The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-30, Page 3or' •
, Vt.
Bossiness Dir dory
° Barrister, Etc.
08140--4ourt House, 00derieb.
TelePlanie 55.
—t,. _h.
taxnLi Se(roccliteorrii,
_.__Barrieter and Solicitor,
, .rdfe Buildiag, Adelaide and Vle
Te-lephrnrelapZeogssin.T,oronto 2
Aft‘Xtrouln 'Contribution to Allied, Cause Demanded of Goverment,
Some Details of Canada's Va4 War Program 'NM& Will° Re-
quire Expenditure of $700,000,000 ThisYear; in. 4,ddition to
Expenditure on Ordinary Government Services--Appointro.ent
of Hon; 0 G Powo as Air lYrtnister Is 'Well Received,
Pholie 30, Gode,r1ch, Ont.
Office: Hamilton Street
Ob.artered Aeeoluitants
77 -Do -Wide Street, Stratford
Toronto 302 Bay Street
LIVI)1STOOK AND oiegilat.A.r..
. Telephone,'119
Sales attended , to ,-- anSwkere and
every effort made to give Satisfaetion.
Fathers' sale notes discetinted.
AUOTIONEEtit FOB. ET4R911---. °
A satisfactory, courteous service' for
raTridr4Propertr..‘or" Household SaleS.
•Rates Reasonable. ,
OW, wassisairimitiimissairriesollesture
air a
fgt. F. J. R. FORSiER, EYE, EAR,
Late House slime= New York
OPhtnahnie and. Aural -110SPital, as--
-sistant)et Moorefield Eye HeoPital and
Golden' Square Jlirciat ,HoSpittil, Lon-
don, England.
53 Waterloo Stieet--$:;;PStratford.
Next visit Bedford -Hotel, Goderieh,
W.echiesday,-June 20th, from 2 p.m.
p.m., • .1)
, ssamsamossisausaasuaaa.
DRIJOraESS. iMAP.,#/01SE111-
THERAPIST" --,7-- -
Godgrich, Phone 341
'Office hours --10 to 12 a.M., 2 to 5
and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, -Friday tind
- 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday.
Monday and T.hursday lilitchelL
51, Seuth St. -
(By 4. A. Hume, Special.Correeponde ditional elOtroyers to be Constructed
• ent) in England; steps tie bp taken to speed
oTTAWA, May 24.e-Parliament—by up, hOweVer poeeible, the Common- of town, ohtained. his Arst training as
• .and litr‘ssiog wealth air•trailling Plan; further re- a newspaPek ana.n with; The' GOderich determined spirit
I Deaf Mute Makes
I Quite a Racket
At the minuet elections of the Par- •
held mon, Saturday last, J. Alex. ttnme the rdegilltrateessitellt
lnentary PreSse Gallery at Ottawa, 208, Salmi& Cole 'Aeon before
of tile Southern rieWepePere teas elected County
eeeretary, The eleetiOu signifleant • ea ea);a* 1.
of the prontinent Plaee whieh Godee l
he temPeranien rfi. ea
leen old bey bas taitea elevate tete press cole, Itussian-boM deaf 'nate, was last
Npresentatives at the capital. 7.:111urSday senteneed to two ntontha in
Mr. Hume, 'a son of Mr. 4. P. Hume county jail for assaulting' Mrs. Martha
Jacobs manager -matron , Huron*
patrietion of private Canadian seenri, Sigilal. Fron here he went about
tempo—'has given a commendable dis- ties held in Britain to enable the elxWeu year ago tO London 'Where he
play. this Past weelt in stimulatixig' the 'United Xingdom to purchase more war vitae with,,The,Ad•vertiser, and later to
Government* to sPeediag UP and ex- materials here; Valuation Of a Can- Ottawa, where he has since come to
pending, Canada's ever effort' What-, etitan corps in the 41eld„ starting off the front among. the 'men who repre.
ever sweeping powers) for . e,419pneY, with the Arsq,nd teetual Divisions; eent, the press of the Dentlalea.14 tttd
purposes, may have to he, given tlie assignment tif7tert4in naval and milt. -capital eity. "
Governmentbefore the •session Closes, tary ',formations for active duty in the Mr. Hume is the special eorreeponde
ent of The 'Signal -Star at Ottawa, and
his weekly. letter On Parliamentary
ejfee.4.41110.74,1VMelatidest are
of -this, paper.
udiL,Lbp. laUTUAL FIRE , IN
SURANCE CO.—Warm and Vio-
lated town property injured.
