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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-23, Page 2
• • 17 M I H SIGNATATAR niter nal $1 1N GODE,RIOtL . $h M4 N) ' >il l til R)< !H STAN . Pubiished by Si�caaU Star 'Press, Ithutted, West ,Shyer, lOntiitto' Tllll•i1 SHAA, ', V[A7t . 231d, 1040 G'S STATEMENT ster'erly-awaited The Prime Auntt � ea speech 6n. Cauad a's war effort was t the Mousse of omutoxis at �Tev o Ottawa on Monday.. . 'T he oe rn - nteixte program for the ,iniyni diattetu- tus*, Mr. ling stated, aSsfelict : e iinam g of a thin]. 1. Tredia:te � rax � dtviaiou for service ant 'Cauda or. 4ve as,' • v u meat of tine• date of des- ,ttchoverseas, o the Sceoad » visit?n, 1y tleSt d. cement. of the date of dee-. 7 s iletatforeenuents `�p'ateh of 'First DrIQ .t r otiil in'art4ada, • � 'Recruiting of .Second 'Division. reinfer nteuts (whit% will go "overseas ,rat the earliest ir~oesible date." • � ..14`'arra t ran.,:o;e a Canad a i � tau Corps It shouldbe the devout prayer of ev ari "th e field, embracing, the Vhast and ♦n • matter of days rather than and1 a half, recp4iir€a elta. p and instant revi.tion. Boise Idaho Stateemai$: Tile � - etica.n attitude toward the war is fast ehangieg Teem that a t a disiutetested I Ltutoe to that :O a possibl<e:. vietiva of the Nei. military machine. If 'Germany wins, what will be the status 4 ibf 'aeada?,� The length. of thio unde- fended border .+ ours has. twee a mat- ter for. proud boast. • And. wh.tt of c M a.ieo? h� relations .between the United ,States a,4d her eoutthern ,,,eibh- bon Have been -More thorny than a. bed of rosesa . girt addition, Aiexnco as a hotbed of `'Nnai. az " and Co uiiunism. Our. faiture security :hinges on an. Allied victory, or immediate largcale pre- parations to; 'aiefend ourselves, :. Atlanta. ,Constitution r Motdern Stir has reduced the time -%:.planning and preparation tri days instead of months. cry ,A.nneriean that that awakening ,maes of c;�i,Fo-�''"-'�'�.�„�`%.�r'�-�..�'+�. sand: Coro troops. mon�t �~"or dears. �t is plains tient tl�+ turn of fate which •decides. the . vietor • A11a *_'ation of certain naval and is 'a turn. that Carries' direct` inn lica- duty .iu the .. p mrlliaxy snits �tn active�,. ,. mons as to � the fermi of .;lite, every one a • �, Caribbean and Norte. Atlantic areas, of t shall kuow,in years to come, If his ,pipe,_ as he said en , . '"Teeth. - - .first _ _ . ,. olio t lie�kr Th at tam request, � ;tile.` Efnited Kii�^rdom ,t -he ,�.1$tesr �`#ax thy° �lvinrld ,t`'e know writ way, at+ -Co u Government not be so different in essentials. Should two teeth ,had conte through so nicely: r .. nun be t a victor, , a d''fferent 'Soniebo�dy : must be wrong in their �'. Decision to ,renal No. Aa�my Ger nay h Co-operation. Squadron, y�R.0 A,,F� , pover-- V aY once to ..hie `e - as, a. reserve for tQ. 110 Squadron, , ▪ Aecelerdtien cif . •Canacta.'s peon tribut ion t • a;irmen bysupplementing su p p the- Commonwealth .Arlr-Tra% ag Plan,' .9, Assignment' of a full-time min- ister - to the Ministry of Supply, 10.Creation of a Ministry of Na- donna Detente for Air' of . the ,front and perhaps a ''decisive Tlno original estimate of $500,00000 ] effect 'on 'Italy. Our actual contribu- • for, war expenditure?,in' the present ••tion: for many menthe could be onlay --hi mal year is being. n' creased to .. at the gift of arie canes and goods --that is a�bout"al1 we, now have to contribute, least '.$7i ,000, The'see uses are, If we could tip the =reales tvif,h tent help but getting in the road at all huttside� .the. appvy�priations for the arc; '><nuch,. and se save irons the culture � t°imes. . With disdain for the ordained system Binary• governmental �-ft�es.:_. T'he- a�i�,wo�d..