HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-02, Page 8Viour PAG* WORT -,ImOommV, TUUDAIDAY, ML 2m41, 1940 _ NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN, May 1. Mr. jMre. Asquith, octogenarian of the 'Village, ie! Percy (abbe. of Detroit, spent the week. 8010mi-hat improved from Wei reeent eritleal , Mrs. Mogridge, Airs. v.. :tto$s Anti UISS Josephine Weir attended, a meet- . ine of the Red Cress Society at Goee- I Niro. Geo. Beadle. On her return hemp She wee accompanied by 3Ire. Readie rich' °II Salt/I'd" n/ght and Elie Patterson. Meesrs. Thomas -liaggitt. Gordon ) `Harold end Iteg. Asquith; studente at Ad'auw, LaWson, 1Qh er“$g 411d Queeife UnivereitY, Kingston, ae" Darwin Madam are lielpiug in the eree- lireending their holidaYs at their home tieleofI concrete bridge ett Wintbrolel here,.3.taster Craig had the lute- I Moe A. J. Fergesen end 'Stvvare,1 fortnne 'to, dielecate 'his elbow while :Very and Zeta Munro, Aire. F. ROSS playing at the public scheol, on Tads - and Donald spent Settliday in 1401141011. 44Y" " 4 Roeu.-.011 Teeeseee, eie in Wm, Thompeou,kof the First Iltiesars,I, Goderich Hospital, to Mr. and I. lemdonehas- returned after enending Gordon MeClinehey, a son. I week With hi4' Parolt•s, Mr. anel M'r* Mr. and -Mrs. John 'Robertson of W44-'11. ILlimPsen• Urs• Th9ralls°41SI Goderieh are visiting, the latter's eieter, remabbling hero for a few daYe,e'' Miss Susie Rlaire Mr. awl Mrs. Geo. liodge.of Dungan - Mr. Steve Medd of Woodstock called hen Visited:with Mr., and Aire. Hero. Govier, ' oend with M. and Mrs. Harvey MeGce. Miley Anna Beadle, R.N., of, Detroit* twee te week -end Visitor witli Mrand on friends here on Sunday. miss vielen eteeegieen bee bee tee_ '‘ Tbo Nir.m,S.' ef"Knox United dined.). ells, removed in. Goderich Hospital on lield ti,eucceesfal sale of homemade Wednesda ', baking'in „the churvii odSaturday after. Mrs. Jelin AlcKnight eisiterfOn„,„Snpe 11011144,, . .' , day with her sister, Mrs. Tlaomas Cat- . Mrs -..W.- IC; Re4gs°rtri6 sPel4ing ft few rick, and Ur, Carrick, of Goderieh. ' ' days with her ;nether, Airs. McCool of Mr. and Mrs, Ted' Mills of Toronto Clinton. spent the•week*-end here, Mr. Ian McKenzie, a 'London oe.,.i -.-....,300,sre,,, uonald,„„and_lanzie,,, envied the pulpit in 'Knox Presbyterhill, a undoni visited on Sunday with Mrs. F. Ross and Donald. - A male choir led tile servieeeet.pealse We are_gladeter Mort that rAlfred at Knox United church last Suaday „...........;,".......,;,.......--* - - , earl,-24urbrigg presided-, at the organ. Councillor ?..•',elson MeLarty a Col. - borne township has-liad, many sfght- seers tO „view a demonstration eemdlot on his farm. This woodlot has beeu government -inspected, letr, .11cLarty and ;on Lloyd have Just completed Wanting .1,225 spruce and pine 'trees adning the ,present demonstration 1 lot. Messrs. Ezekiel Phillips; Jas. Medd, ,Cbas. .A.squitia, George Beadle, Ephraim Ball It J..Phillips, William Stewart, Yon are looking for a wedding present? Then Just step into SMITH'S ART STORE and select •a lovely Picture. Noth- his will give the bride such lasting pleasure as a gocri.1 Picture for her home -a bea, tiful landscape, marine or a. copy of one of the old masters. SMITH'S ART & STORE- - East St; --- Phone 198, The Home of Good Pictures All own. eis and' occupiers of imemises are hereby, notified that nil rubbish, . ashes, ete., • must be =removed • from their "PreMiees before thefirstday of , Man /940. , ••, 71- 10S. qugr.)RY;--irx-:- • , P - Ass't Sanitary Inspector. ., Behind the Scenes In 1.