„ Knox,. PseSideat,
Londesboro; W. Archibald,. Vice -
President, (Seafforr-11;' 31- Reid/
Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea -
forth. •
- Broadfoot, Sea-
. forth; , James Connelly, Gederioil;
Leonhardt, 13ornholra; Alex.
Malilvvang, -'1Rytla; Prank -McGregor,
Q.,Linton ; °Thomas Moylan, Seaforth;
ugh Alexander, Walton; Wm. Knox,
ndesbore; Seaforth.
Agents—E. A. Ye°, R.R. 1, Godericli
James Watt, Blyth; John E.' Pepper,
R.R. Brueeileld; R., V. McKercher,
R.R. 1, Dublin; Chaa. F. Hewitt; Kin-
cardine; It. G. Jarmuth, Rite I!, Born-
holm. •
A, Policy -holders can make pay-
NIF ments and get their cards receipted at
!the Royal Bank, Clinton; ‘,Calvin Oates
'Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
T. H. Reld's General 'Stare, Bayileld.
of Commons as the eeinocratie sound- veterans' home guard -s, with 3,000 re -
the conetructive value Of the, .l-lioue(SiOarilabeatt and North. Atlantic areas;
• gehoardeotethees-seountry.....41,1neset 'ell_piguiAnralled,;_to4atart
continuing trisis, has been 'amPly de- Sitetniiihtg Overe-Three Millions Daily
monstreted. . Canada's -war expenditures for the
_JCharges "tomplacency" levelled- ;current fiscal year ending March 31
at the Government have been due,- in next are estim.a.ted at $700,090,000, in
large part, teethe Government's failure ;addition to $450,000;000 for ordinary
to let th,e, Canadian people know as and special. governmentaLexpenditUree,
much about its "war' activities as it or a budget totalling $1.450,000,000,
might have done since last September. which is over $34)00,000 (lane'. The
At the same time, it inust be admitted, rough lbreakdown Of the war expendi-
%lee Commons has not 'been completely
satiated. that the Government has Put
as mud& driving force behind the war
program—particularly on the score of
Securing 'neeessarY mechanized equip-
ment—as _it might well have done.
True, Rome was not btillt in a„.day,
but construction might,- toneelvablY,
have been puelied more vigoeously, In
getting thwever ,building rushed UP Jil
'its -Stagds. ,
Prithe Minister Eing.and other min-
isters particularly charged with re-
sponsibility for war measures were at
palns to reaesure the Commons, and
billy aware, now (if it had not. been and *25,700,000 td suPport. :*
the 'country, that the Government is 1 squadron set planea for a year
earlier), of the fact that .the Canadian heather squadron., Canada lias,alread -
people want the maximum contribution. spent. -$91,000,000 in repatriating Go-
coon raNgs
Daily '7.40 a.m. 445 pan. --Leaves
fioderich for -,Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, 'London, Detroit,
Tavistock and 'Woodstock. Depots
Bedfotd, British and Royiti Hotels.
, risone boteb4 or 305 for iniorMatiOn.
Village -of Mensal)." Akio Readjustment
for LandS Transferred
The equalization committee .of the -
County Cornell met last Friday to con-
ture is as follows: Army, $2615,900,000 ; shier a request from the Village of
navy,' $i()0,00();000; air force, $100,000,- Ilensall that it be exempted from, pay -
000; 04nacla's share ConunonWealth Ing _County -taxes on farm lands as
training ,plan, t120,000,000; farther sessed at .$17,570 transferred by the
services,$2,000,0e0; eetablishmextttan- Ontario- tannielpal Board -to the Town-
adian Oarp$' . overseas, 05,000,000; Ships of Hay and Tuckersmitli. sinte
Third Army •Division taste, $38.000,000. the last equalleed asseSement was made
Canadels war expenditure in 1)1 10 two year S age. . • ,
The 'committee decided thet it .could
was, only $166,000,000. Then Canada
.had ne air force and only a small -naval 'ITO nothing'. about it this year, but
eereeete of two destroyers, weile therecommended that .Hay and Tucker -
smith reimburse Hensall the amount of
.coet of maintaining. any army division
the taxesslnvolved; namely Hay eae
has almost doubled because of modern
mechanized: -equifinent: and Tuckersnritte'$39, Avhich-711ensall-
costs $12,500,000to equip and service a must pay on lands without its borders.
