HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-30, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal a' nd The Goderich Star NINFilleSIXOND YEAJL NO. 22 GODERICII0 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 30 .. ,.., .. . .____._................ . '. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. AT Outline Plans , OTTAWA THAT GODERICH TO 11AVE 'for.Local War Work A. GODERICH 'BOY OVERSZA , '• ''' "t• , ' , . . • :poses, ,....,,,,,The , --triiittltitteepurposeet-7-enalliteeetoreeell t. -* +is Tax Rfor 1940 1 • , ' Same as Last Year ,...4., "NO BAITTAMO f l• Rev. F. W. Craikatate • • Vietona St. Citinvii W.V. O.... General_ Rate One Mill Lower, ' 'Collegiate Institute:Rate . One Mill Iligber With hie welltknewet penehalit for , bobbing tep wherever there is anY ext. 'Large ent or action on, " Jackie" eitem, golag , „ Deli,. . seventeeneyeareolti eatereidtiner, Cortgrigliticom .11,1*,01 Ann* r serriame Oil Sunday ' MILITARY AIR TRAINING ,SCHOOL Citizens' ,Connnitte Makes Begin- By 4. A.. Ilume, Special CorrOSPond" - ning in Xte ' vosagrisme..., ' ACtiVe$ ''. _., te ' • At a oPecial meeting; of 'the Town( Council on Tuesday night -the report e of the financee ornmittee, reeenurteteding awfatoaxadraot:teoaf, 445,11144 neby,itilasionstelitte4tilo„1,witeitrs, ' ' ' • PaSSed levyiug ,the' sum 'of W(1,150.20. ... Of thi$ amount $00,739 is ter generel 4,44b rfrtif Att 4t„... ,,a,,,,,1 ,,,,, ' PurPooes; *'*''t.'c'''''"t' L'''.4 ''''''4'.""* i'"'"''' • and *2,664.15 tor relief. • rete is Made up as folleWS: For general 1811 PoSes 28.60 mills; for Public school puerwes 9.• Mills,; tor eeparate , . , seitool PUrPoses 10 mills ; for Collegiate , etc:, height iive feet, one Inch, Weight ewe,. set, ee - e to Tete 44t'et'"dritts' weut rtt'"Adt64-4-- °is' MendaY and preSented . himself .at the B.C.IL teereiting depot, offering nee eery:ices to \% 11, e ' et - . et- are ye-ul askea tae ecrtn uiig. sergeante r , yeing • JaCkle, Up utul 'iv"' • ' . • ' "'Nearly eighteen," eeplied , Jackie, hesitatingly ;• eperitapti I could be •a, batmaie or something." . , . • ' • "Sorry, lent we are not Meting sAnY h4eho:m:tlealentfL;tia:y, etit:1,1134:4:ter i , 141)e=t4imut'glio431:Inoko, et 1 ,Yott want to groW bigger,"*Jackle 'reports . heeetergeiteet asseepeang. " . , , etete eesw, creie. f rbomtigh, 4 .., . 0 Pete former Itkuell'loyed Pastor 4)f Vicustite street United ehurch wae • hood a* ,sonasy ',by ,coogtegutio"mi that nuot tio* , - n eliewbutiletiii tit:inuisteureworeey asi,ox, ot, lta siz..40„. , At the morning sell/lee-Mi. Or:ilk's enbjetet wait "raith,;''' Ile Prefitoe4, hill sermon wite an eepresseet of tits iumk,., teet.e le:teeing, pilau In Goeetiebe weeeetewe et to e hatl spent ve NerY teeterY Years. Ile brought a ineeitage to the centre - tg:rtmleeeetr.fprulittorlle ettv... litrloetat.C.,11t,elsetreer., athatttwbo is novv in PeterborOugh. His text wale frota 1 John 5:4----, - "This is the victory that overeometh the world, even • our . ' OTTAWA, May 21 It waft ofileially. , cO annOtilleed today, :: by the Departnient -tor Itrip CROSS REPORT . . The War-tiute Citizene' , Comutittee,• meeting „for :Use larst time, since its' of 'aNAtioUdi-, Defence Air, that . formatioa at a mass -meeting last 'week, Vrederich,will be the site Of an elerneat- 'Beep°, ading. •to an urgen, t appeal frOm ,w, , , . et .. ' asaseured by the presIdent, Mr. Jell ar,Y. ellylng -training school under ,the, ...teed (tress Iteadqhattera to, rash „host lettenteettthat the Gerertiment is taking . fortil' Mite tetepe eta *guard.. aga.insteabot Britieh CoPtrimieWealtie ,Air 'Training, Pltlikullitlics• Ytv„it 1-culele$ ,a,net.Wgre"., tidee.t • Plan, e ed the ealle at the -local '`'worlt eowns two 0:3,34 so ,ealled „fifth column's, act „ , 'What predise plane are -being Made 'Sattirday , afterimen, when '1850 , co.rat • ' • • - „ tivitiee in Canada. Xr. ,Tleoina$ did, ....,e " . leer. • the.' iGoderich aivimrt,,..-develloped presses, Several', bed,,,,,,,OWnS and P5rialna's ' disclose the soUrce ,_ of tritr-ittforint ,.- . . in -recent Years. thrOUgh the Ruron . were made and' the followin, ,g ell. iPthent , etion ' tint assured the gathering, tenet f rwarded ' ' • ., - ' , •, County Council and, private interests- , 9. bempres;est large, 1000; pyjamas 6'& yenta 'in the Offlee Of r. -F-. Caret', on , . ' Is aot known yete -Siffiee .lt for thC, scervee, 5e, bed lackete, 6; surgeons', Monday night, that , his iinferneation moment setee-eiTy'estreet...tanee-lingerin wnsiviDes;--entally•-$407.1i1.4k2108-1-, esemeefront...heeteri-thigleseentlatri4.; . doubts Goderich mid district may 'have helneets, .8; rolled bandages, '187- For. ' teii, enentnees ev'tre' present and- the evacuees --Quilts 2; boys' pants, 1, ..' had 'that the Dominion GovernMent - - ' - c t • comntittee adopted a seteotprineiPles" bonnets 4; sweaters, /1; dresses, v , • . - 0 for future guida.nees sttessing the -ift to'melte lute of tile Cloderieh 41-ril°1't 'bees' s'ultsie 4.; Children's', secue, 0.; t i. i t, t tii • d a 0. exert can. OW be definitely set ttt. reeL, i bloomers, 41 mitts, 3.; sitireee.