HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-23, Page 8NEWS OF AUBUM
ekUlaleable, Kay 21 Mr and Mi' I a. piano hietroraeniei, Atm G (lon
Jobs lietater asd daughter Marion, Taylor eaug a eolo, and Slisses Mary
Kr. Jobs finiareon aid Mr. and Mrs. awl Margaret Nesbit saug 4 duet.
WAssibe ,d daughter .iail1 ur.r
rgeret., a.y.. moos. -- y.
The B, .1).AT, met
of 'WWI on SnUclaY witli in the Baptist eimeeh on Sunday night,
Mr. sad MIS. Ndigar letweon. . with Earl Raitliby In eliarge. After a
Mr. asel biles. IfarrY, , SturdY fArta singsonee Frank. Itaithby led in prayer.
Betty end lire. George Stekeily elecut The Scripture was read hY Uarold
4401' woelgrend with friends at Chathaine Reid. Miss Evelyn Breekow of Gode-
Sir. and. Mrs. Joe Carter , of Port 1 riele favored with two violin numbers.
Itligin, spent the 'week -end with. the The topie, -The Penknife and hole' We
tormer's mother, Mrs...las. Certer, and Can Apply It to Our Own Lives," was
harry Arthur of ,Zurieh spent the
week -end with his mother, Mrs.
*M a r garet Arthur.
,Mrs, Rose leraduock of Goderieh
v ited on Saturday with bee son Wes- •
ley itud Mre. Dradneek., Farewell. Gift. ---,-A. farewell' presentas
Mr, ',Arthur Yurieblut ..i?f 'Detroit lion lees held izi the Forestere' liall on
spent the weekeend with hie lather„ 1 wedsloatty .etelaiwg or , cliarie
Ur. Geeree 'Yulighlq.Beadle, Jr. • Mr. Beadle, who for a
Mr. A. W. Zurbrigg, Earl and Lloyd number a years was the proprietor of
ZUriirigg end Miss „Mary ' PC d of the Aaborn., lionse, has given pp busi-
-Lietowe'levielteds on Sunday with, Mr. ness aid accepted a•position at Grand
and Mrs.' It. J. Phillips ana •Mrs. 0: 4. Bend. • ,., During the -eleening, William
Ildwieel-- . _ • Watson of Nile in o a few well-chosen
Gunner. and Mr. Thompson a Lon- Words expressed regret at Charlie's de -
Sen. ' to leave 'Auburn, and on behalf
taken easy George Raithby. Mr. Chas.
Breekow of Goderich sang e solo. The can Of Morrie. Mr. Thomas wes eleeted
elute Meeting will be in charge ' oe '
Preeklent of the Censervation Assoela-
?Marjorie :and Lloyd, johneten and ItoY tion of Zone, No. 1, whiph biehules
Webeter. Earl Raitliby elesed the ,fleiree. cousy. e
meeting with prayer.
Forestry I
Work inspected
Local Ken Attend Conservation
Convention on Irriday
The teforeetation convention at St.
Williamse No ,.
rfolk countyon Friday
last was attended by J. D. Thous of
town, Wavden Feagan, Reeve Itathwell
OL Oederich. townsialp and Reeve Dun -
does Mr. and Mrs. 1iseIL
and family of .Courtland, Mr. and airs. °feriae community Maitland Allen pre -
Merit Arneetreng and lkir, and Mre., seated bite with a Purse of 'money.
401ths-TheeePekre ot West Walvaneslie Cearlie fittingly "replied:, thanking. the
;were Sunday Vigua-kr-irltirilz---"allio-edierlereserferetheiregiftesealusic-Ierectae.497..„
)tles. Wm. Tiaempson. . in- . was sePplied by Gordon MeCeen-
Ur. and Um josePle riaggett een
ehey, , flarveY ;McDowell . and I John
Saturday moved their housettold effeete Daei. with .-etr„. Wm. Haggett, Mr.
to Blytit, *here they well resi. ft -,„ John. Deer and aeise Ila. Craig as aes
Mr. and, M. Charles Asqtath 'were i emerh•-nists,jik .
