HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-09, Page 8, MUT. GoDERmu *V*. DOINGS OF DUNGANNON DUWANNON, May R. -Mr. Xitelit otter 1111114PM 4Ou of Mr. aud Mr*, Richard Iriuniipin, was Operated on for remove' of Mil appendix at Alexandra Hospital, (loderich, on Saturday. Thal latest reports are quite favorable. Mr. atol Wire, Eruest Hall, Brantford, Speut the eveeleend with Dungannon friende. 'the y were atteowranie1 on their return home we Sunday by their uriele, Mr. Godfrey Hall, who, will visit with them, for two weeke. Little Ann Hamilton, five -Year-old daughter' a M. anti UrbeCteo. Hamil- ton, recovering nice1y. from pneu- ruoxda, whieh*followed preurlsy. Miesett Lorna Itoaeh and Fern e Alton 'left on Tuesday to attend the girls' 'conference at the 0.A.0, Guelph, Whieli Is being .held on, May 8tht .0th, 10th. They were ehos* as etelegates from the Ideal branch of the WSimen'S Insti- tute on Menday last riirs. Itiellardson, Mrs. Ryan atullire. DaviCison attended Now is the time to get started on that Dinner Set yott have been -Prendsing - -2-- We have the loveliest design In English Dinnerware, at such low pricee. .. We sell it bY 'the Piece or .aLiy WAY you like- Easiesttera,y in the world to get - you Dinner Sets - Come 111 aed see - and start SMITH'S ART 8o SIFT STORE E4st - Phone..198 a meeting 0; the Wousen"e Inetitute ex- ceutive *t the home of Mr.e, Feed Oeter, Blyth, Mr. Wilbur Johnston, 'Mr. and Harvey 'Mole and, DOnald visited ! friends at Belmore on Sundt Mrs.' 11 Casentoee -returned with them to assist in nursing her brother, Mr. Wen. Mole. , Mr's. Albert Orser, after spereling the winter la Toronto. returaed to her, home- a tue ead of the.weele. She was accompanied by her datig ter irs‘. Walter Driver, of Golden Valley, Mr, Frank. Over and eoneEarl, ou.ront0i, and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Orsee, Of De - twit, • Mr. Jaelte Murray, Saskatoon, who is trainiage with the R.O.A,P, at St. Thomas,spent the weelt«end with lth uncle, Mr. Chas, Rivett The Itatz sawmill, over in the' Sara- toga bush, began operating on Monday withsa gen; of about fourteen men. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan and Mr. Arid Mrs. Gordon Struthers, Luckneve, called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowlet pn Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Irwin, who' has bee a ill at the hope of her daughter, Mrs., Donald Fowlers- isereeovering. nicely tinel Is ab e to be out a 'little each day. • Mrs. Chas. Elliott, who has been tatting medical- treatment at Toronto, was ,hoxne or the week -end, but re- turned, again, to the -city, ' mesa retlensie McClure, R.N., is nitre- ing Mr. Kitchener •Fiunigan in Gado:: tech -Hospital, where he underwent an operation. for .appendleitis last Setur- day. - • Miss Elizabeth.Ivers, in poor health 'and living alone, has become at her own • request an !ornate of the County Home YOUR EYES. • DESERVE. III.E BEST • Or a thorough Eye Examinati▪ on Glasses In the Newest Ayles at Moderate Prices. • 4,, Phone 91 • IN. NEED OP En SERVICE CONSULT ' OLE OPTOMETRIST, AND OPTICIAN: GoderiCh ••••, EVERYDAYAT DOMESTIC SHORTENING SALMON. ° .ERtice-2 SPAGHETTICATELLI TOM. JUICE " PUFFED WHEATQUAK1R petit' LYON'S TEA BLUE LABEL BLACK lit 39c TatrActem Tiit 34c Ibi. • 24 -oz. Tins 3 25 -oz. Tins SOAPs'UNIJOBT 1 0 tsars LARD - SWIF" OATS ROBINHOOD • Pkg. CATSUP An'twit LT.. 5 AMMONIA RIZ ricg* ,45c & P A & P COFFEE BREAD ANN PAGE WHITE' • AyKoLE WHEAT CRAcKED ornerier - • FreshlyGround VIGOROUS. & Wrereer okar, 1-1b:Sag 1,411,11 le*1111:LLOW o'Clock 33 i Ib Sag RICH & VULL-ttoSIED Red,Clicle 29 • 1.1b. Rag '24-oe. Wrapped. - IHOLEWHEAT sa ...f.iii:Ta.eAKE2.for. • :COffee.Clusteroo.. Fresh Fruits an BANANAS Ciolden 'Ripe & lb. bitigHit0010 rFesli Cut 25o lb. Presb,,'Ourly Leaf ... . 