The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-20, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
$peoi1cations for 1310 Itarbor
and Port Albert
(Tly Z A.elleme, ISPecial CerresPonel-
- ' exit)
OTTAWA, June 17,e-4ronla1 OA-
'000,will he required, *4Ue (entree, to
previde necessary buildingat Ski
Harbor, Goderichi, for the CeeMmioa-
Wealth tale " training plan elementeeee
fieling :trebling achool being leeateil
„there. Tbis is in addition.' to the
$42,100 already •earinarlted, ter airfield
elementary training school at 1Goderich
will not *Mice plate for seMe moatchs_
- to eeme.
In all. there 'will be twenty-six Ouch
schools under the training Plan. The
first eight of theseatre being Opened by
the end of July, five Months ahead of
the original' schedule, at Melton Inear
• Toronto), Vert William, 14011den,
or gue, Lethbridge, Prince
ibert, Windsor and Vancouver. '
Theeeleenenterei training schools It
into the tomplete training picture fol-
lowing the initial training wheels and
jute prior to the service dying training
schools, at which -the pilots and other
airmen complete their 'course of train-
ing. Four weeks' training is required
at the initial training schools; eight
weekeetit the elementary flying e,chools;
and sixteen weeks at We .service flying
eechools for intermediate and .acletanceid
training, the latter including two weeks
att bombing,and gunnery school. This'
Meets, twenty-eight' weeks' training in
all for a fully qualified piot.'
. _ee The Port Albert Project
There are ten observer' schools
and two air navigation schools In .cone
election with the air trainiig•plan. Of
„ the latter; one ,is already under -way
• at Trenton and the other ivill, be at
., -Port-Albert. -Expenditure at 'Port • Ale
;beet embraces $304,800efor -airfield de- Eng. Lit.- t M. Hist,- 1; Alg. 1; Geom.
velopment- and $700,00 for a variety 1; Cheee. I; Lat. A. II; -Lat. C. -H;
of buildinge required for such a school. 'Fee A. 1; Vet C. .
Toll, .Amy—Geom. I; Bot. I; Zool:
; Fr. O. II. .
Videare Mildred—Eng. Lit. I.
Vines, Frank—'Eng. 'Lit. ; Alg. II;
Geone-I; Phys. II. _
Watson, Stuart—Geom. Hee
Wiyhtmee, Elvin --Eng. Lit. II.
The following G.C.L students of the'
upper school have been granted elidlior
matriculation in the subjects as shown
and will not be required to Write the
Departmental papers in these subjects.
indieates 75 Per cent. or over ;,. II in-
elicates GO per cent. to 74 per cent.'
Anderson, Alma--Alg. II,
Anacreon, Carla-Alg: II; Geom. II
Chem; 11. .
Asquith, 13etty—Fr. A. XX.
Ikteeden, SUsanne—M, Hist. I; Lat
A. II; Fr. A. I,
II; Dot. I. • .
Burns, Williani—Alg.• II ; Geom. ;
Bot, II; Zool. Phys. II.
Durnin; Alan—Phys. II.
Ferguson, Stewarte-Chem. II.
Flenniken,William—Alg. I Geom.
I; Trig. 1; Chan. I; Lat. A. I; Lat. C.
II; Fr. X. I; Fr. 0, 1.
. Ginn, 1'hy1lis-1L Hist. II ;
Geom. II; Chem. 11; Lat. A. II. •
littine, James—Eng, Neale II;
Lit 1. •
lefeedonaldi emid—Eng. Lie. II; Yr.
A. IL- - - •
Chester-eEng.eComp. 11..
Mason„ Donald—G,eom, II; Trig. XI;
Zeta. I; -Phys. 1; Chem. 11., •
Munro, Mary—Bot, 1; Zool. II.
Newcombe,13etty-Alg. 1; Lat. A. IL;
Lat. Comp II; Fr. A.II;tr. "Comp. 11.
• Nicol, Rutile -Eng. Lit. I. '
Parsons, George—Zool. 1; Phys. I;
Chem. I.
Pfrimmer, tGrace—Zooi, 11.
Ernest—Geona II; Trig'. II'
Phys. 1; Cherm.
Scott, Lee—Alg. I; Geom. 1;-'iji
.I;...Phys. ; Chem. I; Lat. A. IL;
A. II ; Fr. C. II. ' •
.tetteareowie Doneld—Eug. Lit. II;
Alg. 1; Georn. 1; Trig, 1; OheM,
I•I; Lat..C. 1; Tr. A. ; Fr„ 'CI,1.