Kingston. on.' Friday. attending thel
convocetion exercises at 'which _their T. J.* O'NEILL RETIRES - -
eldest son, Reginald, erailuated from ,
Queen's University aS a mechanical i
' engineer with the B.Sef degree.
s Mr. Regineld Ameathe a reeent Whenthe Canadian.Pacifie.ltall. way
gracluate of Queen's., University, has train from Fort Willeam pulled toa
accepted se,position with an aluminumI etep /in. Winnipeg, Friday night, T. • J.
eorepany in Toronto. . • • O'Neill, who has been eonneeted with
, Two 410 la•hdmr,Oi large maple the Postollice Department for terse.
trces in front or the. residence of Dr. ee
eeven Years, ,completed his last run as
B. C. Weir,. were felled on Monday . .
...morning. These trees were struck by
lightning eame eears' ago, -
The of Knox „United church
teld a. quilting in the church basement
tar Tuesday, when seven quiltswere
quilted. • • •
Royal - Tour Filins.-Tite: Foresters'
.wae fiUed to Capacity on Friday
night when Rev. R. M. -Weekes pre-
sented Motion • pictures of the royal?,
tour, rThese. films were. Dist on under
the aeseilees of the Ladies' Guild of
St. Mark's Anglican„ church. Between
Mlles Miss Betty ASiiiieth faX0re4r, with
railway mail clerk., MrO'eil1 is pat
president of the Canadian, RallwetY
Clerks', As§ociation. Hee" is 'retir-
ing on pension.
-Along with two dezen o his as-
gociatee who greeted hart on his arrival
were S.W. T. Dickson, distriet director
of ° postal services; C.. A. Hives; tn.'
speetot of postal iservices, and Gerald
Dennehey, president of. the Itailway
Mail Clerks! Federation. -
,With H. J. caraeron, who is also
retiring 'after twenty-six year•s' service
lielcatise, of 111 -health, Mr. O'Neill will
be but serheiMareof the-Asseciation-
at a banquet to be held at the 'Majestic
'Hotel on May 18. - -
Press of May nthrefers to a native
of Ashfield who has' relative§ in that
township and in Goderich. •
It is proposed to have a forestry
field do in Huron some time thie
summer, with A, IL R,iebardson, Pro-
vinviai Foreeter, as St speaker.
ST. !WILLIAMS, May 27.--ISupport
of 'a move to make "conservation"
-work, such as reforestation, a- means
of rehabilitating 'soldierS who return
from the present war. was gieen hese
today by delegates to the annual con-
vention of Zone No. 1, Ontario Owe,
tservation and Reforestation Associa-
tion, meeting at the forestry station.
The meeting was in eonjunction with
thee,reforeetation programe -of district
'BOY- ecosifile7WE6-itte• -gettirig-Vtit
sixty acres of trees.
Officers of ,the Censeryation AssoCia-
tion were elected as follows t"President,
J. D. Themes, ,of Goderich; vlee-preel-
(lent, Roy' Dick, of Watford; secretary,
W. H. Porter, of London, and treasurer,
Monroe Landon, of Sinicoe (retiring
preddent). • • • •
Conservation work as a means of
-rehabilitating returned soldiers by pro-
viding them with gainful employment
'while the adjestments: in°evil affairs
went .on has already been `spinesorecl
by the British Empire Service League,
and the Meeting here today went on
record with a resolution endorsing the
league's program.
Rey Scouts' Work
In the morning the delegates of zone
No. le "which comprises „eine counties
of, Western Ontario, inspected the work
of 114 Boy Scouts, Who are -setting out
trees. in land .;provided by Nerfolk
County, four miles south of Delhi: It
isthe first project' of the kind „carried
out inethis part of the • Province, the
only similar effort haying been at
Asigas`e where it has been a success for
tee years. •
:Thebeesewere eeleetedefroni-vareatia
troops, on a basis of efficieney •and'aptis
They :represent communities
from NVhithy to Sarnia and nortliya.rd
to,,Straefeed. • Their headquarteisgi Is a
campeof tententsOn the forestry sta-
tion' grounds. They started in On
Thursday and will continae, until .Sun-
day; '7 • t
The 'Scouts' work is in charge of
Bert. ,Mitchell, London, western. held
secretary for the Provineial Council,
acting in co-operation. With forestry of;
eis. P. D. Mitehell, preeident of the
eit 231d, 'IWO
Notice hereby giseeu tbat # Court
et itevielua on the 1%0 usiiteitiouvat rU
will •ee held hi the Township Ha%
earlow, Juue 4th, lei% at the hour of
one o'eloels, to hear Wad eonsider itur
complainte, in respect to Said roll,
t'1-2 WM. SALIA)WS, Clerk.
