HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-09, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich ,Star • ,NINETY0SLOOND YEA.R. la AYOR DEMANDS RETENTION OF GODERICWS ANNUAL FALL FAIR ' a Police Chief Pestelethwaite Conth/led rn MS, . At the Meeting of tile Town Cenneti etteltriday. eiget last the raii, Fair aireetore were "given soaiething Moidi than e; hint that if.tlieY ettiatet manage the fair they .eb.ould Make way for men: who can. Mayor MacEWan, was otlit apolten in his tefeetnee.to the reported decision ofttlte board to abandon the annual exiatbition. ' ' Tho requisition of ,the Collegiate erinatitutetBoaril-toreteliftetfea,19.0...rate aceepted after the Board aad Cut its eatimates by ' alp* • or tathet had agreed to carry over this 'amount as a- • deficit. Instead Of *18,205.33 the Town is to provide the•Boartawith 07,295433 • this year. • , The ratepayers are to have an op- Portunity of , voting onthe question • of extending the Coupeil term to two years, as proposed .by the Provincial: ' Government. A ballot on the question will be sil,bmitted at the next municipal election!, and- If the -majority should be (favorable the 'Council then elected will ale for 194.1 and 1942; •The aneveinent to .eitelve Cliief. of Police Postelethwalte Came to a vote in committee, and, as -a result the•Obif • will -stay. The vote was 6 to 3. All the member of the Council were present.' * The tax collector reported collection's: of $2,148.0 In April. Four inte.rraente an the „entnath of April were reported by the sexton of Maitland.,temeterta , „ Thos. J. Aedersoils application for renewal ot his license to tpeddle coal oil and gasolineetonethe usual terms, was..sene: to , the ,apeciel committee, as was also Mt N. eacieDenald's ittpelication, Lor 4 license to operate a junk treed on Nelson etreet - • sse INST/TWE OrriCERS,:: Mrs: 11, Tlehbor;Weleited President . Building reeieeta Applications for building permits, as follows. were referred ,to ,the dire com- mittee: J. (Love, 1 -story frame dwelling on Bitten street; Arthur Gra- ham, frame suminer cottage on Eliza- beth rareett• •,Citti.,..,Harrieontelmittovet, Meats: .to dwelling on Stanley street; J. Gravelle.-improveMeirts to . dwelling. on Albert street; John Itaysen, re -sid- ing dwelling on Gabbana street; Mrs. Ellett -Nichelson, reehingling dwelling on Nelson street; Alex. MeNeVan, stuc- eoing dwelling on 13ittek, street An application from Clayton Edward Lor a- taxi itemise for three bays was Sent to the special eopaniitteee• C. Ka Naftere atablication for. the • rez.uov.itl of a 'tree on the ,boulevard op- posite his property on . Napier street was referred ateatirdeparksatand public works committees jointly. * _ The application of El.. Pierce for per- mission to erect a hanging sign on North street was referred to the public works commit*. Committee Reports ' The ;Seance •committee recommended that the 'request from the, Collegiate Institute Board for the suth of 07,295.- 33 for the year 1940 be accepted and the sum placed, in tbe -est-Mates.' Wel- fare accounts -amounting to, $891.70 were recomelendea for payment, along with other accounts.. ; • •• The pu.blie works Committee recom- mended that the engineer be instructea to bring in a report on the .coet of con- structing a sanitary : sewer on Stanley' 'street; that Nerth street be designated "through etreet" anda bylaw be passed/or ,sabmission_te:the Provincial Highways Department for approval; that ne totem be taken on the offer of $25 for lots 65 and 66, li.s., *Warren Street ; that . the offer of ' $45 by Dan Reihl for the old house on let 269, •at the corner of Smith street and Elgin avenue, be accepted; . the building to be replevied by May 15th next; that a ' tank truck -load of bitteaute road -patch- ing Material ba ordered from the Cali-, adieu Bitumuls Company; thatthe- of a12.50 be accepted from E. R. Wee- .- tonas balance in full of rent of the skating rink to date, after making an al1owanC of12.S0 for Mr. 