet. A total took 01 Vittitsain DI otos. polynouritio. Wheat ae la ignovin ihe he a paoral *twos et Vitamin 01. Cub. ono nude leant Whole wheat in which the wheat dont is retained in 14 entirety.. *sod POW eft the pireeeteti tk lucludiugi tbo perebase Slate& A • Web ibetidlos. sow (wombat as • County otlice, located sense rim " un 11**e4 ProPerte, le tit be shotree. The eommittee report, lu pert, weit ett follows: 'Your eoutnalsolon eerried tat the WO* ton the 'Comity rotate la mauuer . similar to that of other years. Ass you are aware, ntuelt more sonewisiowittg. • wao esseeseary than la uornselly re- quired !during 'the =outlet of elerelt 'net „April, and 1S is esteteated that more • thee twice the eamount of work was • dope as usual, !Sew 'the January meeting a heavy Poweegreder ,and snowplow bay° been bought, and two trucks isoid and re- • placed with heavier vulte that will be more imitable for enosvpIoW :work 'in' tee future. It is felt that with the trawler and Iteoey grader 'avalleble for hostel' wore', and, with. strong eight: truckst for lizist plowitne, the most de - stable type of 'equipment is being pro- vided. A. portable ertiolting plant hue been Isought to replace our wognout erushing •! , Tour tommission bas examined the reed' nortls 'Gorrie. tne, road, north of Zurich and it et felt that these , connections eboule,be replaced on the Oonnty road system., ;We reeonieseud that 4 by'laW be pasSed accordingly. petitene 'hes ben reeeivee trove' sratepayersi reqUestieg elmtsthe bounds .ary of elowiek and Wallace. be added to the •fieunty system. sotelonsfoi-$10-htio-beens 1 Il Ilia hotel property iu. Auburn, compris- lug betel builtling ane stables on one acre 4 land. The ' buildings can be utilized. for paint slioP, storage, office, etc., and we reeomurend that the op- tion be exercised, and a. repair oho • built The total expenditure to be ' alsout $3,000 this year. - '•* • Vier commiesion has ettamined the og the Lochalshs'Sideroad-nt-sthe sChool and,'Wnile the need for impreve- anent slisetpparentssits Is felt tbet it .slsould be lett thes-yeer.- . We are pie:the& to report that, in response to your resolution passed in, Jannary, the Department •of Highways lia'Vespaid: full subsidy' on the equip. • 'znent' bought last year: The-- agrimiltural committee, reported .against a _small. grant to the Buren County 'Fruit Growers' A,Ssgefation, Worry Saps - The., Reivous System Worry °yell' business dr househOld duties, midden Shook, the' insane quest for pleasure, the feblish at- tempt to put a week of nornial life ..into twenty-four hours, feierish ite- tivity, the demand for .sensational literature are all conducive to th.e eggravatioa of wear and tear on:the 'nervous syetene . . " • i. " It •you- are tired,...Thitlese nervona, and, werried why -not g jets itilburnes . • Frealth and. Nerve Pills a. e.hunee to. help put you 071 your feet again. They are a body buildieg, trove strengtheniug tonie eontaining the . essential elemette for the uervous SYStan• '..> Ole 27. lilth.in 9.4 444 %%Tonto, Ont. . • .. . gretituee if the County °ming used its influence to have Mr; Roberts placed in a' ciisilnes,ition at one of pe two airporth,"'a's If was the Wish ef Mr, Roberts to remain in war •service for 'die duration. s 'her •Scott Rath - Hetherington spoke approvingly' Of the suigestien Ansi, liter An theodaY two , resoluttedisis were carried unanim- Outly. ,They follow*: . Bowintin--st4anible: That if it should. • haPPen, thsit J. M. ,Itoberts be dis- charged from the army and receiving no salary, he be ,peid. a:gratuity equal to his former salary until 106in:tea meets- In Noverabe'r. Carried. •- Hetherington ,Turner : Whereas Officer Z. M. Roberts, who was, Clerk of the •County Huron: for a nuniber a years, lithe, On Ieeve serve - in; withsthesit,C.A.Fe and whereas Mr. R berts has. always been deeply lister- eseed in aviationand was 'the moving spirit -Tr bringthe about the estab- lishment 1. -of . 