-eeping with our efforts aliways give ,theiiiinest peeeible ,Settice and EquipMent to rite "publie, we have added - A pew 1940 Lbnousine Hearse to Our )(tar equipment OP. month., . With the new 1940 lineS o.fH" outward appearance, spectal .inteilor; finer apPointnients ad: .new side eerviek faeiliti, we believe rWe have- added `another Mel) to Xlie. dignitY ef our Sir vi 'Our ',new Hearse hot • be used In a dual i'epaelty, - as we earoe ittaining -our leiveeki eVar for US owi. apecial work, '"Whiet waS (planned for the .safety ande emnfort of the 11,1 or injure44 "Courteoua Service 41.1WaYS"' paropleto oral Servicel,;ati low as $69-00 ' rf roston A Classified Ad Briefs For Results • F,legant and feminine are the "spring hats we are showing. All ihoderately prieed. MISS M. R. MaeNT,WAlt; sten street, Bedford Mock, 18x The Ainueek Chapter, I.O.D.13., a successful tea end bake 6alo on Sat- urday last In Mrs. Ifibbert's Store on the 4quae.thtge t.arDtabj1(..3. :nenlgenOti rxi$ was realized and this amount was handed over to the Goderich Red Cross Society. • . XLEEBEX----"The Quick Healing Salve." Quick relief Eczema, Psoriasisr, Pemphigus, Erytheina, Acne, B;oils and 'nest ailments. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. • Sold by CAMIWELL'S Datrip sironia • -18 The annual birthday party for Alex, andra Hospital, Will be held at the hos- Pital on Saturday, May Tea wM TO RIOT TO. liENT.---$TOR-E ON S' QUANTE' till conveniences. MRS. F. Et 1.1,D3 - BORT, Phone 3670 3.4a PASTURE. ----Al„ 11A.V11 'PASTURE "7" foe 20 to 2.1 head Of ',cattle. Good'. geese and good IN-ater. 0. R. FORSTER, lots 19, 20, 21, Maitland Concession, Colborne; 'Wit- 2, iglinton ; telephone Carlow 16% 18-9x ; . WISH AN - '0111,4= that I have unloved from. the Ilibber,t store °et the. ,Square the A.- '4G 'Pe building kor. The ',Seinare flt libeOsePirtavledAubsyllita.hrey. 4°Edveerri;ohneWirnelonst 41°81/14:47tth:S6ttreellIt. 'IPEtnit'WeVtr4111lee" cordially invited to attend, meTelitetAtilinhoe;icableihe4titebr;ariy.,°033n*Bir'iciliv411; NI° PETtiSW 1311T TIID' "Ill DR. • The Goderigh Township HosPital "Sucillocatisn; ellnet,duindiquIet folsr a '0 /14 Auxiliary *ill hold a sale of home., ft'lil°118' ity and charming sarcasm. You may May rd, at 4 rpm. • (Tiger) Dunlop could have made a ntIy made baking in the stere next to Gled- have a cOpy bY, sending 2„5 cents to 1111r1r,, -Slum- Store,-.0ilSO:turday.,--MaY: ' The mat • startling development' in ::-. J ... Venetiani3lind. -history, the New Sun- AlUJA,,Iuri.reiM0,,,,,,,NE,T 'WTITH BRAY. MAY aire Steel Slat gives more light, longer Bar ' ‘-44-4____,,,IkAu-t,,,,,,,,,,_14.- 2°4,1-57,,,,May °hicks 'IPaY, life and finer appearanee, Let us. quote "4" Ay4"0.'1,- "4...ew.• ilarallAllesi' • You on yenr requirements, no xt.ra, .0,041Famblan Nviyondioptest. Brown . Lef: charge for inetallatien. 