'Weston's sekvices .eonnettion With repairs to the rink.' ' . • eTh( special .coinetittees reeemmended a grant of $400 to the Goderleh MUSICal ISOCiefY for 1940 0.11•the same 'conditions as in previous years; that the chairmen of the special committee, the chaltitutn of the *welfare board, and the relief ad- amlnistretor be empowered to ettend • the convention of welfare officials in Toronto Afast 20 to 23; ,that the ques- tion, "Are yeti 'in favor, as a waltinte measure. undet the Local Government Extensitie Act, 1040, `of the Municipal Council elected for 1941 holding Mike for the term of two ,years?" be pub - netted to the ratepayers at tee next annual: municipal election. • Tlie' water, liglat and harbor ewe- * mittee reported; "With referehce. to the letter dated . April 19 from. the Gotlekich Elevator and Transit Co. Ilea, urginea that the deck at the north eiul of 'Walla:Igoe street be repaired, we recommend that a letter be written to the Canadian National ItailwayS ask. Inetaat they repair this (leek, as their use tomes Wellington street is causing f!he damage." The -fire conenittee reported that price: were *being obtained on a larger lite siren. • at Annual loffeeting At the eanual meetbag of: the «ode- richbraneh of the Women's Institute, held on Thursday lest, 'Mrs, H. B.' ad. Tiebborne Was ea -elected preSident. Other officers ate as folloWs: fpnorary president, Mrs. W 1 H. *Price; vice- presidents, Mrs, Girvia •Young, letra ;Chester-Jautstont secretaryttreasurea aare Jamett 'Bisset ; .auditors, Mtss ''Sa.lkeld, Mrs. NV, Abel; district GODERIC,H, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940 ven Ships Bring Cargoes of Grain 441 ^ omoutuvriow InaTzKnie thne by the forelock 'before' the eetetmee became firmly entrencaed in his new summer ,pealtiens, 'Cbief rastelethvralte on Wednesday Lmorning led a, ,onelnan raid on the "Cedar" gad other spots along the 'banks of the Maitland 'River where knights f the road are wont to establieh solitary re- treats walla the great outtleera. - The operation was envied. out with vlgor; The "enemy" Wast eurprised while in the actatiP digging in for the beautiful weather that is to etame. An active building proerani was in Pre, gaess. "Bungalows" Made with ais- carded grain CAT doers, tarpaper and what lumber was available were going direetor, Mrs. J. Bisset; planista_Mte., tape eStoveptpe ceineeeita „were tattegint, StaGiatelialadatlittrs. C Thomas; flower fund treasurer, Mrs. JW Newcombe; Red Cross representative, Mrs. Girvin 'Young; breach, directors, -Mrs.' G. Malltieson, Mrs. F. Witte, Mrs: A. Mac- aulay, Mrs. NeClaremoet, Mee G. Bis- set and Mrs. C. Cutt The repoet of the secretary for, the past year shewed'e membership Of state and an „average . attendance of thirty - aye 'at meetings. Total receipts for the year were 028.83; expenditures,, $89.45 ; balm:wee $38.88. The district annual meeting will be at St. Helens on May 31st Ala mem- bers wishing to go are asked to notify efree Gordon Biseet or Mrs. Geo. elathieson. ,D01,14.11 DAY, PRIZE -WINNERS -=2-TheAGoderich '• Dollar •Days,t Friday and Saturday last, brought mane shell,. pets to teem In spite of unpropitious weather, Friday was a beet*. day, and the special merchandiZieg event reached its Peltit.on :Saturday night., o 'The prieeevtnners; with their ticket numbers,were declared as fellows': lste-Lounging their, Mrs. 13. Walters, It.R. 1, Goderich-No.„ 4290. - . . , 2nd -Occasional chair, A. H. Erskine, ,(40detitheetett 2027. *' . , '3rd -Par shoos, Mrs. Bent ,Allen, Godericht-No. 1853. ' 4th -Blanket, Mrs. Robert Good, 41 Bruce street, Goderich-No. 1519. 5th -Rug, Duncan Million, R.R. 4, Goderich-No.-3881,--- e-OtheePairealitteerafreteA. Craddock, R.R. 2, poderich-No. 1308. .• 7th-Ilandniade ttable-cloth, tetra. Robert Bean, Itate 5, Goderich - No. 3320: . • - • . 8th-Ironleg board, Thos. Glazier, East street, ,Groderich-tNo. 677. FtheeTentgalloes gatitalee, alrat 0. P Graham, R.R.'3, Goderich-No.1177., • 10th--rWardrbbe, Argyle 'Lockhart, R.R. 1, Goderich-4N0.. , 1463. . 1101 -Parse, Mrs. aired,. Seabrook; neag to rear their heada. Even Ore - places were being built All were, de- Molisbed and the hoboes scattered latber and thither. • . Official word .hai gone forth that this sort of thing is to be damped down on this summer It was more or less tolerated .during depression years, but now there is 'a war on and "there is Work to be done in the harvest fields,” The eemetery and parks committee reconunended that no actiou be taken eon 'the reoiest of John A, Chtsholm to fieve a tree cut down on Bruce street enefrotit of bis propetty t and that a furtfier supply -of "perpetual eare" markets be ordered for Use at Muittaud • ceineterat • These reports were all adopted with- out discussion. ; Directors Should ROO , itleyor alachavan, referring to the re- porteti, intentiou of the 'Agricultural Sotalety Board not to hola 'the faX tait-11114 year, painted tint that the Teal). had a a30,000 investinent ha the ettfr grounds and buildings and maid that if the 'Prevent directorliad not • Goderich---No. 881-43. . • 12th -Box chocolates, Mit. E. Mutt ray, Cambridge street, Goderich-No. 