HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-25, Page 1444 'tee Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star GODEItICH; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1940 COUNCIL DOINGS FORESHADOW AcroarnEs, OF COMING SUMMER - Opliosition to Waterway Seb.enie to Be Organized at 0011ing'WOOd PreSeedings .at, the Meeting Of the Town. Genell on Friday night last, re., 'vealing house-lsailding projeets, tolvn • band activitiessand tree -planting, Sewer extension and sidewalk eenstruetion 'Proposals, 'indicated .asclearly as the calendar the epPreach 4e.f The sup.Iner . season. Engineer Archibalds=wase-On., hand to confer further With1he .cil ,vvith. regard to the harbor rtia,d)Sre- ject, but the dismission took pipe in e'oirunittee and nOrePert =Amami' tteds All the members of Council ,were pre- sent, ^but Councillor Iiuelsina excused himself at. 9 o'clock ,en'' aceount a an- other engagement and any discussion a the Chief of Police'aituation waS Put ever to Another meetings Three tiPPlica,tiona for building -per- - rafts were presented ;''Prom Mrs. 0, Hetherington, for a glass verandah. on ' her neWIY-Ptirehased dtvellieg OnsWater- loo street; from J. B. Reynolds, or a ,•• garage On Claiborne street, and from 'Mrs. A. D., McLean, for the re -roofing of a portion .ofsa. house en Elgin evenile. J. A. .011iSholnee application, for the -removal of a tree in frent a his .re- sideace on Bruce street was sent to the eemetery and perks :committee. A letter from the secretary -treasurer' of the Blue 'Water 'Highway Association at Sarnia ?acknowledged receipt of the remittance of $390 to cover this town's contribution . to Association sexpenses for 1940, and expressed appreciation of the promptness shown.- - ' A Dangerous Washout• . &letter from G. L. -Parsons, of the -.).Goderich Elevator 'Cot,: infertile& the. Council* a efforts made to lave .either , the -Ottawa -Department •of roue Werksor the OanadienNational Rail ways make needed rePairs at the east *en of the harbor; wherethe water has ashed litvay the earth right upto the. 1 reilway, tracks. . 'Phetographs aecrOM.- , panying the letter showedwhat looked like a very dangeraus condition for heavy trains patting over the tricks, - to say nothing of the ditnger that un- wary pedestrians. , might fail into the. immense hole. ' . • S,:'MaYor pointed out that the-cave- sinIS At the end of a town Street. The, , :railways he said, had' had the use of -the -itieetLeuct, for Many years •without • 'charge aid the least it Mild do was to keep it in repair. • - Asked at� whether there was arty agreement between the railway and the town as to the Use a •the_ street end, the Mayor said he did not, know -it would be too far box% Seventy, years or more. . . The water, lighe'and harbor cora- snittee was . asked ta investigate and report. ' The Town, Band . W. H. Blackstone, Harold. Neweembe and George James formed a deputation ..from •the Musical Society asking for ithe iegular grant for the town hand. The, COunelj was Informed thatsRo Breekenridge had undertaken the lead-' ership of the band this Year and that as scam as the summerseoneertt were .o,ker Mr. Blackstone would begin the instruction"of A Mass* of new playera. New instruments 'would he required, as well as other eqaipment, and financial support was needed.; - • , The deputation departed with the as- • surance that their request vvould re- •ceive due consideration. G. W. LaithWaite and 'O. 'Harrisen were Present to ask'for the extension - of the sewer-systeni-tosStanierstreets Mr. Harrison, who:conies from Detroit; has ,acquired v. dWelling-house on that street and intends to make extensive imProveraeatess ' The matter was left in the ,hands of - the public soria ecomnaittee, ' A ,communication frothe Ontario Depmrtment of Highways advised that the Department vfar faking over hate the Provincial road r Y the Maitland River bsridstQl gegirte-bialdo end ofsCambriti road. e • A resolution from Kitchener with reference, to working hour e for feinale labor -id factories was sent to the spec- ial committeee. . • letter from A W Laver* Of the Toronto 'dcliltr resen—Vor_ public: welfare - 'advised the CO ncil of a tonference on .social Wsetk tO be held .in thAt _City May 20stel'23 and intrited attendance. *This too was Sent to the