HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-16, Page 8No garden.rden• is to sni all. for a path, Indeed, the smaller the garden thea greater necessity for something of the r_ rause trafhesat little and bigger �L feet will be much, heavierz, wear and r �ou lawn more Severe tear lie but t g arden walk 'has a 'beauty v>wtlue' also; Wen Properly laid out, . to . wind urely around clumps of shrub-_ bevy., and trees, towards some focal' l arbor or ,table �►vlu't like swims, trellis, arbo , it add beauty, ' nsysterrse and, spacious- nese to the most modest garden layout, ¥it Teasing materials for, garden, waw are fl tgstones, These are broad, flat thin slabs -of any soft stone, d ter around abundance us- uallyfound in tain river 'beds,'. �. The • stones tare sunk gush With the ground and • at least an • inch and a half ef grass is left bbtw1i edges. S 'eti s after the, sod is eat out the om me exact shape and, depth. of each stone,. a, littler sand is Wadded to the ,bottom of the Molle, for drainage and to :make the wall. miner. Built in . this way \the lawn mower will run right over the pathway. ' Qthur permanent walk materials aro sand, cinder or brick, Lengthening the esison , Even the most citified rson will odnit.that thereis nothing w o equal t he THE GODERICIii SIGNATATAR boo of ve#4444.64 that have itt reached the proper :tua'ity and *re "'1' reit +s- s, J far too few people withssihuty of vegetable yg,�arden right Ott their door ry ge.t thp�e full ben t this 'freohn . In Moat t+ there area few meals of green peas, ,baby carrots and' beets, new potatoes and corn, and that is all. Eitherthe Yaws are finished or else; there is troth, , iug lett but pelts; Issans and coral which .should, .have ''been eaten days or weeks lbefore'. With a 'little foresight and Planning, however, r,these unfortunate* nate a could ' just as easily .have haat really fresh .vegetables coming on .all through the . ,summer. They could eXtend even the green pea season to over a. men'th, could have fresh corn from early sum- mer until almost Ohr stamas., ',Mere are two ways to achieve this objective.: First, the ,planting season can be spread 'over several weeks. 4x.. perts•advise making at least three sow- jugof.,practically', all vegeta°bles,' the first a, week or ete1sefore the regular time; .the second at the regular time and the, third a week or . ten days later. Secondly, . by buying' early medium and late maturing varieties, still more length tang lee added. Take corn; for instance. It ' is now.. possible to,.secure Golden Pantara types. that are weeks at ier'than the original aand it also .ssible 'to get Bantam � pQ laterthan norm l matori ng Bantam, Still further extension of the corn` sea- son is possible through addingsome of the late white type of garden :corns; to the list. Some of these if planted well into dune will come along just before frost. •J deet kf-sta-lhssand ell:.n r,.seut and stored away out_of .frost cobs can be picked away into late fall. . •Transplanting., _• Success with transplanting depends on plenty of water. Of' next • import- ante will be' shade and stimulant. Mov- ing a plant is something like an opera- tion for a human being, and the larger Why Worry About iousework? using one ofe latest,models of Let electricity do it ,��', g the ° i'ashing ,;t fachtnes' or VacuumfCle ars elle eon,. ercolator, toaster, iron, or floor p9lisher is 'always acceptaT1 q ,�. .. �.. K n„ �. " Ettimates furnished on; wiring and -all *ork finished by time agreed upon, FRANK McARTIIUR West Street. Phone 82' tate *Peelasen, the more neer-' the *tteutlou. With shrtibbery and tree* eaten umiu : - ut auk. the verGe. t pail at water at setting out is not toe -Such for sueli big things, and the watering should be elated two or three, times a. week, xf u quid: start is wanted. "itlt. aortiinary 'annuals Sind peren- nials liberal watering is also advisable and shelter from hot sun for the ilrst few slays. me Pickup in the way et qulek1y available commercial fertiliser will help at this time,, merely a pinch for' small. things' ' like tomato plants or asters, and perhaps up to "a couple of handfuls for shrubs and trees. Care should be taken in the use of any ehesnical ferilizor that it does not actually tonch roots or teliage. ' In the dry state it Is liable to burn. Experts usually' pity 'Safe and . dissolve the fertilizer in water ;before applying'.: Found Out ' "Areliterature?" ou fond of asked - Mr, Bowdl "JasSionately ! Tubbs replied. "Then you musta~ d,Mmiirses • iSl Walter Scott. Is not his 'Lady of the Lake' exquisite in its 'lowing grace ,and, poetic integers?" "It is perfectly lovely I" she assented, `eraspfnm 'her hands in eestaey. "And Scott's "Azar" rasion,' t' he went on, "aid'. 