'Airports in Heron, sve the Members of Huresu.,,,,,,,,,,county, Council unaiiimonsly " 'recommena. to the chief of „sthe• air staff of the Department of •National ,.3Defence , -that Mr. Robert's be, whenever possible, stransferiedstssanractli•e•postsat-tan-, County airports, A's we believe his .matter,"., declared Deputy SReeve Brown ability a'ad interest will Materia.lir •Goderich heatedly. • /to row Wit -0U CERIA1, ; • Cubs bring- you :the .-Nhole •-wheat including the -remarkable wheat erm in which nature has stored *sii Many valuable minerals and Vitan-Ans. • This wholesome energy food is also deliciously ,tasty Mellow malt blends its goodness with • the nut -like flavor of the Whole - wheat. Cuticome to your table Crisp, elute**, toasted a golden brown: Try Cubs,. for breakfast totnorrow. - • • A product of The Canadian rnpany: Zdiniteci Executiie Committee " . The exeeUtive committee reported n • Wiwi on a request for a $506 grant for the agricultural class of Seafortir • Collegiate. The Lake Huron and n --Pay Lake Ports Associatiett's• . request for a grant raet the same fate. Erwin slaeobss assistant . manager of the, County s Horne-, was refused a .$10 a month increase in galarse• 'Council diScuSsed this latter item for 'one EuU hour, there being two recorded diy1S- ions:- One -to' inerease the salary 10 18 toll. 1 AMen:dment 0 leave it at $10 carried. c) a ilional was defeated !20, to 0. 4.11. Mr. Langan; of the Government ployment office, Stratford, .a.ddressed 'Council, urging that a deputation be sent to Galt to inspect tlae aircraft school, to strenghen hand in seciars, ings a larger qUota, •of •fteni Huron and Perth, co.unties. • Bylaws .15 to 23, ideluSive, confirm=,' • fig busine'ss of the session, were gi-Ven the necessary. reading's and pessed. Lasts, minute motions Included the eollniving: • Websters-Redmohd: That* the road from" the division line between East ante West Wawanesh-jselvenedor- motor. traffic_ during the vvinter. Also the road from •LucknoW-Dungannon comity road•be opened for Motor trade two blocks east of St. Helens: Ret ferred to roads -commission. •• Wilsons---Passmofe: That we petition the Ontario 'Government to have the Traffic A.ct amended SO:. that any motor- ist who strikes' any tiveStock where he has a clear view ef the ,mad 'for at least ten rods snail be held responsible • for any damage done to said. animals and tnat a resolution to this .effeet be sent to the various eminty Councils and the Ontario County Council Associa- tion. Carried.- • • "Redinond-Whitnaore: That the agri- coltural committee be delegated to sup - Tort and plan the organization of a Huron County Unit of the Canadian, ;Chamber of Agriculture. Carried... • -• Miss Jemole Halliday of )1roskrels bad both lege broken 14 a falt lest week. Mleo 'Kate MeFtettl, Itu Exeter bus!. uess- Woman, suffered /severe toddler of 4 feet and finigle wneu it kettle of boiling water slipped in her hand And fell. The barn ef Telford Moutgemery, in Howl& township, was etruek by light- ning anti burned during a storm, on j rate 16th. IleY, *rain, some implements, two Pigs end a number of boss were destres.0. Zeseph flooti,• passed, aWay at his &tome !Stauley towaship in Ids seventy-seventh. year. Ile was a townt ship courteillor for severe' years. Be- sides his wife, a, sou 4M1 three daugh. tors survive ' Mrs. Nathaniel Ogden,. Of Exeter, was struek by a deliveryetreek 4$ she and 4i:tether Exeter lattv were can- vassing for the Red Cross in Ileboree townseip. The driver of the truck did not notice her as he ,was backing out of tile lane. -.She YVAS. taken to London for hospital treatment of A, fraetrged leg. - • -s• s •- s • - Bach -Forrest , The marriage of Itlieabetb. (Betty) steasepbeLte-daughtereofsloleit-Foreesteo Tuckeremith and the late. Mr, Forrest, to Jobe'. V. Bach a -Sertforthewas soleronizee .by Rev. A. W. Gardiner in the 143gmortaville United ehurch on Wednesday, June 12t11. • The couple left on a trip to New York, and en their return will reside Sea.forth. Dowso*--lloy