• , eg,cap,.l;. pa r 94. c 314 are' o' 0 t'0 Y. 11 , lug fullest •co-operatioti to. • all . other •AneelementarY ile'ing traututg 004004 nightgown, ' 1; 'baby niff,ttgowns '2* ' .• in 'IS' ter early- training after the stage t " organizations now engaged war 4, _,,, ivy's knittee Suit, le - - • , - , • • p • .• _ -- • • • - . • _ . • ee , . ' „le, . work here. • . of initial Ilying.training.seboola Ivo= • The enoety,Practica.1 way 111 .wuttal a% desire of many eirzens to engage the •pilots- in training. 'Proceed to ,other e i • Oanadtan wonien can -show their devo:. iia 'fi , some., de It te . war ,ee tee y w.ost I. ' • -t-i airports for ,interneediate and then tion to the Allies is •to bend- -every . seed, i *service -dying training schools' Pr: Prie energy 'in, a inost vigorous: effort,. to estr and the formaton Of a vet- : .Artisleing, touches of theiretritinieg. replace supplies, .'A tremendous niina- 4uard to . train In -assoelation. . _ Because the •Goverinatent eontheuess with the. local militia conipany • Wa$ ber of ' wounded, as well as 5,00,000 f ' • ' - it )1. - 1- , - . avored,tut one way w len ocal men. zealously, to guard 'against infoemation ...refugees,,are at this moment conveegiag. . . , - . . ..,-,-, ' ei. o tueir serviees. -reaching-the one mill. The total Is the ..1:3a3teeaiss 4teanset Y.,:ellIi but wbile' the genera ' mill lower the Collegiate institute tete Iiint''Taelleteiehatira-81,arsuir-"-te neeve tt-teinfilft lot of guys in. London, '' ' , , ., - • - f•aiFtfitii't'h-:, sti' idithe' pr'e-acheir, i4t•-t'll-e'-:te'zi-lv- theeit em *tub -wefeau.....iely' in a wetrete° ... one mill htglier. - ' in, two enetae. neeln‘at)4esplitalyre" 15PatItY: aabnlil December 14th. will 'be the 'Usual. disco.unts and, penalties • , ' ' • Tee reegtteaFation oe the town -hand ; . . , 'woe diteussed 'meta the- special :eon- 'irattee wa8 instructed itie 'Consult with the LionS. Club In. the. matter. ' • ,' •• . ' The. Etithnates, . - The estimates _ot xecelpts hnd ex- peaditures for 1940, ae• presented by the iluance contatittee and adeptee, ar.e as follOWS., • ' .n - n , - ' . . oxeeteNteeTterete . , • . . is.arcos , ..,,... . ..p.,.....,... . ....,•,,,,.,., .... $ emcee Printings - advertising, . sta- donde and Postage- - 1.306.00, ...: • Y ... . -, • . 'Jaw costs and ailuit . ft A 2 000 00. - - -- - • - j'etedee rire depertment e,,,, . .. • , . Public .wailts And read oil . 13,00(1.00 . e„e.tee lin'-'1c--'-', .rel- let and asyluin -iv '•'. '''. a'''17 Patients ' - ' • - -ow 00 .••••e. • • ' pubut .iibrarr 's ,2000.00 -, et --- • . .._ .., , ,VICTORIA.' DAV OBSERVED . .• A,Tp.....ljg_leIpt ..Spell0.014 . at"1:vieiteeto„ riraial)stli awola7m. fiTtthillugrslydaeybsextire! 110011 last, *hen the pupils gathered in the' school ealtsexably 'hall to- sing patriotic songs and hear . an address. .. 0 • by Masor H. J, ..4._ MacEarant • st . • After the singing of "0 Canada the studen•ts saluted the Ifitioa , jack. Miss* Estherifilume rendered a heantifu'l $010s to the 'delight of the- children.. „. Mayor WacElwari, striking a note 'of • • . • • , • ' intense ..interest . at the , present day, sPolte of the strength' ofetthe British Empire, its Ya.st 'extent, and what the 'En1Pire gleans te its peeDle 'Wherruti, are tailed upon to defend it -• - -. - - ' • • The National Anthem wasesung d t' . . . - , . • . he assembly was concluded with the of a • • app • r* reading , ,,PraYer, r" la t° thet presenteer,leis, bY "Pri'xrcipal S ii -house - ".• --- •- ' .. - • ' e ' ---- --Ate-,Central that is rent bi- hatred and fear. Nei man eau ,tell what faith Can do until he Ilit'tat. ittisilicomuge;'irt... e•'''tiet.sill. tt'itil dtilisecetr(19:1bartf, difficulties a lft -is the, one tthing ie, i ,to give oonsiitiettee, axia .segurity. 00, '1°3g lig BritainkeePs her faith" ahe '431• xi ever he elefea. ted eBrit-annia. rig, rule the waves and...Britons never :illbstil, he slaves. • • ' • - ' - . • - ' i • Faith le -like- the new ntorn rig that gives, lite a.new meaning., lettith es.tee, vineible. .1' s ls not eouquered. Vie gates Of hell shall hot prevail againet 'lot Great Oominander. Whongh au ' •olse ,sho d fail, , undwateat are everlaeting t arms. Honore du 44 patriotism, sacrifice soli .remein, tete. shown, in, e lives o rio • motile Metetee '' gale 'And ,Edith Cavelt- 'with suck - - . - - - • - - - th . examPles . erg courage and fal by which "to live, the UrttisillgraPire 0.4307" ' The sPeaker spoke of the Power. Of itra3„ „. "Let the little things f lif er. • . . . o e go ; the only thing that- inatterit * nth'itinbseeljl'eat*; 11:whe'n'...th:y 'et' , _ • :There SEM. T. _T. 1V1,1.110tAY,•MaeDONALP Seigt, SiaeDonald Is the son of Mr. and ' Mrs... Allan araeDanaldr BrOck. • street, and was born in•Goderien nearlY,'",, ,- . , ., ago ,- • . , twent, -two., yeare . Bee -was. with. , the 'Royal, Canedian-negiment at Lon- dont Out., for .four Years a214',1 .is now • with the regiment, in ' Bngland. 4e,.. Was, on duty with the guard ,of honor • _, • . 