HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-23, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Slat NINETY-SECOND O. 21 GODERICH ONTARIO., THURSDAY, MAY 231.d, 1940 40))ERICII DECLARES ITS WILL TO "SUPPORT Vita, TO THE UTMOST q0MIllitttle Fanned, at Public Meeting to CO-Oral:OW LOOR1 EttOrt At an entlatiSiastle pnblie Meeting fil.led aelCay Hall last night a War7time Citizens' Centraittee Was formed for the parties° of earrYing MIL BED OROS WOBKERti IteltreSentoilveo of Ramo COUnty BraOtea 1st* Goderleh gLis‘io linndred repreSentativea of the ineti Crosa Society from Duren County centres gathered the batiensent ist knox church, on AVedliessday afternoen lecal Werls slIPPort et (*nada e war - for a,' diStriet meetinir preaided over time effort. IslaYor -whe_. by Mr., RS Q. IlitYss preeident ot issued the caticfor the gathering, acted .the GOderich branch of the Seelety. as chairman while resolations were put Mr Hays addresSed the gathering ist to the Meeting and the organization , _ tne beginning of tlae meeting. Sle foxed s Dr, 4- *. 'Sca4 Set -e'. asserted that the preaent crisis had at farY of 'the -meeting.. The band Ilum•er leaSt served one purpose, that of bring-., - the , patriotic airs before and during fighting _for the principles of freedom • meeting. Enlistments from , . and democracy and that this fight must The following resolution was adopted be won. '' .> • . • - ' .. . , Unanimously: ' ' ,,,-.. , s "We Wok- Our . bleSsed heritage, . Resolution . , gained through diligeace- and foresight, - as a matter of fact". Mr. Hays de - 'At a 'Maas meeting 'a ,,erodOriqb ciare.d. "We can't be slave's and never especially Convened by His Werehip, the' will be conquered, but these things 4 -"Mayor of •Goderich we the loyal citizens cannot be gaineesvithont etterilicees!"---- ,ltegimente m• -0, , , • ' Carrick, . Perth Regiment; •d ' Mr, Hays stated that the. work of ef the' said Town o `Pledge our utmost . - . Pe Red. OrOss-'throughout ' the count • ,. .. s ' suppert in „the_sillte_nsvil...eassq..esn, et Calk., bad not been gratifying so far and the Pte.' H. 'CluunneY" . Essex- Scottish' adit's war participation. IVO. reallOni; reason for essiung ow. mee. ten- wo.s---to. Regt. -Aireraftsoactit J. Ps ;$., Calder, Royal the gravity and urgency Of the„ Situas Sboaolidate • the county's Red 'CroSs , Canadian Air,, Force. s wtach has developed in; the lass •effOrt so' that }Wren Will contribute tion • Pte. R. Drennans,_Pertla Regiment, fesv days, will svheielieartedly, under- "to' the very utmost. Ile spoke: of. the take 'ailY , duties to aid Catnadtt'S` war 14dies' lu.' GOderiell es aceimiPlishing Pti. M. Dad., Perth Reginient, 3I.Gs effort as individuals or Organizatien Muth and. Urged that throughout • the Pte. .A. B. Dow,ker, Royal Canadian, `to the utmost * a, '<Mr ability , and, whole ceuntY the Work be, pressed for, eapoetty: - _ ,_. • , 4... ' • •,.., w'ofi gittbe same Niger. , ' A'rtillerSi'" ' * ' " *``' ° • • D. Rockworth, • Essei 'Scot- ..,. .„we reipostfully"redlieSt Ale' Salests ,,,.._ - s„--• Dixon,, liettl secretary, of the tish aegt:, • ty's Canadian • Governinent to im- .Tmo uroas"bocietYs revio*ed toe attivie tollowing, dames 1:4,1es ctf the Red •Cross 'Society since' it Pte. ,G, Evans, Perth Ilegt's m.o. . mediately enact the Pte. sT. Rohner, Canadian Array Ser.: "1: The immediate ehrolinent of the wit$ IdundeirsueutY-sevell-Years-- Ago .ik.ti corps. ,i_ . man power a Canada :under the Tro-' alld sPoke Particularly of the work of moroueo sIghtingoe.,i _lie described , Pte. 1% Hussey, &C.A.S. - ...,;. .A.ireraftsintui J. B. Hughes, Royal .visions. of the Militia Act in orde tO; obtain the greateet possible number of the threefold Program. a the society ei; , trained men for the defenee Of Canada first*, the ProMotiOn ofs good. heath, Caisnisard.laiin. BM! tillIteceit's Royal Canadian secondly, 'the prevention a osease,,,and thirdly, the. mgation -.pf Safering. nngi)arta• - • - - „ in the shertest poSsible time., ' 'Pte. M. Johnston, 'Perth , Regiment; • "2. The imraediate and Complete The, society is ; non-political, non- 0, ' ' :4)10biltZatia701.'1114"4* ' ili'''9X41° t° - 1....• 1,,,, .,.. ,,:,:,..,„..... . _ , ' equip our army ,and to pr000llte ..tiso sectarian"' • and ' 7belligerent, . an •Beradr. Ps*F. 'Kelly, Royar Canadian vat: in nu ita. phases, , s , .. : • , . • ' theref•ore the Red Cross is Allowed, to' Artillery. “3.,_ frue.,,, inutetheo ri*..thiriktion, ,ot inspect Concentration and prison Canatis • *Pte. R. 