The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-20, Page 2°bolt
eublighed by Signal -Star Press, lAhroitek
WeateStreet. Goderich, Ontario
Tit OF 110N. NOletei ItOGE
Qttawa new the liirtittter of Defence as an Ablate ilard-worlsing
Mau Who OnNe Iftself to His Country without . Stint COL
Ralston Succoeds. to Defence Portfoliogreint 'with Kw irr's,in,
lug Plan -Appeal for Army Aluomilarsiu Private 114114
(By A. Mune, Spe-eltal Correspaud- hers, tegardlese of paety afilliatiOn, paid
en their last tribute et respect It was
oreeffeevee Jere° 14.-peereepeeet a 'indeed a moving and latipteSsive scene.
the teautry were overcast by gloom Canada ealutes the ,IIonorable Nor -
and sorrow at the thaele death of lion. men' Rogers I, "I will tarry en!" Mr.
Norman eteeteee, Beetero ,eacteeees iRogers told M. King- late Sterdar
brilliant eoulthe Minh -der Of National evening. $o, theugh bowed with grief
Defence, While flaing ItzOlin Ottawa 10 °Ye' his Passing, eaeh and aa van
Toronto to ante epeaking engagement only say, with 'determination, "Canada
' will caery on!"
The hiewS teat), .Vvance is a the
graveet import. The Frenele Govera-
Ukent lender Pre:41er Iteynaud'iound
00,74 otter no, further reel:Am:tee ,40
the '13ermali invasion ahii" Pve WaY
to, a 140vernickent ,headed by Marshal
r4tdiras hero Or the war of 191-14S and
'taws eighty -font Years oid,',t jetuZi
.has itsliA the terfas og a Packee
'.settlement and Hitter and Alumfrini
have bee u meeting to deetde:upon these'
, tern:We Which 'at thie Ividittn-g. are net,
kneWn, In the meantime, the' tiredl,
rteneit, arrnlecs,are raittin'4"np,wilat
..stahee_., they: ea ti t4, the', invedimg
hinges. 'dMee-F-'411.ted-brIttetretroop's
have Mort:teeth-erne, and thetanedians-
wlitt had eroseed to France are agehe
England, their Mara having: been
eerdeled befere Oka' vivie contaet
No. matter what happens in Feauce,
Ilritain :will fight on, Addressing PaiUa
Meuta and throagh Perliament the na-
tioe, the Prilneealinister defied Ger.:,
neaearrandeltal,y, to do their worst. Bd.
tab, hete seen dark days befote mad
.haS threngh there triumphant;
•and the spirit on3.eltone-W ten =Glued
is to -he feared; by their &elides- today
as it Waa in times gone by.
Mr. Chureltill held tip a beacon. of
hopeffetethe peoples who have fallen
before the Nail terror. Not onie-
-Frence, but the CzeChs, the Poles, the
lierwegiaus, the Dirt& and the Bel
glans will be restored, he promised, be -
tote Britain wilf,give. Up the stiap,gle.
In the words ofthe Prinie Minister:
"Whitt !General -at4yiaii-a. called
the battle of France is, ovee. The
battle.ot Britain is ibotit to begin
011,-th4battle:dePends the survival
Of Christian --eivilizationf
Chamberlain's dappeaseMent" 1011Y,
Eyelets hav gn proved their mole -end
Ignotantee theitd Mistake Might he're
been foegettea had theinot Undertaken
"a vous taraPaign detractiou , of
eveketlfiag '4 --one: by the OeVerlenteut ef
Catettla, Inetead ,ef :,theeedtting gar'
Oat of 'dieeekeloth. with' ashes:, they
haVe takee to thereeelves the role of
elletatore, aud We unity and' bar-
mony were necessary to eiariYing
forward of 'Canada's,- war effert they
'haVe done their :wont foment disr
Satlefaetiote and discord. Ittite peeple
ot Toronte Want to Sit Up with that
kind of journalism', ,we suppo`se there
is nothing' that van beolone for thelin;
,buteevveelie:pe,that_..Ottawe. wi4 pay, no
further attention to it 7,Th-e---rtfefeirtel
Normen Rogers is too great a price to
pay , for the pacideationaef Tteronto's
Penile -breeders.
This is the twat .ot the longest dais
-aid tiie. darkest.
- it depends our own Brit -
lel). life and, the long ,continuity. of
our institutione and -oue empire.
in the latter telly laet on ay.
Death, loving a shiniug mark, feundl Canada at War with
1 in M. Rogers, who- teethe end was Parliament too lt Prempt action, Mon -
true tObIS high enumitou hiS treat day after:loon, aust a few hours after
and his duty.. ThoUgh. etM:only fortre Mussolini deeiared War, against Britain
six yore old, M. Rogers ',had served 'and: France, to range Canada at the
his eoentry, the Cinamonwerath and side a the Allies agamet Italy. On
•the Allied cause with outstanding motiou a >Prime 31inister see-
faithfuladee. His career; Vial private ended Coneereative'Leader ganeon,
and pubille, was pregnant with promise the Cemmons unanimously declared
a still ,higher and greater service in that "a State of war exists between
the years ahead. But, with that eareer 'Canute and Italy." The Senate, too
eat.eff in is fioWer, the less occasioned took but a fewt Minutes to ratify
betrester--Rogere-aenntintely4ealk,,:es a declaration,, King George accepted the
setious one to a natiope, and an empire aWiTertelidered-hime-Irrehis-Ganad
at war. . Government and the proclamation- a
Mr. Rogers was distinguished, as war on Canada's part was promptly
Prime Minister -Mackenzie King made.
phrased it,forhis beautiful nettire and "Ilistory will record no action more
Leettobletsoul. Of frail. physique, date ignoble than that of Mussolini," de-
ing back to his service as a gunner in elared Mr;•'Kiiig-,,with-ringing-emphasis
the Great War, Ur. Rogers never "During tragie,montlas- he has sate like
spared himself inncerrying out his dif- carrion bird of prey; waiting for
ficult duties as Minister of Labor from brave men to die."