-Stewart,- Anetta—Eng. Ceinle. Ire
These ,schoels axe for 'Mining air •ob-
eervers er naviga.toes, who are „tobe
trained tofire guns •and Jambe and
take photographs: For such navigators
• the, complete training' course covers
twenty-six weeks, including -doer weeks
at an initial training schoiel, twelve
weeks at an air observers' sehool, .six.
weeks aft.a, bembing and gunnery, school
and four weeks at theair navigation
school. The air observers' ech
• vide prelhninary-trainingifor that clue- 'Peter- sBeeehler, 'Ooderich,
The engagement is, announeed
eil Lucille, daiighten of Mr. and
of airmen to the final type of trebling . Joseph Hugh Mundy, soneof Mr. and
for this tease given at navigatien Mr4,, Joseph Mundy, of' :Sarnia. The
schools. The . expenditure for an aix Wedding -ter -take plaCe June 29th, at
* navigation Ccheoi is much larger the 9 at Se Peter's elmech, Goderich.
for an . elementary, lying echool” and Mr. and Mrs. -Ed-Win Ge'e-Neleen, of
tbus an earlier start 'muse be made to Goderieheeannotinee the engagement 'Of
'evettheseerdrome-andebuildiagsfor„eueje their youngest daughter, ;Eleanor
a scheol read e for the -time when aix tari, l-eteeeeeree-Bernard -Theodore
men will leave 'completed ..their earlier Double -of Stratford, son .tee Mrand.
training before attending such a school. Mrs .• S. T. Double, of Stratford, The
Elementary Flying School , wedding will take place the eerie part
roe an elementary flying . training of,. July. .
echool, such as is to be develoPedi at Mr. tine Mrs. Iiiiehael. fehler,, Gode-
Sky Hargor, the estimated building and rich, alindunee the engagement of their
service requirements are given by the Youngest daughter, Mable Evelyn John
Air Ministry as embracing the followstem, to Albert George Powell, elder son
Mg: One hangar, 11e feet by IGO feet, of MrsErnest Snider and the late
. one airmen's quarters, one Mess and ,George PoWell, Toronto, the marriage
. ehoepital, •one officers' and non commis to take place early in July. ;
eioned oflicere' Mese and quarters ; Mr. Raymond R. Redmond, East
e •eyee roG.I.S. building; one motor transr., Vgawanoght announees the engagement
poet garage; on.e technical and, quarter- Of lus- niece, Mite Grace Marie, Rea
piaster stores, -one, p5 -yard machine mend, to Me.. William' Patrick 0'111a1-,
guu range; neat,* above. buildings, lei, Toronto ; the marriage- to take
• kitchen. equipment ;°' "services, road's, Place at Sacred Heart church, St.
.apron, etc. ;• eontractors' •buildings ; Augustine, on Rine 20th.
maintenance and unforeseen ; airdrome •
tequireinerits. •for such- a Scool eta-
-bracee-Where-poibl1h� airdrome
be of sufileient smoothness to land and
take -off in any direction, with . mini-
mum dimensions beleg 2,1500 feet; Tend-
, ing strips 750 feet wide ani1-500 feet
• tong; . hard endue, runways being re-
quired.; airdrome Wive A fifty to
one ratio clear Of any ObstructIons for
two-thirds of the perimeter: . -Night
Ilying will not be carried one at tea-
"Air. Navigators' School ' -
For an ale navigators' sclioel, such
as is to be located at Poet Albert, the
departimental requieements embrace
the following our ,hangars, each 224
•feeteby 100 feet ; one radicieeange eta -
fon' two olficersi quarters ; , two Of.
noses ; one N.C.O.'s quarters ;
= erre . mess, five• airmen's
quarters ; one airmen's eauteen ; two
airmen's Possess; ,one cieilians' mess ;
, -
one- civilians _canteen ; one velum'
quarters; one. supply depot; eine 34 -bed
hospital; one guard house; three
garages for motor transport; one re-
ereation building; one drill hall; N. T.
gas storage, 1,000 galena; A -C gee
storage, 20,000. gallons; grading sorts
flekle ; eports pavilion.; swing-
ing *, base; heating. :above Imildengs
Power supply; services, roads, etc.;
-maintenance andeunforeseen ; one head-
quarters, one 1G.I.S.; one lecture block ;
ohe main airdrome, to be of sufficient
smoothness, where possible, to land and
take of in any direction, aid, where
this Is not possible, landing stripe 3,000
feet long and 500 feet wide, with one
hard surface runway in each landing
strip, 2,500 feet lone:And 150 feet wide,
will be necessary ; equipped and suit-
able for night flying ;-proximity to an
existing radio range is desirable.
Recruiting Ilere for -Elgin
Regiment Takes on Quicker Pace
.The mass recruiting rally held here
on Saturday. night helped eensiderably
etePhing up the ,tenapti. of recruiting
here for the Elgin Itegiment, and
twenty -elle names -were added to the
_ lett of thoste already accepted and in
training at London. CePtabe n•
Nair* reernitine ollecere r fothis eis.
rict, higit In t'hie praise of the type
I men who •have volunteered, for ser -
dee in, the Ilegins. elaey applicants
have been eejected through, the stiff
Mediae?: test in form, but that all of
, the men who have applied have been
of fine detractor ie the tribute of:C.a.p.
tan Nairn.
