The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-05-02, Page 4WS DAT CARDS I
AL130 OTHER tam 'FOR *OTHER* DAY, MAY 1,2th.
Cantobell's Drug Store
ruotiz oo Ooderieh
The Chun% Woman se Gnild a $t.° Nelson Hill Chahenisine-Schedule of
Georges chetreli Wilt meet next Tues. Tournaments itrranged
(ley, May 7t1i. The proerem will be in At the annuel meting of thet‘',,Huron-
cliwarge of Miss za. E. galkeld and the PerthLawn Bowling AssOciatiou, • held,
pot-luek. supper in eharge of Mrs. Riley at,it,erheit Tneedlie i il,_ ,,,,, , 4. I,
y n tie et...tast, wee e,
andMrs. MeNall, ‘ ,
' two Goderiela Meut were elected to
Right Reverend Dr, ISeagere, Lord executive positions, _Nelson Hill Wae
Uishop of I:luron; will administer the, elected chair•man andliarrY SMiderS011
Sacred vite a confirmation to a exu.tabet seoretaiCY Of the Association.
of eandidates in $t. George $ ch. tech at The Association will be composed of
the 11 o'elock ,service next ianda.y, clubsefeinn Exeteri'Milverton, Mitchell,
morning, Jitay 51h, St. Marys,: 'Seaforthe Stratford, Tavi-
steak, New Hamburg, Clinton and Gode-
The WM'S. of 'North street United rich., ,
Church Will hold it$ regular meeting on A,' schedule of •tournaments has been
Monday, May Oth, at 3 p,m, 13roup 2 drawn up so that dates planned by the
elitill, have-, ebl rge„ of -,the„ prograni atide. 'carious; elules Will it eondiet--------- -
Mrs, -X: W. Howell will, discuss thee .The schedule Of tournaments to be
chapter of -the study boOk. The report held hi Vettforth, Clinton, Exeter and
' ot the Huron Presbyterial meeting at Geeeeke fellows; . .
Seaforth Will be given by Atria-- D. D. 'Seaforth---M. A.! Reid,. Secretary.
Mooney. A. full attendance is. bored June 19, 7.30 p.m. -Doubles.
July 17, 130 p.m. -Doubles, .
-"T-' - Aug. 1.4, 1.30.4ren...-re..Thaubles.
Rev. J. W. Peach, of Sarnia," will hold sept 11,• 180 ,pen.--DoulileS.
quarterly meeting services; May 3-5, at Clinton -M. J. Selioenhalse Seetetary,
the Free Methodist church, corner Vic- June 26, 1.30 p.D1,--41inks. e
, torte- and Park etreete. Friday evening Aug. z 7.80 leueeekinics,
at 8 o'clock Rev. Mr. Peach will speak ,, ' . Exeter-WeeG. May, Seeretary.
on. "ROW. .ii'N Got the English Bible", July 3, ..7.30 p.ea,-ernees, „
lie will also 'Speak Sa.turdaY at -8 P.m. July_ 22, 7,30 p.m. -Trebles. '
and Stuadey at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Aug. 5, Lee p.m.,,,ekeines.
• Sunday school will be at 9.45 a.m. and Aug, 21, 1..30 Arne -Doubles. '
Methodietiove-feast at 10.;0. A cordial Goclerieh-W. 3. Baker, Secretary. .
invitation -to ill. • .-: June 5, 1.30 p.m. -Doubles...
' - - July 1, 1.30*.pere-3tinks.
Yesterday was the first Wednesday July 81, 130 p.m. -Doubles.
balf-b.olidey of the season. • The wee(Hunt trophy)
. ther was hardly of the.pienie, variety, ;sepL 2, 1,30 p.m.„--ainks. .
- ''
but there is a 'whole summer in pees- . ,
pect. ,
I " ' (Purity Flour)
Clover, Tinsotliy, -
" Fertilizer, Bulbs
. Robin Hood nom -
Hantilton "St. .
3rd .4th of Ma4.0
Have your 'babriphopgraph,
ed -one -of these daYs.
,The cost is small.
