HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-16, Page 1NINETfreleCiOND AtEAlt. NO. L9 Mother's Day in Goderich churches dal Services Nark the Day Set livart for the Honoring of gathers Mother's Day was geiterally, observed. oa Sunday lest, and he several ot the RED �R05 :IMPORT 1 t 1 , I A. meeting Was called yeeterdar�f the reptesentatives and worketet the -Red Cruse Societe, and arrangements were made to entertain the ()facile of the Huron cOtinty liraitche$ and their „units at the Red Crow dietriet meeting of Huron eouuty whieli la th ;held . •Ifnott church lecture teem at 2tem, churches one. of •the eerviees of the dee' on May 22ed.It is hoped through tide was eepeeially devote -410 the honoring meeting to consolidate and otrengthee. of mothera. our efforts on behalf of Red' Cross ' At the Beiptist Church within our oevie eoutitg. TO .do title An appropriate program for Mother% elfectivele, the advice and co-operation. itay Was carried out at .the Botha . of every braneb. Itt the county will be' lieklirch. on Sunday morning. when the. needed. - • ; Sunday Khoo), metwith the congrega. It was decided to eontinue the week- eetioe........Thethyietua,eimge were specially iv "bridge' andt"000" , for the Itioxitie ejlosene .and' in addition there -Were of June,asfundseherivedt few- tiller quote by Isabel Greenslade and Verillie source are needed to carry on our war . Bell, and Verna Miller and Lulu, Ben- wo*... Tlite ift 4 very . small way 111 Janthe The pastor, Rev. Aej. Milligan, which we are asked to help and end ladiee gale the address in the teem ,of an are therefore urged to eattend these obieet lesson showing- hole metheret • bridge*. „ love endures when fill other ear y _ • • things rate eta mothers were presented, . EvEtTztro. or DRAtif.4. each with a flower by little joint Don- • aldson; Aire_ Wm. Donaldson, Hama- Three One -get 'PlitY8 Presented in St. ton, for the mother coming the greatest. - GeOrgie's rtuttelt Hall diStartee to the service; , Mrs. A. Clut- A novel form of entertainment was ICIark,"the youngest Wither; Mrs. Peter, fi,Vee eisnilftSyt. e -Zi) VitIterls'nttZilleirlig, ton, the 'oldest moteer present; Mrs. Young, for the youngest baby; tAire. Wingham and .Gorrie A.Y.P.Aefe. ptet Wilfred BonaldsOti, the mother with seated „thee ene;aet comedies. tbe largest .famlly ; Mrs*. A. Virtlithesi the The Goderieli e•play WAS eutitled einether with, the " beet attendance "While.' the Tenet dhirned," ',The eord at Sunday ttehooiet ' eltatiteters were: Herbert Oanbei (Leslie At Victoria Street. Vatted MUM) Ruth -Canby (Velma Million), 'Mother's eleay was observed in Vie. etereteet cauett Jr. (Herold shere), toria street United churchattile morn- Mary Lou (Hazel Boyce), Grandmother bag service, when .the Sunday school. eeanIty (Marjorie odder). The/ play Nif(13 in. attendanee. The 140%ln-tends- 'was 'dieected byeeiarifid Taylor; , pee, Mr- 'w. Larder. assisted in the sident of St. George's _ eeeviee, and Beryl Sanderson, tiatt Znew The Wingham piny, Tuttle's iSwantz also took part. Bev, 0. L. %now. , Was directed. by ,.Itev. E. O. Brown spoke on the aultieett"4"Ohttroll ttt-tilltigher. The cast, was: Mr. Tuttle •lin Thy House," . and a moth -eve Othetr (Bert lititebeli). Nfra- Tuttle (atilss wig. At tile evening service the birth- Fels), mies Eaves (Miss -1.11,11an Felt ay of Florence Nightingale was eone: ler) Dr. Morgan (Tone Silerou) piemorated; Weighers of the hotedtal • ellenryti teati-order Wife was pree 'staff and the .Alaninfte were present.. "sented by Garde •AelePate. .ftete John a *short jeell wes the. director and tie east in - ilk • Combining T:he Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star GODEItICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1940 Three Prominent Figures in Hockey is,* Mn'*, raiiie Goodfellow and Sy' Apps at Lions Ban(Mt Annual Doll Parade Ras Many Entries CAUGHT BY EATISOWS Wotan Voting WA Receive. Terrible. Inherice-...