HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-23, Page 7GODER11 10MOTORS WAX. PABVETT spaty st. , Plapee 83 _ • FORD MERCURY LINCOLIC-.ZEPHYR Sales and Service Lilted ' • GEORGE 0. MacEWAN 25 Victoria St - 234. CHEVROLET '-,84 OLDSMOBILE • Sales a.ncl ervice • General Repairs. • Fran.tenac Products Firestone Tires ' *ItHATIT'Y l'AltLORS BETTY'S BEAUTYPOLOR. BETTY. TAOIVIAS, Prop. 64 Elgin Ave, Phone 840 Perinatent Waving and all lieei of • Peauty Culture ' DAINTEE LOIS •EVELYN' LYMAN, Prop, Permanent Waving, Finger Waving, ragials. Manicuring and iiiircutting eeme.evemieemomea C. MCKAN113 8$ SONS 1 Stanley ,' Phone 35 MILK, CREAM, ICE CREAM: Visit Our Milk Bar. • CARL VirOIMETAL 'Square' Phone 288 SITERNIN.e WILLTAMS AND A V. PAINTS, EN'Aaff.ELS VAUNTSTIES ,Oeneral Ilardw,are, One, Olas, iUadjLit Lamps, Coleman LemyS and StoveS. -Stoves Plumbing and -Heating Pt )140LE :AN' • We carry a, coroptete line of rroiu leElt$D, ISEETS AND! OR0-0EUTES 1Specializing-Eullr SeedS, Ficriier and Vegetable Plants CANTBELL TAUEDIE, •Prop. 58 Pleton St, . Plume 480 Atithoriz' ed Bottler of 0004 -COLA. AND 'TWIDEDIE,S OMAR DRINKS • •DODGE DESOTO ' Sales and Service 5 Hamilton St *Phone 695 Geheral Repairs to .A1.1 Makes of Oats "SUNOCO GAS AND 'OILS Fireatene Tires Willard Ratter -lea PLOTE'S GARAGE' GILBERT PLANTE,' PreP. Victoria St. Phone -513 • CHRYSLER P11=013711 Sales and Service' • General Repa1r8 to All Makes.," AUTOIY1013g4g, PARTS ,$z • ACCESSORIES 64.NADTAN-414., CORPORATION . Associate Store • L. 0., WHETSTONE, • . : RamgfPn,gt. • . Piot* 69W - BATTI*/eS, ADOESSIORIES tomamisiggr;Nramstig „ A . GOrititIelit DION-AND BRASS FOUNDRY Vieteria ;St. ' Phone'. 460W ^•• G.RAY IRON CASTINGS' • BRASS and ALUMINIUM CASTINGS Centractors, •jobber's 'and roundrY• ". • Engineers - 1(0013E • T,.1VI, .TURNER West St.- ' •- Phone 685 AlviltAOTIVAI nous "Tielicious Meals .Temptingly Seved ROYAL'. IN1U • Hamilton - Phone 4382 to at L*Royal Tun'when in Goaerich Excellent Aecommodation - Comfort - Ole Rooms - alederate Rates Special Attentien to Dining Room ' SerYiee L. METiLY, Mgr. M'LISamuel Late of eliuton, died on Thursday hoot after 'au illness of several months. She wag iu her itifty- ixth year. - L Prowl), of Wroxeter, .aier C. K. iietherington, o 1uev41e, have passeg, their dual exauainations at the Ontario Veterinary College. The -death occurred in hospital at London on May 15th. of David M4- witinuCey of Exeter. * Deceased was. Seventy-seVert yeers of age. Mrs. Jason Reditard of Exeter died on May 15th in her ninety-lifth, year. or of kleSfortte died *t the horyitil that town on Irelthey from injurieo ro eeived, in au mut Ail, entail at Ktp- Pen earlier in the week,' Ile isufltred severe fracture at the be of the whiell (*need internal hemorr- bilge. Ile had been unconoeloue Abu* the accident, in which Mr. Dinnin'a U, collided with one driven. by Rev. 'E. J. Merrick of Tara. at the iiiPPen intersection. of No. 4 highway. lie, $hieS 1$1S wife, one sou, Lloyd i)inuin, survives. . loNLdos. 