HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-23, Page 4Casteu tiollare a year ea 1036 alka 10005 e t...1e37 to supervise the Amims,41.,11.4 atida' itauttaisi taiit LW 144* Driliale Un -11,APUIL (Wrap rouuti of his ow% but said that J'*dirn.nt Resomd ..by Judge Coodello atter Two,day ° Marine Stetiug that he wielied t�read over evidenee aud giveit caeeftie eon. IelderatiOn, e'lidge Costello to Thurs, 44ty afteretoon lest reserved judgment after 0. twoelay hearing Of the County Court ea* of johtt CeiShea,rdowei versus the Town of Geiderieit. Mr. Shear - down 'asks} $1,000 damages and au in. Junetion restraining the Town trent Opereting a mehielpal garbage, dump adjacent to his prolierty u.i 1111) north- teet seetion o tbe4oWn. Threnellotit the trial considerable poblie interest was ehown. Over 'a• seoreo wituesses, ,ineluding members et teOunele Town officials and Work.' *en, gave evideeee. Town Solleiter D. U. Nairn acted for the municipalites Siraele" Donnelly for the plaintiff. The • SheardOwn.„propertY of' 11." '*ere e wiee deSeribed as lot `'0'' and the West half of lee 'D m the north.- eet •Section. a the WWII, 140,W11 as' the arkAto,rwood -surveyt The TOW11 ONina$t las "A" and "13" Immediately adjeining, to the northwest. The„Town property, originally purchaeed in 1926 '-----Sevelespurpesesreheteeeleetelseuse ineeriale, as a ‘,4Clump,,, sesee epee. It 'CoSt $1900; Atte `Sheardownee, also -parchaSed in 102% 1700.- The ToWn- prOperty, once had a estoe house' located on it, but it was torn down endeethe stone egushed for road pier. I Pesos. only rashei, OutitIs Alia dry weEe accepted or otpeses,Ue further adeuitted that the Gfodprich Salt ,Vo. maintained a flonikp neaxibY and that the '0..Nat. eattle-loadieg Vette were noe }far from hiShome. The 17.fowzi. solicitor also brought out that. Mr . iSheartlown's stable and outbuild- ings were loeated betvireen U wtxter well. and 'the town property. 'ofe the testimony' had to do with the ievelo a,ittle two properties id- velved, 'the defence seeking to show that it }was ,iropossible for the Shear - down Well to become polluted from the Once a Nice Plae.e The plaintiff Sheardown told the eourt that lib property had on it 'a reeitience, stable* and root .house ,and. that he- had spent betwe.en $400- end 4irs00 On, the property since he pur- chased it. He said. it °nee was a "Teal nice place," with lawns and hedges, and that he had come from Detroit in 1930 to C4111 a market garden, and spend his • declining -years on the •property. 'The witness said 'heeolice, tried:to gettown water to the place, but the Pu -lee, $960, was prohibitive. • ' • In 1935, Mr, tSheardOwn testified, lie eomplained to the Town }Council th-Ttt ell manner:elf unpleasant material was being dumped near his property, that giros eh it burned.Tor weeks M eummer einte and that the smokewas so of- lensive • that he was forced to keep down theeeeindiews of his .home. His Wellestrom 'which people.hatl previously _drawn thele drinking, water sooner', than drink town water,. became con- tamina•ted And tinfit for use, allegedly from seepage from the dumpIt be- . tame as black ae ink and you couldn't " even use It for 'washing purposes," sale Or. Sheardeven. -Because of his,' re- -Twitted toreplaints the dunip bee 'been ',closed 'in 1935 and again In 1937? hut it was reopened in the spring of 1939 garbage ;time*. , Evidence for ,the plaintiff was.;, con. eluded 'Wednesday night the, testineouse of Coencillor J. MrsSheardoWie wife of the plaintiff„ Igrs, An41rev0 Smith, Jame e Barry, Lureby, sre' }Simon Oeeci Al bort Goltlioepe, O. D. Teicleaelle Louie Gevier and. IIareey Webster, Effort at Settlement Fails . Before adjoernmeat Ills lloeor sug- gested thatethe litigants get. together and endeavor to reaoli. a