2 ips. 110. ORATGBS gavels, 203's . - . . • . „ 37e doz. POTATOE8'. New 5 11z. 25o C.A.BBAGB Presli, Given, and Tender. Go lb MEATS mienii SHOULDBREI-Shaukless 210 lb. . 27e lb. Orrtoked Boneless Piet& 0110U4DERS # 61:LT :EDGE FLOUR . - . - 99.1b. Bag $2.09 50.4b. B 1.35 100 SE Rig ES ORES awes ' Behind the Scenes e In keeping with oar efforts lestalways give the iinet poesibte • in ,Servive • (end ,Fetitipment :to the (1)1•Xb1let w„e %ave added , A new 1910,, Lbuousine Ileaxse to Our vat equipmea this month. With, the- neir 1040 lines of outward 'aPpeararice, specifl tnterior, finer aPPOinteuents and new side meter g faellithest we believe we haVe added .artother teP to the „dignity ef our Ser- • • Our new Ilearee.' will aet be , used in a dual rapaeity, as we are retainhigesour Invalid Car Ar tts (Wu apecial:work, whikh wa Planned fottsthe safety: and comfortat., the .111.* or t inlitreet. "0 urteous- SO/Tice , AlWayea • Complete Funeral Service as low as $69.00 The E. E. Cranston Funeral Home 11 Montreal St. Phone .399 Z4 hour Invalid Car Service Briefs; Elegant and femiuitee are the epring hats we are shoWirig, All moderately Priced; lrliSS IL 31a0VI0AR, King- eton street, Bedford Block. 1$x For a guaranteed job of watch re- pairing, try me once and be. conrinted- IL PIEP.OE, ,Jewelier, in A. 841,„ traud. lug, entrance 2ra1 door on North street. ' 19-20X Relief• ' from Stowell and liver trouble clittleirebklYTatesutsr.ea ObyAMtliPflItullfIte ;-t'pKuIPT.30" §fro0. Week end Specials; ehoice green- house-grownettaffodils, 50e And -30c per dozen. • Oce. stwort, Florist, Bruce street. Phone 105, Concession, Colborne; R.11, 2, Clinton; eSa.le Itenteanade Satrirday, telepheae 3.69. eteeet rlay llth, , at Mrs. Ilibleert's store • , (formerly occupied by Mr. Pieree), under the ailspiees. of W.A. .pt North street Milted church, Sale 'Starts° at - St? e-^ For Results -A Classified Ad TO AtEn R RENT. --TO • RESPONSIBIdi adults; part of furnished. bowie; large living room With glassed -in, Wren ; one or two bedrooms; kitclien rivil- ege,. BOX 28, .SIGNATeeSTAR, -19x IIENT.-ASERVICEI well located, on bloway, aajtabia ,for lunch-roOm or garage. Tine is a going eoncern; elnall capital required. ApplY P.(); BOr322, 'Seatorth. 19 •PASTURE. -1 PASTIME "", fon 20.0 ?a head of cattle. Good grass and good water. 0; It. FORSTIIIR lots 10; 20, 21, Maitland FO liRaaense• w rve Wednesday, ;Ur 1'5' tb, when ANTED.--vArAELE gnu, ,R oorajoh, Gorrw and winghom at 12 Wellesley street, Goderic A..x.p. housework: Must sleep out. Call A,„8 preseo three one.act comedies ill h. 10x St. ,George's ravish hall at 8,15 Pen. Aemao.A.Tiows -vvANTED.,-oroB,.. Asliktission 25ee, , - - - -- - - - - '''''7.'-ATOR for motor grader, for Town - Central Home and School Club will ship of A.shfielde Price per hour, 25c. meet Tuesday, May -14th, at 4 p.m., in Applications to be written and. Must be the school. Mr. re, R. Scott will be in by 6 p.m., Monday, May 13th, to h 1 guest speaker and a 'epecial invitation is C. E. AfeDONAGH, , extended to the mothers of grade 8. . R.R.3, Lucknow, . ' 19 Township Clerk. - The. regular meeting of the OCidepeli Township hospital Auxiliary Will be held at Miss Alice Andrews',. Barfield road, Thursday afternoon, May, 16th. , - ' . . Knox chareb. Ladies' Aid, Groat) 2, at 'Clinton. •iSeveral*, neighbors and, will holcl A rummage sale at r ,the Odd- - s noe 608 r 22 ClintonCalle