HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-11, Page 3IVW Attridge's Letter , Mr. Attridge's letter; dated April 5th, was as follow*: . • Pear ISirs,-Many events have hap- ed•thia'past week that have serious- 11,Andonvenieneed us in the perform- ance' of our business, mainly in con,' nection With delivery ofparts to the boats in the harbor, As you well know, . it is impessible'. for u,to drive -our truck to the far side -of the harbor and 'We are forced to end way a .an means .of delivering heavy machinery parts tce the boats either by boat or by rail. -Last week we had one large piece of equipment to deliver to one of the boats: which *mild have tog" us $30. by rail, for which expense the boat would not pay.. The ice conditio,n was very had •-and we were unable to deliver it by boat, consequently We were forced to. hold_it_here for two days against the wisheW; of the chief - engineer of the boat, as his inspector was in town wait lug to pass on the repair job. Finally the part Was delivered two days late by. Oat, but unfortunately Mr. MacDenald broke his propeller in crashing througe, ,Armers, Advised the • , ice. This, nee4lees delay, bacon- laYtipige4d.il'aihr nurnAtseeISSiierdie'Vrt -0B ilhaveilcil would Wake) up to the fact that a roadway is definitely, ,iecessat"P'Einti must be provided very Soon. '4 ' We estimate that each of the fifteen boats in the harbor . spends a sum of approximately $4,000 in the town, or a total sum of $60,000, and this figure may,,,eyen he conservative: This busi- ness has- beenspread over •the food Stores, clothing stores, laundry people, -machineshops; welding shops,. dreg Stores; and many others - too numerous. to mention. From -conversations with the chief engineers of some of : the Main boats we have ;learned to Our utter disappointment that a number of these boats will definitely make it a 'point to avoid Goderieli next year, and ,frankly -Wt cannot blame :them, for .doing. so. We charge them for light, for Water, provide •fire equipment with no means to get at it and do not pro- vide a roadway for them to get in their supplies. Other towns .such -ns, Calling-, wood, 'Owen Soiled and Midland quo, vide boats Staying in their harbor with. lights, free water; and an; excellent mean's of transportation.: . This matterhas been bought to. your attention on numerbus occasions and we are sorry to learn that.action has been shelved. In Our opinion 'this: Is a -very serious matter and, unless Some, definite action is taken by yourselves at once,youwill have fewer beats in Your that whieh existed at the beginning of harbor next fall s. very dissatisfied thelast yvar, when submarines were element among the tradespeople, and impeding shipments of British cargoes you :can only blame yourselvee for itof foodstuffs and when there was not Another instance is the coal pile of a surplus,offoedstuas in the world and, the Goderich Salt CompanY'.. which is the ' demand was equal to or even stored • next to the Western Canada greater, than the supply." " ,,. , • • • Flour Mills. Due to the cramped Farmers in .Ontario should carry on — ers'-'-aeallable--to- them, they -hay „aseuauale he tueitelee'seloing A Attie bet to pile their coalthirty or more feet ter the things they .have been deft in high, and, due to the sulphui content in the past.. Each farmer ski:Alla' keep in eoal,„heating,takes plate whee the coal mind. a wartime program that will fit is Piled too high. A Month or more into peace time ,Before increasing the ago the pile was -within ten degrees of production' of any particular commod- igniting and If Ta tie took place the 10- he should feel assured that there coal would' have been destroyed at a is going to be an enlarged demand for _______________________________ that product, '•=-•--'--4----' -- -- ' • . '4,Foi0 theetnamediate future at least increaned, efficiency