HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-25, Page 6twat rah
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a nt
iwa � it
i $�
in l painting
is e o
Not even, P
to get the 'range of color offered a'nv
*niat`eur gardener in a few ten -cent
thecketa of flower seeds. It. is this in-
ituite �uariety plus the ;satisraetion� cif
creature work Which makes gardening
so fascinating. •
There are varying hues impossible fo
describe, there are different textures,.
heights, seasons of blooaning. ' In 'the
tiniest plot one care have an, enormous
range,' B Y adding a 'l'ew stones . and
o �
"easing ta1r, on ' the (lose, in One 'comer
one inay have a rock garden; by' ex
cazyatii�g a hole; -lining with concrete
Or' by haerely sinking a crock flush with
the s dace of the soil, 1o, we have a
lily pool. see ...ieesserneseseesesesseiese
itnitiy be.the cause of your troubles.
Buck it up the right way, with
Fruit-a-tivee. Feel grand.
Tow liver is the largest organ in your body
health..It s out
�d uaostimportssnt to,your 1
s to digest food, gets' rid of waste, storm
• Mergjr &lows thea proper nourishment to reach
your bjood,. When your liver gets out of order
lead decomposes in yiur intestines. You ba»
coxae cons fed stomach and kidneys can't
work proper. You feel "rotten";p-headachy,
back chy, "dizzy, ;drugged° out _ all the ,time.
"Believe yourself' of these Vi
nds, as thou-
aas hare-withfFruit-a-tiyes,�for' 35 year*
Canada's largest selling liver remedy. Fruit -a•
tiles stimulate your liver* bring prompt reef
....make you feel like a -newr arson, Gets
Front-a-tile at y'our,drntlse ,. y 5*
<- WET+ELD '
TeSTVIELD, April ,W,3,—Mia Helen
iT ,cent returned home on Sort laVY' After
spending a Couple Of f(�'weyepkyps at (�yODUntt{1en.
Mies Alice Cook of % i 'ftiglians spent
. Sunday Under the parental roof.
Mrs. A. E. Johnston of 'iVeSt
' •;,awvan psh ' VisItCd with , her slaughter,
�• •.... - A Howard, Can:Obeli. ,
Miss Jean McDowell visited on Sun-
' day at ,��ttyhe home y o, f her sister, Mrs.
Gordon 're',naitb of Godep."ich.
e , can do won .ers with 11°"7,"" '1‘.1r, rred d. Cook wasa " `inghare,
alnone,' wbut Still •more amazing results visitors on Thursday.
will follow where, we combine $lowers Mr,, Warren Bainford''of Lomdon
skilfully . with , gra. , f, winding zvali>s,'. spent+Sunday withhis parents, Mr«. and
shrubbery bber and bits of stone work, In trs, Thomas Bamford.
this combining, iiowveterr. we .:Host take 'farm
'Charles Scott has rented 'the'
n le, i'1owv rslate. Mr. Wm Patterson of,
Care "ngot to rzaproduce: a jungle- f•,a,ran of the:.
and shrubbery sexist not be se crowded' . ,Scott
'1'V.t�ll;~erbt)rn. •Mr, anal° Mrs
that they become spindly' and weak,, ° tend Alloying ea May.
Little flowers must tut be hidden by Mr, Percy Vincent has purchased the
x .like full -Sim marigolds, . eos- farm of the late Mr. 'Melrose of Walker-
t�a1l things
zinnias. .Beds must -be se Ur• _burn,
mos '"or o ouse of Goderieh visited
ravaged "that We carp. keel?' down weeds' lir. B. apt neh '�Zr., J: L.
remove fading foliage. " above all, on ,Saturday`swith his father, ',
and rem f g,Y�� � .<..� _
we must remember that unless we are Stonehouse, ' U •
m tor.
has x
e � nt
SWUM, it is best to use a fair tamoRnt of hiss Max�atr t �,� winter in
" oregr pund for our diowers. home after sspendinb the
lawn as a f � •
'Ira`vns. are, e aaalmost vital in creating Stratford.