-.eeonv�. horn; the agpalin k • dinner. and su r apt Grovernraent wilt be spending this year; disaster and ehitoei of n Hitler victory, toe breakfast, brea ~fast, nce deveto` s ppe dish if would be many bines worth .it. , regular tunes, P pee fir mar parposek "silane, two million Te'w Vol Times: 'At the beginning encs spells just when the food is hot. : dollars a duyi of� the war there was a c+vnlpiaci nt. down; she, and, seeing, meted smiles , .. _ .. _ and .. Allied ,ti � _ y #.. iw t, tis�ir again "_ down to the T T NG `ritot oxs o tiny white teeth peeped though a baby's gut one stay , . awl with the pride of inexperience we gloried la tine, fact that l'at ;vela; Ann wasn't young to have the routine. trouble of teething. Si?Mebow, she may . have sensed our p>~tde in tide fact . end aitsplayed - the two tiny ivories. ver so e wanted. to see her teeth- It is an otunnons sign that they have l 9 � ,y They gamed ini(IUraitivC•inbc'.rs aloneg;l1e not':'rexhibited It in Sweden. They tine r lower Jaw and 'Vinced �`i5 bhe dist,trust to it to "help them in their :main played deierminataon in `a pair . of baby pu se, elch is to ":break clown the re She : , , blue eves and applied preseu , the most - morale of ,,Eurol>eR For was a constant source. of adnniratnon Portant �iaet about this wanr 'is' that it and displayed or, covered the taro baby r teeth ac�a+eiiaig,; to he mood. a nett you are," people. ..Aiy: Rte l Y �' would , sa "Patricia Ann is not gotta, the "ole outs had. We gotta, - to have a.11 trou sat tipfor nights. and nights: with eros i s." a, e,; "the babies." Basking With., ; gle sur, , trio ani us; Mrs, Phil, myself anti „Pa- trlcia in, woad agree put .we little knew what was coming, . It commenced with a eoughiug spe11 ,. * . Pneumonia, . , . Measles! Lorient Views on the war of souse ter prineesees who bads been invited to the cer;swvuy. ,d Patti* uettothetor had e:traardlnary N iligh eltie I!t ` big .1 -- 701t.e, b I4I`R FIREBRANDS et truth i inanni1fii1 of fifteen `orw'gian to passport& from Goering... The Nealy have made a film of; the F soldiers „who, by cacrillcing their ownh The tecbptdue of Hitler with ,kings st of `I.'olaud-a filIII des. riled lives cs on the road be Wcem 0310 and savors of an exaggerated" regard fee comeliest byneutral eorrespoudenits ns a terrible Elveruxn, foiled an attempt by the ,history. The relentless pursuit through Cameramen ac- German Army to capture the royal Nors,ay is a product of a brain ton record of •massacre. , motley as a jackdaw's nest. In eon- traSt, King Chri Pan of Denmark is allowed to reside In the Apaalivnbore with his standard,, above it., But Den- mark is now a royal Slovakia. Both. states „pre_,, maintained as advertise. meat Models to other .states of the en- viable lot of those who lay down arms •Ersatz' state, which may send birthday greetings to Hitler and cling to the mock regalia of their liberties. —The •Nineteenth Centitry (Loudon). i the o bins and thus made person♦ it seemed as If the cn rain had a=onipnn ed m g possible for civilians thousands of been lifted front (R0 More incongruity it . i he seene to se with• of 1litler's mind.... King Haakon, miles away from t under their sawn eyes what happens when . who at one moment had to hide e :� war .is .made fano the Ski'. The a railway track from bomb splinters, �;�r ��q o proudof t14ie Alp; and they told, a journalist after the first halloo �nrxs aro -e off bis :eared it as u i uost effective instrument. was over that he had not taken beats for three days. r residents Hitler had dealt with fou l' sa`far—the ol,scure Silkiest who stayed, Eduard ^ Benes, who left, Emil Recta,, who 'fainted, and : toscicki, who lied, leaving the national dignity of Poland the type of life and •; in the keeping of the Mayor, of War- takes us back to , �., of hero that the Nazis admire ; saw. n. President is not much of a tlse i'rype � when problem:. Ile is at the'best a harmless it takes' us. hack to the days �l his @ eleetee sand sufferings, ` if any, do Cl�trt5tizanity, wbQSG. influence ore Ger- -appal' n histor 'they resent as ettervra ting not appal' the World, . . matt y ed What` of the kirngs of the and enfeebling, :had not yet y; soften with .r`and `shar ned • conscience. 