1935 to 1939 and; latterly, as Defence Merabese„Or all groups Pounded their
*der. His sincerity, his industry, desks with approval as both air. King
his modesty, and ails integrity cone- and Mr, •Hansone.heaped----ecor.n.
-mended the respect of all 'groups, in Mussolini for his deciston to enter the
Parliament. He will he accorded -war on Germany's side at the moment
high pia -Celia Canadian -history. felt the AiiieS were being pressed
Tributes to Mr. Rogers" to the limit. As Mr. King pointed out,
Eloquent tribute to Mr. Rogers' work Britain and France have always been
and worth . was paid in Parlizanent 'Italy's traditional friends. Though the
Menday a.ftern.00n Premier King days are dark' and serious; aire King
and -the leaders of all other groups. affirmedilthet Canada will press on at
His 'Majesty King George •cabled ex- the side of the Allies, in the fight on
pression of his grief and et:empathy, as behalf of dentocrace. The House ap-
did Presideut,„ Freeklita Roosevelt, plaudetir also Mr. King's renewed
L. 3feNatightoW- pledge to Franee to fight on to the end,
* *
Franeeehave to -go through the
-horrors 01 another; Reign of, Terror? ,
e • ' ,
man-isea',t 'incited" -Until he up. So So with a nattexteeand Britain has
no notion of giving up.'
Old. Huron will do her part in the
etru=le that is before us, with men,
money and foodstralts.
• •t
...... -.e-,...,-......
eIRIME itilINISTSII WINSTON Gerantlee lot They will uot a ieept it.
CIFIMMILL( Tiaet Li 'Why they have a.nswered !the
03,0 eilda 'lave been tee war move„ 11040241'g call, That le why we ave et
ideate. of tii laet two MoUthis thet the W3V°
Wart Of a . hitherto IMPUblisited ad-'
eenarnentS of the latest. English JauF" dr eeS made by a V en h. 'writ t th
r e er 0 e
was, to =rive SeeAl alreadY out a date. Anterlean Club et rarts 1Rst Decera-
rehe meet autereSting articles deal witht bederr") he statesman tind, itz' ationj (Lou change itrgoverelnerit, autong them dant). .
theTit Irl:wieltila4,+-ellettaltr eaivete obeut Ur. Eliat fit IMITISTIL ONLOOHER'S
• 0
We have no dolibt the British will,
win. the final bout; but we. eoulli 4 wieh
they would get over the habit of losing
the 'preliminaries.
Rattle eamloaneers should, drop the
.... . _
practice 'of trying to pronounce.foreigii
place names in the foreiga way, In
the effort to reeognize the place -a about
' The whole fury and might a the which they are talking the Iistextee
rehill as about all truly great men.
fore generous, nor lies lie ever" elloWed Allied :defenses north- of the Maginot
raneor to infect -hiS layiSh z -et 'Or to we lave as individuals and as a
He is great-eirlted man and there. Since the Germansbroke through the
wititent iaterfevenee free/ the United
*stew, uulees the President'a uldteeded
afilleete for peace eau he'ratede•A pm,
tests. Slade Selftenther 3030 the
line has moved WestWard; eoUntri
country. e And the British aud French
Italie learned the hateful lesSOP, that
Veeeletii cannot be held off hY Ser.
+rendering te„ raSeiSea. PerhaPS they
have learned too late. That We de eee
kJ IS etilwao tn. eaWI:exoeii snit ghtrhe th:neoo, wthoot hp e: rat theylittui r lid 'Let
ltftmen.ce a struggle egainst final
So fat' the United States bee only
cbs1Sekhed::rohnvy:thct_hbe:tirmeasrasioinr'iety.i :(SI3roPtaeirtu:.e.a.
ieast.-but only as we Might be shoCked
•julythae frnewurimerer°1ceensalireincongrineziietd mit
an attack on our othn safety, a threat
to the future of democrao in thie land
and in our own Vane. We 'were .inuelt
more ehocked by"' the successive swift
coneiteata of Denraaritd hforw'aY, gide
land, 'Belgium, with all .those Conquest/5
revealed of Fascist preparation and
'penetration,,,d democratie unreadiness
and de
arighteanYedwbey are
U11(1 France' bay, retreating slowly,
face to the enemy. We are frightened
,enough toward a state of
'prepareduess in ihia tawdry. -Bet
isatte--_iteeelmtens,_and shouldn't it be c,
understood, that tlig
against Fascism is now held by ,France
and Britain with the support' of' thetr "
eMPires? Criminally and tragically,
they egused help to the atritions that
heldf fhe line before them. Shall we.