settletheet, but next morning ceunsel aanouuced that a eettlement had not been reached, so the 'Case Continued. , evidenge for the Corporation were Dr. • IT, eGalloWe George Buchanan, .phetograolier, Conn arert,E. Bingham Engineer S. Archibald, 'Pl-d-iirGidei*-4'ohn--Kert nedyf Albert Stevenson R. C. Postele- thwaite, Roy Aleriam, Carthy, William Clark ;and Herbert McAdam. Mr. Sheasidown, the plain- tiff, also was recalled. - ' In hie summing up Frank Donnelly argued that the dump was a neistinee and that it was not properly euper- poieting' to evidence that 90,000 square feet of ground was tovered 'vvith manner -of refuse: He stressed negligence on the part of the corpora- tion, plaeing the depreciation on his elient's property at $500, plus $960. which, his. elient would • be obliged to pay to replace his drinking water supply 'with town water. • MreNirern said the .Sheardown place never was and never •would be a residential area, because the railway tracks fronted it. He said, plaintiff„ had iteversteledetossellenis•prooertyeand. therefore did not know its market value. Furthernmee, eilettetigzacIllini-e- eelf-duinpirig garbage on hio.,own prof Petty ailUhrsr own Outbuildings we located between the dunioing ground and his residence. A sample of water from theerown's duntPing ground .had been returned Fom.the .GoWnitient laboratory markedeoracle'"Aoe and the levels were such. tleatiirs'Were could not possibly beeenne -contaminated from garbage dumped on the adjoining toien, lots, Mr. Nairn argued in asking for, a dismissal. THE Baseball Juniors to Open junel4 Goderich to Play at Ripley in Pint Game of Bruce Leavie The-Goderich Juniors will_ open the Eruee Baseball League schedule with a game at Ripley on June 14, and will play their first iapine ganao on July Ci with. Walkerton as the oppositibn, ac- cording' to the schedule which was drawn up at Wallzerton -on Monday., night Nelsoo Hill and 13isset eepeesented the Goderich at tile Meeting. )2ne leagae is composed of tea teams, r but luis been divided hit° northern ande seuthern divisions. ,Aloug with Gode- rich in the -south. will be Kingerdike, Ripley, 'and Walkerton, . ei'hile in the 'northern division wilt be Meefordt Allenford, Owen Sound, Mount Forest, Penetaug and • Chesley, Eachedivision, seill play a single schedule, with -the first andr third, and second an fourth teams in each clivisien Meeting he 'the first round of the-pleyoffs. • The intl. Mate-winnere a each, division will meet f� r the league chaimiionship. Sehedule for South Division Jime 14-4odOrich at Ripley, June 22 -Ripley at Kincardine. Goderich at Walkerton. July 5-1Kincarcline at Ripley. --AValkerton.ateGodeekh., July 9e-Goderich at Kincardine. July 1.0-4tipleY at Wallzerton. July.e1,9s-eitipley_ateGotleriche July 20 -Walkerton at Kieertreline. july 2-e-Wa1kerten at Ripley. July 29 --Kincardine at Goderich; July 31 -Kincardine at Walkerton. ' ODERICH SIGNALST Maitland WAS.' eets at Br RAILWAYMAN GOES TO GlUELPH )eir Frank Dunn. .who has been en - end hass,been.opee ever since. , Ile gaged M"tbe CI.N,R.•yardsreere for the _ - et -fifteen. years, has beer11Serred •to Guelph' and with Mrs, Dunn move to that city later this moetit. Their home.on Victoria street has been et _ Ow had to. walk a mile to and-n.frou ['the 'Salt 131dek for his drinking Water, 1* sald Under eross-examination °of elr. Nairn, .admitted. he- received, :sold .to Miss, Effie Hoggartle CONSIDER THE. PRICED ITEMS Special prices for .week 25th Ilf!ay to 1st June incl. . WASH CLOTH With two cakes soap .... 15c I\ SUN %ASSES 15c up POLIDENT makes:breath' sweet1 er-plates or bridges look better 40e-750 towip Ri C CREOSYL DISINFECTANT 30e for pint ItU'OBER GLOVES Sizes 7-8-9 25c ' We "hpAre CRESS CORN SALVE' , 50e , . Anumum:kum..... . Moth ',Balls . . . . 