-In Hoplied litre 'Continued progreisit toward recovery was reported tide morning from Alex- andra Ifoopftal ou. the eOudition, of Wililam Collineon, aged twenty, who wee eriticaRy injured In a fenei ae- -eitlent near Mutat,. tm Monday last. ,Collineon, 'the yourtgeet sort of George Cattlemen, ot Kuitail, Was, work - lug, mi the former Kenneth McLean farm owned by his mother, a 'hort• `xlietartee from the village., and hi brOther .Jitelt were preparing a tield for barley ,seediug with a tree -tor trail- ing a set of -Mee barrows. • At about 0 p.m. the tractor etatled and the in- jured, rtitin sought' to crank it while it was in gear. The tractor gave a tura forward and knoeked Coliinson lag (Aciyob a corner of the dise barrows matting over his bead lend •haelt, caus- ing terrible ficalp, Wounds and back laceratione. Ilia brother Jack, unable to lift the learleites off hine,littd to back them- free with the trader. Ile then panifor help. A doctor was summoned antlYtlei.111Jured man was removed- to „ „ hospital here, , For some time he was in it precarious condition, but he lead it geed night last night and is repotted ae making steadye progress. He is the youngest of four ;sone of Atm Cotlintion and the late ,George Collinson, termer leintail ;blaelt- %with, • THE COUNTY HOME HERD Kiddies , Compete for Prizes Donated by Lions, Club Dleal Weather fetvored the annual dell pantile, held on the Square), on Saeueday afteenoon under the aponfior- shie 0 the Uwe Mute end as a eetiult gooti-sieed creWil• was attracted to the affair. ,an almost reeord number a little ,girte Partkipated in the parade ra.aging in age from three 'tie teu years, and eahibiting e greet variety of dolls —baby dolls, 1a1 dolls,- teag dolls,'" siettlei and' :gaiter dolls; Indian -and- negro elolls; •- The partielpants emitted history of the life ot notenee IllailW, eludea r'AllielS`nlithers -Oa* 4- 'Mus - gale, and read the pledge whlett beets 'grove), eteeitry Gubitons t(aob,Paillinte her name. 'Miss Levis, nurse-inttrain- aim joins_ wee; John Ball), , Becky sermon was 911 erteligten anditteatot,„„ Simpson (Nellie Dismore), the enallt order wife . (Blythe Underwood); the - 'lug, contributed a pleasing solo. The Before- the .service, a Shart-igaltal 'ext, minieter Marry Xing). • . t *1 the Northern nalltnlend eleetrle orgaht 1 The 'ehairman. for the'. eveeing Was played by Mies Aittia gottelt• :w,Inuell.,Attield. Taylor. . Planoenigeic WetWeen. • enio.Yed- . . ., ,_.; ,:' ' playot was provided -be ti.bbasiriexem ' . ,, At North StreeteUnited .Churett''' " These three plays were presented i..e, A choir of mothers lea the ttertrite , „., of praise in North street 'United chew , ctileeeteaejlellatt cliThiertall,'''.3.-etrayeerYnd.4:44.0oliliee ' and a solo, "God Give:174,0=es," wee -TAM the CUP. on that; eceaelote__The rendered by Mrs. R. Henderson. - The • three plass -Oil be presented itt Whig - minister, Rev. W. P. Lane, taking for ham on Meeel'itti. . - lals text 1 Kings 2:19—`!And the: king •-.., ..,,e.„..e.e.,„,„...e.e....e...etee, rap up to meet her and hinted 'ItiMs ' ' • . ,.RUTIIRE40) /NAMED self, unto her. „.• . 404, 440E64 ..* ' seat: ' ' ituth Reid, elevenl,ear;eid daug4t,ex to be set for the ,kiege$ ,raitther, and.- et Mr and iyersetetimetelteld,,,' , 'she at on his right hanreeeinextereted 'street, siffeked painful 'Mintiest to the Weiss Josie Saiencler$ ; erag doll, Mrs. face and ,right hand when she shipped Frank Donnelly and Mrs.. (Dr.) N..'40. many reasons why tilt courtesy "shouter ,. iie shoten to Mot:here whose loving care while 'elirabing. the Maitland:- River ertieP;On; decorated • trieYclef Mrs; ' ild sacrifices make ft'r' the ''ectArftirt bank, below the C.N.R. roteedhouee, Prevett and Mrs. H. Fertte• . ane well-being of their families, 111"t't tate„ Monday afternoon. e She WitS re- • emt turning from the river fiats, 'where "she, Mr. and Mts. H. D. Falser spent the ers On the communion table Were . . tributed by Mr. Amos Ohellenget and had been gathering weed seeds for het Mrs. Weber of Xitehener, in memory_ 'week -end at Ann Arbor, Michigan. ' of their wife and mother, the late Aire. agricultural studies along with a young. Spr. R. W. Bell of the 7th Field Co' companion, Beryl Sanderson. Although Engineers, ;Lend* is the proud 're - At Knox Presbyterian : Church . :, in • great pain, ,. Ruth walked to. hee tipient of. h. lovely wallet presented to Challenger. , . ; - ' At the morning ii4iide in e home, .where her parents summoned a him by the officers and members of the ' eherch the centre pews .mtere• oceeuXptett. doctor. She was then taken to Alex - Ladies' Orange Lodge Of Goilerich. by members of the Sunday school, and andra nosPital, where it was found a children's choir assisted the regular tht the bone ,forming the bridge Of _church choir. The music included a ,lier nose were badly smashed- and a '•olo by Airs. W. F, Saunders, erne. bone in the right hand; broken. It is, believed that when. the girl slipped and emus My Mother Sang," and a special. her face struck a rock' protruding anthem by the choir. Rev, re a. etano felt from the hill; - gave a brief and appropriate sermon. *r. E. C. I3eacom, superintendent Of .: oie' heemer.sEEING Veen , --- pre- ' A party • of twelve:31enn*nites at- , the Suedey sphool, -conducted the sentation of `diplomas' and seals for t_ vraeted considerable, attention as. they attendance at Sunday • school. These passed through the - town on Monday were as follows: t e • . . Diplome for ettendingSenhay sehool. afternoon, garbed in their traditional big& Clothing andefiat wide -brimmed - . hats. ' The party, four men, two, women and six boys, arrived here on thetC,N.R. -noon train and left ein the afternoon by C.P.R. 'While eere they' touree the harbor. The younger lads expressed their regret that there were no grain otitg in. port at the _dino .of ,theiraisit, Titis .was one of the features of °ode - rich which they -hail expected to see. The party were Irene St. Jecobs, Water- loo countr.... in front of the Hydro shop and paraded on the 'sidewalk, ,elockwise, to- East street, where they entered Court House Park for the Judging. TiteYeleu itel the tiarade, followed by doll carriages, dolls in arms,: rag dolls and a 'comic seetien. The only teature lacking in 'the parade this year wee the town hand, wblehi usually leads the little girls around itilleZISrigitlapvrte In' the decorated -carriage and doll ,elass, went ' to little Mary Kneehtel, who wore a .yellow-lioivered dress edged with green; with- a Witch- ing wide-brimined -peke 'bonnet. Her doll was dreseed,elmost identically eidth Committee Purehtusett' TWO More Pure - its mistress and the earriage* was bred Itheroveniente- - eriMmect in the same -colors. Audrey The !County Home .conamittee of -Cranitten, secand in this class, Was ClountY Council, at a ,special session tracked in pink and greenrevith doll on Monday, _purcimaed two Sithithorn and carriage to match. , Mary Wallet cows 'forthe. purebred herd at the emeettarat favored llgbt and dark blue Home, bringing the total to' nine. Two in the color -scheme of her dress," doll more are to be purchrieeit One of the aria carriage.. Claire 1)onaidsonstmlth • eove$ Was purchased Vont W. E. elan. covered Wagon in blue and yellow,' ning, Leadesboro; the Other from W. A. Marked "'Going West," represented the Culbert, Dungannon. Flve,herds in all picineerera of Canada :and took fourth were 'visited in a tor 'a the county prize in. the •decorated carriage and on Monday afternoon. „ doll ' ' 'The committee also &Ailed to paint Winner in the!comie ieetiontevateltten all 'outbuildings ,at the- farm. . The eitetitheealte, thditeteeeerelage was Pled tole, witi be xed; With: white :#1132,, 'with dolls.. A sign on., the carriage tcenttruettitet tefeetelteete. hegtPen aand- labeled; her as "The OM Woman Who vegetable *Teller also being con,, Lived in a Shoe." • eidered. . Two . of the nrettleet entrants,- ale. • Reeve R. E. Shedelick Hensait though, thett Were net PrihetWinners, cheitintin of the • committee. Otber they represented neetePeelOctelass, were nieeentbees are t Reeves,: Turner; :Frayiee, Eteanor,and Elizabeth Lauder. lilleenor, etorletnee, MeNalleeetd..Warden Feagan, Weeineselay evening Will be one long -remembered Ity tiouee forteteald Gode- ricii beim for on that night they lied the Mealier ot seeincand gliaking tbe bands a th.ree of the outstanding figures in N.11;le, bucket?, nainelY. jack Adams, manager a the Detroiti „Reit Ebble hloodfellovv, capta.ie ,the Winge. and Apps, ace, of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Oecaelon Was the banquet tend- ered to the- members of, the-J*1)31er. an juvenile hoekey elube by their oponsors, the etotierich Lions Qiub. The **mate of the Detroit men was a gehedulea pert 0 the-eveaing's enters