332. • Vitae who 'lave not already re- ceived their priaes •are asked to -call for them at the Brophey furniture store, West street. GUNNER PONT NOT DEAD Although' the. report in laSt week's Signal -Star of the death of *inner Stanley Pont in England was published on what was coneidered good authority, The SignaisStee i5. now informed that a letter has been received from htm-by his wife and that kie is alive and well. MISS HELEN SZIAL - sonorAronur WINNIOR REPORTER'S JOTTINGS Three tutreniles pr 'teen age were takea in. hand by Chief Postelethwalte on Monday :charged. with stealing brass from !Western Canada Flour A stern lecture WAS given and a parental -spanking recommeed.ed. :The present craze in ,Goderielea-which now has five Junk yards -to gather various metals and thus make a few easy penuies, is blamed for: the boys' straylag from the path of righteousness. ..e" - All little girls and boys ten' years or under whd 'wish to elltrieS,411 tim , doll • parade whiehe club is sponsoring on Saturday afternoon are asked to form ,for the parade in, front of the Hydra shop aag,30 t Tae Are brigade Wee -called out to exe tingeish, grasatfire in a vacant lot on MacDonald. streettathiatteaThitrsday) afternoon. At ei . less than ,thirty, minutes"' tiorlt the bleze .tvae under control. . " • Tem efanjoUris, of the Venus Cafe, was this week reminded la a unique way that war clouds hover over the Mediter- Aileen eh& his native count*, Greece. His, btother had just been„„xnereled in that country and he smight to send eongratulatious, in Greek, • by clable. This was tot accepted, as. only cables in English and Frazee may* now be sent. Then Toni, ought out the. Bell Tele- phone, but overseas telephone- service to Greece has been 'temporarily discon- 'ended. So he returned to the tele- fraph office and ,5eilt, „IlieSiage in English. Mrs. Ralph jeviell, of Colborne towu. waetthe winner of tletee Congoleum, rug at S. R. Wheeler's. Her guess was 2097.4 The coticealed flambee was 27d7 Tbe bed of hyacinths in. Mr; D„E. }Wines' garden on West street ltas been greatly admired thist-tveek: The welt -formed flowera of white,. deep pink and shades cif blue make at beautifill sight , carry on the eillibltion they should 're- sign and nitece way for -others. There _might be something in teetplea of lack of public support, but fairs- Were sues tessfertin toettertplacesteaTtrealtandont the fair after a Melded years of eta istence' would be a backward step. Something should ' be dene. t Deputy Iteeve Browit eel& the ex- hibition wasairintarily the affair of the farming certiniunity and when the two adjoirang teyoishipe ccaltribeted only e2$ each to its support he, did not See why the Town should' giveta grant of several hundred dollars yearly, 'If the townahips are not antereated *I do not ;see whyW sheutd be," said the Deputy Reeve. • .•• -' Coimeillor:Blnglialxt attid. 'a proposit tion with relation to the fate tvotad shortly be placed ,before the Cotinell and he suggested.• that nothing be' thine Until the next nteetbig. - • • The: matter was referred *tee -com- mittee of the whole Council, ' Tho Collinglivoed Meeting • • Reeve Turner • eave a brief .001 ret port of the meeting at ,Vollingvvood With reference to the seaway propesition, which tie .• eakt had. been 'pretty well covered by Tee iSigual-Ster. , He said he had .ervited the gathering' to Godea rich .for ti future Meeting. • Mayor' Maeltwe,n said that with the country at ;wae the 'project was bound to be postponed for some years. ; Deputy Reeve- Brown advanced tthe idea that the iindertaltiag might be used to .absorb labor after the war. ,Couneillot Huckins again brought .up .the mater of the (thief d Pollee, for whose resIgeation he and Councillor Ryanthad moved. Ile thought It was time the matter alieuld be settled, he suggested that. the Cidef be ,invited to present his ,side ok tibe ease' to the Connell. Award for nth **Wing in Course at „ Victiris Hospital - 'Miss Helen tMae ;Carruthers Bell, waose home: le tn Goderich townaltila was announeed et Lendort•this week de the winner of tae Victoria, Ilespital Auxiliary 'acholarehip for 1940, The 'scliolarelilp,. whieh ,Wate forInally pre. 'seated. at the baspitta 'greduation exer- cises on Wednesday evening, by the auxiliary Piesidentt Mrs. Houle Volt. latt, is for a poet -graduate course in the divielott of study for graduate' unlace, University of Western Ontario, and is awarded- anterally to the student in the gradnating year whe, during her entire emirse, hes timintalnea the highest average in botli theory and prattice, MiettaBelle-Who Is"-te'datigliterttef j-aines W.' Bell,. SM. -2, ,Goderich, was .onn the tendon public school te . 