HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-16, Page 10Plaid,,Platforms Soft . woven ''Cider Press -1rahtietlisterectols-ligliesand airy., Plaid trimmed Plat- forms to matcityour gar est giashoons. SOLD AT AUT1URN AI7111TEN, May 14ssoMr, and Mrs, W.U Siieppard and family speut. Sun- day with the leveler's )40040: Brampton. Miso Margaret Fergasoii, of, Par spent the weeloeud with ner parente, Mr. ovad Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. „ Miss Annie McLeod a Toronto, iVas *L Weele-end visitor With her Meatier, Mrs. JobteLoU Mr. Eldon Stoltz and Mis. 3. Chopin of Toronto spent the weeleend seith their parent% Mr, and Mrs.3 C, Stolte. 'Mr. and its Geo. DisPeY of Detreit* spent the, weeleend with friends here. Mrs. A. J Ferguson, is Margaret lottogusort and Sirs, It. Ds Munro, spent Saturday with. Mr. and lkirs. Norman )41Urgay„oi Druratio. , • 'Mrs. Fred Ross' arid Douaid attended aoniversory services at Luckuow Pres- byteriaO chureh on Stiocloy. Alis. George Beadle ond Miss Elsie PattersoO, have returned lipase from a tliree Weeks" visit Witls frieude in. Dee troit ' • • „tr aiid Mrs.'Edgat LaWson and Bernice spent Sunday with D.Ire. Wm. Seloter., Seatorth. ' Mr, and Mrs:' Canieroo FOtheringhaPs* of Stgarys, were recent vtors with Mr; and Sirs. S. H.johnstoo • • Mrs. Carl Zeigler, of doderiele is visiting her inothelo-Mrs. E, Yungblut. olro, a.otlsoMrs! yhasIdis Purdy, a Pennyan, I 3 ere Telefier-Witifrir with Mrs. jos. Woods. Mrs .on„O soMrs. Alex. Manning and. family,of Belgraves visited with IVIr. and Mrs, Jas.oltsiberton. Mr. on.d. Mrs; Darwin Carter and son, Lloyd Carter, Mrs, Geo. Garrett and ameamemesearsetmemesaimeeSeeetameamssameemenem It.,•Ww. Bell, of the 7th Weld. Co' 'y -Engineers, lias. returned- to his ,unit at 'London atter -spending 'stoweele at his home here recuperating from a throat operation at St Joseph's hospital. Mani at yotti,:rava nepttoe.$. wrn Melte excelleot.eolargemonts, Attstektive• ,SsOSPetholts --PulargedO • anel oatiably framed, or, motintedis Waisbe.OStetatsinri4,.SPOottoVIle .Photogiottpher asetet JOHN. IRWIlki4 President of Caoadion Oil Cempaniee, Limed, *to !states that, eales of this iCompansoe products fOr the first lour months of this year reaehed an tall- tiAW high. 'This increase follows a large-scale program of develoPinent initiated by Mr. Irwin on his election to the presidency a year ago‘' P The WsC,T.U. w.111 meet TuesdaY afternoon, May 21st, at Mrs, C. IL 'lumber's; Victoria street. Miss AnrufMoser wishes to aralounce sne still has a complete line of pinup repOirs and imuiPos 20A 4k, tbreesaet play, "Chill -Billy *Shift," still tie Preseuted in Union church, Goderieh township, on ThursdaY, MAW 23rd, by th,e Y.P.V. of BaSteld United churete, tinder Use eitsPiees of Union drawls Admission--adults'2Oc, children Irates Smart, stYlish are -the new 'hats for, the weeig-end $hotwing the latest models 'oral up-to-date trimming. at MISS MaeVIC„AdtOS •MILLINERY, Kington street, phone 462: r. • 20 500 and euclare in the Orange Hall, WednesdayO May 22ra1, at 3.15, Under tlie auspices of the L:0,11.4.- .The laOt party of the iSett-Wit.Everybody° wet - sedate, 15e. „ . -20 - For a guaranteed job of watch,„re- pairing, try Inc ()Zee and be convinced. 