, ,,,
/ r Miss Fern McDowell spent' -test week
garden iicturex r
Seed ' in Louden with her cousin, Miss tilsie
S ,.
h t im e „ocex-eniphasi?e thea Theinaple syrup -season is abouto er.-:
-,, is. R
importance of good seed. T2ther factords in this district. Some of, the farmers.
may.. be beyond control, but the who tapped this ",year reptkit a.' good
gardener Rhos. ahsolute__check over this syrup
•ruend c11rs. Stanley Sibthgrpe and
• foundation. Weather; soil and location
may' be ideal, but without good seed, faintly, • oaf . Blyth,, visited on Sunday
specially ciall selected tosuit Canadian eon- with :11r, and Mrs, J„ I.,.:•McDowell.
ditions,• the garden is going to .be It Mr. and .airs, 'Marvin rMeDowell, Mr.
failure. ,. '' • . Harvey McDowell and Miss Ahem Mc-
rasa.. Likes' Cool Weather ' Dowell were guests on Sunday' at' the
�` J ]nee .o f,1Zr..;_and Mrs, Frank Kershaw
Grass makes its moot -lapel growth
Of cif Goderich. .
iii is cool -weather of spring and fall. A large crowd gathered, for the farm,
On this account lawn work of a new. or sale of zrs. J. F. Ellis an Tuesday
•repair nature should be carrier,out dust ofteriioon of last ..wreak. Good prices
° its soon, as the sod is '8t to wort;. ;were• realized for.both stock ..end -im-
After'digging, the ground should.. be piements. airs. Ellis has. rented the
allowed to settle hoar a few days at form to Mr. Telford Cook, but intends
least, and then levelled ,main: °It is, still to reside in the house,
advisable to repeat this process several ;dr: and Mrs. 4' D..Elsley, of near
times. The top soil :should then be _ •Listowel, visited onSunday-_at the home
raked fine and on a 'windless -day -the- of the latter's mother, Mrs. J E. Ellis.°.
grass sown' at a liberal rate, once across Mia„ 4E its Flsley returned home with
and onee lengthwise, This doiible soW= "them after spending the winter with
inc, insures' an even distribution. It is hi:. grandmother. ;.
always best to 'get a good 'mixture of Mr, and Mrs, Emmerson Rodger- and
high-quality packagedgrass seed little Miss Betty were •Goderich visitors
readby. Mrs. J. Iv. M.1 hpw{e'lt[Irma, Ct.t-
t'heW 42'1 reading was given by rie
Win. Walden, 4't illlt1 Who by
i` lowed
I';,Liter;' a duet w7a's� Mrs.
Wm,McDowell ami Mrs. Wm. tWMl en,
ac�eo Pany�i�edyy{Nbpyyy y' F' VirQt�lil�fyred A'ampTlit''il,
tnd a reading Was given by Airs. J. L
McDowell, .Will Uc Have Anythingoof
Mine? ,The' chapter in the study b
on " Iigher Christian _Education in•
India was tat en by 'Mfg. (Rev.) Ii. C.
Wilson. (A� ryj poem ' sent yry'b��]y�[$ Mrs.. John
i• as read by Mre, Wm. Me{
Dowell. Mrs. 11.., C. Wilson and Mrs.
\Vin. MCVittie were appointed delegates
in 'sat
tU attelid.
Sea f Orth `on Tuesday, It 'was decided
to have the, annual quitting on May lst,
when five quilts will be quilted. ' A' pot-
luck dinner .will be ;Served, and 41O -et•.
eha�rge made to 11011) Pay tor' Material
for `quilts. . ,Mrs. J. L. McDowell dis-
anissed :the meeting with prayer. _.
• •on Monday. •
Sirs. Earl.; Caldwell of Blyth visited,
on Monday with Miss Doreen Vincent.