'ing tstafteprior to entering training a le - taiga' and was given a year's lea of abSenCe softhat she might return to the teaclaing staff if she deckled net to. 'continue her nursing mime. That she liked her first year Wes evideneedby her formal rmignation from the London public school teaching staff' at the end of the year, and that- she continued to' find it the reed to her chosen pro- fession is shown in the high standing On a show of hafidsahowever, it was decided' to take up the matter in tom- mitte( (with the press excluded). By-law No. 10' of 1940, authorizing the sale of let 10 in Iteldts Survey, Eldon ,street, to John Love tor the 611111 of a00, wag adopted. By-law No. 11, to provide for the licensing of auto wrecking Iola, was introduced anti referred to the.epeeial committee for consideration. Majority Favors Pollee Chief , Tbe Coencil then Went int° cone initteedwhere a motion tailing for Chief rostelethweite's resignation Waf4 de. felted, Reeve Turner' kbthig the only Metaber to -support 'Councillors Making and Ryan. The palate works committee WOW On- poWered to go abeatl with the tutting at harbor bill to widen the road to the harbor. alto attaeatt-tained* Wiles Bell will teke her post -graduate coerse.arWestern in the. 1041-42 term. Om One and a41nrd Million SW:tea iiniVe the Past Week - Grain traftle to this port contintlea •to be heavy attring the past week, as Ito leaver thee seven 'vessels aischarged their cargoes here; The arrivals were . FOR THE RED SIHELD FUND , There was e splendid gathering at the holm of Mrs, Larder, Sr., 011,P,April 26th, for the "pot-luelt supper" inaid of the Red Shield fund of the Salvation Ante. Games were played throughout tae evening, .until the guest's were . ready for supper, The President then thanked' e otstesse-for her hospitality. The Red- 811101(1is.. grateful to all who brought ,reftealtments, and helped .to Make tae party a -success, for a sub- stantial gem 'Wes made, and will be uaea, to buy more wooleto-he knit into - seeks and sweaters: for, the soldiers- - Since the organization of 'the. lied 'Shield auxiliary of the Salvetion. Army, on November 10th lest; the ladies have nmee great progress in their knitting efforts.- 'atp eo May. 3rd the 'shipments torwitrded froreacr headquarters consist -ed of .190- Pair -socks, .41 pair wristleta. 21 scarfs, o 'sweaters 4, pair card to the officialwof the company that and scarfs Were kntt, by the ladles for . , the..loca• tRed Cross; - • - they may have it put, away as a 'souvenir. What •this card should turn ."ITINO*BEADIf r6R` G°114' up at this time is quite a: eoincidence.--- .-Jary Taylor, 'Popular golf _ pro for. Winghttin Advance -Times. -- *tae Maitland Golf cbitt has .returned to • - . Goderich after several months Spent, in LIONS HOCKEY BANQUET London playing for the Mohawks of the .- As announced last week, the Lions Micatgan-Ontarioilaoditey League, jarv Club hockey banquet wile be: held on ittrivedin-tatweaeir gbialay' alta began Wednesday, May 15th; when leek getting the golf course in readiness for Adams, manager of the Detroit Red ;what is expected to he a bumper sea- Wings, and Ebbie Gooefellow, captain son. Tile, club *ill have its ,offiaittl• ofthat famous team, will be dreeent as opening on May 24th and preparations guest s)eakers. th for' he e events to. be held on that, day - -although the -banquet is being held are hlready under way. - primarire for the junior and juvenile cluhs, the members -of the winning as follows ; ; , , 43tarwell, Thursday evening, 02,800 bus. wheat; Algosteel, Friday, 306,100 bus. wheat; Easton, Sunday, 93,500 bus, wheat; Saperlor, Monday,' 36,000 bus. Wheat, PAO bus. barley, 8,325 bus. screenings, 7,300 bus. tye; liticoldee; Tuesday, 44000, bus. wheat, -50,000 bus.. sereenIngs; Fort Wildee, Warbles - day, -250,000 bus, wheat; Aigocen, Wed- nesday, 345,000 bus.- Wheat. , • All these eargees were for the elevator exceet a portion of- tbe cargo of the Bricoldoc, which, was diachargea at the rnill. • ' The Str. A, A. Hudson came in Sat- urday evening from Sarnia and Cleared on Sunday morning for Fort Willie.% after taking ona cargo of salt here. 