_ Fourteen of the new receulte went to
London on Monday 111 eleargeof
'Sergeant Kenneth *Tuck, While the re -
'waning seven made the trip On Wed-
nesday under Sergeant George Clime%
Those ?accepted within the past' week
are: G. Trepham, Palmerston; XL Mars
ehant, Fordwielt ; 0, Oke, Goderieh; J.
, Ole% iSaaforth ; A. Kerr, Seaforth; E.
Moro, Goderich; 11. Lynn, aoderieh; A.
Wel*, Itineardine; W. Guthrie, Tiver-
ton; If. S. ealobring, Goilerieh; II. W.
Dackivorth, (40eleriell; NV. Scott, Bel-
, gra'; A. 514NMIeliael, Clinton; E.
•rither, Clinton; 14: Itiehaedm, Porde
evielt; NV, E. Willie, littimeels; W. II,
emeow, 111'08,5_0e; Ge C. Fisher, *ode -
Via; It. 1ee NVIiittard, lirtissels;3. M.
Lowry, Brussels; � Thonipson,
Two qualieed lieutentants qf the,
non -permanent Huron-Midtllesex Regi-
inent have. been 'called into the Elgin
Iteginaent dueing the week. They are
Lieut. Harry Towne 'of Wingliam.and
Lieut. Basil J. Duncan of ISeaforth,
bot'h:ef whoin will hold their rank of
lieuteueet eh the Llglns ,Lieutenant
Towne served. overeeas during the last
war. • .
Ile Won't Be Lonely
Two ;Intl -blooded Indfans from Chip-,
pewa 11111 applied at the *rutting
office here early in the week,' One,' n.
Isarte, failed to ease •the Medical Wet,.
and the other, 0. Thontpson, was de-
jected at not having the companionship
of his friend. His Woe was lessened,
hoteever, upon his learning that two
other melt' of"his race are in the
niuit Thompsote's father served 'with
the Canadrareforces. Ili the last war,
Otte pair a brothers from a farnt
near WIngham applied with the stipu-
lation that If the older brother passed
hie medical test then the Yonitger One
would return to the n,wber1ic Whfl
urgently .needed. The older 'brother
failed :in the examination,. however,
and It WAS be- who returned to the
faint, while the younger passed the test
and entered the army.
Sandy Company Jias
Airport Coot act
Work to Be Commencer 'Next
Week and Completed
by August 8I8t
The - eentraet for the development of
the Godericb, airport has beenawarded
to, the Sandy Contracting and Mitehine
Worksby .the DepartMent, of Trans -
poet and Specifleatione have been re-
ceived aecording to whichwork is to
begin on Mondey, next with the field
to be comPletedt by August 31.
Caterpillars, Scrapers and ,graders
for the work will arrive in tiodefich
thirty -live acres will -be graded- arid
leyelled. This area will then be seeded,
as the runways are to be Of sod as
specified for the eleraentaree'traening
airports. The runways will be laid
in the farm of a triangle, each of them
'teeing approximately _3,000 e deet in
length. no • will run 'xioeth-east,'
noeth-w,est and east -West, thereby tak-
ing in the major wind direetions.
Pewee graders . will - be used ' In
smoothing 'and reeling the field. The
-contract calls for-etbeeremoval-"-ofall
teeese stung:1S, Viet& and other .-ob-
structions: There are almost ,sieeeY
acres of bush of one kind or another,
the heaviest being at the northern end
of the 'field, located on ,thee..Fielford
farm. :Also° to be remoitedare five
hundred fruit trees at the western end
of tne field. '
The total area of the airport will be
fenced oft with 1,900 rods of woven
wire fence. Old . fences Will .be re-
moved,e, • . ,
P. 14:Whltely; of the Department of
Transport, Ottawa, Will be the resident
engineer. The 'field surveying will be
in charge of M. L. Hetherington, Godete
rich. . Skilled workers Will be ein-
ployed for the most Part, eels expected,
-extly a Of unskilled labor
being needed. °
The eoiltract .for the buildings to be
erected has not Yet been let. -
Although the work- of ethe Sandy
Contracting and 'Machine Works has
been Mainly, that Of read conetruction,
they haVe had considerable experience
in. airfield development, having worked
at the new London airport at Crumlin,
last autumn.' -
NevilytaPpointed Welfare' Worker Ilie
trodueed to Directors at Board Meeting
Meeting for the first time in their
new apartmentein the phildren's Shel-
ter, the members of the board oe direc-
tors oe the Cblldeeifs Aid 'Sodleti were
pleasantly surprised at the Aecommoda-
tion, vnich hada been provided for the
ofhcials_endthemselves. Aneadditional
source Of gratification was tlie an
nouncement that the suta of $1,000 had
been left to the humane branchof the
'Society by Mrs. Helen. G. 'Shepley of
Toronto, recently deceased, -a sister of
Mr. Thomas McDermote of Goderich.
The activities of the 'Society are
tounty-wide in their scope and Superin-
tendent Harry 'Edwards gave a detailed
report of the work in one ef the north-
ern sections of, the county, shotehtg,
Where the wards of the tSociety are
located and the close Of homes in which
they have been placed.