'ONLY $1.00•
`Phone 187 Goderich
The schedule ,meeting of the Huron -
Perth, Baseball Lea'gue will be held'ut
Efeneall next Tuesday night. All entry
and guarantee fees must be forwarded.
to the leagee secretary, .T.• R. Butler of
Clinton, on err before that date. Sehe-
thitek interin,ediate.
juvenile groups will be drawn up on
Tuesday night
The boys' Work committee of the
Stratford. Rotary ,Club hascompleted
plans for the 1940 season at 'Camp
Kitchigemi and the camp tehedule is
, announced as follows: June 29 to July
13, notary Beys' Camp,; July- 13 to
'July 27,. Y.W.U.A.. Girls Camp; July
'kr27 to- Augest 10,
August 10 to August 24, K. of C. Boys'
Camp.- ..
The eonimittee has again decided
upon the policy of a ear being provided
byevery cemp organziation to stay in
carup for emergency use Etoward
Barker Was appointed camp caretaker
for ,the 'entire period.
Ulwhi Peak of,Brantferil; wes herae
over the week -end.
Mr. and Aire. Downie retlueled
ibis week' from 'polidiney the whiter
months in Toronto. e
Alex. Butler, ire who is now, ltVing
at SC Cathaeines, spent tlieeweekeelid
here with hie Parents. .
• Mr. JartleS DOnal4S011 IS in tQYVA
again after spending the winter at St
retersburg, Piorida. "
Claude 'rrurner of London .spent
few days a town a the t' 0 ast
week, renewing acquaietancee.
Harold Turner, of the It.C.A.E.• •air
training seliool, (alt, Was home over
the week end
Mrs. F, G. Weir, who spent the
winter with her sea; Rev. W.W-eir, at
IIensall, lias returned to her home he're,
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ademe, of Lon-
don, were recent gaests with, the latter's
parents; Mr. .and Mrs. le 11,,, Riley,
Newgate etreet. , •
iMe. and Mrs. Keneeth.Iia.zelitti and
Slim Doris Hill of Toronto spent Sun
day with their parents,- Mr, alit" Mrs,;
Hugh UM, Celborne townSiiip. - •
'Miss Norah Costello, Univkrsity of
Torouto student, and Miss Ray• Whate-
ley, who is nursing 311 Toronto, jour-
neyed together 111 visiting their parents
Attention...ofechurch music lovers in
Goderich add district is directed to
the advertising announcement this
week of a recital in Victoria street
United church, Friday evening, -May
3rd, featuring the Northeen-Hammond
Illeetrie Organ as the most modern;
flexible and practical. organ that can be
used in any church or antlitorium with
no expensive installation cost ,
Everyone interested in hearing the
kraperb tone of this new Electric Organ
should be present at Victeria street
church on Filday evening. 17-18
al time
for building or making those
alterations to your' home.
Estiniates furnished without
- charge. All work done
promptly, and as YOU Want
I _1
John Jeffery
1 Warren -Ste . Phone 577W -e- --
Mies Ittith Daer, nurse-hm taetrag at
yietoria''Hoepital, London, spent pert
a Saturday and -Sunday visiting her
parents, Mr; and Mrs. Robert Daer,.
Baytfield road.
Bob MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mr.
Angus 'MacDoeald, Elgin Levee who is Man.ufacturing ., ProcesSes Are
at present -engaged as a switchboard •• „ , .e.
Galt spent the week -end- here; '''' ' •-';'''"liGood Performance
Intneate---r /rat un .C4ives
operator in the R.C.A.F. btlilding at
,Xiss Gladys Hodge, nurse -in -training , ;„ - --.- •
at-Victoila Hospital, London, is spend- 'TORONTO, April 20. -Had youleen
lug a two 'weeks' vacation with her par- 'dlo '
standing hi the vicinity a a Toronto•
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hodge, Pie -
ton street. • ,,,,e. - manufacturing plent a few weeks ago
you might have heard tt new • and
' Jack Cutt; youngest'son, a .1Ur. and
Mrs. J. Calvin Cutt, Park street, has strange sound rising above the normal
jest completed his first year tiS a s•tu- bustle of iiidustrha aetivity.
dent at the, University a Toronto and It- was the staccato balk of a Breit.
has returned 'home. for his suiemet raachine gun and 'the !burst 'of firing
was the signal of a new Canadian ac-
vacation.complishment, en accomplishnien:t ethat
Mrs. Nelsen •Ilill iS convaleseing at
her home from an oPeration which she maY take On more and moresigehicanee
underwent in Victoria ineepitei,e,e,en, befbre 'the war is over, ....
don -,*-en WednesdaY -of . last week. eirs, .„ The:machine gun that fired :that first.