'M. Kingswell, Royal Oanss in everyscountry. iSPeaking 0 the last adian. Regiment. .: .. all persons: sixteen years of .age and war, Mr, Dixoestated' that many of isig. G..• „Liacchnbc,, Th,c.c.,s. .4 over. Identification. cards to be ,b)1P- -with the Allied- prisoners would have starved ' plied 'and carried lit all had it not been for the Red' Cross. Pte. V. ,Lisoombe. Caniadian*--Army signature of the bearer. • „ ' ss.,•,, a • ._ -. Service Corps, me lonailred. letters are handiea everY Aero ^Mechanic W. T. Lunt:by Royal "4. The Immediate -interment Of ail. IN, enemy auens,. , . , , . . , ,day bY 'the. Society in an endeavor to ,• Canadian Air Force, . .' ' • , ,,Lacg„,,,..,,* mil,,,,,,t,,i,y ,. ,, iind.raissing persons,__Two_Million doles ,Spr. E. IL Laws, 'Royal Canadian • `"'" ''''''"'"*- „ lava had been asked by the Canadian - . 'Officers of the Oitiekns', Oomm --- - 1•P'ee Red Cross for war Werk and; the publie Engineers. . , A were maned as follows; •• ' • • • - ' • ' • • •---- - , across the Poitinion placed -their stamp President -Ss D. Tlioniasi., . • .. . - • . .., .. , -... oi aPProval on the Society .by giving , . • . • -- : ,-' Firsrevice-presidentgolS11.C; pane • five' million dollars. The figures :had • • DEANZRY •OF xtuRoN.---. , CAR virticulars as to the •distribution of Intereating„ Addresses ' .. -- LICENSES S4VPDEX4 , • lop. 4---- . • . I 'been audited' 13Y, the Department„of - ., • .• . ,-,.-ss- , s. , ' Seeond Vice -president -V. it,.:Patter- National Defenee, and tlae speaker gave Delegates, to • 'Annual Meeting 4etw Third --ggIce'readeni----P. • '', ' .0a,m127. the funds. ' -- • -'- ' ss • • ''s- 's *, - ; The Anglican Dearteriof Huron held' Cron A"!,146 '10' e..• Act, -a": : .!" belt ' . •' , , . The ladies sato' presided at the tea its annual meeting-, at SSt. George's , "This convexly, is simply Playing fast s'Correspondhig s:•secretary 7- L!".D. Lane Mrs. & J. 'Acheson and Mrs. E. 'Church OA -Wednesday, vvith delegates_ anil'. loose with. the, HighWayAraffic '' Secretary -Dr., J. 32. Grallain• • table yvere Mrs. B. J. Sault% Mrs. D. J. Mooney. ' . , • s . L. Dean. They- were assisted by the from almost all . of the fourteen Act,4. ,stated '' Crown Attorney' D: • E. Treasure's -P. F, Carey. ' . , ladies of' the work„cammIttee. • branehes of the Deanery present. . Holmes in County - Police Court on . The meeting opened at 10.30 a.m., `Thureda.y last when the ..Goderith ' . Chairman of 'committees . . K. • Honorary officers-May*0r H. J. A. ., -. , . ' when the men and women gathered in Manufacturing •Co., Limited, through. a • •Saundere, . , • ' "- - . PERCH ARE IN MacHwan, Judge Cdstel 0 p . . , the church tor. corporate eommunion representative, pleaded +guilty to a s president . Legion; Nelson Hill, presi- Anglers ' Making Good Hauls -Notes - dent LiOns; G. W. Schaefer, president ' from the Waterfront . • 'celebrated by Rev, Dr. Burford of Sea- , Board of Trade; .It.. C. Hays, X.0„ pre- The first pod catches of perch this forth, rural dean. • sident Red Cross; Ji. L. ;Watson, pre- -4season were reported •"off the break, - , The .naembers of. the chapter arid , • sident Boy Scouts; .Capt. D. its Nairn, 'water on Saturday .morning and since tatty\ convened ' separately. aLisS head a -local militia.; Mrs. D. .3% Lane, then many good hauls" have been made,,Josep•hine Ilutchingson, who has spent. ' resexiting"vihmeek Chapter, I.O.D. from ' both the 'breakwater and the four,.yearS nursing. at ,Aklavik 1700 , E..; -Mrs. R. j. SteMehen, representing piers. 1 An inifiax of out-of-town "iettac miles. north -a Edmonton,' • an`P,iii:. Maple • Leaf ChaPter, Lo.D.a ; Aliss Waltons" is expected over the holiday teresting address to the ladies. iShesre- - : Watson, ,Girl 'Guides ; • 31,s. 'Walter week -end. . •' ,lated bow the .hosPital in Alciavik had 0 Newcombe; 'Nurses' Alumnae; Mrs. H. Grain.arrivals during. the *eek were been burned less; than .two years ago. B. ,Tichborne, 'Women's Institute. tbes Heron BayandBricoldoc.,. The but had been -Completely rebuilt within ' Mayor •MiteEwin in opening the 'Heron Bay came in on Thursday even- eleven months, chiefly ."due to can - meeting explained why it had been InC,frorts. Fort William with 62,357 ` tribUtions from the Women's Associas called -to urge an intensification of bus. of oats, 119,900 bus. of Wheat and tion Of the Anglican,Chureh. The hose War effort and to form. a hone guard 43,500 bus. of barley for the elevator. pital was. Offitially opened by the late fdr - protection. against sabotage and She. cleared, light,' on Friday morning Lord Tweedsmuli when he travtIlled ' 'other "fifth column" activities. "We