20e lb. Moth Hiller .......... 39e ib. "OS S 110/ .1t - P0 c s CA- . . stiiit.r., 04 1/41i ft1101/14. liv . rfyou Want to help.. 0, T keep t:youthfut (MUM lth, *tarA Ainstonight. taking Bile A and calor, excellent . ho . 4 7' s.... Bi LE BEAAAIS ROVIII•KELP PREVENTS ,- IIIRY,..f.EVERVIT41 GeAtelezaaei Ask' YOUR OeueGISTI . 150 Tablets .e. .. - 300 Tablets ... .. 1.39 750 Tablets eves, . 249 •vvittib SHOE POIASII 2.5e Removes Callouses. 'Stops • sore, burping, arhing, tired, sWeating, feet .. 25e a pair COMMA SOAP 3 cakes 69c- FRUITATIVES 25e - 39c ' FOB BABY Rig° Nipples - .... . 3 for 25e Rigo Nursers . - 3 for 25e and J Talcum 25e Meads Dextro Maltose Lactogen - ........ $1.0 $. M. A, - PahlRitt ..... ..... 45y, .47ameras,' Films, Developing and Printing , Twenty-four hour servite illEA TO SALTS tacutH was BU9 mires AT THE DRUGSTORE CAMPBELL LAUDER DUNLOP.. WIGLE. Mom 10 Phime it honet 1 Phone 45 GoDsludit DittractiVre GOLF CLUB PROGRAM Official Opening of Season on May 24th 'at the -Maitland Course The Maitland Golf Club will have its ()facial opening for the- season tomer- row, May 24th, when an open field day will he held for „both ladv and men eltilb members., Pkoceedings will get under , way: at 9 ,a.m. with a medal round for men, At 1.0 a.m. the ladies'. tippreaching, putting and driving com- petition will. be held. • In the safter- noon, there -will- be- a--- two-ballemixed- foursome and at 5 p.m. the menwill delheelesdriedngseeesse. The - The Club is making..a drive foi new members this' spring and so far leas addedtwelve names. Anyone Wishing to jeln the dub is asked .to get in touch with :Dry. Taylor "pre ofhe *Wand course.. • •• .••••••••••1•,•6•••••• VISITORS *PRESSED County Offiehas from Hastings Lo Over Huron Countv Ikmds Huron.0ounty's road -mixed bitumin- ous concreth roedse such -le the stretch from Dunlop to Carlo,* on the 8th concession of celberne township,. -.are attracting wide attentton.in (thee sec- tions otethe Proeineee ' ,,On Sunday night five menebem of Hastings County road colineissien, with the Warden, engineer and -treasurer, Mr. 'Haggerty, who is president of the Ontario Good Roads Association, are rived In G•odericli Med, on Manley, they• tutide a t•ourand inspection of the forty-five miles of 'zieve hard -surfaced roads, stretches of welch are scattered' . throughout ;the couuty. They were eseorted'AzysEngineer T. It. Patterson, who originated the type of construction under enspection in hid own. county. On. a stretch near Sea,forth, it was explained by Alf. Pattersori,-the read surface, laid in 193,5 at a cost of wily $3300 a mile, only $30 had been spent in maintenance, inthe intervening Jive years. . This and other stretches- more recently laid are as eood.as the 'day they Were built.• The °neve road fora Dunlop to Carlow, which this year is being extended to Dungannon, particul- arly impressed the Visifols, who con- sidered theit visit most educative and well .wortli -while. SAFEBLOWERS AT GORRIE 1 Representative Mr. Chas; A, Raffleman will be in our store Tuesaat May 28th with, a full line of sprimg arid. summer samples of all wool worsteds and fancy cheeks and stripes. Verne hi and see them. Robins Ltd. "Agent for Tip Top Tailors" rho,* 984 , quare le........r11.111.1111111111111111111MOMMONIOrlir, PERSONAL .11,11ENTION, Mr. and Mrs. Truman. Ste/were of PotteColborner-wereoweekeendessisitorss in town. ' Dr. L. if:,, Mabee returned on Aron - day from a eten deys' -fishing stripesto. Algonquin Perk.. Mrs. F. W. White, of Chatham, was a week -end visitor -with Mr: and Mrs. R. Stoneltousie, Elgin avenue. Mr. Alex MeIVore of Winnipeg, Is visitinge-friends in town. He is ace companied by his son, Allan, and daughter, Merle. sce 'London Free Press ts Mrs. Graeme 'Cameron, of Neee York, arrives this week to. Oen(' the month of June With Mrs._ J. D, :Wilson, Huron street. Mr. and Mrs.