61tates? While Lat peaee witl therm, T nae a :Hitler treats them With the studied: Nazis set.0 to nvnrice• the, world °,l' ', out �"i. -�. The ♦ - rh b t 'His birth - would u � ,parvenu. of a a that 'there is no brutality that they rorrt�i.tu�'sP would not commit. They seen 'to.dont- irate Europe by the methods that they. used to dominate •Germany, They Hoped Croup. Everybody had a different ail- # to make themselves as terrible to the nient ... the 'ba`in ' book .gave similar! world a those ancestors of theirs des- m tonus ,.fo '�' iail`=:t-d' eu. "ii'a'fe nt". eri'.ed`-y y .,ri d rw - � sta x p be ydb diseases. Distressed ;beyond all inxag Beauty": y, inaation ' we called the doctor, who, Ruthless , invaders • live firebrands masking his amusement, fumbled with that spread • The blast of: their contation to k n v �, lernattd�ud,..,Fra , -- FAl Burgundian, Vandal and Lombard, from Angle and Dane . ,. iii e e aninaiit note l diagnoses :..but Just as the doctor ; *To furthest Kelt. ; e Phdoaophy , w b the do said; the coughing kept up with no "lomat' af�aars .. � mar has thus ne�uired a character inHeraldTribune' It , is teeth .seowing. Food came to have' a which the Western Governments were New York Tribune,. . quiteprobable t a't the least costly distressing habit of popping back UP slow to appreciate. For in the Western s ti o p ab both Jae and :Welfare, after it seemed to,; be safely eon'Sned world there survives the old traditional. sbl nota, . in j ,tivcxuld he to :declare war on Germany at amidships., -a-- . > View that a Government at war should - It's.,beeome a h lv oeeurrence for seek -uade neutrals -that its cause t 1 defers in other words,���`., ..nee: to P ons o help d: his .`h - cured in 1039 by: a trustworthy Dutch h Allies' are holding' Mrs Phil to sleep with one eye openteat And its methods as hu nue as Mahe attic which the. g in eougiimade, The correspondent in Berlin that the Nazis at such sacraf"ice_ Thattv would have a wa:itanb for that ixrat hacking 4 :the use of force can be >, e from the'erib in the writer, Then .out rad of sheer terrorism,• of unre- 'nursed a plan. in 1930 to capture Queen. tremendous uagrul firect on both sides dread a Wilheimina es €i of tied to mother the tine tui unablestrained rio�nee in near, 'belong to Punishment ' kyr to control the rasping. coughing. Back the instinct. for the preservation of Dutch. arrogance,' and thus to force to bed . to sleep ' . . .d up again society which had been developed in the 'eofcessiofs eat: of Holland; .-He added le flutter ' W can that the 'pl€ u Was later .abandoned:.i n, . , 'while >f, beteg a 'mere 'mocourse of Europe's hstoryF War favor of nip complete conquest oft the around in- •:the•. background, trying to b conoid red in either of two;aspects, P q ge In one aspect it Is the desperate method relations between '�Tetherlaiids. The to which nations resort to.settle a: dis the House . of Prange were not Im- pute that they have not been. able to Proved: by the marria of Prince Bern - settle otherwise. Thome "nations were' hard of Lippe-�Biesterfeld with' Princess niiana.. This. minor German :Prince'. neighbors yesterday.and Will be neigh- . tors tomorrow. In the other.aspect it' made.. it clear' From the beginning` that h German birth was to be completely left out of the :transaction. •Atom: to exploit, it by the ,Berlin Government were carefully suppressed.. Hitler was; rso pir,,lned when tine;' marriage took. Place tha itrelt i n 't -t-he sports O ERT POItT ALBERT, May 21. 3 r, and ,Mrs, Bert Canninghara ,and •daughter:.. `t elast-week at Betty, Qf ; Toront©, visi ed . the WineofDir. and Mrs. Chas. Craw Mr.. sand Mrs. John Quaid, Mrs., day telegrams .are- regular, But ham; McKenzie find Roderiek . motored last .and there, his animosity tool's up. Friday to Kitchener, where, they spent- .. With ' the House. of . Orange Hitler's' the day'visiting relatives. reltitlons son became, clouded. That Miss Clara. Willis speyat��a few says Military school of thought which}. was this weekp�in�yyyyyGoderieh visltipg with si eof th i. :bt: iky. i W.- MF �.'fi-> - .