for Port *William. The Briccddoc. nu, 'through the north country, In - addi- have been.' too complacent," said Iii's rived • late Monday evening from Fort tion to the hospital 0 Church and a- - Worship; "but now that realization, of William with 129,290 bus. of wheat, school have been 'built in Aklavilt ie - the peril has been brought home to -us 117,445 bus. of oats and 42,125 bus, dentist. - •wc. are' all eager te•slo our part)", if feed for the: elevator aria cleared, In the afternoons" Archdeacon Deputy Reeve B. Douglas B•rovvii, in light; lite TuesdaY evening for Port. Doherty of London addressed the dele- presenting the nialti-reS6liition-said-the, -William. '' • ' • • • -gated in the church, reviewing ancl, dis- • object qf the Meeting Wtie to give public The •Str. A. A. Hudsbn dune In, franr-eussing.problems which _confronted tlie expression to Will. and deterinin- 'Sarnia on Friday morning. and took ott Deanery. • He. ehose as his subject for ati of our people to wage war until 450 tons of salt. She cleared that a brief sermon . "Why ',Should , We 'dory' is assured and: to assure the • afternoon for Fort William. Pray?" •• - • ., - '• Government that Ave are one hundred -Vile Superior arrived frOm ,Wallace- IntereSting and Enlightenntg motions per cents. behind them, • In any. steps' burg.i on Sunday afternoon , and left pictures , were shovvn by Archdeacon' - they take to wage told *.iikt' . that evening for- Fort William after Marsh, who has spent the, laot thirteen The resolution ' was. se,condetl. by taking on 200 tons •of salt. , years in Baffin Lana in missionary Richard- Cornish and was supPorted The Imperoyal dime in from Sarnia. work.ataong the Eskimos. Archdeacon, s_ insspeeches bv 11. S. Turner, president ,with oil on 'Wednesday, evening and Marsh accompanied . the pictures with ' Of the lbeal. branch of the Canadian cleated on Thnrsday morning for .an...infornaative discourse. Ile ex- -Legions -IL 0. flayS, 1C.C., president Of !Sarnia. • • ' hailed 'hew the pagan Eskimos, al - the Reds -Cross; Nelson Hill, pteeident , though. brave when it- to battling of the Lian.S.,,Plub ; 311s. D. J. Lane, Touirt AlierAiRs -with-a -huge volar bear, teared„Certain. --. who spoke for the women's. organilae taboes ,vvhich..governed every phase of• tions; D. a 0,Euripbell, of the Legiosn s is •, , sTtleeirAlfe. . These Eskimos are in els II. IJ., WatSon, head of the Boy scouts, ' filditor The„SignaT4Star, inost, constant .fear of-breaking-theSe - organization; P. - R. Darrow, -(4.- N. • "Dear: Sir. -It seeins too bad . that taboos because of • the * punishment Dowker, Rev. A. C. Calder and judge the ban,d will not be able to eavrY en which they believed vvottla be meted this Asupamer, but if the ;men are not out to them. In the picture's he shovved- - •' 11(11 t' he ,31'.acor ,Pilt the;inOtiOn to available why couldn't we have a lloysl Band? It't, worth conoldering. ' the difference' between the •Christian the, meeting it was adopted unattimmes- and 'pagan Eskimos. - "I'lle. beautifully ly amidst great ap.plause. , . 'Was pleaSed,to see the two buildings that were an „exesere • en 'tinted pictures showed the life of the' oarly suituner, until late zens, ,conotteo was supported in iSouth otreet 1Could the,' Council keep' Elskilile°' twin The motion to•forru a War-titne Citis 4disaPPear "mess. by . 001, it C. Dunlop, 0., W. up, the good work 'and have the corner 'whiter, their. eniusements, forms of labor, clothing„, etc, • . , e' 11 14 and Captain D. 11. Nairn, and lot cleaned *up instead of leaving the Rey. John 1 Graham, of Bayifteld, in it also - was adopted 'With enthusiastic lf-Solnething couldn't be done about rubbish there? Also r el like to know eharge 6f the 'Anglican seemlier school announced the dates fol The list of - officere presented was the barn on Soutia street where part of at 'Icintant, the camps this stinnuer ; For boys and ' unanitnity. , . adopted on motion Of um D. J. Lane 41131 (10)1 but it looks terrible,, and the roof has fallen in. It mast not be girls nine, to fourteen Years, a ten-day period -,begirtning on August 6th, and • Mr. Thomas, invited by Its Worship -If the Town Council want tourists to for the older 'girls and boys a t( 11 And Rev, W. P. Lane., • to take ',the chair, accepted the Pre, visit ,Godericli why ldave. sueh eye- period beginning on August 17th. eideney of the fl( 1111 committee, sores in the =centre of the tdwn,' and The new officers for the W.A. of the assuring the meeting Ithatt he did go, in expect the rest of uS, to ,do our ehare the spirit of duty. • in