HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-09, Page 7TillfittWAX, MAY Ali, 1044
In its issute of last weed. The Col-
lia gWeed,• Enterprise -Bulletin reported
More !fiddly some of the addressgiven
nt the gathering of April ' 24th wi•tIt
'reference to the St. La.wrehoe and
'Great Lakes deeper waterway scheme,
Most. 'of the' speakers devoted- their
remarks to the navigation side of the
Project, but Mayor Oliver Smith Of
Midland had Something to say 'about
the power features. Ile claimed the
hem wars iheing pressed by New Yol'
tate interests which wanted cheap
Wer. ,,
"If we retain.ur own„ Waterpower
for Ourselves for ten years Nye will' force
4W -third ofthe industries. in the,United
,States to establish here,” the speaker
• 1it'inaed. ,'"if the+$t. Lawrtenee water-
way 3s 'built it Will be the finish of the
industrial development Of Canada in
Waterway Powet DeeIopmdnt Would
Be for U. S. Benefit, days Midland Mayor
your lifetime and axone, and perhapein
the lifetime a our children. We should
organize to oppose this,.tlting, Let'the
United St :tes. ge, elsewhere for its pow.
ex, We have no money to develop a.
waterway 'which we be
not need and
which is going to Solely 'fors the
benefit of the hated States. .
"Ix in live years' time the feet are
•-lt 'from under our towns and our
reason for existence wiped out, 'what
good are wq going to get out of present
efforts to establish industries? None • .
New Yoill State, '1 'irew •Jersay . and..:n
other United States districts pay' high
ratesfor power 4114will doalmost any-
thing to obtain pyrwer as' eheaply as
does Ontario, 'Mayor, Smith maintained.
"The St. Lawrence 'Itfv'er," ,lie said, "is
a Canadian titer, and : ,should be re-
tained for 'Canadian use..
..It is power development. aiid•..a„
'power ,levels 4 meat alone. Tie water-
way is Pratt' fly worthless,' ''or the '.
winter months we must xpaintain. Pur
present,.,railsyay system. If the St.,
Lawrance waterway is built, ws'are
going to starve our . railways ,for e
or .eight months of the year,
`,Prequtriingx ;that. lathe ,.stein _-haat
would. ~ trade at Georgian Bay. ports,
who is going to develop'•bbese ports se
'that they can accommodate this ocean-
going, trade? ' •
'If it'were tint for' aur Great 'Lakes
elevators Canadian grant' would' be
dumped, on a wharf at ocean ports for
sale to the highest 'bidder:` There would'
be no opportunity to. store grain until
the price is advantageous."
• Mayor Smith ,csaid Dr. T. H, Uog'g►
Ontario Hydra; chairman, . claimed the
1,140;004: horsepower obtainable • from
the `St•. LaWrenee waterway was needed
by' Ontario, 'Mayor .Smith informed his .
audience that .a former Preraier of On-
tario, A. 0 Drury, had told him .
1.921 thut theexpenditure of h small
D more rubbing 'and suit-
bind tO get greaSe and d ,
baked food of pots and pante'
': is ri t ''through
Gillett's Lye cu
,d't Of any kind !
Use Gillett's Lye,too, to keep,
drains' clean and riatining, f eely,
iaoesn t harmcarp,n 4l, Or Pdumb
ung. Keep ,a tin handy.
FREE BOOKLET —Tee Giltctt's Pyo
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clears clogged drains . 4 . keeps out.
houses.ciesu and odorless by destroyulz
the contents of the closet..'« how it
pertains dozens sof tasks. Send for a
f oonto a tt Stetndad Drandsai'
Fraser Ave.. and. • Lib Street,
Toro • ;, Ont. ,
Wingham°s tax rate .this year is 40
mills, the same as last year.
,n old, residentof l+ordwieh, Adem
{C, Hutchison, died April 29th, izt this
eighty-third year.