Winne* anticipated for weeks by ,the players, but the addition, ot SY1 APrtt to the list Of gueete was a surpriee; even to -met; of the members 0 the Lions ,Club,. and presence belped materielly in rounding out an enjoyable evening, •. SPeechee .by the Gieets All three guests spoke briellY after -being introduced by Judge - -T. M. .Costello. Ur. Adams told in brief forte, of his tvventyethree.yearsht experience as -player aud Manager of le.11.14 teams. -Sint* been manager of the Red Wingsthey, have twine three, 14.104 charapionthips and °lite Stanley CUP twice, The speaker urged -the boy s to continue their sehottling and warned that, if they had ambitions to he pro- fessional hockey stars,. at the same time they mut not neglect their educa- tion, so ,that wben their hockey plate- ISeeforth. ISister Day congratulated leg days were over they -wOhld have the Goderielr- Lodge upon the caPable -basket -trait; Aire R. Aeliesou, definite, plane for the rehire. Ile sugt *ay in which the work was pet on. letvels e. Mrs. Geo. Stewart, 3 ears..., gested that the boys el:mulct, be thankfut After ,the close of the meeting a ban- Xrdit;-Wojnen's Institute, -2 -bed --11X1104. -- for the support given them. by the Lions quiet was beld„ about seventy-five me -me A Friend, Tiers fruit, half dozen waat 010, and for • the opportunity for 'de. 'bers and •friends Sitting Own to -prate eleths; Mrs. VrankeLavvrenee, one - jar velopment, and he We -seise of the WM- thy decorated Iteblet. During -the Ilan- fruit; Mrs. J., W. Hunter; -2,,jare.frult ion that. the Lions ehould .be thankfiti quet a. -toast. was Proposed to the -Xing Mrs. E. Camlthelle 2 Ars. 'fruit; Mr*. ,thatehey; had such .a fine type . of boys bee Sister. Day and one, to the -•Itaalest j. P. Walter; 2 jars fruit; Afrie witn stunt titetokt..... tee. ....., tett- eeeette. Orange liedgeleteSietter, Pa, inter. eSister •Setkeld, 3 jets marmalade; Aire te 'Mt.:, Goodfellow stated that he had ;Speout, made the' prettentationehrtaii 'MeolleYt baby silizte.,IfreetGellt.Ofeeleee• — beereintheN.H.L. for twelve years and umbrella to the grand mistress, lot e ears fruit; Mrs. J. B. Graham, 2. esta hoped new to have 4 better time than whieh she respondee Wing woedis. fruit; Mi. Belie. Maeltkar, 2 jars he had had those twelve eters.. He ceutioned t boys against drinking and smelting if they wished to attain tsueceestitt the hopkey spbeee._ . Apps .reiteated, the reason for his being et. Gederich at Simi). an Worth= time ds as One of business. 'He extended his eongratulations to M. •Goedfellow on the 'Detroit player's winning . trophy as the nuette-etaluable NOT SO EU THIS ESN Three Graliesearritera eusd Ottset Ve.00010 lie riot Shipping at tide. vote, abieketted the past week, witit ouly tiiree grain boa.te aud two other veeeele arriviteg. The eta. Heron Bay came on ThursdaY evening from Fort 'Willie* vvitit 120,000 bus. of wheat, 02,350 Wee of tette fold 0,54h bus. 0 barley, She eieared light at noon on kiaterday for Vert litililana. The Altman Arrived ou Friday after- noon from Vert William with ,tail,44.10 bee of wheat, and eleare4I light oh Sunday meriting. Meth these eargOlia were for the elevator. - • . The Superior arrived this (Timor - day) morning from rort William With feeoir7tfhoebruetlieev°44:toiwiril.tantill Qapetstitns4 obtarle The strv4Lethbricigp came in early Senday afternoon Rent- Wallaceliurg with 175 tone fot, IMO and cleared light, late' that evening, for Fort Wil- the., 460114140. limn. The str. Winnipeg arrived from tFuirsatrallaVrnilidijugoarmtbeaell4r nt14:11:0:ctiregilatl after414_ clearedpe yr fg tweecirTeEtiethabeeiWeet:loa:yinr'wgvrtitysielpuryintwgheifttuoiClitelattur,lu,ythnit The wrelt have 1144 1)egOu itasket of daffodils. Mrs. B .3. Sault* still going to Baedeld to set their nets. 4ulti W. Carrie' Wit° Pr"Ided at the table, were assisted by Mrs. W. P. thiet port yet aild local fisitermea are itaote3?Ineersts metentheanlirtiet:wse..boas:urio, toande9unruco.ing. cLoauneihtiMurrsst., Mrs. Murison, M1* A record has been set this year *la the B. MaeVitar and Miss Betty Campbell, Gifts were received att %allows sag AV PRINCESS MARY LODGE are gratefully aeknovvIedged DY tbe The otileerg and mothers of Princess -Women's Hospital Auxillery," Mary