'see these at ,-11°'ruls, iminledriate 5111Pelle'llti 8114 . . . , Schaefees. , * ...le istartf,d cockerels and Owns. Date erokinole were, played and arions.,con- Chinese checkers and progressive tests were staged. Atter those Present had separated into groups for lunch aWmttaayuckaAine e'ciatiea., Lumbago? Remacaps' TwO;'"Save tIme 5vglibik i'vvv*Y$ *ee -B1.417 WHY SUPPER with Rheumatism, May Tarkeys, avallubl. Order 3-1431W• StgiToo I 1 STORE uEi .0 k 1 y,,, relieves 17,011112.,,W18,h1124e 'agent, E. in, StYMERSATIL, XII,. ...2,. the mese: ' CAMPBELL'S Vendettelt; 18 lir. and Mrs. Govier were called to the The !C.Y.O. card party and oktertaek front and were made the recipienti of . meta, postponed from Thnrsday, May 2, 'Thomas Haggitt and Albert' Nicholson,a kitchen shower Iron the church will be held on Tuesday, May 7,' be- all from St. , Mark's Anglican church,i choir. Donald Ross read tile 'address ginii ing at 8 o'clock, at St. Joseph's attended a Deanery banquet - at .., Bel- • and. William Wagner made' the pre -1 school. Admission 25e. ' -18 grate On. Friday evening. The'Str,auglian Celebration...7A very enjoyable evening was Spent . in • the. , Foresters ° Hall on Friday evening by the Straughan relatives and a -few in friends,. with Mr, George Cowan as chairman. Music was suppiie-d by the Watt Orchestra ' of Blyth and Mr, Wm.' Stra'ughan was floor Manager. Lunch wak serVed . by the ladies, after whieh 'the ' gathering was- dismissed With the*„singing of„,„:„',God Save the, King; . . , • _ . • mOirsingenten Entertain,. '-'-e0n Friday evening, tale- ineMbers of the local., Orange Lodge entertained their wives and friends in their hall here. The earlier ' pa.rt of the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre, Mts. 'Ernest Patterson 'winning the ladies' tfirst larlze. and Williams. Ha„ogitt the gentlemen's, while the consolations went to Mrs.- Everett Taylor and John E. .Xunghlut. . Dancing followed, with Music supplied by .Dan l Crawford and Charles East: pinch was Seried by the ladies. 7-- ''''''-;`- ----*" Reception and preSentation.-A .pledi- *ant evening' was Spent in Knox Presby- 'terian church basement on ,xonday evening, when a receptiori-was held for Mis-. and Mrs. Carl ;Gavle'', neWly-4646:"' Fiunera t. 17 MontrealSt. Phone 399. 24 hour 'Invalid Car Service . FAMOUS 'FOODS- AT •- • . = 1110•100. 115•..• EVERYDAY irr: LOW. PRICES . • • •• I MOWN E 1111.01. CHICKE AltLMER BONELESS == SALiviON cLoyERLEAr • , - C RIC S SOUP ASSORTED • PINEAPPLEJUICE - SHORTENING a t 10.00. = PORK & BEANS elms rr. IVORY SOAP-Inctric Voimea = PURE JAM "-srititms , DAMSON' • MIRACLE W11111 siA402.19 = • V V' • nor. Jar 1-43. JOHNSON'S Glo-Coat =— - EVAP. MiLK A& P 1.10610,1 OWN.' Tin ••••••• 111•100.11 1•0000 11101•11010 ,11•011.1._ 21rr 6c — 124iz.Tin 23e •••••• . • lbs. , C = a -a -Res. = 11.6 Jar C =- • Jar 3 c 16 -oz. • ,Glant 5 -- 9C WM= Tin sentation. Mr. and Mts. Govier thanked the peeple for .the gift-, in- gracious terms.„ itirthdiy Celebration --A resident a the village. in the .person of Mr, Levi Marwooa, 'Celebrated his seVenty-sixth birthday today. Mr. Marwood was born in. East Wayanosh and spent life in: that township, ” with the excep- tion of the last Ave years, which have been spent in Auburn. His mother, JormerlY Altee.;,,qrteihy,was "a._native of Scotland, and his father, john.Mar- weed,. was born in Englpd• They settled in Etta Wawanosh 1fl 1855. They first lived in a. shanty", -"then in a log cabin, and it was in the leg cabin that them nine children were born. Mr. Marwood attedded Fordyce school, a distance of ,three and a -half miles. He attended Donnybrook' Methodist church. His sisters are Mrs. Raeha Chamney, Mrs. Mar4aret Fitzgerald of Kincardine, Mrs. Lim Wahnsley of lint�n and„ Mrs. Alice Robb, and one brother, Isaac, of Londesborte One brother, John, and two isters, Eliza, and Mrs. Chas. Robb, have passed on. Sfa.ny more. happy birthdays are wished for this' highly esteemed