0.t Lanu011 entlie occasion 0; the v A, ,,,„• es-,,,,, „,,,i. ; I ' , tt',..„,' ,,.,‘•.. tee."4ke e`e" Queen last year, and " tc • forthe' ' . honer When His'Itlaiesty inspeeted. the regiraent in England. ' His 'parents .re- .. • - . e. - • ceived a letter from -hun on 111-anday - . . . • : • si of ,this week, :written. en pod_ he th, i . , e , U1(1 spir ts. • Ti-totalilu-* - . • enemy on th- m . bers of, pilates groluld ereWs, obServers, gunners, etc., to be feinted opeteeby the .. 'COMitiOnwealth; scheme, lt, is. not ,poe- sible to •seettee any inforeatttion on the . numberieedirbe .trained, at' Goderich-. or 'Oiler like schools -it ply one-time. , In ' dile coursee. hoteever, Gotierlea. . ;will . have large numbers' of *en lit training eit the nese' • etch001, aetd inn -rents . county town- will beepe0Piodebe , vuld, giv ,1,... . on, -purls.. They need the heti) Of eau:, e.,etin•-g 43_ f s visit 13 -aid unioep -fold -the-en aelianettetmett. All hoepital supplies be a committee a ilimeelfp ceL .teele.. now In our steres in 'Englaitd have been , ' made ,avitilable to 'The Itritish Reds tSturay and Dri J..14.- Graham to Mille tare he d te at Lottdon on -Sate dr0.$0. Only A SliVaii reserve has been ._ , a guar rs . ,, - • uraay when -much .was learned of- the kept for tlie' use of' Canadians, ' • - ' • . , ' • h e. pi , . regulations .eovering t. e presert in t 'rhe need . of new clothing for. retie - e Wry set -up -in' the country, es The* come geee... from. ' Holland, . ' Belgium.. watt eoittee was assured by tete' genetai of- Frmicele urgent.' _Donations of meter- fleet comniandine that the Main con- ita itii mote ebotireres garments Would textri. ti - ii • ,iti, On a group of civ lane eou mita aPPreatifer:---- • 't7. - - - • . ' ' ith bright Young •- reen in the blue . . . . y- uniform of the Royal Canadian le Poem. . . ' • - `,- - ,„ Shortly, ,, there, • should •be ,metre ,. he- , elttrinetioneeitietemietiefetletr -ye - • • - ; ' ' Work retails twill_,be 'open for 'work, . .. three eays a week, Tuesday -to Thurs- daye hiclusive. Fridtty is reeerved for the weekly thridge. and .. 500 tie tv "-it '-r--,- ipeo make. wouldebe tin, the atisistance it . i • iliti its • could, give to ext,s.t ng, -m it tin . A 'Committee headed by -Mrs. D: a: sane.,•was appointed to eonfee. with the Cattadiant Legtore. regarding. the Pott:- •firiN • 4ar‘j ' ARRESTS:, IN AURON ACT . UNDER WAR. MEASURES AO.L.: .. - • ". . ' ' ". " " -. * " . .- . -7-- , • . t But We' •Vomplaints louder', bivestiga- • ition,„ Says ' CrOV,vn,,Attbrriey , •Circular. letters • went 'out tot all Heron` einenty britaChes • of the Can-' . eaten" Legion yeSterilay • frem the Office"- of • Ceown 'Aittorney D. 'E. Holmes, in .GO'dericli reatiesting that altinstagees,:Separate whether -of epeeeh • or deed;_intsympath- etic to the Allied cause ,:be. reported' promptly. ' Tne letter asks that -officers:, eefe-thes Legiwa poet$ acquaint- the in-. vidualhinembers with its eteltents. • . • • . To set at rest a veritable flood of. -rumors that; have °filled -the air in; re; cent- days, the •Crowit7 Ateerney "said that no arreStsfhad been niadeln,,.thie cotinty -fer-alleged offenceg Kgaingt the Wat-Keagur4.4kt., - .f,te Aid --say ' that- two -tomplaintt- hedebeenereceiVed, 0120 from. Godertch and one froin.W.inghain,..•;v4ter, arid that .they :w4re° being, investigated,„.•Salt. ruitherttban tbat,Mr. Holmes ‘refused hat °all le* ti-- -to .eoraneent,, but edeled t gi .. mate complaiatewOuld be givenlirotept „ •attention. • • . qpieed- at the•, Goderich airPOrt In oile-, - 'II rs dmitelet ation • uectiOn with -anga , 41, - --r buildings, and .possibly barracks .0 'T's`Oriie kind„ - etc., canT 'necessary. „hue provemente end extensiens te runwaye, ' creedetotavhich_areenseditcepurcimee, materiale, and wool; • Saturday is • in- • , • spectwn and ehipping.dey. • „ t.- Our ,bxitucli his Iteeneaskeele. feeketest al1tWorkers to meet tlaitt emergency and. . to -proceed -With the ntmest eirpedieneY to the Malting' Of hospital supplies and 'AMR. eibility-of-seuding'Pareels to local Men , I '' *It 'thou ht - that • Seiv ng -overseas.. , _was, , g , me 'Legion* rOoms Might . be. used ', it$ .•a central dePot'ate-w'hich. supplieitniight be gathered and. packed, .*. - • - e e - ,ar. Getit Sehaefer.-brought the.. offer Of the fxee 'Use .of the Legion., Toolie • ,, , ., . 7-- • 2,i00-.-00 Cerants , s. . , . .. '•cuss 'Bank -Mete:met .' . , . - •500.00 ,ELeptions • , • • • e eeeeese---:•-•-225,-00 :payee ,---- e e ., - , A- • • 1,500.00 . ..i.„,,,, rark House' ' * 4 ' - oteew . • . . 1 400 00 Cemetery . „ , - Public . elk. 1 -te e. ,et Aivon vs oo. s .•.. ... . ... .......- --Ivy," -- secleotd ' 1;2400. echooleelieht-teache . he ' ro. ' • ' Emp re . t eannig of . ire . -ay With -an children 'teethe. verious et . mei Or !filitiel-faTi :raorning 'and in the after- neon t e. singing, ottpatriotie, sorigs 'be • • , , num-, the children ir• chorus aind „solo 4• . , • ,_aga berg was an appropriate eature"o'f, th ea, . - . - ,de et /Win Ivou '-k • . 