aPPeers to. be the - enlye'etf„'ee,tiee oetlet. The . average farmer can achieve ifili-b-jr watching is breeding operatioes, by keeping up quality, by improving, the fertility of Ins Soil, by selecting the most Suitable grains • for his particular :,district, by growing Moreof his own :concentrates , and by enekeasing legume production." , ..... i. Officers .elected at the afternoon ses- sion are; President, ,Itussell borianee; reeve of .11cItillop; first vice-presiderit, James IL Robinson,- St. Marys ; second. ' vice president, ' William OC'S-Tireheie' Crediton; secretary, .T. a Shearer, -Clin- ton ; assistant; R.' D. White, Stratford. Directors are: Huron, Orval, Pee, john, 14 Mclilwen, Roy Pepper, Howard Arm - 'strong, It. \I Peck and It D. Hunter,, Path, L. E. Whitney, LMcolti .White, , Arthur- Brame, George Wifielle, tenjltitte in Phiel, James SieGillawee. ' , ISTINIM-SECOND TreAlt. N 3,6 "0410) HURON COC,NTY'S FOREMOST WEER.LY GODERICH, ONTARIO; THURSDA-Y, APRIL -11th, 1940 PAAlis =NM Business Directory LEGAL nupuill. HOLMES 0./ Barrister, Nite. Oitice-Court gone, Goderielt. Telephone IX. •nauctutis R. N.414N, . Barrister and Solicitor Oilice--North. Strpet• Goderich. overiavv.rrrarr 31.:114EW. 'Barrister and Solle.itor Oull Life Building, Adelaide and torn -Streets; Teronto Telephone Elgin 5303.. , J.*KENNETH IlUiNTER, .- 1,•.....1.10 BARRISTER, §OLICITOR. ETC. .. phone 30, Goderieh, Out. Office; Inmilton- $teneeete . CHARTERED AO,COUNTANT HARBOR ROAD QUESTION BROUGHT SHARPLY TO ATTENTION OE COUNCIL , (Continued from page Bylaw No. 10, authorizing the fiale 'reference to his 1930 howling alley lots 1373 ail 3374, Wells* survey, to license. • . - William Allan McLean for $29, was Tile fire committee rePerted that the put through. In Committee or the Whole „ At 9 o'clock the Council went into committee of the *hole and had a two- liOur eeesion. A letter from the Cleft- rieh Salt Company askingfor recon- sideration of its 1939 assesentent was discussed, but aa •the assessment roll, had been adopted antheonfirmed by tbe. court of revision it was decided that nothing could be done about it. It WAS decided to purchase one hundred bill- folds for peesentation to the enlisted men from town, and Councillors Ryan, Craigie and Iluckins were appointed a committee to confer with a committee from the Legion in working out details anti to..rePert to the Council from time to time, fire -alarm Siren ateKingston and Vie - torn streets had been reinstalled - after beteg repaired and was in .good work - lug order. • •' report' from. 'committee of thee whole wee as followe ; "We halm eon- eldered the -communications ' of Merck 0th anti Mareh 18th from the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs in connection with, "the varioue venorts new being demanded, by the various Government departments, both Provin- cial and ,Dominion, and We recommend that the Provincial PePertment be noti- fied we consider that these demands are direct imPositimis On our local- Of- Itelifflerlendeinstendeofetheeenomini form being sent in that a. list of build- ing•permits issued, last year and to date be eent to the Provincial Department of Municipal ,Affairs to Make use of them as is required." , _ - For rermauent Roads . • Reeve Turner said he believed the, Town should begin , a program of per- manent road building A piece of road; even if only -halt:a-mile, should be built MONTEITH and 3KONMEITII;; each year Chartered Accountants , • Couneillor Huckbas - suggested that us• ° 77 Downie Street, Stratford permanent eonetruction should begin -Toronto. Office: 302 Bay Street • With:the Square and branch out from emkeemomeeellemillmillamOW there. , •'The matter was referred to the Public works eommitteet, ° Want Chiers Resignation Councillors HUCIEILIS 'fiAti Ryan. moved that the Chief of Police be asked for . his resignation, to