In addition Hensall*Ill lose ,$400.per
year taxes whiillifilgOarinerly ..colleeted
on the lands in -when Within
lts-eerporalion limits. • ' •
The equalilation' eonlinittee • While. in
-session- learned that-while-it-could_r
adjust the County eqUalized? asSess-
Ixt'elirit !had to '/Challge the'
total. In the case Heiasall it is too
late for readjustment this year.
ee,On. the. committee are Reeve It E.
'(Shaddick (chain -nen) Hensail,
Reeves McDonald of Ashfield,
Alonze MeCann of Stephen, Benson
Tucker of Exeter ;and Warden George
„DconiniOn ettn. make to the Allied
eause. • • " .
----*4--,-ahe-War-Itograin • .
Briefly,' the speeded -up war 'program
-•anneimaced by the Goireninierit em-
braces the.following.:' Establishment of necessary additional funds 'by borrow-
,luig'in war °loans, warsav' s-eettille-
ates and even down to 25 -tent thrift
stamps, The earlysbudget will sharply
step np'taiation all along the line.
• What Has Been bone -
Highlights of Canada's war effort
ernmenCseeur1t1es held in Britalu to
makrIterlbg availrwarPur
„chases_ GATernin—P0s.,-
ancial waripolicy is to -41pay as .you go;"
irka far as possible, and to raise the
full minititries for aledefence and for
Munitions and suPidy; Second Division
to proteed overseas t3ooner than, in-
tended; recruitment of a Third Divi-
sion to commence soon; exilletinent of
the necessary reinforcements for .the
first and second 'Divisions to •be sent date raaY-te'briefis recited -as em,brac-
overseas promptly; second ”air itig the following :-Army-strength-(on
co-operation squadron to go everseas may ,10)-, overSeae, 23,678,;-. Second Di-
vision, in Canada,' 24,645 ;* depots and
training centres, 16g82; ',coastal de-
fence and anti-aircraft, 9,036; vulner,
able Point guardS, 1,055; other troops
in. coilacia, egza ; tinny total, 81,519;
naval forces, 062 • officers, aud- 5,662
ratings, a total of 6,014; R.C..A.F., 1,-
389 al and_10,926 ainnPn,
12,315 'all ranks ;• total for all defence
forces as on May 10, 100,448 men.
nety-seven vessels sof various kinds
vale' in commission in the navy and
ninety others are under censtruction.
The Government hes awarded a total
of $200;006;000 of war contracts to May
15, and an additional *75,000,000 tin
behalf of the British Government. Pre-
paration of eighty-two air training
plan airdromes is bell* rushed, with
$20,-0.99,000 already spent so far; 9,000
war, . vehicles' ordered, at a cost of
$14,000,000? -with 3,000 • already .,,de-
livered overs”s; war munitions being
Manufaahred at a cost of. $80,009,000;
a new explosive plant started, to • cost
soon-; re'qaest to %Canadian industry,
working- on war supplies,' to put on
twenty -four-hour shifts to speed. up
and greatly exPand thesupply of badly
needed military' eqiiipment and muni-
tions of all kinds; purehase of two Lid-,
Get Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 , Ooderich
Nelson._ Hill
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Office:—Masonie Temple, Week
Street, Goderich:
Phone 230 GODERiCH
F.'. J. 1?YAN
Real Estate anti Insurance
difice and Residence.:
:11" Trafalgar Street
Phone 663
FOR SALE--tHouses of all kinds,
. 1 4 a
choice; "Ijiinding." lots, " titisinesi
peoperty and sever. 'good farms.
Let me st.,AW you some feal
Wrgaing. Buy novv.
