The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-06-13, Page 2ro
obtrit GODE441011 $IGNAL AND TUE GODWWII altraeM'
PahHilted by Signal -Star Weak Limited*
liVeat altreet. aloderieh, ()uteri°
Carrell 11101 on tile War
No matter what may ItapPen In the
mouths before us-eand there will be to,
great va(l crashing evellta-ay0".• .'The Western Fair at Lonaen. has
June of 1940 will be ontstandlog ih been cancelled for this year -the arst
history or •eenturies .te come. 'Ich,a time, The Free press ,saye, since it was
t I i aatloa at 4011=4 and Bel' heangurated 'The fair grounds
half the youth .of Gerestany."' A ter-
rible aceusation ; but islet it terribly
bru a a
gitun,; the betteyal by the Belgian
:King Leopold: ef tite Allies whom. he ,
had 'called to his eta; the bereic eseacu-
etion- ot.00,000 Allied troopS atDune
kirk; the titanic battle 14 the north of •
France, the' ittoSt trententious conflict
at, arm$ sinee the dawu of time---ithese,
events crowded into a few brief weeks
will. form a•llmarit adfrorld history
Otte might mention. aleo Ita1 en
' trance into the. war; but thase-though
it may have far-reaehing consequenceS.
, ,
fMly ,an incident in the
struggle bettWentlfiflataitigtatileestalleart
We are living in great times, For
those wit° ate aetaalla 'ettgaged 111he
thght—eoldiers, setter's,- and ales:eau,
military 'strategists and leadersthese
who are reSPonSible for the mainten-
=ice of groat armies in the fleld—they
„must be 'd.y.a • of 41.:linest intolerable
-Ora*. -Theeare days ef_anxietY, too,
for these who "carry on" at home,
waiting fasir news ef ltaftle-andeforttiti-
ings of lovetl oites in peril The least
those of us' on the aeme front can do.
is to refralarfrom useleos fretting and
.frotn,'IraPetent eritieisme and ques.tiofl-
. hig of these who- aee,direting affair,
to maintain a cheerful and optimistic
eittlook, to refise to be bekten. The,
' it -tench.- are doing' -magnificently; the
.0ritisk are unconquerable.. There may
:be further incidental, iliSaSters; but
fowl or later the tide -‘will ,turn. and
victOry—a" smashing, . Overwhelming
at the queen'S ,Vark, are, HOW heinfi
used as a military•eentrea
et 0
The Comity, Counell's Phaeasloatgo
Polley is admirable but Otero can be
no reasonable obieetion to a departure
from it ifor the voting Of contrthutions
for war„, If money will put
Hitler and. Mussoliniout of business
One day sooner, it Will be well 'worth
while to •borrow it.
. • •
Sir Stafford Cripps, who has gone a
British Crovernment, is a Socialist of
most advanced -type.- That -he-has- been
ch,osen for this important and, delicate
mission IS an indie,ation (4 ,the
thoroughitess With which. Britain has
forgotten politicar divisions IA the
determination to win the war.
- * * •
Even.' Lindberghte mother-in-law is
against him—on- the- eplestion
American interest in the war. Mrs.
Morrow has made a publietappeal for
'United IStatee aid to Britain. and
Franee, because, she says, a German
victory would mean that "our peaceful
J. •
wee of life will heendangered for a
generation at leash" -
. • • . •
.A Sydney (A4stralia) Journal ac•
-:euset minIstry• of `.`complacency*
and points. t� Canada's .exaMIAe in
pouring air crews ,and* planes adross
'Last Saturday evening there was the
usual crowd at 'Tim. taurPhyat.Store in
the village, The -tothha; Of foal vvea-
tter (bent, ho .-ever, that_sthe throng
had moved from arotmer the pot-bellied
iron stove out to ttte front veranda.
There wee quite a crowd in the village,
and the econvereatioeat fleet was,
brokenupt and metered — , with
SOmeone stepping to chat or 'aslt a
-question or trY, to &eta, horse.
• Gradually the'crowd. narrowed down
With some drifting along down to the
dente hall in the old ekating rink and
others, with their shoppieg donee pro-
eeealtig,to go home. There were about
eight of lefts Wilting ebout nothing
letaahtleular entil teimeone mentioned
tae war.