take eCffect MaY ist,' • oUncillers Craigie and Sprout moved •that -the -ntoticin • •be referred1-40---the special committee. This was Promptly caeiled, without discussion: • er AILICTIONEERING . . Tawas GUNDRY, GIODIMI011, I LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL . AUCTIONEER Telephone 119 . ....kfalea • attended • to anywhere and 16* -0Y effort made to give -satisfaction, Farmers' sale notes discounted; „ . • . PORDON L iR, LICENSED AT.JUDIONEER FOR HURON .. COUNTY • satisfactory, courteous _service for . Farm Property or Household Sales • Itifferlteasonable-r.. • -MEDICAL-- • 11R. -F: J. It.. rpwrEac,,-.EYE, Now% THROAT - Late House Burgett:h.' New. York -‘0phthalmic. and Aural Hospital, •*. as- sistant at Moorefield,Bye Hospital' and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lou-. don, England. ' * EYES TESTED, Glz.ASSES. SUPPLIED - • •• 53 Waterloo Street S.r Stratford. Telephone. 267. • Next' visit Bedford. Hotel, Geoderich; Wednesday, April .24th, from -2 V.m. till 6 p.m.. , •-semismisoomme,"0"1: DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER IIIRO'PRACTOR AND *DRUGLESS. • THERAPIST . Goderich; Phone 241 :Office hours -10 to ig a.m., 2 to 5 and 7 te S p.m., Tuesday, Friday and - Saturday. 10 to 42 a.m. only on 'Wednesday, Monde.* and Thursday at Mitchell. • A. N. ATItINSON 51 South St -INSURANCE 11161CILLOP JitCTUAL FIRE IN- LU SURALNQB CO. -Firth and. town property insured. . • Ofticeit-s7-4,iMam Knox, -Piresident,• Londesbore ; W. B. MA:Maid; Vice- ' Priesidente----Seafortleee-M—A.--indde Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea - forth. ' Directors -Alex. Brottdroot, - See- . torth; James Connolly,- Gederieh; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; ''Alex. lefelDwiing,„ Blyth ; blear& eieGregthe Olintone• Thomas Moylane Seeiforth; Hugh Alexander,- Walton; Wm. Knox, Londeshero; Welt: Archibald, Seafortle .Agents -E. A. Yeo, BR. 1, Goderidh; 'Taffies -Watt,- -Blyth;. John ---E. -Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefielcl ; It. V. Mckereher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. nii'.. .Heeeitt, Eta,. caedine ;Lit. G. larmufh,lt.E.- 1; Born- bolm.• • .1 Policy -holders can make all pay- ments -and get their cards 'receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton;- Calvin Cutt'a Grocery, Kingston Street, godetiehrot 3. H. Reid's -General Store,-Baifieid. asaisse .,oseesseeie.e.ases §TEATF.GED COACH LINES Daly '440 a.m., 4.45 p.m. -Leaves Getlerich : for Stratford, • Tor -mato, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Taiistoele. and ,Woodstock., Depots - Bedford, . British and Royal Dote's. rhone,,hotels or 305 for information. G.C.I.ZOTINA"TES Win Require UV .NearlY AO* MOO thou Last Yew: At the monthly meeting of the Col- leglate .institute Board, helti on Fridey afternoonevatimates were prepared for submission to the Town Council and to the Public and, Separate School Boards. The cost of the new home economics and ,shopwork courses was placed at $3,300 for the. year 1040. • According to Seeretary Hume, the public and eePare ate schools utilize twelve hours 'of the twenty-seven and one-half 'hours of each week of the school year, and they ,are charged with a corresponding pro- portion of the total cost, of $3860, or $1084. • ' . The estimates show that the sum to he levied on the ratepayers by the Town Couneil for Collegiate Institut purposes le $18,295.23, which is nearly *4000.00 more than was levied in' 1939. The increase- it due, -the„ secretary states, not to increased 'Costs' a carry- tingeetteatethe-Colleglatee-butetoethe, debentures issued for the addition to the school building,' the cost of equip- ping the, eehool for the new courses, and the greatly decreased grants from - the Department of Education. SALVATION ARMY WAR FUI40 The local colleetions for the Salva- , ” tion Army National War and Home Services have now reached an amount of S1,337, This includes donations from the Lions Club; Menesetung Canoe Club, I.0,0 F, C.O.P., and Maple Leaf Chapter of ,the I.0,1).E. It is still hoped to reach the objective of $1,900, CHOIR SIMPER , Members of the phoir of North street United church gathered in the church parlor on Friday evening at 6.30- to enjoy 'a, `Pobluek!'