11. PIEltON Jeweller, in A & P build- ing; entrance 2.nd door on Nerds street. : , • , , 19-20X Mrs. jus. Woods attended the gradu- ation exercises .at Victoria hospital, London, oe Wecloesday, when Mist Alma Carter was Among the nurses in she graduatiog chose„ A number of the young People of Knox- United-Ohuren ',attended the young people's - rally or Riven Presby- tery at -Grand Bend on Monday night, 1.1f:*oy.'Webster has taken:a position in a. ;barber shop. at Creemore. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bogie and daugh- ter Dorothy have moved to near' St. Thomas,' where Mr. Bogie -will operate a •service7slation. „ The B.Y.P.U„ will hold their monthly meeting' in the BaptistciOurcla next Lakeview Casino Orand*O4 opEmN6 DANCE MAY. 24th ik YOUR WNll 1 RA,ND! I WILLIS Tfr P'IN,G, Ad ilis Cascade Muslc AihnisSioiLlfic Dancing_Free Sunday evening. .Tbe meeting will be in. charge a Mr.. and Mrs. Glen Roith- by, Mr. and Mrs, Joe:Ilagssitt and young son returned from • Leamington on, Sunday. Special Motliers'. Day services' were held in all the ehurches last Sunday. At Knox 'United .ehurch a mothers' 'choir led the. service -of praise 1» Knox Presbyterian church Mioilisse- phirte We favored with a solo. *; men'selioir-resi,d..osi.,.smeos.sosial ,muslc at the Baptist chuithO • Mr. A. W. Zurbrigg of Listowel will he guest- soloist in the Baptist church oext•Sunday 'afternoon. - At the annual 'Malted Church young People's rally of Hump Presbytery held -to Grand Bend on Menda.y; George .i Straugnan was elected ooehristian citizenship converter for the Presbytery. Mr. George Paterson , of Toronto visited with Dr. B. C. Weir en Tuesday. :Mrs. Chas, Asquith has received tlie sad slewsoof tbedeath of her, niece, Mrs:Creiglitoi Duise o TorontDe- teased was -foroterW Joh yce au ton daughter of, Mr. and Mrs, dba.. lighstesoossiossloyjetted heres_on se 1 oceleione. ''She was tweoty-eight years Aof age. 4taitiox „Vg.Nts , • IASIS„ERyTITEMA, PemPhigno, hli es, Impetigo, Boils' and Itch quickly spOint.-150eT4t001•12;00:At - ELL% DRUG STORE. -20 Supper . and three -act play, "Ruth Takeeosas-HolidayO" at Nile United. chureh, ou Friday, May 24th. Supper frem, 6 too-Aops,m, Admission 50e and 25e, • 4 " • ' • . 20x Et, StIORTENING AYONNAISE triE sig G fiGER ALE ItttoTtegtb 30 -ox. Btla. SALAD DRESSING FrePgae nch Styjo Newt far Mrs. James Howitt is *visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Chesney, at Sea - forth: • , Current events wereogiven by 'Mrs. W. Group. -The C.G,L1`. met th- T:4 Robleon. Mrs. Fred 'Ross gave a - Knox United church on Friday evening, with Helen Marsh in charge. The Scripture was read by Margaret Wight - man and Betty" Craig led in prayer. June Marste'tgave assreaeing.on-"Stalls- ing." Vivistri iStraughan gave, plane ) RENT.---110TPSE, ONE MILE csouth of Goderieh on Blue Water Highway. Apply P.O. BOX 4t), «odes den, or Phone 4903. ' 01T11A14103 Its AND MRS. ENVO.ItT JAMIESON, • LueknoSit, ttcank all those who were so kind And sympathetic ,to them during their recent nereav,ement y• they also thank all those who seut flowers tiod 'loaned ears for diet uneral. ' • 20X aottatatamemer"*Momeetematee AUCTION SAMS uoTtoN _SALE.-11.11CTION' 'SALE . of house furnishings, garden tools, cooking stove, electrie stove, lawn mower and -a .lot of otb.er articles at MU% MOISH PIt'S SOP, Hamilton, street, Goderich, on •. SA.TU;BDAlt',' MAI 18th, at 1.39 sharp m% h , TerCas. . T. GUNDRY & SON* 19-20 Auctioneers. Volt SADE.