criminally and tragically, refuse hell)
to France and )3ritain? If we dot we
shall Aeserve-ethe- fate that HitleeS
'dietary promiSest
' -The- Nation (New York).,
check the ruelli mad thunder of lalie nation ertandried our conaelenees and
adeentire. 'Yet tor him, et that 'Mo. In&d 1110 43111v 11111141'` 'e°61.1Y''Antl C411111d
, . ly we hive fesolved that to g'ive up our
ntenfe. there Meat Itave been one ditvee he leattle•is better than to save'
thouglif Which reCurred In a epaem of them for servitude. -We meat to re -
unutterable ' regret. Settee even if he main flee. -
were able to -.summon aro tut' ltim. the ' Many of Us •WIto, like Nitineton
whole choir of :engels and archangels, Churchille strove for more that. six
he cOuld not at *nee retrieve those long years to warn Britain of: the
years which the locusts have eaten. danger .that was afoot, laave cast out
Ile told us, he Gee/baleen, language, blitternes.e and are giving every thoughe
that he had "nothing to offer but blood, and effort to the work In band. We
toll, tots and sweat." Yet even his knew that one, country must noW pay
buoyant ,energy, even his, inceedescent the price of tiW years it Suffered the
fa.itlitteyen his faeulty tt-iliapaing the loousts to eat, It Ifie to every. out its
dull with risiola alfd-thedidd3tre- . salvation. Through, this Parar-
spedd, Will not stage to exorcize the ingholleleallt-wpr-pasv:-Thimart-ipe ,
demon' by whom we are today con- done evilose nio'rtal peril it was slow
fronted. Ultimate success is -certain, to see, will not perish.
now that he is at the helm. Imm.ediate .We await in full mastery of our-
ucceee is a. boon whiele May "come to Selves whatever the days and weeks
ue • with geed' feAtineid but which no May bring. .When' "the evil things"
wise man may expect. . ' , and the evil forces have been ' over.
As a dittraction from ray bitterness thrown and Europe eleansed, We shall
I read' some of the speeeheet whip face a harder task -that of building
Winston Churchill has delivered since a saner anti purer world ewe the 'ruins
13931 AKaire and again did he warn us left by the abo 'mination oil desolation.
that., Gerradantf-Videt-alming- attbereal -ithiseoften:aekedels the
naagtery of the air, and that without pooling of •Praneo-Bratitledreoffd. lila
one instant's delay we should prepare. ceesources for the duration of the war
The- lommts, all -thos ,, years,Ainsl, nib,: and after it? Are Great Britain and
'Say Treace . . eavitldiresieht -of a union
- enemy must very soon. be turned frequently loses the Oread Of the ner-
upon use Elltlerdenowe he Vrill' ce e i, . flounders , _; tee eat
raieve a -11 . ea hf. ladt. ,
an op eee . After
-diff• break us in 3 -hi isiand,or lose.-
, the war. - - au, the ide:a ef the radio is to give
-1•"If We can stand up to him. all /people information -not to display the
31,ajor-Generale A. G.
'commander of the 1st Canadian Divi-
sion, .in Englartd; end the -Earl of Ath-
lone, Governor-Generabdesigetate ef the
Dominion. •
At a brief service, condiacted in the
Halt �f -Fame of the Parliament 'build -
lugs on Wednestlay afternoon, Mr.
Rogers' -colleag,uete frieuds and admir7
bletl at the leaves ef time, an
the very man who Warned them, wbo
denounced their silly optinlism, who
cas- ted their_ blin_ dness, is the man
upon whom the fieree burden eifetheir -4, -
terrific however, since I spent nearly three
might. He mud indeed be--areat 'weeks in France. spoke to large ,audi-
errors , has descended with
man -Who able hed dismiss such ences in half a; deze.n. French' towns
betweeh. Paris and the 'Mediterranean,
and came into- coutact "with French
people of all classes, I feel surer of
JAY ground. than I felt before. I think
that Anglo-French union Is a reality
arid that it hae come to staae
taat shall be: more than a Mar g
Itntil very recently+, I felt -unable 'to
er these questions'. Recently,
Parliament - -heard with satisfaotioe frustrations trim .
of the successful action. ot the Can Often I sought to discover
adian navy in capturing the' Italian essential qualitTiif -tads most reline
boat, Capotteoli; in the $t. Lawrence able man. Is it his abnadant ene
"River on -Monday. It was the first his Elizabetha.n zest of life? Is it
real aet- of war on this side of the
Atlantic in the current struggle,
• Looking After Greetdand
PhilOsitoot.Wy Wallows
Harry. 3.:BOYle.. 'I
Europe may be freed and tbe life ehecomplishiaente of the announcer. RITMO A SIXr-
of the world may move forward i,
.• • • - -• • No: wonder some men grow properle
- we fell, the 'Whole world,, including It fs now clearly seen thah, too much on‘s as salesmen! -- It simply because
lute broad stni-lit uplands, but if , .
the United States tend ell that we ,deriendence wale - Plaeed upon the
<, ',inner men like myself 'haven't the
Mi -
have known and eared -for, WM- 3,e • -
agmet Lane as France's ' defence (gumption to argue with them. ,An-
ainktin, the abs of a new dark ! - 4. other reasonsis that we forget ourselves
- age made, „mom s'inisteet end per- a,tinst invasion. While the French and buy goods away from home. I've
hates me prolonged es., , e le-4ms were reareeet beamed it el heeded secure & confession .to make about a new:suit
' of -a pereetted scieuce. ee I just purchased m the city. e.
14", the G-ermans *elV_:,fashict,11111g "Lel „Before .lea.ving, Mrs. Phil- reminded
: 'IlLet le% therefore, -brace I'lat.' tanks- and other impeements with Which elate. that my overalls ' were a sight.
ve;,.,,, that if the., Britash common_ th_ ii,:- lt,eat d.oren Fr. each' resistance. The They were ripped rind tem pad. patehea
selves to leartduter and so:bear our- . . -
wealth: and `Fangeedlasht-tfue -a yttiernI-M- 1.149171- a teourse, was not and Plastered with Chop and water
.thozsand Year% Inea wirt saY.*ThiS ', $i won without enormous los_ees by the until:they leaked like a suit of armor.