'Commercial fishtlig has been better the pest weeks several -good catches having been taken, mostly of perch. Aboard' the Ream ,as she 'cleared for .Fort -William on 'Monday, was a 40 -foot gas boat which was hoisted lama the pier with the Ea.statu's boom. The craft, a small pleasure boat, was the property of Captain Scott Misener, owner of the Easton. Captain. Misen.er had had the boat broeght- here by ortiblie School Pupils to Ilave Their CAR ROLLS OVER IN DITCH Percy Lark, le Palace street, London: escaped 'unhurt 'last Thursday,after- neon when the autoinobile ,hetwas driv- ing rolled over. twosand-a-half 'times after ittiking a car driven by James Foley, The aecident, watch took place on the Blue 'Water highway *flee miles north of ;Goderich, came about', it is alleged; when Foley made a left-hand turn into a driveway as Lark Wats at- tempting td Pees. t The Loudon Maclaine caught tate corner of Foley's ear and wea thrown to the ditch, where it rolled over, treceivin-g considerable damage to. .theebodyt-Foletaseear-Went-irt .diteh but remaieed upright, so that it received little damage. ^ Officer Webb intestigatee. • 44411X13 BOWMAN'* DZA,Tri Member of House of Coasimmot at Ot. taw* for Ten Years, 1911.1,21. The death a Janie* BoWeartn, ex. 31, Pe of Brussels, *Web. oeeurrod ou hureday morainic Of Itett Week, felt toWed peotracted period • of tailing health. Mr. Bowman was in Ida seventy - 'dealt year. .110 snot a native of Morrie township and before enteririg the aleld of eatleital polltitst ate serVed for *Vexed . yeart as a Member of the 'Township and County Councils. In 1904 be was warden of Heron, In 1911.* was elected as the Cent servetive tuotater let the House of Centa atone for the old riding Of East Huron, aeti In 1917 be was re-ejeded for the newly constituted riding' of North .Huront- - Heeretired In -1921e, • He is survived by bis wife, one son, Robert J. Bowman, at present reeve of Brussels, and three daughters ; Zara j. Re -Wheeler, ofe Godericite, Mrs. J. II, •Galbraitlit a Brussels, and 31fri. U.-Gt; Scott, et Bohcaygeona A. brother, viJoveeesp,la lactwatilittot Vineland, also Sur - The funeral theta' pace on Saturday te the Brussels cemetery, Rev. S. Kerr beteg the *Lactating elergypian. Amortg those in attendance were Mr. and alre. J. R. Wheeler and alias Irene Bowmen of G-oderich; Warden Geo. Feagan, ex- Wardell:a-It Es Turner end W. Haacke ; CountY ' Engineer T. R. Patterson, „Mrs., Patterson and Mrs. S. V. Thomas of aloderielt, 0 High Dignitary Ohm* X31011M in (IOW& DENTAL SURVEY trailer from Grand Bend and is taklug' Teeth .Exanithed It to Port William, whence he will send it by truck to the sunnier borne Of bis atm -hi -law at Veltipipeg. • POST CARD. . • • SIXTY YEARS LATE - When he watt doing some rummaging aritilea prior to some sprint:rake eleaa- tof a talkiegpicture eraphasieang safety ing; Mr, . J. F. McLean, postmaster' att rules for _ 'children. The board was Whitechurch, toned a one -cent Postcard, favoraaly impressed with the proposal, addreSsed tki Alex. Maleolne Ulster, and but decided to take no ;action onit at dated December 31, 1881. By the wily, the present tittle because of the al - Whitechurch used to be called Ulster. proach of exeminatiOns. The card was from the 1V'est On application. ,titg.,44.,Ine of Mrs.. Rod. Wawanosh Mutual Fire 'Insurance Cot Ellistee. town was placed on the list of At the monthly meeting et the Public -Scheel, Beare, held. on Monday . night, the scheol inaeagemeat aommittee was aetaiirizea to make arrangements for a dental survey -of the pupils of the two echools. " 'A proposition was received -from the Ontario Safety'League foe the ebowing aild WaS iotification thet orapany's tupplytteralietee, 7th, 4882, •Ntr. McLean is seedieg the `Petted' for April.; Fatale- on roll, -340t Dr. J. Graharn, average attendance,304, tor, 90 Per cent.; Penny Bank deposits, 056.34. For • 'Central sehooI the report showed t Pupils an roll, ..211; average atteildaneee 196, or 93 per cent.; Penny Bank deposits, $94.00., ' BJ01.11s.s7:tt.,!alla Nyro; Trustees present were Mrs. Geo, kt Craig Stewart, sixty, E,Alskopal, Bialas ot Chicago end one a the outstandiag * elergrateri of, the United States, di tenaigist after vollapsiag hia ituteatet• buei.I1C4A.00., May at. Rey. Geom. ne was teken to blepital, vaulty a are „department resette Squad working over bim in, a vale eitort to revive. - He bad•been bithop of Chicitgo sleet November, 1930, and preview!, to OW had been -biatiot) voadjutor of the •Chicago DiQeeSe and paSter' of the sub-:, urbamENianSt0a parisb, one'of tbo est in the linite4 States, During the firet Great War he served as che.plaiu ,of evaeuetion boalatei NO. 6e Ameriean Expedcm,ary atones * Fraace. In 1021 be was a delegate trent, the Eplecopal Chureh int. the United States to the Lausenne Confer- ence on Faith and Ore; and in 1,937 . iwas .a delegate to a similar