-MY NEW UOME ON Qiiebee *facet. Weald tonsider renting to reliable tenant. Apply 3IRS. E. L. TAIT, Box 77, fGoderielt. 20tf FOR ONISEL-Si*X-ROOM HOUSE IN Auburn with three.plece *Maklee trie wiring, large garage and exeellent garden, good location, Also vacant lot in A.uhurn, Apply to MRS.!;1%;', AMMO/MON, It.n. 5, Goderieh, or MOS, ItOr FARROW, Goderich, On- tario, - 19-21 'you sAzg,--isggn GRAIN, 1ST prize Erhan oats, 2nd ;prize Ito field; teoloPetitiOn test; Alaska, oats; No, 21 barley. itlItANK L. YOUNG., B.R. 5, ,Godericli • plioSie 208 Carlow.. 17tf 011 SALE., ---A 0001> DOUBLE- LOT • me,Perit Street, on high, ,elean oea tion 11,1iltS, 3,01INSTON, 15 Cambria road, Phone 311. 19-20 The most startling deVelopment Venetian Blind history, the new steel slats giise more light, better'appearance and greater durability, Let us quote, you 011 your retjuirements. These new blinds are Sold at SCHAEFER'S. • 20 A special meeting of the Geclerieh Woolen's Hospital Auxiliary will be held Monday, May 20th, at 4 poss. in the Punlie Library. it • Sale of home-made baking, Saturday, May 25tb„ Mrs. Elibbert's store, forms erly oceupled.bY Mr. H. Pierce, und ausPices of Taylor's corner "d Sale. starts at 11 aan. At Kingsbridge /tall, -Monday, May 20th, at 9.,ponts, Dublin Dramatic dub .presents r"The Dust of the EArtla," a four -net comedy drama. Med:varies' orchestra, 'Adralssion ,2.5, cents. - -20 • . migintATAistm, ..,SQIATIOA, Back- ache, Lunibagow are attacked., at the Source by the cleansing And antiseptic .CAMPSETV DRUG. STORE. ' 14:20-26 TENDERS POR COAS,4 AND OOKE, 0EALOD TenderS addressed the, undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coil," will . be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wed- nesday; May 29, 1940, for the supply. of coal and coke for the Dominion BUfklingshrOughout- the Province of -Ontario. • " • Forms of tender with epecitications and o conditions, .ottaciredosseto , he ob- tained from the:Purchasing -OLgent, Des partnient of "Public Works; Ottawa; and the Supervising Arehiteet, 36 Ade - .e St. East, Toronto, Ont., Ten,dete should be made on the orms reading, Mrs. 'Fred Oster ,of Blyth, district president for West littron,' was present and gave a. compreheneiOe re- port of the silver jubilee convention *held at -London, so -A .hearty.-oof .thanks was extended t6 Mrs.- Oster for instrumental Zeta. Munro read the her splenclid-addresSo :Miss Josephine lifth chapter of the Study book. Eileene Weir favored with a solo, "Cayrf :On." McClinchey,' IStra.ughan and .Ruth Wilson' were 'appointed ,to prepare the progtam for the next meetirtg. After a quiz conducted, by Ruth Arthur and •Ila Craig the meeting was dismissed. Women's linstitutis.---Tpe Worroofe, Institute held their 'Monthly meeting - in the Foresters' -Hall on Tuesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. E. - d I d .Lawson,.insthe chair. • Mrs. o e in prayer for our boys overseas, Mrs. Lawson read a letter from the Depart- ment regardiog the trillium, the floral emblem for •Ontario. Mrs...Ologridge, Mrs.. Woods, TAWSon, and Mrs. Ross were 'appointed delegates to at- tend the district annual At St, Helens on May 31st. Mrs, R. J. Philips and Miss Josephine Weir were appointed to look after transportation for any Wishing to go. •It was decided' to ask for the office's' r,ally and quilts awl guilt -making as the districts project. 