The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-20, Page 4DERICR S1GN
TEWRODAY, jUNE20(.1h. 1030
e are askiaig you
to Imam on of ow
Prices for Week 21.ty:t to 28th4uno inclUtive
English Health "SaitS S
Eno ss Fruit Salt 5:471c
Andrew's II,fecer t31er,417c
Sal Hepatica -..30-e59ite-41.19
linischen Salts (Giant size) -69e
kliovalt _Health .... -20e
Wawa Salt 69e
Wampoleis Grape S4t.*5014.
White oe Pohs1"
SpeCial roeket Comb
10e -15c
Sun Tan OR
30e -39c -60e
UR Cleans, soetthes and trestles theeye '
'Sun Glasses ... „.......'.. 15e up
1 tloz. •10e
Flashlight Batteries
1.5e each
Rubber Glove • _ _
- ..... „ - 23e
and* Yeast Tablets
Iron 89e
15.0 Tablets 19c
300 Tablets — , $L39
-,750 Tablets
Civic Nohday, Avvist 51h
aggrega e, linhee .v -,,20t3 'is a- Tiliteen 'entries have been reeeiveed. Ofti'eer.3 (lithe Race. Aeseelation
ferel, foIr the Gedeeeeh reoe Tumting fete the $nritie stake (2.'46-; eleteen for Pres'idento-P.W. Johnston; vice-Kee:al-
bahe1 en -11613a-Y" 4°n4.4Y- tteekenrEfe4rw.athrde Wsthatteelyi2s*tiate' '4(13 ve e7; neLeavalcierrtureriwaIrT,
Azng3St CA4-- 17°" each '31e thro stak0 three ,Teare old or under). For the secretary, 0 kiu'
raeee the PUrse SW, ated for a spee,... 2.2iletrs'et entries 'W1 1. be teeeived 1 Entree for the three etake 'races
ial tr.otting eveat .100. ' july gear,
are, al -
WC MOTH -STAKE,*,26-Pnrse, $6,00.00
Geateee.e..e.R. RaFeon, Harris -ton.
Peinee,Ss Viteterat, Ostraw14
Allan Yob -P. C. Worwiek, Bruesels.
ItobE. inz.e7-14.:!...S.,,ONK Loplott.
Patrick-'-eChat,..t. Barrett, Park 114
CorpOral-Harold Berry, St. Marys,
iek Hugo --W. p. ,Freser,, Ridgetown.
Peter Direet-e-Wi.i Viasere Biagetown.
Gration 31eKillopeeaTed McLean, Toronto.
Star S. Fergueern, Chatham..
Peter Peterson-Dr...3.e S: ,Verostere, Chatham
,Margaret Direet-e-W. J. Harvey; ,New Harnbeiree.
ReY Peters --D. Pe Campbell, Ansa Craig.
Admor Gretton -D. 3. MeCliarles,'Lucknow.
Gladys 'Oaktee-ChaS. Cronyn, Claudeboye,
Bob Lee -Fe 3. Tiyatt, Loudon,
:Trosie R.-Broake Bros., London: '
Bert reetehe-W. 3. ilierveie, IS'esv Hamburg.
imeerial Gratton. -Earl Ilatee; Dutton.
Babe Gretton -D. 'it. Campbell, Ansa Craig.
OR, UNDER, PACE.7-PURSE, $600.00
Steve Yolo..--C. Rouse,' Mitchell.
Beatrice Vet -Allen ,Elliott, Pt Edward.
Pine Ridee Alex -Pine Ridge StablesLoudon. •
May Lee-liarOld Berry, St Marys.
Mies Dorothy Lee -0e 11 IeUe Stratford'.
,Go1alen,Lee=4W. 3. Hyatt, Lo
jeggv Pateh-W. R. Slack, Ragersville.
(Sir Sohn -713r. J. S. Vermont Chatlaa.m.
Unison -Owen Stables, Tillsopurga r,
11;errerette Henlev--Brooks Eros, 'London.