special corninittee, s • ' • The Men ef the Trees, Toronto, `La buttery society of lovers of trees,' ote stating that it had•aTemisiderable nu7mber 'erten to twel-ve-fot trees for free distribution for public planting: The public works and parks committees were given power to aet in this matter. Opposition -4a Waterway Scheme A •communiCaticat front the Coiling - wood Boerd of Trade advised of a' meetingeto be held at CollingsVood on, Wednesday evening or this Week to initiate a definite campaign' In opposi- tion to the Great Lakes deep avateewey Pr6jeel. • , • 40 VALI, FAIR Boarl D eeities rep the Annual This Near At a meeting of the direetors •ot the •Goderiels.Agricultural Society, held at Ute Town Halt' on Saturday afternoon, it wag deckled not to hold *the fall fair this . year, The depision followed, a recommendation 'of the, finance eoms snide% the reasons given being °lack ,of publies`elijaport and the' Uneatistactery condition of the Society's finances..." In place of the fair, Which has been an annual event for isW4V1Y a hundred ,years, it is proposed to. hold a held day. Another decision was to proceed with the field crop, emapetitione number of faniters having made entry. The 'eettpetition this year will be in Vanguard oats, PORTER,--011,A11BERi The Holmesville ehlirch par- sonage was the, scene of a quiet wed - (Ong en Wednesday afternoon, April 17th, when Rev. H. Wilding united ill marriage Alice Adeline, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Chambers a Goderich, formerly of Taylor's Corner, and'Ilr. William Kitchener Porter, son of the late Mr. endeMre. Richard Porter of Porter's Hill. Theebride looked eharming in a navy blue' tailored, suit with matching accessories. ,She was 'attended by her sister, Miss Doris Chambers of Goderich, as bridesmaid. The groomsman, was Richard H. Porter, bWin brother of the bridegroona. After the ceremony Mr. and'ISIrs. Porter left oe a motor trip to Detroit. 'Prior to her marriage the bride wasthe guest of honor ata kitchen shower at the School at Taylor's Corner. She also: Was' tendered shower by friend -A -in Goderich. - . • • • SHITii-WHEELER Holy Trinity e Anglican church,' Patricia Bay, B.C., was the seetieg for an interesting military weddieg on\ Thursday, April 18th, when MISS Gertrude Ida Wheeler, daughter of Mr. elle Mrs. J. R. Wheeler,,Goderich, was married to Mr. Owen Ronald Smith of Patricia Bay airfield, Vancouver Island; B.C., son of Mr. and. Mrs. Olaude R. 'Smith of Windsor, N.S. • Rev, • %I'. R. Lancaster officiated,. and Mit. Butler. was at the organ., iConimanding Officer R. Begg, Reeek,r„ geve the :bride in marriage, and she wore a navy blue suit' With white accessories and cor- sage of pink roses.- Mrs, Geraldine Hodge of Patricia Bay, her attendant, was gowned in black with passionate pink accessories and corsage of. carna- tions: Mr. A. H. Smith, et.C.A.F., Pa - Weld 'Bay, was groomsman, and the ushers were 'Flying Officer *Diamond- and-. Sergeant Rusher, Patricia Bay. Te wedding was attended by all the, airmen stationed at Patricia' Bay air- field. After a reception at the Domin- len 'Rotel, the 'bride and bridegroom left for Victoria, and they willlive- at Patricia Bay on their return. „ fhe' Mayor stated that he 'would be imahle to attend, and the Reeve was appointed to represent the Connell, With the Deputy Reeve and any councillors who may be Able to go., orinnittee Reports The 'finance emennittee passed a num- her' of accotents and recommeeded that the 'Collegiate leetitute reqttioitioe of $18,29.123 for the year 1040 be laid weer for furtift eonsideration. The public :evorke committee recom- mended, -with reference, to the •proPosed north Toad to the harber, that the solic- itor .and -the •engineer. be asked for re- ports- on the application to erose the tracks, ana that an application be mettle to the Doteinion Minister of 'Transport for a lease of land between 4lie north' pier and the river break.