..supPer. The *ma- sion marked the end of a six-wee.ks'• attendance,„ contest in,,,,which -the two sides came out even. ••Several new Members -weri,present and a very sue- ewiful evening was spent by all. Legion Endorses Y.M.C.A. Campaign Stratford Delegation Aimed of •Elupport. for Drive to Open April 15th - - keep young by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food •wrowrest,•••••lv.r.ro.rknarirwrr.orom INSURANCE' irid REAL 'ESTATE • Pet Our Automdbile Rates. Phone pi Goderieh? At a meeting of the -Gederielt branch of the Canadian Legion, B.U.S.L., beid on Thursday night last endorsatien Was given without a dissenting' voice to the fortheeming financial appeal of the X. M.C.A. War Service ComMittee. The campaign will open on Monday, April 19, and "Goclericir and the area immediately surrounding the town, to, gether with Auburn and Dungannon; will be asked to -contribute 41,500 to- wards the Dominion objective of 038,000 budgetted by the X.M.C.A. for services to the armed fortes in Canada gymnasium classes, swift:nuns pool, showers, tuning In hoxiug and wriste ling, loungemagazines, writing Paper--- all without cherge to men in uniform. The stair of the 34'.14.0.A. -had also given leadership in organizing military assaults -at -arms both in its building' and in the, armory and had sponsored .other outside athletic programs for the soldiers. • Other -speakers pointed out that: an of the seventy branchesof the Y31.0.A. across Canada had thrown open their doors to men in uniform, that special - buildings lad been built or ac- quired in several -air and naval centres ' toserve the various do - fence. branches, that Y.M.C.A. officers had goneoverseas with the First Di- vision of the C.A.S,X and that - "'V staffs were now , providing entertain - meat and other services for the .0020 adiare troops in Aldershot CaMP, Don- donand elsewhere in England. The work of the Y M A In the last war, and overseas. It is planned te organ - Nelson, Fire,....Aeeident„.and Motor e Car ' INSURANCE • Office :-Ilitsonle,Temple, West „ Street,' Goderieh. • Phone -230 • GODERICH • ViromirmverViviorroolv.001. Real Estate' anti, insurance Office itrtel ReSidenee: ii Trafalgar -street: - Phone' 663' FOR. 5ATeV,4409.ns,e0 of rt.ti, kinds, choice building' lets, bud -11%46, property and se;er..... good farms': Let me show : you some real bargains: Buy now. -4444.144, HAWES' FLOOR WAX Greater Coverage A Flirter Finish THE HARD WAX —Protects befter ' QUICK DRYING —Save your lime EASY TO APPLY -4aves your ,stresgth COVERS MORE SURFACE. '..**Sei.vesyonr money LUSTRE LASTS LONGER Solt,0 you* worry S FAMOUS AS HAWE ' LEMON OIL to -Go Carefully • Hon'. P. Dewan Points Out -, "Oouth.tions Different - • -- from Last War CLINTON, April 8, -"It is evident there is goine: to be opportunity for anyone toeget *rich quickly at faint , V — • in da Canajust becaue a war is sin , • • g progress,",. the e Oatateo Minister; of lee a representative committee here an enterprise -uuderereittedkinttgs4thot;retie: Vithin the neierfelirdiriC- -Cencerfroilrfo-th'eViitetT.A., was a, o reviewed, and it was explained 'that -the financial record of the Y MiCA opera- tions in the last war had been checked by outstanding' firms of auditors and thatthe report' was aneopen book. ir The visitors thanked the Members of :the - Legion -for their sympathetic. The resolution, moved by LteCo . A. P. Sturdy and -seconded by 4. W. Mac - Vicar,, was as follows: "That we