paid eriends. gathered as she was leaving to fellovvs' Hall Saturday, May ..18th, ate • n „.,. ... _ - ' - . • 18-tf. bid her farewell, gave her little re- 1 p.m. ' ' ..1.9 ^ membrances and Promised to .vistrit her Victoria sHome and School Club will dew weAlerrEge;-A. 0.00±it.)3USI- in her new home, • , meet on Thursday, May 16th, at 8 p.m, NESS paying good income and with Miss Mary' J. Robb, who spent the Mrs. W. • Macdonald wil take as tier whiter with relatives at Lenelon, has subject aingbeights a Horao and school fixture possihilitiesSelling Farailex . Products, Men and women all over returned and is spending a few days Work, in Ontario," Mrs. A. Tityler wil1 : this week with her uncle, Mr. Levi. riteakeon "Health, Education, Does it:Cantida" have,. found the secret of sue ceSs.- Why don't You ,get, inon it too? - marwooa, at Auburn, . Part" „A good musical program has NO OBLIGATITONt-e Ask for FCREE . leen. •OalelvVell, 'Geo; ,riamilton and alse been arranged, and a' special ine- catalogue describing 200 necessity pro Bill French are working at the Ratz vitation is extended' to parents of child- ducts and plan. FAMILrer • PRO. mill., Geo. Eittinilton enlisted at Lon- ren whoewill attend kindergarten next Daps; 570 Mt Clement St, Montreal. don last week and is welting .to be September. ......„ . called on., • • Mr. and Mts. Everett Harris has vigorated by, using ' Itumacaps. At rented Mrs. Jean Williaine house and regolar eintervals,-use Rpunacaps for will niove from the rectory on jurte lst. Your health's sake. • .0AIMPBELL'S . . THURSDAY, *AY lszellreig 040 o rEusoN Btu VIE LATE DA, • (Tiger) Dunlop could have made II tiy fwialainelvlOen6astiedheo:pauysntebhnyet,Inifliqinule: fool4r ti 'e 1131grUist lialni:GC,111\ii:Irt,uilis:Asi:reas, Yen 75: zIFtaievvvPriuvIRIRpcilirsisept,s/ORe4utespelluiceliannl'IC. paya1 one:v valititt!: r leeitart eful trebling assures • good Income ',from srart. Write SALES MANA9HU, 304 , Wright Bldg., .1,onclon, Ont. - Nouvz oRgiorow Fox 402 s•ALE.---,saxartoom nonsE Auburn. with three-plece bath, eleee teleewiringe large garage and excellent garden, good location. „Also vacant lot in Auburn. MAY t,to mit% 3.* ROBERTSON„R.R. o, Goderich, or • MRS, ROY Goderieh, On- tario. 10-21s i SALEs-L-SEED GRAIN, 1ST prize Erban oats, 211(1 prize hi field tompetition test; Alaska oats; 0.A.C. No. 21 !Arley. FRANK L. YOUNG, R.B. 5, iGoderIch ; phone 208, 'Carlow.* ""14-6TICII TO ORDDITORS. • • All persons againtie the Estate. of Arthur Jeffrey, late or •the Town of Godericla, in.,.`411e •Cottrity of Huron, deceased, , died on about the gna day ,of mare14,3-040, are 'hereby regaired to forward the Some. to the 'undersigned duly verified, on eet before the llth _day of May, 1940, a* • after that date the AdolinistratrIx will distribute the estate hp.vIng regard ewe to the claims -4),f Which she 'Shall thett DATED at Goderich this 181h "day of A.pettser.D. 1940, ' IfIRANK EgiwwrApy, 17-10, Solicitor for the Administratrix.' Olt SALE. ONE ,liSED !DROP- baek couch; 1 round extension tante, 'solid oak., Pticed for quick sale. E. E. ORANSTERST017 Montreal street. '19 . , rcat'SALE.—A NEW*ArTo.mon'em designed three-piece thesthrfield suite, to clear at a very. low price. This suite must he seen to ire are, Predated.. Apply at BROPHEY'S rum/mauls DDPT. 17tf „ Olt SAILE.-A GOOD DOUBLEf LOT on Park steeet, on high, clean tom - -tion. MRS. JOHNSTO , 1.5 Cambria road, phene 3.11, , 19-20 SAEGE.--GOVERNMEN'T-TEST- , -ED Alfalfa and sweet clover' seed, WANTED. -TO BUY, OLD HORSES' one rased 'heavy duty eleetric. motor, " and --dead cattle; Must be suitable 2 flep. 