- wetee, The pUblie work o committee also :m- eaner:celled the sale of a lot on Eldon street at $.60 and, of two part lots on • Elgin aven9 at $75 each. Tlie Pur FOR INTEReilEDIATE BASEBALL, • In order. to determine just what pros- pect there is.of putting ansintermediate baseball team on the diamond this year, it is asked that players and all others • . s • interested gather, at Vieteria. Park next Monday 'evening, at 6.45 teclock. It is believed there it suffielent good Material in town to make a good team, if players are suffieiently Interested to turn out. -chasers- of the -two -properties .orrElgiii avenue are to agree to builds houses* on them this ssear and the buyer of the Eiden street lot is • 'removing to it an old littildiag from 'tt'sot-oh iSbith street belongingto the Tops. 'These Various properties were acquired .4, the...Tosen at, tax sale. •' • . • • Recoininendations of the special:corn- mittee were that the Vievetake up with...the COMO COunell, the Matter' of hospital charges for indigent patients; that the inggettion of the resignation; of, the Chief of Police be referred back to the whole •Counell for Consideration ; that junk yard licenses be granted to Frank Helteic, corner Peek street • and Britetnnia_ road, Mike Kennedy, : Vic- eteria etreet, and Max ,Frankei, kait, landroad, that the solieltoi ,be 'asked to prepare a bylaw for ,the licensing a auto wrecking lots. Timecemetery and perks .conernittee recommended thanhe (Meer of the re- freshment- stand on Cobourg street be %teethed to remove' it at once. The_water, light and harbor 'cone:nit- tee eecommended that a grant "et, be made to the Board of Trade towards the.expenses of,.themariners' banqaet of April .16th.• - • , !These reports were all adopted. e New Style Of SideWallt The north side of St. David's street, from Kingston to *Cambria; is still with. out a hard -surface sidewalk, and itis proposed to put demi a tar or asphalt walk, Whieh, Would be cheaper than one of the usual cement type, doing away With tbe necessity of issuing de- henttnes. 'The public' works committee. was asked to get estimates of cost and report. " " ateeye Turner complained of slowness on the part" eef the Public Commission ' in retiewing burnt-out etreet lights. The Mayor thought that anybody who notleed lights out should notify the COmMiSsion, but the Reeve held that the iCommission should make Trequeht elieck-ups t� 8ee that lights Were bunting, In this eounection Clerk 1(210X stated there had been no reduction in the nydro charge for . street lights or twelve years or :more. , The tire eommittee Was authorieed to get prices on a louder tire alarm siren :le requested' by the fire brigade. The ,COmiell went into committee of the whole to Older With Engineer Arehibald with referenee to the Pro* posed new road to the harbor and to other in:there. , THE ANNUAL PRESENTATION • On Saturday.rmorning Capt. a. Earl 'Tonkin 'brought the tanker Acedialite, into. Goclerieh harbor, the firstarrival of the season, and , here he is shown with the ancient -silk topper Which is the traditional gift on. this annual -occasions' The silk hat is exchanged for a new - fedora. Members of the grottp .in front of,the Town Hall, left to right.: Colin. P. E. Bingham, john Warren, II, Bel% Tichbernee A., E, Hockiey, I). R. Nairn, X, D. Thomas, Coen. J. W. Craigie,e Omen. W. J. Baker, G.' L. Parsons, Capt. Jenkin, MayerIT T A.-araeVwan,. le L. •Knox, • Conn, D.. Sproul, N. R. 'MacKay, W. H. Robertsorte • ; • _ -"-77 ANNUAL MEETING OF BAPTIST CHURCH The annual meeting of the Goderich Baptist- clutreh was held Wednesday evening, April' rah, With a good mine! sentatiOn of thesnlembershiP Presents After SUPPer, which- was prepared and Serveciby the Xoung Women's Mis- sion Circle,' the pastor; Itevs A. J. Mil - 'igen; called the meeting to Order:. Re- ports from the, various departments o the, ehtirchwork were presented and they reflected* great credit' upon the membetiot. the differentsocieties, -The. minutes as read by the clerk, Lloyd Raithlay, recorded the leaving of Rev. S.' R. McClung-- .to take hp.. his sneer duties at Beainsville, and also the'coms nig of 4ev4 A. J. Milligan fain Sher- brooke, Que. The .statistical report showed a slight- increase -in the member- ship and the financial report' was rafist eneouraging. , • The„ officers elected for the year are at follows: Sunday school superintend7 Mit,. S. Greenslade; Assistant superin- tendent, Lloyd Ralehby ; church clerk, Lloyd . Raiteby ; financial, secretary - treasurer, S. 