Hill remained-in.the liospitaletutil Sat- round, :was nitide in its.: entirety froin
home. a, treated'by Canadian experts fashioned
• Canadian. steel, -tempered' and-
urdity, - when -she was removed- to lier raW
into its intricate shape, IT the 'hands
111ies Mary° Calder was a member of
'the class of nurses at St. Jeseph's Hos- et Caiiadiap• workmen.
pital, Lontlo, wb.ase graduating eimie .• Today, and ffii. manY months to come,
-hundreds of Canadian brothere'of this,
oiSes•weee held on Wednesday evening.
the world.'s inostemodern anketileifint illeeehildren,.hateetarted.„. a „flee behind
Mieeie,ieltlefiSefainilyeettnd--a."-number of light machine gue,'!vvilltraverfroni the the, kitcheir Steve 'lad on, another' oc-
her Goderieh friends attended the-
' assembly line. They Will fire their first, ,eaSien they started fi .blaze in a bed.4
grad.uation. ' ..
letne Uttended-"the xneeting 'bursts on the- plant's testing range and Either might have burned ' thehouse'
be handed overt°. the forces of Canada down, he' sold.- ',. •
of the Presbyterian Synod of ilamilton
He was accompanied by Mr..Lane and .in winning the mew eyeneuel victOky. statement of loss in an effort to show A. Bonin, Elgin, : j. • Dyson: G.- g
' .y.,,a, re pe g y or two t The- storf of h'•OW theee "Conitilikated there had been "Overeteiliott on. Me. 'Stephens, •Fairtrieunt„• W. -El. Downing;
Wallaee,burg, their foriner charge, be- weapons were taken from the drafting Cunninghani14 part , - • , Geo. C.' Kirk, Grainmotoe, E. C. Flem-
G.. R. Toupie, Heseinge, •_0,-. We
fore their return home.„,- _,.• .boarde ef Europe! and put into Can- .. In .eeply. Campbell ' Grant sought to
Donald Thompsini, whe. vvas recently. edian production Is • ohe of the most refute the allegation 'of defertee that Oath ; G.' -Lefebvre, Kinmount, • A. j.
I Iiiimmoompaimor
to order. your
Tip op
for MAY 2401
Hundreds of SampleS to
ah00$0 front., Come in and
see" them. 'NO 'ebligation, to
"'Agent for Tip Top Toners"
Phone 384 -Sintaro
Cunninghani Gets
Judgment for $3,40
(Continued from page 1)
$5,;500. He took possession in the
spring of 1939.*The-farm had ce brick
Iltouse on it; larger than the one hurned.
He heel moved his stocks, other- Wan
sheep, 4)11 to it by the time the fire took
place. He was the fathey of nine
children, bee said, and had to. have
more land. .
"I‘re allege that you set fire to the,
'old, Place because you Weeded nseving
to the new home," said Mr., Agar. .
• "*No I' never did." • '
Toronto Factory
Turns Out Bren Gun
111,."1.341. you ever tell Cheeter McPhee
ere sees
, MAY 204, 1040
Mineral Fume Health Salon
You find, complete Telaiation So. titled. nerves, after that'
ibleer daY at the. ofileee !Most Pleasant of alit azeil seientifie
'''taireseage o14 the ileeeleue 'eSetweeation.
001ce open -for inspection at all times ,
- 4
Ora:dilate Nurse antIlLieensed- 31asseuse .attendance.
Phone.,24-e GODERICH 57 St. David St.
t 4' Ross McPhee, brothers, that it they C. APrOINTIVLENTS
:ever •yvented gOt goOd priOe for • --e-e'eee • I
ro their barn to put good insuiance on it .rollow14 is 'a list 'of the al;Pcint.
and: etrike a inateli?"
-Ther.don't own ti barn."
"Their mother does. Did
No, I did not.".