'filArairrfroat imurrolc, 14 B for mink feed; removed promptlet 3, Goderieh. Carlow,_ FRED GILBERT, It.R. - 2, Bayfieb! 18stf. - KIDNEYS ArrE OLEA:NSI5D and in - 1349 -25 Mr. Thos. b Edward, London,. voited L. 0 ST his ,eister, Mrs, ROA. Moore on Tnea.: BORN• . day. -" Mr,Jas: 'wood of Sudbury was a FAIDGAN..-At"-. Alexandra • Hospital, • w•eek-end guest with his sister, • Mrs. . -op, 'nay OM; to" Mr. and Jas.. SherWood. His mother, Mrs. Jas. _ Mrs: Benson Faegan, Gotlerich,town- _ , Wood,- who spent the winter with her daughter, 'returned home with him. - •Mr. Burton. Roach was taken last • week to the Western Hospital, Toronto, where -he under fivecial observation. Mre..Roach reports his -condition as 'unchanged. We anxiously await better news. Mrs. Nellie, JeneS was a recent -guest with her- nieee, Mrs. Melvin Bell, of Gederich. 4_, • • • Mrs. Thos. Park was a . week -end visitor vvith her daughter,' Mrs. Melt. ville Culbert, at 'S.tratiord. They•, at- tended morning worship bt the Pert Regneent barracks. Pte. Melville Cul- • bert Was on duty atthe doors and Pte. Jas. Million at the reeistry, MrS. rark's 'impression of th; barracks IS that it is comfortable and that the eoldiers nre a happy, congenial crowd. W. M. S. IVIeeting.-The W.31.8. of the United church met fait Friday for the May meeting. Theeerst part Of the ,afternoon Mt's' siielit in (eating for the June bald. Mrs. Aethur Elliott then took charge of the devotional period. The roll call was anevtered with a verse • of Scripture, Mrs. Newnian. ove - Bible reading Mrs. S." Treleaven daughter of the late Rev, Alexander gave a, clear and interesting report of Grant and Mrs'. 'Grant Mr: ,Grant was the..xecent .,Peresbyterial meeting.at Sea- the first ministerIn the Ash,held Pres forth Alm: Newman led in prayer for byterian ehurch, where he 'labored for the war -stricken area in Europe. Mrs e twenty one years, retiring in 1886 to re - Ryan read a, palmy on stewardship. side in Lucknovt: He tents came to the DRU • ORE 'ship. a daughter. • . • rEEErna.-At Alexandra Hospital, G'oderich, on May 5th, sto Mr. and MrS. Ma, rreeth, Gederieht% dang.h- ter. • . JACKSON. -At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on May -5th, to Mr. arid. . Mrs. Harvey Jackson, Blyth ,• a son. MeMPLLAN.--,-At Alexandra „HesPital,' • Goderich, on May 3rd, to M. • Airs.. Jas. MeMillan, Goderich •town- ehip, a daughter. oAtit.-At 'Alexandra. --Hospital, Gode- rtch, alay tii, to Mr. -and MO. Gordon Orr, Goderich• township, a daughter, • PATTERMON.-At Alexandra Respite:I,. 1Goderich, Onealay 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs: John Patterson, Godericli, a Son. r. . ASHFIELD Tho' Late Christina Grant.e-The death occurred at Philadelphia on May 2nd of Miss Obristina Grant, at the home ,ote'her niece, Mrs., Mentz, where She*. had been tenderly neesed during her leng illnesa, Miss Grant was the The meeting was closed witir a hymn and Prayer by the president. ENROLLED' Reims ,NAME • .SOCIETY Nineteen young men of St. Peter's 'parish were enrolled Ans the klibly Wade iSociety on Sunday evening, in a core. Motiy Conducted by Itev: Father Fallon with. Rev. Father Nagle essiStitig. The Holy Name badge, and at prayer book • werepresented to ea6h'neve1y-eero11ed member.. Father Basil pole et the Paullet• Order,_ Toronto, in An enlight- ening address, told the young men .ot the Ideals and objectives toward fwhich 'the society striveS. ° ' The'distriet Isioly Namerally will be , held at Mt Augustine on Sunday, June : 0.