Cenferenee In Edinburgh, • For years lie had been considered kale of the outstanding •preaeherit tilt United States and MIS listed among the first ten by several aattorities, )3ishop Stewart was born in, Saginaw, Aitaust 18, 1870, and was bap- tized and reared a Scottish Presby terlau. A.fter, graduation'Oom, North- western' 'University, be entered tile Methodist ministry and .tben turned te the Beiseepal,Cherelefive Yattta later 11 ,.annualtsaneeting to be.. held January The principal of-ificterla seaeel re - 1 _PARACHUTE FOUND teams in the Lions sentor and junior • Pollee report aaving.picked up a silk bantam leagues willalso hehonored flare parachute- which came deft on during- the evening. The, captain of the, farm of 'William.' Knox, Ilullett each teamwill be presented with a. siteat cup, while each member will re, townsliip.4 It Was about, egete feet in diaraeter with a flare -holding apparatus' te* a V74.• mounted atone. itS spread. It was pre- " sehla,bly tirepped *during mock bomb- GODERICH TOWNSIIIP—TEACHEI4 On Wednesday, Aril 24, the Godes Ing practicetend hits been turned in at rich,, Township Teachers' Aesociation. the proper place. It 'Wes- the first ever held one of its regular meetings at the found In Huron county, but many more may turn up before the present conflict home of Miss allav•a Elliott.-- Six of the teit teachers in the township, were .pre-' is over. - =-, . ' soft., Tee evening was spent in diidus- 'Aft& FRACTURED. sion of various educationalmethods et • and the coming concert Some plans Twelve -year -Old _Peter waiter wag were discussed regarding the next meet, aferturtateev' ataftertwhicheaseocialehourewas-en- which ciccurred as he was playing about ae.ete the yard of his' home at Statferd " Heights last Saturday afierneon. Peter OF.FICIAI4 .CARD FOR THOSE - was chasing Ids brother eta.nny about 4 :truck , when , he lost hie Irate/tee and ACCEPTING. U.S.. CURRENCY' fell feen the top ef the hooet(i the • 2 • NI • PFRIMMER---HUNEAL'VY The marriage of Mese Therese C. Ilunfalvy, of •Goderich, aud Rose Pftimmer, son of Mitt aud, Mrs. Pfrimmer, of Xienmiller, took pace ip St Peter's yectores, on Saturday itOrn- ing at 10 o'clock. Itev. 'Father ration officiated. The bride wore a navy blue and whitd ensemble, with corSage of lily of the valley, white hat and acces- aorta.' -After, the *ceremony aewedding, breakfast was at the home of the bridegroom's parents, at Berimiller. Later Mt. and Mrst-Pfriminer left for Detroit.. On their return they will re- side,in Goderich, CONFIRMATION SERV/et • The R1ght-Rev:0. A. Seag'er, -Bishop of Huron, . on Sunday .morning ad Ministered the rite of confirmation. itt St George's eluirch to 'a class of sevens teen end delivered an aheroprlate and' ihapressive address, Those eonfinned, were IVIrs, Harold Blackstone, Nita. Paterson,Doris Vickers, Lillian Irwin, Marjorie Haas, Shirley T. Meda, Clare A. Pattereon, Shirley Elliott,' Betty Newcombe, John Holmes, John Graham,. Cayiey Hill, Hubert Wigle, Romad Pat: tertoti; ''. Edward Themes, Donald Thomas, Itobert Needham. 'UOEN$E PLATES FOR 1941 Automobile lieenae plates in Ontario tar 1941. will have.a white background with the figures in green, ttecording to •anneencement from Queen's Park. The ,green, it is. saki, .will be of a clerk aahade providing plenty or contrast, to • the white baeltgrolinde 01m0ELLOWS Mc CHURCH Members of Huron Lodge No. 6le I.O.O.P., ,iittended service bit -North street United ehurell on Senda" morn- ing and were addressed by the minister, Rev. W. P Iiane, who speke of the heed of a greater Tooling of brother- hood iti the world. , A ROW AT SALTE0141) CountY police were ealled itt to settle neighbor' quarrel at Saltford en Tuesday night, wheu a kiiife Was said to *bave been brandished during a Urn -dale John Ilernoske Itussiall, was arrested and eharged 'With creating a disturbance. Ile w1fl get las trial to. day, ,ground, breaking his aria at the elbow, Ottawa, May 3. -Merchants and An older brother, Gordon,. hae just re. others catering t�. the tourist trade covered from a eroken leg, Susta.ined Who will aceept.Unitect States currency early, this winter in a fall on -ice -near will be permitted to display an °fielai. his home. • • -- card provided by the Foreign Exceaftge Control Boatel. • The card, bearing -the creit cif tee Deminion of. Canada, will lie-Svollable in two sizes :;11. x14 incbei„ and 5% x 7 inches. The larger card is suitable for window cliepItty. Betk will t arry. the same legend a ettafted Statescurrency • Is accepted here at the official preinient .