making it the prettiest towii in Onr°11 l) 13)1 are: 114)114)1 u' ,Presi* Thanking Von for the space. dent, Mrs, A. O. SI alder, Goderich; At last, I helieveSY said mr. Thomas, ICall'ada"1,7 vs1-4joEmehntED BEAlysn, 1)14 1(14 Mts. 3. Graham, BaYdield; • 'Canada is on themarele 'We have de- ee .,„ . . vice-president, I MISS Edith Brown, -lowed, perhaVe, but we have done that Goderieh; 8eeretary.treasurer, Mrs. before. / should like to pay' II, iipocial GODkRIOR ZTABVATOR 00., --- -,- IStewart Middleton, Exeter; 1:Attie tribute to the women' of Oda katnty. - TEAD A'00on YEAR wipers, Miss Evelyn Hall, Clinton; s , They have ' been oa the march since ., juniors and boys,,Mrs. II. Winer, war was declared -010Y Arp away oat At, the annual meeting of the Gode- tioderich; girls, letre. Ilurford, Sea- . ahead and theY're marehing *ill." rich Elevator , and Transit Cerapixny, forth ; DoreaS, Miss M. Holmes, (lin- Ile urged that•the b,osts at thee'frotit rAmitod, held oh May 15th, G. L. Par- ton. - be elieered by the knowledge, that they sone was, again elected president and - - •---.------- ' arc rememberek at home. ° A /peek- manager and the other direetors, and PRESENTATION, TO MRS. DUNN age from home or a letter issettns a officers were re.elected: An encourags At, the meeting of the Victoria Help- , great deal to, them.," He solbeited ad- ing report of the past year's opetetions ers' elites, of Titter% street Milted vice aml-suggeStions front all quarters was preeented, the Amount of vain church held 'Ott TUesday, at `Mrs'. Elmer Is the discharge of the responsibility bandied being the largest in ten yeam, Cranston's, Montrea1. street, lkIrs. Feank . that had been placed Open him. 'The Company' elves notice of the pay- Dunn wee made the recipient of a At Ole CO/10181M of the meeting the • went of the 'regular dividend of 25e ',Silver butter dieh prior to her depar- eewly-formed eemmittee met to initiate per Share and an extra dividend of 3,5e titre "from town. • The hostess Served plans for its work. per share, lunch at the 41' of the meeting. A , . Goderick sod Dis'irict Town Band Broken PROUER Pte. J. T. Ashton, Moderieli wo. 0), ROYal Canadian Regiment. Pte. W. J. Anderson, Royal Canadian Regiment. Flying °Meer A. kg Maiden, Royal Canadian ` Air Forte, Sr. Bs W. Bell, Royal Canadian Engineere. • Sins W, Bnchanate Royal 'Cele. adian Engineer& rte. B. A.= °Bowers, (OungannOn), Perth' Regiment, = • Pte. G. Bradshaw, -pert)) Regiment, .• • „ • • ' ' • A.ircraftsman 11. Bisset Royal ,Otinadian 4eir Vote*. R. Barnes, Royal Canadian Axtlllery . • •, Pte. Q. Royal Canadian, egineent Spr. Wm. Burke, ,Iloyal Canadian Engineers. • , ,* Aircraft:9mo.; P., C., Bleset, (Godes rich 1.)-; Royal Canadian Air, Pte. C. Crawford, Perth iteglinent, •Pte. 'Cialbert,' (Dungannon), Perth Up Report to Council "gnsu"imluit 'E'"Ifitie4.eerA‘ J'. Martii4 .11,1-:urigalano ) * - )1 whose eighty-liftlt birthday was the M. William A. johneton Abhtield Sem. B. IP. LeeWe, Royal Canadien Application to Be Pressed with Regiment, 1,4'.0. Star a few week age, ha* rwelved * r (VoVt. Albert) Perth to the Rubor (weusion ef reference in The Signal - Perth. :Regiment, M.G. t Regard to New. Road Pte. A. tir StY, OIROULATION OTIS OW 4mommowis114.0414 :Health T at -S. Meetiag or School 4 • Pte. Million) .("Plagahllanif An, the =embers were PreAeh t the Personal letter from the Prim* Min' Mrs. W. Maedonaid presented saw _ , Perth Regiment, UM... • • = Core% T. Melbenaidielloyal Can- A. letter from Stuart IIenry, well- • * Ottawa* MaY 1°,4°1; the P"Villee °44t41.14), 44t "Plar suggested t at a set, o etepe, or a 04:siesta, Ontario. . , Twit:T.0w uellit wale an4 *ebooi as,„ • Pte. 3. relrelado, (Demmer), perm PatilWaY he made down the bank at My dear Mt Johnstonhave read seciwtions were tepaw darkly the Pte. E. Pieott, Pert 411 Regbient, tolirteon'tu tyle7a_r,_anda,p_rogr_ess_ii,s r every Regiment, , the 04 of J3ritannia reads to make with veeroyagerretethiinstiegrue4tateliveotn4W0 aava Inv ,worie reviewing 'the) • rte.. T. It. Ikanning,tont EQ"1--e* Soot. 'beach at that Point more accesgsiblet. .and YOUX taX011 ' ----*te,-,*v-Rlvottr.