- D. M. O'Brien and daughter Aliaa visited relatives at 'Stratford on Friday and attended the Lions Cliib 'jamboreerthere that night, Mrs. D. E. Campbell returned en Sunday from Montreal, where she. at - Cash Dm Empty -;--Robbers Make • _ • Getavvay • Provincial Constable P. E. 'McCoy was ealled out of bed at five otelock Saturday morning to learn that the safe in the •offiee of IIu'eston's Mills, Gorrie, had been blown a few minutes before and that three robbers had mode a getaway in, an -automobile toeitard Ilarieeten and Lieto-wel. :After hurriee- drivesto -Gerrie the constable learned from George Gallo-. 'way, former count" Coustable, who lives seventsefive y,arde from the.mill, that he had been awakened by the ex- plosion and had, reeognized it- as an eitro-glecerine safe -cracking jely, be- cause he had heard a*. similar one at 'the. same milli bet fall ,when .an un- snecesefill attempt was Made to a) the piece. lies__Gallowae. on hearing the explo- Mrs. Robt. Davidson eplected President-Kincsx rue " Next Year , The twenty-sixtb. annual meeting of the l'Maitland Presbyterial Women's Missionitry Society of thee Presbyterian Cliureb, in Canada was hold :in Melville Church, leruesels; on Tuesday, ?May 14th. Thzepresident, Aire, Reht. David- . eon, presided. , Mrs, It. AleWhineey, Dungannon, led the morning devotions on the •theme "God Is Love." 11/41r,s. Bennett, Dungan- non; led in prayer. Mrs. II. IL Verner, Brussels,, gave the address of wel. emu°, and Ms. 0. 11. MacDonald, of •Lucknew, gave the reply. coetribute to the pregram. HURON GMICI CLUB PIIVR8PKi, MAY. 23rd, 1040 - Au orgaiiireation to be kuown es the Enron Game Club has been formed at Clinton to aaeist the Government in the protectionof fish and game in the county of Huron: Officers have al- ready„ been elected, with Thos: Churchill, president, Jos. Becker, viee- president, Ferguson Van-Egmmiti, treaeurer, awl Ellwood ,Epps, secretary. The directors are A. Middle, M. Shear- Garon, 0. Lobb, 11. Reemlin, R. Ball, IL Cowan, M. Necliger 'and. B. Jervis. • In Order te get as manY PeoPic as possible interested, free entertainment is to be given in the Town Hall•at .01Inton on Tuesday afternoon- at 4.1.5 for ladies and children. On the eeme evening and also in the Town Hall at 'Clinton another entertainment will be given, to which the ladies are again enVited, as well -as men. These shows •are Mr, McGee of Auburn will The Y.W.A.. and (irls' secretary 're- s ported sie societies. Of these alio had Visited four, While same showed M - creases, others showed e slight dee ereases in inembeeship. . The total amoueteabed wase893.04. .,• ' 'Bib year an '`altendance eonteet" was the special feature of the, MisSioa Bands. •Langeltle won the Preebyterial- henner with an attendanee of .90 per BRIDE-TO-BE 'HONORS') , „ Mks Chambers of lloSnital,f5taff Show- ered by Iler Friends , „Miss Minnie --Chambers, who ,for the last, two years has held the pOkition assistant superintendent at Alex - entire Hospital, was the guest of honor at a "miscellaneous shOwer" given at 'cent.; Ashfield. 86 per Cent., Wilightim. 81 'per cent. and Ethel 80 per cent The banners' were presented it the afternoon session. There are 193 Home Helpers in ,the The supply ecretary repertee the receipt of ba14 of 'clothing, many ,quiltheealeo toy rand- money- to --pure chase sboee. - Rev. 3. D. Wilkie, of Teeswater, moderator; a the , Presbytery, brought greetengs krone that body: The report of . the life membersbip secretary showed • a slight decrease from -last year, While the Glad Tidings pebecrieeione remained the same. Lit- erature sales amounted . to $31.16. Books end religious papers were seut to- outlying diets:lea The Welcome and Welfare secretary euggested more visiting antleletter-writing. The student secretaileS 'work is just getting started:. The financesecretary,' spoke of the 'allocation as an obligationthat should be met in order to fulfill Christ's com- mand, "Go ye into all the ,sVerld and preach the Gospel.