resident - • Former Resident Dies. -The -death occurred in Toronto on Friday night Of Miss Margaret Bruce. Death came as the result of „: a heart attack,. Miss' Benee being 11!onlyone, day, although She had been- in poor. health for, four years., Margaret Isabella Bruce was born on etsncession 3, West WawanoSh, being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce. She was the last. surviving member of a family of seven ehildrerr,-, the. last. four having died in the last two and .a•half Years.' She lived practically all. laer life in West. Wawanosh, with the exception. of -a few years spent in Dauphin, Manitoba. For the past two Years since the death . • her brother Frank, she had lived withiher niece, Mts. Ted 1ills, of Tor. Onto. The funeral was held from Knox - United church 'on Monday ..afternoon, with Rev. H. C. Wilson officiating. The pallbearers were -john Reid, Harvey Reid, Joseph -Washington, Samuel H. Johnston, James H. Johnston and David Hanfilten. Interment was in Dungan'iion- eeMetery. ormer-Resident-Mrsi-Willtatte ,Serimageour, formerly Margaret Rose, quietly celebrated • her ° birthday ,on Thursday last at the lionie of her son William, a Palmerston. Mrs. Scrin-. ageour was born on the 2nd eoneession of 'West Wawanosh, on the farm new occupied by Charles Hallam, She was the youngest of a. .farallrof two sons and three daughters of the late. Hugh Rose and Isabella Young. -Her patents eame to Canada from Scotland in 1885 along with the family of Mrs; Rose's father; Mr. Aleitinder Young, sr. Mr., and. Mrs - Rose first Ilved,fer....a, short tune on the 6th eoucession of Colborne, on the -farm now owned by Ernest MltelielLr It Was hereethat ethe. I James 'Rose was born, the tirst White -child - in Colborne.- -- Afterwards the%y. 'took up the farm in West Wawanosh 'Where:they heWed .out for themselves and Melt family 'a eornfortable home, Mrs. .Scrimageepr is the last surviving member of the fatally, the 'Others, Isa- bella, born In Scopand, ,,SameS, Mrs, Wright (Jane) and Alexander, all passed away ,soine years age.. Mrs. ,'Striniageour -was married to the late •Wm. Serimageour about 1880 and they 3 Atg lic •••101•111 101111111•111 *mow mono. 1111.101•1111 1101110101i WM. 110111.1111 p 1.1111.01111 10•11•••" 1.11.014, 1111•••• COX 0•6•••• GELATINE•' pkg, SOAP mANYnowthif3, 3 446-41c "RED HANDL.E • BROOMS DOG FOOD 1•14101.1 .111.11M = 'NOON 011•010. ▪ 1.1101•Mit 11100111MI " IMMO", 1•1111.. MVO. IMMO* IM•14111. WINN. 10111011111- r MINNOW MOW. 61,000016 10111101if 111101111100 10100101MY •11010100 WON. .11111011111.1 .11111.1001 CHIPSCi 20' Perky • Both for 25c CONNOR'S tosaymed • each29c brit 19i mown FISH. CAKES 2 fins 27c = CONCENTRATED JAVEL ,JAVEX • . 16 -oz. M. 40 — '.CHEESE laiDEAu LOAF 2111: be* 4.c n • A&P COFFEE BoKArt 16 37c O'Clock5ib• 330 Red Circle 29c Wein Pit vtletiCED . ANN PA CM Wang • WHOM WHEAT' CRACKED worn, 11010011•1 UMW. • 001M1111 • BORN HOI/PZItt•Av.-At Alexandra Hospital, ,Gederich, on Wednesday, May lst, to Mr. and, Mrs. Orval Holtzman, Brock street, a. sou. LIVE= gRE.-At Clinton-7-HoSpita1, on rrillay, • April. 20th, to `Mr, -and Mrs. aloha Livermore, Clinton (nee Mildred( Barlow). 'a -daughter. • WicOLINCHEY..