(,Dwigaouowy,v_r4,th, etheiejleeeeeereteeoreeeleteeeewset,eeked, brings You ntanY ,compen°14esttiontsia loontilLeaeldnadw°QttricecauchemiTePerstt,74taitme,_rd bileeotni par - Royal • t°144° these mattf•48 and' rePert" Wii-it3ft-nku-trwgrt'lalt.s°ouurr your ear meeting of .0* Town, colleen titer, Rt0 Hon. W..16 Mackenzie ICP114 interesting facts about the work ot 31,0, On Vridaye night *Diet Pte. E. Melee,O4, rertli Regfinent, regu . ,folloWs: lIome and Sehool'thembers througliont -radian Itegt. . • ,leneeen sunim' •reehlene et oedereeht William 3-011n0ten, . meeting a Vietoria .liome and Schook • icerpt. mail4ogaiL, 1-4.41<ii,r, h t • It. As Not • (..1.U1) on Thursday evenieig, May 344. reperted In tite tish. ' , Another suggestion* was that Seats be I atm, delight:a to knoye that you are Yner,a,,,ri'sdonwt"m/gir theA Quiltajni° Veda/040,a, Lt Roytae.i. 'CCi;n1dimMitglagrrpsvs."4" placed along the bank at thiej point still vigorous, and n that life A. -* spoke %me .0,:. ,_ _.„ „ , ,, , • • * _ mitteexon, Macaulay,eeicamrostreet, reeltdeflalinew:Dyrollunarslegtbsatrahtter'relsaentttiled71): 41::•at,:aatilk,O' ' :Irs,,"1:0111::eil:117e M8 eniPb":". Flying Officer 0, U. Roberts, Royal dwelling- „ - . „sv, u 1 __. _ ..s.s.r. „taut sthat - you prefesiF ,stehe* to higher thie_oge'-" .., - Pte. W. Baindal,lt Perth gunen • follOws, were referred to the tire COnl" and Your name, in the land where stones.' ratner let the b top I - •Uanadian Air Fon*. - . . porn - •-, ent foundation; A. 1. Sturdy,the ancient rresbyterian faith of Yellr 4Tueation, Does It. ay. Mre. Taylor e- Corpt. j. - SheirdeoWni, Perth Ilege, g--a-ra4e, ,c4betneaxeet; :e.e, S. l'tieial, fathers. ,, uri$doe.mallue:mgtewlittisitinthgpe,f-sautto,t8oleeotth4:::.:t meat, M.G. - e...,{%,,,m,ine ,bunding from lot 20 ' t4. I very , _much enjoe'ed Yon; gaveferhahealth ,ed. u vo ,Itte b iii t Bonadr. N. V Sale yeia Canadian: - -7--; .___.____.g • toxolaing for diPhthella* ' rtm4rievu:slt:lioria...IG.e.s.ign.allers: , , : . 4s,tilzwee.kt.s. t.reet. lux, d 7.1011: repairs; rigiviatiold.e4,ilescstripvtioisiab.Les0,ft.oSiourthsflha applirm _ Ti. Itos70,:aotetlivielitt-30201.----oennt.4bieF- ---reigre. uw,:surteore,- wzrook:oro: - Pte. E. Scott, (4,1,11turn EX.)? 1st Sandy,r-12.,vilietro•ristreetriem,(4Goedaleuiriegetk "Brreeduarl,li Gnitgbittipanistraighttotwar loyit y e 4, Pte. -Vie, TaYlor, (Nile), Perth Regi- Cilles addsitsious to Osi,,11.) house (0,14 rieton no further thau teaT-. +Scotch, Mtaacke Ile !int s844..Ayeens-to.sbov:::0u; -..dreme itset a 'W. -IA Xaellehzie liug' there" evere 032 eases' and iff ileath01; • d triets by - 37011 0 0 y rte. V. Randall, Perth Regiment, APPlieations A** Building rernitts " t "0144eattalla 'lar* building kerie'llSi olind are 'earrAng On your tradition% "new will (11111culti",a' aahl the sPeeker, but do net let them be mill An eradication .fro*m the Bell Tete- of yourself and 'ions, &seem:Tante, Pte. D. ThomPeon, Beetx Scottish - y , eases and 04 deaths , mo there were • Phone eel. for permission to erect a pole OtItEI very s ne re . Regt • ert the west side of William street be - i 3. 018 eases rid d • 03 a eat ee ,en 1 I 'in, 1932, there •were 10$ eatiee and 1,41,' Pte. IL Trenahlay, Royal Canadian• tweets Cayley and Thomas streets, was deaths., and In 1939 enl,y_ ile'aset send s,,titainrerlifrtertaa'aince..11: .-Tierntere;Itoyal., Can. iefevedto tubeo),Pkg,ua'belol virSayr'atecS tIrt'4iAi:40f1„t:tXe. FAR. t. 'WELL GIP eg raent. om-g-0.v • • , - ,444.4,4•44.44,4.44.4. one. death -which, said. the speaker, 101st ,I.O.:DsEs e.,orapany Guides, . 1, , • -staii onintdeo yes at e 1 d Pte. Weetlir,00ke Perth Regiment - al Legion embers Honor C ro /1 a th, e neation doe - pay • ' _wrote asking for the use of r e tur- G arsoffs• beDriarnaLetviake as, sPturo4vyin,oteltein:intlitohu:sition::::: e; R,.,warxtoek, Perth Regiment hod in onderieh ;lune 8th or June A large nom . me - Pte. uloo,a-ow 7)--; 1002_,Lutiro? .,iieo.u.tirfaiByviwxds to_esineituaroreau..vtgitruss, iboe9rs, gOafthlehreedCauft thiea.nLrgigol4ont,e0Boarr ,ibtiuntinbe4t_i.ngd Adha of scrota Perth Regiment , - al Park for a Girl -Guide, rally to be number of officers and 'ma erf u;g0-4 that lione And '80101 , oz on te j-,,yungtaut, (Atalurn ceritres _in. the Perth -Huron 41$ ric SundaY afternoon:to make a Presentafr t gs'utire Popathi'lQ10/1 •tri.r.taProrer 4 tiou two.of their members who have of ist Divisional Signallers. ENLISTED AND DISCHARGED, • MEDICAIM UNFIT. - • W. Barker, Perth M.G. - . Pte. T. IL, Pennington, Perth. Regig moat, -- • 'Pte. 11 ,s Perth 'Uejtment, 31; . .Pte. G. S.. Taylor, Perth. Iteginamit, lt• is requested that any Corrections or additions to this be sleft ;with The ,SignaisStar or stitit „ Geo. W. ScCiefer, secretary, Breoaela 109; Can - Milan Legion, B.E.S.L.,4Goderleit. .r.3 • s r tw medical , examination pre -140104g The applieation was,promptly grante ,The .00m1Xily, asked. per- inission.fOr the erectioli-of -44 :"'ffole aiid sign sinietoftrojantaorcf(ttb.Axe store aat streets, ,etosr, n.earnL t, the outer edge Of „the sidewalk. &- Motion was passed that 11Q. action be ken. • • ' ' • A. letter from. 