Thea it etaeted: It sSeeme•d that each
one had a euresfiremethed of winning
the war.
"The Governineet Mutt doing the
rightthing," declared my neighbor
"Higgius. ',Way don't we get an agatY
big enough to 'bleat that -german one
te pieces? Then go rand clean it all
ethers:- One of the etore-verandah.
'strategists even saggestettlaking over
(sized bombing 'planes • ,ettd-. espraying
gen/line over the vatole of Germany,
just as they spray Mast on eietto.n.
Taen he concluded his suggestion by
saying-, "Light the gasoline and you
could clean the whole place up for all
time to come."
• Others were out-and-out pessimists,
'defying even the risk of being informed
on to •predict direthings for thoSe fIght-
iiig•-the' evils of a- land -crazy dictator.
They Were all for 'peace at any price,
and then a determinea drive to build
up•armaments great enough to outclass
any power in the world. - •
Thus it ranged up and down the
veranda. Each man with his own op-
inion, and some out-and-out foolish
. . . and others showing genuine sparks
ot,intnition. , • , • ,; ,
.peter :Samuel was .sitting quietly,
stoking away on that great calanksh'of
his and taking it all in. •Someone 'Sala
"Peter, what do you thii*ef it?" Btshy,
eyebrows arched as :he paused to
methodically tamp the tobaccee In
deeper with a stubby forefinger before
replying. ,
"Men," he • said, art long time ago I
learned that it is foolish to say what
I think about something of which I do
not know well. 1 know my country ' is
Canada now, and Whereet was beta, in
Liolland, has been over-runby a man
Who I think as mad.
"I •work hard every day on My farm
and I grow food for myself epel ase
family. I pay my taxes when the man
coMesi around and...1 try to keep my
wife and kiddies in elothesethatelgok
good. Whenethe melt .come for money
to "help the boys who fight I give- all
I can, and I buy my,wife•yain Or she
knits aockst and send away.
,"On Sunday I go to church becanse
I •believe in God. When I her men
stand around after church and , say
that the War is bad for us, and say
how the men who gun the country
make Mistakes, X Wender Why they go
to .chureh. •Seteh things only, makea
man feel bad; and when a man feels'
that way all the men around him start
feeling the same way.
"Back where I was born my unele
used to have many %men working for
him. In the morning when it was
early and many Of the men were cross
and grumbling about' the weather me
uncle . used to start, whistling, pretty
soon somebody else would start Maybe
somebody *would sing and S0011 they
would all be happy:
think it's the same nOw-.: I believe
we will win the war, and maybe some-
body. will 'Make mistakes; but if we all
get thinking the Same thing about win-
ning, I don't see how" we cnn lose. It
a man minds his own intrt- of the
works -and the other men do the same
thing,t-everything- runs' _smooth and
then nothing breaks and slows' .every-
thing 'down."
hictehasheeitt ourst „ . the Atlantie "at the utmost speed and
with thenutmost' generosity" as one
Canada has been. shocked,. by the
iihich Ads:trait). must f011eve: . And
- • here in Canada we, are tolds how much,
Ho". abetter Australia is Mang than Canada.
tragie fate ef ber "War Ministate
Home talent is always discounted.
Norman Regeri, ,who WitS killed bi an
0 •
The retreat from, lalautlers ewe go
dovat in alletory as a greater tour de
'form than the stapendoue battle itself.
Dvidently the 'trapped arealea have
'been evacuated in remarkable,numibers,
to the Somme front and across the
:Channel; and as they emerge in geed
order and with. high Morale from their
desperate ordeal they tell us eometlting
we neeL1. desperately tor kee*. They
tell' ue . that the infernal erteelty
neechaitize(1 warfare ha:; developed in
raw, troops are: almoet superhataan
capacity for resistances,' In great pert
the survivors of the fierees,t battering
ever endured by man, are .young melt
untried %soldiers. . Tbese are the
boys wilts receivedtheir baptism of.
tire in the hell of Flanders and who
mute out to asaare us that the latest
and most pewertul meehin'eS. of de-
stractien can torture, can kill, ettn win
battle -se -bat 'eta:met eotieuer man.: •
The result not., only ,of tae .hteX-
pliea.ble break at the Meuse, but of a
tragic raleconception of the nature and
‘tempo of modern war, this retreat is
neVertheles$ a1 elale of human heroism.