The executive of the board will con -
„eider, in •conjunetionwith the finance
committee of the Couaty Council, what
stepeto take for the placing of refugee
ebildren from warestriseken tueope,
within the county of Huroh. The offer
of Dr Moir in placingehis• hospital at
Hensall, and also, IdeserviOes, without
charge, at the disposal of the authori-
ties for the .benefit of the refugees,- was
warmly approved. :
• It was decided to ask the Tomei
Council to replace the drinkitte foun-
tains for dogs iti Curt House Ark.
Mrs.-- Chafeee, the recently appointed
welfare worker- for -the County, was
letroduced to the members .by the
matron, Mrs. (elver,
A. IL Erskine President-,-Othee Officers
Chosen at Last Meeting of .Club
Lion, A. 31 lerekine, who was the
capable treasurer of the Lions Club
for a number of -years, was elevated- to
the, ofilde of president at the meeting
of •the clue, held on Friday evening last.
Other officers eleeted flee as follows:.
First vice-president, A. R. 'Scott.; sec.'
ond vice-president, 3, 31 Itinkead;
third_ vice-president, T. It. Patterson;
treasurer, E. E. -Cranston; Aecretaree
A. It. .Scott ; Lien -tamer, Praek Curry;
tail -twister, Prank Gillespie; diregtors
--for two years, 3. A. Snider and IL M.
Ford; for ene'yeare D. D. Mhooey and.
A. E. 1-10eleley,
• Misses Elaine Burrows. and 'Georgina
Ryan were hostesses at a 'miscellan-
eous shower on June 12tb, in homer of
Miss Ruth Drennan bride -elect, et
the home of Mr. and elm Reg. leur-
rims, Britannia road. Abotitathirty
girl Wends of the young •ladv were
present antLerrjoyed a aeries of games
.dtirine the afternoon, Mrs. Drennan
retired tea during the luncheon. Little
Barbara ShutiA end Donahl Bert Me
Mani presented the pilot of honor
with the gifts.
eaThe bride -elect was eneettained also
on Tuesday evening at the home of
elm' Bert lkfcleenahl and 'tqre. Adttne
Madam, Elgin avenue. She received
a number of miscellaheous gifts,pre.
sented ht fl decorated basket. litre.
Reg. BUrroWS presided over the tea
table during lunch.
At a special 'meeting of the Public
School Dotted, held on Tuesday 'after -
110011, It 'was deeided to, re-engage all
the tettehers a the two sehools, at the
pittsent salaries.
•Mrs. 1. W. Carrie bas returned frOm
i'visit with friends at 'Hamilton.,
thrl Gutde Rally
here on Saturday
Lea Y oW 0 neW Up eii a
going Overseae as a reeult ef -the Cane
adieu Ited Cross 'recent urg-
ent aPlieitl. to Wineleie througbout the
country Moro:tee, their attiveties,
Mr.\Velleee Campbell, national cereite
men" of the Women s War Work; eCom-
mittee, aeuoinced this week. The
responee . has been marvellous,'" tale
said. "Our elierinous stocks Of •hospital
i5uI)plies la •ee'xiglatiel nave' been Made
Available to the British and French
11,ed CreSs.Withetet„ stint. The conniot
144 raging makes 'our ;finest e&opera-
eion And generosity not only neceeettry,.
teleteeinetPeretiecet „
Mrs. Campbell advised women to "be
patient." This ;wee and its (One -bade
made eqtral tali upon everyone. " ."Let
the true spirit of service prevail. leo
the job. nearest at band, grateful for
the privilege • of serving our Einpire
-freeeethe:preseat-sateti of Canada and
pray that our small effort may »more
tribute to the alleviation ' of the hor-
rible sufferings hf our own people and
our. Allies. It is as neeeeeery now as
it Was When we beginie our work to
make- every -artieleeetieeperfecteee pos-
sible. Thee() muse._ be titi_eittaeleenheg
in the quality of werk.""-
Shipment, to Toronto neadquarters.
June 1&h; Pyjamas 30; hospital gowns
0; pillowslips. ; handleerehiefs 12;
sox 90; sweaters „e0; ,seamen's SQX 3;
wipes 000; •deeesing pads, small, . lee;
dreeslnegpaffs, Medium, 80; dressing
pads, large, 30; also 33 articles of
refugee clothing. • e
The ladies' work coMmittee WiSh' fo
express their appreciation to the local
inerchatits for their co-operation and
generous • donations of clothing for
refugees; also to the- Maple Leaf
Chapter, LO:D.E., yvho made and
donated carafort bags to the value ,of
$31.07. These begs :are supplied to
men who, *from one- cause another,
have become ' unavoidably separated
from their original akney issue.
Therte will be a meetifig of the wo-
men'e • work eorainittee on Tuesday,
June 25th, at 4 p.ra., in the work room's.