Tor order�y7 offtheemday IS housecleaning,..
for 111. Adie -s _ . CLl. i l:al ln°r:n,.4pyq.,' baby
Chicks. Som "of .tthe farmers -are, 'busy -
circling wood. Some 'will be on,.: the
land. this week. ,
Mr, . and Mrs. John Buchanan,- Mr.-
Leslie Bueluhhan. Mr. and Mrs: R.':Vii&
i r 'at-
rcent and air. and Mrs. Wm.� Gov e
• MAY13 and• 4 from (ODEEICH
vast Corw
so nall inclusive, Uxbridge
To, Stations Oshawa 'and � n @ �Co°1'lin�vvo=ad, mea-
sp k
Lindsay, Peter'boro, Camagbe'ilf'ord, Newmarket,
:ford, Mixt+laud, North day, _Parry Sound, Sudbur'y,_'Oapreol and West
+to Bea rdtmore. - .
11�AY 3
Also to Brantford; �Chatb.am,: Goderich, Guel, Hamilton, London;
Bran �
Niagara 'p`a`llet Ow,em -;Sound, ' .St. Ca a!rilee, ° St. MarysSarnia,
Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock. -
For Fares, Return 'Linilts, Train •Ind`.armation, Tickets, , •
Nearest " Agent. T121A•
17 . : etc., ' ConsultdV , , g
' N
A £�►
BE '�.T'
PORT �►,L.
PORT ALBmIRT, ' pril 23,---Visiters�
at the home' of 'Mr. ,. and :Mrs. 'Will
Crawford last ' Sunday were ;Mars.- D.
'Pentland ,and son Carmen, of, port
Huron • Mr. and Mrs. 1Leonard yrawl.
Hur > ,
ford 'gnd two children, Kennie and Lo%,'
o>t' Goderleh ; 1,1 e Clifford Crawford, of
Stratfordr Mr Ernest CravVford,,of
1 aisley (Miss .Zella Cools„`of W1ngh
Miss ,'Charlotte `Crawford, nurse -in»
training at the Qo terich IIospital;' Mr..
and Mrs. Earl 'Bogie, of Sheppardto1,
and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Durnin, pf
R. Reed is: visiting for a �w•
days •tithis week with ,her sister, Mrs;
R. 'Alton of Belfast.
' Seeding commenced on several farms
,tie beginning .'of this week, drained
land haying dried off ^quickly- - 1
Mix's 'Clara Willis, who was in .Guelph
for -the winter months, returned last
Week to the' Koine of her parents, where
she will spend the summer,
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. was- held on Thursday last At
the home of Mrs. Jas. Mcl enzie. ;
Mrs. Douglas Athill and two children,
and . u}g�yl�a}s�,(�joj'jf Kirkland I.tko,.
Fa�l 1ieitiug,�At the home i f'7h�Sr ,/rents,
Mr. and.p Mi``, . Harry Ledne+r, for a
couple a mouths,
They Dramatic Club of the A.Y.P.A,
+expect to present their play, 'The Black
Derby," at Iliploy'this'T,hur-sday eveitii
log ;, and. Or 1 tngsbridge on Monday
Miss Dorothy McMillan who kaS been
Guelph for the -last few months, ...i 3
vfsitiug at the home ofy'her parents,
Mr. 'and Mrs. J'as. McMillaata.
A group' of ladies from klolmesville
presented their play, `°offs . Women
Folk," 111 'the basement of the Anglican
church last. Friday' evening, The play
C"iit:f I7A. , A '4Ri1 `s ,h, 10
was well presented and mtaxceh enjoyed
y all.
.y Mr. ,1I Award. Quaid went to Toren tar
last weekend.
\suere .sful dance yeas held in the,
selioalhouse on'ata•y everting of Rant
;weekunder the auspices of the A.'k',P.A.
Vile m(liusi° was ;pI)i!(gqlby.1) Attics,
Chairles' orchestra of Lucknov.
similar donee will be hayed this Freda:
ravening in the Parish Hall, Dungan-
non, Music 'will be stippled by J.,•Me-
Kenzie s orchestra of •Rip ey.