21-hour Invalid -Car Service
1Vfontreat St. 'item 399
, • ••••••• .
Just the Gift for that Grade
• nation -se Shower- Wedding. or
Uirthday--one of the levely-
Flower pictures -Or a Wallace
- Nutting landscape-oe a marine -
artistically framed -at the motl-
erate prices of 2:-=-35*-...50e-
Zic and $1.00 up. -
You just can't beat them -For
Picture is a thing of beauty •
and a, joy forever. ;
VOrne in and 'see them,
Home of Beautiful Pietures.
'Vast Ste - Phone 198;
The Evening Auxiliary of Nortli
etet United ellurelt will meet Tuesday
evening, May !atith, ill tile 'church. A.
full attendanee le reqUested, es the bale
will be packed.
Sale of home-made baking, SeturdaY,
May 2*th4 iu UrS. Ilibbeet's eterei term-
•erly occupied by Ur, II, Pierce, nailer
auspices of Taylor'Corner Ladies' Aiii,
Sale starts at 11 a.M. . -20
The Saltford Red Cross Seelety will
meet at tile home of Mrs. harry Wil-
liams on ueeday lafterneen, MaY
30,th, at 2 o'clock. .
Dont torget the supper it Nile
Vatted church' on Yriday, May 24th,
'froM 0 to 8 pang fell-eiree by the play,
-Truth 'Takeo a: holiday," with; musical
numbers between tile three acte. Ade
missiOn Eke and 25e,
$nlart, antyI1i are the new hats
Lor the weeletenel showing the latest
models end- nn..tn.tlte trimmings, at
OTT,AWA, May lie:Plans for the
sale of war savings certificates -and the
Widespread aeeeptance of individual
thrift.progieuns'a§ a -war effort are now
being organized. hon. J. L. Ralston,
Minister of „Finance, has announced the
_appointment of W. 'H.' Somerville, ---of
'Waterloo,' Out., and de GasPe,Beanbien,
of Montreal,: as -national chairmen of
the National War Savings CoMmittee.:
IL V.• LeSueur, of Toronto, has- been
appointed Ontario chairman of the war
savings committee. Provincial- commit-
tees, to be aline -mewl in the near fu -
south of Goderieb. on Blue Water
highway. Apply P.O. BOX 449, Ceode.
rich, or phone 499J, 20 -Ix
volt sm-m.--31Y NEW IIOME ON
Quehee street. , Would' consider
renting to reliable tenant. pply MRS.
E. L. TAIT, Box 77, Goderiele 20tf
x 26', built of end lintel with
stiatehed luneber ; hardwood door. Story
itn(l 41ta1t. Suitable to make a
dwelling or eummer cottage, 'MOLD
TYNDAIAL, 11.11. 3, Clinton, Ont., Phone
2 on WA 21-3
Kingston street, Phone 492. 20
John Flemish, Ashfield tewnehipe re -
Petted to pollee that lifs gallens of
-gasoline were siphoned' from his auto-
mobile tank as the ger stood in bis
driveway Monday night,
,119f/e- titneseeaseered_by_tamleguiat_
use of Kipp'e 'Herb Tablets. Sold-riy
The condition. of Willeuxi H. Tremb-
lay, who is in Alexandra Hospital with
, broiler,. hip -and other injuries sus-
tained in a fell over the stairwaY
bannister of his home ens April 25til
last, is reeeerted. today to be unfavor-
housework. Write Box 31. $U -
" house-cleaning. Apply lby letter
to Box 30, SIGNALeSTAR.
Trafalgar' St. 20-1x
from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache,
use ItumacaPa-their Two -Way Aetiola
attacksthe cause: COWBELL'S
-DRUG noitx. 0-15-21
generar.HhOusewerle; capable of
caring for children. Sleep ha. 'APPly,
mafs. amwooro r4one
Clinton. 21-2
and dead eattle; must be suitabls
for mink . feed; -removed premPtly.
FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bayfiele
Phone 608 r 22, Clinton. Calls paid
for. 18-tf.
1e* ' CIILLENT ontocT •sELIENG
A "hand of thfrt7"-gYPeies. of .bothl OPPORTUNITY territory
sew and of varying age ane size, in-
cluding children, is in cailfp at Pert
Albert. They are ;travelling in six
automobiles, having just left "their
winter' quarters at Toronto..
Mrs„ -I>, A. Stirling, Goderich town-
ship, recently lost her balance while
Staildhag on a chair, falling, to, the
floor and beeakzug an arna. eVehen a
reporter - called on the teldieheine to
inquire of the accident it wag Mrs.
• Stirling who answered, stating there
was nothingsmuchlo i.. itud that she
.was getting along fine. ,
Knox .eAurela Ladies' Aid will 'meet
'Friday; eMay aist, at, a pan:; 14 the
lecture room �f the church,
The Sunset Hotel is offeringefer sale,
at realbargain prices, , a ieumber of
'felt mattresses . at ,$73.00 each, bed
,springs at $2.00 •-eitels: "They : can be
seen" at the Sunset Hotel from § a.m.
,eo ' - • • . . -21
-. The district annualenieeting' o1! the
vthnen's Institute -ion be lield..4t,t.:St..
Helen,.Friday, May .31st. All raeni-
bers .wiehingeto,ettendu-should get he
touch . with Mrs. Geo.' Mathiegon or
Mrs. G. Bisset.
Reserve Thursday afternoon and
evening, ' June 13th, for "Waihasse
elemenstrationin-MaeSity Hall: 21
The Women's, Association of North
-London Bey -Scouts' .Association, has street United church well meet Thurs.-
been eiedited With promoting ethe'e day, May 60th, at 3.p.Me, in. the, chiikelt
r4gb.ts for live -wire,, ambitious men and
women, selling a line of guaranteed
quality products. Send for our plan
and catalogue TODAY. VAMILEX
ment St, Montreal. • 18-21-24
Ariburn with three,plece bath, ;dee-
Ole 'wiring, large garage and exeelleut
garden, good location, Also vaeant lot
in Auburn. APPly. to Mitfie • 4. J.
atou11m$014-, lut.,5, Goderleia, Or
MRS.. ROY FATIROWs GOdericia, One
tarle, 1921
on Perk street, on high, Clean look
tion. JOHN-STON, 15 Cambria
road; Phone 811. , 19-20
Foh s'Aum—trivo .SUOIVt11011/11'
"7- bulle, ,ofservicea.ble ;age., Qv
(Tiger)- Dunlop could have made
will Audi se; he did. it is a Justly
famous document, sledge() for OriginalitY and ?charming- sarcasm. YOu %flay
have a copy by sending 25 eentete
TUE' SI(NALJSTAlt. — 15tt
Notice is herebY given that the regu-
lar dividend of Wie per share and
sextect dividend of 15e per share en
the outstanding atoelr +at the Company
have been deelared, payable JUly 2nd,
1940, to shareholders of record June
15'th, 1940,
BY Order of the Boatel*:
SAND * • el
-Goderich, Ont., May leth. 1040. . -21
hundred. Cauliflower, aster and. other TOWNSHIP OF. GODERICII „
ettilehage and cauliflower plants. To- "*
Mato 45. cents, Cabbage 30 cents per
plants 10 cents Per dozen. 4i.- P. -A Court a Revision to hear and
TAKIBEROGIC, 80 Widder street.
Bri.- 'bomp1ahitse healgd4lini*Butlitt'se
roll will
, road, neer Sunset Rotel claY" Ma'Y
Hale _Holmesville, -at, 10. on Mon-
wish to thank their manrfriends
and neighbors for the kindnesses shown
;them their recent bereaVentent;
Special- thanks are offered .to the man-.
agement and employees of the Dontiee
len Road Machinery Co., Rev. 33.