In Wesley -Willis United church, Clintonessonsetetur ay morning, the wedding took place of Bertha -Elleee, elder daugtter of Mr. encllers, William - Hoy, Clinton, ler -George Douglas Dowe son, son of Mr. and .Mrs, jolus, Damns, aisist in the successful operation of Reeve Turner Wants to Know a copy of this resolution be sent to On Friday morning just before •ad - this part of Canada's war effort That Hon. C.' D. Hotve, Minister of Trans- journment, Reeve Turner repeated his port, and to Col. Mefsean of the same inquiryastohadwhvyurtchheaseCdonnatygrratadair Children's Shelter Committee iforwomes•tantenAm:iererican firin, and why the had not been accepted. department. 'Carried. • , The Children's Shelter Onamittee Reeve•Turner said he had been taken leportecT that: the iSociety now has 16 to task for asking the same question .ehild protection cases, 27. TIP. cases,. the day befere, but he wanted it dis- os children under care, with four in tinctly, ,-anderstood that It was his the. shelter, four in boarding *louses', privilege to ask -questions respecting eight -under adoption -probation, eight County business and that he would In wage homes, 33 in free homes, ene continue to do so as long as he was a in a correctional institntien, while the member. Reeve Turner said that, in _whereabouts of, one was unknown. spite of his requests, he had not yet sithese-children are visited twice a year received a satisfactory. suaswer. Three nnd if necessary more often—TO re- tender quotations had been. given. when port continued : - there were four received. He wanted .Two new._•sections of work have the Patter Oared . been added, *namely, • aolaier's. settle- Reeve • Roland Grain, chairman of fnuiegneets.and oaaintenitrice and child re- the road commission,. in answering, ad- . mittecIthere had been four tenders, but, "Due to increased duties and mains that the tender of the, local company tenance and supervision required it IntS had not ' been considered because it been found necessary to engage a social-- had no machines ready and the t0113, - Service worker to assist the superin- mission was in h hurry for delivery, tendent. This was decided at the Reeve MeNall, jumping to his feet, March meeting aiid arrangements were sale: "It has -been insinuated the sac- • made to give the system a trial for one cessful tender was not the lowest of year: The -expense of this •experiment the three considered?" ' • • will be paid out ef money left in legacy 'Reeve Grain -s -"We accepted the to the society. The County willdnot be tender as it was,e called upon•to assume ttey expense this Reeve T'urner-"The.only way to get year. This aSsistant has already as- information on these things. is to open sinned her duties. .The results of the it up publicly in council: These tend - new system sure more than. satis. ers should be ,arlvertised and MibliShed ,faetory." , in the press; then there would be no 'Heron System. Out, of Date? susieelon." • sonally visited the Department •of Wel- - . • New Steel Flagpole Reeve Trewartha ,sald he had per the Friday afternoon closing ss - the Ituron shelter was costing the county $5,000 a year. , Mr. Tre- warthit said he learned that a modern set-up in :keeping with tbe Provincial standard would have to be introducee • fri Iinrott and a social serriceewerker • engaged. The 'Clinton reeve said he coltid sae intleh more on the euNect but would. not do so at the present tithe. Atehis poi/Weirs. Chaffee, the social • nlJetwoeu all points in Canada a • nd to eer °tan, be Paid MO ler guard '‘.111tY at duties June 1, was introduced to e wAr Iteretofoee both the' County . Council decided to give the new a - PAU AND ONE.QuAuTzit and priv. ate Interests had refused 'to ealleement Year'S trial. 