Toni Re-Brookir Bros.,,London.
Direet ,Scott, Toronto.
Ilerble lienley-C. A., Hales, Dutton.,
Oxford Laee-Francis eNfoulton, IngersolL •
Lady Lee --A. C. Bateman, 31t. Bridges.
Sir Heraley-31orrissey Thos., Credifa.
EDWARD STAUF":-2.1.4LF117RSE; $60(1.0 - --
-tan Grer-I-Ififrr7he-el-e-f'S'roTeke'°Felltee--Gattreeeeoe-----
Walter Gratton -Blanchard Bros., Newmarket.
1 Great tietin--elvll
5fin Dell,' Niagara Fas.
. •
June Gratton -D. 3. MeCberies, Lucknow„. 1
. .
1 MarkErarkawayeeFord DePuelo London.
, . , a.
All,. Grattoa-A. Proudfoot, Campello Bay, Que.
1 '
_ ,
, 2 for .lac • 4rzid
Z. B. T.
Olivt% Oil Baby row.
der. 25c
Cameras, Elms. Dev-
eloping and Printing:
3.9e -39e
• 14.144 •••••.,
A,..44:7#7 Cria,4
Phone 90 .Phone 1'.
Alone 45
• ,3irs. jas. Andrews, of Cleveland, j
,Ohio, is epending-' a few weeks with
her brothers at „the Renmiller Nurs-
eries. . -
Mrs. Ross E. Tonng, of Nati' Bay,
and :Mg Walter Monn, 0 Sudbury,
" heere 'revert 'Visitors with Mrs-- Thoe.
Young, -SOtith Street. . '
• e
Fr iaur bath -and after!
The breath -faking. scent
- 4:41etenaltutrm'stelit•
• 4. vc4ole frog7-,-itrkt 1.143,th
secali;le perfumed with -the
pset, • llop4y• ea-ag4raAee. of
eau Appte °relate/ :in. 'till
tirleani Noriv you eon Tater-
' atly bathe 'in the eooling •
nefh'eshreee" seent Helena
!DV .IL•s,
'curry !Ma yen wherever .
Yeti 1.,416440.
APPLit Ittbssoit BATH
OM. few' Amps: the
Wade Mii" yeti -*arry-
au the; anra, of Apple
Blocisons. .Stit4,Sttek .
Arms B.I404%,SOZ 31 BODY
townra In 'a generous
t .4grAnt 30d 4,stiiliv
Caaells.Dnig Store
oderich Juniors
Win Opening Game
Henry -en- Johnston's-Awake alongetbe. PERSONALLeggiSiTKIN
third base line. Johnston stole third
and • scored- when Harris heaved the Mr. and Mrs. Ae-L. Fisher, 4 Wrimil-
Vali even.thefirst baseman's head on ton, , were week end g-uests with •Mrs.
Reids -boancler to -the -pitching-box, E. W, Carrie.
SOOre At Ripby 67-'4%,-Vights Runs Eedv took first baSe when Harris
Miss Gertrude 'Whitehead of Toronto
91 M A ". A -1 i acruck himi on ehe shouldter wall a.
ea e. in ..nn-ngs- ' pitchrthed ball, s.endbag -Reid io. second. Is the guest of her cou4ns, the MisseS
B rs, sane honi., on ,meNot-s Rohertson, Victoria street
,liteiny in the Box ,
• _ .
., ..,.._ Pte. Ross Penningtem, of the Essex
- lone ;triple into .right.field.. McNeil
One b'e' innines , fur -which they- died thi third base when Bloomfield II Scottish Regiment, now at Canip 130r-
, e den, was home on a short leave at the
netted. eight runs; was all the Gciderieh I went ont Bar.," "to c°°11. 2 end of last week. '
; LienS needed to el.ineh a 9-3 win over LI fourth innings whentheGoelerich ire
'111.Plel.','sehrect ail their runs in the ' ..,..... .