Lane and those who sent floral tributes
.and loaned their ears. . t, 21
Library, This property will be sold
Montreal$AljTR'street, 3sTo tie 'f 2.Cbill I ti 1111 204 ht haaAA d .17e. ePiteP Ifej.1:,:: tart te:tipez int'a.$:41:tellss; ly1P:fo:m1 ru2dnie:t' et, 1 ngo' taati
at Buerowe store),
the tag-er,b,e charged in s..
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk.
the4apxoat on, easy paysnens.. 3.270_
EXTRA 0/10/0E
Foit 1§41411. A ,
tomato, early eabbage, pepper, cauli-
flower, aster and other plants, 10 cents
hundred. VIgerens Plante, well rooted, T°
Per dozen. Late cabbege, 40 cents per OREDITORS
.ourABB,RT, corner poinbrio, .road and ITAILNw(TualikoNE ESTATE 01' 011 THOMASs4.
and hardened- to open air. JAMES, -.44 '
Elgin aire., oyposite Thos. Anderson's AII, persons ,having claims against the
gas &cation. • 21-261 Estate of Thomas 'Hamilton, late of
Fou M r T lin LE a
the Village a Auburn, in the County ofe
Huron, Who died on or bout the 14tb.
day of January, 1940, are hereby re-
quired to forward the-game'duly Teri-
Althede 8tt°h:dtliedy o*lifnLenrsel,gn19114°Ilittofrtol)er- tha6 ret
date the Executors will proceed to..disr
tribute "the estate having regard. on.1)5
to the claims of .which they shall then-
heve .notice. '„
, DATED at Goderich • this .7th day of
MAY. 1040. • ,
1.p-21 Solicitor for the Executors.
.brick dwelllng situated on the
corner of St.' Patrick's and • Waterloo
:streets in thes.Toven of Goderiche - All
medern. conveniences', house in geed
state of repair. ALSO ron-sApt--
splendid residentlai 'home on the
corner Of Wellington , and ;Lighthouse
•streets. , This latter ---property will .be
sold at a considerable sacrifice. . For
further. -particulars apply' to it. O.
RATS, g,a, Barrister, Hamilton
street, Goderich, Ontario.' 21-2-3
The planting has so 'far proceeded BORN
with great speed, • in spite of disagree- ,ALLAN, -At Alexandra Hospital, Gode-
eble weather. It is thought that about rich, on May 17the to Mr.' and Mrs.
60,000 trees will have been set outsbv Frank . Allin, ILE. 4. Geeerich, a
Saturday afternoon. " daughter . (Carel JaY):. '
The hug :plant in the Morning, and BREWER. -At eeaforth Hospital, on
in the efternoon, devote their time to Saturday, May -18th, to Mr. and, grs.
lectures and, nature study ---bout Reuben Brewer ' (nee Ern;s. Roach),
eighty of :them will attempt to qualify of Goderich, a 'son, lames 'Burton
for their foeester'se ba.dge, 'indicating ahnio). •
Wm; will be repeesentative of agricul- they 'Rale -identify trees„,
ture, labor, Industry, finanee, e.ducatioe
fureet fire controls and know eonsidet-
.and,the'professions. • able about general care -of trees'.
"eWar seSeings eertilicates, to be sold in After inspecting the Scouts' evorke
the conservation delegates had dinner
at the foregtry- etafion, the tables being
decorated with petted trees. ' They
were welcomed by Norfolk County
Warden Arthur Simmons, . of. Court-
land. ` • •
• --Crown Control
Monroe Landon, retiring president,
said: thatthere was a poPular idea
that owners a land eould do -with- it
asethey pleased. However, he went -on,
the Crown title iinpliecf that the land
was only deeded on the understanding
that it be used for the good of the
Crown, in this ease the people.
.-"I believe it is mitduty tordemand
better stewerdshiP," said Mr. Landon.
Hepointed, to Immense destruetioirof
and -desert conditions. The importance
of hosing Iegisletion to -free the con-
servation., programs of municipalities,
miiltiples of $5, are designed to give
everyone, including schoel children, an
opportunity to share in the war effort
in Canada's fight for feeedons. In ,.ad-
dition. to making a very effective ecfne
tribution to the mobilization of Can-
adian resources, ve.ar savings eertill-
gates provide an opportunity by which
every Canadian, old And young, may
build up -a reserve of purchasing power.