'Greenslade; missionary treaSurer,MisS Velma Reynolds; organ... ist, Mrs. S. Greenslade; assistant organ- ist, Mrs. W. Donialdion'; foe communion table, Mrs. Geo. Jelinston, Mrs. A., Clut- ton; deacons, Jas. Campleell, 4..Beev- ers, A. . Wilkins, Hamilton Clutton; trustees, Hunte • Glutton, A. Beevers, Tas._ Campbell; ' :ushers, A. Wilkins, Douglas Johnston, James Campbell, W. DonaldSonsWin. Miller, Bert Campbell, Geo. Johnston, Lloyd Raithby ; tellers, A. Beevers, Lloyd RaithbysMisses Vera e and Alberta Osbeldeston; auditors, Geo. Johnston, A. Wilkins; church board, A. Wilkins, Hamilte'n's Clutton, James Campbell; A. Beevers, Hume Clutton, S. Greenslade, Lloyd Raitleby, .Gordon Lahti), Geo. :Johnston, W. Donaldson. ' rixtsT.BpAT IN Capt. J. Earl Jenkin Gets the Hate- Aeadialite Arrives Saturday Morning First boat to enter Goderieh harbor this eeeson *as the Imperial Oh tanker ,Aeaslialite, which arrived Saturday morning front Sarnia with a cargt;.ef all 'The Imperials Oil boats carry non - s Union crews and So were not affected by the strike.' • ° Strike Over and Freighters Depart "ve Aett=e0"0:Zodso,""*** Five actions are listed for hearing at A. Ai Hudson. 044, Away v4th the,- non jury Seesious of the Selpreme .13keleton. Crew iwhile' Strike Stilt On CASES irp SUPREME COURT The eeainen's6trilie which leafletted up lake truffle for Six daye Was called off on Saturday evening, a tentative set_tlenteet having -been reaehed be- tween 'the Seanien'e Uneen • andtile steaenSbip coMpanies, .Ttee ComPanies conceded an inereaSe of $7,50 a .month.° in the parof each ai1or, arultheetlier demands of the Union, notably the ad- dition of one Man to eagh ship's crew and the establishing -of a "closed shop," are tolee settled.by arbritation. Over 150 sailors in OOderich gave ventetietheir feelings, -when news of the settlentent was received en Saturday night, by parailieg around the Square and down West etreetto the harbor, the' while singing and shouting happily. "They lost no time in collecting their luggage and boarding their respective boats. Ships Make' Their Departure Aelargeeeroved. of townspeople gath- ered at the harbor to watch the ships as they prepared to set out, but it was not until after midnight that the first vessel pulled away' from the pier: The stx- Wm- SObuId) Was the first to depart and she was e1.9sely. followed' by the SaskadocsAlgocen, Algosteel, Mstntadoc, Oatedoe; ',Dayton and Algorail.' The *tr. .A.2 A. Hudson was actually the first vessel to leave the harbor tide year, having departed on Friday _Morn- lage,for Windsor •with only a, skeleton erewe of six men, including Captain Dalton leadson, two mates, two. engineers and a purser. The nucleon carried a cargo of salt froni the Gode- rich Salt 'Corapany, The Ars. Anna CsAlinch, Starwell and Prindoc cleared on Sunday afternoon. ---- The lerindoe-was- delayed.- for -several hours by an gecident which occuri,ed 'in . the, galley. It was reported that sannnonia had leaked -out of, the -ship's refrigeration_ plant', the .funiet. filling the engine room to such aii.. extent that the engine crew was forced to Shut ff steam and decamp until the fumes„ had cleared. The bow of the ship' had'4efendant. No defence has been filed. just passed the end of the pier when Another divorce actin listed is that -- the difficulty arose. The shiP • was of Wilfred Ross versus Evelyn Miss, packed to its 'original 'berthwhile the his wife, and'Ernest LeMay, co -respond - refrigeration plant was repaired. It gut. The plaintiff IS a Stanley town - was late „afternoon before, the ship shipefarineie His wife now resides cleared„ . . near St: Marys. They were married The _Riverton cleared on Monday at, Stratford on December 15, 1932,iby morning and the James P. Geist:man Rev. Mr. Stanley ,tyf the United Chareh: and Brieoldoc left •in the afternoon. The plaintiff asks custody of the two The Starves*, Mantodoc and Ontadec children. R. C. Rays, K.C., for plain: headed for Lake Erie, while the others tiff; W, B. Henderson, London, set. -out for Port William. for defendants. ° Although rumors- • °of • impending , • .PER§ONAL ' MENTION - _clashes between non-union men :and • Captain J. Earl Jenkin Was brought up- town and givenac civic welcome at the Town Hail, and was presented with hat in token Of his 'aeltieVeraeut in making.the first, arrival of the.. season. Thepresentation was made by Mayor eleibEwaii° in' the'breseigreir eIrthei- ing of citizens, -includie4 several mem- bers ..of the Town Couricil. His Wor- ;Shill expressed special pleasure in pre- senting the hat to a Goderich old boy, as 'Captain Jenkins belongs to a former, well-knownelocal family. • s ---" s Th.e Captain in returning, thanks for the 'gift "said. -he was glad to see his - home port was getting A geed Shari -of business ane hoped it would continue to do so., This was. the second time Capt. Jenkin had Won the hat -here, as he brought in his- ship 1» 1932 for the first arrival ° at. this port.