She said, in no =certain tOnes-, to ,
than was expected, and so, just before
sive I stepped into one of those flashy
plates vrith the glaring. silver railings
and,...the 'marble Boots and the little
holes in the wall with suits of clothes
in them. The Sigi said -Men's
rurlashingeeStore." -
w11 t111'!lltiest hour." i.m.vaders in en and machines. Hitler
- Canada and the other dominions of -/ cares: notbia, 11; fors the hundreds of
thousands of young Gertaan lives lost
ha the -attainment of his ends.
' the. Cernmelqwealtit have risen to the
e,ritsis, and all have deelared themselves
to ,stand by the Mother it, • *
CoUntry to the end. - * We cortfee, to a good deal of sym-
At Ottawa Petite VrinlAter Ms&ennie Reply with the views espressed in
Kimg has met the sittuation with a hill Parliament by Arthur Slaght, membet
providing for eonagralsoaa• seavice Jet for Parry Sound, STitil regard to sPie-S.
• the defelia-%-of Canada., All able-bodied saboteurs, and "fifth columnists:1 in i
-eatarr-n-undez-,,the age ofihrty-ave genera, We don*t care -how -these
. , ,, -SoMet r, for you, sir?" a pampous
, • wtJa-1* tiati,fie:r01F-aelat•-a r,,,en'tee, -and-i't, rpi.opie -are'disposed.of-Mr. Slaght ad- ek coat, grey trousers and
, .- • the'lsGeternment will ee' empowered te'FvoeStes han#rag-but ,they should re- stiff collar unrbled down his nose.
require 'all PersonS to -place --Then1-1.ceive saeh. reerereent as -would put a w‘o.ulys well'
4 A
0 V 4: their s',arvices and 'their Prt- permaneit Stop to their own activities B
rzy" '-at. ....-AlLclyzal -of -Ms- Maje.t. ' detheefear. of God into ane others eche
It tves Poleted out by 'Mr. King that t who might be tempted to follow their love
tlas dtles mit. 21e312 t-vaS4P11632 for '' evil eeurses.. The ordinary murderer ligh
, and blab . . . bhili." •
'Mr. -Rfrig told the Conimous that the
vereatility, and the rapid variety of
many gifts? Is it- a combinatron
will -power and imagination, of visi
and tenacity? ° Or 'le the quality wh
Meal, government of Greenland is Lu has given such consistency an pa
control of that Danish Possession and to, his ;adventurous ' iffe the sin
that the Getman -Controlled governraent quality Of probatmd patriotisnia
of Denmark is exercising, no control -turned to a speech which ..he, had m
.whatever of the island, -Both the 1 in April, 1933: --"We ought, as a
tion and -Empire, to weather any st
that blows at least as well, as •
other system. of human governm
We are at once mere experienCed
more truly united than. anY o
people in the World. It, may wel
I .
Canadian and American' Governments
-have named consular representatives
to maintain contact with the local
Greenland goVernment. The steamship,
N'aseopie, carrying Camadian supplie.s
for the people of Greenland to replace,
Two things were unexpected. :-, One
*as the diecodery that. the French
people had taken...Icing iGeorgedalt.aMh
Queen Elizabeth to their hearts in May,
1935, and that popular affection for
tbein had gone, and remains, Tar be-
Yhud the effects of 'what most- Eng-
lish people looked neon as a State visit.
The other was the degree In which'
asants te the
ordinary folk, 'from e, pe
industrial trade unionists, are "behind"
this war and, are determieed that out
of it shall come the berlriings of a
saner world. , --- - --
- plies- which customarily reached the that the most glorious Chapters of our So I am persuaded that Franco -
island frome Denmark, has aireadyihistory, have yet • to be ivritten. BritisleetualtY is a real thhig, that it
made one trip to Gre&land. This Iiided:degt- the very- problems, : and has emne to stay, and WSW?'" wiles of
shirk is -the!--eineowhieh the Cenadian 1 dangers that eneorapass ns . and enemies, present or 'future, *ill pre -
Government has used in recent. years , our country might- to 'male? English vail .av.inst it, -Like us, the Frenth
around lindson's Bay and the Eastern i tion glad, to behere at such a time.
Arctic, ,area. have,been, are, and shall bee-eand not
they, are in this war for all we
each year to visit Canadi.i.n. possessions; me-ii9.ed women of . this genera- feel
-The' twn-rePPlaintments that ittand
out from all the rest are :those of litr.
Herbert Morrison and. Mr. ' Ernest ,
Revin. To the first falls tbe crucial
husinese of 'supply," the task of organ-,
izing - the inanttincture or purchase of
all' the materiels, of defence; to. the •
latter the entire elireetion of military
and industrial -Man-powei. Both .of
them came from the ranks, yet each
has, imeery different ways, the art of
command. Mr. Morrison is 'first of all
a_plannet. •"TO him „the tredit
creating the London transport system,
es a eet'ffed public service, and for a
Acond terinte t,heleader and brains, -e.