'Not Far Away AVIien Smoke Seen,
Mr. Agar reminded Cunningham :that
he: was only ,out of his. barn, driving
,his ear toward Auburn, Jive minute:Sy
when neighbors saw smoke coming Out
of the. barn. Witness eouid. not Tema
'the names et' the Auburn ladies, who
told 'hini 'tit& barn wae' on lire: --Ile;
sal d not believe it at first and
d• so th to a hill to get a eleve" of
the smok rising.- denied' driving
back home by a roundabout rOute in
lackadaisical ,manner -twenty to,
tweetyeave raileS an hone. .
1Vitness syvore his .only reason for
visiting Mr. Phillips at Auburn, just
!befere the Are was broadeast, ivatifettp-
,buy some plowpoints, Mr. Phil-
lips wee unable to supply.
tell. 7., _ein, t„st.;:te, tainakSetenruificsnFrameoldoeiter: then
the ship, then the ,elaief engineer:
" 'X. F. -Davie,' Ashman,. II. Young; T.
J. Carson, Collingwbod, Dedman;
Jas." Reach, Donnacona, C. Leriche;
J. A. Brown, Emperor, L J. Boynton;
D. W. Burke Gleneagles Geo. Price;
:racigealtt Eagles;3`).'7m. niidyn;
0. E....Robinson, Lemoyne, D. A. Siu
,0.10.114,atiA,,--Ilurket,--Prescottr R. Sinclair;
J, Et Hudson, IStadatena, E. Henry;
W. a, MontgoilierY, Weetniount, W. H.
Taylor. ,
'Upper Lake Package Freighters
Myler; T. II. Jolinsten, Huronic, H.
H.T4.10,0Stg, .Pat.terson, oyie, Hugh
- FSha°eitgotrit'epiagVheterrtoSn; D. J.
whieh Leslie; A. Alien,' CaIgitritine je Brooks;
E. Coreoran, Canadian, T. Nichols; J.
"My theory is that it was children A. Lepine, ity of Hamilton, M. J.
and matches that startedthisfire," said O'Brien; J., Ferguson, City of King-
-Cunningham, ‘4, explaining why, at the ston, M. J. §herintue; N. Legaulte pity
dire, he had up- two lin:burnt of -Montreal, IL 'Paus ; M. J. CorkeY;
matches ;from e -tire -ground neer the PUY of Toronto,. 4.,. P. Norris
'eazed barn and showed 'them to Ernest Praneis,.0ity of Windsor, I, E. Spencer ;,
Glen, George 'McBride and Fettnit MC- R. Anderson, Edmonton, O'Brien;
To Mr. Agar he denied "'plant: Alex. Wilson, .Fernie, • J. R. ;Caudle;
ing" the biatche.s. He also denied tell- A.. J. galloeley, Glenrose, W. L. Hurder
ing Allan Wilson. that the fire was T. It. McLeod; Saskatoon, L le
started by spontaneous combustion. E. F. Itaeburn, Selkirk, J. A. MacDon,
Court adjourned, at 6 tent. to eeenme- eld H. R. Baxter, Weyburn; R. H.
Wednesday at 10 a.m., Isbester; Ae Patterson, Winnipeg,
31r: Curineidnligehruna!Nsvas• Sitting n d e r g.g•L;'°'jaS.,_.K. irk*: Self-feanloaders
examination :by Mr. Agar, all Wednes- L: G. Bird, Coalhaven, A. V. Smith;
day merning'ou questions of credibility, Thos. W. Adams, 'Collier, J. 1. Dove e
and character. - Much a tile evidence _N. • Reach, Gleeelg, adS. Douglas;
was 'a rehash of that -gisen be- P. Beatty, Midland- '
W. -
for -e. He testified that on one occasion VeritY ; Belcher, Osier, J. B.Polding.
Lower Bulle,..Ereighters
. L. Pregerete A.eadian; Sinith; L.
leatenaudereAntieosti, R.• M. BOnnell;
11. Laliberte, :Barrie, F. B. Donnell;
V. 'Ohartier, Donald. M. Mau-
apd London•held at Chatham this week. and the Mc•thefland to play their part .Mr. Agar 'went over the itemized net; E -Poirier, Dundas, D..G. Pruder;
111the annals of 10anadian
dierial • ,
ment at Windsor, visited with mst
his -
eats, r. and Mrs. Nelr Thompson, The vasthistory majority of our Canadian
workmen, it must 'be remembered,had
of machine guns, or any other kind of
never before worked- on the preduetio
light Weapou, for that matter.