---AtAlexandra Hos- ,. pital„, Goderich; ett, Thugeday, April ' 25th, ."to Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Mc- - Clincheri; Auburn. a son. - • -- WED - LEE .11AN,-At Alexandra Hospital, •Goderiet, Thursday,' April 25th,, Lee • Han, In his 73rd year. '1.401LE BEA;t1. gliSES Blenheim Dealer Obtains Judgments , ' Against Huron Farmers W. G.., Thompson., Blenheim grain dealer, secured judgment in the County Court at Chatham recently against •Sohn A. Morrlsey and_ Hubert AbOTION sams, Sa an I J p• on SArLLow Btossou --oLovmGrimni's alfalfa and tim- othy' seed. ZESLTE Wail:14ND, 14, retie west of Nile store, 10-1.8x SALE. --(SEED GRAIN, 'IST • prize Erban oats, 2nd prize in field competition test; Alaska oats; O.A.C. No. 23. barley, VIVAINV L. YOUNG, 5, ,Goderiela; phone 208, CarloW. 1.7tf you sAxx.--A NNW AND MODERN - • ilesigeed theee-pieee chesterfield Suite, , to elear at a very,' low ptiee. rTrechisiosuole ra,Aursr,i'srbe, ,a,tseenintQC,mbeloczat VITRNITURE DEM. , "17tt - on SIVLE.7-1GOVIIRNMENT-TDST- ED alfalfa and sweet clover seed, 'ale inset', ,hearvf .duty electric mOtor, aid:N JITAnzirON icItimaoN, .114 Ooderieb. Phone 14414:Carlow. iStt AUCTION SALE. • vifets.have been instrueted,„ by Mrs. Susan Powell; Nelson street; Goderich, to sell by public auction without re- serve, on . • • SATURDAY; MAY 4tli, • 'at 1;30 p.m. her household furnishings, consisting of 1 (lining room suite, solid- oalt ; 1 -large office desk; 1 chesterfield and 2 chairs; 1 genuine leather eheitenheld..; 1 fumed 'oak bookcase 1 oak , armchair; 1 leather rocker; several, small :fumed "terketahletes stand.e./...intkpie geendfarther clock; 1 antiqueenahogany. Jacobean table; 2.. sinotting sets; .1 lamp stand ,wifli shade; -3.--brasS bed, springs and mattress; 1 gum-wo• dresser.; vanity dresser :and commode, 3 chairs to match; 1 solid walna*higli.' boy ; 1 convertible couch; kitchen table and 'chairs; 1' Westinghouse electric stove and. annex, new; „hall tree; hall seat; large •Wiltpn rugs; ,runnera;. Ifexeproof safe; lawn mower ; hose.; odd chairs; ; books, and large assortment of miscellaneouS 'articles. This is a choice collection of elaborate _ furnishings rarely, seen at auction. Desjardines, ,farmers ne,c,er HenSall,1 whom. he sued ''for failure to. deliver (Leila Prospective buyers well to at - this. sale, ,,Terins.: Cash. • ' '- beans sold toldeit under :Contract. The • . EIZIOTT e4 GRANT, . judgment against the former is for $500 1748 , and against. the latter $300.,• Auctioneers. Thompson claims that the two farm- ers agreed to Sell 'him their beans for ,per bushel.- With the outbreak of Wan -beans jumped to $2 per bushel.' -Tne cases are two of a score which have been entered in the courts against farmers who are" alleged to. have failed to deliver beans to Mr. Thompson last fall as they had contracted. 'Thompson'elethned that to filLrequire- ments of his buyers he had to buy beans at prices of • $1.85 to. $2 per. bushel. In his evidence he Statecr:that he had contracted to eell. 500,000 bushels of beans to the British Govern - Merit. ' MAKE HALO 00 'YOUR.IIAIR! --Few women give their hair sufficient bertshiege Yet vigorous brushing the ansWee to remit hair-prohlems. Use a, rush ' with strong bristles. Don't - if Yeneloee gi' few strands, for every head eheda a' few every day.