Aylmer Pie Cherries o 12.Qz- TiN. 10c
Pastry Flout ib Rg pt • 244b 114g 59c
Garden Patch Corn 2 1744.. Tins 19,e
VillerestPuie Lard w LB' 9c
Quaker Corn Flakes , r"'• 13c
ColdenNet Sahnou 3T0 17c Ite': 7.29e
• McLarepi's' idly 'Powders
Sultana Raisins
Blue Boy Coffee
'Royal York Coffee
14ix Toilet Soap
ItoialYork Tea
Champion Dog. Food
Pethy Cheese
'Quaker Muffets
*mphill's Wheat Berries - :b.11.625e
Durham Corn .Starch rEt '10c
Old English Floor Wax 14. TIN 53c
Old English No Rub
11"48°. 25c
'47s. 25e
414b. 1;tAG 35c
3 Iwo' 17c
l'EG° 37c
As lb. PIM 15c
P". 10c
CLARK. -At Alexandra Hospital,
.Goderich, 'on erlay 171h, to Mr. and
Mrs: Fordyce Clark, R.R. 5, Godee
_rich, a daughter.. .
COOL -At Alexandra Hospital,'Gode-
rich, on May 22nd, ta Mr. and Mes.
JOhn Cook, Goderiche ce son. •
MEYER. - ,At Alexandra Hospital,
Godericie on May 22nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Meyer, R.R. 3, Goderich, a
daughter. • .
BELL,•-eAt Alexandra Hospital, Gode-
rich, on Sunday, May 19th Marion
Rose, Oke, wife of, Williase Bell, in
her 27th year.
The County was -apending about' $8,000
on the NVork, and .considered it a -sound
investment. ' _-
elec. C. Feage,n, warden 'of Huron, said
LMLI2IerGvassee-xpeetatiom •that,- the
Odunty wet:4d teke• up reforestation as
municipal project soon. Widespread
.sprivate plantleg was in progress, and
to better Control drainage and to re- this had beei encouraged • in various
strict pollution of streams was sug-
H. Pertere _seeretaryeeWinted to
the dmibling• of numbers of reforesta-
tion enthusiasts •following forinatcan of
the Conservation Association. He
foresaw still further incteases.
. Roy Dick, former warden of Lamb -
'toe, reported on the reforestationeac-
tiviteSe of his home- county. • which,
starting from a minor area in a gravel
pit in 103e, had increased to more, than
600 acres., Mr. Dick invitee the con-
'servationists to X.eunbton next year.
MiddlesePhits L_
John B. Reilly,ehairman of Middle
hex . County reforestation committee,
reported work on theecounty plot
ways,especially f.liy distribution of
trees -through school children. •
sTileoe_eParkereethair,man_of Perth
County reforestation committee, re-
ported that some 250,000 trees had
been _distributed as witelbreaks,,, re-
forestation, school, ground improvement
and other uses. Frank 'tShelton an-
nounced that Oxford County interest
was steadily inereasing.
Latuls -Press
3. D. ,Thomas, ne0-pep.sident, pointed
outgreat "tottriste did not tome .here
beca11se4io-are.. all bathing beauties,"
,but rather- to ,enjoy fishing .and Wild
which the conservation program
'proposes to promote. The •tourist busi-
ness- he' atlia,,-ws. worth .millions of
, yew women possess naturally lovely
skins, and even these must take pre-
cautions lest they suddenly'lose so TUESDAY, 34.1N11.4th, at 1.30 P.m
precelese a heritage. The task of nnr- )Scotch.Shorthorns; herd fully Re...credit=
'Wring your _skin swill be aimplified if ed and blood -tested. : For catalogue
You know something of its funetiems. Write CLIFFORD :IL_ KEYS,. Veaenae
;Besides . 'being a covering for ' the Auctioneers, Duncan Brown, Shedden„
-body, the akin ' acts as an outlet' for .and Geo. h. Elliott and Son; Clinton:
Ce-etain seeretionse(perspiratioxe.for in- • 21-2,
Stance, is a:atural one). There. are esseeeesemeesseeeesee
countless, pores in the skin, and any ,
-with resultant pimples and spots.