6, • OLIL:CIEESL. NEW CHEESE :4. '-uiim:...8,ititir-t4s&Ls,.1.er. CORNEDBEEF ...PRUNES-7.7(roirt The 1611.011 was answered bet paying of fees. • The -meeting was closed With the' singing- of the National Anthem, Alter -Which a dainty lunch Was served by the hostesses, Mrs, Win, Dobie, j. C. Steitz and Mrs. Itaithny. - . NILE NILE, May 14. -Quite a large con- gregation attended Nile church on Sun - gay evening when a Mother's Day ser- vice was held. Three bablese yeere?sap- tized, the daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Clif. McNeil, the son of. gr. and 'Mrs. Merle. Kerr and the son of Airs and Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge; Rev:G. Hazel- wood officiated. ' Mrs. Wm. 'Watson, wno was visiting friends at ..Sandusko. Mich., for the winter, returned bother week Miss May Bone of Trtiontoodaughter bf Mrs one of Nile Mrs •Trethewey NOTICS PiElislOtN BUT TIIE DATX (Tige0 Dunlop could. have Asada * Will mush. as he did. It is a jaettra---.14-40, famous doeument, unique toy origthal- ity and eblirMink iJivreiuni. You may have a copy hy sending 2,5 CeliER to' THE SIGNAL-STAIL 15tf'' 'COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GOIMILICH A Court of lievision hear and determine complaints against the 'assessment roll will be held la Biltt's liolmesville, at 10 osra., On Mon. ,aday, May 27. All complaints to be in Writing Und mailed to the undersigned not later than May 23rd. .Ail persons assessed rois dogs that have since been destroyed must return the tag or be charged in tae. , at, G. THOlViPSON, Vierk• 20-1 2, Clinton, oimismosow . NOTICE TO CREDITORS A 1M 0 ' I 10 pie:z 1 t sT 0. CREDITOIW., A , A1S.opereonS ‘ baying delve against. the. estate of' Thieve Da*, late, of file Towntsbip .of Colborne, in the Count$ of Huron, 'widow, who died, at the Town of Godericb, in the said Ciountr vin:eplortaitt„e_erDe.:A.ulrr,kolvE_rjGanAIRD=ENE4t. ,,,,,r,11:137)4nbackn_wthe,,xvitwiLimcm?enty-six jithiedeorroa„. °11:,,, before the third day of _June, ' 1944 „ liArp,o:070B417w1147).37.,,m5.,0,0,01011:icterdineGhio.ENamErRii.37,A.Lwr26Aii 71salf‘ it;75:1111%.e'li"ditlit"1::,,'flubn:ernsddlst. 7atrer:.*: - proceed t ) dikrihete t'.,e estate, Antro..7..To nuy cnin HoRsub; hirdirg regard only to the elaime Or -- • which elle obk11 then have hod notice. • for mink feed; removed promptly.' ' Dated itt Woodotock . this twont3re„ Vlsolie 608 r 22, Clinton- Calls Paid. ninth dav 'of APril, 1040, S611lettorst for the Admipistratrix. 14 Finkle ;street, Woodstock, Ontar10, and deed cattle: must be suitable FRED GILl3EBT, R.R. ' 2, Baylieei, -NESBITT, OVIVKAY and- WHALF.Y, for. s , so ' • . late 18-20 .• ANTEbs-eGIERL OR W . , cooking and light 'housework at IN THE '______ ------ , . , OMAN rog rum --To ditEnrrolo ocaninyn.diTanNi,rosuamdlnuietst ienefatagmlie,yw. eekw-ends • HAMILTON, Deceased. ,DSTeAceTtiEsd.Or TriOX,. 4.13. -t(eislteapthillogneret'oeIMPellrSileSliceaOaditia-dreEl "21t ' All persons having elainis 4gainst the. Estate of. Thomas Hamilton, „ late of , Ourtis Burg"-Doteoiti Istieiltgart„ , .20 the Village of Auburn, in the •QountSO of ---°.