HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-11, Page 1•
1: •
NMETY-1$1100IND O.
.Road. Machine Co, *maw Urges Immediate Construction -0X,',
Estimates Call for Increased Levy of Nearly $400� Motion. for
Police Chief's :Resignation ,Sent to Conintittee-Industrial,
wants under .Consideration
•••••-s,ses- • 0
` The long -mooted road to the ,nertb.
side of the harbor tame akalu te the
attention of ..the 'Town 'Council at its
s • regtilar meeting last .rrilaY n*ht, bY
waY of .a letter from tiMr, W. C. At-
tridge, manager a the Dominion. Itbad
-Machinery CoMpany. •Attrcidge,
,etrongly urgets the building of the road
and believes it eatt be constpeeted fop
• =nett -less than theiestimateithat ha.ve
The estimates of the,CollegietoinSti-
tute Beard for 1940, c alling for a levy
by the Tawa nearly $4,000 in exeess
last year's, was a shoek to the Connell.
When' the 0.117,1S.B. bonds' Were- paid
off the ToWn felt that a huge annual
fburden had been lifted from its should-
ers; but between the increased Cotaty
rate and the increased 'C011egiate In-
,. •
, st,itute levy the municipal iinalices ere
back just about where they were. s
The Connell, Is taking steps to, reeog;
nize the men .froin Goderieh who have
enliSted and been accepted In the Can.
• adiae Active iService Foree. It' was de-
cided to Ipurchase one Innadred billfplds,
on each of which .will be ,inSeribed the
'name and other designation a the Man
to ,whoin it is to be -presented. Other
details ef the iiresentations are yet to
be worked gut. . • •
All the members a the Council were
Present at the meeting except 'Councils
lor Baker.
Taxes collected in March. ainountect
. to $2,322.73, Collector MaCItaY'
' • •
•xne seXtore,Of NI-aitland cemetery re-
ported, seven. iri.terte.ents March,
The' 'auditors' report for 1939- vvt&,
placea on the fable and' instructions
-were-givell4or. Its Printing„2,,:,„
D. D. Mooney wrote requesting. that
NbrtIVitreet. be inade a through street
and Stop - signs be placed, on Nelson
street.. •A large number of children -use
-this street in geing -to and- -from the-
• two schools and three churches, ahd
Mr. MooneY sta.thd that Several car ac-
cidents, had occOrred at this intersec-
tion and he thought action -Should (be
taken to -avoid a fatality. The letter
. was referred to the public, works com-
mittee. .
The Ilarbor Road Prateet ,
A' letter froin .C.• Attridge,. man-
ager of the, DoininTon Road. Machinery
Company (published below), witlirefer-
. ence to the projected road to the north
side 9f the harbor; was read. •
Coupcillor "Einekins said a. good deal
of time had been sperit•O the Council
in diseuSsing this. Proposed.. road, and
Jae believed the majority of the COuncil
felt that the road was neeeSsary: • The.
Councillor ''''took a rap at "certain in-.
dividuale: who, he said, in askin."-the
Council to support„projects for their
bentset promised' to help 'put through
this road project but who, having got
what they wanted, turned -about and
opposed' it. He (the speaker) , and
Councillor RYate had lOoked over the
gronnd and estimated that a reasonably
good temporary road could be built for
.$3,000. The $3,000 spent for -fire equip-
. ment at that side of the harbor would
'have_gone..a long- way ...to.. provide, a
good road, :* •
• Reeve Turner profio,uneed. himself
definitely in favor of the road. The
steamboat people wanted -it to•get their
equipinent acress to the•north side, and
it was worth spending something • to
keep Viet -00,000- ort$70,006-weirth
Combining The Goderieh Signal and rhe Goderich Star
1 Road Conditions
NAns mom
'the Iwo taken
etteeP• turn
0 •
Abnormal Tins Year
thiS week With an attempt bY Nati
fOreett to Overrun NoritistY and Dens
Chief • "Diek" PeStelethWaite was,
reported that a Gerittaat armatala Waito . Will 110. Itilt011t $20,000,
stepping aroUnd the Precinets..Of the
•ToWn oli TiteSday afterrteen likO
a -terotyeavold Colt. teatpentetieg
gang was busy- remodelling the ea$t
satiate, of the buildings to be need art a
police etatien, witlt offices and tells.
T.lie Old town has beee_getting little
ranthunetieus of late and the need of
a loelttultp eWIttelx ttederieli thetOood
ha* been 'without 'tor four years, ie. be -
cording apparent to the Town fathers'.
"Who's going jet be first guestet
the Chief was aSkede • -
"I don't 101.0W," replied the Chief
as he stepped ninthly over a pile of
two-by-fours; "I don't keow Whether
goiug to be or. Couneillor
County Sill for Siowpldwing
Mark. On 'Tuesday ulorniug it was
making Us way 'tat Norway, And later Says Engineer
it WO learned that WO had bettWOcs
copied Auld Geregn forte* had 'captured' Over one trandred,railee of toWnthip
NorWegbill nOrtatall aiw the teas as reads have been eleared ttf snow itt
ratOltlt CLUB SPEAKERS far nOrth as th,e 'Antic etre*• West •aed East Wawaxiesh during the
phange, of Date 'ter ,llockey Banquet &elated NorwaY to be, at watt with. not been farther, than the •barn for
• , • . The Norvvegian Gov -einntent ,Pro.mptly past week' and many people who had
• WeekS were 'liberated. `', ThetPloWing.