the blood. -Ernest Hansell, Macleod, Alberta. • 3.
now listed. as "lecturer," though. he is
impurities that lurk , in S• WOodaworth, the C. C.F. leader, is
'stream may escape through these pores
Interior cleanliness is the ,eolutione
,Proper 'eufictioning of the system well.
remove the likelihood of skin blemishes. CUT BY "ME
Earl Allison, of the bideller firm-of
Go easy on rich fOods like pastries •
and sweets ; eat more freph fruits and 'Allison le' Heitman,gashed himself
severely • Oil Friday last while boning
vegetables. Drink lots of water On be -
during meals, a west. The knife lie was yang
tween mealke not - slipped and cut his hip &IOW. ; He
wastreated' at Alexandra liespital.
- BrayMa3LCilk1SPaY.•
Barred Rocks, New Ileenpshireg,
Colinnhian W.,:yaridottes, Brown Lek-.
horns, Immediate . shipment, aIso
started cockerels and capons.: Leto
Mayurkeys available. Order now
Save time writing awaye See Brays
agent E.R SOMERS/kW 11.R, 2,
Godexiche - ' -21
SI400,71, D...IN,WAtti, SALE;
phase!) and it wili give your system
a real fillip if you. will drink an ace
casional glass of hot water during the
sdav. Water gives :the insides a wash.
, Try an occasional regimen a fruit
salts. Take tt dash in a glass of %water
two or three times a week, but dont
make a ,habit of it: This helps -to One
up your eysteen and keep it functioning
properly. , • •
Write for a. copy of My helliful•book-
let on Beauty' Care and ask about your
versonal beauty problems, -tete' enclos-
ing four one -cent stamps please. - Ad-
dress:- Miss Barbara Linn, Box •75,
Station B.. Montreal, Que..
there, ettd inereasee interest in private dollars and Should, be developed. - He
planting, There Were 442 ,,•appettarits complimented The London Free .Press
for trees in Middlesex and 306,000 trees and 'The Farmers' Advocate for helpeet out. . . ' ing the work along. It was Mrhonuts
. C. W. iSlaght, chairman of Norfolk
County reforestationommittee, rel,
ported that his eminty, a. pioiaeer in
the work and already posgegsitig among
fife largest of Ontario county. plautinge,
was carrying on with increased vigor.
The evergreen plantingg would tide
year, be augmented with hardwoods,
Service Brand
are fit for a king..
OAPONiS instead of eoel,:-
' this Anseit anti - save on
See Nottr total Salesman
Gaderttb, Ont.
Hamilton Street
Phone 345 ---Rim 334
ew ftsonlvorg, Ont.
[who letroduced the- resolution enders.?
ang• cohservatiou werk as a soldiers'
rehabilitation program. .
A. H. •Iticiaardson, of • the foreetry
branch, Toronto, told of some, of the
work being done, and F. S. Newman,
superlxitendent ;of the forestry etation,
outlined the activities there, indicating
that the Output of trees, would eontinue-
tb break the records which have been
needy established each of the, isuceeed-
ing past few years.
The cost of 'referestation, said Mr.
Newraan, ia largely Libor. This puts'
money in circulation. Furthermore,
every tree that is planted represents
potential *wealth and. further employ-
ment in the future.
/lie amount of planting, be eon -
while of great benefit, is still
far too small to cope with the tree
neefle-of Western ()uteri(); it should
be stepped up many tbnes yet, '
"It is nowhere near ineethig neces-
sity, even yet," said Mr. Newman.
Lawyers Most" Numerous in the New
4 gouts° of Commons -
OTTAWA; May 14.-e-Analvsis of the
oecepa:tional --designations of the 245
members of the new Rouge of, Come
neens, opening May 16, etIOWS that any
member could find among his e011eagues.
• •
one 0r more e4elifled to serve him, if
required, 10 vaxiety of ways.
'Services available would cover legal
work of all kinds, proVisioe of farm
products, educational instruction, writ-
ing of a life or fire inguranee pollee,
religioes comfort, publication, reporting,
or editing a . newspaper, ' dental care,
medical atteetion, engineering, prepar-
ation of a real home meal, advertiSing
end even funeral preparations.