'Mrs, Robots, .,of, Cherry Gate, complained of the smoke nuisance in that part of the town. This was referred to•eommittee a the whole Council •• , ,Band Disorganized , 'Harold Newcombe tendered his re- signation as chairman of the „gusical. Society. In his .letter he stated that -owing to the lack' of Interest on the papt of the. members the .band- has been disorganized. Tile. Wager= and strumentS-belonging to the Own have been eollected -and paced,,in. the band hall and in due course a 'complete list will be handed ,,tos., the ‘,„Council.„ This matter was referred to the special,dom- mittee. 4 • The Board of Health asked the Conn?, cil to consider the installation of new sanitary tonvettiences at the bathing .beach, and the removal ,of the present -,buildings Referred-- to. the harbor and ,works comnlitteeS jointly. 'charge of overloading one a its rlog A letter from the Davey Tree Expert - trucks by more than. three tons. "Only a few days ago this same enlisted With C.AJ• The o men, 'Sappers wv.. 3. Bitimnau and w. children, In the 'larger tentr,es -Bell of the Royal:Canadian 140gineeri,t E'cbc")1-chatirei-are, examined out it „riiponedpotne,sewnetareattonomoef,pothen aenid,r last leave. was :felt that Rome and .Seltoer mem- . pencil seta , bers.could lieleete bring about the same was madeebseeUeelle.Z.,„TeiWrrellrefele Th- 116 '823laile,r centres. dent of the local branch of the Legion resolution was forwarded from the con - whet spoke of the metes. associatica: ference th-e-1".rePartMent of Health Afith, the branch and heaxPvereaSsestidee•et41: 0,atinrifottaLtb8e6hrorstebt. sivelsededt 4thx-e* hope that they would fa sojourn overseas and a.sate return. e°n'N'OutI°11 a medical, health' officers. ' Others who Speke,briefly were:Captain tils*vel IPme and Soho' Ineraber*r Rev. D. 1 Lane and Mr. U. Douglas Were •Snecessful in arranging with, the , Browa. •Sttppers Buchsran an Bell medical meu-a tile town for an exam predated gifts. • ,• • oardS- were -------------- so aA ega ' returnedcoitin:1: az: yu- pt: ibtheelleap-st' president's badge to Mr, har Barker and spoke o.f tlae Legion's 'RP: predation '-of the Service which Mr. Ra.rker u,t1 rendeked during bis ter* , office. -Mt', Darker, .:expreSsed his thanks to his fellow•inembers for the -gift and assured them of his continued support. . company was tined $50 and. easts at , • Walkerton for overloa.ding, I am not only asking tor the maxinium fine ($50) in this' caSe, but also - foe., a recommendation to the Departiffent• that all its licenses" be suspended," the CroWn.Attorney continued Magistrate -Makins forthwith im- posed .the maximum fine with. costs, $62.50,• and 'made the recommendation fsuspension ctf licenses. The coin- . „ • 'Compaty, Toronto, was sent to the cemetery and parks committees! A cheve for ,077;20, repre*senting twenty per cent. of the hotel authority fee4 collected in Gederich, was ree, ceived from the Ontario Liquor Control' Board.: • A WILL CAKE , • two d.ays, Monda5- rind' WedneSday, were consumed this week with., the heating by Judge E. W. ,Clement of Kitchener of the ease of Fred ' Watts 'versus Minnie Cudmore Mary Lawson, Mamas Watts' and Si'aney Watts, 'all children vof the late Wi'lliam Henry Watts of Clinton: The cases was a reference to Judge Clement from, Jus- tice Gillanders ,at the reeent. non -jury 'Supreme Court 'sitting in Goderich. ,It A -requisition for '$21,000 for the °f • the is a family diginte over the ovvnership year 1940 was received from the Public Clinton residence of the late School troard and sent to , the finance W.. H. Watt's' W110 ill 4110 Wilr left the _committee:- The amount is the same as PrOPertY to his son Fred and in another and later will to his danglite.r; Mrs. , A letter trona' Y. a Shearer, a-gricui- Minnie -Cudmore. _Judge Cleinetit' re- 'laSt yeir. , .- -tural representative, called attention to served his decision. Is. 'E. ' Daneey, K.a. and D. .E. Hon:ties appeared for plaintiff ; Frank Donnelly for defend: ants. • • - , .for 'future reference. It is not generally known that ala. 