Lodge, L.O.B.Ae entertained tbe with Miss 'AfeCorkinda.le, eurteriutend- grend Mistress, Sister 'Ruth Day mit of the hospital, had eliarg'e of the ,London, on Monday evening, May 6th; they're proeeeding$: embleme or the Oraege degree were. ; Nehmen. Dunganueu, Weir expleined and exen3pitfied by the degree Pillowsnes; Mies Lois' Candtbeit *MX" ;teem. under the superVision of the cot eoVer ; Mrs. A. Calder, 2 tare fruit; 'Sister Riley, and before a well-, 'eiodertch.Townshin 1100Pital Auxiliary, tilled lodge roora ixtelading vistting oue Cushion, 6 hot water-heti:le elevate- inembers erom ImeknowteClifitteneaxid .mattres$ covers; Mrs. J. M. Graham. vase; Misses M. IL and liteR. MAO/tear; 01.160U1,41.T100 011* MS Muni Milky Party at Alexandra Ilirsay Gifts Doss,ted Als *Vita Mixer bierved The aranUt144birtlutior piety" ve eudra Hospital wee hem on tlatardaye tenet a large Member of eitixens, as as matey from the surromdlas tart - tory, visited' the hoottal, 'briatting many 'beautiful' *nd utieful setfts. Tito rilootas tbe hoopital were height wit* ;dowers, eiteb patient receiving* bus* of daffodils from Vie George Stewalt. The visitors wereireeelved -by Mrs.. Redtlitt, Mrs; „A‘ 'Calder ;an* Mrs, I. Salkeldt Afra„\tt. W. Rooter aud Miss lett* ,Saults took charge 0., the tette, sod „MO, ett, J. _lee Wit Mrs. A. F. tittuedy. and lies. -IL IL Alooxiey condeeted the guests throligh -ereeltee eit a light green 'dress With tairg twbegs tal)ii6• kePre- -TOO, LITTLE' TRAINING r elated "Spring," While Elizabeth, clad Folt_Insuitz TIME in ,bitie and in the •same etyleetrepret ,sented 4 !lane Jay." Vrkleipatklaett 'POI )(greater Attention Lions D. D. Mooney and e. Butter ' to' HOMO • atitleto Reading Were in 'cher& - of. the parade. The Tete, regular mituthte Mee g of Ceti- rtmegzsxttWises,A4Fewixr :.xttt;ittttteles.ctlldtovon:en,:teteet44rnr:Ftstgt :7tiLeasable held 'Groves ; edecorated 'citeriage :a the dell Mete. t(Dr,;)' W. • W., .Martin and primer students delig te et, he -audience with . choral veaelihmso sorogs.,, The high -Tight ' of 'the meeting • Was Mr; A. R. *oft's* address especiallY directed. the:pupils of, grade VIII, who were 'Were ptesent..0n, the topic "Vbea- tional Guidanee." Mr. Scott explained to them that matriculation wasetee lin- portant retneisite,t‘ne niatter-what:yoce-; don wris.-ettoffen. ...at said mid Was most deshable that they should be happy in teteir chosen veeatitin.e, The home nett •school, thought,ltut too little ezePhafite Onttraining for leisure time. ' He was sorry for those who had' to depend on commeitialtahmeeMents. He suggested a more Widespread de- velopment'of hobbies and, of the reading )1' cludad. with-th' c. thought habit. Mr. a-success is -stability of oharaeter.ane the determination to get ahead,: fifty 'Sundays ;of 'over: : jean Waerener, Marilyn ;McCabe, .James Smith, Jack Meriam, Larne, Rivers, .A.rehie Beattie, Bill .meriame• Gertrude' Iteattle; 13tuee Beattie, Stanley eferiam, Bobbie tilt. guette, illoy Bowen, Marjorie Johnston. First seal:', Carole Saralersoe Mary Lou Sanderson, Raymond Cutt, 'George Warreney, James Milne, Doris- AfeBrien, Jitek elac4iiitald,tAfttrilyn -Moore, 'T...lna MeDonald. , ,second seal: 'Mary Aint Erskine, Bruce .Erskine, Gordon McCabe, Rae' Nelsen, . Brene *Nelson, Bobby Moore,. *June ,Slrarks., Thitd seal! Ruth iStokeg, Catherine Cute Jane Tuftoril, Bill Sanderson, 'llerry Warreiter, Neil ThompSon. -- . - Fourth sear: Donald MaeleWan; Maryt Stralighan, Pluniee 'Milne, Irene Stott - dart, Betty Diteuette. Fife' seal e'Jtielt Erskine, Billy New- eombe, James •Saunders, Donald Rivers. 'Sixth seal.: Lillian Milnet Fred Othites, John Schtiefer, NerineeeleCabet ,a,efolly Bisset, `Rath Cute, 'vote Milne. illi First seal. on Omelet diploina ' (ret , presenting eight years' ettendariee) : Shirle,y Marwick,. II:leaner MacEwan, Max Cate Peter-sriteDwari.- - -- Senn(' seel on special diploma: Robere Biteet. - • • , • Third seal on special. diplomat Grant Johnston. a., ,- --Cerittiatteetweretgiveie for the firet tithe to members of the ,school witty hie -: tainee Ili*ty per tent. In the uniform .411,x amine tioil *set by Presbyt;erian Pub - lea floes anti-', based . on the Sundae' , eehoel lesions.