Convenere., and workers are asked to
kindly attend; :Work rooms will be
open ''for work Tuesdays and Thurs-
days; Saturday beixig inspectionand
shipping •day. 4 • , • '
J. W. Fraser Retires
D. Jr. Grant Sueceeds
ahange-in. Leteal Nranagement of
rioUr Mil1-*'-
A change in the locai management
--of -the Western -Canada - -Flour--
Co. has taken effeete this week in tee
retirement . of J. Wieis Fraser aft&
thirty-five years' service at the IGetle-
rich mill. • Mr.. Fraser 'in addition' to
the performance of his responsibilities
. „
as local manager tor the corapany has
.takett air active part in community af-
fetieg, Particularly in connection With
the Board of Trade, and it is hoped
that he and Mrs. Fraser will contieue
as residentgef GOderich. , •
The neW 'manager Jeep. j. Grant, who
comes from Neve 'Westminster, B.C.,
but who was, with the 'Winnipeg- plant
WM° Western Canada Flour Mills Co,
for some years. Mr. Grant took over the
management here on Monde* morning.
• Preeentatime lo Retiring Manager*
On Saturday ;eveging, a eeereeenee,-
tive,beily -employees of the company
gathered at the home of Mr. Fraser
and presented him, in behalf of the
employe, office start and business
associates, • with a radio and an easy
chair. Mr. E. D. Brown read. an ade
dress. expressing appreciation of the
good relations that had always existed
between manager toed employees of the -
conapany. Mrs. Fraser Wati presented
with a bouquet of red roses.
Mr. Veneer Made a fitting response.
We learn that Fred Clearilaue, only
son of Mee.. H. P. Clearihue of Regina
(formerly \1is jilo Ball of •Godericht
IS with the lst Canadian Light .A.nti-
eireraft Battery at, Shilo fertnip,.1111
toba. The young man, who was mash -
ler with a Regina then for seine yearse
was presented by the filen with a line
Wrist-watch:when he, left' to join the
active service force. De. knows Gocie-
rich' well, as be has spent many sum-
mers here. •
'Connectioe with Goderich also l&
claimed for Lieiit. B, A. CanapbelleB.A„
whose. wife is the 'former Edythe Ball,
elder daegitter, of Ilatryeliall of Bran-.
don, Wan,; 11 Vroderleh old by and bro-
ther' of Mrs, relearilme and or Mrs, G,
W. Black and Miss Winnifred Ball of
town. Lieut. Campbell was wounded
in the last war Mid is Is the service
of his country again as lieutenant in
the Ordnance. Corps, at present at
Itingston. Iee Was math,emetical master
in the Teehnical School etlIttegina,
Rader e of Tbe Signal -Star, we -are
sure, wilt be pleased to have news of
contributiousef .this Goderich family—
British to' the core—to the cease, of
King and Empire.
Lieut, 3. IL Itoberts, who wait taken
111 while ou duty With the Itet3.A.le, is
now reeuperating at hie honie in Goode -
" The tempera.tures„for the past week
and for the corresponding week last
year, As -oilleetilly reperdedt. were as
1040 1039
Max. Min. Ato.-t• SthL
Thur, ,,Tuu 13 '..Ott 66 01 • 44
Fri, june 14 .„„74 46 OS 46
Sate Juno • 15 ....72 50 00 44
?Sun, *June 10 -.78 8 71 .48
Mon., lune 17,.....80 • 02 73' 5Z
Tnes,, ;tine IS ...en CS 74 42
Wed., June 1.0 ....72 34 • ff,2 00
rtereating Props= Curled, Out
. at Agricultural Pal*
loontest Results
Goelerleie had tele tieetiaction of being
the town ehoreen' fee the first rally eit
tbe /Girl ,Guitles of Huron. awe Perth
eimaties, whieb, was held ifteit Saturday
in the Agricultural' Park, Arrange.
Welts. were in. eherge ;et Miss Edith
Taylor and Miss, Margaret Watson,
taPtanis of the two Goderich Circe
Daniels, aselated by Miss JOAO Groves
and Miss letertrade Wilkes, lieutenants,
and Miss Irene Pellow, Brown,OW1 of
proximately 27o Guides and Drownies
present, eroin St, Marys, Ptratfeed
Seaforth• Clinton and Goderich. . •
By shortly " after 'le o'clock, ell the'
visitofe liad arrived, and after:Singing
grace they partook of the box lunches
whiene-they- .bad- .brought e With thexn.
:Tete Guiders had a snort meeting to
acquaint them,with.the plans made for
the 0y. A horseshoe was formed for
tete break, with Stratford providing
the color party, followed by inspection
by Mrs. Ve G. .Lightbourn, divisional
The St. ielere% Guides were awerded
first place for poetare, with eeeatorth
runners-up. , The first. Place was given
IstOwitsfa. arth Brdwnies for their happy
The 'Brownies heel a gay time, open-
ing their program with a treasure hunt.
which sent them scampering all over
the big enclosure. Then followed ganees
and a Contest, wen •by. the Geoderich
Brownies. . • • .: '0' e
The, Guides ,nad signalling contests
which were performed sinartler. ande
well by all participants. In tile mean-
time, the Range* were demonstrating
their skill at cookheg and direlighting.