- • ._ tended.the graduation of her daughter, The treasurer repottedetharthe'Pres- MiSe Agnes. Campbell,: as a trained byterial had raised the sum of nurse at the Itoyal Victoria Hospital. . - $3$87.87. Miss- M-: le- Chaffee; ' of „Toreeite, .re. ee. . Aft4knoon Session cently appointed by Heron County ' The afternoon seselon oPenee with devotions led by Mrs. 3. D. Wilkie, of Obildren's Aid Society te the position ; _ of social -seri -lee worker, spent Friday Teesevatee grin GoderichiireVeing ()mews and . , , • . aeregrsa.teK, etnoen,tthfflettperLecovainne, iPairesbinyeetertInlig, members •Of' the local society and in - gave a oomprehensive report death* sPecting the eequireineats of her ter gave With new ideas and.suggestions ritory before taking over her - duties} em. Jute ess„ ess - - . gathered from the reports of the die - Le ferent•seeretaries.' .. Mrs. Bert Middleton, of -town, and Alm G. M. Yoeng peesented the re., Mr. and Mrs.„3. M Middleton, of Gode. pert , of' the corresponding secretary. rich township, attended graduation it, Miss Margaret Garniss, Bruss'els, Con - exercises at the 0.A.C., , Guelph, o tribeted•a solo which was greatly en - Tuesday, when Mr; Bert Middleton re - sue. joyed. i ceived hig BM:4e degree, litiving - . 41-.}b preeident, hi her 'address; men - c essfiiify e.'completedes his e foureyear 'Mined th1ee eutstandeng events of -the course at the 'College. -' - . , past year, the vieit of Their Majesti learoldeTurner, a mechanic in the Xing Geoege. and Queen Eliettbeth, the "R.C.A.F; air 'truing . school at St *Old Wais, and the 'death of the late 'Tbomas, visited his parentS, Reeve and rd Tweedsmuir, yid the effect they Alre, A. E. 'Turner, at the week end . would have in clrawillg"ehe-people close Accompanying _WM was another (Ode? together . , rielse boy, Bob :MacDonald, Son of Capt • '. :. Mrs.-3ohti WilliamsOf Torontore- and. Mks. Angus MacDonald, Who works . eincial president, utter extending'!Jeet. at a CiVilian job in, the.R.CA.P. build- ings from the' Provincial Board, SPoice ings at St Thomas of the' ainriliarr as the base of mission Pte. Carl Bloomfield, of R;C:Re Tor- ary. work. She gave many helpful eui• onto, wee home for a week-end•visit. gestions on how to prePare and carry Ptes. Don Thompson and Bill Duck- out a seueceseful program. worth, of the EeSex Scottish Regiihent, Mrs. _Illugli MacMIllan, home on fur - Windsor, weee home over thC week end lough from. Formosa, was introduced On what wasexpected to be their las by Mrs. R. MeWhinney. She spoke ozi leave before the regiment moves campthe changestaking place In --Formosa. W. Lunebye*.i4sefethe' R.C.A.F.. air and the Wed 011 the groWing ehurch. training sohool,'Se Thomas, spent .the There' • are. 'thirty Self-supporting week end with his Parents here. churches4nTormosa and one Of the big • • Mrs. G. J. •Hetheringtonwho has Problems of today is the questime, Will removed to her new home on Waterloo worehipof the State come ahead' of street, has had as recent guests Mrschurch worship? for the goyeentaerit A.' .1'. Mclease' and son Bobby, of 'Osschools are floe -Christian.. tawa ; Mr, and Mrselt, S. Hetherington Officers -Thstalled arid an, Of Winghana; Mrs. Goodhand, The following officers were instilled of Deteolt ; Mr. . and errs. Jack .111e- by Mrs. Williamsetion. president Mrs.' Intosh, Hugh,: McIntosh* and Bob, -of A. Strachan, Brussels; president, Mrs. Luckncier; Mr.tobt. McKenzie, of