-- Brush away. from the parting, right dowe, to the ends. A,goed thing ter -a greasy head is permanent wave. This tends 'to dry up the sierplus,oll.and generally effeets. much improvement. ' . If you have dry. hair„massage it oe. easionally with warxn olive pit. Drees it with brilliantine ,to impart a gloss. -Dandruff • is 'obnoxious- arid embar, raseing. :With consistent care it can AUCTION' SALE, Of Farm: Stock and .Implements. Mr. James.Pollard will sell by public auction at Lot 20, Concession 5, West Wawanosh, miles East of . Dun-. gannon), on FRIDAY, MAY 10th, at 1.80 Tan. -1-ge1ding,-5-years old, -about 1600 lbs.; 3, heavy draft mare, 12 years old ; 1 , cow, 10 years old;' due July 18th, 1 Cow, 10 years old, due Nov. 16th, 1 cow, 6 years. oltit.:-freshened' April 15th; •1, eow, 3, years, old, ; 4 heifers, rising 2 years -Old; 2 heifers, rising 1 year old, 2 steers, rising'I'' year old; 1 young calf.; 25 young hens ; 1 Deering binder,. 6 -ft -Cut; Deering =ewer, 5 -ft. -4; 1 Nexon seed drill; McCormack rake 1 cultivator 1. walking plow ; 1 set 'diamond harrows, 1 fanning mill; .1 set 2000 lb. scales; 1 buggy, e1 cutter; . 1 -root pulper ; sugar kettle ; 1 extenslon ladder; _seufflere wagon. an& _box..; hay fork, rope and slings 1 combined stock and hay. rack, 1 set of sleighs; 1 set of, heavy harness'; 1 DeLaval Ceeain separator; 1 land roller, 1 Ferd ear (1929) with less than 10,000 inile age ; about 200 bus..eatig ; forks, shine's, cha.has and numerous other articles. Everything to be sold, as farm Is dis-. Posed of. !reineS: Horses, ear, • grain, and all AIMS $10•00 and under, Casli. Over that amOunt, Six credit on furnishing approved Joint. note. A diseount at the rate of, 4% per annum allowed fin. cash .on . mclit _amoOnts. JrAlelES PODLARD, Proprietor. T. GUNDRY & ON ° -17-18 waNTED Auctioneers. DINING ROOM (KxTENISION TALlittiD; six walnut dining chairs; oldotinte glass „Ashes, bluer amber or Lion's glass. ,13ox 27, S1GtLLI 18x° WANTEDMAID FOR GENERAX housework. Reference.s. ' Apply to MRS, D; St George's Crescent, Goderieh. -17 1LEARIN.,G, AlierIlkOLI !SALE QV sgop'SE, pVinxillkirgos. We are instructed by 'Mrs. J. W. .Semtth, 'Who heel disproeed of leer ,Brock street, Goderieh, -to ere ieekTURDAY, MAY .11th eiymmencitig, all the eon: tents, ineluduig:." Three-pleoe chesterfield eelitte„ «wet. mule their home in LtitiknoW,- To be eured. ',Get "a good hair tonic and nut eliesterfield' table, . walnut. , teed thJames .°f masa.e the scalp two em were 'born two sons, Or three times a tiable; renaillint dining wee eensieeng. Milverton, Williamof Palmerston, and one daughter,: . (Jeeer ennie) Mrs. Sinclair, many sg Women fail to keep their teabinet, 1. ParicryMore rug 71/2, x 0; , le; table, , six chair ‘ and one chine ' , of 'Winnipeg. Owing to Woes's' and in -.hair cleanS The:hair-§houid, be sham- I fAecinineter hw all ad nner an. matching firinitiese she gave up housekepooed at least onee week. eping-a 2,,eratter rug, 2.'econgoleuin ,ruge home with her son, William ,,where phe good for nornial, oily, or dry -looking ' .isi few yeare ago,. and, nowentakes her a lovely new shampoo that 1i There s equally 1.3, eret, x.o, ft,: congoleum rug 3 x 4V2 leralmit writing ; is,niost tenderly cared for. ;ftemeirekeemenueeeekeeeeereemaeae;mieeweeelele clean, leaving 4o tkor6 hair and.it makes the hair :radiantly is 1110101.11.011001........r no 'exenee, nove,, for any woman to have dull, greasy -looking hair. • Don't' forget to give your hair an extra hard brushing before washing. And don't ever dry your 'hair dose to 'an open fire or a stove ; the heat, is 'likely to weaken and break the hair.' Mybooklet on 'Beauty Care tells you more About this- and many other beauty probleme, ifiend four one -cent searaps for it Off 'and ask about your own ,probleme, too. Addtess« Miss Barbara 'Lynn, Box 75, Station 1., Montreal, Que. A 0ENTs wANTEiD, xtpli AND WOMEN wanted to Sell •tWO hundred household neeeSsities *including Tea and Coffoe. Xligh .protits assured in an exclusive district. No risk under Thirty -Day Trial ()Ser. Catalegue 81141 full partieulars TABgE. Apply at IITO PRODUCTS, 1.435 'Montcalm,,Montreali ,. • , 10,4 .1 8 1VIEN AND WOMEN WANTED.