For .tbe alereaans, .as they admit, at
has dispelled the illusion abet the
British Tommy has lost his fighting
spirit. For the Allies it has dispelled
'elnally_dangerous 'illusions* They had
settled downtoe-WgebrgraeTItt'
by military inactivity into a belief that
time and the blockade could wear down
the enemy. They lacked tieltheit
airplane acciclent on, Menday as ,
There is a great call for ,skilledymen
for war enclustries—thatchinasts, en-
gieeerseexPert teadeemee of allthinds.
ph.ysique, Mr. ;Rogers had ,W'orked
• around for years, more intent .upon
'war, effort; and his death' Is • a national
was trevelliegefrom.Ottawa to address , •
it meeting in T6ronte.' Though of frail
'tremendous' ly in directing Canada's MaWT, tellOWS-Y?' bave knocked
. _ having a goodatime than upon learnin
loss. . • . _ .. g
anything, must' realize that taey have
Mr.•_,Rogers ha.d sent on ahead of
lost an opportuaity. The world has .a
him, for Pressexeleasehea, c'OPy of, the place4or skiff and industry ; the Un-•
address he was to give, and tile con- •
skilled must always have a precarious
cluthng•Paregraph -of this _ sifeech
•- should • be an. encouragement to tan- "vlug- — •
.adians eYeriret"ere' 1;-salcia that at Ga7iltalcii,'. ree.' t
— You will •fel, perhapse that X • • st
have stet brought you good 310WS liberator of I:taly,ltronounced a curse
today. - The. seriousness ofs the upon any Italian w should refuse' to
eeteationateasenot warrant the ea- ' aid gngland in any hour of need. Wave-
. pressien of optimistic platitudes. ' Garibaldi' was fighting, in tee middle
It is better to 'face grim realities . -
' let hs never lose tor a moment our despotihm,:the British gave him strong
•-supreme confidence in ilial vIcterYassistance, and Italy and Britain were
• Our clearest light et this time Is . line friends until Mussolini mine on
the unclying eortviction that the
the scene. Italy's intervention in, the
forces ot. tyranny and oppression
e.anetot prevail. History can show " Present" war Amy result in the ellmin-
us blacker perlike of depeessione titian' ofthe'Fascist leader and the
There ttave been timest-when, the, restoration p -ti the ,hoed relations that
. oppressor's might has held almost formerly ertsted.
the whole world in subjection; ,stiad
when the outlook of those who have 0 * * *. ,
freedemign.Ust have been filled with Announcement was made last 'we'ek
ieair jtUt that -what, is wrong " f '
rem tWaehingten that •after *July 1st
can ever amome right by virtue of '
passports Will . be . required - of Can-
eonqtiest anti, f•orce : a arms, ' is -
wholly •unbelieyabte. 1Vhether it acliatts—as well as of Mexicans, Olbans
. _malt courage and resolution
of the last centurY, to free Italy from
, ' But
Le this month or this year, next. and others—crossino•,. the horde' t 'the
, r o
. year or later, so long as we bold United States. The step is•bering taken
fast tat the faith that Is in ut and to give the United States authorities a
labor a-unceasiegly .. for , the, ideals
that are dear to us, soenee or later further check on `cfifth column." *ac -
the vrotld a reason and humanity tivitiee; So far there has been no in
• will be restored. In this 'faith we (b•eaten that 'Ottawa w
• ' -
ill impose a
will fight on; we will endure, and .
similar -ruling leetbe case of visitors to
,we will winthis. country from. the United States.
No 'announcement lute yet been made
Any discouragement -of tourist traffic is
sif the expected Cabinrrangement
et rea
week strong ne,val forced were abte to
°petite euccesefully in a vesitriated
area desiate the beet efforts of German
aviation, ie eh,
This means, a. great deal and may
have a direct hearing on the! prospect
of -an atteinpt, by the Germans to in -
trade Ungland. The Germans haurtot
Obtain Succes$ In altigland by landing
!few parachutists here and a fete
hutadred men from Motor boats there.