Mr. alai Mrs. Chuord Mallett of
a -
' Ripley in the openhig game of the Detioit are epending a week with the
tieldoncimentarily went to pieces. Wild
Bruce Junior League at Ripley, rest 'i pegs te first base by MeNall, Worsen. tatter s father, Mr e W. R. Henry, ,They
Friday evening,. . The 1,1011$ showed and Westbrook, coupled . With .D. Fin. are accompanied by their little daugli-
1 some of the power which krried them lesson's single, were responsible for t ter, Dorothy. ‘. ° • ,
i to the 0-13 ..& luvenne semi-finals last, true three Ripleir rune, ' , e Mt. and Mrs. George Joiner 'and son
, . -
year r but at times some ohvious Ilaws 1, eseNau lea i4e Leans in baiting . weib 'i Ed. were recent visitors in Toronto
-crenteinto-their genie, .1,,selt oi fieldin"' geperfect day of three hit- out of three' with miss Betty Jenne; who fs rewver-
practice, owing to the heavy rains..of , official fates af-bar-jOhnston hdd •hagefromed h:orious opekatiomt------
the precetibag two weeks. was &idea R tWO hits' out of three trips. and' Bloom.- 1 ` Joseph M. Priddle, of town, Is listed
i on the part of the Lions, particularly , "field two out of four. Pleats,' of batting i among thee 'successful Students •of Os -
1 in the fourth innings when they 'comer firactiee is Preseribed - for Terry 1 goode Hall Law School, Toronto, in the
milled three errors allowing three Rip- .. Costello, one of the leading eleeee 1, extiliiinations bf the second '
„ ley runs,. Several 'k-ey members .of lastl",, 'list year. Te,eeer had a g-070se„,,aeg. ea i Guests with Mem ,R.'Henderson are
i year.* team' were ralSeing, namely, )3111' four trips to the plate. 1 Mrs. Levi Snyder and° sone of 'Clifford,
,i Hill and.Rose MacDonald, second base -1 ','Stu'' Henry breezed along in old Mr Norma,n4Srayder, of SaskaWhewau.
linen -and centrefielder.reepectivelY. who time style in4the Goderlele, pitching he&, t and Miss Luella. Snyder, R. of Ingere
allowing only three tdts, Walking tWO t 2,4311.• •
Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. N. &Mb, in come
and- striking out thirteen batters.1
are away from,S2wee and Jack Smith,
.Mrs. A. A. Nicol Elected President al Iro0 Lart bat' Inan-
Ammal 31 ling Held Last Week Goderich took a one -run lead in the
first innings without making a hit.
Win base -running by Bloomfield
coupled with an -error. by D. Finlayson,
Ripley catcher,: aecounted for the run.
McNeil started• the big third innings
int i ht
The ladies of the*-31aitland Golf Club
held their anndal meeting at "the. einh
house On Wednesddy afternoon, June
12tb.' "Offiters for the veer were elected
es follows: Hon. president; 3frar-Geo.
preside.ut. Mrs. A. A., Nricol ;
vpresident% Mrs. N. C. jaekSon. and
Mrs w. GaldoW; seeretnry-treasurer;
ali,•• Marjorie MdeFie;"spierts corairlt-
tec captain, Miss Irene PelloW; as -
see tseUrS. J. •Brough, lifretele, Chitty,
Mrs. B. Tennant and Miss Peg_.*' Par-
sons; houree tommittee conveners, Mr&
D. D. Mooney for Months of June and
September, Mrs. X. C. „Tacks= for `July
and Aumet assistants, Mrs. Chas.
Reid,. Mrs, T. Mitchell,: A. E.