- :.'t -, K� -,,„ r�potlsdileY€4>ac •th+e' nvn i?n � rss "fir ij16�- saw, in 1935 and 1A:O) before the 14ir:,Bert Crawford 'visited last week - Rhineland •was retort/Reds a possible end with: relatives at Port Huron. His counterulove to a French re-oceupa tiob aunt, Mrs, Edna Pentland; accompanied of the Rhineland in a. sweeping flank hint home. Where ehe spent the day movement through Holland. With this visiting relatives , ade to - .. ,' a `t- -__ eatf as't • Weep = itit; iia mind eery attempt. •eras. m her- , °B eel .sloe l bring Holland under 'German cominer- her • brother -in. law, Mr. W, afeI can of tidal and "diplomatic tutelage, The Saltford. " • ' Hutch replies to Hitler's offers of non- airs. Howard Quaid• ace mpanied a ession acts : and guarantees were ' Mr and Mrs,. • us. Wilson and •two strong meat, He nxagined that , the children, of Wawanosh*.. who motored Dutch crown was the .rallying Point Toronto- _'test Monday, mfrs, Quaid for this. resistance, ]ate felt himself visited with her'husband;who has a tuned as. _ 'iliterloper:LL • I;wvasn as- _ sitiion there.,,,„She. returned:home the p ollo'wing day. • The regular monthly meetiii of tai Women's Missionary Society,' was held . last Thursday afternoon at the home TH+k-' R AYp go: Writ ttwoRif Mrs, Harry r Le nor. There was e.. a rueee eful meeting and a soeigt time. The Aehtield ,Patriotic° Society tiro bolding ° - isi thering _ 9x4. the:, ". schoolhouse This Friday evening with the • M ..[ harles " ore1le&tra of L ut'k_now suppiyTng the music for dancing, 'Eieryoie is welcomed. Phewl u. c ' t , eh I ,don't knew. about• -, There hn t mu „ !boasted th the English language, e long-haired mat in the club. re lied. a flitud. -.191 .111. test you," ,s � �, dictate a .tetragrtcph to you. With an assured air the boaster pencil, but his Jaw dropped, seized itis � ,. �� as he heard the following: .4 Hugh Hughes was hewing a yule log from a yew tree,a ratan dressed' in,clothes of a Hugh and eaid: dark hue caane up to �[us � .. Wave you seen my eaves? ; If you will waft until I hey:- thisyew -tree, I will ou' anywhere in Europe go with s y. *� said H look . for your eves, , ugh' ' Ilu hes:,,• g hire King made hi ateatt:10, .treittet4i0filvalort. Ora:era:4x% .aniretz, rilehireia0"winic,rtiC•anresunrieest.when diide tat up, were greater than those oftt na. War munitions la • leas th e strength 's use" tok, thq tea zits ena as are learning to then. - World. B4rees'ec 4n7 eeunfrY In the anomie wooer cannot he Wittlaregartt. to air, training Sir._ King converted int ofth:t-rtuffitzg Pl- wtra being; Worked out mi ie .Tbe Plan '07.4--tartna7-rect,ewlireatinge:Blettlast ye' ershlear4g°' TInie ?Wee* - ;rens/intent. and the mated Kingdom Tame) : Twenty yhom h news maga.. its litel the Vjliodrieti. It- it as hives-, -bY the Founding Fatherettnevecir al4gaine„ Everybody wastan Isolationist, regard- s;ible tt:e make Arbitrary changed` in the I less of party.. . ,,Last week as Hitler Plau withent disrupting it's efficient gYi struck. into e Belgium, Isolationists fell almost mute. ether: membera ef the Commonwealth And in the mothentary' `silenee ALS, , i,00neerned. , A iehoposal for. the,sending public opinion ebeean to find tongue. The press showed' anger, and- alarin. overseas of a smaller: ;mintier of men (Mee isolatiothet newipapers cle- at, an 'earlier date, rther than the mended PreParedness on "a' un-' greater number planned at liter thinkable two months ago. . etas die:tossed, ant he Govern- After ell, Canadians. must bear in ment ot the 'United Kingdom "felt Very mind • that .pure "Leigh:hors acrese • the dehnitely,' said Mr. ,King," that the line are now going through. somewhat present arrangements Were those best the same experience' as the British taltulatecl to serve •her purposes," Peopte went through toe.fore the declar- weeks, the Ottawa "Government had were many in Great Britain' who ap- •Coasulted the. United Kingdom' Goy; Planded Mr. Chamberlain "When he re - eminent with regard, to atmodification fused to g9 to the help of emelt°. of the plan in, the:Interest. of 'speed. Slovakia, a country so rimote that. The' reply Was that the original. plan uecording to Mr. Chamberlain's sup- thouhtebee adhered --to, -hut that -where Porten, many Eaglishmen praetiletige -Shonid:i* accelerated. Where it wash Yet Czeelio-Siovakia_ is - .The Government' therefore preposed much nearer to Great Britain, than .the appointme,nt , of an additional. Franco is ,to the United States, Those Minister, who .vtould give his Undivided, whit-fai'led to see that the Nazi attack attentien ahr activities and the' upon CeeehotSlovakia Was a threat to supervIsion-ftit the CommonWealth air the whole of Burin* • were no leSe training plan. 