--FX- fIELDENT DIREOT \SELLING OPPORTUNITY -etcl.usive' territory rights for live-vvire 'ambitious -men and women, • sellbig a line, of' guaranteed qttality products, Amid for our plan and eatalogue TODAY, PAMILEX pRODUCI1S COrMPANY, 57:0. St. Ole- ment St., Mentreal , • .* • • :-Oifili).:=4*+; *t(ASES ,THIN FAX' ILY 'THE . wag Margaret llruee wish to thank -their many. friends -and neighbors for their kindness during '..their recent bereavement. -18 ItlECE COUNTRYMEN' OF. THE LATE 'Lee -Han, East street, 'wteirto thank their many friends and neighbors ..for their kind expressions_ of Sympathy in their sudden bereaveinent SPecial giankarto those who leaned their ears or sent flowers., -18 Fresh Fruits and VigetableA POMO. = ilitinfiltOOMS mestri cur ' ib, 2,5, gz IORANGES CALIFORNIA NAVEL iioz, 354 -- SPINA01 NEW CROP 1,111MON$ CALIFORNIA clOz, 17c . a GRAPINRUIT MARSHSEEDLESS. 21 for lic = bleyelm on the eide- walks , etrietly againet the Town Bylowe. "€•' Offenders will he prosecuted. R. C. i'OSTEliiiTHWAITA, Chlet of Pollee, Some men smile in the evening, Some men Stale at dawn, But theenrin worih white Is the nun who ean mmile When his two front teeth are gone. Janet-91ve women mere Courage than melee" . Marvin ----"Certainly Have you ever a men trying on three or four mite with only thirty eente in Ms poeket?" eenall tables; • anirtors, diehes,, 'linens; inatelling Pair ear. -1 -chairs, beddin pieture.z, books, t1teii. table ad (tieing, gray metal \refrigerator; porea' chairs awl, ,table, 'Quebec heater and pipes, bed, prings and Mat,treser wal- nut vanity Klee-er with triple tuirrol', am' benele walnut 011111)111er, Senora radio, pilloyea, eteltions and eurtaleq, flat txtemion eurtain--rods, single cot with rrnattresa, 'medicine ,Singerse'wing machine, table lamp and Ilirer lanpa. tnagazine holder, metal- avgrate paper 1etket4,-, stele, ladder, east iron Iiittelt oven, eooking; utensils, lawn mower, bird batb. Mee- trie iron, ..geetrie toeetee. electrie Ilea ter. eteetrie washer, Enipire anttirn Meaner With ni taelon nt r.1+:3)1141411 ifeakib !rind (hales, frlift and rfnANton ifrtett ten411 Jain jar- awl lar,10(11'01121 4-A1or ottielcg. 'V'i e:rr la.t fflonen!,-4)Ino-!„ In tho b•emt of eimilitIon, and will be Q.04 at1I41l• riiKforve• triv1040 & SON AltotIon r 18410 Capons „ are fit for a king. -*iced instea ,eoek-- erele this mason ail save. on - feed. See Your Local Salesman 'WAD' & SON, PRODUCE (iodertql, 012t,. • Hamilton Str.ait. Fhoni; 345-rRes. 334-. witTzuwo courin flATCH - ERY New Hamburg, Ont. • • roar Next Visit to „ TORONTO HOTEL WAVERLEY, Located pn Wida $padini Ave. at College. St. Easy' Parking Piellitlat. convenient to, Htuhvroyo . Ste* $1.0 N. WI Rates ..,,stut. PAO Mr to Retie. ;Eit it 1011 ., tiotie -,:to the University, Perna anent BulltIlhOst, Nispie.Leat Gardena, - irh • *tram Hosplbtle. - Wholesale 'Houses - atal the ,Feshionitble shoaalno District. , ,A ts, POwel,L, linsitteurt • NOTICIC TO CREHITOKS TICE CREDITOUS. Notice is hereby. given to all person having any claim4gaiNt the Mate or Charles A. Robertson, late ef the Town- ship of Colborne in the County et Hum, farmer, who died on or 'abont the 22nd day of March, 1040, to send same to the mulersigned on or before May 3rd,.. 