- Town Clerk , Kn.ox7.delved into his memorandum leoiele.,anti• came ;up with the informatioli that the dates of ar- rival in 1932 Was April 5th. Firet ar- rivals in other year .were as follOws 1933, April 23e 1.934, April 27; 1935,, April ; 1936, April 29; 1937, April - 8 ; 1938, April 5; 1939, April 20; 1940, April 20. • • A panoramic picture of the -harbor with the _ large winter fleet of 1928 also was presented to Captain Jenkin. The Simeolite of the Imperial -Oil fleet was the second 'arrival of the season, coming in • Saturday erxning with gasoline. * The ' master Of the Simeolite' also is aeGoderich boy, Cap- tain Davidson:. . • THE TIRE RECORD A 'light sedan, the, property. of J,. W. Petrie, Clinton, was almost totally de- stroyed -When e fire broke out init early iSbiada.y, morning as it stood Parked above- the Maitland River, -about three miles east Of Goderich. Mr. Petrie, along ,With font comPaniorts, had left -the automobile with the intention o ettingthrtu-few, hours' -fishing. "One' of ''the inen 'in (the party chanced .to glance . up the hill and saw a thin .stream of smoke coming ‘from the back of the car. A 'phone call .was sent in to the •Goderieh fire department' from a VICTORIA STREET W.A. . The W.A. of Victoria stre.et United church met at the homeof 1)),Irs. 0. Sonley. elree Phillips took charge of the devotional period: The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Phillips and Mrs .• Brown read an• old poem from ,White Tidings. eThe -Obligations of Friendship" were read by Miss Worthy and ',an appropriate reading was_given be Miss elaedel by memory. Mrs. Phil- lipseofeered prayer. - Mrs'. Thsecidetsrthe president, theist took eharge of the busi- ness part, Arrangemeets Were made for a music recital, to be held shortly by theschurch organist and tWo soloists and for -an anniversary slipper on May 27th, when. the guest. speakeivill bee Rev. E.V. era* of Peterboro, aeformer pastor of the church here, Mrs. Phil- lips closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs.. Smiley and her assistant hottess •served.luneli and a socialehalf-hour was ,well spent' by the members andetheir friends, s Pte., 'Rosi Pennington, of the Essex Scottish. Regimeet, returned to.Windsor on Sunday after ,fourteen days' leave Which hespent viaitiag hie parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles .Pennington of town, and . friends at 'Wlughain and 'Carlow. Itoss it the lad who. metoreycled to Windsor eatly 18 Septemberlast to en- list; thieetime he travelled by bus and train. " Marmlionee several hundrethyards :Eat. Chemicals were used to put out the blaze, but only the' engine and to front wheels of the ear remained un-. damaged.- The fire is believed' to have been ,started by eitherea short Wrenn or a lighted eigarette earelessly tossed in- the back seateofethe ear, - On ,Saturday when fire from a lighted rubbish heep threatened -to sPrea.dto the back shed at the home of Elliott ,Drennan,- Britannia road,' the's" lire brigade was summated,. and all danger was soon removed. .'-'...-- . , w7 efr. Arden Aitken was up frorti'Lon: don for Sitnday laccompanzaiigitev. Dr. Mae:Nit-en, sell'o preached at North street United chureh. • ' FIRST ARRIVAL' Or 1040 eeeesaises of the Imperial 011 tanker fleet:Wluieh brought it eargo of oil to the Imperial Oil depot here on- Sattirdae' morning, APrit 20, the first arrival of the 1940 season at this port. Court for the Countyof Huron which, open' here next Tuesday, APril 30, at 2 p.m, Mr,. "justice Nieol Jeffrelf wae to Preside, but he` is reported 'ill: substitute has not yet been nalne0. Wading the list, in point a intereee Is the ease of Vere D. Cunningham) of Colborne tieeetehip, who is suiag the West Wawenosh Muruat Fire Insur- ance Company for 0108,55 for less and • damage by lire elaiined under a lire insurance policy. 