• V°
5 .
■/fir e� •��
To time +contemplating build-
ing a Monument ent . Get nay
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering, i 'malty" •
AR ',wont guaranteed.
Clinton Ontario
" uiccessar o Rail i Za Tie•..
v oro tl and efficiently.
rern.p � pomp*,
Simply phone "COLLECT" t
"601' r 12 Clinton"
Rubber Goods,' Sundries, etc,, mailed'
:postpaid In' plain, sealed 'wrapper.
recall -Write or paa11.
8051 -less -thaw
order catalb€ue. Nov,Rubber: Co., Box
91, Ilamiltof, Ont.
(Established • 18'75)
Ambulance. Service
Phone 120'
F1.OYD . ;M, 'LODGE, Director
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embalmer
•All cells promptly :attended to
• rni ht
day o g
Phones: Store 335. Res. 355W�
' God
l:iamilton Street'erieh e .
blended by expert Canadian • seedmen.
No Hurry
. ':rhe beginner is warned against too
deep, too early and too close planting
of vegetables, and 'hewer seeds. Nas-
turtiums, peas, 'beans, corn and, such
large %eedsushould go in about an inch
or so and be planted at least three or
four inches /inert. Tiny'- seeds •like .a1y;-
sum, poppy and onion are merely
pressed into the soil; Before sowing
mix•with a
little sand to
the' sowing more evenly..
NEXT WEEK ---Gardens of an sick
grow vegetables;fzi ; special Solders
tended the funeral on Monday of their
Tinel hes ee V1 •li I3uteli an -of-
Brussels. „. •
Mrs. , and Mrs. Neil' Robb and • son
'Orval, of •Stratford, visited over the •
week -end • at the home of the lady's
sister, Mrs. M: Bosman, and Mr. ''Bos-
man and with other friends;
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Mothers, Mr. and
Mrs. Pharis Slathers and Miss Hattie
Gallagher of Lueknow visited with Mr.
and Mrs., Earl W'3ghtmau.
-Mie-.1' Vm. ,McDowell and Mrs. Wm.
lelcVititie are attending the Presbyterial
meeting' apt Seaforth today.,;,(Tuesday)
A Former Resident ?asses.—?Word
was receivezls"onFridayof the death •
'of Mr. Mark Buchanan of Brussels, who
-passed away ,aftter a -long illness, in
his ninety-first- year. Mr. Buchanan
was bores in Streetsvilie • and came • to
,Wesiifie1d with his parents, who settled
on the' farm now owned by Mr. 'John
-Buchanan,` tri 1880 he' married Jane
Who Passe
-'-d Away
in 1921. He
leaves two-daughters,-daughters,Mrs.rs. Thomas
Strachan and %Miss Florence, at home,
and ',two sons, Ter. Harvey Buchanan
of Deloraine and Ward„o°f,Detroit ; also
five. graiadehiidren. ,The sympathy of
the community is extended to the
bereaved. friends. •
Church, Meetings. --The Y.P.U. met
on Wednesday , evening with about
twenty =present. The meeting 'was led
by Ed.. McGriil, with •Winnifred Campbell
at the piano. The ,Scripture lesson was
read, by Kathleen. McGill from .St. Luke
10:88-42. Rev. , H. • G ,Wilson led in
prayer.. _ The topic, " A. Happy Mar-
riage,”. was givens -by Mrs. Wm. Carter.
The -offering” was received: by, Ray Vin-
eent, The, meeting F,closed: with the
.Vlizpah 'benediction.a..;The regular
monthly meeting of °the W.M.S. was
held on Wednesday afternoon, with an
attendance of thirteen. The meeting
was elfarge of Mrs. 3. L McDo'well'8
group ,and ' was led by Mrs. Wm. -*-
Vitae. Mrs. Wm. McDowell ,presided
at elle piano. The Scripture lesson was=
rtA O'as coe-cleaned, does-•� nh,ot
clinker and is
very-owi'&lhtdson4lard C _ ina
USE— .