11 'you a • . - • • • • • ' .' * • , /people, ere -losing talus. en God when theyteand„.4ettiesewste, , everybodyeeleet •: canal' t control eleeiresteraperete. w. lee.a , they -,,,treepatta. . inst the laws f God because it le • . ., e o . .. . . . the . popular thinge-to do; .7hen, . _ neglect .• the -church. , ,- . Tile , -ssr. 'rerie .. • 01.1.1X TWO 0ASE0 FOR' - • SESSIONS NEXT WEER' knitted' articles. , . WE KNOW' WOMEN. WILL dt..ALLY •. To.. MEET THIS CATZ, as . headquarters, 'for tbe • cominittee, The offer was gratefully aceepteel', IV the. Prealdent :en . behalf ._ of , .the _tom- ' ' •Codregiate Institute-- , p-.17,-295.23 a a Health, '', 350;00 Boar .. , I 200 00 Insurance "' -. ' • - •, - AN . INVITATION ' - . ............- . . .1 church' is faUltig, when the" Iotilt tet everybody , else to (10 the work that le to ' ' he. 0 - n dou• _ One criminal 'Case 10 Be.'"Iidiourira and Jury'. Dispensed With ' The only criminal ease. &et down for• . . .• . , BOARD or TRADE . . ' . . MENBER,Siup DV,IVE - ' . - ' ' mittee, , • -'' - - , . . The secretary was instructed to tvelthIto the disteict-seperinte.nd.ents- of 'both eallevays suggeeting. the desir- e •• 1yearket , e $5.00' ' DebeittliteS -see. . . . . . eeetet ........... -10,49345- County rates , , ., .. t ,. - 10,568,64 -8.treet 'lighting ..„....?:: .... . i . ... .. .:' • 5,006:81 Tewn, evater • , 3,000.00 •ThiScount • and interest on. . • 'taxes ..,. . . . .','. . .;:t.,*....1....,......,.....: ,2200.00' tiank,loawieserVei-41c•tin--).- - ----- '-' ' collectable texes , • - .-5,000,00 light. and harbor ' 1,000,06 Co.. powe'r•• • 360.00 1,10000 . , . . ,. . Mr. Geo:, Laithwaite invites the pa - -liceto_ Visit, Maplee_Leaf Feral.' on • op le 'blossom Sunday, 2, to See his. r, ch.ard In all its beauty. .Ateer a'pa 'de. at 3 o'clock throUghetheeoreharee a service atill-We 'held in his park, A seal). .adinission. of 10 'cents ill be chee edeevere for the Red. Cross e . ;- ''.E. t Stilted the Vveathee beetermy. 011 al arboVe dat(, the .gathe'eeingswillebes p -i t- .poned to a, latee date. • • ' . , e ._ •'. - - • ,...,,e _,,, • •The' eanSieal sertriee -was under the ,. direction of MitstAluta Ifewelle -Organ. _ . _ _ . .... . _ , ., . , ist of the church, and the ,elettir WO assisted bY the, Ilarinonie Male Qutare, 'tette of •Listotvele who sang threeetaleee tionS. . The' membeis 'tit the qua.rtette IA II FleMing, C. E. Blackmore, 'S. Hudson and A. W. Zurbrigg. , - .. EVenhig-Servitef:-:.--:-. •• - .. The -evening service of North street Unitedetchurele, WAS "Withdearvert ansi many members' of that a te hearing,at the general' sessions of the County CoUrt ••whiell,Naten next Tues- . day, that of ' J. • )3.. T4iiVis, , Clin,ton„. charged • With false, pretenees, Willebe ' ' Crown, Attorney • 1:20, ...E. adjourned, Holmes announced ' today.-. . '•'This is being aoilesas it Matter of-Kamm/Vs-the ' -adjournment' 'Obviating ..the necessity " of Calliag ..a; geend- jury:panel Of thhe n and a .petit• jury panel" .of forty- eeeteht. The -jury on the,only eivil jury =•ease been --wai:Ved, • SurenS •_. ; Thetannual inembersitip drive .ofethe Gtodekicli *era:: of Trade wille begin shortly, and ' the oftteerte o.f. tile Board,. ,, vvhe have been aetive during the Year; ho for a 't.neious response from the . ., ... busineesmen and other citizens e.xiy- • • • NI,/ he g ' hec- oee- a memtie et of ,.(ti`lt:- 'Boir.rer iv-12ot°- mayelene•pen to be %vele 1 k d -' the driv pia. .obta' a ticket oo e en, .,. In ,.. . . - from W. IL BlackstondWeste street, chairman et the neentbersbaTeteompitte .• 1 J3 "k 'A .- • - • • • ability of soirie arrangement railway fares -which wouldeertableenten . on service ••to• -get • to •,their homee for authorized eleaveS•• as eheaplY as pos- sible. • . . '_..- .e. ' . dile titeeeptien - •Lt.••••061.• AseEe Sturdy and Deputy eReete Brown were . appointeaa cone- taittee to 'make ingniries iegarding the poseibility of halting the men new ., -. . .. . , . serving. in Canada given ' leave .tn a griSup:_to come to •Goderfeh for a givie ata:tional -Shipbuilding plant • • • . Armory .. .• iixtoo int - 475.00 . . : . • AT KITCHENER WEDDLN , lklany in, GOderich -congregation- • ' .A. tended., With the people. o'f '.:Vietera, gtrect-----e-Bet; -W. "Pee. Teat*: of Norf. 1 v. -Alt. -Craft -1) ...:,....--..,..; Itobt. Ma Kay cemetery. f.• . fund , • • , 59o,00 - MiseellaneouS . -- , -‘, . 2,1.po.12 , -W14.- 00- Int •Sted in the announcement' of the :Av ding. of Hugh John. -MacDonell son 0 , Dr. it ,-0:. and. MrS.- MacDonell of itch- street .was, -,with Bev. C. L. -BrOwn* pastor 'sof th'e anniversary church, la ehe pulpit 'and. asisted Jul the. seeeiee, Mr. 