1940,- as oxi and after that date' the Executor -herein will proCeed to make distrib,ntion of the assets of the saki estate, having regatd only to tne clahas then filed. DATED AT GODERICH THIS lfith day of April, A.D. 1040. e 114%./18 AND ,HAYP-ii Goderieh, Qatari% Solicitors for the above Vstate. IWY11011 CltEDIToRS, 111 Notice is hereby given to all persons ,having any claim against the estate or Patrick Kennedy, late of the Town of Goderieh, in the County of Iluren, wbo. died on or about the 81:1i of 'A.pril,at, the City of London, to send saIne to the. undersignee on or before the 3rd (lax a May, 1040, as on and, after that - date the Admieistratdor hefein will pro- ceed to make distribution of' the assets of the said' esti:kW, having' regard only zto the claims then - -"IYATED-.47-GODERICH-THIS'Ifith" DAY OF Amu 3.94o, • solii"citolirsi2tf°14Notirert1)1hellellAia°bIt6irElc's'il;ti;. 1048, anwiToRs, All persons h against' the Estate of '.4rthur Jeffrey, late' of the' ToWn Godericle in the Coanty f :Huron, deceased, who died on or • about. the 2nd day of March, 1940 are hereby required "tO forward •the same to the' :undersigned duly verified' on or before the lltir day of May, 11)40, as. *after that *date the Administratrtx distribute the estate having regard only to the, claims bf whiCh she shall then, . •baDveATnttDiee.at' Goderich this 18'th, day of April, A.D. 1940, . • FRANK DONNELLY; 1719 ito" tGroodr,erle.ehA, dmOnintaIrsitro,atrir... Nonce To 0...Rtho.rapoats AND AI' WHIMS.•• •1/4 • Alt persons having claitas he estate et .Thirma -Daw, late' of the . ()WOW of' Colborne, In the County of sHuroe,widow,' who .diedf at the Town of. Goderich, in the .said °minty, ,of .Haroo, on the tigtenty-SiXth dalS"-PC • Augast, 1938, are required, to file proof -of same ,with' the rundersigned, 'on or • before the ithird day of June, 1940, atter wfhia: elPte the administaatrix' ,avilIqarteeed. iclistribute the ,.es,tate, Italving reeved only to the Claims of " .whichcshe shell then have had notice. rDated at Woodstock this twentt- ninth tlaY*et 1940.• , • NESBITT, 'MCKAY • and • 'WITAILTIY, 14 Vinkle-street, Woodstock, Ontario, Selleitors for the Administratrix. 18-20 „ acing the Facts - TRAVEL, EY -AUTO 111. -THAT'S" ADMITTED! " READ OF ACCIDENTS THAT'& TERRIBLE! • You Might. be invaPied OtIc: -That would be • unfortunate! INSURE 'AND OE SURE -THAT'S FORESIGHT! INstinANcE & REAL- ESTATE Ilanulton StTel. 268W .TO TILE. OWNE10.! A.'NO , . 114711300REI Yonr dog-lieen.§0:-tg„ due and - Must be, paid , the Collteetor at the Town " . Take notice and act ateortlee lngly • PQSTELSTAWAITE; Ciiiet of polipe. .18-19 ' CAPITATHEATRE PH"s 47 Now ying-Rentiteky and its thorobreda0atured in a, turf elas lc --“PRILIOE OF THE BLUEGRASS" MO*, TUES. 8$,WED. Mae West with W. • C. Vields. In the riotous medley of hilarlty that.15 aqoeking a nation, You'll tste the West as it never 1101tRi1 Wagf when Bill and Mae tie, into their reert, eereen romance! 141( LITTLE CHICKADEE' s., SAT. JOAN BENNETT Mid GEORGE RAW turn in inagnificentepeeformance4 in a thrilling rraeledeama. The sort of story that will hold S'our intereet as It unfolds its tell "of Faith and froxeltude "110USE ACROSS TIM BAY" Matinees Weil. 'Sat, And belidog at %ONE 'WITII TIM WIND" here June 3r4 .and 4th. coming soon "FOUR WIVES"