„ Those receiving eerti-• ,. lieges in the senior division,, fottirteen THE: WEATHER The temperatures for the past week and- for the corresponding week last year, as otlitialle reeoided, were as follows; ^ ' • 1940 ' 1939 „AVItibuc:-,.. .Min..21,tax, Thurs., May79".;..55 • 26 . 45 Fri., May 10 -.5/ 3.3 05 50 'Sat., May 34 52 4() May ....54- 35 .. 48 01 Mon., .Itlay 13 ....09 39 58 03 Tuese May 1-1 „.„.69 '48 64 46 ,May ....V ;50 t, 45 ROAD SUBSIDteaCHEQUE 'Comity Treasurer Erskiee yes:- terday received • Mg largest, item of re- eeiPts of the year' -o, cheque from the Provincial Government .pr $70,291: This represents a subsidy of 5Q •pet Cent. of .the amount spent on • County roads la 1939, to 'Seventeen 'years, were;'___Jime Abell, Robert. Bisset, Itavid Farrish, Marjorie Gilleepie Mary Hurue, Grant Johnston,' Sheldon teficelath, Lilliag Milne, Sandy Milne, elarilyn Moore, Lloyd Sproul. Irene IStoddert, Douglas Macdonttid. Iatermepliatet 12 to 14 ,years.: 'Marjorie Cowan, Robbie Grant, Willa James, ;George McBrien; Doreen MCCebe, Eleanore efaelewane Shirley Marwlek, Ray Nelgon, Gail Sattudees, Mary iSchtiefer, 'Betty Smitli, jone Spark. Addit4oi. to 'Nurses' Home Decided Upon by Alexandra Hospital. Board Board of! Governors of Alex- andra tlosiiital on Monday authorized Ake aenetruetion of a six-roora additiert to the nurees' home, located aeroes the CODERICII'S DOLL PARADE WASN'T Fog THE. GIRLS ()N,I, the areltitecture of the pregeut buiMing anti its interior appeintinents will be, ultra-nlieletn, with eliower bathe, etc, The - steady growth of the hospital and new regulations allotting one room t.treet from the inetitution. 'leas aft- to (Wei nurse' liar made the eon- nouncenient was nettle by G. L Parsons, struetion of the heit addition neeessary; chairman of the board, It evem made poseible by the bequest of J. B. Reynolds, who will have charge over $20,000 by the late Jarele of the construetion of the propoeed former Asiiiield farmer, whose Weals° new WIC. eald that plans and epecillese amide possible the -purchase of the bone were under preparation- and that flumes° home iteelf, two years agit when completed tentlerte would be in- , The hospital iteetf 'is growing so vItd; eapidly that au addition to it not The new wing will be in keeping with far off, menibers of the board state. Boys Also Show They Can Handle the polls -.When They're Itoupg 'The phot-ographer caught stet* -of the .kiedies Who took part in ;Saturday's doll paradet At right —Grant 1.eimington has ,bi halide fele. 'Below-t-Threetlittie ladies oitt4 their eletegegt" left to rIght—tetery ,Itneelitee Audrey :Cranston, Mari Aiatheeonte The preze-wierters in the var-. irous classes were _ 'Decerated earriage and „doll-- . Mary Kneciaei, Auerey, Oraustim, +Mary ttlethesoe, Claire Deriald. soue comic,e, , Nan. Laithwaite, ; *Joanne Allison, Nancy:Sallow; - 4:Vig doll, Phyllis etuddick, Sititley Orilinniet.te dolls In , . arms; Rita Mero, BettY Welk, • Beverley Brown, Lois Stewart ; tricycles, ciefra Driver, _Billy Itowra, Greet Leneingtoe, iU An enjoy -able .evening was brought to a fret; -terti. W. Carrie, plekleti; Mrs. close with the single°. of °God, Save J. Smits 2-4°ml glasses; MO, J. B., e, , -the King." ' MaeKay, 2 tare fruit; Mrs. -Itt "- J. • Sturdy, 4 wastepaper baskets; War Veterans' Attsoci'ation, 4 A i spread, 2 towels,. 4 bath .towe ,, 2 face cletiese Mr. Gavin H.' Gree, eoPY itt "Th 'Old liog .School "' Nties . M. • ., the veted Hart Syl .ST, (ilEOEGE'.$ w: A. • , . . , - , , The regular Monthletmeeting of St: George's' W.A. 'weft heidt in the -Guild 'room oil *uesdarlitternoon, th'eehre- tittent, Mn. _Calder; presiding. There .Was a -goad* etteiebinee. The meeting. piaYer in the N.H.L,, dureng .the ,Pile opened , witte.tee eoriatore reading be winter: Ile added his. Words .0 4W/ft' 4.4. eauloi. irtrk,14,0443*,4;tallowed.,. to ',those of -•liIr-i..lidanis"a041±."-':Geet12 US' prayers. ' ,Pinal' are4egeittente Were fellow, to the 0feet-that a boy who is made. for the, animal Deauerystheetinge engaging in-,N.H.L. letekey,Stuiuld work whieh is to be held in St. -George's at some, busittese during- theeungaer, chureli•en Wednesday, May 22. All -the .,elfe thwaint wilhaevne.hiseoprtytiliz.. days:tare Dee t° fall bag -Le meeting and help to make it e success. , ladies are 'asked to turn out to this uPon. • te. ' - - 'V It has been arranged to hold a eOrpor- Young Hockeyists Enthusiastic i ate communion for ,all W.A.,.