'The department of tacking in foresight than are those munitions and snails' also' would he Who hr the -Uilitta-Statt- elites to the Piaeed under a. hithaster -who Would, idea that what' happeashto Euirepe Is tgive "his eutire• elate to superyisioa, of, no concern of peoPle :en thiasideast-the the tOtpttt'ofewar' materials._ • Atlantie. It took time andt the un- mapy In Great Bfitain that they should take action to' .l.stopttHitleri'!„ Time and the logic of etenta evidently -are ' UNITED ;STATES OP ON 'Canadians are grimly amuted 'over the reception - given by the United State _prees Cot. Charles Lind- bergh's latest' broadeast advishog, the Atnerie,:va people, not' to trouble them- selves .about What is tie:earring, in Eurone. 'The l't`ew York Times in ani young men if. he ea, contemplate this: posSibility (the defeat of France and Great, Britain . :Germane) in any other ligttt Ulan as calamity for the Ame.rican people. Ile L-$. an limaorant yoang 'titan if he trusts his own premise that fit makes no differench to us whether we ate deprived of.. the historte defence of British, sea power in the Atlantle 'Ocean.- He ,19 a blind young man if he really believes that we can lave oa ' terms of eqhal peace wine thie eteart int Europe." that "Colonel LIndbergh remains 41. great „ The reaetion of ,Unfted Stake opinion to the trend of events' overseas le re - Sew▪ ; influential irablicatiette fin varlicene partg or the Reptiblieht ' Cleveland Plain Heater: Our ge grsphiesl Potation 13 DO tonger cam. rett• lat frtinfat attack, lose muieh of Mei lie trees. usually in leaf by the 24th "t) May.. are 'only" slIghtly behind eche' duie tide year!: A. year ago Canada Was Welcoming -*tag a long way ,back tinote :Company is Soniethhag she doesn't tolerate: She ,..entiles tsweethe they're settled, . :looks over Uacle Peter's foultsmetling brief that he in - 'Aunt Tabitha‘e bonnet with, eurioatty 'and „ when the Carty hes, settled down. to geaeral remarks oa the neigh-. bore, she remirids all present :that eheo hatangt• her teething problencs.- In, the Midst of -the most important ple• tely . forgets that were listeaing to London or Retie or Parte — but (tette attention to the fact that ' War is not powilited to Euro* aloae there's trimble on the home front • - When eldest sh_e'e packed off tir her the table and• doeen't,..sex anything. about the sante thing ae ant. Remem- bering how mother and father 'used to children until yob, have them at your creciating the 'added line . "But. a 'smile bf happiness froro, baby is worth all .the trouble you- can, have .withthem" perhairns we remember, too?, how we tteed to bask with pleaeure as eon:ninny said; . "You're ,certainly 'gnat, that Petricla Ann isn't havtng trouble, getting her. teeth." natione, for one (or both) of the belt. ligerents. wants not to settle 'this or hut- disPuteehut to ohixdn. 'mastery. The Nazis, steeped in this' naabition, find mere ietrorism, hltherto regarded as something• of which, citilized peoples are ashamed even in war, their eltbs, most avers hietory the tempee ,and methods of e war, have 'become wpm aa it goee, on, la a war waged -by -the 'Nazis the Ent blows that they' deal are the most savage they can devise.. ..The conqueror' who boasted. that the gra. never - grew again Where his Fmies troll u.Sed to be cited as e-emonSter. Today he is a hero. What Hitler, Gor- ing, and Ribbentrop ivant to Impreiss hn the 'oronld is that destruetion is the fate of .atty nation That resists' the -Nazis, and to teach At that. leas= they .begin with savagery in eold blood. t• Mancheeter Guardian.. te HITLER AND ',121it: When the Norwegian Government told the., British Government en Aoril 14th that the German Air Force had been ordered' to bomb King Haakon personally, and when we read of a BRINGe ?"6:;:i,‘;11,L.,%5Usitttiss:1811'4.:T.P.14scs". MINARO 5 011119"" 4 LINIMENI ItENMirizihR,e,May 21.