Defence. of Canada -regulations to pre-
vent suovereive eieinents from (Neuss
ing trouole. .Warlier, tile criticism was
plat these were too severe; more late- time she was sentenced to jail she said
the tenor, has, been that they should be liked the piece better than the
be Strengtnened,' ati$,thiug.?'.*.ean-, Clinten. Helne,, se I an going to send
white, there IS no Wholesale internment` her batk for two months." ,
manned. of -.Communists (A'S members. The Children's AO took charge Of the
ot a party now aeclared illegal), and baby:- • •
45 i• • i Laid 0 e
County Howie of' Refuge, of which she
has been an inmate for the past year.
it was the fourth time the woman
hadeappeared before Magistrate Ma-
kins. TWice she was given enspended
sentence of one year Lor emashing the
diehes and window -panes of berformer
Goderiell' township honer -while in, a
tantrum. in the fall of 1936 she ran
itmoit in the House of R,efuge, smashing
everything siie got her hands on bee
----eeritteeetiestoaid 'not sleave her eownewast
On this occasion he WAS given thirty
(Jaye "el Jen ,
Oauee .the mot reo-eitt outbreak of
temper on the part of ,Mrs. Cole was
eald to be .the bathing of her baby by
a maid, against, 'the mother's wishes,
because she maintained the child had
a cold. ,
Miss Ellen Cele (no 'relation), an
emPloyee .6f the institatien, -said that
While asnuree seught to bathe the baby
'behind loeited door § of a priya.te bath-.
room Mrs. tole, the aeeused, Wt.° per-
sistently refused to oathe her own baby,
p on a great scene, trying to kleac in
the bathroom door, &Liss Cole herself
had her face slapped by accused tvvhen.
she sought to .quiet, her. Richard
Jeeebs, easgistttnt manager, who was
called, Managed to get her ten feet
.from the door, after ,a struggle, but
net. until Mrs. JacObe, , his mother, had
been slapped in the face several times.
" "Just a Nutsance", •
`41She is vety hard to get filong with,"
said Mrs. Jaeobs. s,She, so lazy she
ill not even Iteeit her Own room tidy,
let alone bathe her baby. She IS of.
jaat nuisance)" -teatiled Mrs. jecobe
felliiirof, assautt. — • , "'
One eould beer a pin drop. while Mrs.
Cole gave her evidence in the sign
langua‘ge -through "Mrs. Bernice Phalen,
interpreter. "She wants to live in town
So she can get out and see things," was
all the interpreter had to say.
"What about the assault?" 'asked
Crown Attorney Holmes.
he has nothing eto say abut that
afeeweeed the . intexpreter.,
"The. ,woman is -an enigma," Ob-
served M.agistrate Slakine. eThe.last
PAWN= Arrallifeil for 41ale 8th at
Agriellitural Park
Permission of the Town' (founcil has
been given to the 'Girl (titbits, eolaPaules
Goderich to Uee the Agricultural
Park for -a rally On Saturday, .Jlarte
8th. Tillie will be. the first time thet
4 raIlY of this kind 'ha e been held in
elrodericit and the event le being lOoke4
forward to With great interest by the
Guides; and the public generally.
Mrse O. G. Lightbourn Of 'Stratford*
Division Commissioner for 'Huron and
Pertb,,will be present and will Iraspeet
the eomProiles and Brownie peeks. Tile
vieiting Guides are expeeted to errive
about noell for yielder lunch. in the
gretfildfe ,and after '1t-40re* and in-
spection the program Of the. afternoon
will eonunence.
Games, signalling' and knOtting eon-
teas- and songs. have been planned ler
the Guides, while the Brownies will
pursue a program of their own on the
will conclude the day.
It is hopedthat all who are ,inter-
ested In the Brownies and Guides -will
visit the Park during the afternoon to
view the activities. • ,
Guide companies and Brownie packs
are expecte(' from Stratford, Listowei,
Clinton, Seaforth, and Sts Marys,
th.ers, p ioi to court act on againstn- ffirges v r
Victim a - Autoinobile, Accident 'Near
. ,
- -Hamilton- .on -Sunday Night
121VTON, ;May 27.—Mrs. Elizabeth
johnson,,, of this town, aged eighty-
three, died today in hoepital at llatail-
tOn- from injuties received in an auto-
mobile eceident on -Sunday night on
No, 20:highway near thescity.