go on - record as endorsing the IC.M.C.A. cam- paign and pledge our willingness to as,sistSiutraaffnoYrdtC'hi:e°1:batie;enwalleY."rell S.' reception and assured them that their Turner, 'president, occupied the chair. Passing of the resolution followed a goodwill and support would contribute , Presentation of the, war work of the X.M.C.A.. by a group of men represent - ink the stratforder.M.C.A., which is charged with the reSponsibility et or- ganizing Huron and Perth counties in. support of the national drive. The per- sonnel of the delegation was: 147,04 A. Garrod, .31.C., eificer commanding the Perth Regiment '(*.-0.) during the early Weeks .of the mobilization of the unit and for several YearS. prior to the outbreak of war; Major David Smith, M.D.; IL•Macqueen%. physical direc- tor .of the' Stratford Y.,MJCI-.-A,4 Mercer, general secretary. of the Stied; ford 'Y"; Ewart T. Griffith, president of the 'Stratford Y.111.0.A.,; and qbas. D. Dingman, vice -'chair -man of the dam- paign committee.,.-• • - HOW Me "t?"' Rehis.„ detail' the 'extensive `,service-41Yen to . the Perth 'Regiment by the --Stratford toth in its building and out- -Tide. He pointed out that a day or so after ,Canada's declaration of war the directors of the ;Stratford "Y" had held a meeting" at which he and n senior officer had been present; at this -_,meet-,„ ing the directors had offered the etire facilities of the "Y" to men in uni- form. Col. Garrod said the Association had given invaluable help 'in providing 130dtof all ing,Niptable! WWI* 00010e0Me it thie•Otaired improve - theft 4.in violets Is to be rearlifisoi. Glow* May or nay nob be tee. quire& A. owl*, yetionitt gottit. mat examination. io rweeweeiy. Moire your appolatteiget frir by pbeislog. 51$141. Cer. Ringsteei St. en, The Square F T, Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Wedooday at Locknow eubstantially to -the eueeesa ot th0 canipaign, • :Mr. and Mrs. A M, O'Brien were at Ingersoll, on Saturday attending the wedding of Visa Babe Crawford of that town to, George "O'Brien Graham of Toronto. AWN MOWERS SHARPENED Have your .Lawn Mower sharpened on the most modern machine on the market. It mistsno more to have it done the right way. work ?wished when promised . NEW LAWN MOWERS at prices that will surprise you. 7-GrARDEN TOOLS We have a new shipment or Spades, Hoes, Rakes, Forks and Clipperi!. Treat yourself to some new garden tools. Agritilture, Hon. Dewan, today warned in an address to the Perth Huron Shortitoru Club heier- • He pointed to the determinatIon, of the British Government to maintain agricultural -values at moderate levels and said : "It.iseVident that in general terms there will be no exerhitant prices for puesurplus farm products in the near future." Therefore he said that it would appear -all ,we can do is to adopt a policy of -good •The. Minister repeated au. earlier warning that t. is a mistake for farm: ers to rush headlong into_ a_hasty anl enreasoned program of in -Creased pro- duction. • • • • "Farmers should *Study closelY: thase tommodities for which there is likely to be an increased deinand. . Different. lrem -Last• War ' , "The Situatioli is much different from .Agoalzhig. ezenia '..(sg! Rheum) NO rest, day or night, for thoM afflicted with that awful skin: aifit ease; °elms, or Sait-rliectan as it is ' e4Themilincalled.ieneurning, itching and smarting, especially at night, or , when the affected part is exposed to strong heat, or hot water, are almost unbearable, and - relief' is' gladly welcomed. To get rid of 'eczema it is neces- sary to have the bleed cleansed by tee use of a thoroughly reliable blood medicine such aa Burdock Blood Bitters which during- the pant." 60 years has met with great success in relieving such diseases byits blood cleansing, ana 'purifying properties. The T. Milburn Co, Lie., Toronto, Ont. Before You Insure Consult Confederation Life Association One of the World's Great Life Insurance Institutions. Renowned for Strength, Service and Security Since 1871. Representative 11ARRY M. -FORD GoderIch ' .,m_seeeee_eorresamee Stop that Tickling In the Throat - That tickling in the throat is meet distressing, and is caused by a cold Settling in the throat. The dry, hard cough net Only keeps you in.