• set by the Vereign-Excliange *Control 13oarci." NOT ,QUITE. ;a4everarerrorgteria •into The Signal. - "Star's report- lastaveek of -the accidentwhioh occurred to James 13. Reynolds oxr Thursday,'Aitril 25th. The accident toek plitee on Thersday' afterecton as Ala Reynolds, was, coining from Varner - net goinftliere-and Mt. Reynolds' car dia not strike the MeGuire,atitomebtle as it was -backing out of a driveway but rather was struck at the rear as- the care' came together at a eroesroosis• . GARDENING LECTURE • There was only a fair atteedance at Maegaleatall on Monday night for the 'horticultural address aiul' exttibition of gardeu pictures given by , **Dick the Antateur Gardener," from Hamilton. The pictutes, width, were in color, were NTry fine, and the address gave many pointers -of interest'and value td gard- ' • • • eners. .Geo. Bowra, president of the Gode- rich Hortfoiltural Society, Presided. A chorus of young girls from St. joseph's Separate, &hoot, with •Miss Martina Heasee as accompanist, added a musket tone te the progrant. Hilliera TreMblay, salesm'an for Cornish Bros., was removed to Alex- andra Hospital on Monday, with a severe attack of sciatica. Ills father also is a patient in the hoSpital; as reported in last week's paper. Both are making progress,. the hospital re- ports. THE WEATHER The temperatures for the past two weeks and tor the corresPentlief weeks last year, aa officialle recorded, Were as follows: 104() 1039 Max, Min. Max. Min. Thum, April 25 ..40 30 • 71 al' Fri., April 26 ....53 tata 69 ,53 ;Sat., April 27 a.47 - 28 62 '41 lame, April 28 30 58 40 Mon., April 29 ....70 41 50 3•1 Tuese April -00 -10 51 43 33 Wed., May 1 ........ -40 52 a.‘i.is Thera, May 2 ......44 33 47 33 Frig May 3. • 41 • 33 t 51 34 Sat., May 4 ,40 33 03 42 Sum, May 5 30 73 ,40 Moue May 6 68 40 70 56, 'TueS., May 7' .... . 50 40 80 57 Wed:, May 8, 51 39 77 43 RED CROSS REPO1 -• The Goderich Red' orossaSociety, are holding it county meeting in Knox church lecture room :on Wednesday, May 22nd, when they will be .hosts to the officer* ot all Huron county branehes. ° Red Cross representatives from the. different organizations in tow)l are re- quested to be present on Tuesdey, May 14th, at 4 -o'clock, in the work roma for a special meeting. , The Goderich Red Cross (gratefully aelcuotvledge the* followings additional' deuations : Pledges paid $ 8.2.00 St. Peter's ;Separate ;School pupils Red Cress Brialge Club * ,33.00, Orange Lodge No. 145, Goderich Towestap . .. .... . ... . ,11.00 Ited Croett home musing eines. 9.35 Mrs. II. R. Nye, Orlando, Fie. -. 27.00 . ....a and Mts. -James- Garrove -of Hamilton, visited' -friende town at the week -end. Mr. Garrow is now 'the manager of the main office of the Bank of Montreal at Hamilton. • $101.45 Ladiet'are aelted to try to attend the Rea Cr -os bridge and "500" pertleat which aro being held on FridaY instead' of Wednesday for the Meath. of May, A PERSONAL MESSAGE Two weeks ago Theforgnal-Star sent out a number of accoents for overdue , subscriptions, at' the same tithe' suggesting ,that tances should be made, if pos- sible; by May .29th. The result was a pleasant surprise, as near- ly fifty per cent. of those to whoni. notices were sent- responded. 21-` The Signal -Star is grateful tO those who forwarded their remit.' , tatices, and would ask those who omitted to give the matter their . attention to be good ertmtgh to do so before .it is forgotten for an - ether ,year; - The subscription,rat,es are $2 a Year for Canada, and $2,59 a year for. the United States. Paying for a newspalier is just .nutchof an obligation as an account 'due your butcher, your hakey.,4our,•grocer, your doctor or any, other person with -whom you do business. If yom. sub- scription is in arrear, please con- sider this notice as a personal message to yourself. Ut, _Rev. Qeorge,etaig Ste -Wart was' the grandson of the late John tOrtidg of Goderieh, who was an elder of 31110X: Presbyterian church in this town. -lila mother was Catherine -Craig, whe'Mae- ried Robert Stewart et Saginaw, Mich, Besidesahla tailfe7;t"tre former Gertrude Clyde a Pennsylvania, he leaves two, sons, John and George, both. prominent • business, men in Ohiea-go» An only daughter .died -in 1918, In his early life the late Mahon). Stewart was a frequent visitor to Gode- xi1i, and in later years also he had visited this town, Where he bee a num- ber of ,relativest-Atiew years ago he ea.,' .' deleted , at the maxtriagea os James 4114 Mary Parsons, stir( and daughter Of his cousin Mr. 0. L. Parsons of tows. Mit Parsons attended the funeral Oit Monday