When the :Canadian coneeen was
giteii.its contratt; it was allowed two
years in .whieh ea, prepare itself for
aetual production of guns, 'because ,mili-
taiey authoritieS' and in England
well realized the treroiendenS difficultiei faeed in setting up •the necessary!
manufacturipg facilitiee. - I
However, thanks to the and
versatility of Canadian 'workmen and
engineers, the ,guns event into produc-
tion a full. five months ahead of the
allotted time. „
The Jfirst- gun •to ecarte off the line.
was expected to contain -many faults
eubsequently to be corrected by adjUst-
meets to Machines and inereased ex -
Quebec street, OVet the week -end. Don-
ald reports- that he. has gained ten
pounds since entering army life.
• —
ThroughouteCanatle. this Month the'
!Canadian Girls in Training are cele-
"brating the twenty:fifth ininiversaryig
their society's forraation. At Victoiqa
church on unday- evening' lastfifteen
girls in costumes presented a
lovelyeepagean.t. June Buechler; Sea
*Craig, Ila Masterson, Phyllis
Doris Alibi, Lorraine Allin, Helen Wil-
son, 13ery-leSandersone Mary .SOhyvanz,
Doris Squire, June Bloomfield, Colleen
Thompson, Verna Masterson and Miss
*G. Worthy, leader, . took parts. Helen
Wilson, sang a sOfri -11 Think When, I
Read that Sweet Story of Old." Rev. C.
L. Brown, preached on "What the , perience on part of the workmen
:Church Can. Do," mentioning tha.91i. eee hemselves. • Yet, to use the words of
church can and does train Youth for ra plant (Andel, She acted like,a lady."
service, and as well inspires unity, and . :uounted on the test range, it plugged
its :bullets into the target as speedily
and accurately as could' be expected
from the best produet .
Some idea of the enormaus task that
hat rst gun fid from
iidebeen- accomptmay be gaineishedeevithetheefiring
of t
,the 2 17 1 ixtures, tools' and
es are used 111 conjunction with 609
machines in turning out a Been gun:
Itheause they had. no, counterpart in
offers a gospel of comfort and en-
teouragement -
, Nies; J,- C. Cutteopeeedelfere-Prett-
home on Friday afternoon for a tea.
sponsored by the •supply committee of
-the Arthur Circle of Knox shureh.
:Spring flowers added to the atttactive-
ness of the home and the table covered
by a -lace cloth was centred with a other lines of induetry, a great propor-
. silver' basket of daffodils and mauve i tion of :these totes, gauges and other
stocks, ' Mrs. D. J. Lane and Mrs. Ir. pieces of equipment had to be made in
Rivers.' president of the Circle, were I the plant itself. .
tea heste. es, assisted by. Mesdames It Even in the steel manyeprobiems are
Tinfole,. C. McManus, E. Allisone W lpresented; because each Drell gun con-
' Milne and R. G. johnston. . , be eonstantly 'examined^and checked by
N'ewbonsbe, R. Deer, AL Ainslie, J. B. rains fifteen different alloys which mifst
The reader meeting of the Ladies'.
&hi of _Keseg..eleurete was_ held ___PridaY
afternoon in the church. There was a
good atteedanee; Theenieeting opened
'with the ,Seripture reading" by Mrs. W.
Macdonald from Psalm 103;; followed
by .Prayer by Mies Artii---elutdonaldei
Mrs. Abell took charge of the busirtess. ,
Mrs. Fraser gave an instrumental and
eSirs. IL R. Hall read an interesting
paper on 'one with' the Wind,"
meeting, closed with the Lord's•Prayer.
"4 I
/A change:0e staff at the Royal: Bank
was made the past week. Mr. Thomas
accountant, has left to take a
similar positio,n in the main, branch of
the , Bank at Hamiiton„.,if Wlnlow
has beenonthe staff here for almost
four years and in that period has swede
many friends: He` was an enthusiastic
golfer and also took an active 'Part
-in tennis and badmiuton. He will be
succeeded here by Mr. St IL Blake,
who eoines from Toronto. .