411 SIX J. Walleee. tato Sees woo Alt Mr, sad Kra. Thmostoral, of their oat: to Dr. j. Great York City, elaLr-4i Williams L. Maigaisk. marriage to woo — Jo* lk 'nor 11110001 MdeeeciFied her and three River at Winawn sons and due daughter survive. OrosePli Callinainfee, of Meleswertlip The 'Exeter Comacil has adopted a 11'34 44171'wq*ea-Pe last Friday when rt(4.40,(1 plamyPinTetTre11/julPr'roefaszt/L,e,' CATAreKsevennetiethbrrtlItgg: wire Ufeck4rteheratit' 'part of the village. the Maitland River. Cummlogs' car Templeman of -Wingliatut, sideswiped IlaY en May 12th, at the on the bridge and the steering wheel age of seventy-eight years. Um wife Precleveased Mile and, he is survived by et' the Clummings ea 'was brQken* .°11-t ---Ireeepe A. .nagger--seemeyea-e-e•--yea,th intersects Ailn_street in the oilthern. Wlughagt -Ana lauded in Dkatk einimed t‘reuelivvailor; and another out, driven by 'lefarry. • LE% YOU' USE LE bettoln of the river bank prevented SURERINI le- from Catapulting into twenty-five feet of water. No person was cured in either of the ears, D114 son awl live daughters. of control the ear smashed through a of age, died suddenly at his home at Seaforth on Thursday. Ile was repair- ing a lawn mower whenhe fell and expired before aid could reach Thomas C. "Stevenson, well-known Instantly Idlied • ' resident of• Gre•y township, May 1.00 Clinton Stre'et loth ni his eighty-eighth year. ills parents were .-early pleneers in GreY where the village of Ilenfryn is now • situated *Ie' leaves it son, William S. Stevensoni on the home farm. M Ian McLean, on of , Mr. and:, Mrs. Keith McLean, Seafokth, has taken eliarge temporarily of the law practice of F. Plughtad at +Clinton, ring - land is. recovering slowly ,from the in- juries received in a car akeiden.t, twO months ago., Mr. McLean has had an *office at Flensall for some time.- • •Women's .Institute E. U. CLEVELAND' 14 West Stt • Phone .114 BREAD,- TIES; BUNS, CA,01S, ETC, • CURRY'S BAKERY • Phone 460• "FOR EVERY -SPREAD , USE CURRY'S BREAD' WILLTAM EDWARDS . • R.R. ;Goderich plume 931-ra RESIDENTIAX; CONSTUVOTION EOATIONS-ANATAS-- 110.130Fi MOVING AND JOHN ZEFFERY Warren St.' • Phone '577W GENEIZIAL4 CONTRACTOR AND • •. • 131111A)E1• Every Branch lof Capenter Work. ROBERT $TANDISH 02 East St. • " Phone 869 '6041,A.LCONTRAorou AND, . ,• utaromt Carpentering, Alterations and." Repaira • .Also Califoiet Work • 'Estimates* Free . :EARL WZSTBROOK 69 East Et * Phone 487 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS, AUEBItATIONS, FLOOR SANDING. HARDWOOD FLOORING THE SAULTS 00A1,00 Nelson St Phone 75 ' • ,Best Grades of Pecohoutas, Hard,,,,Softv...and Cannel Coal, Coke, Hard and Light 'Weed , Exclusive' Amite for .....4.4Exacar-vAsny- ANTI:fit:A/MEI gozrrogragY $211.4TFORD Phone 4386 • GROCEItIES -„ MEATS - FRUITSe- VEGETAULES --- DRY GOODS li.ARDWARE OIL iwwwWwitissiltieWir idAPLE I.EAF'BAKERY1 j...A.OKS ON & A. . FORSTER 86 Square ' Plibife..460J Fresh Bread, Pies, Bus, Oakes Dilly Also Groceries We Deliver - LEEN LEEBUR1C, May 20. -Miss elhie Clark spent last week wit.h. Mrs. J'as. flamUton,'aederich, who is laid up • with a -sprained -ankle.._. Miss Effie Horton motored- to Strat: ford with friends on Sunday • Mr. and Mu. Charlie Moore motored • Poor Toot Food •' Cause. You Distress? The impairment -of the stomach is • Often of serious coneqieitceifpr - onlyty properly digetCd food is the • wane nourished and sustained. Burdock Blood • Bitters is a re- . ••• liable remedy for stomach disorders 4 .such as dyspepsia, indigestion, sous stomach, belching of gas, headaches, • , ate. • It helps to stimulate the iecretioa of saliva' and gastric juice, the • • main' factor in digestion_, aeutralizes • acidity, tones up the lining mem- • branes