4 FOR. THE ROUND TRIP pay the bill, disclaiming responsibility Province "fiuttini for the appointment. The proposal et Attorney -General A. .No action was repoted on the elaira G. Conant to form, 'Civil guards in .of Jelin Team, of- Daynelti, a former Intinleipalitles was- given short shrift Countyseonstable, for $22a5, money he by Council. A lengthy circular was had paid , out of hie, 'own. poeket for. read outlining tietafitst oegapization, equipment..before be was released from the scheme to be launehed under Pro. the foree en aecount of physical (Ma- vliscial !pollee auspices. The circular hefty. It Was admitted that three was refetmd to the pollee' committee, other 'County eoristables had been paid whiell reported "no action:" $50 each for equipment, bttt that Mr. Pease has been paid. three mouths' salary after be bad been notified to • bring ea Me equipment or a medical. eertifleate of Stness. Ile did Witber, „tain destinations in tile united states ttlir .waterfrofit An the early monthe of Council, 'which she addressed bridle., 1 -•Tickets, good going from woo 1 ' 't leriday, jaw 28, until 2,00 p.m. ' efemittes, july. 1, 1010, " Return" Teesit to leave destination, not Wee than, midnight Titestlaye • . Arty te 1040, • Timee sboWn are'Staudare lIINLAIUM SPECIAL FARE Full inforthation from any agent. Canadian Pacific . , , "IIear, hear," said several members'. '"Wity is the Province gratting in on Into machinery sheds, to house the defenee matter81 haVe our militia. Coenty road equipment, and eventually The Mei of a. Pmvinelal Coxey's army a repair shop. is an. wet. This is a purely Federal whe committee was authorinel tts skin the- property committee reported that • the coriimittee had ealled for tenders, respectively. on a new cedar or cpteel flagpole, eighty feet in length, for Court House Park. • Opinion of Council favored the steel pole. Pur- chase of two smaller poles was fecom- mended for the registry -office' and. fail, No action was reported on a plan.' to enlarge the County Engineer's 'Qtriee at a eost of $2,000, Council considering it no time to embark on an expenditure of this nature. The report was adopted, The •edecation eomnsittee reported against a grant of 30 to the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association of Iluron, • asked for by Mrs. Robert Davidson. A grant of $13 Was recommended to School Inspector T, M. Game to assist In *putting on a show of school work at the ic.N.n. County Twastirer Erskine was enittowered to eirafer with, eeetenlary school boards to aseertain • if they will ,,seeept grants in two. ite stalments, June and .October, instead of one. jury, as at present. The re - Port carried. •„ • ---Urnan Reevee Otitnunibered The motion on :the rights of motor- ists and cattle -owners on the highways prompted a tare -up in Certncil. "The thing is preposterous,” Deputy Reeve Brown shouted,.recalling a near ACeident he had Wlie-WattoWliebbed. out of a ditch to cross the road un- expectedly. • ',Reads are ,made for motor cars; notlor cattle," heeleclared. • Reeve. Wilson --"Has a farmer no right to driVe,cattle on the road? Cattle have more brains than some people." • Reeve Grain said he knew of smile I eases where it was -most unfair to make I the farmer sustain' the:less of. a' beast and pay for the car damagekas Reeve itensRathwell commented -that the majority ofeirivOe'svill not slacken up whets theyseek*Iterd of cattle bejng "driVeri on the road. ;•• The eliseusn eloewas hot andeheav-sr for a elm, with a sharp division of .opinion as betn'een urban and rural reeves. The yeas and nay e were called for and the, result -was so 'overwhelm- ingly. favor'of te'rerel reeves that • Clerk- is:Ton-non Miiler . diplomatically whispered the result to *the Warden. • Ite'svasi whielwind flnnh ,Council concruding. its dellberatIons by singing the -National Anthem; Xt. John Jeabeern. Syr. Q. 43. Jeckases, Tseirolessitk olSeisted. The Maw erg* an extended trip through Saaeouit oda. They will reside eit tit* 141400 groom's. fent 1St Tuebertmeltb. Ammer *t Aoldentiol Ikliorte* John Itiastoul, who remit:led two maim west ot Seaforth highway No. $o died in the !Settforth eloapital Wedmore. day of laot week a* the result at be. juries reMved the previous