'Interest of Jive per cent: per annum from September 20, 1039, also is claimed. ' Tbe ease of Frederick William Watts versus Minnie Cudmore, S. J. Watts, r. It. Watson and. May Lawson, all of Clinton, for possession of a house in Olinten, is a family °dispute. It has already had several adjournraents. Two wills of the litigants' father 'allegedly existed when he diede Undue influence ts.claimed to have ,been used. at the time thesecond will was drawn. Frank Vingland,' X.C., for plaintiff; L. E. Dancey, ,K.C., for defendant. , Jacob Brown, gay township farmer, brings action on behalf of himself and all other creditors of -one of the de - fondants,. Luella Browiree 'Orville A. Witmer. and Anetta Simeon also are named as defendants. They: live in Zurich, The claim is for $010,25, matinee loaned. to Luella BroWn,.and a declare - time that conveyances which •she made were for the purpose of defeating the plaintiffeend other creditors in theeteole lection of their just claims. L. E. Daneey, K.C., for plaintiff; 'McConnell' and ll'afee Seaforth, for defendants. Mrs, jettn Morand, of Goderieh, seeks a divorce,from her husband,. Real Mar - ands �f- Three Rivers, Quebec, formerly of Goderielt. The couple were 'married sat -Three Rivers -on- Mae-48,103re by priest; whose name the. plaintiff is 'unr able to state., They hivedi as man and wifessmntil August 1,.1936. Theresar no °children. .Rose Gingras Of -Three Rivers Is named as coereepondent Ali- mony, also is asked. * L. E. 1)ancey, K.C., forplaintiff; R. C. Hays, K.C., for the strikers were rife all last week, -nethirig came of them. Provincial Con- Rev 4 Dr. MaeNiven at North St. Ch Large Corigregalions Stirrii4 Addream by Isondon Kixdster 0.0 The anuiversarY eistrIvea street United clihreit en Sunday leet were attended bY large eoUgregatloom The visiting preacher yea* Bey. W. efaelseiver, Delee,, of Metropolitan Vaitet Church, London, whe delivered WO strong, forthright sermons that wen. " heard With rapt attention, ,•. , At. the raerning eereiee 1)r- *.a-k-Niveit took as his Subjeet "A Great Iteeolve,* bis tiptt being from Joshua 24:16-4,4 Lan 'Mewed -my house, we will Serve th. Lord.' 'The eeratent Was a -plea fur ths. revival of religion he elle home. ' xg the homes- were Christian all wottletee be well with the church and 'with teee world, said tlieepeeacher.DeserIbing a:picture by Geoege Reid 18 the chapel , of Victoria „College, -Toronto, , entitled "Family Prayer," the speaker said that Reid had plethred eee . venereal whelk Robert Burns had pictured In. eTbe .Cottar'e,Satueday Night." --a family at Christian worship, a Scene that engels might envy. Parents Who waeleed * the way of light -end led their Children • in that Way were leaving to them A, Matchless fortune, a beritage that ex- ceeded in value everything else. If our land were filled with homeof this kind . there would be different Ontario and a different ehtiech. The ' preacher said he lied spent twenty-six years in the 'West,, and on reternin4 to Ontario a year. or ,.t.We' ago. 'he had. noticed a tremendous change; the old moral and epirituar e landmarks were ,silently but stirele. Passing away. , With the family, altar gone andnothingbut the bridge table to take its ,pmace, we werem great edaegee,- It. was tiiii.e; lee deelAroor; '14 make a determined effort to •etem tine ' tide .of paganism that - Challenged, the', old "*.eilliefale: -andeeelilieritar stead -4144i. — rat ets and Mothers 'should rpause to ' reall are and egtoete preserve - them Ir resolve reel) eider What the .values , of Wee Lan their children -Atte forcoininggenet- aliens. The home was the finidamental - institution. of human society; and the ' teaching- of the home were what deter- . mince the morel values , that clirecte4 the children of the home. teiroughout their lives. .. "Inevitable Restate" : In the evening the service of Victoria street church was withdrawn and many menibers of that congregation were at North eteeet, their pastor, Rev. C. 36. '. Brown, .assisting Bete W. P. e'Lane, . pastor Ot ;the North street Church, , in . conducting the service. . Rev. Dr. ,MaeNiven's subject was "In- • ,evitable Results," his text, being,frover, Galatians- 6 f-'7, 8 -,;."Be not detierveds God