'Crailes • subjeel ' was "An ,also_lias • . have been ' notifieet not,. to attend. .. There are only two cases on the civil doeket. Alelville .M10,, farmer, Logan : • ' • • - township, - is suing. Elmer ,Hugill,..... Tuckersralth : township, t -for a • 5° .ditmages, with costs.. The .action.arisesDownie out of a motor accident On March 15th, n o. 8 highway, it few , miles Iwo, oc-N east of ' Clinton.: . The statement • of .1D -x 11 kl R t ee; . - . -• pe - ey, oya - - an „ secre- • tary of. the. Board ; or J. F,„ Oilleapiet bank of .04 erce treasurer. - - ' • d The Board has already prepared- an • , bli• 1 . literature' th is issuing pu c te . in - e interests. ot. the .town, Mr. a H. ,wh,o did such goodwork as , * tourit seereta,ry laat year, is agair, actin ' sff in that can:tette ' ' • ' -- -7-- tt , - -- • • • - - . , -- - . . - . reception of some, sort, en whieh tic- ' caeion it' was hoped the Town wolil mike such presentations to„the'inen.ai. had '-been planned. ,• Mr.- Schaefer . stressed the importance of the final. handshake to 511011 men from their friends before' leaving for everseas. ISo- foim '- of official recognition - me from the people of the countyon the . . • , 1 -APPEAL,. FOR BLANKETS . - ..• ., ......e....- ' 'An' urgent appeal . has just been re- ceived from' the Red Li head-. gnarters for WOOLAJBN BLANKPIES, :-either new- or 41S good as new . . These° blankete are needed immediately for shipment to Pram*. Blankets may.be letLat the Red Cross rooras, or will be called 'for. - Phone 669.0r 500; '''.."'".•, '' '-iSewer — e . _e . . $123,858.95 • ThECOPTs ' ,Ceinetery ----, . ,f. 700.00. Licenses (including Liquor . ,Control Board) ' ' 14000.00 -Fines ' 50:00 Dog tax 250.00 t • Local.' impr,ov'ement teies .,3,605.23 rentals * ' • r 501.00 Itoad ,o11, assessments ..... ,.• . . ... 042.70 National Shipbuilding- plant 1,000.06 ener, on Saturday last; the bride being Helen Elizabeth, dht u "'"- • a g er of M . and -Mrs:-J. Me Laing of Waterloo . •The 'eeremOny toOk ' place at ,St.• ohn's Lutheran churchan , Kitchener. r. d Mr. Maotkonell''are former. re.ident's Of• G.oclerich, and the bridegroom . was born here. Mr.. andltdrs. J. W. 1 aser, Mr. and Mrs. W., F.• ,Situnders lid Mr. and Mrs. C. K. atitiders . atten ed the wedding. e . , - 7- , Adventure in 'Christian- Living." ,Lifee he said,. 'is • the .gr -a e,ateet .dventure of all, and he spoke of. the' liv,es .end eneral otit-h, Gren.; achievements' of GIt roll, „Moody, Barnard* and . others - to show Nhat-can -be d•one, by mete animated 'with the. Spirit .0...q011- ..--, ' ' t . . . , . ;Mr.' Cralk spoke -•of the visit of , the King .eitil Queen to!Canada just 'a year ago- and of His t.lajesty'S, request, after a, *year of ebseneee .-that his people , claim sets out -that _plaintiff lead parked - his car well ' over eon the •shoulder a , . ., . AN APPRECIATION* • • occasion of the openio of .the local airport was thought desirable and the Council be interviewed lie road when defendant; dritings in • ----. , he, same direetiou, ' greeted • into its Editor The Signal-04re • . . ar. Plaintiff maiiitaini that Hugill• Sir,-Wheever is responsible for the W as ,driVing too fast and.Was not keep- floral decoration now .being made to ing a proper lookout.. • • the west' side of ilarboa Hill Ls to be The defendant defendant Claims that th'e Ilunt congratulated upon the pleasing and „ ear *as parked on. the travelled portion artistic effect that has been achieved. ; of the road, not on the shoulder, that it It , is sach • beautes spots as this that ' . 4.-1134.11%.1khtP.,.„thi*f.1j,k and that'plaintife gi.,Ve a town distinction and attraetive- failed to give w'iiiiiiir"'"I.Tig"""Mteitier. ne,ss. .„.A further wo•rd of -praise can • claim_ is for $268tand lie .asks- general justly be said in regard to. the gardens -"iiiiiiage's of $500-itird-CoSECt- -7"--t br-Gbdericir.' - There7aminilliY--verr-regret-of--the---nrenthers , MePherson, Thompsen and Attdereeme. ,beaeitiful ones. - ' . IStratford, for plaintiff; George L. A VISI1.101t. County will as to what form such recognition., Mietild take. . . • , _ . A .. deputation .composed of J. . p. Thomas, P. F. caree and Geo. Schaefer was appointed to interview the -Town Council and aSk fer a. small' grant lei order to carry on-ai * :citizen& cora- • mittee. ! They win lase. request the council to ep_point. a.,rePresentative on :the . committee and ' will - e.,cintep the -,that-the band ., has disbanded' at it •time when. snob an org,anization is `Most needed. The bethe WORK ON THE BLUE WATER --- mr: cff.ti parsonshae received -word' frera- H.• E. Macpherson of ' Stratford., divisional .ellgineer 'Of the•Departraent of .liighteays that' entracte have,been. let - for the gravelling 'of the' Blue, . . water -highway from. Baytield to Kin-; eardin( T. -Sandy a tOwn has the, cOn, tract ,for thet: portion af tbe road be- tweerrAtryiteki---and • pert ;Albert alid- has already eomnaeneed WOris.., -When the gra,velling :is completed the roed will be given a coating of dust -layer: • • • , Art Craft:plant 110.00 •Goderich Orga:n 'Co . 480.00 „ ProViecial 'R. It: tax • 2694° flouts .eincluding.armory) '. 2;000.00 'Belief -payments, (from 9.ov- , . , ..ernment) ' 2100.00 ,Governinea subeidY, -IsmIlIt -2:1•11:1 -----4 Park nonRo rovenne..„ .. _, .... ° 300.00 , iir RROLSTEIN CLUB PIC IC . . Officers, of the uron. Cott • ty Hol -i H stein Breeders' A.ssoCiirtion ar makiti g arrangeMeiltS for. a ' ' b • ' picnic • e held at iSaltford Heights on Monday, June 10th.