Hoekley and Mrs. T. ,See. ,
Field days are to he,lield each Friday
mornthg at 10 o'cloCke • 44 •
Two local women'have been engaged e'eeee
witha4single o refield.
sHtria#4,ttotsnI4tolie; jasitipere/eYthintortndllttad: ten ii_poire.Erssi eri.e.xt,,hehalavr.eabneedalfreen.joey tuba; a3114raedeeel
The teams; • e weeks' motor tour to Southern Ontario
Goderierre.--MeNall.: 3b; Eleotufiem, i•potriinett.s an, d_ the Georgian Bey
a2b4; COStelite-rf ; Westbrook, ssegenree ,
pe Worsen, c; Johnston, lb; Iteid, ef-; Pres, Don Thompson and Bill Duck-.
C 1for
441 1)01,4 your
"""ia ins wom an mu mu poi 0.0.4 4.• 0.4 ows
Cutout aid present COUPON at 'our lelalat 011
Thursday, . 27th
between 1.30,p.m. and, 5, imaa,
Net 'good before,or after. these, hours)
var., atoffig• go ow
" •
worth, two Goderich boys with the
field -followed with a doable, sceeimgi • Ripley -Bowers. 2b; Pollock, ss; Essex,,Scottish Regiment, week;
Bleomfield stole MIA base FiWayeme, ef:-AjoKetoliick, es; Harr he end -i or at CamP*Borden their par-
,Costello- 'was striking out •and p•,4 Alteheson; 4,3 h; reeleyeene c; ents„ Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson paid
ler. am Mrs. Wallace Duckworth.
e Mr.- and Mese - - J.---Breekowe, - of
3loose Jew, Sask., visitedhthe feeetite
er's brother, Mr. °C,., F. Breckow, for -A
few days 'last week'. leaving on Satur-
e 0 8 0 0 0_9 9 5 day to^visit other relatives and friends
stole home while Westbrook was re- Cook. Me melee If;
ceiviag--a =Henry itaineollirough
with a long double into centrefield and
when tlicefielder threw the ball vvide,of
the third baseman Westbrook Sebred
and Henry took third. WorSell walked,
stole second and male home eloper with 1
rellartea, Tie -
. W. Bisset,. Goderieh, and
Harris, Ripley. •
Rr H. E,
3 4 at London, St. Thomas and other places
Ripley .. . .... : .. 0 0 3 0 0---3
as caterer% for the season, and "- •
club house. . • cottage at 'Hunter's. Beach.
G Collin- from Stratford ere at th
Le'ver and Fergue u three "d who was botii at Sarnia, has been 'In
_ .
before returning to their home in the
I West: Breekow is a former 'reeel-
d nt of Collihrne townshi
• Mr. andJohn 31orris, of Sarnia,
-"- Dietrigh, Stelellen town- and their sop, Cecil Morris, SLD., who
Talk -18.-31r, and Mrs. ship, alleged hit-and-run driver, was ar- is in Canada on leave from West
serve dinners and aluncireons at the It . , eir rested late Saturday by Coristables Africa, were guests during the week of
' so
lire_ T. Mitchell, retiring president Two' ladies were in this vieinite" On hours' after he is 411egal to .have eevheenderenm.effilear eeethreeth haisnateerae.htlerfa, years. e
was in charge of the meeting. 3fonday eolleeting for the Red Cram end turnedeaver a ear driven. by
The W.M.S. ladies will also give their , „mer, a"ed --ea twen efive, of Dasheloode They are leaving shortly foi• their home
donation at their ineeting• at the church
on Wednesday. afternoon. • g Dietrich was having a,damaged fender , in
3liss Rosemarie Chisholm, *datighier pounded out On his 1910 ear when the
Mr.. and Mrs. Adam.Gorl. Dr. Morris',
Keep Well and Buy British!
if you are one of those countlese:
thousands of loyal Canadians anx-
ious to do your bit--bny13ritish and.
look to your heaithi . •
dee rush of day armies don't
neeeet your hely. if you .h -eve
rheumatic, lumhago or neuritic
eine; frequent headachese_ sour
StoLOacia-more then yotl'are,
ne-16kr.tiVg to keep your body free of
por,;onous waste„ your blood of .•
Don't neglect thle irapoFtent mat-
ter, for the solution es simple and
xpensiye. Simply ,talte your
"little daily edose". of Krusehen
tge Millionet throughout the
Empire take litiaschen every morn-"
kit of their lives. •
KraSiTtiert containg-trolt one OT
two, but several highly. a refined.