'Peveril of. the Peak'?" 1, just dote on them:" she said, "And Scotts Emulsion?". he said hastily, a faint suspieion,dawning upon him, "1 ,think," , she said, "that it's the best thing he, ever wrote " • v ids on C.T A. i'ved for Ontario °averment Di$putoo Supremil CourtZuling Aged, Jug Huron County T0' ONTO, attiY 9. Settorney°' m r- al Gordon D. (3bnant ttnnouncetl yester- dey that the, Ontario (Government is coinploting arrangements ts f4r� � dt one o meat sof two appeals 'of the Province' be- fore the Privy Council in England riiati'i after the Wan'. 0 e"str of the appeals vas a protest One ,.. Court of Canada against the ��upreme Act. The aet would abolish the is ri ght the Privy' Oeuneil and "of appal to Would make theCanada Supreme Court the mal eour of appeal. Government does not 'expect The than bill NO. 9 regarding eppeais to the Privy 'Cieuncia ' will be • advanced "er Passed by the Ti'ederal Government in the meantime." , the Feder- alatdd d that n a e The statement t . , had concurred Departnment of Justice in the postponement of both cases and' the Provinces which expressed intention of taking part in'Argument regarding bill No, 9 have intimated their concur- rence, rain t ... the u e rence,:, in m .. With regard to. the Canada Temper- once .Act, a majority. of• the Ontario Gpurt pPe of A. al last year held that the Dict Was valid Dominion legislation. One justice dissented and the Govern- anent hunched=a • al to the judicial ;committee of the Privy Councill°fromr• the judgment of the jnajorlty of the On- tario Court of Apl'egl. , ° he Ontario Government has main- tained that the present Liquor Control Act of the Province is superior to the Canada Temperance Act, older, legisla- tion which applied to counties as a• With a record' Of 46.Yeare as a moat eatie• tactoryr treatment for piles or hemorrhoid!, You tau positively depend as r. Chas.es Ointment nce is TIRJURDAT,IILMtt i ,11009 whole. The present dispute involves t , three 'Ontario court wilt rondo tot, the 4.1.T.A. in 19i4 stud 1916 before the ,,,1#00414" Oaterku Tonvervv-4-4 41.411T 1114 whieeh no longer lain effect. In connection with the tire; eouutivo —Peel,'Moon and' Perth—'the Sul me Court of Canada ruled that, the L.C.A. is less restrictive than the C.Tak„ and that theV.T.A. is in force in theSe counties. , BRITISB MEiWHANTSERVICE • 13y O. FAX 'Smith Oh down by` __.Ba si uas we n the other day, T met ll. skipper that 1 -knew,' and to biriak X did say "1V'ose what's the cargo, ° captain, • that brings you up this way?" . "Oh, I've" been up and down` (he said) an randalso— From d o . t! about, ,Sydney to the, Skager-rack, and 1 lei : to +Callao-= With a leaking steam -pipe all the Way to 't3Alifarn-l-o. 64With pots• and pans and ivory fans analevery kind' of thing, 'Rails and nails and cotton bales and sewer pipe and string-- •. But now I ra through with cargoes, and I'm here to serve the King! And if its sweeping mines . (towhich my fancy somewhat 'eerie) Or heng1z g out with booby traps for the skulking submarines • I'm here • to do my rblooming best and give the beggars beans! "A roug' o. .. an ' a o'er _°a._ _r. best job for me, And., what or where I don't much care, I'll take -what itereass be- . For a tight ,'place ,is the 'right -place ' when it's foul weather at sea I" There's not a job he doesn't know from Melbourne to New 'Yorks He's as hard as a lump of harness -beef -and as salt as lafckled pork ;. And he'll stand. by a wreck 'in a murder ink egaje,, and count it part of his work I He's the terror of the foe's'1'e when he heals Its various ills With turpentine and mustard leaves • • and poultices artds pills But--rie knows the sea like the palm of his hand, as a shepherd knows the hills, Hell spin you 'yarns front dawn .to dark,—and half -of -them are tree! He swears in a score of.Yla igttages, and ' maybe talks -in tole I - And hear lower -a boat in a 'hurricane to save a drowning crew r A,rseughslelierA. :.tau h, ob he's . ha n lel two or three