, The -mei, 711ouse of Commons eem-
braces ,the Lawyergee( 76;
buoiness'men 48; 'fanners, 37; doctors,
18; teachers, 10; civil; and mining en-
gineers, nine; insurance agents, 'seven ;
clergymen, four; -transport services,
for; publieherk journalists, druggists,
mutileipal seeretaries, two each; bourse-
wifei DeNir. Nielsen, North Bat-
tleford) ; optometrist, buteher, archi-
tect, mortician, machinist advertising
Ten, or more niembere, are "retired"
of deseribed as "gentlemen." The
nes-; men, cover merehants, manufactur-
ers, agent;, travellers, 'salesmen, eon -
tractors, exporters, executivee, lumber
dealers and a knitter and a eattle
4r1"lieer'farnier group tovere, both "dire'
afid--"gentlenten" variety. The doetore
include the country • doctor, the city
physleian, the skilled surgeon and a
dental surgeon, "Phe teachers 'cover
university, primary and secondary
schools'. Clergymen are: Rev. IIan Mc -
Ivor, Port William; Itev. Alexander
Nieholeort, Maekenzie, Seek.; ReV. T. 0.
Douglae, Weyburn, tgask., and Rees
Ile Prepared fOr thei,SPring
Spring! When the ,opeu road tails.
Spring! 'When the weather's line.
Spring!' When the 'country beckons.
.2.4.04 ears spin down the line. •
,Springi Awl a million ears out;
Hpring! When the motors bum.
So, 4f you to walking,
Spring whert 411 e them tome!
Magistrate; "You're a danger to
pedestriansZou're not. allowed to
drive or two years''
Defendant:. "But,•sif miliving
- se•
- -
pends on it." /
'Magistrate e "So, does theirs."
GesPelemeetiegs will be continua,.
Gad willing,- at -MacKay Hall, com-
mencing May26th at 8 p.m. Speaker,
JOhn Martin of flawkesvilIe. • --
Anniversary services of Victoria
street United chards will be hold 011
Sunday next. "Rev. F._ W. 30rallt, of
Peterborough,. a former pastor, will
.preach morning and eveeing. A male
quartette from -Listowel will 'ging three -
numbers at each service. .A.'coedial
invitationisextended: to alL
Two men, both noted ler their cau-
tion when it came to •money, met In
the street. "Well, well," said one,
"fancy running into you like thig. I •
was Just loolchig" for someone to lend
me a dollar." "Is that so?" reidied the
either. eliVelle•Le'eou've got a-elee-clay •
for It/L.7e'
Catching tie Lawyer' _
: Defending .0 Dense:: ,"You. say that
the wall' is eight feet high, and that
you -were standing on the ground -net
mounted on a eadder or anything?" "
'Witness: "1 do:" .
Counsel (triumphantly) :,"Thereper-
haps you will kindly explain" hew you,
a man a little over Ave feetscould see
over ce wall eight feet high and watch
the prisoner's ;actions !". •
Witness (calmly) : "There's a„ hole in
the :Wall I"
Facing the racts,
-- uu-nuirs TERRIBI1i1
you lylight he involved in one
That would be
11. 31. FORD
IlaMilton +St Tet 268W,
-• 47
New Playing-, Maurice foraetedni* cks "TUE BLUE DIRE)"
starring Shirley Temple -
Mon. TUN. "WM. Children not
his i;reaf-
est rolr!
Dogma atop. Orile4.4 My VIM. DICTUM
A WA11010 111041$01nrot $14610,04 P11**
014,464 lasoitt Pk* tryiom t1010,4 14otott Itiot*ter 111,41 tumor*
low140 *to 4001410 Ningle WOO. 14144 **WSW
Thur. Fri. Sat. a Technicolor hit
Edna May Oliver -Eddie Collins
John Carradine & Jessie .jeselph
DwrryI 11'
.* Zatpeivitene'celur°Irrz:astiotto10411ef •
Mohawk Vaiiey p
"Drums Along
the Mohawk
from the book by Walter II
Coming -Mon. June 3-4
"Gone Virith The Wind" ,
Matimea Wed. Satand holitlaya sit 3 p