Each gripe was given an, egg, two
slices 'ete bacon, a slice of bread; tea,
butter, 'Salt; pepper, cream, and sugar,
:a Plate, euP , end Spoon; They were,
giyen only a •can for boiling the water
l'oe 'tee telteekeed all the rest a the cook-
ing had -to Nhe done without eiteneils.
The denteet Waswon by Clintion.
first • aw
ia tent aaeprov (led ef_oer
the nurse, Mrs. Walter Newcombe,.
R.N., who Was kept -busy throughout
.the_afterneon teitiistering to ,those who
had partaken of the canteen refresh-
ments "net wisely, but too evell." -
A11 Guides and etebterdes gathered 111
the grandstand foe the_ singing of
timelier Guidosongs and a well -loved
"King Arthur-"
rth,C,r.", _story. told, by, jalist
Mrs. Lightbourtes Address
' her .address 'Ars. Lightbouen told
the Guides that with all their pep end
enelegY: they must len alnd,
Plan waYs, of helpfulness in these try-
ing 'dines. when their families -are
burdened with. extra , cares „ and
ftnxieties. The Brownies "she urged to
"Yelp .all they 'could iii th-e-loineee
Miss Taylor read the 1.04tn. "Psalm,
the Guides repeated the Guide Prayer.
and sang 'evensong, after Which they
inarched to the flagpole and formed a
single line horseshoe. leireeStratfoed
color party 'lowered the flag and :re-
turned it to 'Miss Thylor while the
kr,conipanies stoOd at, full salute.
The results of the eonteste were: -•
First Clinton Company, } 32 eoints ;
First Clinton. Ranger Conipariy;,. 29;
102nd LO:D.E., ,derich, tied With
28th I.10.1i.E.; St. Marys, with 20 ; 101st
I.O.D.E., Goderich, 23; Filet Seafoith
Company; 21; eIgliallitig**-04
by Oliii-
ton and .nature seavengee hunt by
Clinton With St, Marys a close second,
Over 'Hair-millieu Ititsliets Received
„ Hire This Week -
"The flow of grain into thig port
from the heau ot the Lakes _continues
• at- a etairiy steady *pace, wit!' three
veseels arriving derlagsente-past week.
The Aigoway came an on eueetay,
evening .troni wita_212,-
OUU nos. it wheat for tne elevator and
cleared, light, . late Monday, afternoon
xor 'fort
The A. A tiuuston arrived from for -t
Wiliiam on ',Luesday evening with 116,-
4•0 wheatqor the elevator and
itehou fats. or wheat tor the
toox oil a- cargo ot salt on Wednesday
atteruoon and cleaieu in toe evening
tor k'01%
• The bort %1, nude agirived from Port
Witintpi early ee euheeuayevening wan
40,000 Otis.: Of, w_tieti_t tor me eieivator.
.;krrivals 'Of the previous -week were
as XollOWS:
. Inc.str. Superior arrived la te leer,
ThurSuay evening Iron', bort VVilliani
With 40oU bus. OX Wheat, itki60 °US. oX
l*e, 220 14) bus. of oats and be4.80 ons.,
of leed and clearedi iigiit, on 1 riday
evening, tor the ',power. Lakes, •
inc A. A. lindson made port on 'Tues-
day morning, trom etrort inlani,with,
so,UUd Ous. of teeueat and ir,O00 Sus. ot
darley. she took on a load. of init here
and cleared on Neetinesotty • atternoun
tor 1for Wililam. . •
The str; Vendee, also from Fort Wil-
liam, with 166930 bus, of wheat, ar-
rived at nooe •Tuesday lend citiaree,
eight, on Wednesday- evenine for Fert
illieme All cargoes were for the.
STR. OWIt9IAN SIL41111404R
• ,
Regular Schedule InclUdes Two Calls
a Week at Goderielt
l'itellassenger steamer ,Georgian is
i,'eheduled to inake1t first appearance
of the season at ?Goderielt next Wed-
nesday, June 4,th, on a -circle erease
from Detreit to .Georgian Bay and
North 'Channel poittte.
The regular sehedule for the season
begins• the following- week. The
Georgian 1eave8 Detroit 10.30 p.m. Kat-
urdaYe June 29, arriving at •Godetich
Simday morning at 10 teelock and re
moaning here until 1 pan. On the re4
turn trip the Georgian, calls here at 0
Pan. on Friday. ,
This sehedtile, will be continued until
the last week of .&ngust. ,
'Lett: to right these ; are Daell
.("Mike"). Lowe, Ernest ("Sonne")
Laws and ,Veilliant Burke. The 4fiest
two Are eons of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Laws, es Britannia - road, and Burke,
whose parents are -dead, Ints-liy„ed with
them -for years. e,411 three are with the
Canadian Engineers at PetaWavea.