With Detroit Speakers ' elermam 'Pall WithdreW Irem the.
eaPitalteitY Or a point farther Inland, ..was done by the eaterpiliar tractor
Owing to the faet•that Captain R.. G. perenoeleia' s Dams* mum do molt plow of the Department of Etighways,
Cavell a T9reato bad previauely beea ing,-hot. allow the ineadeee to take pos., arrariged:/through the office of County
engaged to ttpeak at the sOoderich Lionte Session, and, the' country (*wham •Mr. Patterson sattShe has had S.0„S.
Engtneer T. It. Patterson.
Club Ineeting APrg 2otb, the tiVelY tittiet. .
Oritatri and_ France at onee took calls for snowplow ' equipment, trent
date fot the Junior and juvenile hockey
. forces whieh have
are to be guest speakers, has been set down the, Norwegian coast. A •great beenme ju"bssible f°r' 4 anY kind nf. bridees The amount realized from. the°
Pbbie Goodfellovv, Detroit hockey men, been •battling the 'Nazis all up .antl .locoinotie i 'id' all county snow -plow, e . . s s
ing eeli Pment ' wah busY oh °Watt' , the work, (womittee, wish* to thank
over. to Friday, May Ifith. Nit. Nelion nava engageMents has been in progress rattle of the electric irons was
Hill, president of the Lions °lab, eotit the last tWo days off the southern roads. Tide has !teen a record -winte'P
versed with Ur, Adams by long -'distance the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., for
-banquet, aes-which,-jaek-Adonas----and- taseet_ Norwa,y,..and sent nearly...every township in the countY
action to strong naval and air -fir .0$ Attringt the ItaStttveOlt tttitlitit rtatttrerthair
tfhe weekly bridge and "Cithe of the
Godericit Red Cross woe held in the
work rooms on Wednesdey afternoon,
April 10th, wt,ths. a good attentittnre.
During' the tea ittair the draw wait
ntatte for the eleetrie irons, Mrs. George
Mathiesoe, and Mrs. O. Ohm being the
lneky wiimers. The draw wag matte
by Mrs. B. J, Sault& lire. Saults
"won tile bridge 'prize anti Mre, Arnold
the ,
Mrs. IL C. Dunlop, Chairman of the
work eoramittee, in a short addreaf$
urged the ladies to continue to attend
these 'weekly parties*, as the funds,
raieed are used to pureliase Materials
and' wool for the wortirooMe.
Denlop stated that the emn of $111
-Itailsbeell loaded, .iatt ,the Red
Cross since the commencement of -the
4 .• •• • • • •
Enjoy Banquet and Elect Oifieers 'for
Coming Year
. Ti annual meeting. of the Ladies'
La.wn Bowling Club was held on Thurs.
clay night last at the Park House in
the form a .a. banquet. The dining-
ropin was 'prettily decorated tor the
•occasion, .the .tablee ,holding bouquets
of spring tiowe'rs• and lighted taper.
The president rof the 'Club. Mrs, Waiter
Hodge,.. presided. •
After clinn.er there Were -car& and
contests. iMrs. B.; Hall end Mrs. L.
C. Chapmaxt were the winnera at bridge,
and Mrs. M. J, Ainslie and Mre. C.
ttleMa.nus at '"500."' Mrs. Hodge woe
ledge of •hig. subJec , Trend Regimeet, crack 'sondem reginient. 131e..the door .Prisesatul the winners of the swinterl the Province will pay half, in
World Affairs." The -speaker for this two, Walter AnderSon, son ef Mr. and contests were MrS. Jack Johns,t,on and- pthaettefrosromn: Tshuibssridepyr,'e',secwontjanuboedut
evening 18 "BilV' Carroll of Mitehell, ,Mrs:.Melvm Andersen, East street, and 'Airs. Fred Pl:rice• •
Officers Were' elected- as follewi for per mile, to the County. This -figure
Week's Lions Club' meeting on Friday ,
"distriet goiernor of the Lions Club. Harland Tremblay, on of Mr. and Mrs, the eoraing season: President,. Mrs. W. may be taken es a maximum one, since
° Williaintratetraithiy, South street Hodge; Vice-president, Mrs. R. R. Hall; we have had 41 Very steady winter withs
j,oineil the It.C.R.'i'lagt Thursday. They secretary, Mrs. Baker ; treasurer, oat any real thaw, elimaxeir.by an un -
eft county roads so far as snowplowint'
heavy losses by the Germans. Several' ,, is emicerned. . . • - tt its donation of $10, to be used in. the
telephone at the week -mei, to determine tOst of Norway, arid reports indicate
whether the change of date would suit •-"It is passible that after all. accountg Purchase of YUaterial5 tur 'maim gar -
the hockey men, Mr. Mama stated his nients forerefugee children; also the
,,of `the Norwegian ports taken by
the Germans on TueSday . are now in are - totalled the -cost of 'Ruavailoyirr.
belief 'that the new arrangement would ' • . . W!1)111(11InStitnte For eo-operation in
British hands. • • county roads this winter will =mull
be • ro.uch. ,more satisfactorY, as• Mr. to $20,000, not $25,000 as statedin The' making' "gt4 germ.' the cuttinP left
GoodfelloW is at present on a. trip to
. ., ISignal-iStar in its issue of last week " Over in the worttroom,
A general quickening of •war opera-
tions is etinected, and the next few
Florida I and would have 'had to cut
weeks will, probably ,bring ,moMentous Mr...Pattersen. ‘.'ishie ffftY per
tients. -
short his vacation -in --order to be in
cent. more than we have had to spend
• GoderiCh by April 20. ...
previously.' However,'more rottd,SAvere
. ,
kept open this winter and a better type
'Captain R. G. Cavell is vice:president .