The directors of the Howie►k, school
fair have decided to marry on•,the
fair' as usual this yeo.r. It will be
held 4t a)rrieprobablyabout t 4
Eie of eptewer,
G. T. Sutherland, former .,postwa,ster
Of Ilonsall for many nears, died sud-
denly at his home in, that village on
,Saturday evening in his eighty-second,
year. He Wads not married. A sister,
Miss (Hattie Sutherland, survives.
Wingham United elturcrh "'has . ex-
tended an invitation to Rev. W. A. Bee-
croft, of Haileybury, to 'become gaster i Andrew ,Lane, .A Eter, a 'reception„ held
orate church alt 'the endo the present • tt the'home of the bride's p 'ents, Mr.
Conference year. • 'Ref., J. Iii , Anderson, and 'Mrs.' Graham left on a trip' .,to
the present Pastor', has been invited 'to
Sarnia, °ll4 id t Red L k t
Embers rein a'brush fiire,cxaused the
desti action of the school -house of sec-
tion N. 9, Howlek, on Saturday after- _ ? Ntr- ♦,und Mrs, Wiliam Carter of ,llurl-
�lsnra_n,•:Ai�ri,1.:47th.. The building' was bf-_'lett -.township` xeeelrtl-y--cele ed'�r'the
Marjorie Harriet, daughter of air. and
Mrs. lien Iiathwell, bceaine the bride
of Robert A. Stirling, all of (oderie4
township. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. T. it. Peters. Mter-
wards the young couple left°vn a trip
to Toronto and Buffalo, They will re
side on the groom's, farm in aoderieh
ttrwnSllip♦ .y nth t7
G Marini g ' ti
The =triage i of Helen Charlotte,
only slaughter' of Mr, and Mrs. R
Manning, Clinton, to Albert Ronald
Grahaair, • son. of .1r. 'and: Mrs, P. E.
Graham Red ll+eer, Alberta, was
solemnized on 'Saturday afternoon .in
Wesley -Willis United cnurele Mutat,
'by, the minister. o the church, Trey.;
Banff'and the Canadian Rockies. They
wl ,.r s e a. ed ' e, Ont.
Golden Wedding of .
—Paint Clean
:The winter is now a fading memoryof cold. days and piles .of
silo*. Spring means warmth._a
n sunshine;
sopaint.:your ur
,- oft- fenc mit� ouraeddyto-use
aints Itpays'to keep your property well painted.
ket. It sinke right .. into the
e_ egt'onthe g
one of th , b . a and its cheap.. ll'.colors.
woode. A
n p
Furniture ,
-�� Confectionery Tee Cream Tobaccos
We Deliver Phone- 240
ever dissolve lye in hot water, The
a ' action of the lye itself heats the water.
brielr veneer construction. Temporary
school quarters have been- established
in a holue, a
Ater a lengthy. iillness ,Mrs. John
Zuefle' passed away at her ' home at
Hawaii on April 39th in hot sevente.
third year. Last year she and, her
husband observed their golden wedding connen, (Minton,• by Rev: Joseph Edge;
aun.1versary, Besides the husband,
sons ,and two daughters survive, two ' then pastor of Ontario street Methodist
church. Several of the guests who it -
Neil Potter, of Wiingham, wAS taken;• tended the 'wedding :fiftyyears age were.
to "Victoria Hospital, London,: on Satur- present at : the golden wedding celebra-
day after a collision on a :will -014..1'1 pion.
street' between 'his Car -and tine driven Dashwaod's Old.
by.. a London pian. He received ins Gardener >Gs Dead
fiftieth anniversary of their. wedding.