-Of tile London County Council. •Ie
prompt and be can be holdh he has a-.
pasilon: for oeder and he is ruthless
toward even a distant suspielon of
graft. Mr. I3evin'e lifeTwork was to
blind the Transport Workers" ‘Union;
a colossal organization of workers of
widely different types and grades, most
of them notoriously. difficult to organ-
ize, Hestands out .as the ablest man
the industribrinoVement has throwealo'
in this,. generation, an organizer. of
genius, with a formidable driving will, "
and, what is Much rarer; a. versatile
intellect that loves to tackle new proh-
lems with a fresh m'ind. With theme;
two men in these two posts, Labor can-
not be a prisoner in this adialitistra-
tion. Through them it hag the chief
'charge of 'things and of men. • On them
will fall the gigantic task a focuSing ell
the resources of this island, its hands,
its machines, its- science and its
,petriettem, to manufacture the ships,
the guns fend d'he-shalle that-SpellesuaviaL
.-H. Brallsford in The New Re-
eovernmental authorities have,' us, and be proud that we are guaritiene
responsible, °Ws the"war.for the 'winning of -it
Science M,onitor (Eoston). •
LIeStinY 1L1 --Wickham .Steed, in The ChOstian
Sinee war with Italy has brokeni Ries wirh whiele ut elso for the -winning of true peace.
. We ought to rejoice at the
out the
taken prompt, aggressive action aphist of our- country in ant age when her life
bere of Italian _aliens in Canade. is. at "It is indeed a wrivilege VISITti.t. STATES' FRONT
The situation is li-:-eporied to be well -m -41o, DMA under suctrtleadershig_and _ Teem
when tete hand. All Ithlians, even those nae such'a Cause.
The primary 'step in defending, AM-
- „-
!re ,
w pair. Agreeing peinetan
ised buy them turalized as far back es September I, - -Harold Nicole& m a r.
- • e" The-neet to
. . . or else on. the way honreeiat
192S, are to he- closely ehecked up„ erica against *the consequences of a
Nazi victory is neither a vast anns'
Mutsrpeohyns'epiaa the village. Jau6-rer.printed and' dis- THE LIFE OF ,A.• RENCEIMAN
• - program ,nor measure.s to stamp out
ired to keep me longer Pahrnintedngra. What we .are -fightLug, fer is sualn-Y- dere eohereetists, real or imaginede-The
The Commons has set up a commit-'11:our life. Our life -:--whether we Mean first step is to prevent a Nall victory
tee of fifteen ra,eanbers., at least eleven 11, the life of France, or the life of every if it is still Possible, At this moment
of them lawyers, to extuttime ithe De- Frenehman-baS -become impossib
lei France and Britain are defending a line
fence of Canada Regulatiouf 10--inaket.things being, as they are. I need not that a sense both aetual and im-
-e --ftaip that they reasonably, meet the ,I tell you what those words T1the life of
mediate, our own front line. If that
need of the country at war. Mr.J; France" stand for A life of free line hold e many of our 'frantic enacttite-•
principle should be "the safety of -the, thoughts. The life of a nation eited
. - to sharing, on an equal foothag or a.s a
' pealed or modified. , If it is lost, these
'S InentS 'OF' thepastour
can - he re.
measures' will serve only as a feretaste
Hansou emphasined that the goverrang' II activity_ ---and freedom for Men
d like a . . • u 2ezayin'aPd'eierrepont Moffet, a career aspirations' •of Europe. and of our age.
ierHearteS:aaptpesroAvaiid was hearcr1;:illieee:ratanh. oo: vo:stth retibirttl eefinetsld, hadd 4itof wt:Fisasthclest9Telenemy by the British
In the last four Years democragy
arrived to take over ilk,: . But also the life o_f ..a n_atioit ewilieeh has lost ,several crticial. frolat lines.
ut, the sen 4 _ tee new duties as United States minister ,, twenty years ago loss tbe iliteenta part
tent* Was left 11i111 new diPionlat- has
One was 'hi -Spain: That Wag handed
,chimed in, ,* Something in a S it
IS summer models in tropical . . .
i dent Rboseielt's speech Monday night l', and .now ask-- .iis---mati--active-accessory. Aritifh-rTivaS
n With the United States
ps itizht this way. We e .
t ereeter meth/eerie etas week of_presi-.: 1,1 two-thirds of her industry destroyed, „,„,., ,--...._e-
t worsteds . . . stmuner tweeds
of reseetnient at Italy's war deelara-1 devote herself to peaeeful work and to
ed- nothing- -more_ than to If 'au F'Evu . - ,z.
in Czechoslovakia. •That was handed
- thee of the pre'Lee of speeded up war ehea e
lin,,, memories. This is the titiird
- , • ." life tnat . .
Try and get a vrord in e ,61evralr-- supplies from Ameria. for the Allies, ;1 time In tee sPan , to the eneiny‘by the British dad French
oaereeas setvitee, rq-alling his previous ,, is a gentleman alengside the man w o 7 -ei,
teever hatred:ace a measexe a L. na•I • .,., Try and tell him you re old' y a arm
er and you want a pair eg overalls. I I,; and of elatire sympathy for ther 'cause ;, Prance as ' th - im act of a
, i if . . ,
iiTeiaration that WS :Government 'Would eweraa betray a ,s*opie„ ., ,
tun:- loOltdift,s, ' are-- etleekhete 7.t6 the -.`TO-TAls!! WAR „ had blundered: into the wrong store. !! against Germa y and ItalS'. me. ,i; Germare,7 eaelt tune more crashing,
.. 11 TthlitiesTe eiverks. dila
'tthereasilizeubue.astbattifanthye- 47, pErtsgi:ttiatwent Public . references to. j eaeh time, stronger, eaeh thee more
Canada wilt beEorc., Ion; have a lazge 4 New and tra'4'11,,, meaning' has h,t'en.y' "" - .eauntry and peofee ,,, settee wou seem ' d' ,-- e thatd we had 10 find
Itcaee'tdelt ante- teedtederepecious. Aerainst this state of things
a remedy: • Fee" fret -----
eeelors thronehont the Donainten„ • ,
and *a oltnipzie4 veluateer array:, Al.!i 6,ivel to til., phrase -total wee._ by the Ti e.iI-7 eIi-*D1,, '71`la there is concern, on behalf of the Al- years we have been living in a• state of
reedy t enadien forees tare in Iceland., rtf'-ail: IlIardi '02
, ii who wore seals.