THE WIEN IN KHAKI- of work was done up until thelast
and general manager of Canadian Tele-
phones and Supplies Ltd., Toronte. Be s • - - - --",----,-- , Stersn. . . .
'of. the sapprOximate $24,000 which'
is a man vvho has . travelled consider- , Two more 'acosierieli young men have
, will be spent on : snowplowing this
ably and will have 1, &tittle:int k 01 nots,- been decepted in the ‘,Itoyal Canadian
-.work $1,/00 $ 4,882.00 Goderith over the Vfeei&• 'Miss Dorothy, Westbrook ; •press secre- precedeitted late /March. storm.
some years the cost will be Only a
home eeenoralcs and Shop were backin ' ,
l'rees-typing, chemical, at
• end to -gather their,persenal belongings, tarYr Y. Ainslie; social corn- ,
tee,•Mrs. J. Oalvin Cutt, Mrs. 'W. ;:sinall fraction of this winter's' total.
. 191100 and were spick and span in•their new
' siniforins; The boys will train at 'Lou- Abe% Mrs. J. Jolmetim, Mrs. E. Prid- - 'Users 01: 101(l-. hove been stibjected
'cionnty grantsz-Huron $7,652,- ' ham, M.iss Margaret Evans ; local tour- to, greet inconvenienee this winter aiyAl.
Iiiegretitrjmn rbwe,,,ecazoiaios,,;„7_,,,,
Toronto, where .they will Jetta the main .nament •committee,:Mrs. Ft Price, Mrs. snow remoiral has been and still is 'a
topic of very -general Interest.' 1 give
Brace 138.50 . - '7,•,690,50 (1011 for two Weekg" and Nvill then go to
yaillialliforiiiltier sin:de itrateiVing;
end shop 'work (ISeriarate at ittconelusion all the facts shou.ld ,be ,
and Public 1Schools tests in e . ' tionsidered aiidtit would be unfortunate
new coarsest .. ., ta .. 1,084.06' tif progressive work in the field -wortld
Munieipal grant ,. (=eluding .!....se,s,-..... ...., 'receive trsettbaek hy teateon of the -un-
- payment of debentures and , • ',
. coupons, -$5,538.12) , 128,295.23 , .
usually. bad conditiens of the past
month," Concluded the Cointty engineer.
,„E.A.1:1 ,,,,A., llisoti Mrs P 'ed R al St
,,... . ,ta ... ells t is
%hit iffiffitithigtthere.*Betle,areformer
. t .florothr,.Joiniatinrcairsidelettireatirelit
taenibers of "0" Company, Huron -Mid-- ,,,,,,,,,,d,,,,,, itt.„ J. R. Wheeler Mrs.
diesex Regiment, Walters having done it" -t -e,,----' -"tt'
ee, ma's., Arnold McConnell, ;airs. H.
gatted duty .at the- armories from the gurney; exeeutive committee, 1.1irs.
ontbreak of the was until' the' guard Nelson Hill, Miss Mary Maaricart Mist,
was dismissed in late December. Gladys Shore; auditors, Miss Notting,
Other Goderich boys with the 11:0.. ,
Miss U. Campbell.
fRts a.ret Ceti Bloomfield, .Ratroh. .t..................„—______t
• Kingswell, Williain Burke, Mur -
'Teachers' salaries, regular
- and supply; $20;030.00
iSnAdies for pupil's, leachers,, •
• 11;E, and .S.W., etc. 825.00
.Auxiliary agencies e 33.00
,School plant operation _2,075.00
School plant maintegance, • 775.00
Adreinistratiori • ' 320,00
'Capital cha'rges • • 45,538.12
Debit balance Dec. 31, 1969.1,925.61
The municipal levy of' $18,295.23 for
1940 compares with one of ,$14,482:77
for last year -an increase.of $3,812.40.
The eStiraates• *ere referred •to the
finance 'committee.
An application for h scrap dealer's
license was repeived from Goderich
Auto .arts. It Was explained. that it
Was not the intention pf the firm to
enter the, junk business, but mall
quantities of, scrap were purchased
frem time to thee, Referred to special
committee. , • ,
- A copy a IOW ameillinients to the
'Public Hospitals Act was received•from
the -Provincial Department of Health
end was referred to special corainittee.
t!BON Vat,A0E!''
ray 'Sheardown and Michael Laws.
Donald Thompson, ski of Mr: and . , .