'amendMent to "thee public Health Illae:0:1::.!.40)irSIObried:::1.11iet°3r1;i4"184 tht*070ergit WStfeetittn _ 040 to take advantage of this at Pre- eent;', and it has engaged two ehoeit nurses with. ,salaries of, *1300 and $1200 respectively and travelling, al- lowance. They will visit each seliool de, the county.; the whole cost will be borne by ,the County Connell, but if • extr.abunw,ork is -caused to..r, the /COX. • the municipalities Will remuner- ate orpany operates eighteen motor- xelnclesi a meeting to be held at Clinton on oue -kind- and another, 1 TilesdaYs May torethe discuss:Jen Crown Attorney Holmes read a lidt of weed control, and invited attend of thirty,sfive H.T.A. convictions regisance from 'Goderich. The weed in- -tered against the company since 1931sPector and the chairman of the public Liquor Charges - works committee were delegated for • -Charges under the Liquoe Control this purpose. - - Act are becoming more numerous in Committee RePerts . • Huron County since the LO A -C A •The,finance eommittee passed a num- aliPeal to the Privy Council Was he- r ef•-lIceounts-ailderecomniendea-PaY' shelved owing. to the war. intto the Collegiate Institute Board definitely . Ott Timrsday last 3. A. Wainteley of Clinton was:fined $10 and costs or $16.50 in all for consuming beer in 'a public place.. When Chief Bert Frem- lin ,canse upon Walmsley, on -the main street ` ef Clinton in the early Morning of alay 11th he -wits St'anding beside • his parked car with George Wigginson. On the, back seat of the ear was a basket with ,seven emptied,beer bottles, the froth and.habbles 6011 in them. On the car floor was, a half -emptied bottle. Magistrate Makins turned a deaf ear to --Walinsle-Vs---storys thatssome-man had putthe bottles in his car unbe- known to him. ' . , „ William Robertson, of London, was fined ai-; and costs on a careless driving -charge. Ile cralicir into the rear of another tar vvilich had slowed dosvn on NO. 4 highway when signaldby a motorist in trouble. • „ jetties Moakley, also of 'London, went .to Wingham on ti *visit and took some licitiot with hint: 'Unfortunately for him ,hes visited. at a hirose that had beefs deciatedsa public place tinder.the 14.(1.A. The tine was $10 and tosts. - P. J. Foley, Moe Water highway, was aSsessed $5 and'costs for making a left -band turn into his dirvewasr with- out signalling, thus eausing an ac- cident of $2,057.11 as balance .in full of the • treasurer and Varloos conveners. Mrs. 11)40 levy. The public works committee reported. that permission had been granted to II. Pierce to erect a sign in front of his shop on North,"Street. Recommend- ations were that the* tree in front of C:' K. Natters. on Napier street be cut diem as requested by him, and that prices be obtained,on the construction .a _a _ te.ment sidewalk on the north side et-gf. j'illtfutItioiii:-Itittg- ston Street to Cainbria road. ' The special tonintittee reeommended t at , braesArt& tranlleelase, tor the peddling, of gasoline •and coal oil be renewed, and- presented' the draft of a bylaw for' the licensine of auto, Wreck- ing establishnients in trim town. eThe cemetery, and parks eoliturittee reported that fifty cemetery 'Perpetual Care" markers had been ordered from the Goderich Iroti and Brass -Foundry 17xial • ' corannitte, reported tha\Tzq, pe4 're lot at the Art Craft 'fateory had 'been rented to Charles 13e11 for the summer, with the proviso that he viteate It at any time as requested by the Council. 0 ° The . water, light and harbor egm- mittee reported: We have reeeiVed letter dated .1ilay ilth 'from Mr. '$. W. Areldbala . With reference to the Pro- pes,ed road to the, -?,north side of the harbor --and the application to the Board of Traneport 'Commissioners for cressing, the Colei.lt. traeke, and we re- Comnford that the Board of Transport Commisoleners of Canada be notified that the Town of tioderich stilt r,e- qiieste that" ithis, ,applieittiott for a level crossing • at •the point, indleated in the original application be granted. 'To Round tp Aliense- Councillor IltickinS, referring to the eetious war situation, flak) there was In this eommunity a subversive element that should have- attention. Ile pro- posed that Communists and all foreigiu. b0211 persons be rounded up and placed in A Concentration camp „where they conid be watched. , Pereons coming KNOX CHURCH W.M.S. The monthly meeting of Khox church W.M.S. was held on Tuesday afternoon In the leeture room of the church. WW1 Mrs. Redditt presiding. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Redditt, followed by prayer by .Mrs, 'Gordon Bisset 'Mrs. D, J. Lane took the haShiess-Periodand- reports.were heard from the secretary - 1 Vile speaker paid tribute to- the splendid work done by tilt. medical Men , of Goderich hi the schools during the last few Years. They have given' their services most , generously in. vaccinat- ing and toxoiding, and it does nOt seem fair, said 'the speaker, to impose on their good nature too often. • •Ilealth Film Shown. .A.little variety was provided the program by community singing- of a .number of patriotic 'songs, and the -Showing of an interesting entitIOd "Tbe Lite,. of, a Healthy' Child."