at Evanston, 111., where a'vert- lazge- assemblage, including. etergymeneof the Diocese of Otiicagie was present In St, Luke' e Procathidral te-witness the burial offiee. Gdap TEA ' 'Tae Chureli Women's Gufld otaSt, 'George's. ehurch met 611 TUeSday, Volk M. E SajkeId presidhag, The meal* opened With a hymn and the Seriptiere reading by Mrs. Carey. Community singing was tfollowed b twoo numbers by Gwen juclet A *wirer toe - test was won by tare Tiehboree. Mifie Salkeld read an interesting paper ".Some Xevi Ideas for a Garden•rarty," and the meeting closed with the Lord'S Prayer. The ladies then had their a*: , neat' tea. Lovely. baskets of butter - mpg. pussy willows and daffodils added. „ to the attractivenese of the Guild,roome and tea tables. -The rector and Mrs. , Calder both thanked the hostestes the afternoon, Miss Salkeld, ears. Riley lulu Mrs.' 'Manta for a pleasant after- noon and a lovely suppere SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER A-liss Mary PalMet, Chaffee was thia aft-am:foe appeihtedetoetheeposititintot social service "worker by the Huron County Children's Aid Soeiety, atlas, Chaffee comes from Toronto • and hos: had twentyttwo years of , experiences • WE' HOPE SO TOOL "Herewlai Pm seitdingila on my sub- - acriPtion," wrote Mr. G. ,MeCreath ef Dearborn, Mich., ,,on the Othinst. e add- ' ing "I have read the Gederica paper for forty years and hope to read 'it for another forty." utuie of Sky Ilarbor. 'toott aitt:aSubject of Eager '5trtinise- 'The fate of Ske. Harbor airport as tn the rumor class , was the report respects its development as an 1±.C.A.11. that the development of tile proPosed elementary training ,schcailt is till in Port 'Albert airport wee provisional the lap of the gods as far is officials upon the adoPtilin of Sky Harbor. dora-paiticulaily °facial 'ottetva-sels 'There is not a ell:1.4e ;obstacle in the concerned, but 'events of tecent , daya way t of making ;Sky, Harbor an element!. provide adequate„ proof that it still is ate training shol," saidtete offioual a 'very live issue, with chalices of the "Ottawa hate been urged that leases and project going through better than dienoptions heti/ held, be not allowed to Bier eitice the Coaety Council tnet lapse."., itno sbPue;talakeyssigia.rilbeolt4aalldirpoltedm ttif:()annedYNo Decisio 61 alietiCaer, there is evidenee atileate n. , when," and especially sin.ee theelection „that Ottawa has not come to,11 final de- , - of alareli 26 (many people said it Was elision tespecting the deVeleputent of an election,- dodge), little if anYthitag ;Sky Harbor. It has_ been repeatedli , ha e been said about the airport: Some 'said that Ottawa had definitely ProXn- said ithe bubble had 'buret, but all the ised to give .an answer ()tie way .or time setuitofficial reports were that the, another Conerueiwearith Air rTraining ;Scheme ,Local people in closest *Atwell With was on e time-teblc and Huron eoenty *the situation •claim that HIIVort County would attire to bide attottline, The latter has its; ear to.the ground at the capital Is the fact, it rebolVe of The Signal- and that a pretentious, group of brilid. Star learned after •ti. day of "Doett lugs to be Mint on contract at Sky quote nieta" iarhor IS, among the plans and hits .• Engineers Here 'This 'Week been eglimpeed" be visitors from (lode- - Xesterdar„two affable and portly rteh. „ gentlementeentaitterst of- the Depart- Sharp air-figlaing of the past month ment of Civil Aviation, Otteeva-visited in the N'or we gian theatre and likell tSky Harbor and Went over the terrain hood of the war's spread to the. Italkans with 'County officials:. ',Incidentally, are cited as other reasouf.4 why timip they inquired' 'about 'the availability of Will_ be given the Corrimonwealth gravel anti other tbeilding materials from noW, 001, There are said to t* and made almost Incoherent remarks plenty of pilots and ground erewa avall aboUt thetalans having, to be elianged, able and on the waiting list, but air fixing new positions for the runways. 'gunners and *Wireless operators , are "My friend, you, know lust asmuck most sought. about it as we dotewe are simply here Vile ,SignalAStar has mfrained frost to get Information for the Department 4Pr1ntitlg any news having to do wit/ ef Delenee." the , airport for some weeko MI sot (It was the Departmeht of etivil.Aeit to build up false home but devoloe- , atiOn that prepared and submitted plans merits of the last fete does 441111uOt of Sky II:arbor and all ether iiirportel retnatdireerisy, evertooited In feirseas to " to the Department Defenee.) 1