Mrs. Neil Thompson, Quebee street, has uutliPficu the
UM" mntertains for
been accepted in ,the Essex 'Scottish _ tne.PeParting Sailors -
Regiment ,of Windsor. Den left for *uh• Tuesdarrnight the Marine Club
Windsor on MondaY afternomr to join puf on one of' its famous • card and
the regiment and receive his uniform. (tepee parties , as a farewell • te the
seilore about to 'leave this port for, the
Another Goderieti boy in. the -Essex
Scottish Regintent, Ross Pennington, is season. 'The progreet.epened with pro -
spending a week's holidays hire. gressive euchre, tit which the winners
, • . were -Miss Rance and Jackie -Carrick;
• • Committee Reports, '
, • , . •
The finanee committee reported that.
business -the winter lieetbrenght to the amounted to $1,604. , The committee
had Consulted with Messrs.. Asseltine
Own. t
.• The Mayor -said iCouncillor ditickine' and Shepherd of the -Sterling Appraisal
was somewhat mit -in his figtire for the Company ,with reference to the, value
new fire equipmenkat.the bettor. The Pon "f4:?r asseWillent Puntoges' of the
cost as he figured it was .42,545, ap!. various-t.inthistrial plants of •the town
nineties contending that to this 'mat and would give the matter further ecere,
bre added, something fey careteking. sideration before making any .reconad-
Mr. Attridge was present •and in r _mendation. ' •
,vonse to the Maybes request outlined -Tittiepablic wojtketcoinntittee, in . the
the rotite over 'which he estimated, matter 'of suggested improvements to
road coold _betholltfor ' Ate the harborhill-ro away, Made the fol.
tridge said he believed some contractors lowing recoinmem ationa: (a) That.the-
would betslOd to get the -job at ,that
. price. • , "•••
lh response to the Iiilayer's suggestion
with regard to the attitude 'cof the CN
Railways, Mr. Attridge said he believed
some pressure had been applied "et
the railway to chaitge its origihat fart
-orable attitude t• and pressUreseould be
applied to change it back again.•:'
Cotincillor tereigie. thought the Mat,ter,
shotild• be sent to the publie• works
eontraittee. and. some , action. „ secured.
The ToWn engineer' at first said a road
• could be built for .about :13;500. It
eould be iteproved- later; eat& Mr.
Craigie. ,
ranincillor tiSpeopasseeended.aitem�
tion to 'send Wei., matter 7.0''coitintittee,
and this WaS earrik; '
Estimates as follows iwere subinitted
by the ,Colleer,iate •InStititte Board for
1640: • •
Provincial giants_ 'tett •general
$31,agricultute $40,
while the csolations went to Miss
. The. Beacon -Herald in it.s
Rose Marie Hartney and Mr. D. Sproul.
notes flop). the Perth Regiment bars At 11 after signals f rom the
racks On Tuesday had the following: * galley, Steward Bonny and his staff of
Private Murray Deer of C. company A.B.•'s served lunch to the sailor lads
and their lasses, and when decks had
had the honor of being orderly to
been cleared Cactus Mac' Cowboys
Lieut. -Col. 'S. H. ,A0Conite officer- com-
piPed all hands to the dance. , During
mending, yesterday. • an Intermission in the dancing an en -
Bonn and educated in Goderich, tertainment was put on by Cactus Mac,
vate Daer is, a son of Mr. and, Mrs. the Oklahoma leld and his gang, at -
William Deer. of that toWn. After com- sistect- by lir. MeDairmidt Let Cook,
pleting schooling he was employed C. Murray,. Nt geromette and Mrs. Ws
as• a package freight steyedore for cab° ,in V•ariety dances. This was all
about three years and later_svorked as much enjoyed.
an oiler at the plant of _She Western The management thanks all who took
Canada Flour Mills ha. tie part, eSpe,ciallY ladies, and • Mr.
was with this firra. when he, enlisted Prank -Curry �f the Bedford Hotel, who
"with the Perth Reglmeee ea. September provided the prizes.
Canadian Paeffic Railway 'Company, be
,asked. td erect approaches to and pedes-
trian walks on each side .of their over-
head bridge on harbor that
the. Canadian Paeific Ritilway 'Company
be asked 10 look -after the - drainage Of
their bridge oh, the hill rbadwayi (e)
that the Palle Ittilitiee Committien
request the Ontarie • Ilydro-Electric
powi,r !Commission to Move hack their
poles on harbor hill in order, that the
'present roadway tneY be viiMd. The
conimittee further recantraended that
the chairman be empowered to go over
the proposed Improvements the road-
way wtth Engineer' Archibald: The re-
port gaye the information that snow-
plowing in" ;Mateli cost -the: Town
-Thesepeeial committee -recommended,
that • the . aPpointmefit of 'Thomas
Gundry by the Board of Health ,ftS as-
sistant sanitary InSPector be aPproved,
and that no ttetior0 be taken, en the
secon'd lettere frem It L. Lloyd With
(Centieued on pup 31. .
Maitland Doe g Its Annual Clean-out
Seldom bee the ice on the .Maitiaed trouble bete.'
River "gone out 80 smoothly eti this tIt tvas differeet In other parte Of the
eonnty. • peeve II; A. 'Ceres of Grey
township, In town on Tuesday after-
noon, Geld 'there was one thoutiand,
teres lamt under water tit Ilenfryn,
east of Ethel, in his mtraielpality. Much
land in the smitirof the township, from
•Cranbrook weet trussetet Oleo has
been flooded,. as were the approaches
to several brtalges. Reeve Keyes started
out ht his tar, but abandoned it for
the train, to atteed o meeting of the
01,111051 audit board.