Dallas, Texas, April 26. --Lowly met1
shortmay bompete with euties in
Beauties for the tips of Dallas roadside
tavern patrons-, ,
Mrs. IL L. Iltingerfc•rd and two coin
pardons asked beer taverns and sand-
wieli stands` to employ male .waltera-in
shorts "to give the women something
to look at."
Pretty girls in scanty'pants or grass
skitts sling a lot of Dallas' hash.
Mrs. Hungerford Saki women are
"sick of driving Into roadside stands
and 'looking at nearly nude women.
What kick is .that for us? We say,
hire men ear hops and put thene hi
shorts for the MUCH to look at."
The hoekey banquet announced for
May 10t1 (eee pap 14 of this iseue)
will be lield instead lei May late ete.
cording to latest inforination.
.4.)1he journey taken by the Sren gun
from. the moment it is so many lumps
.c>f shapeless steei.mitil 1$ a:deathly,
weapo, of :precision, takes in 2,846
Mr, Cunningham burned- iris barn hi- .MeChrigtie., E. A. George, Lanark, J.
eause, he proposed moving to another Hamelin. ;-• D. Nolan; 'Lennox,D. F.
farm. With 300 acres of land, Mr. Lockwood; H. A. Leaney,' elatleheath,
'Grant maintainetli the two barns would P. J. Rutherford; C. E. Seett, Mamie -
be urgently needek : • ton, 31. Perri e.T. B. Lamarrermeaforel;
Mrs...Cunningham a Witness A. Meikle ; W. J. Hore, Norfolk; W. 3.
-Mrs. Ethel Cunningham, wife of theBWeinlnilaemit s; ; HE: Gs eriecslbaarckhe,, Ps/inlet:toe-IT, Mee.
Rankin', J W Seaerdw, Starmount, 3.
M.00, litk.-•
uirtsw33uniDivisionre•h,Qtbee; Passenger.N
W. "Gagne, Tadousstiee_N. Crepeau; A,
_Deluge, St Lawrence, Q. Peloquin; P.
J. Cheery, Rapids Prime, E, Leine-
ville ; 0 A. Bbdensieck, Richelieu, Geo
et ; T. ,Simard, 'Saguenay, L.
Western Division Passenger
Elmer Robeiteon, during the ,progress B A. Bongard, Kingston, G. W. -Mac -
of the fire "Never Mind the Old shack, i'Donald H Webster, Cayuga, J. F.
because we are gohig, to Merie to Henry. '• •
better boUso,mapnaywniayoi.'m' eats.. 11 Ns.oArtihtkernen,,Dxiov;ansioinc,Pzs.isicr ugeerLpoci.
Win Taylor, Ilitinonje, J. G. IVIaellattiee
Tree Line Navigation Company Limited
D. 11. Porter,:Elmbay, J. 13. Mareh-
and ; 3 Lt Montgoraery, Sprucebay, J.
'A. Lentz; P. Morinvill, ' Teakbay, R.
Petersen Steamship , Lines have . an -
flounced appointments as felleittsforthe
owning season -name or vesselonaster
and chief engineer being given In that
order: ' ' '
Bricoldoc-H'Odesse,. T. W. Smith.
Canadoc-j. N. roote, Simon Barr.
plaintiff; attributed the fire to spontane
eouS combustion.' , -
"At 5, o'clock 1 saw a cloud of black
smoke coming out of the barn. I looked,
out of the kitchen window and, saw
that- one side of the barn was a mass
of fliimes. There -was a roar, the roof
•wiis blown of and games 'shot higii„
in the air. 1 told my daughter to Send"
in ai 'alarmand 1 ran Out to see what'
had -happened," said witness.'
: To Mr. Agar she :denied sayineto
• The evidence of Cecil Treleaeen, sec-
retary, and Michael ;McCarthy, director
of the insurance cote:pally,. hinged on
the mature of the 'applitatioe -made by
Cunningham and the scrutiny of it by
a - coiamittee Of. three. ,directors . in
October, 3.937. Theethree Were Meisrs.