About, one' hundred. friends and neigh-
bors assembled at their home to tender
congratulations, and thte ' eouple .re-
ceived . some_..handsome.. gifts.::. Xr, and:
Mrs, •Carter were 'married at the home.
of .the bride's mother, Mrs. George
• '«F air, GdrtC picas Gatti t
the to ore.t1 And, p.
bags ore breaking ree011144,
Times « GMC foal
♦ "racy poem
of • "Heavy-l]uty °Dsesair, and
Cab e i Y meiodds 2-
MC aisI be
. trawu� gip• 2 -
Try a 0011p
:juries- to blas left wrist and knee, . On
Sunday he was suffieiently recovered to
leave the • hospital , for his home', :in.,
The• death- .,Margaret *Isabella Van'
Egmo ��?7ii i w ,,of William E. Hinck- g
�._,v, passing through Dashwood. Mopped to
ley, ,:on' Saturday afternoon rremoved an ,enjoy the display,, of flowers and. to Rave
old and esteemed resident of, Seafo •th.
- a chat. he old .:man. He was born
year. She wase granddaughter of Col,
`fan E' m nd who . as prominent in most of his long life in Canada . He
gay,, o , h w .ways i ood health '_.until ` m few da s.
Adolph :.Morenz, _oldest resident of
Dashwood, died on Thursday last in` his
•ninetieth year. He was widely known
as the 'possessor, of one of the finest
gardens in the district.. Many .people
PORT ALBEmRT, Mai 7. --}bliss Vlor-
ence McKenzie, tR.N.; oi: Kitchener,.
visited last weekend at the 'home, of
her mother, Mrs. Jas. Meltenzie,
Miss Charlotte. Crawford, burse -in -
training sat the Goderich ;Hospital, is;
holidaying for .two, weeks at -the home
of her parents,
,A:. Mothers Da . service` will be bald
h w r ei �thii d
Mus lie' as In he h
. r�(i le t
g' y � �k• United
y 3 epee the T7n to
in Saxony Germany but had Jived -0>n �trndliY • at o in..
ehu.reh, 'All parents are'. regyuested:'to
attend nd bring their children,. -
• X - Clinton
Mr, alai'' a 1�7a. �` o n
ower at ueo'gston, • Her husband predeceased her in Eebru' wife, i h -fo ur years of _ate who• -is ._ ,
p Q nif,egtyfu3 g,� .. �- .. '
In any event, the speaker declared, , Seriously ill, nr =:;'five :asons ".:and •time
stew turbines 4ieing installed at, Ontario -daughters.'
�upAa ....f_'.r •.wJtr :-�:. . - .>..� -«per � .w.kYtiN'4 �ItIN• Iawv2+Ma.a .-,aS'- .•r:aaa, rf:M.4
hydro ants 1'? 1 le"' etep three 'tomes 1 n o
the • amount • of ;power developed by A;shfleld Passed
mitt o or
:"those now ia, free. , Thomas J. Richard• on former -'
�}��t Thom of 'Collingwood referred ' ny a B i o . as . i s a m e
I;.s W,.• sident of A�slnirelcl, died on Wednesday,
t e lows .wa es ,aid to sailors on 1 United b
o � g p May' 1st, at his" home in E•gniond.vilXe,
Litropean boats. Deck hlands�. 'on a in his sixty-eighth year. Before re -
Norwegian boat which ealled,ot Coiling-- re e e t tiring -• to Egmofldv'ille in 1933 Mr.
wood •' a few years ago were receiving N IVI C f Iticliardson operated a farm and saw -
:SS ...aanonth_ and were living on 'salt at Win haa�>t } mill en the .Mill ,road .ire `uckersmitli.