4 highway, for a Coneiderable
stretelt immediately. smith of Wingllam,
Wv0.4. eaOreti with water Monday mad
Tuesday.. On thet letter day it wao,
reedered impaesable aml snowplows
Were brolight let° play and a detope
s0(.1O11', however, without causing any cleared arotual townahiP block.
Itifox ,cox,a..EGE Tp
Plans Rummage , Sale •and Hears
Report, on Corafort Bags-.
At the meeting of the 11.IaPle Leaf.
Chapter, it was aecided to
hold the semitannuel rummage sale on
Saturday, April 27. Instead, of Mac-
Kay Hall as usual, the Chapter chose
for this sale -the vacant shop next to
Gletildirs shoe store on tile Souare.
Miss Edith WilliamS, war convener,
reported the • information sine -had ob-
tained regarding-efilisfort,-hags, which
the Chapter -had previousi'y decided to
send overseas. It •was , understood at
first that the bags were to be madei
and filled here, but Miss said
that from now on the bags were .to be
made in Canada and shipped to Eng-
land to be completed. The work will
be done in the Red Cross rooms.
O The eum of $10 was voted to the Red
dross far thepurchase of materials for
refugees in England..
airs. Matelten, regent, pasted on a
suggesfkm. received from headcluarters,
Penitentiary Teni
for Defraudi
Young Man leads Guilty
'Thirteen Mame of
lake Pretences
eittlytdregsed young entre Gerald
Clair, of Kirktou, faced 3iaghttrate J.
A. Makine in hoot Thursday's Pollee
Court and pleaded guilty to thirteen
ehargee of false preteucee, the issuance
Of 'worthless chequea in Exeter, Ow
forth and eleewhere. ',Some of the oft t
fences dated hack to the summer Of
1638'; eolue were eommitted in 1039 and
one in 194A). •
Muff,. who said nothing , but "guiltat"
est each, I4, the thirteen_ ehargee_ was .
read to hint, had been senterteed 111
IStratford the day before to two years
six,raonthti eortsmouth Peniten-
tiary for similar offeeees, but inttolving
larger amounts. On eaCh'eof the thirteeit
eharges here he was senteeeed eix'
months, to tins eoneurrently,..end also
eoneurreetly the' $tratford sea-
tente. He has been taken to London
to face, more charges of the sante nat.
Aare. Ile- le a former bank tlerk.
Arising out of the accident on Na.•4
highway, South of Clinton, in ,which
-Frank ,Pingland, K.C,, of Clinton, was
Painfully injured, A. Garon, manager or
a. Clieton. knitting mill, faced reckless
driving tharge and Thomas 'Small and
Lorne Brown 'carelesS driving charges.
Mr. Finglaud was driving some itoOkett
players to St. Thomas in a snbwstorm
when -mit of his car to flag on-
coming motorists.ami. was erushed lit
aarear-end ecalision, allegedly Roused
tby three -other ars. trhe trials Were
setior April 2, when it is expected Mr.
ringleted beableto appear. Ace
cused .were ,adinitted to bail of $100
„ Skipped Board Bill
Ralph Murray of Seaforth, convicted
'of 4). board bill of 487,
Was allowed tatgo on •his own bail of
$500 after spending three weeks in jail.
eGettsome, workttand .trY' to MON re-
stitution," the Magistrate advised him.
The case of THenry Pierce, charged
with wife desertion, was set over for
.one week, as -was that of J. C. Brewer;
of no +fixed abode, charged,t*th theft;
by Chief' Cowan of Myth.. Brewer
pleaded net guilty. • e •
Roy" 1Scrimgeour, young man about
town, was elmiged with':.iutoxication
and with assaulting -Blaelti a
beverage .room welter. " He was repre-
sented 'bit Kenneth Renter, There was
mixup.in the taking' of , the pleas,
First Scrimgeour pleaded guilty, toln-
toxication anti not guilty to eaesault.
Then he .went tato reverse-notguilty
of intoxication and guilty of..aesault
Crown Attorney Holmes said •that the
assault • was not a serious one and that
Mr. 'Black did not Wish to exaet the.
proverbial pound of. 'flesh: 'The One
imposed on4erlingebur for assault was
and costs, or $17.50 '
"There will be no evidence offered la
the letoXication charge?" s1 -aid the•
Crowd Attorney.
"Dismissed," said His Worship. -
Saturday-snight, Mareli 30th, must.
have been a lively night in God,erich.
,Several young bloods patd ifines out of
court , for "disorderly • condiict." An-
other, caught ,witii a partly emptied
bottle of whiskey, paid $24.50 for "tete-
Sinning in a publie place." .
Itev.s. Austin L. Budge of
liamilton, well known in G'oderich and
Huron eohnty, is being honored by his
alma mato, Knox College, Toroitto,
with the degree of Doctor of -Divinity,
to be conferred at convocation on Tues-
day next, Aprit,10th, at 8 P.m:-
Mr..Budge--sitenteltte early. years in.
thls eounty and "wag tea.chge in S.S.
No. 3, Colborne, fort three., Steers. before
Attending 'College and-. entering the
mieistry• of the Preebyterian Church.
For fifteen- years lie' has been. clerk of
the Preebyterlan "Synod of Hamilton
and London. and in,1635 he was moder-
ator Of the Synod..