Watson, Aekere and Megarthy, al-
fmgh M. Watsonehasleno sayeinethe
granting at the Obey, for the.reason
that lie had written the insurance; -
Both witnesses admitted to Mr.
Grant that irrespective of what an ap-
plicant might say .he had paid for a
property direetors passing on a PolicY
would InveStigate before making a de-
eision. Ther 'admitted that While Mr.
Cunninghap his farm at :$9,000,
whereas he 'paid his tether but 81,000
for it the difference' might be, a gift
from father to sen. -
At 4.30 p.m. Justice Gillanders ad -
iosirn court -to gee if eitigants- could
reach a settlement. At 0.45 Mr. Agar
announced that negotiations had teue
Wearily beoken.downe _
-Judge Advises Settlement -
separa e and distinct operationsTh1s isa type af ease -where -it -1i
It starts this journey as 101 pounds in the interests'of both parties to agree'
of steel and completes it as 21 pounds ,tin a 'settlement. Too much .money is
of machine gun, -tielMmed doWn in some being 'wasted on eostsesenoney - that
instances to accuracies ot4/1,000 of an conld be deVoted to inneh beeter use,'
inch. ,Such.precision reaches 4ts high- ,observed ills Lordshipee "I trust., bet
,est degree in the standards room of the negotiations will continue between now
plant, where 'there' are measuring de- and 9.45 In the morning when, court,
vices capable of registering up to ten` will reenme.e, It I can be of assistance
one -millionths of an .inth. ThiS room 1 will be avaliable,at any time."
Is kept at a eenstant temperature ofDivorce Cases
68 degrees le. to prevent even the slight , At this ''.(Thursday) morning's . pro,.
expansion and contraction of 'steel due cedinge Mts. Theresa Iluiifalvy, aorle».
rich', was granted a divorce absolette
from, her husband, iieiiry, now 'of ,De-
trolt. „ • •
leor lack of production, of sufficient
evidenc,e by the applicant, Mies. Jean
(Morgan) Morand, who sought a
diVoree from herSitisbend Real Morand,
of *Three Rivers, P.Q., the ease was
held U. reserve, • •
"1 feel the evidertee against the -hus-
band is iloubtfill and quite insufficieht,"
said His Lerdship.
to changing temperatures, .
The gun itself is designed as a' She-
cess.or 10 thetewia light maehine gun.
It is primarily an infantry weapon:- It
is the standard liglit:machilie' gun ol
the British Eitypire. The nameeel3renn
Is 'a contrattion. of oBilinfa," Czech°.
Slovakia; where the gun' was .first de-
veloped, and "Eftfield" in England,
where itewas refined and perfected for
use in the British forees. _
12 fires fires one magazine clip of thirty
rounds in lour ' seconds and a wen, -
trained erew a two soldiers ten fire.
210 62 itS .303 calibre cartridges in .one
Minute, includirigthe time necessary
to change clips....
Nothing moves on the outside ef- the
gun and all, prineipal parts are inter-
tacked,- thiteeleing aWay,wieh nuts -and
bolts, so far as possible
iu its initial Order, Canada will
,euPply, *a total of • '12,600 of these
-weapons-7,000 to its own forces and
5,000 to Great Britain. •
Clwring Him On
Itaeing magnate:, "Sane I've been
told pri. about to die, so I've sent for
you to give you .a present for being a
straight ladand, of course, to say gootia
bee You'll not See ine again-rni
going on the long, long Journey."
eenn (desperately fitlXiOUS to ay
somethilig consoling) : "Never mind,
sir! Ititek *up; ori 4.1.owei
(Midland Free Press.)
There are those in Midland Who pre-
elaim that tourists would flock here
lit even greater numbers were beer
rooms opened. +Midland's' leading vier-
-chants, -howeeete-are-a- unit In oppeqing,
the idea. They know that nearly every,
deltar that would be spent in the bever.
age rading-for at least ten months of
the year -WOuld of necessity be takeii
front, wage earners and eeliefees who
would'normally spend their Money for
groceries, clothing And other necessities
for their 'families. Northern Simeoe
has all the beveraP rooms: it needs
now. ,
'Business' Mani perfectly madden -
lug day at the offieee'--X eould smash
everything to bits!"