• Public S ohool 'CONCERT Prepared by -the follOWilig. • schools: N1,1,5, 6, Goderich ; No. .1, Colborne Twp. • • to be held in Ma,c/tAlt HALL MON.,1VIAY la uste Supervisor -Mrs. Bert, DOies Athxd 25c, (Proceeds in.of 'Red Cross) 18-19, . • woods with tre first settlers and shared their' struggieS and privations and en- deared himself to his people.. The late Miss Grant had a 'charming. persOhality, a singularly happy and unselfish dis- position, and she leaves the gracious memory of a faithful, and loyal tife Her two nieces, MTS,' (Dr;) Mentz and Mrs, Annie Yule Main, aecompanied the .body to Lueknow, and the funeral set - vice was held ill .Ashfield. Presbyterian church on 'Monday afternoon. Rev. J. lt,tsrer officiated and many old friends Joined to honor the memory of theede:. 'parted one. -, Many beautiful" floral left- feting's. bespoketthe eyrapathytof friends and relatives, and one was from the Ashfield 'Presbyterian-. church. • • Inter- ment took place in. Kintail cemetery beside the remains of her parents, sister and brother. It was littiege that her dust should mingle with the•goil that held so many near and dear to her. She is survived, by three sisters, Mrs. Charles MacLean and Mi f3$ Annie of Duluth, and IViiss Martha in California, .and two brothers, GlIbert and Donald, iii Michigan,and many dear 'nieces axid nephews, Yates, Grants, _Carricks and Deaglates, to whole eteiicL our deepest symPathy. The pallbettrere wete Will_leoeglas, D, MacLennan, Ilugh Macintosh, Wilfred Anderson, Philip IVIaeMillan and Jas. Pickering, ' .19-22-25 ••••••ifolial 4. tte, oftee esteet steeeta4 • • TENDERS -FOR COAL AND' COKE SEALEOD Tendetseetddressed • to. .the un,dersigne4 and endorsed "Tender for ' Coal," . Will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight ,saving2e,Wed-. nesday, May 29; 1940, for the stiPPIY of •coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout- the-Provlace of Ontario. — • Forms of tender with sPecifieatieas and conditions attached can be ob- tabled from the. Furchasing Agent, De- partment of Public • Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architeet, 36t,Ade.• laide St East, Toronto, Ont • • Tenders should be -made on the tenets, Supplied by the Deptritment and in' accordance- tvith departmental spec:laces tome and conditions attached :theretoe When the tunount of a tender exceeds the sum of $5,00(00se-whetherit. be for one 'buildiag only ore more-tetbe, tender- ers must attach' to their tender a cers tided cheque tan a chartered bank In Canada ina,de payable to; the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public -Works, equal to 10 per ,centof the amount of the lender, or Bearer Boads of the Dominicrti of Canada or 'of the Canadian National .1tailwaY Corapany and itg-coastituent cOmpanies, uncon- dition.ally guaranteed its to prinripal and • interest by the Derainion af Canada, or ..the aforementioned- bends ,and a, certified'cheque'if required to make up an odd -amount ' The Department also reserves the right to demand from any suCeessful tenderer a Security depoSit in the form vf 4 'certified theipea pr bond, as above,. equal to '10 per cent. ofthe amount of hisbid, to 'guarantee the ,proper ment of the contrad. By erder,t - M. SOIVIERVIETA • , Secretary. Department of Public Work, Ottawa, 30, 1940. 10-20 im!'s,---aseefee;eeemsersiss eg,To° 0 Warning • %tiding ou the elite - walks is GtrietIY agalnst the Towle Wave% .06inlers will be woseeuted. R. C. POSTALETHWAITII, chief of Police. 