Intese "Yetvlei; intb 'the wa.r.oaret, lalino eikaar(lruadradtta. awilisltantct!, In wh. , ,iell . we c.ailknot., and we
the hoped-for entrance of the 1, selseense, meneee and uncertal ty '; ilia
4 ' Jl • '.
'`..., ..
, !! 3V.V112. vou eeteld have stopped and ,‘
eteweeeadeleo ona the ea•-..e.t. ladies 1, Millions of ps:Lunciers, _ttleir. home! :!..,a-ivlietraii'ts'ellio:. ok.4 r.heerreha, pIs wytLIitint ci,illadaiicuar, voef ,,, TopieNevwfsttc,.i:::;.:kmayir n
,, - r live So match for the life of 1
: 'sgiet'b:ere-t:za- tFeesseetzene.aeoets. efeeetst tees. i in, eninete teeir parents. trillena_strontrit .1114 ile Ii h, wo_131.aso,,,,,,e.„,..,, ::',10_ oili_11_,371. ,c,
.t children dead. now know w rat , fmielatvotkitbe2Goluvaawli7ininathriniscinoginispeecteioen.h.1111,ey And tah: ,._isl.if, te 3.._.,?!..„;a0:hh3ardteelt.l.tethill;.,,:vii:Iehilaaitl, 1
ad -Ottawa this week etas 1! France,
It is War ' to a dr:Isla,and Caned-, ';t WAr tile271'1-- , , elevator 'that wal. making y ur ize t
ear with cli o
I The eitiztns of ft_-40,.;,,r,madi Itia,,,Aer 1,4 ti'aCT:$tnetrei,elitr 411e0esteeul eaewaship . . . or )1 Prk4 .11,e_ifteras eedne th.eeirinighEturo6fpeth. e States to ,i =dos gano .cricaltto .1,ike's. to sltend lets, ti,Ine.
. ,.. . ' ale -1't4fI 62'6 '''f-di'b'.11711-eta'fr,, know- rwIte,ti you :t.tep. o5 .antikthat_s.amo ethoe, arreat PI:rihe -crow .....- r_hw:ess j
what -total" war means. , „a , 1 el7teshes around insiue . tryin6 il Netherlands, and her two yowl& data, .
t P
l'[.13-419-'3,-,, of -t„hile,.. manila tlitsgtall°trinsca„ tolf°11s,:mf ea draraeek .'(g7121.tulY
--- wan- '1.7..,-,-Li-fT gart-.. *
overrun by the tanks and tlyli4.',5 col- 1), Try otp:aininif-4 it after you ve i rt• ' el in Canada. Mr. Xing , within him, but in ehe simple .te,sye of
' Tgo GREAT A SACItIrl, 04 'The heroic Belgiaas. their 401:Itel 7341: (\wer. .__ ,-1._:..... , 'tors have. ril:rive . . ,
eekteeee, of etetememete i 0 ,.4 luelit02.)::a.eame Itit,. 13.04w what i, iierad, into a rolna wIth 2 , bolu_ch :; s3id” thee ..411220 es the rersitit of an int., a14 life that his - forefather have,
, the 'i vitation by the Earl of At . . , , ,,. , fun. of dirmity, il.
mow new, bequeathed him :' in a lovely 311(1 fIlint-
, _
• ft'..liT40,7, over the seediehte of the life of 1! -toter war means. i 1121°S-5"fztectraowT•thillahey4 d4/st.05, Fozi down . GovernorAxeneral who is due to arrive id 1
1, * • •
the at6. Min&ter.of befesice, the Honi ' Oar own 11-P-dbtliflg haed on' hdad and
. . . v , .
,,,..,__5 my_n, ,.0 ,.1.2 vara,r ._„ a ..::,F.,.. and 1110 fair--ften. taf35‘e-,, wen to eeteked ueeeeeeter. Quite ditstartet. Ltl12,is month, to visit him at Government ,, itifa u-tased on rational prinelple.s and re-
el.(otretetilt ,-e;.,s!.,8 t.of gin scape7t:ilov:my. i ai Bali; haizfert..2eat , t.T.,:tevf,./stt4,; ms fitItljv lyateE0,31i.rinp.„ down ei465r asi,19:16,11 noes, i Hoint,,e, 9ttawa. :Whether. they remain 1: siset for the rights of others. e hes i.