pork, he said, Placed ''`finder 'British As iia s c s s b s 1 "� Ile is survived by°' his wife, formerly
registry, 'these' boats could not be pre- pe •Miss •Annie Carey of Ashfield, a` son,
vented.. rom �.P' y.'ing a d fan _ waters. d Gordon Richardson, ardson ' of Tuckersmibh ; a
The . result ' would be ,td throw ; Can- t 1 inn A i
adian Great Lakes stti;lors".out �o�f work., daughter, Mrs, David McIntosh,�lhalso of
Tuekersmith, •a sister, Mrs. Grace Pot-
ter, :ofClinton, and fotir brothers, John,
of Duluth,.'Reuben, of Timmins, Wil-
liam, 'of Listowel, and, •Benjamin, of
amount would develop 4,000,000 horse• -the• early, history' of the- Hurox Tract, before his death. !Surviving acre his
ary, and they' had no family, °' -
Smith-- Giasby
'areee�:°marriage was -that-,of-.-A-the
: Grrisby and 'James' Douglas
Smith, both of Morris township.The.
cete o was 'performed at the Brus-
sels churchparsonage Y Rev.
IJ. Mahoney. The happy couple wilt.
gid` on tli a h line of Morris, '
No More:Cases of' •
Rabies g
new-. a e rabies ha'y a de-
veloped here for the past month it is
hoped . and pre feted -that-there- will
be no more., The laS case was earl);
April and' itwas the ifirst case to de-�
velop since, late. October:. Dr. James
deKague is .of the opinion .that the'
disease ha 'been stain;,_out here,
whieh will be a Ane thing forSure.—
Wingham • Advance -Times. -
StirIilig Rothwell -
A'quiet !wedding tookplace at the
Varna parsonage on. April 25th, when
Riverston Lodge, L 0 L. 1.45,: Goode
rich township, was host tie three,111.s
tinifshed: Hamilton meinbers of the
Orange-order,at a banettlet .on Monday
evening: , The guests =-were; W. Bro. G.
T. Forbes, W'M of Hamilton L♦O:L.•
779, the young*t, ruling master ,in On-
n•tario; R,W. Bra . T. W: Bell, formerly
c of Goderich,•wlio is a member of the
Grand 4odge,of;.Ontario West and one
of"=the oldest past -masters' in. Enron
county, anclaBro. W. R. I`orbes, a mem-
ber of thirty years' standing., All three
inen gave short but interesting ad
During the evening it was decided
that ' representatives' 'from.' Riverston.
Lodge,. L.O.L. 145, would attend the
Ontario meting Of'the'Grand Lodge Of
' est„to be held at Kitchener
this month. • -
ow -cost RATHONS
• It's .a Goodyear extra vahie fog
1940 . ,, a • new, modern tire with'
• the -"famous centre -traction "dia-
mond tread at .the lowest price
ever. Marathon has exclusive ►�in"-• built Goodyear `,qualities that give
, long', `safe, low-cost mi
you, mileage,:, •
-,•,.� � •'•�
Say goodbyo=to-tire; trouble for a
� ?s
long, long time! Equip your "car
•with, big mileage Goodyear Mara-
thons. Drive in and see this extra
,,; f • value tire: today .. we'll give you
quick service and -saveyobniey-i
Boost your tnlleai e , reduce your Cost per 'milt
.,,egtriH new . tlreb with low -cast Goodyear tubes !
fAILY• MAY 18 TO 20, 1940, .
RETURN LLAT:. 45 days.
Excursion tickets good in Tourist,
• Parlor and Standard sleeping ears
also available an payments of
- slightly higher passage , fares, plus
. price sof ' • parlor • •ror sleeping car
:11,OUT-+"q- (eke1: good. going ;via.
(Port Ar Muir, Ozit., Chicago, Die,.or .
18.011'4 , Site, -Marie, retuiiiing via
• ia.nne route and line • only. Generous
• optional routings.
stOPOTEllI 1 — will be allowed at any
ipoint in Canada on the 'going or
aletare strip, or both, within final -
limit= of 'tial et, on ' auplieation'• to
'onduetor • aril to ..at Chicago ,• 111„:
Sault- Ste. Marto, M eh,, and 'west.
iaz seeord�ane witl:'tn'i,'ifi's of United
j Ptaites liin€s.
Fael • parte1i'ais from env :went.
Canadian[ Pacify ..