--.Thiiit • was made possible through 'the 'kind- ness of, Mr. Attridge,. who loaned the pieiure projettor, -and t-hke, - courtesy of the Dominion Jaental Co. - of Toronto, who loaned thefilni. A short business session was con, • dueled by the president, Mrs. W. Mac-- donald, and It was annonnted that s, dental Oink will be held at the schools, - after the 241h of May. After hearing, • stif the splendid work -being -done by_Ox, .ford County Celine% ,it was felt that the idea should. be brought befom Huron Connty Council at Its next meet- ing, and Mrs, A. -Taylor was apPointet to bring the matter to the notice of that body for consideration. The treasurer, Mrs. R. Wilson,. 'As. ported ,all accounts paid and a balanee on hand of $14.47. . • • A vote of thanke was tendered to the speakers and the meeting closed With the singing of the National M- DEATII OF MRS. JOI,N tIONT LUCKNOW, May 22.---Thelle'atbe of Mrs. John Joynt occurred at her home on Ros-,. street after a short illness. Mrs. Joynt, formerly Miss -Annie Amelia Fulford, was seventY-Pin! Yeats of age, and until it short time before Iter death was quite aetiVe. 'ller hus- band, John ,Toynt, former pre- ileeeased her in Tieceolher, 1037. „.,•Sur- viving are, four daughters, Mrs: (Bev.) J. W. Lillico, of Minneapolis Mrs. illobert Johnston, of Goderich; Mrs. William S. McLeod, of Lucknow; Mrs, A. B. Stinson, of Weston, and one. sole, 3Olin Weeley joyet, of taicknow. The. funeral vvill he held from the residence on Thursday afternoon with interment in Greenhill cemeterY; led. La Pr C. Lanaway sang a solo, aecompan by MisO,Eleanor Snider. Mrs. D. 3. ne gave a splendid report of the ovincial ineetingS'reeeittly held at routo. • -••-, THE WEATHER . . „ The temperatures for theqiast and • for the corresponding week recorded AV,S_ week last sear asollteiaiLY lows: q0-43 1944 1939 314,L Min„ r;slax,jklin. Thurs., May 16 ....50 43 ,58 , 38 Fri.,. May 17 t50'.. 45• 42 Sat., May 18 ,50 41 09 - 32 ,Sun., May 19 . ... 09 40 07, 47 Mons May 20 65 52 07 • 54 Tues., May .21 ....77 49, 74 55,, WOd.Mi1y22 ...V!49 , 63 .45 re as toneests, he Said,, might be enernieS ',in disguise ben4 on mischief. The Mayor asked Councillor liticitins would like to have -a toliemir. •tration eamp for Western Ontario situated in Goderieb. Coale not particular- ly; but I wouldn't Mind having a chance to look them over. Deputy. IteCce Brown 'agreed with Come nue:tans thAt We were not taking the war seriously enough in this country, but lee waseloubtful about the concentration camp Stggeetion. TO aremark that if Cr'{' nat. nuckins knew of any persons of the kind under diecueilon, lie should report them to the affthorities, the Councillor retorted, "I did repoet them." rinanIr *as 'agreed to, discuss the :natter in committee of' -the whole Counell. „ _ in eomtaittee it was deeided 10 nothy the "%Velem Canada Plotte Mills and the two rallev,ays of the complabit re- garding,smoke from the harbor. There was further diecuesion ,i,•11 the questiee of dealing ,witb alien, but no conelw sion was reached. • FOR GODERICitt'S SOLDfrak$ Editor The Signal -Star. Sir,-Wha.t has become , of the pro. pesal to •Present the soldiers who have enlisted froM Gocierieh witiaa gift from the Tavn? Other towns have te. cognized 'their soldiers with presenta- tions; if, our Town 'Coustell Won't act I proposewe take up •at, collection to do the honors before the boys g41,Oversetta. What about it? - • CANI.10,X. Ed. Note -We believe a eonitnittet of the Council haa thi'S matter in hand., MUSIC RECITAL' , • Knox chureli choir, eonsisting,of over thirty members, will present a short program of eecular fausle, Whiels. tijIII include "Goin'., by Dvorak, Land of 'Home,' by ,Sibeliuts, "Sing a 'Merry Madrigal,'" from "The Mikado," two Scot& munbere ant others. The ladies" elloire will sing . "The Olden, Songs'1 by Xreleter, and the male choir 4111aval otIiope and ' Glory," by Elgar. Miss Glailye Borth-. wick, Miss Dorothy -Peterson and Mie* ,Donalila Munro of Kincardine, senior pupils of the organist, wilt each play .group of piano numbers. 'Mee Somer- ville and Mies Snider will plaYPiano and Organ arrengemente .Of "'Mardi. freln Fifth Symphony" of Beethoven's and "Largo,W' bY4 Itantiel. Prldtiy, may 3,14t, at 8.15, in /Cnoit ,church *minter - lune Silver collectien at the door in akl of the choir fund.