start dravrit2.1 vfoth around as Mfugees theeeeftee is uncertain. i; his redee of eeeduet : week; aCtivity 41
• t'S. , . . . saatome fpe.,e yott wee e ten 4 4, .• 'Fortuitatele. ' Jullana*e German:1;0re ii curioejaret .1Ie Ins hie pleashres: tbe I
tectet ,,,euedte eeretteeeth i`r,..;-,i,e-z,-6,. fE,a('t I We,. wondm lifl. Canaihansl, 1.1.lviu.s„; s,,jmeale else starts reeaserine you,. - !! feashaed, Prince Bernhard, made no! jOYS'e . - .. la ' d th C01111 alli,Y' of
at -f4,0_, e;;Lr,t3t,„11 ;:mily tec2,,e,tete tr Tree.cettear. rani eerie; ehone thee:. se,: +! Thcles tte wee iteee. ,started. attempt to come to Cani de. C,are will:friends; hiS hobbies, such as ,fishin?,
Satnrdey,..aidghtt rahltsaeg 'int Torento weat "total". war mearas. - • -
s.vs: . , vtd"' .talicoaftetetternallliarelfrat:Jpozrelafewitthae tigraetairlitY5.1 rtlellay vAtiztod:wwrat:tlionte ecetirr= wivraitle4 ;thee ,,,;-briralia'en. tIO)obeiiitutsdr peerrinffilectl:,,t jherat18
opfariet", ticiL,;-2-d: a-(,- Anra10h: for
th-Riat: 1
- Tette Ministee-vtelt to Toropeo, ',ave. the dere .tkat -Ma ri.Teleelliattd1F u t tee, le -tem hept taikine--- sefs I 11 litPrilifli. nther leadillee' Political' and Ildrdoffmentele et Personal freedora (onr
-wietela led to hie • death, had za niff.7•:.-e(la.- . e e . ' eetehinft see vattething. !
. t, .. , ....
. D royal refugees--tnillt i,tam raada, fetureee! en , equality., amoutes to tatej
)1 e.
01%,i2r tr.,artr,t,:,,,,..? tbnri t9 teereetee tee rittais ie indeed a "tater vete. It i's , eteereene tte egancii oft .vrcar laad i acres 11°1 berfame a col -int of ;Inteirna- i ot, z?, tuil 1-,, :a4loluerant:as.jto wintsertfleepr-,
famff'dteat. ed td -d -lade ttlit'd datY a:Yao 16 I'M'I''' -''''. °2 •Qt:M"'VF*; a-:17.4 .6-arbEr geeidel teet i wasn't in aption foe Uontat Pann,
e& - ..
of thvillage eqta,ree, ceellet, talke ' -at
the chief' c=entee. fee tat, tiv.52Ziang SDVXM CiDane'r It E9 d wef • al vitao:d one od their hand-tatiorai rhodells, and 1 ,,Atanotaace.toe6t was +Pack bY Mtun'il e,,PlerVIII w6T4-`-'1101ks, fertge fairnailand%
„ e MaeleenLqe KilegGeeeeeet Feeep:ee; and to e. -,age it euee2-slz--,Fe'eTulllY it. tee ireY ura.'eacel e (118mie-teat 181ail texas and a",upply Minister Howe Ibis 11 ',1)21'9.7
.1..:v 4.v._,,Ins..of a.v.2,x27, att.,3-:..k tirpun E,. lebTkratiii, teat t722 fo'a-A reseeeeee 4, eezeeer. aieeee e ,, ,, hereto reee 3.1, Week of the immediate construttioia in :' j.idene arid hiltsk direettesione at the eare
Clip itco,r,* or, ,ftr2e.11iru=v2t, 01 e oar pothen beditheted to wLat '18-,1 Otprette ... lit it: . . . and tarte:illy' Canada two munitions plants, , toearl thed-e go 10 make Frendt life, N'o
e)e,:lnee. Atm;lieef;j11 bearIcyc.c_ that; t.2, ',war, enh eratnealag, perreete----to win il-Laa'112,1g, Oells ot suitS by Me . . .. fcitaa: ktire00 and irritenca-boyl:=2'werailtths11°eTteeirritMfrettliallt=11-11-13ottatte satide
be' PeakCiagf a Pardendt '-dr-ft-fdAtanze %Vary' a ,.'maris In,' 5' ..te prdeleed all aT-11.,I,08r1M-Tjoitirtirinccvdleeit'eae gaze for shell :Ming and for ,the manufae.l'corle-side. _of Off -going dowae ellicEnd
,en0e tK,, ,ettlEt e,..ear up re-lay ratee wLC?Te5Y everYend La eaneda. V,-';'',,Ird- Ste..latig' at tte pa,eele,e, array. 'Then tzW, (31 niltro-M11.11t1t0sV, eVile3li-e3 al, eltLeo Of Ec-safall honrs Of work and
And' what -by. Vierznaiey's doing -has
before, a v6ry large Taranto null,. sPelis of leisure -in a wOrd, of .peaee.
tallettetteciffeas whiele were a '1c-- of bts $13V8no. d•Ini do Ltd' brit tto + the elzearette smake teel,led ingi . A ragttIllitaaeisrtanw3ro• Re war minister
Fram att eeehere ee the ceoinlons; Freneh life become? Ineteed. of have
,Ita re -i P.Iteek of hair started tobleitig.,
fector in thie attaek; and in evite, Eallter Ithts1 =eat elueade.
ef be:mg one of the peest over- Jtor„ ta„ -',3 cortrf_altEs. nc'w LteEldg cl vigereuelSe At tbat they kritheitmety.
worked et at the Itillleteretie eau. CZE'Ma laY trlad P-e.ifdle GaVerareeat tt4,1": it that Vie nedding 18I 1C pre- %yesterday came enttitesiastte applause' :mg Dreacka:, but from
, frareo:ert ,bts3 PeagrePeott7wE ontuy
when, Mr. King announced tbet, as 3a0ui the alort 11/4;ot enILY di0 or Y4ting Men
,_, 4 ta, mkteLthe ((veil:iv velee to eUab:e tbe tt3rais`e;':2--3 .'-e: Canadiens wba ft?rove for. that 'Teelel . t„. 3 00abre• a9 cot the ncia; 3.; L. italstou. Fithaz.vd it speed the best v: -ars ee their twee le
It'llajoerellrl„ive' ItsSianerTellelltv-4'eeseetrrleteeelehetrlez. ?fen -2 afmcLonliet:m35;10ordilrbtlaft.vaali tore*easer cojeort ziatetra I. vreiTslii"r9iteP-Y etnI4 ,vca, ee wia: 30.,tAnale the pextewe • 4:4 ft:, gfe,tyttrailthrnfttnFrtsenealahrtidemptirlees cr ae
eie . ...