specialty 'selected mineral salts. In
combination these salts rosike a
masa attack, on these oiltrenta that
keep you. away from work and. flittot
the jay out of life. "
So get a bottle of Ittuschen and
we it. Just what yen can pit en a
dime -every morning. Then you be
the judge -after °Wye been Wring
it for awhile. • see what • is
=want by that
dollar Kr/when . drug,
store* 25e, '45c and /
Chaim xbaped Alests Awl tteloil
Mama rug&
raids§ Firlitint
we' .
of Mrs. W. Chisholm, spent Sunday end pollee Caught tip With hine at Mount
31onday with her. aunt, 3.1re C. Gibe
bons of Gedericb„. , Carmel. The accident occurred on all
'eOnnity road tiro and
31Tre- Ma Hunter -'eras -home -for -the of <
I es -
'Tee it -e Meer' ,Norman Lever +Pete elefeee..mseiss=tee..literguTtere_lit ...,Defaas,vioridso.
thNis.eextreSti unit dwamy, thehe for-
rurtehhe syeormivieeg speo.on anied eeetbe....
returned to
ple and: the service at 1.4ebiltie ehnirch turning le ever. Miller suffered ents/1,..iatlitharars livateanticr wiStatinearY,parenaftej. a
gwr be Intdi.dsr%,soed db. ymmr.,.." MeCleun.- and abra.sions about -the bea Hs ralms. Helm R,N.,,,.of London, is
will be P automobile was 41,33511agill to the extent isitiag with leer father, Mr:
sent to hear him. • „ of V5 to $100. It is allegvi tbatl, v
Boa. '
The • " allY friends 'of Mrs.e Charlie
Moore, AformerlY Eeelyn. Horton), of Meech Tiek*t galud`T`' lie aPPearid 31r. Tb. Edward a London 'vt....fitat
Goderich Monday moenbig charged ilasit week with mrs.itine polwat
eeetowel, •valo has bete• a' patient in with fa",*meg to return to the scene of ff 1.41t Elliott paid another visit to
the Goderich Hospital, will be pleased
to hear she is tiloprovlang apd hopes a ,vanooaceeldent. He was rerna On • he hospital at undicia on Frian.
to leave the hospItal before Prffrq'flArS. barrf6t. alliPataltee Thursl?Y. t eartf4:14 Chleago te' *end-
. ine the ,stpumer with members of her
Her mother, of kthis pace, ha e beer? •
Nara THE GOLFERS , ° daughters; Mrs. 3". Br Orr,
"sitereffing several days with. her In town.
The results Of itbe Ni.reelib" Melfs Mrs. ErtireSt Johnston and Mrs: Wile-
seeeeetstahvs, held at the Maitland golf Teen iohnsten, And her Son, Arthur
ARTHUR -CIRCLE - cour,:e over the week -end, were aq NI-.1T.ichbarne.
The Arthur Cirele of ,Rn'ox church tows; Ise net A„, nbeedey; 42,,ndelrete vereeatee erre. .neeey itt6eu.aM
convened 'in Its reg11,1nr rueetho' on W. R. Milton; 'ard net, Gees "Weinys4; teee4,, ee gwereeha' spent Sunday with
Monday, Jane rhIllt, Alan Miss Geri;rude dih nvt, J.J1. Ktizkiad. • Mr. and Mrs. ;Gordon Orr.
igrAin in 'Charge. • The „guests of Begealateee ads Week,' a 'ladles" field Saes, t, steer menwain bes been ie.