To taptitte Ionaou, Hitler has got to
put 4 force Of at least 4,00,000amen 4)11
English sell end potato's he has got to
put tha.t Many in one place, That
Wane many ehipe to Jana the Men. and
heatlY shiPs to Iseep them supPlied. If
tatBritish rutvel force tan stand me.
VessfullY eff-Duniesrame, it :ought to be
able, to ao tae. same, off Harwich or
If the .Britishe fleet can dee
that, Hitler gaenot euceessfelly invade
gngland. No one doubtsthe Germans
Cali do an enormous amount of damage,
Oh Eiiglish soil. But between tleft and
conquering England 'there Is ahig gap.
—The New York Times.
(Typieal of the yews .4Imost every-
where expressed in the press of the
United States, from East to West and
North to South, during the, pat two
Christian Science alonitor, ofBo.)
.Titewretehed reeved of the last ten
years es -spotted -with-the- Wordsr"Too
merimein *mai eirrak ttituNterred
tbe *Bair fittAirenovatt and in nu*
bersithhitaWtetitee 04,47 ttirlt the -tide,
%hey laity eaYe the building of Outset -
an& planea latereeaud the lives. of
* The British people are fighting for
survival. For the first time in our his-
tory Mr. Chureltill made that word the
keynote of his ,aeldrees to the Commas
as- the.nation's eaPtairt in Vale etrugglta
No one Wee estonisbed. If there were
slow mils that felled to geasp the
meaning of our defeat In NOrway,, tbey
understoed what faced. us when the
German armies ewept across the Dutch
and Belgian frontiere. • Hitler defined
his aoSitive, plirpoee in this •war in the
remarkable proclamatam that heralded
this. inetagion .1., 110, Is fightle; 'for "the
consolidatiou Env*" against the,
'two pawere lie accuses of
Posing Otis. Ideal, Ile, have for-
gotten that Henri IV waa the, first to
plan It, gad that Napoleon nearly
aeldefed it, There le ,this to Said
for Napoleon: that lie recognized: the
hataaa equOitY of the people, 'wheal
;he forcibly liberated from feudalism.
A Nazi "consolidation" pf Europe
*Mad mealeethe Subiection ' of many
helot races to One mastek-race.
The will of tails- nation is that our
civilization 'shall survive, It gam us'
laet week what we ought to have lead
many smontae ago, s a truly national
erisis of destiny faced us, we •recOg-
eized.' that as lighting .leader Mr.;
.Churchill is -- the best man. -available.
the *mean -
uored.eternaination to fight to the end, late" Too -late at every step have, Five years agograsped
but only the searing realization of the been the. democracies' measures to deal ing of air -power and gave the.warning
thing they were up agahl$ti NOV they with Nazism- by the only method it that evla Baldwin 'heeded as little as
knovv.; _they cannot be surprised nor ehaerstands—force 'German. rearitia,- his disastrous:. sueeepsors. come
batted -the follies of appeasement and
understood the necessity a bringing
Russia into our eoalition. To hie for leaderehip falls the task
Of iroprovistug amid the struggle tee
means of defence that •leis ferestght
would have given us betimes. We are
quit, under him, of the eomplacency
thee kept our, efforts at hal-pressure,
for we, hairt faced the fact. stleat tae
supreme 'ordeal is actually upon us.
- Mr. • Churchill -has become the, eymbol
Of the atilt to resist. • •
--Tlae, Statesman and Nation (aion•
don ): • ' '
From her exile in 'London Queen
Wilhelraina has atked her tricken
people to "remember calamities in past
centuries and„the 'repeated resurrection
°them* country." The Duthh have
to tin gogerh, place; bet hemmer to be avoided if possible; but of course
suceesesia• r may be ibere Wifl .hemath national eafety Muet be the paramount
lds considaa.etiote
the memory • of the; gallant, self-sacri-
ficinman who In •the early date' of ,the _ * *
war prepared for Canada's Whole-
iiesteor Fiorello La- Guardia of New
Yoty, is of Italian- parentage, but he
hearted partieiaation'In the struggle.
t • - has no hesitation in eondemning Italy's
-action- in making corunon rause- with
ALffietilinitAO esteatt beta sub-
jected the Italian People to the seem
of the warld. "Never before," declared
the eery New Yorker, "have centuples
of civilization been euddenly stopped
by the ambitionof one ladividuel and
a nation thrown he.elt to a period a
barbariseat `'lttiever before bas a natio
that has ,acquired the rank of a ar,st,
gate power teat that power by theeaet
of ttne mart. Italy irow, becomes a,
vasal of Hitler." •
. vithatta da. troable dat
latissalint getting yeti into I."