NI.Enteter. •brit,ge. in the budget next ,
in the ,_,Inr._v. ile whpeh hee los centieuteer, eentea'entien • to •Cerrldes „have- been ir:atenael for the •fiag of one
(ot th.t, i„.2221.1Eutavelitt,,caunt,zes tt,t, ' Nationel Defenee. Cot Itelston is ad-
eoldier alweys tinder arms. Our fem.
To hae rvaa satr2D-0 cotteat"-' 't4 an S p.a.--t1 mt of existence about the. Vane 1:114-31•41/Y titualuIPPelpoiStflbe91114•e-ItNibliarestret'l ily life has become Onelong siepstatien.
killed. ,, at' ,nXt-.
M- ivert teket in this c'vaet.'mt at. inv-'0,°._Mtnt; ed piktriotum-art inee-et- mit Lefee7g5 g6t, W.3 ,fitat leg idevez I te work ilk 0040 €440PeViroil with Thitto6 rttreatlY' 'within a .-.11afte 'ear
ant Wait' e o enee r
" hy• Oro Teronte, neweepapezee. The' ment in OM' kvs-ra seolvity and. freOem , 1 clon...t kry,Av Aboqt that . . . enly
Major the Hon. C. G. Power es Min.1 blis.6 Onr fienillf4 been dLiPened to tee
tete vArtittilaesait 1,c48 ent to mrsAtite. titer or Isi'ettienkt Defence, for Alt Preb. i Vtor touter* or" FrA3M lcites Estnt
slid Itiiii slid Tho.:_ Telegrane, le a --en textelment ignaranteel bY Canada thet I W3- SL,1):Eltzraet 1)3k into Pan9."
VAN onr plain,re:•4t4", a tosavile'e", ntent in a reysterZene way . . . I was *WY -Ilt- ICIng will trawl -ter Ilventii,l-r')*/, humbord,F, 01•114"1 fir€031 thesg
per* only si few NIVAIA*1 age were teocesee:fee Zmy War *ratings rerti,Reatee. seld te brit td tie. . .e AL striped I41;11:-'''•1:ef 1.* 1"-, IMeY to the 4n"°8 Pott'1`,1"6tt1trX A*4 *451 1/"/.1-4 43e"iii"
harrit to Canadian jettrnaliem..Three6 Nardflt
mock bio; stet rt
ititmi tht rt. Ite-t4e1:1•tireseekaorre, :otyi StkaL:le: it,tri
veretwhst in ' hen of the petit ebirt mtvt,:a straw hat. and nabered 1010,, ort, t"-liblr-Y, 'he mIr 1.)1r114 ill il "it'd It 146' A.19:41*r 3.ttr of Ineb
13sel; ant to the,tt.
rico, lot it otevem 5,,,,n the ativint sho sefrmitne 'ohtLghmely• pqatroamlitimeteint.lineneled ettan,),,i ic'wenorktotZ ean;_tatrit3
. * the eoroptgeerkes of tire'lltZliA
of le/Plaits may be, tves004 in a treee jape to vrAtic into, the kitcsen "renting it, tettitefi:itgt, tnit„ehlr'cget.tnit: 07 htsrlI 11 41thetittliltlirtt'r Ireo?alittlittliliteltre°*Mdetingratia"ttinty
; tbirs us, bolt „ivy si" i Bei Hit _hY Trork," Abeereet et, e, ,,, waiting ta get enough cent'.
I and ntental -angrilA width IS tbe
tile 111171WP 1* 0.44-4 t•etlikl-tt like that,--Ottaira eitiestie, kV -A. Phil Will haat if she ever rite; ,. (Continued oti Piga 6)
(London Free Press)
There can be no valid protest against
using every endeavor to ferret out fifth -
column practices in Canada. We are
ail agreed on that. At the same time
let us lase common sense. Hysteria is
easy to start, is highly contagions, and
once let lopse ',drowns out the mental.
processes. Let us think b.nd act, not
act without thinking.
"Now, Willie," said the teacher W a
-rather stupid pupil, "listen very care-
d -011y. If I had five eggs in this basket
and -laid three on the table, how many
eggs wonitil haver "Bighted ara! the
-confident reply.
- for long; sofa
year wound.
non -skirl troceion.
tr"bRYVilowitu tolf.T
tection and',Iong
low cost service.
between tra oil spule
tire bodyto lengthen
the life of th• lira.
has these essentials
t •
-41) If you're looking ,for a tire
where IOW *lint cost plus miles
of frOtibleefeee service is your
15 first cotrigdreeTttioittv„
THII: ti
OE ANY TIRE * 'PATHFINDER before,you,buy•
It heats any other tire at or
near Its low -price forbig value.
Coirte in and see it today;, /old
while you'rehere be sure tO
W -the ncw 'exttuovalue, extra-.
rtei toP eervIee
front tire's
equip „then* evritti
IOW* lowecost
e• Goodyear. bathe*.
They aoie you
money! mileage low cost Mamthoii.