week when. 4 team of boroee he WAS 4:Wag reit away and a seed drill peased over la bodes A. yeir igo Mr, Itluteue wee las iured In the ear aceldent which wood the death of Peter W.. eteotts former reeve of East Wawituoish. Mr. etintotel WAS' born in Wasvan0011, near WU:4M" and resided, in Ifamiltion ettul New lfamburg before Means in 1141 to the 7Seaferth elle wife and, three sons sUrvive; also theett bother, Rens Gordon Rintoul, of Toronto; Chatietet of ',Sarnia, and ebeater, Of 141100:111; and two sisters, !Kra.. T. Maestri, of Belgtave,' and Met. lautee Icerr, BettStielte. PORT ALBERT POUT AraBleffe, June 18. -Mr* Chas. 'Crawford`and tter mother,. Mrs. N. Cunningham, returned home" last Sundey. from Walkerville, Where Itller visited vvith relatives for a week, They were accompanied. honte•by Dr. . and Xi?. ?Cunningham and two child* ree,-Bobbyetnd Janice. lirS; 33, Alton Of Belfast Witt 'Istet week -end at•the home of be idahatterD Grahams PA -votes Arthur eflurtay dud- Vlifs ford Crawford or Niagara visited a few days ot this Week with their parents.. Mrs. Bovetted Quaid and baby daugh- ter, iShelle., left last Stinday for Dunn- •ville; where they will live . while Mr. Quaides work ,keeps him, at that:1,14e% Miss' `Ida 'Elliott, RN., of, cipdprich, spent a couple of days this 'week at the home of iMisS'ICatbleen Crawford. Mr. and •AIrs. Albert 31eGee, Ceell* and Helen- visited recently' With, rela- tives in Windsor and Detroit Stanley township. The ceremony fwas Performed by Rev. A. Lane. After a motor trip Mr, and Mrs. Demon, will make their home on the ,brideggeom's farm in Stanlee township. The home of lrir.-and Mrs, William Ball,' Tuekeremith; was tee-seete of 4 pretty-swetIttMg on, Saturday, When Statile, their younger ,dotighter, becairte the pride a Stanley Jaekson, son, of ."3 06t..of,.4 Jam and 4eiii .champions use C WIT' 0 Mrs, R j. Lunn of Oxford, NS. -Prize- winner at Oxford Exhibition "/ • feel, when making jams or jellies 'with Cola, 'w that I aM., sure Of good results. The shorter • boiling keeps ibe fresh' frail flavour and Several tirncs 1 have- taken---tbe Sp -Ma -17 - Prize for the most points in this class at our county fair." quicic AND EASY -With Certo you need boil'only a minute to two min- utes for jam - a hall -minute to a minute for jelly. ECONdMICAli.ArerY little juice chu boil way in such a 'short boil, so you get up • • ,to half 'again as much join or jelly. FRESH TASTE AND cestOini-410co:use IS of the short boil 41 the &este natural fruit taste and colour is retained. AtEs 0001C OF -RECIPES _ _ Under the label of -every bade ot-Certii is a hook of 72 tested • recipes for Anis and • jellies. Be sure to follow them, exactly. SO SURE -With Certo you get easy- ../te reciper that gift surtsuItse- • • CERTO is concentrated Fittillr PECTIN ... the natural jellifying . substance extracted front fruit, 'EM Auburn Property Purchased, •The purchase of the old Auburn Itotel property, en the mein street of the villege for $1250 was' Authorized by County Council, whett the .report of the road cominieslott was adopted. . The property, comprising -an acre of land, on which is. situate the frame hotel and sheds, ,18 10 be tpansformed :'ItOur Mkt Visit to TORONTO HOTEL WAVEIRLEY Located on Wide floodlit* Ave. at College St. rosy Parking Paellitio, Oonventent to HIgPwiiys g sui tus Rites roormiitill It MI IVO 10 IMO; le WM ci(Moe' 'the Lialverelfoor Parliamorit Sulfelsw •1411.11. Liar *Ark.**, Hisonufti ° wheteeide Hu.�, * tho ratthiettable140,401 Seep:plea Oisfriets • PCOMIL1411010100110f Air Every quart of White Rose 4otor Oil is "tempered for ser- vice" by Canadian ,Oil Comps. nies; "Limited exclusive hot filtraflori-process. M1 motor bits, develop mipurities when' sub,. jected to heat. Hot •filtration eliminates these impurities from . White Rose heArsit reerhes,yoti. This unique process, is justeorte more teas° n why-atrio ng motor oilg-White Rose is "the PICK of there. Attie by the maks' rs pi the loom:WHITE ROS