Huron -Perth ,League to Organize at
. . . •
The Ontino O.B.A." organization Meet;
leg, for the,'Hur<M-Perth district will
be heldent Hewett on TuesdaY, April
16. Officers of leagne'for the eom-
ing year will‘be elected. All persons
wrie iiatend Spensering an infeiraediate,
VeXilitT L°)L3g-ictuIPtIthili: steeeamsoninartehreeliquu44tend:'
to attend. • _ , • ••' • ,„
A Meeting will be held at the Bed-
ford 'Hotel here at .2.30 . o'clock. Sunday
afternoon to disease the t organization
of an intermediate team in Gottetitch
for the coining seasbn.--, There IS eon-
siderible speculation .aS to wb.ether
there is enough materiel In town and
enough °interest to warrant' the Spon-
soring of an intermediate team. All
those who are interested in havine an
interme,diate teara the' Huron -Perth
League, and- any players who would
turn out for the team. are invited, to
show their interest, by attending this
meeting. ,
..........I.T...t ,, ,,
MaehillerY COMP4r1Y .turned °Alt le a
Employees of. the Dominion - Read.
body -on Saturday afternoon at .the
-funeral • of Earl James Porter. Whtise
that . members . should -buy -Canadian autiluelY ' d.eatir on Thursday Priming
apples in ptereitatice to foreign fruitd. last 'Jeanie as a distinct shock to his
many friends in toWn. Mr. Pater, had
•heen a poDular eniployee. of the Road
Machinery ,Company for -several year,
and the pallbearers and the bearers of
........ the many beautiful floral tributes 'were
imAst-------tiomv-41. T--, ItarkertsChariess-Theunas,
Pere 5- Barker, Mittel Itl.eil and Harcdd.
loctil vote
enetilkoePthaet caanrulluti :ge-e(t)tmfeT: Rivers, 'while the ',flower -bearers were
'Cnion, held in the '.1ildrine Club MOMS NOltion (lrich, Chester 'Johnston, Bert
on Wednesday evening, •,*(is unanha- Job.n.ston, :William West, John, Weet
onset, ie favor of supporting,- the Un-' and Harold JohnSton.--
ion's demand of an iiiereatte of $4,5.00 The; funeral service was held at- the
a 'Month in wages, efer all , clatses of home of Ernest Taylor,, brother-in-law
work;and for the addition of three men of, the deceased, and was conducted by
inembere of the local union attended hy Re v.• W.' •
Rev: H. J. Underhill, who was ,as•sisNd
Tow,nsend of London, a
to the grew of all ships. , Almost 200
the meeting to hear W. Matthia.s,„ re- cocusin of NirS. Porter.' The Interment
presentative of headquarters- in Tor- wee in' Muittalgt. cemetery. ,
, . -
lento, explain the -clemailds • of the -,
C.S.U. 1 Similar meetings Were held , ..........:—....
Siimultarieously on Wednesday night at .
all fake port's' from Quebec' to Port ...The regalar monthly meeting the
W.A. of et. Geergets church -Was* .lield
in the Gutid toom on Tuesday aftert
J. A. GottEoonv tams mo °rums leeterninz, .t!leTbpire,i17:1(wierkngt,4-Mgrosei:t:lettattideeurd,ittrece».
-During the :mouth of . March the
Chapter gave Money to the Salvation'
Army, drive, and $30 th the Red Cross,
Proceeds from the .keno party.
. •
1S,.1939. Annouticement was. 'made -of the
Not having belonged to any non pr speolet service. for sailors and fisher-
raanent eetive militia. unit prior to mew to be had Knox church next
mitilliatioo the-Ganadian
-Sunday, eveningrat 7,..olclock, wh'
Service Force, Private Deer is having all 'Mariner& ,are cordially •lavited.
his first taste of 'tunny life. Ile says • • .
he likes it and finds the troops a swell NO, BOARD OF TRADE BANQUET
lot •of fellows. -President Geo. W. Schaefer of the
He, has .seven brothers -and a sister. Board of Trade announced today that
They all live at home in Goderich and tne Board's ,plan to tender a banquet'
are Benson, ItatPle Allan, Clarence, to the chief officers of the whiter fleet
Joseph, Ernest Harry and Miss Liicitlet, before thelr . departure from Goderich
• for the season has had to be regretfully
„ eCo. -ofMiddlesex-Huron Regi-. abahdonel. sSome of the ofticers are
mint is well up to strength des- not here yet, and 'some Will he leevtnz
pite.fa..irlysiteaVYtentistments for active hi few days, ,so that.it-was found' to
-service. The.,•Goderich section of -the he nntatetstilne fo get -them allttageth
company has suppliedeeleven recruits for a format farewell dinner. •
to various units : 'Pte. lames Ashton . _ ° - •
is -overseas ; tSheardown, AN ORDER tr,gom' DR. J. At. ROBB
Corporal E. Picott ad Pte. Ernie Me <1 II. Greve' this Weelt received
Leod are with. the Pertbs Sgt'W. order for htsttbook," -The Old Log
Anderson, 'Iles. Ralph Kingsweli, Her- ,School,", from Dr. 4. *.g. Robb of plied
laiid'Trertiblay and Carl Bloomfield are, River...Mt 'Robh was a. men:titer of
wIth the It.0.11.tt; Lance ,Corperal Ross the °Marfa .Government, under forted
.Pennington with the tesex Scottish; Premier Gem -Oa -Henry. In writing to
Pres Itaell' Laivs •and tanees'Corporal
Liscumb are with The
ranks given are these held in the-
Imilitiatt7 Equally. heavy enlistments
have eoine from the Clinton section of
year, although the past winter was a
_ near-recorel tete for ice and snow. The
• animal event took place quietly soihe
tette Thursday night or itriday morning
--nobody 5005115 to know at What hour,
To continued cold weather, with inter-
mittent day thaws and night freeze -tine',
Is attributed the river's tack of oaten-
• teflon this spring.