• *The Bruce 'Connty. Holstein. qi-uh..,is, •unitiiig 'il,th the ,H ron club' 4,-;,•the_vkita , • . . • • shenid glve ,their preyers fed -the pire. . . '. • , , "There is .no 'need to bi• too nineli afraid hi ,theee anysi'_"_said the speaker. .. , „ • - • • We: eanent go under when Cied is .ou . our side."' ' - lAnniYetga4 Supper • On ,Monditi evening a bountiful sup- _the,240,2: .'efounty road rebate 2,5,20.21 . . -''-' - per---was-served-by.-„.the-Wornan's-As. Taxes . ' . 106,159.2? ' . , ..... . . ". TALK ON TOURIST . PUBLICITY seelatioet of the church and aftervedet an interegting- and enjoy blprogram a e . -''' ' ' ' T Boat(/' of ' de' n ' • - 'a $123,800.ee he Tra . a nountes . . , ' "`" meeting eo he heid,oh Tuesday evenings ' • *' ' . was presented. Solos were given by Rev. F. W. €1 111 Ituth Allisoe, Helen . Mitchell, Stratford; for .defendant. reiwerd F. • Lynn and joseplaine - MILLION-BUTSON '141114-111aintiffs, in another 11 tion, A, (11111 eddi took pl at the t •ev ngace • to collectetereelleve• owing, on or posses,ch -or -St.-4iiiiies÷ -ehurelf, 'Stratford, council will askedto .take inest vigoretusesteps to have the bane eitrry ' att. - " ' - -- - . -- ' _ . , , . , • .. _..... mr i . Geo. Laithwaite offered the use . , , - SERVTCES-ltECOGNIZED'.......___ .mr. aod Mrs. E. Douglas Brown were presented with a table* temp ' by the choir •of . St. Georges churea :on their 'resignation front that -body.. Mr. and mis, 'Brown 11 id been faithful rcierabers ' ' of the choir for ,eeveral years and the . gift' Was a slight recognition of their ServieeS,', 'The preseetation was -Ina& by. WS. Oakley, Miss, Wurtele, Mr. W. A.-. An.derton. and Rev. A. C. Calder' who called on Mr, and ' :Arse Brown at their hopie last Thitredity evening.. ' ; . . . - .. ____ __. _. , - ----- June -1 ith I at 01 11 -Vil ' ' -' rn I - l'i r --AI- If - II' d -FARM WORit RETARDED i ' - • - - wh ch a talk on tourist pubheity Wili - t ., , , . , • b°11 4 ( Iss ma , Owe , and dilets by Ilissee • Pearl Roope . and • sion. Of ' • property,: sold, ' to E•.'' Maud riday 'afterneon, when Lena Faye, Tremblay on LeceMber 1, 1934. 4-11 a rh .1 m 4•31 R con daub terMuch property is in the Xeays and CamerOrt ..sir- . 01 Albeit street, Stratford, utson_te a - ' ' _survey, Godericla, and was"sold toUrs. b came the bride .of rrivate.James El- -Treniblay for $0a4; 'Stine otelog, it ls. e lik i t . Ilott ' Million, --of the Perth g men , . chilined, -is $358, pine interest, taxes on y soi - . , .00.99 . and Wator rates .$1.5.91 'llie 1 i of Mi. and MrS. James, Mil - A,' le q Ligut lion of Dungintnone ev. , • , . - e statement of. claire 'adds that defeu . • r 't d. '"•The firide 'wore a ant' was asked. to vacate on Apritt5i 4°11111 1 °illetiiiik' .ger 0 ek of dusky rose -with • 1940; but has not given up possession, str4t.'eligSsoc'les and -a corsage Df red • • 'The:defendant eleleis that the action white 'a e OROA •ceSii _was attended 'by acigs. is prematuee, -that, 'notice in 'writing Tr..--„---.„-, il„,,f.,„.,e ., . weerina blue crone .with. - -. -1Vab not-SerVed. and that at-the-thin:0- j" -.1'5•'!",Y'•::±•" --r'--1:!?-''-'-!=•-•''-•::- -d--.1-•-•--•-tiM.0 rose accessories au aeeereage 0 the writ was issued °lily ' $60 was 11. -..,m d • , I1 . carnations. Itrivate J. . ' o erherg OW.Ang. ,ThiS the defendant states she .A.-4,-- it. v. 1,,,th R •3 • - t a beet amen. Offered te pity, buit the money .was .ret — — 1.• e te ed , - - The' couple will 1114e ne tra o . fused by plaintiffs - , • , . - of the orchard on• his fii.rni during bloseent time fer any kind of eelebra- " tion-vvhichthe cominittee might' eare to . stage, the proceeds to be devoted to the 'he e Wa Work of the eominittee, 'I off r $ declined with thanks _owing to the ,shortriess" Of the time and the newnese . , . , of the organization: ' .• ' ' The president peid tribate te. the many offees ;ot assistance which had poureil in on. -Members from citizens wiehing to help 'the •work along in it of streteeThe meeting -adeeurne• . at a late ho r to reeonvene at the call - . ,... , , of the president. . , . • . - helms 'Of Committee , - ' . _ .. _ . ., . The following were1144)1)10(1for/milt' , be glva ley D. R Oliver director of Seeding Not • Com .1 all th ' .0 • ' tareo Travel and Publleity . p e , e n, . .„ wheat -aild p st teG d . ' a ure oo • ' . .Bureau. ' • : • ' - ° ,and NI i- t J ee Mrs . tieTavi h d -aim Sanderson, Mes. 'T. Orayand MieS Evelyn Tereekow. ' ReeitationS .ivere *given Backward sprint- Weather •e -x-, _ - - - - --- -- , t'e ' . . - cessi .. a d Y , , A •MUSICAL, TREAT . , . . ve ea-inf Ils of recent ' a s ar-e greatlY retarding, 001111)14 tion seeding Lovers Of music are looking•forward opera.tions in North Huron, Particular- .to the .recital to., be given" at Knox IS in the north-east .seetion, where ohnreh tOmerrow (Priday) evening,. at much land has not yet,lheen prepared.. 8,15, by the choir undee- the -direction In the south many low- ying fields, ere of .Miss.Eleanor Snider A.T,C..).1. The tinder water or - the soil. is so water- .program Is a Most attraetive ones A 14) 1,4(1 that it s kable and the b. . 