- misery all day long, but also prevente you getting a geed night's steer). What you need fo relieve this- tiekling dough' is Dr, wood's Norway , • Pine' Syrup. This valuable prepara- tion is composed of the most Aeoth- ing and healing expectorant barks and herbs with 'which is eembined. the *Was Of thoOtorldlo,mous. • Norway pine tree. n Nifft-tm you ask for !"Dr. Wood's" -*et you get It" •• inertra tut( Uttoretio; Otki. - ;••,- : loss of $60,00.0 to $7%000, burnt addi- tion the •fire .Weiild have :taken with it the Western Canada .Flour Mills at It, exceptionally high loss, • and -loss of employment to approximately 15'0 men. We think the .members, of your C011ik, ell :101011d. take to deCOlarit all these facts rather thar listen to the view- point of a. few private individuals who are biased in their' opinions and there- fore cannot give expert judgment The writer With a group of five other coutpeteet Men looked ever the pro- posed' route for the ,roadway a month or more ago and it was estimated that a roadway could the constructed for 41P- proimately the sum of, $3,000. Na- turally in,. you' are to include new cement abutments and other frills the cost Indy run higher, but,, gentlemen, we think you should get practical, put ' aside any smell technicalities, and ao 'ahead on this ,roadway project mediately after the spring thaws have taken plftee. We feel .sure the .people of Goderich would ,warmly entioroe the. scheme if the proper fails are put W-'' .I fore them.- , . ----- We trust 'you will give thitl your earnest consideration eamediately. . — _PHONE 2061 0. Stokes tr. r -u, .r=rrr • EAST ST... chinist sot Heats us The. liela,ware.8i Hudson Hard Coal A' Coal that is cone -cleaned, does not clinker and is Very tovir-in ash. , , FORD CORE. A Coke that is -very Popular and very high in -heat units. USE— Our four -pointed treated .FOCAilONTAg. This grade of Coal 'has become becOme very popular. USE,— The- 'Red jacket Domestic'' Coal • for your range,-hea4,r,,fOrnao,4lliOii. Cost: in coal $8.00 per ton, or 'Wen delivered in .goaoriot : • PliJABINO, _BEATING AND HARDWARE--Titit Chas.. C. Lee ,d6Amirmto and IfIADViARE STORE. At the-Harbor-- ..11rnes-,--Store 22 • Haase 1.12. 41111111111111111111111111111.111•1111111111111111N U, U BANKING e VOR THE BUSINESS WORLD Tod ad 04101144W r. - • „ ••••••4.4. - 'Great prbjeCtsa.le*r undertakings, humble business $ tit service to keep pace with changing business. beginings-.all'have shared in the banking co.opera- t • n don afforded ever since lari by the -Bank of Montreal. Ve..did our banking part in the caotat:hbar and stage! coach era; we are doing our part in the present:Century. And in this swift-raqving day we are abreast of bnsi: business had industrial development of the Dominion,. nese as it speeds into tomorrow 4sitk, all metal ale, and we are prepared to meet the increased service ac. planes, streamlined trains, swift ,ocetek ships and mands to be expected in tomorrow's worittof busi- amazing highway motors. ness. We ate always pioueethag,.. Unchanged in its basic character of co worker -..11usiness'execotives are cordially invited to talk. about with Canadian business and safe dependable bank- 'their banking needs with the manager of any of our tag ally, the Dank has merely altered the Speed of 0O branches ' BANK OF MONTR tatiA131.MUEW 1827 Goderich Branch: A. A. NICOL, Manager ttoritniv. r.X. rtr4 ED DAN ING Ps5Ult• If • *be Olitirse f isarelit* OPerAilet tit 2 •e.7