For the greater part of the winter
O there WAS a fast stream of open Water
6 in the river and for days protons to
the breititsiny the entire river bed, for
tenet. up Moire from Lake Huron, was
free„ ready' to receive the onrush frent
the., Iteary supply of lee and eneet nX
ott quit. The ice came down In terteral
"C" ,g0n1Pany.
Kenntith Juck, 801 of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph • juck, iths• joieed the le.C,A.It's
as air gunner. , Ile will 'report at
'Toronto April 15th. ,
, •
A large number of relatives and
friends froni Toronto, London and from
Wive were present at a 'suiprise party
held on :Monday night at the home of
Mr.; and Mrs. Doh Lisetfinb-inshonor of
their eon, Peet -Vie. Liscumb.' Gaines,
danetng and cmaraunity singing were
inuchtnjoyed by all.
Leslie' Naftel, youngest 'soh of Alt
• ,
and. Mrs. Knyvett Naftel, bait -been
aceoted in the ft.C.A.F. engraining
school at Gait relate left on .tiotultiy
to begin hie course, which at the end
of six months' time, eoupled with th.e,
eiefeiderabl( flying experience be al-
ready has to his ereditovill enable hint
to gale lxiSttransier as it pilot in the
John A.•01.egory of North BattIefiiid, The meeting opened with' the Scriptare
Sask.'s,- .att -Exeter old boy , who as a twtostetty efts; -pa-beer from ttti: john-:
Mr: Green he stated, in explanatitni of younte matt was well knoWn at t ir slut 11:17,6follawiel. by prayer lett by the
his interest in Huron' county, that he 'tienttins(todettelit •wait elected 7.te the. •preaident. tirestrielabaree AR eecretary
aught school flifty-litte years ago in •Fittleral Piteliainent on March 2iith as
. member 'for 'The _liattleforde _JAL_ ators, er •
and Miss 'Violet Taylor is treasurer and
I th• v V „nil did_re--
'an reljOining county." as eon - eler. io . 4,11. a en
. '
The' members of . Skip, *.kitteltorield's
Itlectries, fiealists In the tlaitland
Itoekey League thig Winter, brunteeted
.111 reale big-time style at , one of the
loetiLrestituranat one evening last, week,
The' timors soul of 'the gatetreceipts
for. the ;Maitland `League genies this
year helped finance the meal, although
manager "(Skip" dug into his own,
pocket, in tyPleally ueselfiett fashion,
to, preiltice tt, few "extras.1 .
Speechtmaking was held fe a mini-
mum, as.none of the players claimed
any tiiraterical qualificetions.
Mr. mid Mrs. Donald-lAseitinh Have- a
Happy Annivereary Oceasiett
mr. .and .,Mrs. :Donald, Liactinth
celebrated ,their twenty'tfifth wedding
anniN,:ersapy'... at, their_ *inlet On Utah t
street ISeturday,- April
'The temple tvere married- at St
liarnahas chureh, Danforth. attenne,
Toronto, on Easter, Tuesday,: April 6111,
1915, the ceremony' behig performed hy
ltev. P. II, Powell, rector of St Bare-
abas, . -
-Among the many guests aJttentling the
celebration from out of town -were the
best man and bridesmaid,- Mr. Joseph
Howe and Miss Title Ltscuntb re-
speetiVely, Mr. and Mrs, Liscumb were
the ' rkipientis iiidny beautiful gi.fta
tied cardt from tlieli friends and relas;
.tives.- iMr., 0. A. LiseuMb Of. London
aeted meeter of ,ceremonles for the
occesibn. Mrs, 0. A; Liseumb aed Irs
;Joseph, Howe poured tea and were
assisted: •ity.: the ,XiSSOS,, 13arbara. and
Kloepfer Lisettnib of London and thit
iMis.tes Waite and, Norma,. daughters of
taste:Wit' decorated „in, ptril_c, white.
the bride and groom. -,Thettable was
streamers Mitt a botiquet or pink sweet
peas and White ,heather. tithe bride cut
ports. A business meeting followed the- t11re0ttiere1wedding 'taw> Vinsieli
Ana it has, heen arranged to hold the .0wriinse4xxiwaditehibsttaterSi;f7timle: dit,erelottititeiYotter usaedd-
tlitink-offering tea on Tuesday, April
ea the original • wedding ealte ti,VentY-
10th. All the. ladies of the -congregat
BIM are asked to it•ttend. The special the bYeriaores ,aanged.. gArootalot,u?wIlvoasregsIroVe:deltIO
speaker will be Miss 'Gilbert Mre.
Needham gave an. interesting reading Itit)eliTriyteheviriteltplitirei(glaleyn..dviavivlor(eiraesroars4-toge ociut erit4t4":
ineethig elosed with preyer, after which,
entitled -Fruit a Hundredfold," The erwan ileatity roses and num
soeiel, cup of tea. was served..