1840 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A/ OTHERS. - All persofte having, claims again the .ostate ef %%lima Daw, 'late or the . • Township of COlborne, in the gounity "Pout 'SALE OR RENT. -FRAME of Huron, widow, who died at the • " „dwelling .Q PritAAAJO, road; all 1.0rviniv.,nii:ognI,Godenflt•lheeh„twinenttly..s.sixatiait efodauniy ,t4 cteonasvoeurtaiebniec.es, WinnuriteedPia.te*O. po13s0seXssio5111;,1Aufgust 1938 are required to file prat& 4 9. buu'of-:c*teot9rreain- „lettheiviehifti'lhticiirdaiti_h:datitlly:leaoefra:njgrnuli:41.es,;:etee:ioxr;- Goclerich. mill proceed, t ) distribute the estates „ having regard 'only to Abe clakas of .whIcbbeshall then bave, had- notice. es Dated at Woodsto'clt this twenty, ninth. day.. of, 1940, NESBITT CRAY and WHALFY 14 ,Fmatle street, Woodstotk, Ontario, Solle'ltors tor -the ministratrix. 18-20 - pop, ,$.4JLE,--4-713AR-OLD bred -Durhara, grade, cow with tait at foot. Inspection 'Invited. Apply JOHN SOW.FRIVY, 11.11. 2, Goderich, phone 937 r 32 -19 • FOR SAUL-YMT.40* BhOSSOM sweet clover seed, government grade No HAROLD MONTGOMERY, phone 937 r t, Goderich, . -10 FOR. S.A:LEY.-FRAME HOLISM] IN 'terfeCE TO ,OREDITORS good condition, corner of Man avenue end Victoria' etreet. MRS. FRANIC DUNN,. Elgin a-Venne. -19 Hung ;-NOTES , . The. Northern HaminOnd Electric -organ . will be rued at both services* Sunday in Victoria street church. • Miss Alma Howell . will beat the _console. In the'porning a Mother's Day service will be held. A mothers' choir, will, ' singe In the evening MisS ID Dickson. gf the hospital 'stag will takepart.in the Florence Nightingale-seeeictee-The sermon will be on the subject "Religion .and ' " PORT ALI/Ent • AUCTION SALES IN THE INTATE Ta0MAS IIAMILTON, Deccased„,_ ' Alt persons baying claims against the • Estate of Thomas Hamilton, late of the Village of Atiburn, in the County Of 'Thlrono who .died on or about the-14tu: day of January, 1940, arehereby re- quired to forward the .same duly veri- lled te the Undersigned on or before the 8th day of lune, 1940, as after that date the Executors will proceed to dis. • telbrite the estate having re.gard only to the claims of which they shall then have emtice. " --- - DATED at: Goderlch this 7th •day of 'May 1940. s' • PRANK DONNELLY, Gederich, ,Onfitrio, 19-21 -Solicitor for the Executors. - t Service Brand Capons ate fit for a king. . Feed CAPONS instead of cock - civets thie season .and save on feed. • -See our Local Sal.esiiian RYAN. 84 SON, PRODUCE .Goderie.h, Ont. . • Hamilton Street , PhOnre 345 -Res., 304 WATERLOO COUNTY HATCH-, New. Ilambitrg, Ont. UCTIONeSALE.-AUCTION SALE , of house - furnishings, garden toole,. cooking stove, electric stove, law& mower , and a lot of other articles at migs: MOSER'S SHOP, Hamilton street, Goderieh, on • SATURDAY, MAY. 18th, at 1.30 pharp. Terme,' Catsh.. • T. GUNDRY & ON, . 19.20 Auctioneerte 0.14)4B,ING:141101111.06,I * tUOUStEllitlIRNatearisWIS.* ,We Ure instructed by Mrs. J. W. StialtliseerliteliftrediepoSer ofther-honeet 86 Brock street, Goderich, to eell , StAT'UltiDAY, IVIAY llth, commilencing• at 1.30 pan4, all tlie eon - tette, Including: • Three:piece .eliesterfield suite,veal- .. nut pheaterfield table, walnut en4 table, walnut dining; melte 'coneltetitig eteble,' • sir* chairs, told one china eabinet, .1 BonryimOre rig '71/2.1' 0 Axmleeter biniti vanner and riatehing niat, scetter ruget, 2 ererigeleuni iugs, x ff. ;.,1 congoleura rug3x41/ft walneit writing if:resit ; desk latnps email tables; anirtors, dishes, linens, metelting pair easy ',chairs, bedein pleturee, awoke, Icitelien table dud chuiro, gray metal refrigerator, porte eiletirs• and table, Quebec heater and pipes,. bed,- koringe and mattrer,e, wale nut vanity dresser with triple mirror and benreb, tvelnut chiffonier, Senora radio, pilloere, eneblotte