Is not mocked.; for whatsoever a _ man seweth, that Shall he als0 VW). For he that soweth,to his flesh shall of the flesh reap. corruption;. but be that eowetheto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap .life 'everlasting." ee .ee The preacher said the age was reek- ing with moral irresponsibility. e Maze however,: was the Maker. of his own: diny ; in common parlanee,' he "ease* '.. pais the. buck." The Moral law 0.Per- • a ed as inevitiablv in thespiritual world as ' did the natural law in the, agricultural world: "whatsoever a mare soweth, that shall he also rearCr These words, he said, Shaaldbe written on the walls . of 'every eclassiooM in't 'country, trete the.primary classes to the'-uttiversitye ee,e-' " • . The speaker deplored the 'gambling senrit that has taken hold of the people; it cultivated the idea that man eould -reap a hareetheemethotitesowingeat- a& - Dory hunaan being,' he saide,ereated ail, atmosphere that infiumiced thoseeehom sta,ble P. E. McCoy maintained a patrol returned from a two weeks' trip to New, Mr. and Mrs. G. G; MeHarcly have. -of policemen whenever trouble threat- ened, and no difficulties were eX- perieneed.' NOTES OF THE STRIKE , • Provincial ',Constable Lorne Ruther- ford -saw so much of sailors last week ,that he raust have looked andfelt like one by .the time Sunday rolled around: e'a . hpha- andii cep,which, by te way,. em he was able to don eivies and pa sized his boyish-couneenance. "I say, mate, do you want a a senor said to him on Suietlay after- noon. "Sure,?' answered the conetable. "Well, if you can wheel get dawn to thaJGeistman right away 1 Jot quit the job, -e the sailor said. :•fe: kay,"• !came back the M llinion of. th mawe The-sallorl- a Sarnia, boys wasSinshots pita], twenty-nine days with pneumonia last: winter and after a night on the boat he decided he "couldn't take it," the lake weather being too cold. . • "The old -man wes at the wheel and the chief was stets& -her," was the manner in which one sailor described the departure of the Hudson on Friday raofning with a licensed, crew of Cap- tain Dalton' Hudson, two mates, tveo engineers and a -purser. • Captain Hudson advised his crew on the pier not to attempt to board the boat, but to -follow It to Windier, where a cargo of motor cars would be ,added to the. 1700 tons of salt etbeara, and by the time the cal% were loaded the strike wouldlikely be oyet, Most 021 the crew left for Walkervele • by mOtor the seine day, , The Iladson cleered at 9.15 letiday' rooming," the ffrst boat to. leave poet this seaton; , It was aPeolient to all on Seturdey morning that the strike Was moving be a cliniax, one way or the other. Two autentobile loads bf Strike-breakers ar- rivee from Penetangeishene and Mith ilea.° to 'Masi the -Ontadoe, Vat -they turned back at the foot of the ladder to talk to 'Union. Veltets and after a shert talk they decided to joinethe.estrikers. They were given three dicers ane a tiger. - Although it was announced over the radio at 0.30 p.m. Saturday,. and the' telephone andtelegraph had breught news of •a settlement to the eaptains of the boats before tJat, It WaS not until 8 p.m., that Unions headquarters at the Marine Club received official notifteaS tion to withdra* the pickets. BY that time only a dozen men rein:abed in the hall for the reading of the efficial an nouncemeet by John Simpson, Union leader in charge et the strike here. • 'THE WEATHER' .'11ic temperatures for the met week and ,for the corresponeing week of laot year, as eflicially recorded were as follawe : York. and Detroit. - Miss Claire Reynolds' returned' home last week after spending thewinter mOnths at Mazy, NS., the guest of Mrs. W. R. Miner: ° and Mrs. Bill McGee and daugh- • ter, ofToronto, end kr.. and' Mrs. Clarence Purdon, of illamiTton, visited on -Sunday at he herae Of ithe latter' Parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Brown- lee, ,..Anglesea street. . Mr. Harold K. Turner of the It.C.A.F. , Technical Training School, St. Thomas, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Robe E.• Turner; "'Elgin avenue.