1 udwor , by. Betty Johnston end Iloward • ' ke • ' 1 . ' lie Alt p. Rev. F., 'W., Cra k. was t guest speaker end wae again heard with great enjoymenteThe school. rOOM in which the , supper' was held' was •heiatitifutly decerated in Red,- white and blue, and Kovitled it leYele eetting for the' 0(0 151011 HIS, 435TH- BIRTHWAX . ' • 0 e of Goderich's oldest residents 11 -- ' :illy. "Henry Martin,. passed his eighty- +fifth Milestone ort May 23rd. Mr. Mar- _ t • tin, 1ms. been Art Alexandra Hospital for many months, but ' he is , bright nd cheerful, and 111 1111 old friends in. town ' el ''11„ i eh . • and saw ere •w 11 e glad hear Of him ' - ..• .. „ . , .._._ ,. ., ___ . _ __ pletneetag-ef eorn beans.and-migar beets -- --- -- ,-- --- e_____ - t• . • • te -tee-. ,.„....te is beina held. up This is a summary si, ' • . 's ' I C " * Brisk Movement o Gram to Godericli given The 'Signal -Stet. iy..J. ...:Shearqr,.• . , , •••• , ., . . . ,._, . a&ricuitural representative. He ',says ee. - . • e. ' - -- - ' "! -- :.- , . - •-' • . - es • - - • falle.vheat looks exeellent tied clover is a - ., if.;levator-Notes from the W terfront wonderful catele Pasture 'is g bad s - a - - . .t. • • ' • 1 „ , tat R. .0. EatesteK.C.,:loreelairitiff, Frank ... ' . '. - ' , • 1)orinelly for defendant., • • AT, STRATFORD MEETING , Huilni klountY .01d A.ge Pensieu and •as the :guiding princinlee•of the cone- •mitteea ',', 1. To effeet• to the evident and present • Indica ions are that hay :. ' - . ... • atilt be a big- crop. The str. Fort W.iltloc arrived at the -- - - • - * • harbor 011 SatUr4ay afternoon from ' • ' season arrieed- early Sunday keening and left on. Monday morning. -. The . OLD -AGE" PENSIONS. AND Mothers' Allowitneer- Board event to ?ellxiA•ktrit,41 -Stratford- last -eveuing to hear, -an ad- ' -MOTTIZRS' A.1.1 "' ''''''"'"'" eleess on their work from a Depaetment - ' itepreeenta.tive. They met with Perth ' unty and Stratford City boiled% . , There. are 8a''.8 people , lir Ilueon eto neunty receivinold-age pensions'toT1* 3114 at•tetided freinfHuron Were day.. The total paid mit In the fiscal william/ Archibald, Tuekersinith town- '• year' ending ..• March 31, 1040, wt1S4 .1," --- ehip tehairmarit ; Iteeve R. 'J. Betel:Ilan 180,940,17. This compares with 8ir ef BrUSsels,,John L. MeEwan• of "Wrett- perth cotintY who last yea.r re- eter, Deputy County Clerk Norman etved $185,146. •This information, has' Miler, Mrs. It. IL Redditt of Goderich. <fMuosrt kbeNeonrinrealne-aMseidlebry -Deputy' tt' o untY andM. Vthf Clit give pith- ' lic urge to become more activelyeaaeeto sociated with' the prosecution of the vrer. , . , . , . • '''' 2. To aassist in the organization of ffothr tcohlumPnre"veancttiiovnit• i.e0sf . •saabhootma,ev-e "••a•ffi-ned-ld' , & 4'16 render n possible assistance .a y , 1z1 1 j d mem ens of the C.A. , t.., art • to to the • b' , their families; both during thefts -T.- n 111.0 d a w lin . a a an e,oversean. vice i 4.. tro f,rive such, assistance to exitt. •ingcr"o." l'I/ 31Io' a' thep• eer ask .loose VIT1111 With "MOM 'bus-. Of' •r, A LETTER kikOM ENGLAND Pc`rt .1.-, - •. - wheat ati cleared light on Sundav Is t et word reeeived f•ront the loeel - • - morning for. Fort Wil/iani. . lanyda eiesrvaizeleevttIehr . tr:eceCivAe,dS.Fthisili. wEeneek ' The teSuperior (voilein lethan . . • ' . P ' ' T Hus e of the att. hoar aftee , th,e -loft Wildoc, also .fromt rivate entice , v sdr- • .,-. • from Fort William, with 19,850 bus. :of It:C.A.S.C.• Supply (toltann, • ateu .witg-wheat and 0,770' bus. -Of Oats 11nd land, elay 12th. At that, veritiag the cleared, light„early Sunday*. attelmoott ealie- boys were still in 11 111( but fer Po rt (tolbotte • ' * ' 1 h d. ht.""ni - cancelled. Terenee ' • eaves a ,e had inte,nded 14 11111 that woot on a leT) l.lhi. eantWoane• oWtideadnhesadra. ryi. vaefdte•rfnroomon, ,-wFoi.trht veio'tsot•ilgeednabluoen..ggle.. wlitihe "smeevnetnio'tde•a,uen dys' £1)it' 1 u- 8r 0 ed•Iaiu*y .s .. -T0Ne3hmoof rtnvihnegato 14 't1 eufr,tn,• 1ti' "oeh,tI, ,oornt., vytngelse .ad gone upaimalso elimpa aid if no further mail vmsreeeived tit S d ' ' I aIle rty W (I 8 ef m him for some titre et t r ' le ' a° °e e*Illle 11 e "' e ' n o w•or y, day" morning from Fort/ William with a7sfroni thet 'time on letters weuild be ' - ' 260,000 bun. of wheat. ,, •• „h i ' ' 'Gode- i . (1 IJ a 001* 1/4 one° • vas he . 0 . , te, ,. , te Brieadier , of Torontot . , ' • ' '. ' ` • Pereb Attratt :5,tanylrititorg 'Thpewitiire eentinut'nto bite . , ' - . - rs en well off the hreakwate .. d piere and on . Sunday-•- hundreds of out-ofttown eisheinien swarmed to the •liarbor ' to try their luck.- Bert MacDonald was 1-tipt 'busy all 'afte1114 on with. beth ' ' 4, laounnedh• esi,gmointhge, ebornevakey,wing b- ee angtere V.,ishing Lthoere.i o.tt•h , us. Ita. eTt'sh. oc'ma'' mase fxrai. tn.et_li'eS 1"]. 3181 r(1 'o. poititsasfar dstant Sea, Pige4f)fis Nesting - ' A topic of high intereeCtround the ' - ' harbor these (lays is the neeting of see .