Tor. Robt, Davidson, Dungannon; let vice - onto. Mus Mary Reed of Teeewater Preeident, Mrs. D. Wilkie, Teeswater; aro other local friends entertained in honor of Mrs. Iletlierhigton's siSteeetend her husband, Dr, and Mrs, C, II. Mann of Los Angeles,. Calif., Who left by motor on Friday Morning' for their home in the' South after 'spending a pleasant week renewing toirner friendship§ -and re-visitliag places of Interest. esteeeeiatedsevith -youthful-memories.' -- - the eurses' residengeo,Napier street, en Wednesday evening. Miss Chambeee Will leave at -the end of the month for Toronto, where she will be, married. Ibi4Y-beLtwealuen ftrantIty alithde'firtY nurses and intimate friends, ledleated the high esteeni in,yvbietr_ ehesler hells:bye_ her felldve-workers. • The shower, wialch was arranged by Miss Atheorkindale, superintendent of the hospital, and Misses, Johnston and Dickson; eupeeeisors came SEASON 't SCHEDULE FOR . , DVNLOP CAMP- GROUNDS Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Coded& NOTICE Adcounts owing Dr. W. J. Kelleher,. Ripley, Which. are not, paid to Mrs. Kellehei, on -1:ooriall;eeeccfitOrineliT'lilnheer.1-116th.°:1344711:-11:::- „„ plete surprise to 'the- honored young lady. ;She received many beautiful and practieal gifts,. among which was a cheque from the -Hospital Board. After the presentation of the gifts a delight- ful lunch was served. .The residence was prettily decorated with cherry 'blossoms, roses, -Oarnetions and calla 111A/ills's:* 014.tu'Hb. era' 'ar graduate of Alexandra Hospital rbid has been ,a ,Membek of the staff for seven years, for the last two of _which she has been .assistant superintendent. She will re- side In Toronto after her marriage. SHEEP -KILLING DOGS SHOT • BecauSe of press despatches -pub- lished recently regarding the shooting of sheep -killing clogs in Gciderich town- ship, The iSignalsStar is .aeltece to pub- ishj, ..tieJoilivi.111g..StatMent,..WhielLsre. are assured is • the correct version of the affair': On Monday, May 6th, at 3 pen., Jae. AfeMillan saw two dogs worrying Lamprey's • sheep and when he went .over he found . one sheep. killed and one down. He informed Albert Oke, who went to the scene with a gun and shot the two, dogs at 3.125 „pat. TheY then' called the township valuator and received $10 as bounty for 'killing the dogs. s • - APPOPITED • CAUCUS CHAIRMAN In the .caucus of Liberal members from Ontario held.at Ottawa on Fri. day W. H, Golding of Setiforth, rdem- ber for the Huron-Pertii• riding, was elected 'callous chairman. B.O. _CHIEF 'JUSTICE NATIVE.OP ASHF/ELI) eitffireate-pedefroefferlesebette-grobbeitette FriendrineeGerderleireevereeffeig o Shotgun, raised his bedroom Windovv read the announeement froin Ottawa and tired at two' men running toward of. the pronietion of Mr. Justice Mai a Waiting -car. Ire-reesure that some cam Aella.ddonald of tife-Iliftleh-Cor," of the pellets found their mark. . embia 'Court of Appeal be the positiort Galloway'e brother, Oliver,. tome- 'of Chief Justice of the Coist'Provende sleet ef ene Bueston, mill; also heard inemberl. of the Bk. Court of Aimee ship. constable, who too lives within Chief Austice.lfaedonald has' been a and. reeogeized the blast. Ile Ira- since 11944. and is a former attorney media.thly got .up, seized his rifle, but general of the Province, Born on th !did not get a shot at the fleeing ear. - It has( developed since that this gang, I. committed two robberies in Bruce I Count the, same night, seeuring $100 in each 'Place, but at GOrrie the mail hot wee einpty. 