---ws - -- Annul, Who died On orsabout the '14th SAILIESUEN ' WANTED.---FAMILEX .day of January, 1940; ore, hereby re. Quality ,Products ;bee4ining better *Ouired to forward the Same duly .veri", , filed, to. the -undersigned. on or before . • the 8tli day of June, 1940, as atter that - date' the Exeeutors will proceed to dis- tribute :;thelaime 'essotaftewhbi4chvinthgeyreSghatill then have .notice. --- _. L . DATED at Goderieht this 7th day or M:ay, An,), .-- • • - ' .-$11411/411C DONNEICia, :11-0-2i .' Solic**C4t:rdefortre.liti°EnXtaetfulo' SIIPPliecl 7tirstneo Department and in in known. ,ewisida3i, we need muTto..s4ies, accordance with departmental specilleassomen to iusure the hest -Possible serviced tions and conditions attached thereto. the.7suemn tohre;a07411.noto_rrofwahtetenudeerritessbceeetdors ••th°OnseaSttislame al' i . cues:Vino/1'e .o.A",!,214,ialiegtivs°ellainng sniesbuliding. only tirlfaere-tsbe te13463:-' d2etit Isneeersteinteslywolisl.1-C,31Thllerirengle"NraRta 4tirfiBe-*rivsb.te:Ottrohn to.„°• tellheairrtetreenddeLankalri:.1 num 000ttaogoo and information: ,•,- with "our , Successtur Plan. Ash for nada, made inlYable-terthefferder-4j4j.FAMILEX COMPANY, MO St. CrenleAt the Honourable the Minister of Public et; Montreal. 20-23 Works; equal to 10 Per cent. of'. the ' .. amount' of the Wider, or Bearer Bonds of the Ddrainiot: of Canada ,or of. the CanadiAn' National RailwaYoCoraPallY. and its constituent companies, uncon- ditionally -guaranteed as to prtnicioal And • interest by the : Dominion of Canada, or the aferementioned bonds and A" certfilect enesioe,Liforequired Srto make uri-- an odd. Amount.' • ;The DePartinent also reserves the 'right. to demands from Any successful tenderer •a seetaity.,depesit, in the forth of a certified cheque or 'bond as above, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of his bid; to guarantee the proper 10101 - molt' of the contract. By order, • Jr, M. Secretary.:: Department ,of Public works; Ottawa, 'April 30, 1940.• 19-20 • Mies Ann Tretliesvey 'and lir. lied Moe'. 'a -re fit -for -a king. Feed . CAPONS 'instead of cock «k5 this sga•19,0n, and eitve-on , Se Your local Salesman . RYAN 01, SON, .PROKICE GotlerIck'Ont. 'llamlitOn-Street Phone 340 -Res. -334 . '.i-VATPR.L00 COIThillt HATCH - •ERT. New HambUrg, Ont.- . TRAVEL 13Y. AUTO Anivinivrgpt , itEip OF ACCIDENTS' 'EFIAT'S TERRIBIV .11Iiiht be involved in one --That would he ;• .• • t • unfortunate! • • • . ...INSURE AND BE SIllte , --THAT'S FORESIGilTi O. •Varcoe, of Toronto, -visited Mrs: Stubborn Cases Done over - , the weelr-end The annual,24th .6f May supper :and * . • o play will be• held at Nile 'ehuren, The -001134Pa./1011.,- - day.lav, I -Pis entitled' "Ruth Takes a. Eton- Those. who, keep a, mass of impurity pent' up m their bodies, day after day, instead"ofhaving,it • 'removed as oaten, intended, at least ' once in every twenty-four Mars, in- variably suffer from constipation. The use of cheap, latrsh purgatives will never get you any where as they only aggravate the trouble and- In- jure the delicate Anions Unfit of the. bowels, and are very liable to cause piles. " • If constipated take MnbUrli°8 Laxa-Liver Pills and have a natural movement of the bowls. They do not - weaken- end, nieken As - many Luativea do. - Th. T. Milburn ao., 1.44.0:111wsts.' "OS.