18-21 •
top tbat Tickling
In' the Th rant nand a purse of Money, contributed by
Calgary., .w.:
Former School. Teacher
Honored at Wingham
Miss Bernice S. 'Reynolds, who re-
cent y resigned front the Wingham -pub
lic school teaching staff after more than
fifty •years' seriike, was tiie recipdent on
Friday . night last of a remetubrance
album presented on behalf of more than
600 forxler pupils. The presentation
was made at the school, an address
being -read. by Mrs.' Walter 'Stanwyck
That tickling in the throat as, meat ,... parts -of danada ,and the United States,
distressing, and is caused by a cold being presented by Mrs. H. G. Maclean.
settling in the throat. The 7remeinbranee album was presented
The dry, hard cough not only keeps by Mrs, W. J. Greer and a bouquet of
you ill ,misery -all day longi but also roses by. Mass K£ithleexr•
prevents you•getting a good tught'e
sleep. •
What you need to relieve this
>tickl ng congh as Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup,:This valuable prepare”
coimposed of the ' most Booth-
" ing and• healing expector"ant barks.
and herbs with which. is combined
the virtues , of the • world-famous t11g kit hen floor without any legs.
:h]orway.iiite tree." �y `. What ,do ,yx3u ;think it :was'?" .Grandpa
When yon" risk for Dr �IPoodfa .studied for a while and gave up. "What
eee� that you get ft. - was it?'' ilea asked. "Wateri„said tile's
T. a3ilbn:aar° Oa►.' . , t0. Ont. } youngster, triumphantly. •
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leunington
of u oderielt, visited ` East• Sunday-- VIM
Muss Ethel Brown.
The 'Asllfiehl, Patriotic Associat on
will hold its regular meeting on Wed*,,
nesday, Nifty loth, at the .home of Mrs,
Jus. •ale] enzie. All those interested in
patriotic work .are invited fid attend,
Mr♦ _ Will Dickson unde'i ant -. a seri-
ous operation in the Goderichjlospttal'„
Mast meek, 7W.ea�are.*glad to say the
:and al
'olleraiibn was .su�eoess�l, •.an e
wifor speedy neovery.
sh him a,
h p�
"Ciro ` you keep a sec ret?" "I'll tell.
the *orldUU"
Z;etelectricity do it by one of the latest lnod$
WashingMachines or .
r a'h
An .electric' cpiree .percolator, toaster, iron, or floe hs e
always"acce table {
is , p
ed' on Wiring and
Ft-�><nurates ]furnish 8' . allworkby
time agreed upon.
don Kidd, 'principal : of the_Wingham.,
public school, spoke briefly, and J. IL:
Kinkead, .inspector of schools for North
Huron; represented the inspectorate
and the Ontario Department of Educa-
"Grandpa,” said a little girl, "I saw
something' this morning running. across
�t .. c's "ori nds see nae in my. new Pontiac.
r • loop at �onua
A lar 'o>r •peep
ask how
wemeet, theyvan
Next time
ze and a.
_....�: . �4,
of their reach.' ... •�- ' � affdxcl it. ---� � _ .. �.
TT'S 'hiimaxi nature to let your friends in on a e •,`
.11 good thing. That'sw..hy 1940 Pontiac owners
are advising so many of their friends• to buy a
Pontiac `deserves this kind of friendship. To-
day, there's a Pontiac for everyone21 models
in 5 new series of Sixes and Eights—and prices
sort with the lowest They're great big cars with
tong wheelbases wide -seated and roomy—with
power -packed engines that challenge the gaso-
line economy of the smallest cars;And nd Pontiac is
engineered tO, cut repair and service brills almost
to a vanishing point. Visit your Pontiac dealer.
" "1 tell them •Pontiac prices start with
a see
c and vw st
rile lowest to check ra p
And they dor ` ,;
'You won't fund a smoother, quieter'
engine than Po
miles per gallon." .
�rAt the 'Harbor