-4members „ Each of the speakers - received - a every seemed Sunday In each month;. 'itudiettee. ' ' . . ' ' *,.. tremendous ovation -from 'the young 8 a.m., for theeduretion of, the Miss Teeter, Mrs. Itiley • and . At elle beginning of the evenieg, B,reivn all gave excellent repor Chief Lion Nelson 11111 turned the Meet- W,A. annual Meeting held ing Over to Lion Dr. ,,J.. A. Gralainal,„ Mot 'month. , Mrs. Carrie „chairmar(of the 'boys' and , girlie COM --7--- hearty , vote Of thanks raittee. Dri;" Grahan1 Paid' tribute eto delegates; The , g the nianagerstffnd coaches of • the peayer, after whie various hockey teams for the way in d, , was eeeve , which they had brought -the boy's aleng- during the - past, winter ,and ticknoW- WE ledged `tile help' Judge Cestello , had given the junior team. • • 0—n Mait J-udge' etotello admitted *is love i for Guild of teen-age sports -and Added that he. in- tend* to ,continuetO Support lioth'the ball and.hoekey teams. He paid tribute to the work -ef the Lions tie fostering sports-. . - ' - .:C.Mayor IT. J. AelviacEwart express the *.appreciation of the town. in be honored with the presence of ,the three 'famous . hockey men. Ile linked. the ruirae of Syt Apps. With, the - occasion When.one' of. this, town's best atbleteg, Bob Stoddard, eves eilitheiatetie in the pole-vaulting, competition in the 1936 Olyinpic tie:de In Itamiltoit, It was a mangy toy notated .Syl, ApPs who beeted -our 'Itob."-4, . . Players •Py exited . The players were introduced to the gueete by_ Bee . -McGee and. 1 Miner Craneton, tertieZeis of the juniors and joveciileS, reepeetively, -Theeelayers in order of introduction Were:. Juniors—. Walter Westbrook, Jim Garrick., Terry 'Costello Allan Durnie, Harry WOrsell, Dave/r;irrish, pia litikJohnsten. Abt 'sent. were *Bill Swiger,--1Valter, Doak, Bert Wbrsell, Leroy Schoenals, Newt 331;tek and Ralph Kings:Well, • Juveniles --Jack DockWortii, Harvey McKinnon, Ifeonard .,,Bloonrfiel Prank Young, 1 Charles. Wigle, Are he McIntyrei, Bill ..1s4,11allili,.,11tarry: Westb7 .11t, and, C. ,11,este, r 1,Ie, '. During,, the eVening presentatioes -were Matte to the Lions Bantam: League eheeipions • by Jack -Adams and Ebbie Goodfellow. Mr. Adams presented Don Ainslie, captain of the.senloe division etamplons, with a silver eup and .each Member With prize -nun -icy. Mr. Geed - fellow did likewise with Billy Newt combe aed hie team, winners in the Julien. divisitine . Terry Costello expres,sed the hockey plasers . appreelation of the support •given them 1,bi, the Liely during the • winter. The hockey players storMee the three gueets for theirpautographs,at the close - of the evening. • i , ear. Miss. on.Ibe • London reposed ;a o the. .bhree 'ng cloge.d with ect'cup of tea' STJER, , y evening the, Westminster Knox church held- a social eveninas: the closing meeting until the fall erme Entertainment mid lunch we provided by the losing group in t 'attendance contest-earried on -clui- ng. the term just eompleted. -The feature of the eyenhigte efun wits a -backwards party." The" gtests were ushered In through the back .door, and 'this idea was earried out throughout the evening. Games Were played and lunch wag served. 'Rev D 3. Lane spoke to the, yoling ;people arel eon.- gratulatet1 them on a most suecesgful year. I, t II , -Salkeld, one ear fruit; one jar fruit; Mrs. SelIY; Mrs; R. Stem Mrs, 'It. 3". Afeltie A. A. Nigel, • 3 jars n, 2wliseaierninrilmlittltiadetett• bath towel; retEtruitY;t`14W;g7ftletiljttaltIrtileite, Mrs. W. -Couithhreft 2 jars, marmot - lade; •M 0,•11 towel*, halfal zee face cloths. • Alt e was eeontributed by tire fel- lo ing; rs. Robert Johnston, Mese A.° . Wilkes, Mrs. A. 11. 'Taylor, Mrs-enee C. Hays, -Mrs, O. it. • Grahame 'Mrs. Walleten, Mrs. John Morison, Mrs. Will ateLean, 'Airs. W. P. Lane. Mrs. F. Reeeeet Itedditt, Mrs. 'G. 