the evening wete several Zurtet1 Yont3.1,g dey will be held every Friday heething. -se gaged as teacher of Union sdzeol
people whop .ably presented a drlima throughout Vie summer.% The field day , • „
I entitled "The Lost Merrell." The Prfie will get under way at 10 oVorek. eaeh Honoring Bride -elect -Our bride-
of-tbe-Weeke 31.1eS Note. Sowe.rhy, has
been the guest of houor.on two °etas -
Ions -this week, On SittudaY afterThe -
p9:71131116/011"61*.ra truarGont,c7onnty sop; noon a nuniber Of her frlendi gathered
itt a to ?ws ea dt ;yr wet hth crt g e to wit vi gy rairisingsday illtasidstheort.itooteeedlie'llif,r.anandi polwretititd. D,4ave:
out of war condlittons. • The sixth with- a culllottPer• shower., 'eget
DITISGANNO:N, June 19. - Mrse
Harry Walker, toinessels, spent a few
days last week With her sister, Mrs...
A. B. Pentland. •
Mr. Chas. Fowler underwent an oper-
ation at Goderich Hospital on Monday.
His gonditien .is as good-ae, an be ex-
Miss -Lillian Waldee, Kincardine,
spent the week -end -With her- cousm,
Mrs. Graham MeNee, and her mother,
Mrs. -Harold Walden, visited MrS. Robt,
Bere. '
• Mrs. C. C. Brown is visiting, a few •
days this week with her daughter, Mrs.
Harvey Webster, Godericit.
Mr. Godfrey Hall after spending
three weeks at his Ashfield home tune
lo the village on 3Ionday.and Inn live
at the home of Mrs. W. R. Andrew.
Mr. Burton ° Roach_ is remaining
about 'the same; .with not made im-
provement as he has been fighting,- a
relapse of pneumonia. `
Mr. ROSS MeNee has lately purchased
the fifty-acrefarm at ,Saeatoga belong-
ing to the estate a Iliae late John I
, I
Mr. au Vine, engaged by the:
Ontario Hydro-Eleetrie„Power Comunis-
sion • and . stationed at Lion's Head,
visited Mr, and. Mrs. L. F. Stiug,el_on
3Irs. Wilfred Quaid, Mrs, Wirt.
Petrie, 'Mrs. Harvey Mole and Mrs.
Wm. Steleart on Tiieeday afternoon at-
tended a Red Coss quilting at Port
Albert, where forty-two ladiee we
present ,and. five quilts were soon
Mr. Graham Pinkney and Miss
Mildred Anderson are re-engaged to
teach the public and 44 continuation
school here. • •
. Decoration 'Day at Dungannon
tery, an amnia ceremony,- Will he -held
Sunday afternoon, July 7th, with Rev.
lellwahator_Canadianions Mree
MeIlwain, sang a ...solo, "Read Your
31onthly," very nicely. Mrs. Harwood
read a letter Pr/mi.:3111es Carolyn well -
wood, telling of the fire Which de-
etroe-ed the W.31.S. hospital at
Cleengtte West Chinn. The meeting
closed with the Lord's Prayer repeated
in laniS011. Lunch was served 1,)37 the
hostess. . . The regular rneeting of
the Y.P.C. will be held on Friday
evening, with Esther Mellavain in
charge. . . . Only a email eongretion
was present at 'Union oil Sunday. The
paetor, Rev. C. L. Brown, delivered a
splendid sermon on "What 4Pools Say,"
from three eexts, pointing.out the fools,
namely, those who say there is no -God,
those who advise banding greater
‘that country.
" barns to hold their posesessions„ d
GODERICH TtAiristILIP ose who do not bpi:tete theResur-.
week -end froth Guelph..