2nd vice -'president, Mrs*. McGee, Wingliami -3rd ---vrve---praideat, mexinies,.. Ethel; 4th- vice-presie dent, Miss Ann McDougal, /Kincardine; 15th Viee-president, Mrs. R. MeWhine ney,, Dungannoe treasurer, Mrs. J. Pollock, Whiteeheireb:; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. M. Young, Lueknow ; 14ecording -secretary, Mrs. K. MacLean, Wingliam; Mission Band secretary, Meg. R. Esler, Aslifield; Y.W.A. -and Girls' secretary, Mrs, S. M. Scott, Kin- cardine; halite helpers! secretary, Mrs. A. A. .T. Simpson, Kintail ; life member- ehip secretary,. Mrs..RObert Thomson, Biliseels; G.lad Tidings-secretaiy, Mrs. S. Dowers, ; .Welcome - and wel- fare secretary, Miss Dean. MacLeod, Lucknow; supply secretary, Mrs. W11- liam Douglas, Lucknow;.student secre- tMiss legume Robeiestme. -Calvin e - itlibtOriee'reEki.fr'SAIk's •Graee-Itichatdson, R,.R. 2, Teesvvater . press seeretarY, Mies Oleve Seete,",eeeltiee -vale; _conventeeeof emiamiffee, - -Mrs. Robt. Mowbetiy, Whitechurch; . convener of' 'nomination , Committee, Mrs. II. Pether, Brusseles.. . 1 • Evening Seirviee . The evezting service Was in the form 6. of a Y.W.A. rally r'enti• was -preskleti 12th' concession , of A.shfield sixty-five over by the yeang, weman's'seeretafy, years ago, he was a student,.at Ciode- 'Airs. S. Ma -Scott, of Kincardine. 'The rich Collegiatt Institute before he opening --devotional period, with the entered upon h1 'Iasi studies: ,Eteleizieia%:tlehrtiothe,:r,7alvisis,eso#deoxte:ithby, Mmir8se.. Johieston ("oxen tuid Miss Mae Fiseher. The, roll was answered,by .all the It;W.A. and GirlS4 grottn4 the -Pres. e byteriai, 'except leinlough, e Prayers f were offered by Mrs. O. A1..Yoinig, Miss Margeret Homuth and 1Nere. James Mrs. ..1111a.,.._S based Tier k dress eh the firat verse of "My Task," e pointing'Oue that those wire carre out . their liVee the .thoeght,express&e.in s those lines will be able to 'mile seem' .the evening of life' Villa. inv'e•qtigat•e4' t114t 11(' was making gor 11:111:n't111,,11:liAerSthileall tait6t8eeni:1714.11t:: trip from Kobe, Japan, to Amsterdam) eiglit hand turnioff the concession after youths' conference, With 1700 delegates waiting to .allow a northbound car ty attendanee, representing' .'fieVentV Pa .4•01roveliidloeeitt:Ininle ,tiv;1‘f,11:1°e1811ritiqfretilltt ;:s1:1;1::gtuhtiba(91m11"1:141: niliat'tgl.wullItilit let h°Fe. baaneniler holtf vtillIhkr I s titfis oaiiwzing over all bearing the words "Christ pinned under his -ear in an accident. • Trinnahsajoilit:i'lanti ceerwe mo.onzora :"Are rut married?" by was ,the atswer. "This, is the 41‘'irftlt.liox..U‘rvoisisielaisins13, nolf.wani tido laantol were -eby e pleasing numbers. Ntrs, W. 0. Xing peeshled at the organ for all SeSMOIIS, tt. The Society accepted an levitation to meet at Kineardine next year. 21;23 The 'Goclerich iSummer School grounds .4 Dunlop will be oecupiedmthis year from July 1st to September 3rd.: °mews under NiItrietis, auspices will fol- low in close succession throughout the season. The schedule is as follow July July 1-1.85:tindonrilloys'thCaeT r In immediate andarasepnior abwosas)Y July 15 -22 -Young Peeple's Sunimee S liool , July 22 -27 -Camp Keeniosalebee (for junior boys). • - • Joly 27 -August 5-Progincial Inter- diminiinational Leticlers* . amp. - 'August. 5 -12, -Western Ontario Bap- tist. young people's Camp. --Auguste-12---1,9treip-Afienehaloo(eee-..- intermediate and senior gees). August 19-26---Cansp Nikaina - (tor 4unior girls). p August 31 -September 3-Men'a Un- ited Church Club, Atwood, and Agoga, Class Of 'Ontario street Baptist,cicurch, 'Stratford:- , Th average girl is never satistie.1 until. shb ,acquires a son-in-law for her mothee.-Geelph., Mercury. , • RUNDOWN MAN SURPRISED - win NEW GAIN IN HEALTH Dashwood Man Lest 'Weight; Was lit Nervous And Rundown' Because ' Of. Indigestion And Restricted, Diet -Is Overjoy a By Relief- SYTONA Him Bleinishei"And Rheumatic Pains Due To Acid. .Also Overcome: r 1/•••••...•••••••••••••••.