* '
you cannet do anything else to
help, buy 4 war saviage certificate.
Oanediana are not Afraid of Mtis-
aolinae roaring:: They have heard
Niagara Fails.
, • * • ,
A big Strawbovy eroto is ineletospeet
tithe district—if uo bombers. cattle
ester to eiatil It. '',
• * *
• 4he Canadian, nayy is 410i1lg:g00a.
11Vdrk in st, surprisingly large 'Way. It
Ss no "titipet" navy,
* • *
Buy 'War ga,vings eertifleatee and
eend it fioelt oft "silver huliete" to aid
the man in. th6.11fing
Xent ,CountY CoUnell ASkS, that only
the English and larenelt languages- --be
allotted. in Canada. What, rte Gaeliel
Itfueeolini Wilt linti Ittlaoplaa, in
late wood-pile—sane. hundrede Of
-romottrts erg -littera-site sfahtethitilletal
hungering for retenge„
tit *
Lord Beaverbrook ?4/IYA that for the
prise Or Paris "the (*Man Fuehrer
*multi Ant ihO thrOttflA of mote than
stampeded. again. No one who has
been on both sides of the line can doubt
thet the, Germanstwereeat the: apex of
their power in the first spurt while the
Allies, . lMe an 'engine .canght in low
geat, are at the beginning of their
* *
The remarkable success of the Bri-
tish and French' in getting such -a large
Part of their forces taway through
Dunkerque may have many lessons for
the future of wee. This evacuation.
was made poseible by the co-operation
of the British and French navies oper-
ating oft the.port. The gunfire from:
the ships enabled the Allied troops,to
.bold Dunkerque during the' crucial:
period. ,That is 'a new chapter in the
story of the sontest between kir forces
and sea forces. True- enough, the fleet
had the protectibn .of- the British air
force, but the fact -tem
ment, the Ithinelend, Austria, Sudeten-
land, Prague, Itlemel, Poland, Norway
and Denmark, Belgium and the Neth-
erlands --all along the line 'the forces
lighting aggression have been hehinda
* Is America, going to continue the
process.? Already it is beginning to
pay for failure to support world 6tabil. easing economic strains and pro -
meting. cdllective otecurity. Aggression
which Might have been- prevented er
curbed by- small measures taken early
now forces gigantic measures and ter:
rifle cests. And for the United States
the costs have Only begun7--nnlesS there
is quick and succesSful action to stop
Nazism, •
But a stitch in time might still held
together the tattered fabric ,of the
world we have known. The issue may'
•be decided- in the tia.ext meeth or tWQ.
-And from all reports the vital material
1111111101)44,T, JIMI1 1304 HMO
how to meet it with. supreme herolgul,
alley uow tit*, IirrThilPeet Mere terrible
then a.ny since the days of ralifp -
Spain, They aro to be slaYee of it
eyetem which they loathe to the ilePtits
of their eottle. Thee will eee their •
liberties trampled, their riches Plana-
ereqi their whole way Of life eeteehe
All that will iceep hope, alive is the
knowledge that others. will hie fighting
until the clay of liberetion Choate.
lavents la the battlefield will eroved.
upon one pother so fast in the coming
daat that =the fate of liellafid may lee
overlooked,' No news will come front
there,' no reliable word of the spiritual
aita phyeteal terments tam Detteh people e,
will have to undergo. Tbeir coatacts
,with the outer vvorla will be brekent
for pelsea bars have ,been Shut neeti
them. 'But they will not he -forgotten
in this country or in any eountry where
'feeedom etill survives. One can Only •
thape tlaat their spirit will not be
'brawny that their citteS and thou,
countryside will not be ravaged beyond ,
repair, and that QUeen
live through these dark •days to re,
eitter-herecaPital triumph,
--,-The New -.York Time&
Two magistrates were summoned for
exceeding the spee,d Malt. And whoa
they arrived, at court there were, no
other magletrates Present, se they de-
cided to try each other. No, 1,Ivent en
the ,bench and the case proceeded, •
"Ton are cbarged with exeeeding the
epeed limit. Do you plead guilty or
ains that for a factor *will be .eontrolz-11-..the •aers” .knowa di,snter before and hgee anown
"Yoe will be ctled (five dollare,
.TheY'tlien -Changed places- and agal •
the plea was "guilty."