'M. -Watson, Mosely, • Mrs. L. L. Knox, Miss Molly' Bisset, Miss A. Bisset. • PUBLIC UTILITIES -CON/MISSION At the meeting of the Publie Utilities Commiesien on Thursday night laet a letter was teceived •fronit the tTowsi,' Council asking that the -Iledio poles on_ harbor hill be Moved, hack to permit the widening of the roadway, The re-. quest was ;referred to the Provieelal " • e A. letter was received from the Pro - Department .of Health with' ref-, deuce to the purchase of •new celorin- atieiroquipment, and it was passed'that the Department be asked, to have its inspector look into the matter the next , time he is in Goderich. . ,Supetinteedent Kelly, Fred Bride, - Rego. Bridle, Wen. Procter aedEdeNelt ,sen were authorized to attend an tte- (Admit preve'ntion meetbig to be beld at , Clinton under the auspices Of -the r.9. on 'Mar 18th. ••e • . • Gciderich-Le4d'GraturhaAdlitig 'YOU for Period 'Shiee. Navigation Opened , . ..,.. •••,..• grain down. the Lakes slibuld be quite heavy until a new crop is Itaitestedee „Grain Clearatices, and ' Destinations ....Fart 'William and Port Arthur . April -22nd to IfLaytItte 1040. - . .•- ' .. bashes Goderich • ..‘, .., 2,971,000 Mentreal .. - . ... tee, '' :2,053,000 , Kingston „„ te-e2,015;000t - Owen Sound •.:' '2,467,000 Midland - .2,465,000 Tiffin .,..... .. . ..... t. .. ...T. .... .. ...... ,; .e,187,000 Port Colboree ,, - 7 , 1,901,000 Port eiceeleoll , " : • •• 1,409,004 Sarnia ' ...,.....e. . . ..... ; . .. . ... . .. ;et.; .1,114,000 ' ' .Depot fluboi .t., • • . 915,000 . ilollingwoed ....,... ... . ........ .. ... . .. MAO* ' Prescott ... ....... ..... .. ..,... .......e., 5743;000 Tbronto 474;000 Quebec City.. . ',ON) Sorel •.. ' . '.."." * '214,000 'AV;11kerville it4,00Q, U.S." Ports }, .. 1(,00,000 • ,The , follewing statement, compiled from reeordn. tifeerded, by the „Lake iShippers 'Clearance Association of Port _ . • William, Shows' that in the movement- -of -grain. from *the head of ihe_Lakei during the fifteen 'days toll:owing • the opening of navigation, April 22, to date of compilation, May 7, 4040; Gederieli stands,. well in 'the lead of even the most important grain -handling ports on the Lakes, •and that, whilit. stacks at the bead 'of the takes were drainettete the extent of 30,182,()00 bushels during thee period, they have been, decreased only 11,000,000 bushels, showing. that the grain is still fleeting into the biiis of the lake head elevators ,nearly as fast as It ig being carried eastward. It is exeected that with the vast earryover still in farmers.' hands and In Western interior elevators the •„movement of • VICTORIA ST. MISSION RAND . The Mission tend of Victoria, street Ttnited chord.). had it good attendanee at its meeting on elonday. . The box of • materials, to be intended in the WaltS. 'bale Was pa.cked. The treasurer, Margaret Craig, had a good report ot the sacceseeof the tea served to the Alternate on the previous Monday. Evelyn itreekow conducted the bietifieee end the worehip period. The roll fair WAD'answered with the itamee of places, :teemvlsited. % Two vocal duets were enjoyed, lute by Joyce Itreekow and • Joanne Allison, itifif-the other by Ituth •Allison aid Nlargaret Crtlg IN HONOR OF Nkul,y-voups . The' home ot. Mr. and Mee Pfripenter, ere Benmiller, was the seene on -Mon- day, May Oth, Of a happy event when sixty or more friends and• relatives paid a surprise tielt, in honor of the mar- riage of their son ItOSS- and his bride, Therese Ilunfalvy. Games teere en- joyed tbroeghout ehe evoling, and limeh was served to the happy .gather - lug. The bride wag the reciptent of many gift e after her marriage on Sat-, urday,-Mae 4th, ,witen areeelition waS held at the groom's home. Yellow and i.green etreanieee with bougeets of daf- lodite formed' the tolor Neheme of the tette, with the threetier wedding cake in the pollee!. ' Guegts were present from Gederieb. and Carlow. °30,782,000 Grain Stotk Fort William -awl Poet ' Artluir . ' April 19 Way 3 khheat , 10, ,000 ' (,',000,004 . Itutteni wheat ,000,000 3100,000 °tete 3,000;000et,504),oOo Barley 12,000,000 .-'21000,00,0 ' RR 1,200,000 1,300,000 Flex 300,04e) '300,000 fie& • 7,100000 • In reference t8eS,t5°11:t' iblove; 'it is in- teresting to note that 1 tweet the debt, , of arrival of the fire cargo tet the Goderich Elevator & Transit Coe it 26t1e Audit May llth, thirteen eargoes bad ,been unloaded in fifteen days, many of which were of capacittem rame- ing.betweeti 250,000 and 3.10,000 bugle)* each.