--Itev. R. G. in Tcoronto last week and while there Frank Allen on the birth: elf eshyoung rich Hospital - •on Friday and =dere went an operation. Reports are, that he is:doing as well as can be expeched. Mrs. Walters end Floyd spent -a few days at Holuitegfilltetlaat itteek'ttit'" The store at Benmiller is near com- pletion and will soon be ocetipted. Itenmiller United 'church. The ehoir was- composed of the children, bf the Sunday school and Rev. G. Hazel:WOO.. Pteaclied an appropriate sermon in story then to the e.hildrene Next Sun- obserotel and ttee, fathers. will take part in the service.. • Mise 'llaedel has moved out to Ben - miller for the smatter, having' spent the winter in Goderieh. (Louden- itree Press). The •Chhaese expect to .win' their war against the Jap.e "la another twelve months. —After that they might nee, their- 4:000,090 atToy to :restore 'To APPRENTICES (Niagara Falls Review) • .4, dostrIaleplettare 'ea 'Ontailo is the an- nouncement that raio.V ptants are tali:: ing appeontices. During the Past decade there has been a 'eerlous slack- eit tg in apprenticeehip and the result ootat serieus lack of Allied workers. rade at last been, test:ed.; but,sin view little attention.' , It cant wait Hop. Jentiee A. 3felcizmou of Valmont ofTrade grad CommerSh. la the Federal wIthout the men ftom Huron ad wae le that they haven't -Lai*, vaticsae to trouble them. Every - *141'nes wh" /I/ (werhe3t1 his thing is geing en Stitt Shoat the same the. The .rild-type battleship is , „ a 10.4 tinte,,,,1 proteced train ea in peace time, etett prisce hAve not the pPst of stinging plaross4 And so Clilftgot v017 rcuele If thete had to do t he old idolgiAlls Ot defence ran#, 1* ii2ithut telt gagar or hatter, that jotessipser pnokiilort In the world teem ghee teem seteettients te %Irv, 414401 lite, deberiabed for it ("ohm, at-er the vfmr trym Night Coughs Confederation Assoctation IP Pathfinder is a winner fer hig tire value at rock -bottom prio. It has a centre -traction, new supektwist cord AT LC)WER PRICES thick, heavy tread for wear. For niOnete:saving, extra miles of servree equip your new tires with new low-cost Goodyear tubes.. You'll be see for long, happy, carefree motoring. For extra mileage at a slightly higher first host eak us about the yew Marathon; Drive in foe service today! inui win soon -be owning-ffie car he's always wantec1,-for hes about to etagrodsurprisetohi!ar-thatprices- !The -story i)f-Pontiaes 11.04g life Now. he's "all see' for acle best miles for these big Pontiac beauties start engineering that cuts setvia anot at& lirettic a salt -oath, powertpadted with the lowest, operating costs confirms his choice. Pontiac with its smooth ride, MOEN carekul family budieteers take t,heit first look at the Yv 1940 Pontiais, they're apt to say—Ples away out of GO teach. in price." But they're mistakes! These long -wheelbase, wide -seated beautie,s give ainiost every. one that impression. illere's theskin4 of car they've always dteatned 'of owning -Yet, Pontiac prkes stait with the lowest. Xes just a ease of Selecting -the Pontiac model that best suits the faintly needs. With its ""Triple -Cushioned" tide, power - 'packed engine, bag car sae and conifort, faMOUS operating! economy and long.lived d ility, Pontiac is yohr logical choice—if you,""`want to nuke a change for the better"! Illiastrwing the ?owlet Spotioi Aro &met Ott 091111* Ott tt nigtt Sometiroem it is the conatant ought *Oath 1114 le& not be quieted, wp feeling that makes breathing Wooen "throw Syrup is tho teteedir /oft need to give you retie!, for the, tftoon. that this" .prep - imam tanttaing the itoottuog virtues 40 *to Iforwty pine tree with witith 004 Latio, thosiass, 004., John. L. Parsons, Go ench, Ont.