Mrs. Johnson, a Clinton resident .for
the past eighteen' years, had 'made her
home with ..her son, J. L Janisens at
OhippaWa, and with bee son anefgrand-
daughter Betty had &peat the holiday
week -end witie her scin, W. L. Johnson,
-anti family here, ahd, 'werereturning
home When shortlY. 'after turning off
No. 8 on to No. 20 the ear WnS In
7,head-on eolitsion:. with a ionto-oviie
" Ar. J•ehnson and daughter' are In
hospital, both -seriouely injured. Mrs.-
Johnsen's injuries Were a broken ankle,
and hlp. and conctisSion. ,
She was a daughter of Charles Cole
and Elizabeth Churchill and was born
in Goderich. township in October, 1856.
In' 1881 she Married Thomas D.'Johnl
son,,who predeceased her in 1912. They
resided In Clinton. • There survive her
two sone, Williara L., of Clintoneand .r.
L., principal of Chipliawa Public
School, and four grandchildren, Miss
1 Betty, of ChiPPawa; Charles and'
Leonard,- of Clinton, audeAlrs. Charles
Dale, of Hullett. A- sisfer,-Margaret
Cole, resides ie. Wayee. Miche W. L.
Johnson left for Hamilton today: on
learning of his eapther's death.
UAL Wan get an Idea of Aeon
wen Year elk* fame, for regaling
you ban* to bold
the aleeding platter menet farther
than 13 ineht* n Yout Ti(,
it is time tO get the IMP witlek '
yon eventually wail; tif,A.V4 )te-,
IVlalte alptiOletleent
bi Am* 155 -
Cori Kingston St. on The
T. Angstrom
Wednesday at Lueleati°
e,ne Miss Hizel Petis Of Lenden vO)Iteoll
recently Nv,ith Mr. and Mrs. Walter
7,ToL'r+Aalleilitlfes• 'Z'At.4?aYetVi: "4:4';
on Satuirday.
Mr, Hugh Blair visited, reeentlY ate
,Ailsa Craig. •
A number of the young .people at-
tended the young people's. raervice at ,
Blyth Sunday evening '
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. CaMpleell and
Miss Winnifred OaniOell were owe-
rieh visitors on'Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Norman,McDOvvell aid
children, Mr. and Mrs e Wm. litcDowen,
and AXifita Mildred Thornten vialted
-Friday with Mrs. thsbaideston of Gode-
rich, to e • -
'Mrs. L.. H. Hutton of „ Londesbor*
visited. on Saturday with her mothers
Mrs. John Vincent., •
eividtals. , i?he name of .Michael- Kennedy _rang VIESTFIELD-
- Cutting "Ordinary' Eitiendituyes ont three times in the couft room and
The Governinent plans to eut over again thrice in therhalls but there was
$00,000,000 off ordinary .expenditures .n6 response. '
because of Ihe war. ,Tiie budget wilt -.This mail is eharged with treating
likely., put on a Wide range of taxeS. a distutbance in a Public place," the
on luxnrygoods, particularly coming magistrate explained.
from the itates, to - make ayailable esSergeant Ross is the complainant
more exchange for the purchase- of and he is net present 'either," said
'War .materials. partieutarlv airplanes; CrownAttorney _Holmes. -
there. 'Canada's exchange -stabilization The case was laid over for one week.
fund of $230,000,000 may be used, 111 Fer the very god reason that Ken
part, for Suen a purpose. ProductiOn neth Hamilton; charged with false pie
of gold in, PCanaaa s mineS.-(Ne pro, .tences, is in quarantine with the
, duced $184,00%000 in ibrd laStyear) measles, his °ease also,was set over, as
will be Speeded up. ['worts, will .4e was that of Murdoch McLeod, Clintoia,
made/ to incrase to 300 million the charged with-, keeriing liquene- for sale.
$10,000,009.antr-produce .$17,009,900 an_ tourist trade from the States and to
eurtall the tourist spending of mmliy ; difplicate* egplesive Plant
likely to be starthd soon • eight mann- adians outside', which, last year ran to
-ftieturine plants ' are tiirning out 109 millions.
2,200;00; shells, and this will ---he ,,Conservative Leader Hanson niade it
plain .to the 'Government that ill must:
edoubled ; sixty plants are working on
lose any eonapliteericy ieehas had with
compon.ent parts for shells ; More than
100million rounds of Small arms muni. regard to the war, became, he said,
tions haVe been manufactured; thirty-'
four. of -the fifty-one fields of th,e Trans.'