• ""1" LT. 'ROBERTS RECOVERING tie t J NI Rob ' rt It 0-A IP vh lLaondbo1e1n'(11 fo• r1'• it• heWeeetetnsi' two-e' • w•eeisk' SIitaIl°S ' ' 11- . ' - ' reported to be getthig altingnieelye Ile hopes to leave 'the hospital zoon and resume his work - " ,,,.. , - ride • li tie f b 1 1 1 p n app ea n ,,,,o ra es ;a 8 ravel caued a ear .trived 13' MThooehmd.aav.s. ,.ertv:enWinal.to, Vb•eicctoomriea uSneitrn'eaent,a' geeli blTe ear toolto thicd ashedagainsta fence at a point 'about seven nilles s .lith of Goderi h on the Bayfield rod; Mr Walleeete es wile unhurt. About $0,-.) dainage WAS done to the earPrattle Officer Airebb ' t ' ' - . xelmr•g. ' - In nuron tounty, in addirion to old- ' • • t n . (AR 11 . age penel'o$31,'Wp"aid et mothers' llOW aeea d 3-40 to P4 6rowelko, of town uffered blind 1)( 31 Ill the ame period minor injuriewhen tcr wice Perth mothers received $53,180 in al- was driving,* failed to .make a tUVU 1011 t114 much, 'more than 'lit Huron. on No, 21 highway, north of Goderlehr and crashed Into. a treep, on; Monday Perth eetutty' blind pensioners Teyeeived ,s...in . ste482,04, elightly less than those of . ' " u g. Pawellto 'NM preeeeding When lie lett the road at the Huron. 'rhe , Perth figures Include -- n-- . M Al ' r or Pro- ,Stratford ,and St. 'Marye„ `which places turn known as ce anus have separate boarde. vinclal Officer Webb inveetigated. . the5.f* ufrloettaspoisst ibthlee " ecoi-toipzeenras titoon' eto tetnh•de 0overet 1ny ae ity whi h it mayundertake loeall 0. To offer our serviees. for the eo‘.•;• ordination of the eolleetion of funds tor war purposee.a „ ' •• .., 7. Toliour fneetinga of the , ,dom- Jaiittee 'at the call of the president. 8 e be i . , t nhall neumbent upon the preeldent.te eall public meetings. from Cline to time in order to yeport to the • All these Cargoes were ter the T *EATHER . rich Elevator Company. ' . HE W The. temperatures for the i)art week . The 111)4 11) arrived early this and for the eorresponding week last t(Thursday)" morning from Sarnia and yeo.r , as officially reeorded, were as took on 180 tons' of salt lave She t ., , follows: -, , ' . • . cleared 'i 114111 today for llorit wily, . 1940 1939 liam. . - - .• ' i'4" . ' - Max.' Alin. Max, Mill. • The AIgocen arrived early this after- . r. p, . ‘ Theirs.ettlay 2-3 -.66 - • 43 • 08 .4..) noon from, 1 -fort William with 300,000 Fri., Itlay 24 . 6-14 54 68 , , 42 bite. of wheat for the elevator. -• 'at %foy 0,4 4 6 54_ The Ilrieoldoe isduefrom nrtWil _. ' Sun., May 20 (08 4)0 80, - W liam this evening with 210,220'hus, of Von May 27 '72 48 ..,81 • 62. Who:,it and°,42,1,.;00 bus. of. barley, also .. e Thee. :May 28 al . 48 73 Mt f0),r the eleVator. „. Wed., May 29 11 '31' 57 , 47 'The first •yaelit te put he here this ,, pigeons On a small Islaud atthe river't mouth. -.' This ' is the first yit.,dr, in tht .orth 1)14 1114hof old,timers at the ha.rbor, that these. birds have laid thele eggo .., around (tederleh. Bert MaeDonale made the. discovery a few days agt vviten he; noticed the birtle ,E,Wartlinti , about the _,' islane ine great numbers . , . . . .ilig curiosity urougckio , ncrt, investi• gated and .ffmnd hundreds of mg, ieamid the rot4.and eblde•r the island. The egp tarY Irk eel°, from brown to P,Iate gray, speckled 'with blaek, with three, Oggit-to a neal in most CaSe& . _ _ _ __ _ *-------.- Mayor and 'the County Aldo. IA It shall` be a. primary ditty of the 'committee tO 8trengthen public 1 b • bli display of -patriot- mora e y a pp e and private tits- coaularda• g• 111(1' 11110 ofndilee feIantisn-to talk orivkoil)nag- to fosthr fate* optiiniam, to etrengthen , .. ,. .1 i d t r' bY evert' seuml fueaw, 't le ea ni e e - le t• ., minalion Of the peopo workto *n ., . , , _ dure, to tight -and to win. April, 19-10, lhttegt figures avail« , ' able fl8 71).,&70 was paid out pe t PRESENTATION %T 0.A.C. v ' t° li ' * ' h II ' f ' stoners of' all kinds in this :county. in Sir William Mulfkl., e anee or ,:() ' Perth the total was $10,402.54; ' the •UniversitY of froretnto, was u dig- Since. 1929 a total of 1708 Pensions tingaielted visitor at •the graduation llave been 1'r1111ed-111 Ituron. Of these eXerelees of the Ofitario %t 1141111111 858 have Weil removed hy death or t"i (allege 8. ft tielph, 1 a st . week, i Si I' other eauees. The total number of liant was preeented with a diver bowl . pensioners varies slitthe. rt appears to by the fourth-year ?etude/tits, the rt.re. • have reached' the saturation peoint, for •ttelitation being Ineele by Bert Middle, • A ..! 4.41-1,•00 44-orent, ‘,..•A•i• iittit 'fan eif Vihanti- . ' ' ., eitizens on out- work, at which time oppertunit shall be iven the eitizens , de_ Y. , .._.g . , , ., . .e.t t if the peri,onnel of the emu- ° In° 7 mittee ae c rentals ances 8e01n, tet , dieate. • ... . , , ____, _ , . The honoay acive Mmb f 1 the committee Phall .conelsto t ie eur- t• reshling offNera• of all eettriotie ren• p . w I the t I t d organizations n own as e ee e from title to time, together with the ta VAI, 4PUT.Se