Mike at present is in the'.hospital at
Petawawa with -a sprained ankle; the
Other two are home on leave.
Tbe Laws •have also two sons-in-law
in the erinyand evetiffiftY near relatives
ixi England are In the fighting forces.
Ur. Laws himself Is a veteran of ,two
wars and go again if they would
take him.
• .
Quartette Charyed, wider Defette) of
Canada Regulations ,
Four arrests were made in •Ooderich
'townShip'on 'Saturday afternoon; When
P3,01110/11. poiice.' took lietieeenateed,y 31e.,
and etre. 'Charles Oscar Benson ,end
Mr. and etesejeihn 1tayeobe, all of Tor-
onto. They were immediately ar-
befere Thome% Gundry, 3.1'.,
chargee under the .Deferice of ,Oaneda
Regulations with • unlawfully making
Statements ."intended or likely to be
-prejudicial-to-the prosecution ef the
War."- 'rile quartette- wereremanded
to j*. until Thursday. •
The .',wei,eused,.. known as, Jehovah's
Witnesses, are alleged to have visited
several •Goderientoevnshite Arm nraties
and eeveraiseeauplaiuts Were received
by Provencal Constable .McCoy. s •
The cearge reads: "That you•Spidl
iiiesene 0 Jehovah's Witnesses' and I
ant neutral - thes e,Waa and all,
Jehovah's Witnesses_ are neutral, be-
cause, the Bible tells Us so. 1 Would,
not do anything to help Canada win
this Wu nor would any of Jehovah's
-Witheseese 'efiedeIt .4s._eitty_. duty, to try
and persuade people to believe its I
do about the ware."
The two men and two woxnen, rang
ing in Agee from thirty-five to fifty
years, took their' arrests calmly. In
their equipment Were -founds-Bibles,
traCtel41 - portable gramoplidee ane
records. ' 4
' The marriage of Merlyn Wyman,
daughter of Mrs. 'Cathryn Weeman of
Dotroir, and Norman A. Ryan - of Dee
troit, son •of Mr. and Mrs. Patreck 3,
Ifyaneei ,Goderich, took place at II a.m.
'Saturday, . June 1iith, 111 a.,tivity
chareli; Detrdit. The ceremony was.
performed -by--liev,-,Fsathei- ?Let*, Mt
bride wore a street -length gown of
Pale pine crepe with matching jacket
and white hat, and carried a %elite
prayer -boa, Showered ,with white roses
and lilies of the -Valley. Eliegbeth
Wyman, the bride's sister, was her only
attendant. Iler gown was of aqua-
marine-crePelandeheresmall ee,hite -hat
'Matched. the bride's. She wore a eor-
sage of white roses. The -besten,aaf'
was James J. Ryan, brother of the
groom, and William C. Christensen. and
Harry Fernier were ushers. Mts. 'Wy-
man wore a black and white .print
dress, 'vvith metching hitt The bride-
groom's mother wore a wine lace dress
with large black and -white hat. Their
flowers werer. and white roses.
Af ter the-, eeremony., wedding -break--
fast was held at the Cafe Madrid. ,A
reception. at the home of tlie bride's.
motber was held later, after which the
collide left foes a two weeks' honeymoon
in Northern Michigan. They will re-
side on Jane avenue; Detroit. poine:
eillor and Mrs. P. J. Ryan, of Goderiele
parents of the!grikoni, were at Detroit
for the marriage. •
by Major F.
Fighter in
*, VIctofcrJ
large ga
vielnity In Court Homo Pa
urday evening heard an *1011104010t *ad
stirring -address by Major Oat iitev. H.
,3r: C.)ocks, rector of �t. Joint's Usti.
ettnehurelt, Sarnia, and smiler +digital*
of military distriet No, 1. Major Coda
atXpke In Olitteetiert with the reeruitheee
eienePeign, in behalf of the 'Elgin Itegi-
eteeite-,ittetle.‘VI0140*. -
aroused was given by the large 'num-
ber of applicants at the recruiting of-,
lice within the following twenty-four
hours. °
in Infrodueing Major leeeles• Itiftereer
H. J. A. Ilits.ellwan reminded the AP*.
ering Of the seriousness of lhe hOUrr,
with VrArtee in deadly peril.. Ilis Wore
elite had just returned trent Ottawa,
wkereea emooting of the Federation' or
'Canadian 'Mayor% was held. Present
at the meeting as gueets were Mayor
La---finardia---of- -Neve- 'reek And: the
mayors of Pittsburgh end See Louie,
and each One of them isavith the Allies
heart , and eoul, Miterer Xteetw
stated. At Ottawa th4 Otenadiale
mayors resolved to do all In their
Power in helping their country's, war
• Major COCW Addr000
Major .Cocks extended -his eimgratu-
lations to the County Council of Hurine •
for doing. everything 41 Its power to
help the eountryeat this time. He also
paid tribute to his *Id comrades, some
of Whom are in this ..ileireitee-whe- bad
enlisted with the borne vuard, ."Efery
man -jack of them, if Set, would be in
the army today," e he declared.