* ,illardoo Weather - 5 F1al.111)S. Early blooming salvia% large asserts:neat, giant pane -lee, 3 -moieties sto :inn,. verbenas; stoekOs asstnF peters; Snapdragons; , And .other • Estianiarteo:on cost and arrange- ment of colour scheMes for tower beds 'freely; given We (fella hanging bashets, and boxes; will call for theta if phon7 phone Carlow See the beautiful 'new Imported Pictures at 'Smith's Art Store. Lovely Flower Prints -Old g- lish.,,Cottage Gardens -0 Swung Shins Etchings -which therhave just framed up in Ivory and GoId Fra,tnes-all the way from 25e -- *e --500-75e-41.-00 up. Just the' gift foi a ,wedding -gradua- tion , or birthday. --and nothing gives such lasting pleasure as a good- picture. Come in mid see them. • SMITH'S .ART & GIFT kSTORE.- East St. - Phone 198 • - Y.T9ou BDO°Yn:Ci.t 1114aere.:4CeedaSI:12 —000DRiCii RES- 84,BATTOPES. -.Thtit'i right' Now you can, buy safe, dependable Goodrich products' .n cion f--wory-along - on. worn, interior quality products tind pay as you tong easy terms ride—an• * SLICED or tINSLICED ANN. PAGE WHITE CRAMED WHEAT • 24-ot. WraPPed lonvee Fresh traits and Vegetabigs GRAPtIORUIT Mush Seedless . Go eaoh LEMOIsli California ... 1.90 doten OltAlfGEO Calif. -10 dos; CARROTS Calif'. Laigd Original B nehes ....2 for 15o CABBAGZ Jiro& Green ... 5e lb. lIZAS,J Fresh Green - - .... 2 lbs. 23e 41suseions Louisiana, OTRAWBERBIES..2. pint boxes:25o Stomach Gas,. Indigestion and Dizzy Spells Ended; Neuritis ,Paine in Arms Believed.. 1.1as lIgh Praise for Britons,. If 'every p6roon whosuffers fidm Painful muscles and Inflamed 'Mots; headaches, lieryouenees and dizzy Opens; every person whose stomach rebels and fills with ,burning, •bloating gaS, should be interested in the ItEATATIBS Of the ibenellte that other men and, women 'are getting nvErty DAY by taking 'a treatment of Syntona Herbal. - rompound. The following happy experience of Mrs. Mary lteed, 47 Myrtle Ave, namilton, iP1 Only one of niany reported\ recently. Read her sincere statetneot:' "During the past year I suffered greatly with stonsaeli gas,--indigestiou and tonstipation. . 1- was subject to suet' awful spells a dizziness that often I tvould have to drop whatever 1 was ,doing and sit down. There were eeevre pains, in my arms that I was told were ,neuritis. '"My husband euggested 1 take Syntona as a good tonic and after -tak- ing it for just a low weeks 1 am more than •pleased :with the results, Not only did, 1 get relief from .the dizzy spell, gas and indigestion, but l'oe noticed those neuritis pains Seem to have disappeared. ,8ince my food 1140 Specially moat for active wilco onci hoc, woo. A Atone omit ootsAatri I been digestiog 'better, niy sleep is nsore ividt* Ant 11 jewel MOVeinent WhiCt'400 1 i restful and my whole system feels lin- bit tireicca in Englincli Forme,or say PLON ed. . If you, •whe read this, suffer from Oho Comity ailments of the stomach, liver; kidneya of distressing symptOrne, make up your lovelier Volt, too, may reeeive these prieelesa 'benefits. 1 Syntona is roOld and rewormmendod itt Goilerleh at GAMMELIA'S DRI101' STORE. (HIot,oPf At 111,,Ar, W Select what you rseod. 1.), Show us your lions* klentificationi Cinstall your pur- chase at one.— and you pay on yoUt, own horns.