GoDERIcH Toirssmp, June. 1t. isetseameetion. . at t.Nniern, SAtmild,,ay,,emthb:sacrs araceit
ment of the Lord's Supper will 'be dis-
-3,1iss er-Mentrain
spent the- friends' are cordially invite& • -
eek -e in Goderich with her friend
duction, whieh peiretted nne a timely mqtrzung.,
fashion the benefits reaped from the
'Christian chuireli. was Under tile cap.
abie dire -align of Mis., Bless of Zuriebel
During- the eragent ,„ Mies, 'Shirley
Eraeger played. several pleasant plane
soRts, Other delightful rattsical torn-
bers ineluded a piano duet biY t t ked recent week% a o n n mem a o
and one of her Els and a vocal, °C UP the W MS uttt at the home ,I.of .31m
duet by 31w, Hess arid 'iisr; , Krueger. 1,11-‘euYre'ta'aversr r.,„etw"°117107herwal: ;Gordon Orr. and,, white mra, 3.14ris, peee.
The =eetieee ceere three aEt6e. lam read a well -worded addire,
National A3t4ena. ° -mendia, morzarm; and was !al t Orr prented.e., th_e_br5Le :With S. sillver
raaa 0 .
,riGrox mans rtaasnritie 7,ed434aebeeetteeN styicLirivitpt,n; bes!"-„ainwg..rinangulyPsYtvrepfietzK .thitikimPlate- giNtelleta tavecirtnf
William Rakers blrls took tint an, fig food f/raz farnaerg. He grave ,kits., their kind wishes:The party ro4jeurn0
zrJptaees in the GoderiA fe,rwer adziss a 3FttL Ont. i; to the sinning -room, where a dainty
i luncheon was served. Nora watt be
Pigeen Club flight fnm, 41.4-apanee„
. ,mbeetel from ,the comratinity„ but every-
(1113V2c et Mfite'5 araF4e' an OIL' COMPANY .
JtiL?. v.v.. 'rile birds were til*Irated ' "lone wishes bet° talleh haPPIne-ws
GIVES Me - CE Ciotti* Neitet-The jute
.7 alm. and the nr-..;:t ane reached home
•' meeting of the W.314. of 'Union elvardl
by pin. The nex
4.603 t Nird AVA3 aant,
an bsnr, tater, tirriving at 5,91 pm.' Montreal. ,TuLe respon:.---e to wa§ bola oft vantmay et the home
W .; Pin:ado took tharJ plaoe with the appeal of_ the Canadian Red Cross or MO). 1. B. OM with twelve ladies
an arrival -at Z."1.91' and W. I'. John- for angra'Lanees for OST-ILSC3S serviee,,lipresent- The devotional eerie s„ the
Ston's birds made fourth and fifth
'fn, at1 and
14,11,-,er coppg -the *Al' th.v.-`0
pi:nee in ty.:). P4,-,ean g,St., field from
',1Drockvillie. a distance of .3k10 airline of one e them. inieleiniZ?!. It $3 under -1! fltomsns. 121) watt read relponlire"ty.,
raliTe°s, on'Snialay a;°!-.. His three birds ',stood thst the machloe isalteady Wang 'The tole ''$hould MbAlons Go OAS"
arvised at the same time„ 1A7 p_tn. minarActirild and will shortlY be Was read by Mrs, Ilartvoed, an4 wet%
responded to by Mrs, Gordon Orr for
They were Ittl'Jerated at It; the war Acme..
ratiltIlado M'k fourth position with an' • -- China, Nora "Sowerby -abd sfm, wrt,
artital at r.,_51 ijtn an4 W R. John - re us make the first shipment front ; Puller for Japan, mr11,,it4rIebborue
n fifth at 2.1p_tn, The, next 43Aer'Z'cli to our own boys Witre r Mete" 1 for Anvils. Arrit*. *lit11 Faitvr fot
htt win he be!A troii m3o,1real oni go,„1 one., , They *re entitled ta the Indis. Mv1_, 1 R Orr for E6t1tX.
inti;ViP Fateoner for Trinidad, Mrs,. Ceas
saiJane, ) 1,1h_.