of the stomach, and restores the ,natural, healthy. process.. of ,digestion. • • • Put your stointieh right by taking • R.Z.D. and Ise° how quickly you/ will start to enjoy your meals free from • digeOtive troubles. • 13AXTER'S DAIRY Napier st, • 'Phone 104 • MILK CREAM • • Specializing. in WHIPPaING ORE1A3T • leitIMICO- CHOCOLATE DRINK GRAPE, ORANGE and GUIPEFRUIT •• Saltford Heightv, Creamery •Saltford Heights : Phone 172W • Manufacturers pf -SAfaTFORD. IEDDIG4TS CREAMERY •BUTTER *AND ICE -.CREAM' 111,01111ST 1;a1TAL/TY .eses!_eseeee 1"°' over from Listowel Saturday evening and returned Sunday evening, • On. Sunday next Rev. O. Hazelwood will 'speak especially to the fathers of • his congregation and all are welcome to this service. W,111,%.„10ting-The W.M.S. held their aeontitlY Meeting on Wednesd vhe .15th, with Mrs. At,- SanOWS pre- siding. There " was just ten members Preeenty some being kept awhy by the rain, The devotional •period was led by the president Mts. Rising led in the.131ble reading, front Psalm $. It was decided:10 quilt a quilt for the -bee the following week atthe-thureli and it *also was arranged to make ,six •hot-watfr 4hottia ecovers. Mrs. -1-zaallows gave a pleasing report of the Presby- •terial meeting at Seaforth and a vote of thanks Was given to bet The study book was taken by Mrs. T. Bogie. The meeting -Closed vvithsip,eing and, the reading together of the benediction in the Missionari 'Monthly. The laostese served a dainty lunch and A social hour was enjoyed over it eup of tea. • ni,ne The Vii)rld's News Seen Through THE CliRjSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An hiterwtional Daily Newspaper iVothful....Constructive-thabiased-.Pree from Sensational.. inn --Editorials Are Timely and Iti6tructive and' Its Daily restores,Together with the Weekly M'a'ine Section, Make the -Monitor Nit Ideal Newspaper for the Home.. The Christian Science Publishing Soclety One, Norway Street, 13otton„Massacliu5etts Paco' $11.00 Yearly, or $1.60 a Month. Saturday issue, iticludiap., Mat Section,$Z,60 A Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Isaies 25 Cents. • -c AadrASI 444:4 on.... 44 440.4 44 44. an .444440. 44.'44 .• SAMPLE COPY 'ON REQUEST DOMINION -STORE. IaTD. '..,110JEADAY 'SPECIALS BACON Sliced LR 25c COTTAGE ROLLS • LB.'23c C00140) HAM LH. 49c Dutch i'dAO. & CHEESE LOAF' 113. 23c BOLOGNA Sliced, , 2 Ibs 25c We Deliver. - ." Phone 461 ' NORMAN'S (Formerly'. East Side. of Square - For Proitipt Delivery and Courteous, Service Phone 104 or 165 GROCERTES, MATS AND VE TABLES - °COMM) MEATS • FRED. 4,PRIOE GROCERY North Side Of .Square Phone' M.' • GROOERDDS VEGETABLES 'L' 111RITIT,S • Free Delivery Service. Montreal $t (at Edward Taxi) • • .,•erlione.107 or 616 We are as near as yorir phone. • REPAIRS AND DEPLACEM.ENTS_ IL • FOR .AIMAKES • TWidder St, , •••:- Phone 598 COMPLETE STOCK ..01; PARTS CM1ED • 90 Day Guarantee on. All Iteptiir. Work. stablished .10 Years. BELFAST, May 21. -Mrs. Wilfred Hackett . spent a couple Of days in Lucknow with Mrs. James Tlackett, --whcr issufferingfrom a cold. air. and' Mrs. Roy Alton and sons, Clayton and Alvin, accompanied by Mr. Will MacLean, of rStatford, 3ndfored* to :Riverview on Sunday and aPellit„, he day with Mrs. Alton's sister, Mrj: Jam Layburn, and Mr Layburn Mr. aWl Mrs. Charles Sherwood, of smtv1c1 AP:4TIONS CITIES SERVICE STATION ..PBANISTOR & flUTOITiNS West St. at WaterlOeSt' ",7'. Phone 717 CITIES ignicnou pupnudrs comprviE AUTOMOTIVE DRVIcE .ROOPE'S SERVICE .STATION 36,Sayf1eld, Rd. Phone 688 Frame and 'Wheel Alignment Servipe. Machine Work -Acetylene Welding- " Bieyelei-Tires---Batteries CIES strtricE PRODUCTS - Lawn Mowers Sharpened 4 4. District Meetings • streets within a year, thefornv bofda!d ittsn:nroonalmrmiemeeetnin'sg Taut Gituotrei4wolluf Clinton er. victim being Russel Currie. • Thursday, May 30th, and the West Engagements,Announced Huron Iostitute- will meet the follow- ing day, Islay 31'st, at St. Heins, Robinson -Davidson • In ,a 'wedding at Melville ,church Manse, Brussels, Gertrude Jean, daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, Brusseli;becznue -the-hride- of Vharles 13. Robinson,- of Detroit. S. Kele: effielat4 Theeonplo will reside at Windsor. . • 'Wells --Baker • • At....the-- United church .manse, Grand Bend, on, May 1404:Rev. Mr. Beaeom, united in marriage Miss 'Ina Marie taker, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, arid Henry Nelson Frederick Wells,, son of Mr. . and Mrs. Frederiek. Wells,Exeter. The young -Couple wiII reside in Exeter. . •• Reeves -Salter • On Saturday, Slay° lith, at the home of -the bride's mether -at Exeter, HelenOlive, daughter of Mrs. Salter and the late Martin Salter, was united in mar- riage toLouisCharles Reeves, son of • Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves, Senforth. • Thomas Wiggington of Clinton, nixie years of age, was killed instantly on Thursday night,. 116(0,Y 9t11,aSlie was crossing Albert street north (Previaelat highway No. 4) in Clinton. Ile was struck by the front bumper of a ear driven by Norman Griffiths of Londesboro,. and suffered broken.legs and neck, causing, • instant , death. Wiggington was deaf and-bla-eyesIght was defeetive, and 1ie Probably dicl not hear or see the ear as it approached. Coroner Dr., J. W. Shaw decided that an inquest was. not necessary.The fatality VAS the .second to occur on " ~EDWARD '"" • Montreal st. . Phone 610 • Prampt. COurtedus ervice Reasonable Rates • Detroit, • Mr. and' Mrs. ' Jim Barbour and daughter, • Verna, of Goderich, Al- vin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sher- wood and two daughter, of Crewei and air. and -Mrs. Andy Gaunt and Son Igurray, _4V St, I-Tele/is, spent, Sunday. • with their mother and brother,. Mrs:, SherWood "and son -Earl. --A woman can understand, any mar ause. all men are alike; A man can't understand any :women because UQ two woinea are alike.-Kifeheher Record, ' "MriliouannndMnerethe engagement fthti s.'WWhieg; ham only daughter,. Evabell Parker, Reg, N., to William Ralph 'Harris, Woodstock, sell of Mr. and Mrs. F. IL Harris, Einubermarriage. to take plate. the tt Mr. and Mrs. }Tarry Stewart of Sea - forth announce. the engagement of their YouiTieit'dauglifeirititileen to Dr, William Graham Bruce, cardine,' son of Dr. and Mrs. 31Irnest Bruce of Kincardine, the ,#tarriage to take place early in Ame, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Muter; Van:hi, allomMok The ceremony„ was ,performed by Rgv. Arthur Page. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves will make their hoMe in Seaforth.. Two New Iteither's for VVingham High The Wingham., High School Board has engaged two_teachers to replace Miss Doris•Train. and Miss Marion' Bell; .who have, resigned. Bliss Elsie Gordon, of London, now teaching at Uxbridge, -will teach Latin and history. Miss Kathleen Wallace; of Toronto, will teach English and other subjects. They will' begin .their work at Wing - ham September 3rd. „. fnkley-Elliott ' • ,-In a quiet 'Wedding at the Ontario street United ,chiureb ,parsonage, .011n. ton, on 'Monday morning, May Oth, Nina Elliott, granddaughter of Mrs. John jacob, Clinton, ;became the bride of olinton,_son.ef gr. and Mrs. A.S. Inkley, Toronto. Rev.. G. G. Burton. officiated. After a niotor trip to Michigan and Ontario points, the young couple will reside in Clinton.' Reid--Rintotil - Rintoul-Purtlon''•. • . In a &able wedding ceremony at Wychwood Presbyterian eliurc14*-Tor- or-onto, on Saturday, May lath, Freda Wilhelmina, youngest .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rintoul. tucknow, be: !clime the .bride of James. Milford Reid, son of Mrs. Charlotte Reid and the late John Reid, of Dungannon, and. Doreen Teanettee'-edest- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purdon, Wliite- chureh, • was united to Gordon );.,estie Rintoul, youngest son ,of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex. Itintont of .Lucknow. .Rev. A. Gorden Rintoul officiated. „ Seaforth Man DIOS , Resiilt of. Car Crash .• ,Ernest Tannin, well-known 'contraet- 4.4 SPILL DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER KEEPS NEW CARS YOUNG TOO- • *Mute Rose removes carbon its ,old Motors, keeps new engines clean. Result—quickened motor response, new resiliency. Try White Roke your- car—you can .° "actually feel the difference! - • 1.4 , 44The Pick r MOTOR 01 L Madeby tbe makers of thefaino*WHITE ROSE gifselineg CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED • —Po you know that millions of people throughout the Empire take - the -"little daily dose" of Kruschen Salts every morning of their lives? They are being loyal to themselves because Krusehen helps to keep them ott the job and on theirytoesL– whether they are on active-oervicer, ° inthekitchen, the office, at a lathe or an assenibly line. Why get behind your work, why lose. a day's pay, a .night's sleep, an hour's fun-whYiVOW Old • before' your years- when Kreschen Salts will help you battle the com- mon eau -I° of these disappointments? Kruschen helps banish the =eery of headaches, backache, twinges of - rheumatism, sour etoreachl .It does this beetiuse it containe not ono or ' ** two, but deveral MI y c h osen Mineral salts, in very minut crystal • ) (almost po'wder). form - that help clear your body of waste, of pdisons, 'blood impurities. No large dosage is required. No bloating aftenuath. No violent laxative effect. Shealy take ,what YOU ean put ',on fl duneinyour morning giaee ofWater. Keep taking it just that way and see how soon you will get relief, how it gradually imparta to you that gl6riowc feeling (,f tingling fittieSe that mkt* you willing to tackle an,vthing. All be, cause it helps hellish body waster and poisons. At drill; stores 25e, 45e„ 75e needless -expense -4A -- . ' •• • •Oonstant re,painting us6.1PURE White Lead, and, OiL jobs'- done with paste white substitutesoon detcriorat'e but Lead and Oil stands up ' Lor years, gives assured protection; White Lead and Oil jog will last for 4 years -y.tt least. Cut - your painting costs by usutg rho best insist OA PURE White Lead and Oil Lor your home.