Gregory. represented his district in the
;8 ask a telp w a II. Legislature for, '-.1) yeers,,
. and histlie recent -election he. captured
the riding from the Secial Crediters.
Fny or 'mayears lie Was Mayor of the
eity of 'North itattleforel. In his Stu-
dent:days Mrs,Gregory took it ,keen Iii
•terett in public aifairs;:. and, his eare--er
fulfills, his early promise.
Protest -10r 'Maurice Iiutton,
LL.1).„ died at Toronto cot Ittiday lea
tit the age of eightytthree. 'Dr. Hut-
ton was prafeseor, of Greek at the Uni-
versitystf Toronta for nearly iiftY yeare
and 3,Vtie one or the' beet-loVed'hiSttfie-
tora On the riiivertity- staffs Fer the
last -ten years lie had been an invalids
and he spent two iltintineVii 4;00riCh
as a guest at MO Suwa.
. GODRICII iN' 11941
At the annual county :Strange meet- -
ing held at Henget Wednesday of last
'week it was deTided, tet join, , in • the
Telfth et July 'celebration at Hatris-
toe this year. Goderich is favored for
',text yearW
s celebration toad ioeqrell . over One huitdred Gotterich tan -"phoned the fire department, 40,1--
. rt.,...,..............***.k......,..• 1, ',
:Nu, Alf. Tebbutt, whit has been under Orangemen are bzetking forward to a utotoriste responded' to it fire alarm Ing that an alarm be turned in and that '
'medical treatment foresoine time • WAS Inengter -gittliefing_thqe On July 12tlis •,isoltiotortsvlstthafetrfirr-entahil;laftrbattitsTuteosduarfitien:?btuttO, tlel irsttrounteotehalletodartrIver putetlitto,tftieusets,oeuer,
taken on Monday to AlexitnaratIlos- 1941." . _
tte they found out, to provide illtunin- bor to flood,the landing field with their
leg wee aniputated. 'Reports front the
pital, where. the lowter rxerttof his right
'• , GOVIER--WELSII. ationt with, the headlights of their cars 1,,t‘ligilhiettsht•Its
e 11,,Iire:lidi:atrv:at'asioshnr(lionirletia;f1111141,1rumeleildi:iallatit)ert:
. —,-..t.....-...............-.
hospital are that he le deleg es well as The Marriage took place:, quietly In to floodlight Sky Harbor landing ,field
tete Georges Outten- on Saturday' after- s,o thattatesaltPlatte.•supPosedly , in die-
s noon of Miss. Alice Mary .Welsli, young,. tress, might safely Mititesali-eitiergenett lug went for exegete, however; see 41,74.r
•COUld be eepected.
GETTING WARMER . est daughter of 'Mrand tIre. Loftus landing. The airplane, ',vitt& twice disappearing in the tatetern -Sky, preht
The teMperatutee for the Past 'Week Welail; Godertell. to 'Carl Shettlind eircled 'fhb teovu at .a height ot about ably unaware ,of the excit4inent he had
and for the, correeponding; week bet Govier, eldest son of Mr. and'itIrs. Her- 1000 feet, did not come' dettet, however,, eitneed below,
yeor, as olliciatly recorded, were as bert Govier, Anhurn. Itev. A. V. Calder taking 3122 111 an eatlerlY direction. The Now it )stiveneliiimehi.;)rhualot8tienalatelthlrtirh:p7Hrttteittonho:.
followe; ', ' . officiated. ' motorists went back to bed; or to the' airplanes hereabouts are becoming quite
dance hall or bridge tables, after wait- eminuon.
' t 1944 ' 1939 .
Min. 'Matt. Min. ' ENGAGEMINT ANNOUNCE'D hag at .the airport for half -an -hour. • 'Stratford
Therte,, Apr, 4 ,.„37 *. 30 30, 25 Mr. Mid Mrs; Roy Cliambere an. •',ThO lights of the 'plane were teen to alnetarance of planeovvr their .-1nwn4, ,
r ri., ,2kprre t,......3.4 * 30 ' 47 23 nounce-the etigagetnent of their eldeat -blink eeveral tintee as it circled above awl titles after Olnight. iHome 02 the
Sale, Apr.ttt et.. . .r.4!+:.:: , 21----43- - -, 28 danghter, Allee,Adetine. to Mr. William the town, and thie was taktet by a 413et ItAkA.F. ettelente are doing the^niattet
!Sun., Apr. ,7 ..,......56 ,33 13. 22 U:..;Vorter, 800 of the late Mit'anit %iting enthusiast here to watt that some- flying part of their rouree, ,
Mons Apr„,te...„..„.32 34 37 27 Iticliarift Porter of • the towntilitp of 'Oleg, was wrong with the 'plane. and 1:ut, eo far Godertelt ling been tht
'1'w,,:i., Apr. 9 ....„,4:;. 32 an, 23 Goderich. The 'menial -et will take Aare the pilot Wee looking for a Dlace to ) tly place to organize a reef -piton (vett
Wed„ Apr. 10 4S 34. 42 , 32 On littefinutlay, April ltah. ' • land. Aetieg hnitiediately, the 'rout* mittc.-e_;
idnight Show That Did Not Come Off