tend eurtaine, tlat (tette-aeon eurtain rods, single cot with, mattreee, modieine •eabinet, Singer sewing machine, table lamp and floor lamps, magazine holder, fateful wante Paper . Irteleet.e, step- ladder; rast iron leutelt ovate cooking utenerle, jael,11 mower, herd tenth, ehv. trie iron, eleetrie toaster, (*eerie heater, eleretrie washer, Empire vale:tit:1U (41(1 -allot' math attatlxinents, Iiz latueli end • chafes. ',fruit and pickles, garden emle, ifruit and jam Jere And tennerousr other arttelecq. • Thie le a' etpleilliti lot of furniftbing; ' PORT ALBERT, May 6.-4r. and -Mrs. C. It. Myers, whoevent the winter In London, are beck to their cottage for 'the Summer. -Mr. and Itirs. Lorne 'Cook, of •Strat- ford, Mr. Edward Itield• and friend. of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mason, of Elyth, Were at their cottages here en Sunday. Talk of Friday, being "fish day," every day Imo been fishing day here this spring;• tons of fish have been caught and the 'fishers are . still going strong. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodge and fata- lly spent Sunday witlisMr. and Mrs. George Hedge, ,Dungannon. • Geo. Fritzley.and Mr. and Mrs. How- den of Burford vielted •witli Roy Fritz. ley last week, The Ladies' Guild held theft' montbly meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy.Petrie on 1,Vednesdateast. There was a good atteridance. After the husfuese of the meeting Was fittished the ladies marked 0110 to be eewn .af th6 .11irie meeting. The hostess ,served lunch. 1,Ve are glad to hear that Wm. Dias sen is doing nicely after his recent operation. _ , (gm r. and. ste4 N, xernighall havet In the 'heAt of, condition, and will be returned to Islington after spending the salA 'without I ,,revrve. lE114----(idsb, , k winter in towr"flt1 i. Nri..., 3., it. Leach, of Detroit 155 spend. '• T. (.; I TINil.)UV & f40.N, Auetioneors lag a couple of weeks in, town. • 1819 • Tout Next Visit to • TORONTO • HOTEL WAVERLEV .Located cin Wide ()Wino Ave. at. College St. " Easy parkbiti Facilities Convenient to 1-Rghvioys- • *Or ; ; t.sts Rates wok stub as° Foot to naiso,.$1110 to KW ---- Close to -41i• tinitierslitt ` ore a141 la men t nultelnos, .Maels L • rd,,t1111, Th II at, reef otpitais, --whotssatc—litwellit; arid thr . Fashionable maids Shoppingi Dietricto • POINIELL4 PiUIDENI Facing the Facts_ TRAVEL BY'AUTO 011- THAT'S ADIVIITTED! - • ..E.it1) OF A '• - ou!rs 4111Dars: LEI Might be involved' in one e -That would be 11 •unfortunate! INSURE AND BE SURE • • -THAT'S FORESIGHT! II. M. FORD INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Hamilton it. Tel 268W o•-•. INFBANIEnirMENNINairnematAia .ientemimPlike• •Vor" GO 0 oettett'ar• :44 -TO Tim -0,NER8 AND HAREORERS. OF DOGS , YoUr deg license Is •dite and must •be paid to the Tax *Collector at the Town Hair Tele notteet and act word-, • . 1840 POSTELETHWAITE, 'Chief of Areemelenneemmeiriarieemeemmumeh. CAPIT THEATRE 47 NoPlaYing-joan Beimettand George Raft4louse Across the Bay' w MON., TUES. 86 WED. The • 'Pee Daatlitets. PRISCIILA IANit .R088MARY LANE, 1,01;A:LAN8.0A1,,IBPA.01i 11, •OUT TRults.„ PRI, 46 8AT. A suave but lovable eracksuain re- turns in some new and exclaim adventures. ,trt io ith Ciaocic Itiris &Mit k iVirik • nett•t• owt.• iohn CAR 14 E I.0 A %AMNIA IPet Ceta hoe Nod P10•••• 04•0410 I "dad evelli 0.7 0. Pm, an M. 42d *An OiAinni. ion) Awn* OnAin wows in k."Ann AO to tool. two • A.* iv ow *ow The Chewier "Whey mi He APPolid Aiheehetre' Pettily did he Coming -"GONE WITH Tilt WIND" ,11. ne '0rd4 4tii. • Tickets now, . ishfinets We. $m. 04 fs, at s p.m.. • ; •