4.11min," was the reaponse. "Now
tligse gaseeare [becoming far too q,,O*.
Mon. This is theSecond we've had this
niorning. „Toil will be fined twenty'
(Exeter Times -Advocate) e
Last 'Meter the heavy fall of Snow
effeetually shut off the usual food sup -
piles of the pheasante, Very Properly
thee lovely birds sought relief be eh -
peering at the back doors of the farm-
ers. Liberally did Tatum% rise to the
oecasion, in the Itope *that not one. lite
(14i their feathered Mania Should be
lot. 'The pheasants, are HO piker,
however, for as Soon as the -snow van-
ished the pheasantgot of relief and
maintained .themselves by tAeir own
exertionFeatheriete _bipeds, 'Will_ he
Well advised to poruler'the ways of the
hirde; who, having no guide, overseer
• (London' Vree Ptess)
- The Republic enjoys the adm,inistra-
tive leadership of a, remarkable man.
The presee incumbent - a • the ,White
House is proving himself a an
destiny. For seven years his personal-
ity as developed through his radio ad-
dresses te the Aanerican people, which
we In Canada Were also privileged to
heare has seeped into the heart of the
comatry. His common' sense,' his vision,
hms. courage, his restrainthhis choice of
words, his whole approach to the ques-
tions of the hour, has beeti that, of .a
man' destined to, lead a great -cause.
He. has made theradloahle pulpit; he
has combined, that voice of a political.
chief with the ,spiritUal fervor of a
meleader. Yetehiss-native shrewdness
has kept hits feet on the groundlie
has walked perilous paths with* amaz-
bag deftnees. It may be more than
mete coMeidence that both, he and
Hitler -caine to office in Marci seven
years ago; that • their careers . lative
matched ea‘ca other', one on, the side
te the humanities, the otheron the
side of evil.. Fate prevented the
setaesintt bullet, fired lit Florida seven
years ago, from eaching its niarit.
(laingston 'Whig-Stancl•ard)
, Adolf Hitler' 'bee 417ovmd that hewill
not ,take his infiform off until the war
Is won. We eould have warned hint.
about this sort of boaeting, There was
4 (Dion of •Spabe °nee Who made a
similar vow regarding Vet chemiee.
When ehe finally removed it a • eort ef
,coffee shade became fashionable, un-
gallantly called "Isabella" after her.
(Alteemte Gazette)
'Careless bicyele riders, be the
wort terror of motorists. But recent.
ly another menace has arisen --the bo-
girls •ott skates Who weaire
their way alone the ettiddie of a ,paved
street; wobbling lie -front of apptoaatte
ing care and cawing drivers to get "the
nor ruler, never fail to provide for their wirld up." '
Own wants i given a fair eliance.
' • se e With, was waiste will: note
sthe young_ folksittthe,farally. -With ih!"orogt-tilak-1\-110rwaY-5-`TI4P-,walt
do not quarrel over who is to, have the inake.4- eaella4 tgraboeueLa—
ear there is a family that is a family. Toronto Star.
Detroit Free, lyrete, tets
I The first kies is neatly alwaya
"This is the worst toWn for gatsitir ateldent. The injuries follow Nato.
over lived in." matically. — Quebec' Chronicle -Tele-,
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Does long, tediousvaiting for water wheat slow up your daily house-
work? Let thrifty, modem I-FMR0 electricity take over these two
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Range you've -always wanted now—let it cook thi'nieWsautomatic.
ally, while you take time out to enjoy tile summer surt. and fun.
Second 1ea Hydro Water Heater give you hot water 'on tap"—
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hold drudgery with low.cost Hydro power doing the '"2 big jobs".