And what Or 'where .he :don'.t much care, nor ask what the risk may be— For a itight place is the., right place w - h n there's wild weather at sea! Friend—I suppose you enjoy your daughter having so many young men corningto• see her? pad—Oh, get a 'kick out of, it now and then. Monuments! To, those contemplating •bruild- ang a 'Monument Get my, prices before buying. :Cemetery Lettering_ a specialty. • .. AlI wvorielguarauteed. JOHN: • GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS • Clinton = Ontario. Successor to Balt & Zapfe FUNEeath RAL:SE18 7RV5;)ICE (R 1 TRADITIONAL SQ CER1ANb . E1 PEtEIN.CE Prompt i Axnbutance 'Service Piscine 120 FLC'"D. aM. LODGE, Director; Kidney Acids ,/ Rob lour Res. Mur people never seem • to get a .toad wtht s rest. Ther turn i nd.tose ba owak awl ceuat sheep. Often they blam.`tten "nerves"' .when tt Saar' be the`it' kidueya, Hoath ; kidneys filter poions fro * the Mood. Ifthey are faulty and fail, prisons stay in the' system and sleeplessness, head., lathe often foitow., if you don't' ache, bpc ,s f i�d tey ,li'i�lis- far sleep vtell, try. Dodd ,half a century the favorite remedy. 103 Dodds * lis Nautical Farm Mehd The sailors are leaving the navy, it'° seems,• and not a •!te'w are adventuring into the wilds •sof the Western, grain , belt. A. real Old salt approached, a i e-� k d tob s d n. farmer and asked e 'gn Q "Worked, on ''a :faint sine° you left the sea,?" he' was asked. u ,;,';,Yes ;. on one," "What did you da?" "Well, X 'helped ',with a craft of some y e,jeais ted_,`tvheat_ ,rano. lie auain . -_�s� ; hatch, and straw. came -exit, over her • bows, while the other stuff poured into p n s A bags hung Onto her suer A .• w b told Me it -Was a thrashing_ nmchine "but I knew he 'was trying to bilk me, the only thrashing around there +heing what I aid to the swab. Pimples Kill any a Romance The lives of many young people, are made miserable by the brealring out of.pimpiea on the face.. r - �- The trouble is =Lao ' eat, pain, but it is the mental .;suffer- ing caused by _ the emisasrassuig dis- figurement 'of the face which very often makes the serer ashamed to go out in :company. : The quickest; way- to, get, lid IA �. purples is to improve the general • health by a thorough cleansing of the blood of its• impurities...- t€ r " Burdock Blood Bitters a`leanaes a'".. and purifies the blood;-- Get rid of rill pimples by -taking f BM- X• tha r. FREE SERVICE. OLD,. D.ISABLED'OR ;DEAD. HORSES. OR .CATTLE¢ removed promptly and .efficiently.- Simplrphone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM 'STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL "601' r 1 Clinton" nolimmemamma....m.:mammoummarimmimammism Rubber Goods, Sundries, ete, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper.'' , 8O9, less than retail. 'Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box." 91, Hamilton, Ont: 18-20 R. Whielef Funeral Director and Eintbalmer Ail calls promptly attended to day or night ., rs -AMBULANCE SERVICE -- Phones: Store sal Res. 355W. Hamilton Street, Goderich Monuments.: Get ready for Spring --Order now -No advance price. Large foreign granite shoe& to choose tram. A -.postcard will bring us to your home. Tree transportation to our office. I1an& Son Grani 4 147 it, Patrick St, Phone 1955, STRA'I FORD AST " FALL. an independent research organi- zation asked over 1400 .motorists front' Florida ,to Canada it ,test =Nu Blue Sunoco against extra.priced gasolines. 'These ,rnotoraists voted' ► to 1 that Nu -Blue Sunoco equalled or excelled the extra -priced gasolines, lin- road performance. UST RECENTLYa new suirvei was amade.amoug former premium gasoline users by another indepen- dent ndepen dent and unbiased research authority* After noting the perform ance a J4l: " ILUE "SUNOCO in their earn these motorists who formerly used extra -priced asi lines voted by a bigxnajority that NU«BLUE SIJNQCO Rive; theta what they want most in a ,gasoline. for b.stir ltul s ilea Nu►Btuir-Sottas alta ingthi. pa►trrt dlluftr It with atbor gaaolln•z. W Fr ERLS VICIPAIVA D FARE and ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND, TRIP MGoing, arty time Thursday, ` 144tY 264 3 until 2.00 P.M. Sunday's , Return: leave destination lip to midnight Monday,, May 27„ 1940s >. Woos shoran istssteayd+tn' ro ford a Archer 1n ortrrt aion rt !y to any lgeazr. CANADIAN NATIONAL