• "When I say that Syntoria -has given me relief, -it, means something. for X waesin misery-foi 10 awful years with my stomach," said Mr. Ira 'Tetretiti well know fethmer, R.R. 2, Dash- wood, Ontario, In • a recent bsterviewe Everything I ate just seemed-. to sour in my etomach and cause 'cramps, gas and constipation. Awful !dizzy spells and headaehes were a daily 40- currenee and there were rheumatic ains in my' bate and legs. ,r went on a diet, but that didn't help nie, and -besidee, You ean'e do farm work on a -thet.--I eustbeeameeweakeeed -and-run.- down and / was losing Weight. My skin broke 'out in pimples and. I felt nereous, .worn 'out and distoeraged, for it didn't. seem' that I could get any help. , . • • eI kept reading ithoet ,Syntona, but I put off trying itebecause-all •the -other- medieines I had used failed' to do me any good, but when enally I did begin taking Syntona. • soon found out Wart It was' different. from anything else ever used. Why, I can ettt -regular meals new; things r.hattbeen afraid to eat for TEAM. eel rid of all that, stomach taleeree and those sick head- - - MR: ilitA TET4Elit 'aches.-TheAlieureatie :pine have -left - me, and my skin has cleared up. By . actual. Weight, I have regained. ten pounds- and I am more healthy and, energetieehan,I ever thought was pos- sible.", • . }Syntona-contains no harmful „drugs .or opletes._ It le_ made enly _from.' the_ pure extracts of selected herbs,. roots eand harks that have `long been known for their medielnal value. . Every sufferer is cordially Invited to eall at CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE, Goderleh, and learn the plain truthful facts about Syntona". Sou -toe may reeetve these priceless benefits. _ CABS COLLIDE One of Disset Bros.' milk .,truckj, driven. by .fliehard 'Walters, was. in !Backache-Kidneysl intersection .ot. the Oth corieesion o ul , collision Wedne.,Alay .'afternoon at th Ashfield, and No. 21. highway with 0 for Help zrl. d tli:..of'tjihy ' let lilielic: INCII:irin'Ftliblirio;)fn tiliti a g8ard rail at that point, the true - ' hanging ' preeari irely over the 'edg 1 104 Pt4°P1°' fail to l'°gritte di. when it came to Ct.rest. lloth w,ere eon The aiditchea, twitches, and twinge's srulacybleYseadiatemdaigveitah, but the ,:ilirr lerieti40.00$4 of 11, bad back, e. backtem Walters told Traffic Ofteer -4bh, vvli , aro bta enough itta cowls) great aut. feriam but back of the and. tho esiuse of it all is the dis- ordered kidneys* trying out a warn., /log through the back, ' ' 1 A. looks in. the back is the kidneys' cry for help. Go to thdr aseistance„ Got a, box of Doan's Inbar gills. A remedy for backache and tilek Idaneys„ q "Dome*" Ate Ind up In ss. ob gr box with oir irsao ,.._ meek 4, .4 woe Lest,' on OA wingt 11X I was eter in." 1 :Aoittitsr1417208** subiroltiltdoptt:ta, 41,71,0444.0“Ne40440040. *ia.INitagzliudispritiotit(i'te._ey_Kitungig8ltiotabewteligi,i8tetdand 1 . • the home :You want, We arrange all the details for yotio Come 1�and talk it over. -Bring your wife with you. • h • • • GODERICII PLANING' MILLS • , GEO. WESTBROOK, Manager F. c. RALBFLEISCIT, Proprietor Cambria ,Bd. Phone 388 Goderlich FARMERS ATTENTION We want to meet a limited number of progressive farmers who Wish to increase their ineotne bysearvbeirnrym.dredi-ehd:lblaerirsiegsrotiovhbige onof e acre a large variety of ntti shipped to a large Toronto dealer for store and miseellaneous use. •GovernMent certified 'root systems furnished fer-Falt-plantifir on attrattive term, With' ordinary rare, the berry to be 'planted will yield over 8,00e pint boles per we. Mall reply to Ihm 29, Signal -Star on or before May 291b. A. perizanial visit will be noule at your home showing business in - detail. learnt owners only considered. 2041. 0