Canada 1 -Air Tins are being used for
the Canadian people demand action,
gild plenty of it, in prosecuting the
war. :He criticized the' Government
air training. plan activities ; -Canadian I for_ failing_ toe have pfilVided'-inore
His lawyer *as unable to be present.
James and William Drennan, Y.Onta,
fat Ashfield township brothers, were
femanded tO jail for a week for trial
ons a charge- of theft' of -copper from
Glen Campbell, Aehlield farmer. James
pleaded- not guilty; his brother, Wil-
llam, guilty. It 18 alleged they stole a
$25 fire extinguisher and bold it to a
Goderich junk dealer for one edollar.
• 1 nt vvill turn out 1 02,8 butes this necessary equipment of all kinds for The gradnation exel4ises of tbJer
year and 1,583. next--yetirrvvith-lheseTtlfe defenee- forma,- inethe- -past elee
ifigurea to' he stepped up ; shells of all hloeths, The Conservative .Senate
leader, Arthur Meighen, spoke in
sizes are to be, produced in Canada ;
2000,plants have been surVeyed for, similar vein and urged .""changes" In
war material production; supplies 021 the iGoVerninent, "and not .on party
He offered his services in any
clothing, boots -and personal equipment lines." '
are being procured for all services; I eaPacity. .the heom to bring -Mr.
sten, Irene Gertrude Taylor, and Char -
nine, air squadrons on -duty for home Meighen back as (emserlive leader lotte Irene (rawfOrd.
, defence, to be . increased to twelve ; The graduation ceremonies will be
naval strength to go over 10,060 soon. -followed ley a dance; with refreshments;
' ,Mr. Howe told the :Commons, that in the-M.181E14de Temple.
_there-lia8-been-hesitation-on-the -part -,---7--•
Of the British .Government, ub to the
andra Hospital school of nursing will"
he held In the Capital Theatre on Fri-
day, June 7th, commencing at 3 o'clodk.
'The members of the graduating &ass
are Eliza Lenore Stothers, 3Iargaret
Elizabeth •Bissett, Margaret Fern Cran-
in the Comsl
mons oes not s em to have
gained as / lnnch momentura age, stone
had hoped. Mr. „ Hanson invited Mr.
ng -A, to--laforni --the -IIouse
the requested and actual 'Co-operation
between the: British and Canadian
Governments. •
J. Woodsworth. C.C.F. leader, has
suffered -a- stroke. M. Coldwell
present, in giving"the necessary assist- 'The Goderich Township Teachers'
ifitt4'77-(plans 'anti 'specifications) in Association held its regular meeting
launehivie,war production In Canada
in soine lines, particularly heavy on Al
ai ir2nd at the home of Miss Grace
torized and mechanical :equipment.
is acting leader of that group:
W. H. Golding, lIuron-Perth, has
been named ehairman. of the caucus
Hellyar, Clinton, eight, teat:hers being
This Is being -corrected now, he added, present. .During the evening plans
"Many thousands". of airmen, pilots were made for the Schaal *air which is
and others, will he turned out by the of Ontario Liberal..,members of the to be field in SeptemberVarious
air training plan and; before the end House l Mr. Golding Ishi,bl re niethods of teaching Wire discussed,', was enjoyed.
of the year, theetitivalent of three e.nceted-for., his sane, common-sense' after. whieli a social hour
army dThe next meeting is to be held at the
iviSioas will be in training contribution to Parliament—pot showy,
under the plan.. .Stepa are being taken but solid. - • home .of Mr. F. Powell, on June 20.,
to secifrethwnecessary training planes,
earlier than first scheduled; to peed
up this plan. •
Ovation for Air 'Minister
Major the Hoi O. G. Power, new
Minister for Air, was given a real
ovation `by the 'House. Mr. Power was
lauded, even by"Conservatives, as- the
right man, with brilliant capatityand
driving power for wadi a large, im-
portant and urgent ministry. '
Oefeilee "-Minister Rogers revealed
that two Canadian battalions left
Aldershot ..,with the intention of pa,rti4
cipating . in"' an attack on Trondheim,
Norway, but the original plan Was
abandoned by the British authorities.
Mr. Rogers described the tworit of thee
Canadian navy, Ift .Various work, as "a
PrOgressively 'developing efforts; W
:worthy of Canada."