3. A. Wales. prNident Of , theme of which was `.:The
Ili-4.ntienae Oil co:, Limited,. announced . of etur Personalities," *ere led byMis
today Montr,-,,all that the eempanyeeG. tfarWoodo ,ha tistfl l'salm 8 as a
6.Eiutruialle-timeu for thi, p'areht•m rail to worshilit. The Pei:Were le& -Ten
• •
LacialOW, as tio
speaker, .and 'otherToarcTergy,-aeseeee ,
ing. Remeniher the date.
Mr. Geo. Hamilton, who Joined ,
the Ees.ex Regiment, was home for the
Weele-eild in uniform. • a,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben 3lole and family •
and Mrs. W. R. Andrew yfsited. rela-
tives at Ethel on Monday.'
The home helpers of the Presbyter; .
zan meethq Wednesday*
afternoen_of this week at the home of
Miss aoeephine McAllister. •
gre, 431-tesoti -McAllister underwent
an operation at Godeeith Hospital on
Tuesday. We wish her good luck for
a quick recovery.
- Mrs. Emily 'Laing has returned 'home
after a week's treetment at Clinton
Mrs. Chas. Durnin and children, of
Kirkland Lake, arrived, lastweek-end.
and their fuTniture is coming later. •
Theyeare taking an apartment in Gode-
rich for the summer. ,
,Anniversaty serviees will -he held in
Erskine •Presbyterian church on
day' melt, 'at- 3, pan. and 7.30 port. Reve
D. J. Lane .of CrOderich will be the.
-,pree--ehere5r the day. -
United Church W.M.S.-The
monthly meeting of the United. ehurch '
W.M.S., was held in the basement of
the church on,Friday, June 14th. Mrs.
Arthur Elliott, president, was in the
chair.' Mrs. .Newman read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs.' John lake gave
a talk on the same. Mrs. -Geo. Harris
read "prayers of peace" from all the
bunfries. Mrs. McWhinney and Mrs.
Blake gave other reading& Mis'S Ber-
nice_ Blake favored with n ,soIoe
lowed by readings by Sirs. G. C. Tre--
leaven and, Mieeelletty Elliott The
meeting_ closerWith a- hYmn, after
which' a social 'time was spent and a
birthday tea served at 6 p.m. -with
thirty- present.
Check Discharges -
From the Bowels
Bowel troubles, althouih happen-
ing at an time_ of the year, are
more prevalent daring the hot sum-
mer and early fall months. • Phi is one of the worst
trortbleee butdiarrhopa, dysenteTy,
odic 'chin* 'and pales in the m-
u t.mtilaes, or any looseness of the
'bowels should have immediate at-
tention. .
Tho action. a Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry is pleasimt,
rapid, reliable and effectual in help-
..fing to check the unnatural .
charges. . •
It has been on the market for the
past 94 years, so why experiment
with nawand untried remediest
Get "The Fowler's" and feel -safe.
Th.T.Wilburn The Ltd., Toronto. Ont.
L13. •
BUTTER Extra Special Braeside let Grade Lb. 25p
MIRACLE *WH' - uatt Bottle
noint 24xx Quaker Special
. Jai 49e
98,11).* 2.49
BMaple Lf or Clover
lawr Sockeye Lb. Tin 390
EAD All Varieties
... .244 ex. Loavetl5P
*Minute Tapiopa .. pkg. 10c
Coffee Rett,Rose lb tin 470
Chocolate Roll Christie_ 20o
1 Shortening Domestic. 2 for 25
.3......IIIP8O ...... .. 10P -20o
, _________—...............
IVORY SOAP .,2/150-100
MtISCO . 53g
nowt TE447
41 lb. 55c
- ~ - •.-- - :D0310X0 DRY , IContents Qt. 10e .
Best Value iirsrown
TOMATOES, ririn Mile - 2 lb. 250
i.ii_Noirairmil.....:01,.., im,,,.;4.:.4..........,....•
-Bunch 5o CABBAGE _ Btio.h 2i150
-10 lb. 20o
BURIES ffome Grown.
4, 0 0 14
Med. Size,