- - • Rev. Dr. A. E. M. Thomson of Ottawa -Visited with his sisters, Ili's. Walters and Mrs, Hern, this week on his way to Windsor and Detrele. • „Mr. and Mrs. T. 11 Miiiion, of BO- Nere • were the guests of Mrs. :E: A. Million, Victoria street, over "the Week -end. . . • • ROYAL TOUR PICTURES , With Musical Program at North Street United Church lOnday Night ' sArt entertainment of .note will be °given. at 'North street, United Church next Monday night, when The Toronto Star's pictures of the royal tour of 1939 will be shown and 4n addition there will be a program of 'musical numbers.. A silver deflection will :be taken at the' door. .The musieal Program will in - elude vocal solos by Miss IViadeleine Lane, Mr. C. "Meakilis and Mr W ,Attridg‘_a_viorinArabilier b Mrs. Oak- ley, a Medley of Sottish songs by a 'ladies' quartette (Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Dffelop, Mrs. Revell ,and Mtge Mister, a, trio number -by -Misses E. Allin, Howell and M. Buchanan, ehoruses by the church Choir, an organ solo by Mr. J. $. teranee and a piano atid• orgau deet by Miss A. Howell and Mr. France. he met ;. the .choice ef words, the One.. . ef voice might 'affect Ohio person for good, 'or lIl through a lmfethne„ Oe might radiate joy, or gloom. -One's at- titude, one's, words, were busy • tlanige that _went on influencing those who save or heard them, No Man, was clever enough to ' outwit the enteral mw 'or shrewd„ enough eo deceive God. Both morning and evening the choir. • ?Under the direetbart of Mr:I.:Trances , organist, gave splendid'eleadershipeise% the service of ,prae. At the Morning. service a duet, "Mine Where the Lilieo Bloom.,” was sung by Misses Shirley Doherty and. Eleanor Neleon. of Strat- ford, In • the !evening Miss Dte.hertt sang a solo, He elittll reed Me Mocksang aier a duet, ."Watelimetn, 'What of the Night," -was contrihnted. by Sergeant P. Moore- of eklitehell end- Mr. Ralph, Henderson. An "anthem, was rettlered at each service by the feel -choir and e at the morning .service there Was also aix.anthem 'by the Ingle voiees. • Smelts and Suckers Make Great Sport,, The secomr annual harvest" is in full swing here and et Port Albert and other points on Luke *Huron. ' Lit- erally latrshels of this delectable fish, a neweonier to local waters, have been ("alight duringthe past few 'days., °. News that eatell eleee7e, were catching smelts with bare baridr18 fliikeNinee Mile River at Pore Albert spread like wildfireramong Goderich sportenien and every night sinte *Parties have' been erganized to visit the liohing grounds. The catch, per tingle..a.Veraged about two hundred an hour. As many as fourteen Goderich automobiles were counted at Port Albert at one tirae4 Pair results also were obtaineesin day- time. 'Smaller catches have been made In tile Maitland Vtiver, near the golf course„ high water Mailing fishing, dif- 1040 1939 fleet% ifax.'Mine leta.00mere Last holt, at 'Port Albert, it Is Thurs., Apri1,18...43 32 50 40 estiimiteel that 150 from all parts of Fre, April 10 „,,.es 31 ,• 34 Huron county caught about half a ton Sat., April, L'a 38 51 34 edyte,m,v,ocraentestiaii '°I.i.iirantfli:uhtlitogin7s.:6(°f:138am.ivaleek.ltest.6 Some ot the 6portcmen who haVe hee' putting Port Alb6lt Oi the map theee Sun., April 21 e..44 Moe., April 22,,,...34 Tues., April 23' ....4 Wed., Allele ft4 efe 62. 10 31 54. 39 28 , 53 42 ao 14 02 ditYs are judge Costello, George' Broivrs; It. Os Hays, Ned Sale; "Bud" Stardy, "Bud" -Wieland, !'Skipperl McDonald:, Biil Itennister, hththo lvens; Perey,. Gliddon, Eiterett e'llolee Elliott, • Pere* aleCoy, Jack Lauder, Doc 1Vallace, MeLean. Ed. :Webb, Archie Jolieston, eCooey" McDougall, jalzie aleDougalk, Ilarvey Griffith, R. Storiehoiise and °the ere. There Was muchliooting and •elling among the ouciter lishere es they waded in with netsded quite a few of there got a ducking when they missed their footing. Mamie; the at,11110terElf" EOM* of whom lat've 'already developed it landing net stroke more Scientific tint* even that of the best golfer, many pairs,-; of waders and long eubber boot!! were illied with water. This morning the wife of one sneelt enthusiast told eer husband that If he ever weitt smeIt. fishing to Pert Albert again he eoul4 stay there. IlVeryelt6 'MSS be hae goad. tillIN One party of five from teeolerieh get :eV- pounds of smelts AS well as SOO pounds of suekrs In about three holm Vounelllor John9lon i4 Aqh004 tirlother of the INhers and to* away ilve bran iacks.ltm.of ;meters. I,