Then to the young men, "In Prance
and Belgium, in the last two Weeks,
eomething has' been taking place that
-iseaotemuett abort, of murder.: In the *
last war I saw old men, women and
.thildren straggle eacross the country-
side, almost starving..It makes, you- .
sear'', 'What can do to help?' Every -
Otte loves his beetle; so do these people, -
but they have been turned Out of them.
Reeolleetions.„.•,.of__Mena _
"I hav-4viviil reeelleclione of enter-
ing Mons on November 11, 1018, riding
ahead of „my battalion, sureounded by
woniexi and children shouting '`Thank
God .'that .you have saved Ala trona a
tyrant! We Want to e eee the people
of ‘Belgium and_ France teetered once
more to the homee'llie'y love.
'You 'people gathered there 'tonight
in this beautiful' city OfePee,ce, 9ulet-
Ile& and tranquillity, you 'have"
precious—net only ,freecione
a speech but freedom of action. You
know that if we lose this scrap All ,efir
Present _form_ of _eivilizatien--goes.-
you don'teltke regimeatatege, you young
men must do your bit by getting Into
the army. .
Hitler Suppres'ses 'Churches
"All the chUrches In •Canada • are
serving the one Lord, and no Matter
which' one you belong to, you believe
in that church. You have been bap-
tized, instructed and perhaps married
in it and now take is for granted.. If
s we lose this war, •that church goes by
.the beard. In Germany; "Peltier has
placed the elergy of the. Lutheran•and
Romon Catholic churches in cioneen-'
tration-citnips.;"- ', • -
Anniversary or' -Magna" Charia
Major' Cocks lifought to mind the ;
fact that he was speaking on June 15th, „
anniversary Of the do Jing John
signedeeta.gua, Chartaer, " a see
eThist day Marks the 'winning ef
"freedom' fel' the Britisb race; so on
this anniversary say, 1 am a'Beitisher.
I thank God that the Magnit Oharta
was signed and as a 33ritisher attel a
Christian, 1 ara going to play the game
and do what 'I can in this holy *a,r
to eave.,the chtircli end freedomAnd--
do witat, I cern for all tbat we hold
dear?, •
Recruiting Offiee
elajor R. Beattie, ILD. No. -1; after
thanking the audience for their attene
tiveness, informed them that a branch
reciexiting °face, for fhilitaty district
No. 1, will be. set 'up in Goderich for
the duration of the: wale ThJs will. be
.distinet 'from the present recruiting'
offiee-efor--theeleigiae Regiment.Xth
purposeawill be to recruit for .various
branches of the active terviceeat any'
time - any man le this district wishes
•to offer his ser ices A permanent
medical hoard fll be established here
along with the recruiting office. •
Tee bard 'of the Elgin "Regimeret
played patriotic airs before and clatter
the addresses.
Our U. S. Friend s Need Have No
Hesitancy in Visiting Canada
The following' letter to The Signal-
Star keine John G. Leiner, Vice'bresie
dent and general manager of Benj•
Allen & Co., Inc.,' Chicago, who is well
known in Goderich, will be read, with
intexest. and pleasuee by our readers,
Prospective visitors to Canada from
across •the line Will particularly note
hie' statement as to the facility with
which his entrance to Canada was
iGentlemen,--i-The, writer cailinit bop
but take eXteption to the 110Wi4 item ill
the June 13th Issue of pair paper, eh -
•titled, "Telt ILO. Friends cof Vonditions
•eis-a busineseenau-and member and
director of ofie of 'Chicago's leading
elpbs, the IllinCiese Athletic Club (nieni,
Itership consisting of 2500 nieltiberti)e
which I amcalso t,trving as thalinnin
itS rneinbership committee, I hive
a, wonderful opportimity to meet and
f011ta0 men in all stations a iite and
.xtrattlons a many nationalitiet, attd
48 yet have I to hear one make any
altpttraging remarks At !Al Canada.
On thecontrary, enapy are tuivOcate:
ing touring Canada, 'and tberefore• mn
my humble opInioni Otis article is very
erroneous. We have wilting but ,the
Most kindly feeling towalif. Canada
here. •
Now, as to -my own Personal ex.peri- •
once, Mrs. Leiner and I toured to -
Canada Just recentlY, crossing the neve
britb,,,e at Port Huron, and must report
that we received the most .ei'nirteoue
and pleasant treatment by both your, ,
immigration 'and eustonel °Dicers. hal(
less than ten minutes, our ear Wall,'
registered, luggage examined, and eve
were on our way rejeicing Into yOur
beautiful country, without any pass-
port or difficulty. 8% nO ehe aced Itivea
an hesitancy to vleit Cenede.
Teas proves that, tinfortintaielee
theee days, a lot of news le being Ms-
seminated,by both the press and video, '
without Ito being checked more
thoroughly, and thereby at times does
a great deal of iajustioe.
l'ours Yet* truly,
•.100ti O. 140ININI.
Clileago, June 19.