1. FORD COKE. A Coke that is• very popular and very high in
lleut. units.
Terribly wearing on the system Is
they 'cough. that comes on at night
and •prevents sleep.
Sometimes it is the constant cough, •
cough that 14will not—be? quieted:
Sometimes it is a choked upt stufcd-
up feeling that 'makes breathing -
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
the remedy yew Beed to give you
elief, for the reason that this prep-
aration contains'the" healing virtues
of the Netway pine tree with Bich ,-
is combined wild cherry, bark, "and
the soothing, healingand expect ect
properties of other exeellent-balsams, , +'
barks and herbs.
The T. Milburn Oo., Ltd:, Toronto, Ont.'
USEt' 4
Our four -pointed- treated FOC�AHONTAS.
• .has peeorne very popular.
ThTheed 3•Jacket Domestic Coal
for your range,. heater, ;furnace • or boiler. Cost in . coal yard,
$8.00 ,per ton, or $8.75 delivered in °Goderieh:
S. C., Lee
the •
This grade of •Coal
P}1oiies—Store 22
House 112
rrbo model 'illustrated is
the liCLMJS11.Iri•sut.CIt;s�;..
SUPER cnodcl51 four• -doe,'
Soaring sedan,
H RE are a lot of thins •about this stunau :dein-Buick to. m. rang �4o Mch claim
youri , y 'cars. t.:
attention— that•.is if you really
to know what's what itt moor ears..
For instance,you've got to admit .from the
way folks are swinging over to McLaughl, n- •"
Busick, that it must have something value-
wise that's important for you to measure."
What rim hear about its nick -off -the.
t, 3i and the silkinessit gets from
marls engine � ,�
balancing after assembly certainly* calls for
And the "rave" notices BuiCOil $piing.
ing'gets, the talk youhear about five-foot
front Seat -room in the upet-finger„flick
transmission — these suggest there's some.
thing here you ought to know about, too.
But even skipping this, there's, one thing
that alone is.enough to send you hot -footing
to your Buick dea!er°.''That's the• fact,.
obvious from. the very Zooks of other Cars,
that as Buick'- goes these day's so . goes the
It sit this year's pace°last year ---and right
now, stylewise, comfort wise and feature'
mise, it is the car others will be lace ” some
So do, the obvious thing: Get try out thiso.
superb traveller., Sit in it,= -Kai 1te its con-
. trls' drive it.
We think we know what the result will
be. Fven, if yoga don't discover that
McLaughlin -Buick is an immediate must,
you'll decide you'll ,ever` be really happy
till you have caned
No need to scrape and scrub
slimy water. A solution*. ref
- Gi1'lett's. Pure Flake Lye'' just
lifts off 'grease layers l+osens
hard baked food . • . takes. the',
drudgery .out of washing up.
I► ti tiri always hasdyt
*Weyer dissolve lye in hot •waiter. The
action of the lye itself -
"'ry heats the water...
GOODYEAR' 1940 L- -
411.We'rti offering tbrifftymotorfstt ,
extra tire value in evet`y., price
, class this ,yearl Nine different
• guaranteed =Goodyears at dif-
if ferent prices' each. "tops" itt ..
value at JO price l
Each has `centre -traction'
tread, twin .protector cord
anduewv Supeet est vers or long,
safe, low-cost service. Drive in
for tires and low»cost Goodyear
tubes today!
F*rF BOOKI.Et •-- The Giliett's Lye
booklet tells how this Porrrtfol C1eatuser
clears c1o;4l'ed clre,ins ... keeps' out.
litAiscselvAltuld deito,y7si5
the contents of the closet ... h!,vv it
ii;etfcrnut dozens of tasks. Send for e
ft�tr coy to Stendord Brand Mel...
!Ansel Ave., rod Liberty street,
Toronto. Ont. ;'