-Wife; "Good1. want some fireweed
Pratt., Mantadoe-E, W. Baker, T.,
Dryletiegle Ontadec-II. B. Hunt, L.
Buttler, Prindoe-A. Simeon, Cro,se,
Saskadoce-at. Cameron, J. Rennedv.
J:eKirltwootl, J. Rebinsen.
Vandoc--T. Jewitt, J. Nicolle. Whidoe
K. 0„ Clark, S. Pit:field. CartierdOce-
at, ,sinwees, small. Collingtlee---R.
T. Robinson, V. •Bernier. Coteateoe-
J. 0. Prowse, O. -Lamenreatir, .Far.
ranslopee0. 0ourtemanche,, E. C. Fea.
therstone, Ganandoe-it Afallette, R.
;Reid. Hamildoc-M. Mongeau, C. Vent.
Kenortioc-14, Burns, J. Bellmte e. Ring-
doe-F,„Boult, E. McAuley. Lachine.
doc----Xe-Lerneate-We Mooney.- Lavaldoe
-W. A. Sabine, A. Chalmers, ' Lavvren-
doe-N: Johnston, II. Abercrorable.
Mondoc-zB. It Grier, A. Plant.-
brundoe-F. Butters, W. Colville. Nova. -
doe -7N. Somers, W. Lalonde. erortadoe
Gignac, H. Barr, Prescodoc--L.
Legendre, F. Fawcett. Sarniadoe-F.
Garrett, 1{. F. Hicks. Soreldoe--W. A.
I3oult, P. •Audette. Torondoc-A. J.
Vallis, J. Ash. Troisdoc-R. Simpson,
W. Tymon, Wellandoc-D.• Stelp, E.
The-Goderich District Calf Club has
been organized for 1940, with 3Li Club
ton , as president, Bob Ginn as vice-
president, etnd4Sitnely, Bisset' Secretary-
treasurer....—T.he erganization' sneetingee
Was held in the Town Hall here, Mr.
Hume Clutton 'of :Colberne township
acting, as ehairinan. Mr. .1*: D. Thomas
addressed the members, emphasizing
the value of: co-operation artd otganiz-
etiOn antoeg fermers. Mr. Jfixnes "C.
;Shearer, Huron agricultural representae
tire, 'gave a friendly talk in whieli he_
outlined the activities' of alb work._
Messrs. Gordon Bisset. and James•Me
Milibilealio-sPolre, briefly: -
Satrirday, May "tith, is the. date
Selected for the inepection of the calveS
by the calf club committee.. The club'
has nineteen Members and there is
roora for one. -more. The prescribed,
age limit is from twelve So twenty:was
accepted into the Essex Scottish Regi-
years. .
Speciat BargaM.
DAILICMAY 18 T0,20, 1940
RETURN LIMIT; 45 days. •
ExeUrsiOtz ;tickets good hi Tourist,
Parlor and Standard sleeping. cars
also available on payments ' of
slightly higher passage -fares, 'plus
price of parlor or sleeping car
' accommodation.
ROUTES--friekets good going via
Volt Arthur, Ont., Chicago, lit,' or
ISaUlt ISte. Marie, retnrning via
;saline 'route and line- only. Generous
optional yowling"
STOPOVERS - will be alliowed *banY
!Point in Canada on the going or
r.etuen trip, or both, . within finel
limit• of- ticket, On .application : to:.
• 'CotuduCtbr-; also. at Chicago,.
' 'Sault 'Ste. Marie, Mich., and :,liviekg,
1n-accerclanceswith- tariffs -of -United
. • . • ,
S Wes lines.
Fullipetrelears..from any :tgent.
Canadian Pacific
Pert Wikloe-LIt. ..E.-,Chtipman, P. W. 18-21
(low cost fuel burning) at .
Douglas Eros, Garage Clinton
Also dealers'in HUDSON•CARS, WHOLESALE OitS,
Enrysity MEMO -RIALS
O *dem, Design .Finest Material and Workmanship
Tuesday and Saturday
Your Attention Please!.
DON'T TAKE ANY emorpts
Buy Simmons products. We stock the fanions
Bea.utyrest and Deepsleep. Mattpsses, Slumber iiii
Springs, etc., which, are real value and 'comfort for your
money. We invite yopr iUspection.