Drastic cascading of wheat prieee on
the Winhipeg -Grain Exchange has
prompted the • Government to "peg",
wheat at 70 cents 'per 'bushel. No
trading in "futttred" ean be carried out
at a lower tilgure, The United States
Gov:eminent. took somewhat - similar
peggliag ectien on the Chieago ,Grain
4 House efraltaittee review the
Challenge to Democratic ,Devotion
Canadians today are being aoked, to
buy war savings certificates.- What
does this mean? It -means this: That
our ansIver will be the measure of our
real devotion to democrat:se To free-
Vire have been told that democracy
is decadent. That our kleale of free-
dom are meaeingloss. That our way of
life cannot compel the devotion. that
goes to the totalitarian creed. , •
War fiavliaga certificates cap answer,
and powerfully, to that indictment. To
the extent that we buy them we will
Iiivhether or not devotion to democ-
racy and liberty dos exist; whether
there exists the reality' of democratic
responsibility, of stleinecratie' loyalty,
xlemocratIc unity. e ,
In 'Prance today the watehword
Advance or die. /rt England Mr.
ChUrehill exclaims: "X offer you blood;
tears, toil and sweat." And he adds:
"For all that Britain means, 1 appeal
to you, . "We must save outselves
from the bleck, bight of barbarism."
- • -
WESTFIELD, May 27.----Gysts at,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ander-
son Saturday. were Mr. Roy Patterson
of Goderich and Wis. G. A. Ainslie of
Leamington. '
Mrs. Ross ItobinSon of Tillsonburg
visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred W. Cock •
Rev. -II. C. Wilson, NIrs. 'Wilson, John
and Ruth were guests last week of
Rev. J. r. and Mrs. Reeeraft of Picton.
Visitors at the homeof Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin ;McDowell over, the. week -aid
were Miss 'Colina Clark of St.. Cath-
arines, Masters Donald Cowan and
Babby Vokes of I3lyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ,Sibtliorpe of
Blyth visited reaently at Ihe°home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeDoWell.
Miss praee Redmond°. of. (Linwood.
Sp4nt ,the week -end With Reeve It, B.
Redmond. L.
Mrs. Wm. Blair of ,Brucefield spent
the week -end at the home of her son,.
Mr. Hugh Blair.
. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. McDoWell, Mr.
and Mrs. -Norman McDowell and child -
rear visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. K. 'Cameron of Lucknow.
Mises Edna and Audrey Walsh of
lIenSall, spent -a few days with- Mr.
and Mrs. A. I. Walsh. -
Insbector Kinkead visited R.S. No. 0,
East Wawanosh, on Wednesday.
"Mr. 'and Mrs. John Petts of Blyth
In doming weeks, the people of this
country have the clianee- of .'Showi-ag
whether their thought of freedom's.
meaning, 'their understanding of the
meaning of thls,terrible conflict, is as
deep and -real' as that of the peoples
of Itritain and France.
, The° real challenge, of wareavine-„s-
ceetificates is the challenge of whether- -
the fibre of democracy le AS strong AS
the fibre of dietatorship. The chal-
lenge of whether the discipline of the
lash is as powerful as the discipline
of 'freedom.
Let Canadians, by buyiag these war
savinga sertificates, by answering with
all and the least of their means the
great cry for help that goes up, show
how strong IS the di_scipline of freedom.
Let them determine that it' will be
remembered in years to come that
Canada did not vent itS anger at
brutality and injustice solely in words
and gestures, but that it turned at lean
a part of it •Into eaeriflee for freedom
In freedom's hose of dire need. '
doug ys
sour taste'
Subject to certain exertiPtions, the Foreign 'Ex-
change Acquisition Order requires every .resident
of Canada who had any foreign eurreneY oi foreign
currency deposit in his possession, ownership or
-control on May lst, 1940, regaidiess of amount, to
sell the same to an Authorized Dealer (chartered
bank) on or before May alst, 1940.
Unless an ext6ision has been granted by the
Board, any resident who has not complied with
the terms of the Order on or before May 31a,
1940, wiU be int default and 'subject to the penalties
provided in the Order. '
The Order does not require the ale of foreign
Further information and particulars may ,be
obtained from any branch of a thartered bank.